`/ 4015-9362
`What is claimed is<:
`A method implemented by a network node (1 0) for signaling to a wireless
`communication device (14) which precoders in a codebook are restricted from being used, the
`method characterized by:
`generating (21 O) codebook subset restriction signaling that, for each of one or more
`groups of precoders. jointly restricts the precoders in the group by restricting a
`certain component that the precoders in the group have in common. and wherein
`the precoders are Kronecker product precoders and wherein the signaling is
`rank-agnostic so as to restrict precoders lrresoectlve of their transmission rank;
`sending (220) the generated signaling from the network node (1 O) to the wireless
`communication device (14).
`A method implemented by a wireless communication device (14) for decoding signaling
`from a network node (10) indicating which precoders in a codebook. are restricted from being
`used, the method characterized by:
`receiving (400) codebook subset restriction signaling that, for each of one or more
`groups of precode rs, jointly restricts the precoders in the group by restricting a
`certain component that the precoders in the group have in common. and whereir1
`the precoders are Kronecker product precoders !l[Jd wherein the signaling is
`rank-agnostic so as to restrict precoders Irrespective of their transmission r,,nk:
`decoding {410) the received signaling as jointly restricting precode rs in each of the one
`or more groups of precoders.
`The method of an of claims 1- , wherein the certain com nenl corn rises a beam
`precoders is restricted if at least one of its one or more beam precoclers is restricted.
`roduct of
`recoder is a Kronecker
`-il- wherein a beam
`The method of an of claims
`diHerent bearnforming vectors associated with different dimension$ of a multi-dimensional
`antenna array.
`3. The method of Bil}' of clafms 1-2, wherein the
`codet:xiok subsa r~tnction srg11aJing lS rnnk-agnostic signaJing
`that jo ir.tly re9fficts the precoders m a group without regard to
`the pr@c:adm>s' iransmls:s50n rarik. ,i
`\. 4
`Deleted: 3
`'"o.._i.,,t_o,d_:_5 ______________
`Samsung Ex. 1002
`252 of 409
`Apple EX1002 Page 252


`I 4015-9362
`,la, __ T~he~rnethod of claim 2, wherein the different beamformin.g_ vectors com rise Discrete
`Fourier Transform (OFT) vectors,
`-⇒ Det,,t@d: 7
`----._ Deleted: 6
`Deleted, 9
`beam precoderLs a beamfo2.r!!m!)i!in!lQD'V~ecftgo!__rr~------'v~'...'.'~)";:::i:~::ted::;::-;:;---------------7
`Zt____ The method ot any of claims~ere~
`used to transmit on a Jr<1rtk; l:;tyer of a multi-layer transmission, wherein ditterent scaled
`versions of that beamforming vector are transmitted on dif1erent polarizatio1rs;
`0er..tet1: 11
`the grot.1p.. a11 a.ctus.l c:on11gural.1on io oe i,19nafed for the 9rouo;
`!'I. gsnora1i~ (tSO) s1gi1:ahng lo n;cfi,cate thu actual conffQurafion
`the aciual conhgur8bon
`fenc1;1,ti depends. on (0 whether
`'/ Md!or (•~ wh,ch ,elerence c.on.figura11on the-oc.rual
`con!lgurallon ma,ci,,,.,; •ncl~
`.sending 1160) the genen.\ted ~ignali~ to tt,e wireles~
`commun cation <1ev1to (14).1
`! ! 1
`,\1 r 1 -
`I rocelvlng (300) sJgoallr,g
`I td11ntify1ng j320) ona or more referel'K!e conf"9ur~:Oi0fla tor lhe
`lj ~=~d~i; ~;1~)
`reference configuration. and. a length o, that bit pa1cem: and,
`detEl<itil"\Q (330) an a<:1uai cor,,tlgurauon signaled forth& group.
`in t11e ~~gn;t.Jing ab~ pattern ~ho~e length
`by deiecti~
`dep1mds On (I) w~elher the actual colifl:gur.allon rnalc.he9 Onf! oj
`1fle-one Of mqre refere11Ce c.onJ[gur-PJions endlQr (ii) which
`reference conflgurauori
`ll'lf!' acl.lJal co11Hgur'atloo 1natct,,~_
`16, The m1:Hhoi;:i o1 anv-oi ,;:;lsims 14-i 5, wtierein lhe 6,gnalmg
`is a .:;hort b~ pilU&rn whe.n lhll!I cretval eon{igutalio-r, rnatches
`any one of the Qne or rnc)re r~lere(lC.e conflliJumltl;l~s ar,d iE s
`long bft patlem whan the actual conf/9ura11on doe-'!3 not. malch
`any o1 lhe Qno at more re1erence configuration:G, wt,erem a
`long brt pailein has more b1tn then .a !:!hort bft paOefn 1J
`t!\. A method impk!rnented by a wireles:,J:,comrm.11\karioh
`dev,o• (14) to, d•«>dlt\g aignolIng
`lrom a netwotk oo<lo (1 OJ
`Indlca11119 which ptecod8t'6 In a oodQbook are f@strt.:1ed ,mm
`t,eJr,g used, the rneitiod characteri:z.E:'d by·,i
`from the notwolk no"8 ( t oJ.~
`for each af on& or Inoro groups-of p"ecoder~ in I e codebook_
`is one of difforc:mt
`group, whore1n ,iefeteoec tc!lfigvrafioo
`poss:lb1e cor'lfigu,atlons th(ll ,e3trtct ditl~efll-St.tb,groups o1
`17, The rnethod of claim 16. v-'h"erei1l tt,e orie or more
`referarrca conffgUrabona 10, at least.On<? oi lhc On.a ot more
`groUpS' cotnprls:e, a :slngl~ ,ofc1tmce conrtgurall6ri, and whotett'I
`loni.1 bit: patie,-~
`are respeclively defined for ,s;ignatirrg
`dlUe"ent conti,guratlorto ttran the slngJ~ rerei,cnce
`Samsung Ex. 1002
`253 of 409
`, 1
`j' Deletod: 7
`Der..t-ed: 4
`l °""'_, 9
`(_,~!'.,: ~"::: ::
`Deleted: 14, A melhod implemented by a network node (tO)
`~l gro1.1p1 wherein each referer,CE;! configuration
`f t 1or slgnalu;g to c1 wlr-t!'111!!!i:S
`h h I .1/, o1 one or rnorc grot.1~ o, pre-codors lh lh@cod&book.
`cornmunlc..:itJon rl@'!Jlr::e ("14} which
`"'" ros1rlc,o<1 lrom being uS<!d. th•
`~ II i:,ooodera. In" <»d•took
`1 method charo.clei,zed ty1
`I/, ltlontlfyll\g II t 01 000 01 ,..oi• '°'"""1<•
`to, lh•
`1s: one of different
`I ,~ r possiblt> corillgwatlons ,1,01 '"""'"
`dinorool subgroUf10 ol
`I idenlifyiog 11 20), from 1he dittereot po~sible confi!;Jllral19n~ for
`, preooders ln me group ltorn being us.eel:~
`r 1,,, an<'~
`1 1
`I matches one 0111,e one or more rete,ence conliguratichO
`/i fil ionhe grouo, by gene<ati"9 the si!lnartr>9 •~ab•
`The method of any of claims.,;l- wherein a beam
`used to transmit on:
`multiple layers ot a multi-layer transmission;
`multiple different layers ot a mulfJ-layer transmission, wherein the layers are sent on
`orthogona.I polarizations; or
`a particular layer and on a particular polarization.
`recoder is a beamformi!")9 vector
`The method of any of claims 1- wherein the codebook. subset restriction ___
`t b'

`· h d"f/
`' +1,, b'

`I d ,..
`' d
`;tmap respectwe y e.,.1cate to In Ica1Ing w et er
`r eren 11!; in " 1e
`Itroap. wtt
`comprises a
`· d f
`b •
`or not
`I erenl
`am preco
`rs are restr1cte
`rom e1ng use ,
`The method of any of claims 1-~ wherein a beam
`recoder is a Kronecker product of
`first and second beam forming vectors with first am:l second indices, wherein the first and second
`bearnforming vectors are associated with different dimensions of a multi-dimensio'1al antenna
`array, and wherein, the codebook subset restriction signaling jointly restricts the precoders in a
`group of precoders that have the same pair of values forthe first and second indices.
`The rne!!:i_od of any of dafms 1 ~ wherein each pt~codet come_tises one ~ !TfDr!!_I?~
`precoders, wherein each beam precoder comprises multiple different components
`correspoliding to dtfferent dimensions of a multi-dimensional anteni1a array, and wherein said
`certain component comprises a component of a beam precoder.
`The methoa of any of claims 1-.1,1. wherelh the codebook .subset te.strlctloli slghallng
`joiritly restricts the precod'ers in a group of precode rs that trarismit at least in part towards a
`certain angular pointi'1g direction, by restricting a ce11.un component wtiich has that angular
`potnttn9 direction.
`.!l,___A network.node 1 o 600 lor signaling to a wireless communlcalion device 114 800)
`which precoders 1n .a codeboo~ are restricted from being used, the network node (10, 600)
`configured 1o:
`Apple EX1002 Page 253


`__.....-c1 Delete<l: 25
`~ Deleted: 24
`Deleted; 13
`Delete<l; 26
`/ 4015-9362
`generate codebook subset restriction signaling Iha!, for each of one or more groups of
`precoders, jointly restricts the precoders in the group by restric1ing a certain
`component that the precoders in the group have in common. and wh~rein the
`precoders are Kronecker product precoders and wherein the signaling is rank(cid:173)
`agoostic so as to restrict precoders jrrespecyye of their jrnnsmission rnnk; and
`send the generated signaling from the network node (10, 600) to the wireless
`communication device (14, 800).
`The network node of claim.13, configured to ~rforrn
`the method of any of claims 3,.12.
`A network node (1 O. 600) tor siqnalinq to a wireless communication device 114 800)
`which precoders tn a codebook are restricted from being used, the network node (10, 600)
`characterized by:
`a generating module (640) for generating codebook subset restriction signaling that, for
`each of one or more groups of precode rs, jointly restricts the precoclers in the
`group by restricting a certain component that the precoders in the group have in
`common. and wherein the precoders are Kronecker product precoders and
`wherein the signaling is rank-agnostic so as to restrict precoders irrespective of
`their transmission rank; and
`a sending module (650) for sending the generated signaling from the network node ( 1 o,
`600) to the wireless communication device (14, 800).
`A wireless communication device (14, 800) for decodlng_~gnallng from a network node
`(10, 600) indicating which precoders in a codebook are restricted from being used, the wireless.
`communication device (74,800) configured to:
`receive codebook subset restriction signaling that, for each of one or more groups of
`precoders, Jointly restricts the precoders In the group by restric1ing a certain
`component that the precoders in the group have In common. and wherein the
`precoders are Kronecker product precoders and wherein the slgnanng ts rank-
`agnostic so as to tesltlct precoders Irrespective of their iransmlsslon rank: and
`decode the received signaling as jointly restricting precoders in each of the one or more
`groups of rxecoders
`The wireless communication device of cl<1i1TL..!.§L configured !Q..Qerform the method of anL.._::;::-~ Deleted: 2a
`,_v _____________
`of claims 3-12.
`0e ____
`Deleted: 13
`Samsung Ex. 1002
`254 of 409
`Apple EX1002 Page 254


`I 4015-9362
`for decodingJ;ignaJLng irorn a network node
`~ wireless communication device O 4' 800
`(10, 600) indicatirig which precoders in a codebook ru-e restricted from being used, the wireless:
`communication device ( 14, 800) i;haracterized by:
`a receiving module (840) for receiving codebook subset restriction signaling that, for
`eact, of one or more groups of precoders, jointly restricts the precoc;lers in th~
`group by restdcting a certain component that the preooders in the group have tn
`common, and wherein the precoderi; ar:e Kronecl<.er product pracoders a,od
`the signaling
`is rank-agnostic so as lo restrict precoders
`irrespedwe. of
`their transmission rank; a,r,d
`a decoding module (850) for decoding the received signaling as jointly restricting
`precoders ln each of the one or more groups of precoders.
`instructions which when executed b at least one
`A computer program comprisin
`processor ot a node (10, 14), causes the node (10, 14) to carry cul the method of any of
`embodiments 1'-..,1=· -----------------------------~
`the carrier is one
`A carrier containin _!he computer program of embodiment.19 wnerei
`of ar, electronic sfgnal, optical signal, radio signal, or computer readable stor1;19e medium.
`-----1 cet&MI· 29
`I Deleted: ~
`,I 30. A network node (10. 600) Jor cI_gnalIrtg to a wireless
`/ comrrnnioation device which p,ecooera
`,n a are
`I config1Jred to;f
`re~trlttad From !Je:lng used. ~e r-etwork node 11 D~ 500j
`I ~::~1e
`:~,~~~~nn~t~~~:~,:~~dnift~,:~~ :ii~~~~;' oi
`Ii ·
`I generate qi!JnatiJ1g to llld'icate 1he aob.Jal c.allfigurstion f9r ttw
`f~~~- ~~:n~S:~~(18)
`for each o1 one or more groups of pteco.ders in ~he codeb0c+;·
`idem~o11-e or rnore- reference corrllgurarions
`for the group,
`p,ecoder!:; in 1he g,oup Jrom being u~ed·~
`ldtmlily. ftom Ute <hHerel'tt po:.sibl~ configuration:!;" lot t.he g1oup.
`nn actual C!.(]nf~urel1Qll ta be s-ignaled for 1h1;e group: a.rtdl!I
`-e.~otlgumUOM andlot (IJ
`one or lt1e one eir more rete,en~
`which {f".!Jerence oonf+g:l.lratiQn tire actual coriflguia1i,0r.,
`matcties arid
`tho ga,ner.itad sigll8l1ng LO tha Wlr&k!ss i:::OrntnllnJC!UUor'I
`methbC of aoy of claims 16,2a 11
`to pertorm
`34, Awl(slesa
`.commLJnlcatlon dsvli::e {14, 700j
`lor dacodjr,g
`31, 1'h& nod~ C>t cJalm 30. con1I9ored to perform the
`methQd ol MY ol <la imo 1 1;-23 1
`32. A ~twor1< nOde {10, 500j IOtSISfil..iUns to a W1(e-li&s::.
`(14 700) whH;Ji prec:oders 1n a
`c;i;i,rnmimic~ion d~fce
`codot:ook rll'e resu1c1ed 1tom bti1ng used. the Mtwork node
`(I 0, 5001 characterized by;~
`trP the codebe~"I
`fqre~i;t, o1 one or more !j;!fOU~ol pr~den1
`a reJerellce oonfigllrat.ioo identJfying module (540) tor
`ic:1~n11fying one or mote reference configurations to, the grovp
`wherein eac.h ,efsrence col'l!igurauon
`Is one or dLnerem
`posSJ01e corwfigufation~ th~I re~tiel dif1e,eri1 svbgrovps o1
`p,retW-Qer!:. i11 1he 9f0\JP trorn being \l~~~,i
`" I\
`an liile;tual c.onh91Jrat1r.rn l,;1,.,fltlfy1rt9 :m,cu;H•I"" (550)
`tor ld•r1'1lyjn9
`from lhe dltterent pos.sible conh.gurat1011s 1or the group. Bil
`actual contrguratton lo b&.dgr"laled forlhe grotJp,and1
`.n gen-era-ting mod.ule {560) for generatfng slgn.;ilirig to indic.;:11e
`lno oonf.guration !or the group. by lho
`slg naJm g as a bl! pallorn whoso length depends on ( I) wM1he1
` cc-n~I.Jration matches one of lhe o~ ar more
`refeoe11ce c.o11flguraucns .and/or <11) wh1ct1 re/ere.nee
`conhgutaUotl lho ac.1ual conngYratlOn matcht::s, .and
`llie ~nerstP.d
`:;;ignaHru~ 10
`a seriding rnodute (570) 1or sending
`ttuit Wh 11;r;~s COl'tJ mun1eatio r, device t, 4;, 700).
`'1 .3:3. The netWOP"k node. Di dBim :32. configureD
`~ :signi~hng from a netw<>rk node (10,500) indicaung which
`preoo-Oer~ in a co-deboo-k are res-tride<i fr,:,m being tJsed the
`t:onflgured to~~
`""'r'sle-;-;;; corntnunh:.ation de1,11ce (14,700)
`receive ~ignaling from ,rie net.vo-rk riode (10. !500).11
`for ea;ch Qt one Qr mQre _groups of Pfecodere in the c:oQebod;~
`ldenMy oh~ ot rt'loti& tef(lr&nce con~lgurauons tor th(!, gmuri.
`wherein e;;ich reference i:;:or.figura1jo,n is one of differen,
`p.::i!::s~ble corrfig\J,a•ki-ns tha1 resino di1iereni aubgroµp9 o
`ptecoder~ Ir. trorn bfnng ute:.d.11
`identif.y a bit rxttlern delln-ed for elgr,afing ,e-ae:ti reference
`~ co11hgurat100. and o leng1h ol that bit pattern: ar,d
`i, !s_ Tho wnol••~ oommuntcatlon do\/lc& OI claim 3A.,
`de-ta.ct an .acUJal .contjguratlon
`!llgnatecl lo, !he gmup 1 by
`1 detectii,g in the sign::i1ing a bit pattetn whoo:e len_gltl dependS:
`Qn (i) l.lltlether the adual co.nfigurntion 111.asc:ne.s
`one of the
`~ll 01 more t@fiarf!lnc.e. corwUgur.a.ilons and/or (11) whtch ,&h!lrl!noe
`'~ 1;011figorotion.1he actual cordlglJrat[on mn!ch~ 'II
`Q configured
`1 ~:'57
`to perfo rrn 111e meU:tod Clf any of c.laim51 10·2-3 11
`Deleted: 38
`Deleted: sr
`Samsung Ex. 1002
`255 of 409
`Apple EX1002 Page 255


`PCT /SE 2016/050 009 - 28-12-2016
`P45698-WO1 / 4015-9362
`What is claimed is~
`A method implemented by a network node (1 0) for signaling to a wireless
`communication device (14) which preco,ders in a codebook are restricted from being used, the
`method characterized by:
`generating (210) codebook subs;et restrictioh signaling that. for each of one or more
`groups of precoders, jointly restricts the precoders in the group by restricting a
`certain component that tile precoders in the group have in common, and wherein
`the precoders are Kronec:ker product precoders and wherein the signaling is
`rahk-agnostic so as to restrict precoders irrespective of their transmission rank;
`sending (220) the generated slginaling from the. network node (1 0) to the wireless
`communication device (14).
`A method implemented by a wireless communication device (14) for decoding signaling
`from a network node (10) indicating whi,ch precoders in a codebook are res1ricted from being
`used, the method characterized by:
`receiving (400) codebook subset restriction signaling that, for each of one or more
`groups of precoders, jointly restricts the precoders in the group by restricting a
`certain component that the precoders in the group have in common, and wherein
`the precoders are Kronecker product precoders and wherein the signaling is
`rank-agnostic so as to restrict precoders irrespec-tive of their transmission rank;
`decoding (410) the received signaling as jointly restricting precoders In each of the one
`or more groups of precoders.
`The method of any of claims 1-2, wherein the certain component comprises a beam
`The method of any of claims 1-3, wherein a precoder comprising one or more beam
`precoders Is restricted if at least one of its one or more beam precoders is restricted.
`The method of any of claims 3-4, wherein a beam precoder is a Kronecker product of
`different beamforming vectors associated with different dimensions of a multi-dimensional
`antenna array.
`Apple EX1002 Page 256


`/ 4015-9362
`The method of claim 5, wherein the different beamforming i;,,ectors comprise Discrete
`Fourier Transform (OFT) vectors.
`PCT/SE 2016/050 009-
`The method of any of claims 3-6, wherein a beam precoder is a beamforming vector
`used to transmit on a particular layer of a mult1-layer transmission, wherein different scaled
`versions of that beamform1ng vector are: transmitted on different polarizations;
`The method of any of claims 3-6, wherein a beam precoder is a beamforming vector
`used to transmit on:
`multiple different layers of a mulili-layer transmission;
`multiple different layers of a mul•ti-layer transmission, wherein the layers are sent on
`orthogonal polarizations; or
`a particular layer and on a particular polarization.
`The method of any of claims 1 -8. wherein the codebook subset restriction signaling
`comprises a.bitmap, With different bits in the bitmap respectively dedicated to indicating whether
`or not different beam precoders are resltricted from being used.
`The method of any of claims 1-8, wherein a beam precoder is a Kronecker product of
`first and second beamforming vectors with first and second indices, wherein the first and second
`beamforming vectors are associated wi1lh different dimensions of a multi-dimensional antenna
`array, and wherein the codebook subset restriction signaling jointly restricts the precoders in a
`group of precoders that have the same pair of values tor the first and second indices.
`The method of any of cla1ms 1-2; wherein each precoder comprises one or more beam
`precoders, wherein each beam precode1r comprises multiple different components
`corresponding to different dimensions of a multi-dimensional antenna array, and wherein said
`certain component comprises a component of a beam precoder.
`The method of any of claims 1-11, wherein the codebook subset restriction signaling
`jointly restricts the precoders in a group of precoders that transmit at least in part towards a
`certain angular pointing direction, by restricting a certain component which has that angular
`pointing direction.
`A network node (10, 600) for signaling to a wireless communication device (14. BOO)
`which precoders in a codebook are restricted from being used, the network node (1 O, 600)
`configured to:
`Apple EX1002 Page 257


`PCT/SE 2016/050
`/ 4015-9362
`generate codebook subset restriction signaling that, for each of one or more groups of
`precoders, jointly restrict:s the precoders in the group by restricting a certain
`component that the precoders in the group have In common, and wherein the
`precoders are Kronecker product precoders and wherein the signaling is rank(cid:173)
`agnostic so as to restrict precoders irrespective of their transmission rank: and
`.send the generated signaling from the network node ( 1 0, 600) to the wireless
`communication device (14, 800).
`The network node of claim 13, configured to perform the method of any of claims 3-12,
`A network node (10,600)
`for signaling to a wireless communication device (14. 800)
`which precoders in a codebook are restricted from being used, the network node (10, 600)
`characterized by:
`a generating module (640) for gE~nerating codebook subset restriction signaling that, for
`each of one or more groups of precoders, jointly restricts the precoders in the
`group by restricting a certain component that the precoders in the group have in
`comrnon, and wherein the precoders are Kronecker product precoders and
`wherein the signaling is rank-agnostic so as to restrict precoders irrespective of
`their transmission rank; and
`a sending module (650) for sencling the generated signaling from the network node (10,
`600) to the wireless communication device (14, 800).
`A wireless communication devic,e ( 14, 800) for decoding signaling from a network node
`(1 o, 600) Indicating which precoders In :a codebook are r.estricted from being used. the wireless
`communication device (14, 800) configured to:
`receive codebook subset restr/cliion signaling that, for each of one or more groups of
`precoders, jointly restrict:s the precoders in the group by restricting a certain
`component that the precoders in the group have ln comrnon, and wherein the
`precoders are Kronecker product precoders and wherein the signaling is rank-
`agnostic so as to restrict precoders irrespective of their transmission rank; and
`decode the received signaling as jointly restricting precoders in each of the one or more
`groups of precoders.
`The wireless communication device of claim 1 6, configured to perform the method of any
`of claims 3-12.
`Apple EX1002 Page 258


`PCT/SE 2016/050 009-
`/ 4015-9362
`A wireless communication devic,e (14, 800) for decoding signaling from a network node
`(i 0, 600) indicating which precoders in :a codebook are restricted from being used, the wireless
`communication device (14, 800) characterized by:
`a receiving module (840) for rec,eivi11g codebook subset restnction signaling that. for
`each of one or more groups of precoders, Jointly restricts the precoders in the
`group by restricting a certain component that the precoders in the group have in
`common, and Wherein the precoders are Kronecker product precoders and
`wherein the signaling is rank-agnostic so as to restrict precoders irrespective of
`their transmisslon rank; and
`a decoding module (850) for decoding the received signaling as jointly restricting
`precoders in each of the one or more groups of precoders.
`A computer program comprising instructions which. when executed by at least one
`processor of a node ( 10, 14), causes th,e node (1 0. 14) to carry out the method of any ot
`embodiments 1-12.
`A carrier containing the computeir program of embodiment 19, wherein the carrier is one
`of an electronic signal, optical signal, ra:dio signal, or computer readable storage medium.
`Apple EX1002 Page 259


`Document code: WFEE
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`Sales Receipt fo,r Accounting Date: 0i/31/2018
`Mailroom Dt: 06/17/2016
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`I\LAMELOEEN, A., el al., "Frequent Pattem Compression: A Significance-Based Compl'P..ssion Scheme for L2
`Caches", Technical Report#1500, 2004-05-01, pp. 1-15, Univer..ilyofWisconsin
`HOMAS, M. et aL, "Eletnents of lnformatlon Theory", Chapter 3, Asymptotic Equipartition Property', 2006--01--01, pp.
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