I 1111111111111111
`IIIII IIIII 11111 111111111111111111
`1111111111 111111111111111
`(12) United States Patent
`Faxer et al.
`US 10,193,600 B2
`OOI Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`(71 J Applicant: Tclcfonaktieho\aget L,1 Ericsson
`(pub!), Siockholm (SE)
`(72) Inventors: Sebastian Faxer. Jarfalla (SE): :wattias
`Frcmw. l!pp"ila (SF): Simon .Jarmyr.
`Skarpniick (S[): George Jongrm.
`Sundbyhc:rg (SF); Niklas \Vcrncrsson.
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`CPC ....
`JW4B 710469 (2013.01): J/IJ3l14 7/306,~
`,2013.o n: no4/J 710456 r2013.on:
`(58) Fil'ld of Classilic.ition Sl•an·h
`Cl'C H04B 7/0469: H04H 7/0478: II04H 7/06:VJ:
`I ImM 7/301i8; 110:,M 7/3082
`S,·c application fik for wmplctc search history.
`References Cited
`:\ssignee: Telefonaktieholaget L\I Ericsson
`(puhl), Stockholm tSF)
`7010 0221)17 ,\ 1
`2011'0170('38 Al
`97010 Mishra ct al.
`712011 YuandaL
`(( 'onLinucd)
`( *) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`p:1t,ml is cxt<.:ndcd or rn!justL·d undc,r :,5
`U .S.C. I 54(b l by 224 days.
`FORl-'!c+N PAl'l-'NT l)OC\!MHNTS
`20 l l 14006S A
`4'20 I,
`(21) Appl. No.:
`(22) PCT Filed
`,Ian. 11, 2016
`!'Cl No.:
`~ 371 (cJ(l),
`(2) Date:
`.Jun. 17, 2016
`(87) PCT Pub. No.: \VO2016/l 14708
`PCT Pub. Date: .Jul. 21, 2016
`Prior Publication Data
`lJS 201810131420 Al May 10, 2018
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(60) Provisional application No. 62/103.101. filed on Jan.
`14, 2015.
`(51) Int.Cl.
`H04U 7/04
`1103M 7/W
`(2017.01 J
`.'\lamclcken. ,\ . er al, '·Frequent Pattern Compression·.\ Si,mificancc(cid:173)
`Bascd Compression Sd1cmc for f 7 Caches", Technical Report
`l'J,()0, vfay 1. 20().1. pr 1-1',, i-nin:rsity ofWisc,,nsin.
`Primary h:xa111iner Hrian I) Nguyen
`(74) Altornev. Agem, or Firm Coats & Iknnc1t, PI.LC
`(57 J
`;\ nctv.ork nmk (10) sigmds (n a \\irdcss commtmicatiun
`device (14) which precnders in a cndebunk me rcslricLcd
`from being used. The network nmk (10) in Lhis regard
`generates codd1u,,k subs<.:! rc,strii:lion signaling that. for
`c0:d1 ,,ronc or IJ)()rc groups nrpn:1:ndi:rs,jointly rcslricls the
`prccnders in lhe group by reslricling a certain cumponcnl
`(e.g .. a cerl:1i11 hemn prccodcr) Iha( the prccoclers in ihc
`group have in cumm,111. This signaling m;.iy he lr1r instance
`rnnk-:.,gnllslic signaling that j<.iintly reslriL·ts the pn.:coders in
`a grnup without regard lo the prernders' transmission rank.
`Regardless. the network node (IO) sends the g:ener:,ted
`signaling to the wireless con1111miication device (14).
`28 Claims, 14 Drawing Sheets
`Generate codebook subset restriction signaling that, for
`each of one or more groups of precoders, jointly restricts
`the precoders in the group
`- 210
`Send the generated signaling to the wireless
`communication device
`Apple EX1001 Page 1


`US 10,193,600 B2
`II04B 710456
`Il04B 7/06
`lJ.S. Cl.
`CPC ........ 11048 7/0478 (201'.\.0l ); 111148 7/11658
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`'l'2014 Hammarwall
`2016'02,1<)1') ,\9''' &'2016 Hammarnall
`lho111as, \1. cl al., "c.lc111cnts or lnformali<lll Theory". Chapter 3,
`1\sy111p1,,1ic Equipartition Propcrt{, Jan L 2006. pp. 'i7-62, Second
`Ldilinn. John \\/ilty & Sons, fnc.
`l'ricsson. "Remaining Details or Codeboc)k Subset Restriction".
`,GPPTSG-R'\N WCil/18,, .'\nahcim. 1JS,\, \ov. l'i, 2015. pp. 1-6,
`R l - l 572tJ3. 3UPI'.
`AT&T "\Y[i on dass A and dass 13 CS! reporting for Rd.13 [13
`FD-1\Hvl<T. 1GPP TSCi R.'\N WG 1 v!ccting ';82his, lv!almii,
`S\\cdcn, Oct.\
`70],. pp 1-llJ, IU-1,C,l!,5, :l(iPP.
`cited by examiner
`Apple EX1001 Page 2


`U.S. Patent
`.Jan. 29, 2019
`Sheet 1 of 14
`lJS 10,193,600 B2
`(l) u ·:;:
`C0 -uw
`. § ::,_ "'1-1
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`Apple EX1001 Page 3


`Figure 2

`· configurations;
`i configuration matches one of the one or more reference
`;for the group, by generating
`the signaling as a bit pattern
`; Generate
`the actual configuration matches
`the actual
`length depends on (i) whether
`the actual configuration
`to indicate
`for the
`to be signalled
`the actual configuration
`for the
`Identify one or more reference
`,.1 oo
`in the
`Consider a first group
`of precoders
`····-.. ....... __
`',,, ___ group?_//
`(ii) which
`Consider next
`, /·-160
`. ...............
`to the wireless
`the generated
`Y .........
`l N:
`Apple EX1001 Page 4


`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 29, 2019 Sheet 3 of 14
`US 10,193,600 B2
`Apple EX1001 Page 5


`X (5,3)
`, (5,3)
`X (7,1)
`X (6.2)
`X (1,3)
`Az,muth angle ldegj
`.ol-!_,~-,,.(5.5L. -\'6;s;,(cid:173)
`--:;i;r;sr ~Lo_f:l.c5l
`"(7 ,5)
`X (J ,3)
`X (5,1)
`X (4,1)
`X (2,1)
`X (2/J)
`X (3,fJ)
`"" ? 100
`Apple EX1001 Page 6


`0 ....
`Figure 5
`communication device
`Send the generated signaling to the wireless
`the precoders in the group
`each of one or more groups of precoders, jointly restricts
`Generate codebook subset restriction signa!ing that, for
`Apple EX1001 Page 7


`Figure 6
`where m,m ·" 4 t:? V
`w<2>, ;;:: _ m
`0\ 0
`-11 _,_.,_ 2/l +-J
`w?(2) � ,
`(") f,V.., ,_ ,. ,, . .., l
`�.1 1. -t�.t. �--J1 -�+- :,
`"'il +-�--'i + •
`), ,,. 2 0
`211 +3.2,l +.;,O
`T,f/'(2) ' -
`•• , 1 +l,21 1 +l,l
`21.1 +l,21 1 +1,0
`2.i1,2i 1 ,l
`211 .211,0
`ports 15 to 22
`using antenna
`for 2-layer CSI reporting
`fV,,(_Z) l ., .
`3 ·1
`-lJ + ,-1I +. ,
`21, +l.21,
`w {2) . � .
`w?) i ..
`w,<.2) ..
`0 -15
`211 +l,2/ 1 +2,l
`2i1 +l.2/ 1 -,-2.0
`211,211+1 .• 0
` .
`Y-n rn -rp"v ,,,, ]
`v,n, 1 [ V
`Apple EX1001 Page 8


`Figure 7
`AzimL:!h ang!e !deg)
`-GO -40
`,.(3,7) ,.(4.7) ,,(5.7)
`"(2. 7)
`, (2,5) X (3,6J ,,(4,6) X (5,6) xr.B,5J
`, {1 ,BJ
`,,(2.5) ,,(3.5)� (4 ,5) ,,{5.5) ,. (o,5)
`M �),5) :,.:(1 5)
`xi2,2) "(.3 ,2) ,.(4,2) )( ,5 .�") ), •:0. 2)
`1 ;2)
`� (0.2)
`,.-(t ,'I )
`"(S .1)
`,.{2,1) ,c(3.-) Y-(4.1) x (6 1)
`"(1 , 1)
`� �,(J)
`X (5,0)
`"{3,Cr; "(<:,O)
`,,QJ1,0) xl2,0)
`Apple EX1001 Page 9


`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 8 of 14
`US 10,193,600 B2
`1 ......................
`811!19, u..
`2-e 0
`, ..
`! g ~ .iBfX)OR:d i
`i H JflPG'.)ald i
`. . ' . 1
`~ ........... " .. , ............... " ................. 't'(
`i••····· .. ••· .. ··• ....... _:
`i z , !
`l ~ JBr,():><,)d i
`Samsung Ex. 1001
`Apple EX1001 Page 10


`Figure 9
`.... < __ /1\noth~?---/>
`·--._ group?
`I ~o~~i~~r~e~t~ro~~ .. f--. Yes
`!'!> -
`!J). =(cid:173)
`configuration and the length of that bit pattern
`Identify one or more reference configurations for the group, 1/
`the bit pattern defined for signaling each reference
`I precoders in the codebook •
`j Consider a first group of v/
`which reference configuration the actual configuration
`one of the one or more reference configurations; and/or {ii)
`depends on (i) whether the actual configuration matches
`detecting a bit pattern in the signaling whose length
`Detect the actual configuration signaled for the group, by
`___ ~I/
`··· 1 /-300
`Apple EX1001 Page 11


`0 -
`!'!> -......
`!J)_ =(cid:173)
`Figure 10
`Decode the signaling as jointly restricting the precoders in 1/-41 O
`each of one or more groups of precoders
`Receive signaling from the network node
`Apple EX1001 Page 12


`U.S. Patent
`.Jan. 29, 2019
`Sheet 11 of 14
`lJS 10,193,600 82
`' " ' ' \
`!::: z
`w z w
`I I
`I I
`I _,
`I _,
`f ::,
`~ ~~
`(.'.) ,_, ---~
`0 z
`~ §:
`1:;;; c, 11
`:r:o L---
`~ z
`.... ,I
`Apple EX1001 Page 13


`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 12 of 14
`US 10,193,600 B2
`i I
`' \
`/ :
`Samsung Ex. 1001
`Apple EX1001 Page 14


`U.S. Patent
`.Jan. 29, 2019
`Sheet 13 of 14
`US 10,193,600 B2
`-, .........
`' ' ' ' ' ' ' \
`' \
`~ C,
`Samsung Ex. 1001
`Apple EX1001 Page 15


`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 14 of 14
`US 10,193,600 B2
`I !
`I J
`I ;
`..,,.~~.,. ,/
`.. __ n_,..-
`Samsung Ex. 1001
`Apple EX1001 Page 16


`US 10,193,600 B2
`This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional patent
`Application Ser. No. 62/103,101 filed Jan. 14, 2015, the
`entire contents of which are incorporated herein by refer(cid:173)
`fashion. In contrast to the PUCCH where the number of
`physical bits is currently limited to 20, the reports on
`PUSCH can be considerably larger. Thus, for feedback on
`PUCCH a small codebook size is desirable to keep the
`signaling overhead down. However, for feedback on
`PUSCH a larger codebook size is desirable to increase
`performance, since the capacity on the feedback channel is
`not as limited in this case.
`The desired size of the codebook may also depend on the
`10 transmission scheme used. For example, a codebook used in
`multi-user multiple input multiple output (MU-MIMO)
`operation could benefit more from having a larger number of
`The present application relates generally to a network
`elements than a codebook used in single-user multiple input
`node and a wireless communication device for operation in
`15 multiple output (SU-MIMO) operation. In the fom1er case,
`a wireless communication system, and more particularly to
`a large spatial resolution is important to allow for sufficient
`the network node signaling to the wireless co111111unication
`UE separation.
`device which precoders in a codebook are restricted from
`A convenient way to support different codebook sizes is
`being used.
`to use a large codebook with many elements by default and
`20 apply codebook subset restriction in the scenarios where a
`smaller codebook is beneficial. With codebook subset
`restriction, a subset of the precoders in the codebook is
`restricted so that the UE has a smaller set of possible
`precoders to choose from. This effectively reduces the size
`of the codebook implying that the search for the best PMI
`can be done on the smaller unrestricted set of precoders,
`thereby also reducing the UE computational requirements
`for this particular search.
`Typically, the eNodeB would signal the codebook subset
`restriction to the UE by means of a bitmap in an a dedicated
`message part of the Antelll1ainfo information element (see
`the RRC specification, TS 36.331 ), one bit for each precoder
`in the codebook, where a 1 would indicate that the precoder
`is restricted (meaning that the UE is not allowed to choose
`and report said precoder). Thus, for a codebook with N
`elements, a bitmap of length N would be used to signal the
`codebook subset restriction. This allows for full flexibility
`for the eNodeB to restrict every possible subset of the
`codebook. There are thus i'' possible codebook subset
`restriction configurations.
`For large antenna arrays with many antelll1a elements, the
`effective beams become narrow and a codebook containing
`many precoders is required for the intended coverage area.
`Furthermore, for two-dimensional antelll1a arrays, the code(cid:173)
`book size increases quadratically since the precoders in the
`codebook need to span two dimensions, typically the hori-
`zontal and vertical domain. Thus, the codebook size (i.e. the
`total number of possible precoding matrices W) can be very
`large. Signaling a codebook subset restriction in the con(cid:173)
`ventional way by means of a bitmap with one bit for every
`precoder can thus impose a large overhead, especially if the
`codebook subset restriction (CSR) is frequently updated or
`if there are many users served by the cell which each has to
`receive the CSR.
`Tbe use of multiple antelll1as at the transmitter and/or the
`receiver of a wireless conununication system can signifi(cid:173)
`cantly boost the capacity and coverage of a wireless com(cid:173)
`munication system. Such MIMO systems can exploit the 25
`spatial dimension of the conununication cham1el. For
`example, several information-carrying signals can be sent in
`parallel using the transmit antennas and still be separated by
`signal processing at the receiver. By adapting the transmis(cid:173)
`sion to the current channel conditions, significant additional 30
`gains can be achieved. One fom1 of adaptation is to dynami(cid:173)
`cally, from one TTI to another, adjust the number of simul(cid:173)
`taneously transmitted information streams carrying signals
`to what the challl1el can support. This is co111111only referred
`to as (transmission) rank adaptation. Precoding is another 35
`form of adaptation where the phases and an1plitudes of the
`aforementioned signals are adjusted to better fit the current
`channel properties. The signals form a vector-valued signal
`and the adjustment can be thought of as multiplication by a
`precoder matrix. A conunon approach is to select the pre- 40
`coder matrix from a finite and indexed set, a so-called
`codebook. Such codebook-based precoding is an integral
`part of the LIE standard, as well as in many other wireless
`commtmication standards.
`Codebook based precoding can be regarded as a form of 45
`channel quantization. A typical approach (c.f. LIE and
`MIMO HSDPA) is to let the receiver recommend a suitable
`precoder matrix to the transmitter by signaling the precoder
`matrix indicator (PMI) over a feedback link. To limit sig(cid:173)
`naling overhead, it is generally important to keep the code- 50
`book size as small as possible if the feedback link has a
`limited capacity. This however needs to be balanced against
`the performance impact since with a larger codebook it is
`possible to better match the current channel conditions.
`For example, in the LTE downlink, the user equipment 55
`(UE) reports the precoding matrix indicator (PMI) to the
`eNodeB either periodically on the physical uplink control
`channel (PUCCH) or aperiodic on the physical uplink shared
`challl1cl (PUSCH). The former is a rather narrow bit pipe
`( e.g., using a few bits) where challl1el state infom1ation 60
`(CSI) feedback is reported in a semi-statically configured
`and periodic fashion. CSI feedback in this regard includes
`one or more challl1el quality indicators (CQis), PMis, and/or
`a transmission rank ( e.g., indicating a number of transmis(cid:173)
`sion layers). On the other hand, reporting on PUSCH is 65
`dynamically triggered as part of the uplink grant. Thus, the
`eNodeB can schedule CSI transmissions in a dynamic
`One or more embodiments herein include a method
`implemented by a network node for signaling to a wireless
`communication device which prccoders in a codebook arc
`restricted from being used. The method comprises generat(cid:173)
`ing codebook subset restriction signaling that, for each of
`one or more groups of precoders, jointly restricts the pre(cid:173)
`coders in the group by restricting a certain component that
`the precoders in the group have in common. The method
`further comprises sending the generated signaling from the
`network node to the wireless conmrnnication device.
`Apple EX1001 Page 17


`US 10,193,600 B2
`Embodiments herein also correspondingly include a
`method implemented by a wireless communication device
`for decoding signaling from a network node indicating
`which precoders in a codebook are restricted from being
`used. The method comprises receiving codebook subset
`restriction signaling that, for each of one or more groups of
`precoders, jointly restricts the precoders in the group by
`restricting a certain component that the precoders in the
`group have in common. The method further comprises
`decoding the received signaling as jointly restricting pre- 10
`coders in each of the one or more groups of precoders.
`In some embodiments, the codebook subset restriction
`signaling is rank-agnostic signaling that jointly restricts the
`precoders in a group without regard to the precoders'
`transmission rank.
`In some embodiments, the certain component comprises
`a beam precoder. In some embodiments, for example, a
`beam precoder is a Kronecker product of different beam(cid:173)
`forming vectors associated with different dimensions of a
`multi-dimensional antenna array. In this case, the different
`beamforming vectors may comprise Discrete Fourier Trans(cid:173)
`form (DFT) vectors.
`In other embodiments where the certain component com(cid:173)
`prises a beam precoder, a beam precoder is a beamfonning
`vector used to transmit on a particular layer of a multi-layer
`transmission. Different scaled versions of that beamfonning
`vector are transmitted on different polarizations.
`In still other such embodiments, a beam precoder is a
`beamforming vector used to transmit on: multiple different
`layers of a multi-layer transmission; multiple different layers
`of a multi-layer transmission, wherein the layers are sent on
`orthogonal polarizations; or a particular layer and on a
`particular polarization.
`In some embodiments, a precoder comprising one or more
`beam precoders is restricted if at least one of its one or more
`beam precoders is restricted.
`In any of these embodiments, the codebook subset restric(cid:173)
`tion signaling may comprise a bitmap, with difterent bits in
`the bitmap respectively dedicated to indicating whether or
`not different beam precoders are restricted from being used.
`Alternatively or additionally, a beam precoder may be a
`Kronecker product of first and second beamfonning vectors
`with first and second indices. In this case, the first and
`second beamforming vectors may be associated with differ(cid:173)
`ent dimensions of a multi-dimensional antenna array, and the
`codebook subset restriction signaling may jointly restrict the
`precoders in a group of precoders that have the same pair of
`values for the first and second indices.
`In some embodiments, each precoder comprises one or
`more beam precoders. In some of these embodiments, each 50
`beam precoder comprises multiple different components
`corresponding to difterent dimensions of a multi-dimen(cid:173)
`sional antenna array. The certain component in this case may
`comprise a component of a beam precoder.
`In some embodiments, the codebook subset restriction
`signaling jointly restricts the precoders in a group of pre(cid:173)
`coders that transmit at least in part towards a certain angular
`pointing direction, by restricting a certain component which
`has that angular pointing direction.
`Embodiments herein also include another method imple(cid:173)
`mented by a network node for signaling to a wireless
`communication device which precoders in a codebook are
`restricted from being used. The method comprises a number
`of steps for each of one or more groups of precoders in the
`codebook. These steps include identifying one or more
`reference configurations for the group. Each reference con(cid:173)
`figuration is one of different possible configurations that
`restrict different subgroups of precoders in the group from
`being used. The steps also include identifying, from the
`different possible configurations for the group, an actual
`configuration to be signaled for the group. The steps also
`include generating signaling to indicate the actual configu(cid:173)
`ration for the group, by generating the signaling as a bit
`pattern whose length depends on (i) whether the actual
`configuration matches one of the one or more reference
`configurations and/or (ii) which reference configuration the
`actual configuration matches. The method further comprises
`sending the generated signaling to the wireless communi-
`cation device.
`Embodiments herein further include another correspond(cid:173)
`ing method implemented by a wireless conmmnication
`15 device for decoding signaling from a network node indicat(cid:173)
`ing which precoders in a codebook are restricted from being
`used. The method includes receiving signaling from the
`network node. The method also entails a number of steps for
`each of one or more groups of precoders in the codebook.
`20 These steps include identifying one or more reference con(cid:173)
`figurations for the group. Each reference configuration is
`one of different possible configurations that restrict different
`subgroups of precoders in the group from being used. The
`steps further include identifying a bit pattern defined for
`25 signaling each reference configuration, and a length of that
`bit pattern. The steps also include detecting an actual con(cid:173)
`figuration signaled for the group, by detecting in the signal(cid:173)
`ing a bit pattern whose length depends on (i) whether the
`actual configuration matches one of the one or more refer-
`30 ence configurations and/or (ii) which reference configura(cid:173)
`tion the actual configuration matches.
`In some embodiments, the signaling is a short bit pattern
`when the actual configuration matches any one of the one or
`more reference configurations and is a long bit pattern when
`35 the actual configuration does not match any of the one or
`more reference configurations. A long bit pattern has more
`bits than a short bit pattern. In this case, the one or more
`reference configurations for at least one of the one or more
`groups may comprise a single reference configuration, and
`40 different long bit patterns may be respectively defined for
`signaling difterent configurations other than the single ref(cid:173)
`erence configuration. Alternatively or additionally, a long bit
`pattern defined for signaling the actual configuration for the
`group may comprise; (i) a non-reference bit pattern defined
`45 for signaling that the actual configuration does not match a
`reference configuration for the group; and (ii) a bitmap
`comprising different bits respectively dedicated to indicating
`whether different precoders in the group are restricted from
`being used.
`In some embodiments, the one or more reference con-
`figurations for at least one of the one or more groups
`comprise multiple reference configurations. In this case,
`when the actual configuration matches a particular one of the
`multiple reference configurations, the signaling is a bit
`55 pattern whose length is shorter than that of a bit pattern
`generated when the actual configuration matches a difterent
`one of the multiple reference configurations.
`In some embodiments, the one or more reference con(cid:173)
`figurations for a group each have an actual or assumed
`60 higher probability of being signaled than any other possible
`configuration that is not one of the one or more reference
`In some embodiments, the method is performed for mul(cid:173)
`tiple different groups that respectively include difterent
`65 portions of the precoders in the codebook. In this case, the
`signaling indicates the actual configurations for the groups
`in a defined order. The one or more reference configurations
`Apple EX1001 Page 18


`US 10,193,600 B2
`from a network node indicating which precoders in a code(cid:173)
`book are restricted from being used, according to some
`FIG. 10 is a logic flow diagram of a method implemented
`by a wireless communication device for decoding signaling
`from a network node indicating which precoders in a code(cid:173)
`book are restricted from being used, according to other
`FIG. 11 is a block diagram of a network node according
`10 to some embodiments.
`FIG. 12 is a block diagram of a network node according
`to other embodiments.
`FIG. 13 is a block diagram of a wireless communication
`device according to some embodiments.
`FIG. 14 is a block diagram of a wireless communication
`device according to other embodiments.
`for each group comprises a single reference configuration,
`and the single reference configuration for any given group is
`the actual configuration, if any, signaled immediately before
`that of the given group.
`In some embodiments, the codebook is a Kronecker
`codebook defined for a multi-dimensional antenna array and
`comprises different precoders indexed by different possible
`values of a single index parameter. In this case, the different
`possible values of the single index parameter are divided
`into different clusters of consecutively ordered values, and
`precoders in different ones of the one or more groups are
`respectively indexed by the different clusters of consecu(cid:173)
`tively ordered values.
`In some embodiments, the codebook is a Kronecker
`codebook defined for a multi-dimensional antenna array and 15
`comprises different precoders indexed by different pairs of
`possible values for a first-dimension index parameter and a
`second-dimension index parameter. In this case, precoders in
`each of the one or more groups are indexed by pairs that
`have the same value for either the first-dimension index 20
`parameter or the second-dimension index parameter.
`Embodiments herein further include corresponding appa(cid:173)
`ratus and computer program products.
`In at least some embodiments, sigualing a codebook
`subset restriction in this way advantageously lowers the
`signaling overhead imposed by transmitting the codebook
`subset restriction, while still allowing for flexibility in
`configuring different codebook subset restrictions.
`Embodiments herein therefore generally include methods
`to reduce the number of bits required for signaling a code(cid:173)
`book subset restriction configuration to a wireless commu(cid:173)
`nication device. TI1e methods in one or more of these
`embodiments do so by:
`Utilizing an explicit or implicit assumption about which
`sets of precoders are more likely to be restricted, and/or
`associating a group of precoders with a single codebook
`subset restriction bit.
`FIG. 1 is a logic flow diagram indicating codebook subset
`restriction (CSR) signaling between a network node and a
`wireless connnunication device according to one or more
`FIG. 2 is a logic flow diagran1 of a method implemented 45
`by a network node for signaling to a wireless communica(cid:173)
`tion device which precoders in a codebook are restricted
`from being used, according to some embodiments.
`FIG. 3 is a block diagram of a two-dimensional antenna
`array of cross-polarized antenna elements according to some
`FIG. 4 is a graph illustrating the angular pointing direc(cid:173)
`tions of precoders in a codebook according to some embodi(cid:173)
`FIG. 5 is a logic flow diagram of a method implemented 55
`by a network node for signaling to a wireless communica(cid:173)
`tion device which precoders in a codebook are restricted
`from being used, according to other embodiments.
`FIG. 6 is a block diagram of an exemplary codebook
`according to some embodiments.
`FIG. 7 is a graph illustrating the angular pointing direc(cid:173)
`tions of precoders in a codebook according to other embodi(cid:173)
`FIG. 8 is a block diagram of precoder groupings accord(cid:173)
`ing to some embodiments.
`FIG. 9 is a logic flow diagram of a method implemented
`by a wireless communication device for decoding signaling
`According to the flowchart of FIG. 1, a network node 10
`in a wireless connmmication network (e.g., an eNB in the
`network) signals a codebook subset restriction (CSR) con(cid:173)
`figuration 12 to a wireless connmmication device 14 (e.g., a
`UE). The device 14 then sends a chaimel state information
`25 (CSI) report 16 back to the network. This CSI report 16
`suggests which of different possible precoders in a codebook
`the network should use for transmitting to the device 14, but
`the CSI report 16 is restricted in the sense that there is a
`subset of precoders that cannot be reported by the device 14;
`30 that is, all precoders in the codebook cannot be selected and
`reported by the device 14. This restriction is defined by the
`signaled CSR configuration 12.
`In more detail, for a precoder codebook X, consisting of
`N precoders, there are 2N possible codebook subset restric-
`35 tion configurations since each precoder can individually
`either be allowed or restricted (a restricted configuration is
`not allowed to be used). Each configuration can be repre(cid:173)
`sented by a bitmap ofN bits, where each bit corresponds to
`a certain precoder and the value of the bit then indicates
`40 whether the precoder is restricted or not. If each of the 2N
`configurations is equiprobable and independent, this is the
`optimal representation of a codebook subset restric

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