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` Case No. IPR2022-00468
` Patent No. 10,512,027
` Petitioner,
` -vs-
` Patent Owner.
` __________________________________/
` Wednesday, November 30, 2022 - 12:30 p.m.
`Reported by:
`NY NOTARY NO. 01FI6443002
`FL NOTARY NO. GG 201026
`GA CCR NO. 5338-8044-2296-7296
`WA CCR NO. 22020479
`Job No.: 6188
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` On behalf of the Patent Owner:
` 11601 Wilshire Boulevard
` Suite 2170
` Los Angeles, California 90025
` (310) 975-7074
` On behalf of the Petitioner:
` 5299 DTC Boulevard
` Suite 1340
` Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111
` (913) 777-5600
`2 3
`7 8 9
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` Thereupon,
` the proceedings began at 12:30 p.m.:
` right hand, please.
` Do you solemnly swear or affirm
` the testimony you are about to give in
` this matter will be the truth, the
` whole truth and nothing but the truth?
` THE WITNESS: Yes, I do.
` Thereupon,
` having been first duly sworn or affirmed, was
` examined and testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning, Dr. Wells. Where
` are you located?
` A. Good morning. I'm located in
` Scottsdale, Arizona.
` Q. And you have some exhibits with
` you for this deposition?
` A. I mean, I'm at my computer. I can
` pull up exhibits.
` Q. Understood.
` Do you have anything printed out
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`Page 5
` with you?
` A. No, I don't.
` Q. So if you need to look at
` something, you will pull it up on your
` computer?
` A. Yes, I can do that.
` Q. Do you have any chats open right
` now?
` A. No, I don't. Nothing.
` Q. You understand that you're not
` allowed to chat with your counsel about the
` substance of this deposition while the
` deposition is ongoing?
` A. That is my understanding, yes.
` Q. How did you prepare, sir?
` A. For this deposition?
` Q. Yes, sir.
` A. I read through my declaration. I
` read through the patent, the '027 Patent. I
` read through the prior art that I assert
` against the patent. I also had a meeting --
` a conference call with counsel for Apple to
` discuss various aspects of this deposition.
` Q. And how long did you spend
` preparing?
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`Page 6
` A. Maybe about five or six hours,
` perhaps more.
` Q. Were you familiar with any of the
` patents or art at issue in this proceeding
` before you were engaged?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And are you answering that in the
` context of being familiar with specific
` references or with just the sort of -- the
` technical area as a whole?
` A. Both.
` Q. So which references were you
` familiar with before you were engaged?
` A. All of the references.
` Q. Is that because you were
` previously engaged by Samsung with respect to
` a similar IPR?
` A. That's what I was thinking, yes.
` Q. And before you were engaged by
` Samsung, were you familiar with any of the
` references in this proceeding?
` A. I'm not entirely sure, but
` probably not.
` Q. Sir, do you have the '027 Patent?
` A. I do have it.
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`Page 7
` Q. I believe it is referred to as
` Exhibit 1001 in this proceeding. Let's refer
` to it by that same exhibit number.
` And if you could go to Claim 1 of
` the '027 Patent, please, and please let me
` know when you're there.
` A. Yes, I'm there.
` Q. Do you see that the patent begins
` by reciting a method for requesting system
` information?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. What is your understanding of the
` meaning of system information?
` A. So I also have a copy of my
` declaration here. I talk about my
` understanding of system information in the
` overview of the technology section where I
` talk about system information.
` Q. Would you be able to point me to a
` paragraph, sir?
` A. Yes. Paragraphs 31 to 32 are an
` introduction to system information and system
` information blocks.
` Q. So what is your understanding of
` system information?
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`Page 8
` A. I would say, generally speaking,
` system information is -- it's information
` about a system and how a system operates.
` Q. Is that your understanding of
` system information in the context of the
` technology of the '027 Patent?
` A. Yes, it is.
` Q. So it's your understanding that,
` for purposes of the '027 Patent, system
` information can be any information about a
` system and how it operates?
` A. Well, system information generally
` is any information about a system. The '027
` Patent is a little more specific in that it's
` about system information that's transmitted
` in MIBs, M-I-B, and SIB, S-I-B.
` Q. Right.
` But in terms of what the system
` information can constitute, is it your
` understanding, for purposes of the '027
` Patent, that the system information can be
` any information about a system?
` A. Yes, I think it can be.
` Q. Is system information always
` organized into blocks?
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`Page 9
` MR. HART: Objection. Form.
` A. I think it depends what you mean
` by blocks because system information is known
` to be organized into what's called SIBs,
` S-I-B, plural SIBs, which is a system
` information block. It can also be organized
` into a MIB, a master information block.
` Those are examples of system information that
` are organized into blocks.
` Q. My question is, is it possible and
` known in the art to have system information
` that is not organized into blocks?
` A. I mean, that's not something I've
` analyzed. It may well be.
` Q. Does system information in this
` field of art necessarily have to be organized
` into blocks?
` A. I can't answer that question. I
` don't know.
` Q. Can system information be grouped
` in this field of art in some way other than
` by creating system information blocks?
` A. I think that's sort of the same
` question. I mean, it may be. I don't know.
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`Page 10
` I've just studied what's disclosed in the
` '027 Patent and the prior art that I've cited
` to.
` Q. So you don't know whether a group
` of system information is necessarily system
` information blocks?
` MR. HART: Objection. Form.
` A. So, as I said, the '027 Patent is
` about system information blocks and master
` information blocks and how system information
` is used in MIBs and SIBs. That's what I've
` analyzed.
` There may be other ways in which
` system information has been organized
` somewhere else, but I haven't analyzed that.
` I just analyzed what's in the patent, the
` '027 Patent.
` Q. Do you know whether in this field
` of art it's possible to group system
` information without creating system
` information blocks?
` MR. HART: Objection. Form.
` A. Again, I think you're asking me
` the same question again. I've only focused
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`Page 11
` on what is the '027 Patent and the prior art
` that I used to render it obvious. I don't
` know whether that's possible or not in the
` context of everything in the wireless
` communication field.
` Q. Within the context of the '027
` Patent and the prior art that you analyzed,
` do you know whether it's possible to group
` system information without creating system
` information blocks?
` A. Yes, it is because you can have
` master information blocks as well.
` Q. With the -- withdrawn.
` Setting aside master information
` blocks and focusing on the prior art that you
` analyzed, do you know whether it's possible
` to group system information without creating
` system information blocks?
` A. I would have to go back and reread
` that prior art. I don't know sitting here.
` I just focused on the claims of the '027
` Patent and how that's disclosed in the prior
` art.
` Q. Do you understand that Claim 1 of
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` the '027 Patent requires organizing system
` information at two levels, first into blocks,
` then into block groups?
` A. Well, I don't see that language in
` Claim 1. That might be a general way of
` describing it, but Claim 1, I look at the
` words of the patent. It doesn't say those
` words in the patent in Claim 1.
` Q. Do you agree that system
` information -- withdrawn.
` Do you agree that Claim 1 recites
` one or more system information blocks?
` A. Yes, it does.
` Q. Do you agree that Claim 1 further
` recites that one or more system information
` blocks comprise a system information block
` group?
` A. Well, I mean, it doesn't say --
` the claims don't explicitly say that. It
` says that one or more system information
` blocks are grouped.
` Q. What is your understanding of what
` Claim 1 requires with respect to a system
` information block group in terms of what can
` constitute a system information block group?
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`Page 13
` A. Well, the first limitation has a
` wherein clause, and that wherein clause says
` wherein the one or more system -- beg your
` pardon, let me start again. Wherein the one
` or more system information blocks are grouped
` according to a feature, et cetera.
` So it's saying that there's a
` group of system information blocks that can
` be one or more system information blocks.
` Q. I just want to know if there's any
` disagreement on this point.
` Do you agree, sir, that the '027
` Patent Claim 1 requires system information
` that is organized into blocks, which blocks
` are organized into at least one group?
` A. I think that's generally fair. It
` doesn't require that two-step -- doesn't
` explicitly require that two-step process that
` you just said, but there's certainly system
` information in a block, and one or more
` blocks form a group.
` Q. Do you see that the claim recites
` a preamble?
` A. I do.
` Q. What is a preamble in the context
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`Page 14
` of the '027 Patent claims?
` MR. HART: Objection. Form.
` A. I don't understand your question.
` Are you asking me in terms of patent law what
` a preamble is, or are you asking me what the
` preamble recites in Claim 1?
` Q. I think we have some confusion.
` You see that -- withdrawn.
` You see that Claim 1 of the '027
` Patent recites the term "a preamble"?
` A. Oh, I see. Yeah, I'm sorry. I
` beg your pardon.
` So when you're talking about
` preamble, you're talking about a preamble as
` it exists in electronics, not a preamble as
` it exists in patent law. I was confused with
` your questions. I'm sorry. Can you ask the
` question one more time, please?
` Q. Sure. Do you see that Claim 1 of
` the '027 Patent recites the words "using a
` preamble"?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. What is your understanding of what
` a preamble is as that term is recited in the
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`Page 15
` '027 Patent claims?
` A. So I think a preamble is a
` mental -- I've talked about this in my
` declaration, Paragraph 34. A preamble is a
` message sent by a UE to a base station, the
` content and characteristics of which are
` known in advance.
` Q. Known in advance by whom, so to
` speak?
` A. I think, generally speaking, a
` preamble is known in advance by the sender
` and the receiver so that it can be used to
` indicate something.
` Q. So are you saying that both the UE
` and the base station know the content and
` characteristics of the preamble in advance?
` MR. HART: Objection. Form.
` A. I'm saying that, generally
` speaking, the purpose of a preamble is to
` indicate something, both the transmitter and
` the receiver, the UE and a base station, in a
` cellular system would know that -- the
` characteristics in advance.
` Q. In advance of what? What point in
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`Page 16
` time are you referencing?
` A. Well, I mean, generally speaking,
` it's -- it would be in advance of the
` receiver decoding the information. It has to
` be able to extract something meaningful from
` the preamble, so it would know at least
` before it was decoded.
` Q. By receiver, do you mean the UE or
` the base station?
` A. Whoever is receiving -- I mean,
` I'm talking generally here a preamble. It's
` transmitted by either a UE or a base station,
` and it's received by either a UE or a base
` station.
` Q. So are you saying that in the
` context of the '027 Patent, a preamble is
` something for which the UE knows the content
` and characteristics before it has received
` any such preamble from the base station?
` MR. HART: Objection. Form.
` A. No, that's not what I'm saying. I
` was talking -- you were asking me what a
` preamble was, and I was answering generally
` what a preamble was. I wasn't answering in
` the context of the '027 Patent claim
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`Page 17
` specifically.
` Q. Right.
` And, to be clear, my question was
` specifically about the '027 Patent claims.
` So are you with me on that point
` now?
` A. Yes. Okay.
` Q. So in the context of the '027
` Patent claims, what is your understanding of
` the meaning of a preamble as recited in those
` claims?
` A. So, as recited in the claims of
` the '027 Patent, a preamble is a message sent
` by the UE to a base station to indicate
` something.
` Q. Is there any more to it than what
` you just described, or do you think that's
` the full extent of the meaning of preamble in
` the context of the '027 Patent claims?
` A. Well, I'm looking at Claim 1, and
` it just requires a preamble to be transmitted
` to indicate something. There's no other
` requirement placed on preamble.
` Q. So is it your opinion that any
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`Page 18
` kind of message can be a preamble as recited
` in the '027 Patent claims?
` MR. HART: Objection. Form.
` A. No, I don't think any kind of
` message can be.
` Q. So can you specify what you think
` can and cannot be a preamble in the context
` of the '027 Patent claims?
` A. Well, I think a preamble has a
` meaning to a person of skill. It's -- and,
` like I explained, generally speaking, a
` preamble is a message that's sent in advance
` to indicate something.
` So a preamble has a meaning to a
` person of skill. And then the claim uses a
` preamble to be transmitted for indicating, in
` the case of Claim 1, at least one system
` information block group.
` Q. In the Agiwal reference, you opine
` that Agiwal disposes a preamble as recited in
` the '027 Patent claims, right?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. What does Agiwal's preamble
` consist of?
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`Page 19
` A. Agiwal certainly discloses that it
` transmits a preamble -- the UE transmits a
` preamble. I'm not sure whether Agiwal
` discloses what that preamble consists of. I
` would need to read through Agiwal to see if
` that's disclosed.
` Q. Do you have any opinion or
` understanding of what information Agiwal's
` preamble contains?
` A. Can you ask the question one more
` time, please?
` Q. Do you have any opinion or
` understanding of what information Agiwal's
` preamble contains?
` A. I mean, I'm struggling to answer
` that because what it contains -- do you mean
` what information is actually embedded inside
` the preamble message or what it's used to
` indicate?
` Q. What information is actually
` embedded inside Agiwal's preamble message?
` A. I haven't looked at Agiwal to
` understand that. I've just -- Agiwal
` discloses that it sends a preamble. That's
` what's required by the claims of the '027
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`Page 20
` Patent.
` Q. With respect to the Deenoo
` reference, what information is embedded in
` the alleged preamble that you opine Deenoo
` teaches?
` A. Again, I would have to look at
` Deenoo to understand that. I've just
` analyzed Deenoo in the context of the '027
` Patent claims, which require the transmission
` of a preamble.
` Q. So, prior to today, you didn't
` analyze what information is actually
` contained in Deenoo's preamble?
` A. I haven't done that. I didn't
` need to do that to show that Deenoo renders
` obvious the claims of the '027 Patent.
` Q. How does Agiwal obtain the
` preamble that it will use in a given
` instance?
` MR. HART: Objection. Form.
` A. How do you mean "obtain"? I can't
` understand your question.
` Q. Where does Agiwal -- withdrawn.
` You opine that Agiwal's UE sends a
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`Page 21
` preamble to the base station, fair?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Where does Agiwal's UE get the
` preamble that it sends to the base station?
` A. I haven't analyzed that. It's not
` something that I needed to analyze to form my
` opinion, my opinions.
` Q. Do you know whether Agiwal's UE
` creates the preamble or asked for a specific
` preamble or just asked for a preamble in
` general or it's provided the preamble without
` asking from the base station?
` Do you know as between those
` choices whether any of those are true?
` A. Off the top of my head, I don't
` know. I would have to read Agiwal to
` determine that.
` Q. Did you ever do that?
` A. Did I ever read Agiwal? Yes. Did
` I ever read Agiwal to determine explicitly
` what you just said? No, of course not.
` That's not something that's required by the
` '027 Patent claims.
` Q. With respect to Deenoo, how does
` Deenoo's UE obtain the preamble that it sends
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`Page 22
` to the base station as part of your
` invalidity theory?
` MR. HART: Objection. Form.
` Objection. Foundation.
` A. I'm not aware how it does it,
` sitting here.
` Q. Did you have an opinion on that
` issue in your declaration?
` A. I don't believe I expressed an
` opinion of that in my declaration. I don't

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