`1n re Application of Faxer
`Serial No.: 15/105648
`Filed: June 17, 2016
`For: Codebook Subset Restriction Signaling
`Attornefs Docket No: 401S-95951P45698•US2
`Examiner: TBO
`Group Art Un1t TBD
`Confirmation No.: 5548
`for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria VA 22313-1450
`In accordance with 37 C.F.R. 1.56. counsel wishes to make of record the attached items
`of information for the Examiner's consideration in connection with this applicatlon. Also attached
`is Form PTO/SB/OBA for the Examiner's convenience in making such consideration of record.
`Inclusion herein of any particular item of information is not to be construed as an admission that
`same is prior art. Each item of information contained in the information disclosure statement:
`D was first cited in any communication
`from a patent office in a counterpart foreign or
`international application or from the Office, and this communication was not received by
`an individual designated in §1.56(c) more than thirty days prior lo the filing of the
`information disclosure statement; or
`D is a communication
`that was issued by a patent office in a counterpart foreign or
`international application or by the Office, and this communication was not received by
`any individual designated in § t .56(c) more than thirty days prior to the filing, of the
`information disclosure statement
`[8J No statement re Patent Term Adjustment (PTA).
`The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge any tees that may be required
`or credit any overpayment to Deposit Account 18-1167.
`Respectfully submitted
`Dated: August 2, 2016
`Justin J, Leonard
`Registration No.: 60986
`(919) 854· i 844
`Samsung Ex. 1002
`289 of 409
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`Subsli1ute for Form PT0-875
`Applicatron or Docket Number
`(Column 2l
`(Cotuonn 11
`\37 CFR 1 16(a). lb). er (cl\
`(37 CFR U6ik)
`(1) or /m))
`\37 CFR 1 16/o), (p) or(q))
`(37 CFll I 16(•1)
`{31Cf'R l.l6(h))
`/37 CFR i 16(s))
`m1nus3 ..
`If the specification and drawirtgs exceed 100
`sheets or paper, the application size lee due ,ts
`$310 ($155 for small emity) for each addit1onal
`50 sheets or1raction thereat See 35 U.S.C.
`41(a)(1)(G) and 37 CFR 1.16(s).
`{Colurun 11
`~ (l1 CfR U51i\l
`fl7CFR U6(hJI
`~ App1ica11011 Sli:e Fee ('37 CFR 1 1S(sJ)
`....... ...
`JColumn '3)
`• II the difference m column 1 is less than ,era, emer "0" in oolvmn 2-
`PART 11
`{Column H
`(ColUJT1112) (Column 3)
`(37 OfR ! 161),Jt
`,\pplieatlcn s,,e Fee (37 CFA 1.16(s)J
`f.,~"hU> ..
`Mi,,L.1$ ...
`• It lhe er,try ir, coturnn 1 1s less than the en,ry •11 column 2. write •o• in column 3.
`•• 11\he "Highest Number Previously Paid For" IN THIS less lhai, ,10, emer "20"_
`••• If the "Highest Number Previously Paid For' IN THIS SPACE is less than .'l, ,moor "3".
`Tn• "H19.h""' Number Prl!lriousl)I Paid For (TotaJ 01 lndooondentl 10 Ii\• h19neslf0UJ1d in 1110 =rcpnal•
`b<>k ,n column 1.
`Apple EX1002 Page 290


`15/ I 05.648
`1400 Crescent Green, Suite 300
`Cary, NC 27518
`llP.P· RTIIIF.liTOl'('()llf~mR\'F,
`,,ml Tmiten".rll OIDre
`U ulr,ed Sllues r.,teJli
`1<l4t<-. C(>MMISSLO.'IEr, FOR l' I\ rem$
`P B!--x:l,1.$
`!:) I )~l-6C>
`Akx.tudriit.. Vi@l"ila
`4015-9595 / P45698-US2
`11111111 IIIIIIH rum ~!~! !)I
`Date Mailed: 01/31/2018
`The applicant is hereby advised that the United States Patent and Trademark Office, in its capacity as a
`Designated I Elected Office (37 CFR 1.495}, has ACCEPTED the above identified international application for
`national patentability examination in the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
`The United States Application Number assigned to the application is shown above. A Filing Receipt will be
`issued for the present application in due course. THE DATE APPEARING ON THE FILING RECEIPT AS THE
`"FILING DATE or 371(c) DATE" IS THE DATE ON WHICH THE LAST OF THE 35 U.S.C. 371 (c)(1) and (c)(2)
`the above identified application is the international filing date of the international application (Article 11 (3) and 35
`u,s.c, 363)
`371(c)(1) and (c)(2) REQUIREMENTS
`The following items have been received:
`• Copy of the International Application filed on 06/1712016
`• Copy ofthe International Search Report filed on 06/17/2016
`• Copy of· IPE Report filed on 06/17/2016
`• Preliminary Amendments filed on 06/17/2016
`• Information Disclosure Statements filed on 06/17/2016
`• Inventor's Oath or Declaration filed on 06/1712016
`• Request for Immediate Examination filed on 06117/2016
`• U.S. Basic National Fees filed on 06/17/2016
`• Assignment filed on 06/17/2016
`• Authorize Access to Search Results flied on 06/17/2016
`• Priority Documents filed on 06/17/2016
`• Power of Attorney filed on 06/17/2016
`• Authorization to Permit Access filed on 06/17/2016
`• Application Data Sheet (37 CFR 1.76} filed on 06/17/2016
`FORM i>OT,OOIEC'903 (371 llooeptaooe Notice)
`page 1 of~
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`Applicant is reminded that any communications to the United Stales Patent and Trademark Office must be mailed
`to the address given in the heading and include the U.S. application no. shown above (37 CFR 1.5)
`T lepllon : (703) 756-1144
`Ft>"RM PCTOO/e0/903 (371 Acceplanoo Nolloel
`page2 012
`Apple EX1002 Page 292


`Su!Jsliiute for Form TIO- l360
`(For LISt' wilh Focm PTO/SB/06)
`;\pplu;,;,o NU11wer
`. pplksnll>I Sebastian F axer
`'"""~lay be 95':d for add:lliottaJ c.Jai:llli, or-amend.roe.nts
`Jndep I Depend
`lndap I DapencJ
`lndap I Depend
`I Depend
`; I]
`lndl'IO I Depend
`64 s,
`Samsung Ex. 1002
`293 of 409
`Apple EX1002 Page 293


`N _ BER
`.f'!L1NG or
`371\cl DNrE
`FE... FEE RE 'D
`1400 Crescent Green, Suite 300
`Gary, NC 27518
`Ul'l'ITl''.THiT \'rF.S ll P.P · llTMFNT OV f'Ollf~m R \'I\
`ll ulr,ed Sllues r.,teJli ""'I Tmslmi•t.rll Clllice
`CC>MM[SSLO.'IE!', FOR l'/\'l'F,N'fS
`P. B!--x:I.I.ID
`!:l I )~l-6C>
`Akn.11.lki~ Vi~lll3

`401.5-9595 / P45698-US2
`11111111 11111111 m~1g1,111111 1111111
`Date Mailed: 01/31/2018
`Receipt is acknowledged ot this non-provisional patent application. The application will be taken up for examinatlon
`in due course. Applicant will be notified as to the results of the examination. Any correspondence concerning the
`application must include the following identification information: the U.S. APPLICATION NUMBER, FILING DATE,
`NAME OF APPUCANT, and TITLE OF INVENTION. Fees transmitted by check or draft are subject to collection.
`Pl'ease verify the accuracy of the data presented on this receipt. If an error is noted on this Filing Receipt, please
`submit a written request for a FIiing Receipt Correction. Please provide a copy of this Flllng Receipt with the
`changes noted thereon. It you received a "Notice fo FIie Missing Parts" for this application, please submit
`any corrections to this Flllng Receipt with your tepty to the Notice. When the USPTO processes the reply
`to the Notice, the USPTO will generate another Filing Receipt incorporating the requested corrections
`Sebastian Faxer, Jarfalla, SWEDEN:
`Mattias Frenne, Uppsala, SWEDEN;
`Sfmon Jarmyr, Skarpnack, SWEDEN;
`George Jongren, Sundbyberg, SWEDEN;
`Niklas Wernersson, Solna, SWEDEN;
`Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ), Stockholm, SWEDEN;
`Power of Attorney: The patent practrtioners associated with Customer Number 24112
`Domestic Priority data as claimed by applicant
`This application is a 371 ot PCT/SE2016/050009 01/1 ~/2016
`which claims benefit of 62/103,101 01/14/2015
`Foreign Applications for which priority is claimed jYou may be eligible to benefit from the Patent Prosecution
`Highway program at the USPTO .. Please see http://www, for more information.) - None.
`Foreign application information must be provided in an Application Data Sheet in order to constitute a olaim to
`foreign priority. See 37 CFR 1.55 and 1. 76.
`Permission to Access Application via Priority Document Exchange: Yes
`Permission to Access Search Results: Yes
`Applicant may provide ot rescind an authorization for access Form PTO/SB/39 or Form PTO/SB/69 as
`page 1 of 3'
`Samsung Ex. 1002
`294 of 409
`Apple EX1002 Page 294


`If Required, Foreign Filing License Granted: 01/30/2018
`The country code and number of your priority application, to be used for filing abroad under the Paris Conventio11.
`is US 15/105,648
`Projected Publication Date: 05/10/2018
`Non-Publication Request: No
`Early Publication Request: No
`Codebook Subset Restriction Signaling
`Preliminary Class
`Statement under 37 CFR 1.55 or 1.78 for AIA (First Inventor to FIie) Transition Applications: No
`Since the rights granted by a U.S. patent extend only throughout the territory of the United States and have no
`effect in a foreign country. an inventor who wfshes patent protection in another country must apply for a patent
`in a specific country or in regional patent offices. Applicants may wish to consider the tiling of an international
`application under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). An international (PCT) application generally has the same
`effect as a regular national patent application in each PCT-member country. The PCT process simplifies the filing
`of patent applicatibns on the same 1nvention 1n member countrres. but does not result in a grant of "an international
`patent" and does not eliminate the need of applicants to file additional documents and fees in countries where patent
`protection Js desired.
`Almost every country has its own patent law, and a person desiring a patent in a particular country must make an
`application for patent in that country in accordance with its particular laws. Since the laws of many countries differ
`in various respects from the patent law of the United States, applicants are advised to seek guidance from specific
`foreign countries to ensure that patent rights are not lost prematurely.
`Applicants also are advised that fn the case of Inventions made in the United States, the Director of the USPTO must
`issue a license before applicants can apply for a.patent in a foreign country. The filing of a u.s·. patent application
`serves as a request for a foreign filing license. The application's filing receipt contains further information and
`guidance as to the status of applicant's license for foreign filing.
`Applicants may wish to consult the USPTO booklet, ''General Information Concerning Patents" (specifically, the
`section entitled "Treaties and Foreign Patents") for more information on timeframes and deadlines for filing foreign
`patent applications. The guide is available either by contacting the USPTO Contact Center at 800-786-9199, or It
`can be viewed on the USPTO website at
`For Information on, preventing theft of your intellectual property (patents, trad.emarks and copyrights), you may wish
`to consult the U.S. Government website, Part of a Department of Commerce initiative,
`this website includes self-help ''toolkits" giving innovators guidance on how to protect intellectual property in specific
`countries such as China. Korea and Mexico. For questions regarding patent enforcement issues, applicants may
`call the U.S. Government hotline at 1-866-999-HAL T (1-866-999-4258).
`page 2 of 3
`Apple EX1002 Page 295


`Title 35, United States Code, Section 184
`Title 37, Code of Federal Regulations, .5.11 & 5.15
`The appl1cant t1as been granted a license Under 35 U.S.C. 184, If the- phrase ''IF REQUIRED, FOREIGN FILING
`LICENSE GRANTED" followed by a date appears on this form. Such licenses are issued in all applications where
`the conditions for issuance of a license have been met, regardless of whether or not a license may be required as
`set forth in 37 CFR 5.15. The scope and limitatiohs of this license are set forth in 37 CFR 5.15(a) unless an earlier
`license has been issued under 37 CFR 5.15(b). The license is subject to revocation upon written notification. The
`date indicated is the effective date of the license, unless an earlier license of similar scope has been granted under
`37 CFR 5.13 or 5.14.
`This license is to be retained by the licensee and may be used at any time on or after the effective date thereof unless
`it is revoked. This license is automatically transferred to any related app0cations(s) filed under 37 CFR 1.53(d). This
`license is not retroactive.
`The grant of a license does not in any way lessen the responsibility of a licensee for the security of the subject matter
`as imposed by any Government contract or the provisions of existing laws relating to espionage and the national
`security or the export of technical data. Licensees should apprise themse.lves of current regulations especially with
`respect to certain countries, of other agencies, particularly the Office of Defense Trade Controls. Department of
`Slate (with respect lo Arms, Munitions and Implements of War (22 CFR 121-128)); the Bureau of Industry and
`Security, Department of Commerce (15 CFR parts 730-774); the Office of Foreign AssetsControl, Department of
`Treasury (31 CFR Parts 500+) and the Department of 'Energy.
`No license under 35 u.s.c. 184 has been granted at this time. ir the phrase "IF REQUIRED, FOREIGN FILING
`LICENSE GRANTED" DOES NOT appear on this form. Applicant may still petition for a license under 37 CFR 5.12,
`if a license Ts desired before the expiration of 6 months from the filing date of the application. If 6 months has lapsed
`from the filing date of this application and the licensee has not received any indication of a secrecy order under 35
`U.S.C. 181, the licensee may foreign file the application pursuant to 37 CFR 5.15(b).
`Select USA
`The United States represents the largest, most dynamk marketplace tn the world and is an unparalleled location for
`business investment, innovation, and commercialization •Of new technologies. The U.S. offers tremendous resources
`and advantages
`for those who invest and manufacture goods here. Through SelectUSA, our nation works to
`promote and facilitate business investment. SeleotUSA provides information assistance to the international Investor
`community; serves as an ombudsman for existing and potential investors; advocates on behalf of U.S. cities, states,
`and regions competing for global investment; and counsels U.S. economic development organizations on investment
`attraction best practices. To learn more about why the United States is the best country in the world to develop
`technology, manufacture products, deliver services, and grow your business, visit or call
`+ 1-202-482-6800.
`page 3 ol 3
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`Doc code;
`PT01s01oaa (03-UiJ
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`Doc description: Information Disclosure Statemen1 (IDS) Filed
`U.S. P<1tent arid Tradema,k Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Pal)efWOfl< Red!JctDI Acl of 1995. no !'t!™)ns are requlra:t to re.pond to a oolleciiQo Qf1nforrnafl011 unless ii con\.itins avllfid 0MB coolrol numl)ef
`( Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
`Application Number
`Filing Date
`First Named Inventor
`Art Unit
`Examiner Name
`Attorney Docket Number
`4015-9595 I P45698-US2
`Examiner Cite
`Initial"' No
`Patent Number
`Issue Date
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`of cited Document
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`Relevant Passages or Relevant
`Figures Appear
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`:;anard et aL
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`cited herein
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`Examiner Cite Foreign Document
`No Nurnber3
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`Rockstar B.idco LP
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`Samsung Ex. 1002
`297 of 409
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`( Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99}
`Applicatlon Number'
`Filing Date
`First Named Inventor
`I Faxer
`Art Unit
`Examiner Name
`Attorney Docket Number
`4015-9595 / P4569S.US2
`If you wish to add additional non-patent Uterature document c1tation information please click the Add button I Add ·1
`I Date Considered
`Examiner Signature 11
`•EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in confom,ance with MPEP 609. Draw l.ine through a
`citation if not in conformance and not considered.
`Include copy of this form with next communication
`to applicant.
`1 See Kind Codes of US PTO Patent Documents at www.USPTO. GOV or MPEP 901.04. 2 Enter office !bat issued the document, by lhe two-letter code (WIPO
`standard ST ..3). 3 For Japanese patent documents, the indication of the year of the reign oHhe Emperor must precede the serial number of the patent documenl.
`A Kind of document by the appropriate symbols as indicated on the document under WIPO Standard ST.16 lfpoSSible. 5 Applicant is 10 place a check mark here~
`Engl!Sh lariguage translation is atiactied,
`Samsung Ex. 1002
`298 of 409
`Apple EX1002 Page 298


`( Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
`Application Number
`Filing Date
`First Named Inventor I Faxer
`Art Unit
`Examiner Name
`Attorney Docket Number
`4015-9595 / P45698-US2
`Please see 37 CFR 1.97 and 1.98 to make. the appropriate selection(s);
`That each item of information contained in -the information disclosure statement was first cited in any communication
`from a foreign patent office in a counterpart foreign application not more than three months prior to the filing of the
`information disclosure statement. See 37 CFR 1.97(e)(1 ).
`That no item of information contained in the infonnation disclosure statement was cited in a communication from a
`foreign patent office in a counterpart foreign application, and, to the knowledge of the person signing the certification
`after making reasonable inquiry, no item of information contained in the information disclosure statement was known to
`D any Individual designated in 37 CFR 1,56(c) more than three months prior to the filing of the information disclosure
`statement. See 37 CFR 1.97(e)(2).
`See attached certification statement.
`The fee set forth in 37 CFR 1.17 (p) has been submitted herewith.
`X A certification statement is not submitted herewith.
`A signature of the applicant or representative is required in accordance With CFR 1.33, 10.18. Please see CFR 1.4(d) for the
`form of the signature.
`I Justin J. Leonard I
`Justin Leonard
`Date (YYYY-MM-0D)
`Registration Number
`This collection of information is required by 37 CFR 1.97 and 1.98_ The information is required to obtain or retain a 'benefit by the
`public which is to file (and by the USPTO to process) an application. Confidentiality is governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 CFR
`1.14. This collection is estimated to take 1 hour to complete, inch.1ding gathering, preparing and submitting the completed
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`require to complete this form and/or suggestions for reducing this burden, should be sent to the Chief Information Officer, U.S.
`Patent and Trademark Office, U.S. Department of Commerce, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450. DO NOT SEND
`FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND TO: Commissioner for Patents, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria,
`VA 22313-1450.
`Apple EX1002 Page 299


`Privacy Act Statement
`The Privacy Act of 1974 (P .L. 93-579) requires-that you be given certain information in connection with your submission of the
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`requirements of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(m).
`A record related to an International Application filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty in this system of records
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`A record in this system of records may be disclosed, as a routine use, to another federal agency for purposes of
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`2906. Suet, disclosure shall be made in accordance with the GSA regulations governing inspection of records for this
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`determinations about individuals.
`A record from this system of records may be disclosed, as a routine use, to the public after either publication of
`the application pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 122(b) or issuance of a patent pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 151. Further, a record
`may be disclosed, subject to the limitations of 37 CFR 1 _14, as a routine use, to the public if the record was filed in
`an application which became abandoned or in which the proceedings were terminated and which application is
`referenced by either a published application, an application open to public inspections or an issued patent.
`A record from this system of records may be disclosed, as a routine use, to a Federal, State, or local law
`enforcement agency, if the USPTO be.comes aware of a violation or potential v'iolation of law or regulation.
`EFS Web 2_ 1-17
`Apple EX1002 Page 300


`Espac.enet • Bibliographic data
`Page 1 of2
`KOD.DAPA AapoH, : IOl/1 AYH-WeHb , 53flAlll MoXaMMaAXaAtJ1,;
`MA L\3'1Hfl3~
`POKCTAP 6.111,[(KO nn
`- internationaJ:H04B1/76
`~ coc>petative: H04L5/005; H04L5/0051; H0487 /0417;
`H04B7/0478; H04B7/0639; H0487/06.8
`RU20110140068 20100316
`Priority number
`US20090160452'P 20090316; US20090244185P 20090921;
`W02010CA00376 20100316
`Al~o published BRPl1012727 (A2) CA2755571161l. CA2755574 (C)
`CN102484501 (A), CN102484501 (B) more
`Abstract not available for RU20'11140068 {A}
`Abstract tJf co1>rf)Sf'Onding dQcvment: WOZO'i 01-0:5~45 tA 1}
`A method, system, base station Md wireless terminal are provided ror tram;mission of
`,a set ot mi.><ed pilots that includes both common and dG)di.catM pilots ihe method
`inclLides select1ng a number D of dedicat(~d pllofa hav1ng regard to performance of the
`communication hnK D = 0, selecting a fir'St pr-e~coder for pre-codlt1g O dedicated pUots
`based on some criteria, performing a first pre-coding of the D dedicated pilots with the
`first pre.ceder to produce a set of pre-coded dedlc~ted pilots. performing a second pre(cid:173)
`coding of U\e of pre--coded dedicated pilots .and a set of common piiots to produce a
`set of mixed pilots, and transmitting data from the. transmltter on the communication fink
`with the se.t of n1i:<ed pilc1ts.
`htlps://worldwide .espace .!JlicationDt:tailstbih.l i,)'?lT '-'0&-r-{D=J&adjaccnt""'1rnc&l... 3/ l 3/lOJ 8
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`E. pacrnet - Bibliographic data
`Page2 of2
`ht1J)s://-worldwide !CationDe.ails/biblio?II '"0&NI)=3&adJact·nt='tnic&l ... 3/13J2018
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`l'OCCHfiCK AJI. (J°lfll!EPA!J}Ul
`1-!(J:4.f{ 1176 (:!()06.(Jl)
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`n I) 3a&illn'C"1i,(;-,r
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