Doc Code: TR.PROV
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`PTOiSB/16 (11-08)
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`EFS ., V\ieb t .0. '1
`Apple EX1011 Page 1


`Doc Code: TR.PROV
`Document Description: Provisional Cover Sheet (SB16)
`PTOiSB/16 (11-08)
`Approved forusethrough 05i31i2015. 0MB 0651-0032
`U.S. Patent and Trad,amark Olfice: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
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`EFS ., V\ieb t .0. '1
`Apple EX1011 Page 2


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`Apple EX1011 Page 3


`INFORl'11_._t\ TION
`Apple EX1011 Page 4


`Provisional Application
`0203-1831 ('r'PF201602-0034/US-pro _DMC)
`INVENTION TITLE: System & Method of Signaling System Information
`1. Describe the disad,,antagcs of the prior art without mentioning your invention {Including any related publicly available
`documentation, such as journal articles or 11atents).
`In the recent years several broadband wireless technologies }.ave been developed to meet the growing number of broadband
`subscribers and to provide more and better applications and services. The second generation wireless communication system has
`been developed to provide voice services while ensuring the mobility of users. Third generation wireless communication system
`suppmts not only the voice service but also data service. In recent years, the fourth wireless communication system has been
`developed to provide,-speed data service. However. currently, the fourth generaticm wireless communication system suffers fmm
`lack of resources to meet the growing demand for high speed data services. So fifth generation wireless communication system is
`being developed to meet the growing demand for h.igh speed data services, support ulira-relrabiiity and low latency applications and
`support massive machine type communication.
`In the fourth generation wireless communication system, enhanced node B (eJ\i"B) or base station in cell bmadcast system
`infonnation. System informaiion is s:trnctured into master information block (MIB) and a set of system infomtation blocks (SIBs).
`MIB coIBists of System Frnme Number (SFN), Downlink Sy&tem bandwidth and Physical Hybrid ARQ Feedback Indicator Channel
`(PHICH) configuration. JvflB is transmi1ted every 40ms. It is repeated every lOms wherein the first transmission occms in subframe
`#0 when SFM mod 4 equals zero. MIB is transmitted on physical broadcast channel. System Infonnation Block Type 1 carries cell
`indemnity, tracking area code, cell barring information, value tag (common for aH scheduling units), and scheduling inforn1ati.on of
`other SIBs. SIB 1 is transmitted every 80ms in subframe #5 when SFN mod 8 equals zero. SIB 1 is repeated in subfram.e#5 when
`SFN mod 2 equals zero. SIB l is transmitted on Physical downlink shared channel. Other SIBs (SIB 2 to SIB 19) are transmitted in
`System Information (Sl) message wherein scheduling info of these Sills are indicated in SIB 1. Sills having same periodicity can be
`transmitted in one SI message, SJ message is broadcasted on Physical downlink shared channel. Various SIBs, their usage and
`typical size is indicated in Table 1 below.
`Table l System Information in 4G System
`SIB Type
`Cell ID, value tag & Scheduling info
`SIB 1
`,__S_IB_2 _ _ _ _,_._A._C_-B_am_·1~1g.RAC!I_Inf_o _________________________ --<_2_2_1_6_b_i_ts_·_(!v_i_a::_x·~) _ _ --1
`SIB Size
`('<:1mmon Cell reseleujon info & i1~trn frequencs ceJI reselection;x1rameter_s_· ______ _,__--_J_O_O_b_il_s _____ - - 1
`Imm frequency neighbor celi info
`STB 5
`Tnter frerruenc;, cen reselection irrfon-;1~tion
`S!B 7
`SIB 9
`1JTR/\ cell n:-~..:,lection ini'ennanon
`CrER,11, N cc:il rc:sclccnon inforrnalHnt
`Home cNB tnfo
`- l OOObits
`- 1000bi1s
`221 (, bits {\1iax)
`Apple EX1011 Page 5


`Provisional Application
`0203-1831 ('r'PF201602-0034/US-pro _DMC)
`SIB 10
`SIB 11
`SIB 12
`SIB 13
`SIB 14
`SIB 15
`SIB 16
`SIB 17
`SIB 18
`SIB 19
`ETWS Primarv Notificatioll
`ETWS Seconda1v Notification
`CMAS Notification
`MBMS Information to acquire MEMS Control infonnation
`Extended Access Class Barring Information
`MB?\-1S Service Area Ideniifiers of the current and nehrhboring freouencies
`Information for traffic steering between E-UTRAN and WLAN
`Intra Frequency D2D Communication Information
`Intra/inter frequency D2D Discoverv Information
`2216 bits (Niax)
`2216 bits (Max)
`2216 bits (Max)
`2216 hits (Jviax)
`2216 bits (l\1ax)
`2216 bits (Iviax)
`2216 bits (Max)
`UE acquires the system information at cell selection, cell reselection, after handover completion, after entering E-UTRA from
`another RAT, upon re-entering service area, upon receiving a notification (paging), and upon exceeding the maximum validity
`duration (3 hr). In RRC idle state, UE needs lo a<:quire MIB, SIB 1, SIB 2 to SIB 5, SIB 6 to SIB 8 (depending on RAT suppo1ted),
`SIB 17 (if LTE-WLAN IWK is supported), and SIB 18 to SIB 19 (if D2D is supported). In RRC connected state, UE needs to
`acquire MIB, SIB !., SIB 2, SIB 8 (depending on RAT supported), SIB 17 (ifLTE-\\<1~AN !WK is supported}, and SIB 18 to SIB 19
`(if D2D is supported). System information acquired and stored is considered invalid of value tag in received SIB 1 is different from
`the one in stored SI.
`System information can be changed and is notified as follows: Change is notified through paging message (in RRC __ IDLE or
`RRC_CONNF:CTED) with cause &-ysternlnfoModification to let UE know that some SI is changing in tlie next modification period.
`Modification period boundaries are in terms of SFN such that SFN mod modificationPeriod = 0. Change of SI only occurs at specific
`rndio frames, Notificatioll of changes in modification period N will be reflected in N+L SIBl also carries value tag to indicate
`change in SI. UE finds the change in SI by looking at value tag in SlBl at the end modificationPeriod (if missed checking page) or
`receiving paging with systeminfoModification.
`One of the issues in current method of transmitting system information using the MlB/SIBs is that MlB/SIBs are periodically
`bmadcasted irrespective ofwheiher a UE is 1here in cell or not; whether any UE in cell needs that information. In case of small ceil
`deployment, broadcasting all these Sills periodically is unnecessary and leads to significant wastage of resources. So an enhanced
`method of signaling system infomiation is needed.
`Apple EX1011 Page 6


`Provisionai Application
`0203-1.831 (YPF201602-0034/US-pro_DMC)
`lind how your invention environment its operation, purpose, (Including L Descrit1tion of the invention in detail
`overcomes the sborf<:omings of 1:bc. prior art). Begin with a system level d.iagrinn and'cd bigll level
`description of your inYention in the context of a possible product rleploymcnt of yonr invention, for example a
`hand.set, a base station, and/or a wireless network comprising one or more base stations and one or more handsets.
`Method 1:
`iof) : ·Ci•
`· :,:,: fotorr;-J�t
`i◄ ············•• ... ........
`•• ················-·········· • . ..................... ._
`. :.:::;: ... "'"'•·+� .,.,.(.Gr,i;i/lt.k • .,,r-'',
`.. ; .. ,:,;:,.
`H•o ••••••• .. •+ •••••HHHOH•••• ....... _HHHO•-••--••••••••• .. u-•+-HOH•>HOO•+OOH
`(irifo about or more Sl(s) •
`........................................................................ · .... � :
`l;r.ansrnit SI rnqprstJn grant W<;elved in RA.R
`8E'.may}rtdicat;Sl(�)·6r.set df §1(s) or
`• • • ••
`··:•:•·v:_.•.iJ.. ·.':•.e_ •• <c • A Li . :i , : ii
`:�::: :i: i::::::/r:
`: .·. ·.:/�tr�:::;:-�;
`BS transmits S!-response.
`Schi�dulii1g'<:@t.ro1 for SI-Respor\se can. -be.masked
`, 'with i.)E's ID qf. a pre defined 1b •
`Sl s.'Eit or... . i
`Not�(ID CM b� diff,r,:rent for. d}fferent
`):/?.: .. ;�}} :; ;::)J\.:;:::.'.:
`F'igu.rc l
`In one embodimeut of the proposed Invention the UE can acquire the syslem information as s.hown in Figo:re 1. System
`y comprises of one or more System information which is
`iJ.1formation is catego1izcd into two c11tegories: First categor
`broa<icasted p,'.rlodicaHy by the cell. Seco11d category comprises of oue or more &)'Stem i.11fot1.I1<1tlon v,hich is provided to UE 011.
`demand. First category com1,rises of essential system info1matlon. Essential system information is periodically broadcasted by
`the cell. UE acquires essential S)•stem information fmm broadca$'ted i.nfo.rmatio11. 1n order to receive the other sy�·tem
`information, UE sends random access preamble (PRACH). On receiving the random access preamble, BS transmits a random
`access response and i.ndudes OL grant for the system infomiat.ion (Sl) request message RAR may also include
` advance and/or back off iudicator and or pre,uubk identifier (identifies the PRACH preamble). UE validates that R.AR
`com..--spouds to PRACH transmjtted by it. ff the validation is succe;;sful, UE tmnsm.its Sl request message
`in the U1. grant. SJ
`request messi:lgc indicates
`one or more system informati.on which UE needs or indicates one or more set of system information
`which UE needs or i.nd.icates service (e.g. elVfBB. MTC. UR.LL, etc) for which lJE needs system information
`or UE type. UE
`may transmit its UE ID (i.e. S•-TMSI. f...:.-Rl"ITL RA-RN·n, etc) along with SI request message. In res1xmse to SI request. ENB
`transmits ST-response wherein the SJ-response includes the requested system i,nfo.nnation.
`Scheduling c-0n.trol information
`indica1ing t11e Si-l'esponse can be masked with lJE's ID (e.g. C-M'Tl, RA-RNTl) or a pre-defined ID (e.g. Sl--Ri"lTI). Pre-
`Apple EX1011 Page 7


`Provisional Application
`0203-1831 (YI)F201602--0034/US-pro _DMC)
`defined ID can be different for different system infornmtion or system iufornmtion set or service or UE type.
`i_n one embodiment eNB may provide the requested system information for one or more ceIJs. ENB may indicate the cells for
`'Which system information provided in SI responSe is applicable. As a result the UE does not need to request for system
`informa1ion vvhcn the UE changes cell. After the cell change, if the UE docs not have system information for the new cell then
`UE request for system infonnation.
`In one embodiment of proposed invention system infornmtion (other than essential system infornmtion) can also be broadcasted
`by the BS. BS may indicate in broadcasted essential system infonnation whether other system information is broadcasicd or noL
`If not broadcasted then DE can request using the method (Figure 1) explained earlier. If broad casted then UE read broadcasted
`sysicm infonnati.on to acquire the required system infom1atimL In case of heterogeneous network comprises of macro cell and
`smaH ccHs, macro ceU may indicate that system information is broadcasted vvbe1eas small cells may indkate that system
`ir,fonnation is not broadcasted.
`In another embodiment of proposed invention BS can indicate supported Sl(s) in essential system infonnation.
`In one embodiment a default configuration for system infonnation can be defined which the UE uses until it obtains them from
`the cell.
`UE can indicate the needed system information in SI .:Request using one of the following options:
`Ovtion J:
`In this method as illustrated in Figure 2, system infonnation parameters are categorized into system information blocks. ln SI
`request a bitmap of size N bits is included ,vherein each bit corTesponds to a system information block< Bit conesponding to a
`system infommtion block can be set to one to indicate that lJE needs that system information block or Bit corresponding to a
`system informalion block can be set to zero to indicate that UE needs ihat sysiem infonnation block. Alternately. instead of
`bitmap. DE can include a list of Sills in SI-request
`Apple EX1011 Page 8


`Provisionai Application
`0203-1.831 (YPF201602-0034/US-pro_DMC)
`···· �
`\.-t··· ····· ····· Bitmap of size N bits·······
`Figure 2
`( method. as illustrated in Figure 3, system information parameters are c.ategorize<l into sys-ieru intorma-ti.ou blocks. System
`information blocks arc then grouped i11to system infom1ation block set wherein each set comprises of one or more system
`information blocks. A S)-Stem in.formation block can be present in more, tlian on.<� system information b.iock sc�t. Grnuping of
`system information blocks into system information block set can be done based on service (e.g. MBB, URLL. MTC, D2D.
`D2D-<iiscovery, D2D-Conunun.ication, V?.X. V2V etc) or UE type (MTC UE, MBH UE, D?.D UE, etc) In Sf request a bitmap
`of size P bits is i11cluded wherein each bit corresponds to a system iufom-i:;,tion block set. Bit corresponding to a system
`information block set can be set to one 10 indicate that UE needs that system information block. Alternately. instead of bitmap,
`DE can include a list of SIB set in SI-request.
`Apple EX1011 Page 9


`Provisionai Application
`0203-1.831 (YPF201602-0034/US-pro_DMC)
`•◄····-·······Bitmap of size P bits-···· -----.j
`Option 3:
`Figu1·c 3
`1n this method as illustrated i.n Figure 4, system mfom1ation pant.meters are categorized into sy:,iem iufommtiou set. Groupiug
`of system information parameters into system information set can be done based on service (e.g. MBB, lJRLL, MTC, D2D.
`y. D2.D-Comm.un.ication. V2X, V2V etc) or UE type (MTC UE. lvIB.13 UE, D2D UE. etc) .. lri SI request a bitmap
`of size P bi.ts is included wherein cnch bit oorrcsponds to a system infonnatio11 set, Bit correspo:ndi11g to system information set
`car1 be set to one lo indicate that UE m:eds that system information set. Alternately, instead of bitmap, UE can iociude a list of
`!-«-·-------·Bitmap or sizer bits---------�
`SI. sets in SI-request.
`Figure 4
`Iu this melhod as Hlustrate<! in Figure 5. there is pre-defined mupping between one or more system information parameters aJtd
`Apple EX1011 Page 10


`service. Iu SI request a bitmap of size N bits is included wberein each bit corresponds lo a service. Bit corresponding to servi.ce
`Provisionai Application
`can be set to one to i.ndicatc that UE 11ecds system information for this service. Alternately, instead of bitmap, UE can include a
` of one or more services iI1 S.l-request wherein each service can be identi1ied
`by a type.
`[◄·····-·····Sitmap of size N bits-············►
`Option 5:
`by the UE. There is pre-define<l the servic.e supported lJE type indicates In this method, UE can indicate UE type in SI request.
`mapping betwixn 011e 01 more system i:nforrnation pammeters and se;vice. So on receiving the SI request with UE iype. BS can
`know the system information parameters needed by UE.
`ln ano1J1e.r embodiment of the proposed invention the lJE can acquire the system infomi.ation as shown in Figure 6. System
`i.nformatim, is categorized into two categories: Firsi category comprises of on� or moi:..: System information which is
`broadcasted periodically by the cell. Second category comprises of one or more system information which is provided to UE on
`dem�rnd. First category cornpriscs <if essential system informaiion. Essential system iElformation is periodically broadcasted by
`the cell. VE acquires essential system information from broadcasted infonnation. In order to receive the other system
`information, UE sel!{!s random a<:cess preamble (PRACH). On receiving the rtwdorn access preamble, BS tmnsntits a r'd.Udom
`access response and includes UL gmnt for tmnsmi1ting lbe system information (SI) request message. RAR may also i..'1clude
`timing advance an.dior back off indicator and or preamble identifier (identifies the PRACH: prcan:ibk). LJE validates that RAR
`correspouds to FR.1-\CH tra11Sm.i.tted by i.l. If the validation is successful, UE transmits Sl request message in the "UL grnnt. UE
`may noi indicate which sys1cm infonnation is needed by UF.. The can-icr on •.vhkl1 UE sends Sl rcqucsi su1Jports only �me
`seIVice. UE only indicates
`tl.1::tl it needs system information. BS provides system information for service supported on
`carder. There ca11 be pre-defined mapping hetv;t,cn canicr and service. Alternately, service snpported can b�; indicated in
`essemial &ystem information.
`Apple EX1011 Page 11


`Provisionai Application
`0203-1.831 (YPF201602-0034/US-pro_DMC)
`!: ,.
`. ••···••. Br.oadcas,t, Ess�oti·al System ·•• ·• •• i
`i C ..... ,c;. UAto1mMk1rr;, ... kt ... ,:;J. :
`� .... ··,u-v -� ·c .. ·· ·• < • ·••;;.�·s· •··· •• ··:..; ••;j �- -·v•. • --•·•• •• ·••·· •·•·,:;. .... \
`Transmit SI 1:e.ql.!est. in grant received in .RAR
`l<'igure 6
`Tn another embodiment of proposed invention essential system informaHon rnay not be broadcasted. Essential system
`information is also requested by UE like the other system in:fornuttion.
`by the BS. BS car, also be broadcasted In another embodiment of proposed invention the second category of system in.fomiation
`may indicate in broadcasted essenlial systeu1. informaiion whetJ1(:r other $ystem information is bcoadcasted or 110t. lf not
`broadcasted then UE can request using the methods explained earlier. If broadcastcd then lJE read broadcasted system
`infonnation to acquire the Tequired sys.1em information. lu case of h::lerogeneous ne!wot'k comprises of macro cell and srna]I
`cells. macro cell may indicate that system hlfonuation is broactcasted whereas small cells P . .1ay indicate that ;,')'Stem infortl4'\Lion
`is not broadcasted.
`In another embodiment of proposed iuvention BS can indicate supr.,..01.ted SI(s) in essential �ystem information.
`Method 2:
`Apple EX1011 Page 12


`Provisional Application
`0203-1831 (YPF201602-0034/US-pro_DMC)
`8roactcast: E-ssenti<1l System ·•
`----.. _. _-. .. _. .. ------" .. _ .. . � . --
`◄· ·----" --.. _---_.... ._ .. --·--·-
`, , .. : Jnfonmt�qri : , ... •
`m:mqr $¥� fa�}i,fpfryJ�!-\9!}.J,ir�tr\ ). :, __ : Transmit SI reqt,1est in
`grant received in RAR
`\/ ::: .:: _::_ ;/:: > :s=. .:: :: :·. \.:
`: ::: ::
`indkJt� Si(s) or set of Sits) oi' service or UE
`µe may.
`. ?1-Requ_est . _
`[Into aboi.ri: one orfoore Sf(si'
`• .• -i,, _/:: :.f.aque;!:e:'l L
`BS transmits SI-response.
`Schetju[ing Control fo.r SI-Respon&e-c:an be masked
`/ wjth UE's ID or a pre defined ID
`SI-Response __ _.
`◄, --. . --:J_��9.�rfY,.qjl��P.:(. --,// ,.Notti!:,'? car:ibl\ �iJ'.f_��e�tfor d itferent
`S! set or ' .
`< J.::..a
`}lefVJcJt◊rJJ�tHJiitj\g'. > ••tr
`_.. '' > !i
`Figua•e 7
`ln this method of the proposed i.uvention the tlE cnn acquire the system in:fonnation as showu in Figme 7. System information
`is categorized into three categories: First category- comprises of one or more S
`ystem info1roatio11 which is br0cidca�1:ed
`gory comprises of one o more commou
`provided to UE on
`system infomlliticn which i
`periodkHUy by the cell. Second cat
`mo:re system infommtion which is pn;1vided io UE Qil
`dcman.d in random :;:.;:cess rcspon,c. Thi:rd .;ategcry comprije<,oS of one or
`y;;tem i11fornratio11 is periodically
`y comprises of essemiaJ
`system i.nfonill!Lion. Essential s
`demmid ill SJ-response. First categm
`system infommtion from broadcasted infomuifion_ 111 order to receive the other
`y the ceU_ UE acquires essential
`broadcasted b
`pre-.amble (PRACH)_ PRACH pre,mib!c fer obtaining sys1em information
`common system i11forrnation
`, u-E sends :nmdom access
`g system information can be
`Jnnposes. PRACH preamble for obtainin
`in RAR can be difterenf from the PRACH for other
`g tile random access
`predeGned or signaled by network in e se.otial
`pn::amble, BS tran. rnlts a
`system. information.
`On receiviu
`system information request message_ R_.<\R inciudes the
`random access reFponse nnd includes UL grant for the
`timing advance and/or back off i.ndicator and or preamble idernifier
`. RAR may a!so incl!!de
`common s_ stem infomralion
`,identifies the PRACH
`preamble). UE ,--alidates that RAR corresponds to PRACH transmitted by it lf the Yalidation is
`iI1 the UL grant to rc,quesi one or more
`system iafornmtion according to .iis need. Sl
`succcssf1-tl, UE lransmits Sf request message
`request message indicates system information or set of system infornmtion or service or UE tJpe. UE Illily transmit its UE ID
`(i.e_ S-TMST C-RNTr, RA-RN71, etc) along with SI request
`message_ In response io SI rcquesl, E1'.'B transmits ST-response
`wherein the Sl-re:sponse includes the requested system information. Scheduling contr'Ol infom:mtion inciicating the SI-response
`c-an be masked with UE"s ID (e.g. C-R1'.7l:, RA-RNTT) or a pic-ddined ID (e.g. SI-RNT[). Pre-defined ID can be different for
`different system iufoIIllil tiou er system inforrnation -et or service or UE type. UE can indicate the needed i>)'Stern information in
`Apple EX1011 Page 13


`Provisional Application
`SJ-Request usi.J1g U;e options ex'J)lained in description of method 1.
`In one embodiment el\i""B ma_,. provide the requested system illformation for one or more celJs. ENE may indicate the cells for
`need to request for system which �yslem infonnation provided in SI response is applicable. As a result the UE does not
`gc, if the UE docs no: have system information for the new cell then information when the UE changes cell. 1�ftcr the celi clmn
`E request for system information_
`In another embodiment of proposed invention system information (other ·U1an essential system information
`) cun also be
`ystem information whcthcT oiher system infommtion is brm1dcastcd by !he RS. BS may indicate in broaclcasted esscmial s
`broadcasted or not. if not broadcasted then UE cm1 request the method (Figure 7) e'.'..'Piai.:ned earlier_ if broadca�ted then
`:system. information. Tn case of heterogeneous network
`system infonnation to acquire the r<.,quhed
`UE read broadcasted
`he.reas small cells is broadcastcd winfo.nn:1tion , macro cell may indicate tlmt sys!em
`comprises of rnacro cell and snwll cells
`may indicate that system information is not bro,idcasted.
`In another embodiment of
`proposed invention BS can indicate supported Sl(s) in essential �ystem infonillltion.
`JVlethod 3:
`!. :: ·.· .. : -� :-: :-.
`, . -•-••OE
`Broadcast: Essential System
`ormation.. ,., -i
`_ ., Jnf
`.�: .:
`,· :_:::;:_:_::. �:. ::. •: ·:: :.{· .: ·-·. .
`·: ,: ::;:�:;�::
`l'igure 8
`Iu this method of the proposed invention the UE can acqtJire the �•stem infommtion as shown iii Figure 8. Sy�tem infonnation
`is categorized into h o categories: Fir•;t categOI'/ comprises of one or more System irJormation which is broadc::isted
`pericdicully b:r the cell. Second category comprises of one or more common system iuformation which is provided •o UE ou
`demand in random :iccess response. First caicgory comprises of essential system .information. Essential system infommtio.n is
`periodk�.1Uy broadc,Lted by the cell. UE acquires essemia! system irJ'ormnti.011 from broadcasted infonnmion. 1n order to receive

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