PTO-1390 (01-18)
`Approved for use tt1rough 8/,Vi/2019. 0MB 0651-0021
`U.S Patent and Tradeniark Office; U.S DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`UnrJer tile Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. no persons are required to respond to a coilection of information uniess it dispiays a valid 0MB controi number.
`Attorney Docket No.
`Priority Date Claimed
`International Application No.
`May 11, 2016
`Title of Invention
`First Named Inventor
`Yugeswar DEENOO et al.
`U.S. Applicaticn No. (if known, see 37 CFR 1.5)
`Amendments lo Hie claims under PCT Article 19 are atlact;ed (not required if communicaled by tt1e lnlemational Bureau)
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`PT0-1390 (01-18)
`Approved for use tt1rough 8/,Vi/2019. 0MB 0651-0021
`U.S Patent and Tradeniark Office; U.S DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`UnrJer tile Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. no persons are required to respond to a collection of information uniess it dispiays a valid 0MB control number.
`U.S. APPLN. No. (if known -see 37 CFR 1.5) INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION No.
`PCT /US2017 /032069 11574US05
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`PTO-1390 (01-18)
`Approved for use through 8/,Vi/2019. 0MB 0651-0021
`U.S Patent and Tradeniark Office; U.S DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
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`Apple EX1016 Page 3


`ISGSYS 13091 WO0l
`!·.nr'l •. l cc}
`This application claims the benefit of ll.S. Provisional Patent Application No.
`62/442,317 filed on January 4, 2017; U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 62/416,499, filed
`on November 2, 2016; US. Provisional Patent Application No. 62/400,810, filed on Septernber
`28, 2016: and U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 62/334,704, filed on May 11, 2016, the
`contents of all of ,vhich being hereby incorporated by reference as if fully set-forth herein in their
`respective entirety, for all purposes.
`100021 Mobile commw1ications
`continue to evolve. A fifth generation may be referred to as
`5G. A previous (legacy) generation of rnobile comnn.mication rnay be, for example, fourth
`generation (4G) long term evolution (LTE).
`[0003] Systems, procedures, and instrumentalities (e.g., aspects of entities, interfaces and/or
`procedures in a ·wireless tnmsmit/receive (WTRU) and/or network layers Ll, L2, 13) are
`disclosed for distributed control in wireless systems, such as 5G flexible radio access technolo1:,ry
`(RAT) (5gFLEX). Example procedures are provided for WTRU and net\vork operation
`associated with a distributed control plane architecture, connectionless data tnmsfer and/or
`dedicated system information acquisition. Distributed control may be provided, for example, by
`replicating a plurality of access control functions (ACFs) using a plurality of instances in a
`plurality of different transmission/reception points (TRPs) with multi-connectivity. The plurality
`of TRPs may concurrently provide control services to a WTRU. Centralized control functions
`may manage core network connectivity and/or a plurality of user plane instances for the WTRlJ
`a.ndior may facilitate coordination between the p lurality of ACF instances for the WTRU in the
`plurality of different TRPs of the WTRU's configuration. For example, there may be a first
`- l -
`Apple EX1016 Page 4


`ISGSYS 13091 WO0l
`access plane between the WTRU and a first TRP that provides a first ACF for the WTRU, a
`second access plane between the WTRU and a second TRP that provides a second ACF for the
`WTRll, a RAN central control plane between the WTRU and a first RAN central control
`function (RCCF) a.nd/or a RAN central user plane betvveen the WTRU and a RA.N central user
`function (RCUF).
`[0004] A WTRU may use assistance information for beamformed system infom1ation
`delivery. Assistance information may be detem1ined and/or transmitted.
`[0005] A WTRU may detennine when to apply and/or activate on-demand system
`information. A WTRU may determine when to delete and/or deactivate on-demand system
`[0006] A WTRU may have saved instructions in memory executable by a processor and/or
`received from a wireless network via a message (e.g., rules) for triggering a system information
`("Sf') request procedure. A WTRU may also have saved instructions in memory executable by a
`processor a.ndior received from a wireless network via a message for performing an SI request,
`(e.g., using a random access channel "RACH"), and/or rnsg3 and/or handling of networks.
`[0007] A wireless transmit/receive unit (WTRU) may be in communication \vith a
`communication network. The WTRU may comprise a memory. The WTRU may comprise a
`processor. The processor may he configured to determine to request one or more system
`information (SI) messages from the communication network. The processor may be configured
`to detennine if a transmission of the one or more SI message from the communication network
`will utilize at least one heamformed commw1ication based on one or more comrrnmication
`parameters. The WTRU may comprise a transceiver. The transceiver rnay be configured to
`receive at least one of the one or more SI messages from the communication network via the at
`least one beamformed commw1ication.
`[0008] A wireless transmit/receive lmit (WTRU) may be in cormmmication ·with a
`communication network. The WTRU may comprise a memory. The WTRU may comprise a
`processor. The processor may be configured to determine to request one or more system
`information (SI) messages from the comrrnmication network. The processor may be configured
`to conduct a bearn sweep operation of one or more downlink (DL) beams transrnitted from the
`communication network. The processor may be configured to identify at least one DL beam of
`the one or more DL beams via which to receive the one or more on-demand SI messages based at
`least in part on the beam sweep operation. The processor may he configured to determine one or
`more uplink (UL) resources with wfoch to communicate information for the WTRU reception of
`the one or more on-demand Sl messages. The information for the WTRU reception may include
`- 2 -
`Apple EX1016 Page 5


`ISGSYS 13091 WO0l
`the at least one DL beam The processor may be configured to initiate the request for the one or
`more on-demand SI messages from the communication network. The WTRU may compiise a
`transceiver. The transceiver may be configured to send the request for the one or more on­
`demand SI messages to the commw1ication network using the one or more UL resources. The
`request may include the infrm:nation for the WTRU reception of the one or more on-demand SI
`messages. The transceiver may be configured to receive at least one of the one or more on­
`demand SI messages from the comrrnmication network via the at least one DL beam.
`[0009] A wireless transrnit/recei ve unit (WTRU) may be in communication with a
`communication network. The WTRU may comprise a memory. The WTRlJ may comprise a
`transceiver. The transceiver may be configured to receive system information (Sl) from the
`communication network at a first-time instance. The WTRU may comprise a processor. The
`processor may be configured to determine a first-reference identifier (ID) that corresponds to at
`least some of the SI of the first-time instance. The processor may be configured to detem1ine a
`first-value identifier (ID) that corresponds to the at least some of the SI of the first-time instance.
`The processor may be configured to associate the first-reference ID and/or the first-value ID with
`the at least some of the SI of the first-time instance. The processor may be configured to utilize
`the at least some of the SI of the first-time instance in communication \Vith the communication
`network. The processor may be configured to search the memory for stored SI of a previous­
`time instance that is associated with the same first-reference ID of the at least some of the SI of
`the first-time instance. The processor may be configured to store the at least some of the Sl of
`the first-time instance upon no stored SI of the previous-time instance a<;sociated with the same
`first-reference ID being fmmd. The processor may be configured to replace stored Si of the
`previous-time instance associated with the same first-reference ID ,:vith the at least some of the
`Sl of the first-time instance upon a value 1D associated with the stored Sl of the previous-time
`instance associated ·with the sarne first-reference ID being different from the first-value TD.
`[001 O] A wireless transmit/receive unit (WTRU) may be in communication with a
`communication network. The WTRU may comprise a memory. The WTRll may comprise a
`processor. The processor may be configured to determine to request other system information
`(other-SI) from the comrnunication network. The WTRU rnay be configured to initiate the
`request for the other-SI from the communication network as part of a Radom Access Channel
`(RACH) procedure. The WTRU may comprise a transceiver. The transceiver may be
`configured to transmit a RACH signal. The RACH signal may include the request for the other­
`SI in a random access preamble of the RACH signal. The processor may be configured to
`monitor for a message that includes a minimum Sl from the communication network for a
`- 3 -
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`ISGSYS 13091 WO0l
`predetermined period of time following the transmission of the RACFf signal. Tiie processor
`may be configured to detennine if the requested other-SI is included in the message that includes
`the minimum Sl upon a detection of the message that includes the minimum SL The processor
`may initiate one or more retransmissions of the RACH signal the message that includes the
`in a is determined to not be included , and/or the other-SI
`minirnum SI not being detected
`detected message that includes the minimum SI.
`100111 FIG. lA is a system diagram
`of an example comrrnmications system in which one or
`more disclosed embodiments may be implemented.
`[0012] FIG. lB is a system diagram of an example WTRlJ that may be used within the
`communications system illustrated in FIG. lA.
`[0013] FIG. 1 C is a system diagram of an exarnple radio access network and an example core
`network that may be used vvithin the communications system illustrated in FIG. lA.
`[0014] FIG. lD is a system diagram of another example radio access network and another
`example core network that may be used within the communications system illustrated in FIG. IA
`[0015] FIG. lE is a system diagrarn
`of another example radio access network and another
`example core network that may be used within the communications system illustrated in FIG. lA
`[0016] FIG. 2 is an example of transmission bandvvidths.
`[0017] FIG. 3 is an exarnple of flexible spectrum allocation.
`[0018] FIG. 4 is an example of types of assistance modes.
`[0019] FIG. 5 is an exan1ple oftri-plane architecture.
`100201 FIG. 6 is an example
`(SI) and other-Si.
`of non-overlapping windows for minimum-system information
`[0021] FIG. 7 is an example of overlapping windows for other-SI and minimum-SI.
`[0022] FIG. 8A and 8B together illustrate an exan1ple of an on-demand SI request in a
`bean1formed context.
`[0023] A detailed desciiption of illustrative embodiments will now be desciibed with
`reference to the v arious Figures. Although this description provides a detailed example of
`- 4 -
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`ISGSYS 13091 WO0l
`possible implementations, ii should be noted that the details are intended to be examples and in
`no \Vay limit the scope of the application.
`[0024] FIG. lA is a diagram of an example communications system 100 in which one or
`more disclosed embodiments may be implemented. The communications system 100 may be a
`multiple access system that provides content, such as voice, data, video, messaging, broadcast,
`etc., to multiple wireless users. The communications system 100 may enable multiple wireless
`users to access such content through the sharing of system resources, including wireless
`bandvvidth. For example, the communications system l 00 rnay employ one or more channel
`access methods, such as code division multiple access (CDMA), time division multiple access
`(TDMA), frequency division multiple access (FDMA), orthogonal FDMA (OFDMA), single­
`carrier FDMA (SC-FDMA), and the like.
`[0025] As shcwm in FIG. lA, the communications system 100 may include wireless
`transrnit/receive units (WTRUs), e.g., WTRUs, 102a, 102b, 102c, and/or 102d (which generally
`or collectively may be referred to as WTRU 102), a radio access net,.vork (RAN) 103/104/105, a
`core network 106/107 / l 09, a public switched telephone network (PSTN) 108, the internet 1 J 0,
`and other networks 112, though it will be appreciated that the disclosed embodiments
`contemplate any number ofWTRlls, base stations, networks, and/or network elements. Each of
`the WTRUs 102a, 102b, 102c, 102d may be any type of device configured to operate a.ndior
`communicate in a wireless environment. By way of example, the WTRUs 102a, 102b, 102c,
`102d may he configured to transmit and/or receive wireless signals and may include user
`equipment (UE), a mobile station, a fixed or mobile subscriber unit, a pager, a cellular telephone,
`a personal digital assistant (PDA), a srnartphone, a laptop, a netbook, a personal computer, a
`wireless sensor, consumer electronics, and the like.
`[0026] The communications system 100 may also include a base station 114a and a base
`station 114b. Each of the base stations 114a, 1 l 4b may be any type of device configured to
`wirelessly interface with at least one of the WTRUs 102a, 102b, 102c, 102d to facilitate access to
`one or more communication networks, such as the core network 106/107 /109, the Internet 110,
`a.ndior the networks 112. By way of example, the base stations l l4a, 114b may be a base
`transceiver station (BTS), a Node-R an eNode B, a Home Node B, a Home eNode B, a site
`controller, an access point ( AP), a wireless router, and the like. While the base stations 114a,
`114b are each depicted as a single element, it ,.vill be appreciated that the base stations 114a,
`114b may include any number of interconnected base stations and/or network elements.
`[0027] The base station 114a may be part of the RAN 103/l 04/ 10.5, which may also include
`other base stations and/or net'·.vork elements (not shm;yn), such as a base station controller (BSC),
`- 5 -
`Apple EX1016 Page 8


`ISGSYS 13091 WO0l
`a radio network controller (RNC), relay nodes, etc. TI1e base station J 14a and/or the base station
`114b may be configured to transmit and/or receive vvireless sir:,111als ,:vithin a particular
`geographic region, which may be referred to as a cell (not shmvn). The cell may further be
`divided into cell sectors. For example, the cell associated with the base station 114a may be
`divided into three sectors. Thus, in some embodiments, the base station l l 4a may include three
`transceivers, e.g., one for each sector of the cell. ln another embodiment, the base station 114a
`may employ multiple-input multiple output (MIMO) technology and, therefore, may utilize
`multiple transceivers for each sector of the cell.
`[0028] The base stations 114a, 114b may communicate with one or more of the WTRUs
`102a, 102b, 102c, 102d over an air interface 115/116/117, ,vhich may be any suitable ,vireless
`communication link (e.g., radio frequency (RF), microwave, infrared (IR), ultraviolet (UV),
`visible light, etc.) The air interface 115/116/ 117 may be established using any suitable radio
`access technolo§,,y (RAT).
`I 0029l More specifically, as noted above, the communications system 100 may be a multiple
`access system and may employ one or more channel access schemes, such as CDMA, TDMA,
`FDMA, OFDMA, SC-FDMA, and the like. For example, the base station 114a in the RAN
`103/104/105 and the WTRUs 102a, 102b, 102c may implement a radio technology such as
`Universal Mobile Telecommw1ications System (UMTS) Terrestrial Radio Access (UTRA),
`which may establish the air interface 115/ 116/117 using w�deband CDMA (WCDMA).
`WCDMA may include communication protocols such as High-Speed Packet Access (HSP A)
`a.ndlor Evolved HSPA (HSPA+). HSP A may include High-Speed Downlink Packet Access
`(HSDPA) and/or i-Iigh-Speed Uplink Packet Access (HSUPA).
`[0030] In another embodiment, the base station 114a and the WTRUs 102a, 102b, 102c may
`implement a radio technology such as Evolved UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA),
`which rnay establish the air interface 115/116/l l 7 using Long Term Evolution (LTE) and/or
`LTE-Advanced (LTE-A).
`[003 l] In other embodiments, the base station 114a and the WTRUs 102a, 102b, 102c may
`implement radio technologies such as IEEE 802.16 (e.g., Worldwide Interoperability for
`Microwave Access (WiMAX)), CDMA2000, CDMA2000 1X, CDMA2000 EV-DO, Interirn
`Standard 2000 (IS-2000), Interim Standard 95 (IS-95), Interim Standard 856 (IS-856), Global
`System for Mobile communications (GSM), Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution (EDGE),
`GSM EDGE (GERAN), and the like.
`[0032] The base station 114b in FIG. 1A may be a wireless router, Home Node B, Home
`eNode B, or access point, for example, and may utilize any suitable RAT for facilitating wireless
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`ISGSYS 13091 WO0l
`connectivity in a localized area, such as a place of business, a home, a vehicle, a campus, and the
`like. In some embodiments, the base station 114b and the WTRUs 102c, 102d may implement a
`radio technology such as IEEE 802. l l to establish a wireless local area network (WLAN). In
`another embodiment, the base station 114b and the WTRUs 102c, 102d may implement a radio
`technology such as IEEE 802.15 to establish a ·wireless personal area network (WPAN). In yet
`another embodiment, the base station 114b and the WTRlJs 102c, 102d may utilize a cellular­
`based RAT (e.g., WCDMA, CDMA2000, GSM, LTE, LTE-A, etc.) to establish a picocell or
`femtocell. As shown in FIG. J A, the base station 114b may have a direct connection to the
`Internet 110. Thus, the base station 114b may not be required to access the Internet 110 via the
`core network 106/107 /109.
`[0033] The RAN 103/104/105
`may be in communication with the core network 106/107 /109,
`vvhich may be any type of network configured to provide voice, data, applications, and/or voice
`over internet protocol (VoIP) services to one or more of the WTRUs 102a, 102b, 102c, 102d. For
`example, the core net,.vork l 06/107 /109 may provide call control, hilling services, mobile
`location-based services, pre-paid calling, Internet connectivity, video distribution, etc., and/or
`perform high-level secrnity functions, such as user authentication. Although not shown in FIG
`lA, it will be appreciated that the RAN 103/104/105 and/or the core net'.vork 106/107/109 may
`be in direct or indirect communication with other RANs that employ the same RAT as the RAN
`103/104/105 or a different RAT For example, in addition to being connected to the RAN
`103/104/105, which may be utilizing an E-UTRA radio technology, the core network
`106/107 /109 may also be in commw1ication with another RAN (not shown) employing a GSM
`radio technology
`[0034] The core network 106/107/109 may also sen,e as a gateway for the WTRlJs 102a,
`102b, 102c, 102d to access the PSTN 108, the Internet 110, and/or other networks 112. The
`PSTN 108 may include circuit-switched telephone networks that provide plain old telephone
`service (POTS). The Internet 110 may include a global system of interco

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