`Un ited Stntcs Po tent oncl Trnclcrnork O ffice
`March 08, 2021
`FILING DATE: January 14, 2015
`CONVENTION, IS US62/103,101
`Certified by
`Under Secr et ary of Commerce
`for Intellectual Property
`and Director of tile United Stales
`Patent and Trademar k Office
`Samsung Ex. 101 O
`1 of 54
`Apple EX1010 Page 1


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`Title of Invention:
`Codebook Subset Restriction Signaling
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`Sebastian Faxer
`Customer Number:
`Justin J. Leonard/Kristi Dunshee
`Filer Authorized By:
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`Apple EX1010 Page 8


`Client Docket No. P45698-US1
`Attorney Docket No. 4015-9080
`The use of multiple antennas at the transmitter and/or the receiver of a wireless
`communication system can significantly boost the capacity and coverage of a wireless
`communication system. Such MIMO systems can exploit the spatial dimension of the
`communication channel. For example, several information-carrying signals can be sent in
`parallel using the transmit antennas and still be separated by signal processing at the receiver.
`By adapting the transmission to the current channel conditions, significant additional gains can
`be achieved. One form of adaptation is to dynamically, from one TTI to another, adjust the
`number of simultaneously transmitted information streams carrying signals to what the channel
`can support. This is commonly referred to as (transmission) rank adaptation. Precoding is
`another form of adaptation where the phases and amplitudes of the aforementioned signals are
`adjusted to better fit the current channel properties. The signals form a vector-valued signal and
`the adjustment can be thought of as multiplication by a precoder matrix. A common approach is
`to select the precoder matrix from a finite and indexed set, a so-called codebook. Such
`codebook-based precoding is an integral part of the L TE standard, as well as in many other
`wireless communication standards.
`Codebook based precoding can be regarded as a form of channel quantization. A
`typical approach (c.f. L TE and MIMO HSDPA) is to let the receiver recommend a suitable
`precoder matrix to the transmitter by signaling the precoder matrix indicator (PMI) over a
`feedback link. To limit signaling overhead, it is generally important to keep the codebook size as
`small as possible if the feedback link has a limited capacity. This however needs to be balanced
`against the performance impact since with a larger codebook it is possible to better match the
`current channel conditions.
`Apple EX1010 Page 9


`Client Docket No. P45698-US1
`Attorney Docket No. 4015-9080
`For example, in the L TE downlink, the UE reports the PMI to the eNodeB either
`periodically on PUCCH or aperiodic on the PUSCH. The former is a rather narrow bit pipe
`where CSI feedback is reported in a semi-statically configured and periodic fashion. On the
`other hand, reporting on PUSCH is dynamically triggered as part of the uplink grant. Thus, the
`eNodeB can schedule CSI transmissions in a dynamic fashion. In contrast to the PUCCH where
`the number of physical bits is currently limited to 20, the reports on PUSCH can be considerably
`larger. Thus, for feedback on PUCCH a small codebook size is desirable to keep the signaling
`overhead down. However, for feedback on PUSCH a larger codebook size is desirable to
`increase performance, since the capacity on the feedback channel is not as limited in this case.
`The desired size of the codebook may also depend on the transmission scheme
`used. For example, a codebook used in MU-MIMO operation could benefit more from having a
`larger number of elements than a codebook used in SU-MIMO operation. In the former case, a
`large spatial resolution is important to allow for sufficient UE separation.
`A convenient way to support different codebook sizes is to use a large codebook with
`many elements by default and apply codebook subset restriction in the scenarios where a
`smaller codebook is beneficial. With codebook subset restriction, a subset of the precoders in
`the codebook is restricted so that the UE has a smaller set of possible precoders to choose
`from. This effectively reduces the size of the codebook implying that the search for the best PMI
`can be done on the smaller unrestricted set of precoders, thereby also reducing the UE
`computational requirements for this particular search. Typically, the eNodeB would signal the
`codebook subset restriction to the UE by means of a bitmap in an a dedicated message part of
`the Antennalnfo information element (see the RRC specification, TS 36.331 ), one bit for each
`precoder in the codebook, where a 1 would indicate that the precoder is restricted (meaning that
`the UE is not allowed to choose and report said precoder). Thus, for a codebook with N
`elements, a bitmap of length N would be used to signal the codebook subset restriction. This
`allows for full flexibility for the eNodeB to restrict every possible subset of the codebook. There
`Apple EX1010 Page 10


`Client Docket No. P45698-US1
`Attorney Docket No. 4015-9080
`are thus zN possible codebook subset restriction configurations.For large antenna arrays with
`many antenna elements, the effective beams become narrow and a codebook containing many
`precoders is required for the intended coverage area. Furthermore, for two-dimensional antenna
`arrays, the codebook size increases quadratically since the precoders in the codebook need to
`span two dimensions, typically the horizontal and vertical domain. Thus, the codebook size (i.e.
`the total number of possible precoding matrices W) can be very large. Signaling a codebook
`subset restriction in the conventional way by means of a bitmap with one bit for every precoder
`can thus impose a large overhead, especially if the codebook subset restriction (CSR) is
`frequently updated or if there are many users served by the cell which each has to receive the
`One or more embodiments herein advantageously lower the signaling overhead
`imposed by transmitting a codebook subset restriction, while still allowing for flexibility in
`configuring different codebook subset restrictions.
`Embodiments herein therefore generally include methods to reduce the number of
`bits required for signaling a codebook subset restriction configuration to a UE. The methods in
`one or more of these embodiments do so by:
`Utilizing an explicit or implicit assumption about which sets of precoders are more likely
`to be restricted, and/or
`Associating a group of precoders with a single codebook subset restriction bit.
`According to the flowchart of Figure 1, a network node in a wireless communication
`network (e.g., an eNB in the network) signals a codebook subset restriction (CSR) configuration
`to a wireless communication device (e.g., a UE). The device then sends a channel state
`information (CSI) report back to the network. This CSI report suggests which of different
`Apple EX1010 Page 11


`Client Docket No. P45698-US1
`Attorney Docket No. 4015-9080
`possible precoders in a codebook the network should use for transmitting to the deivce, but the
`CSI report is restricted in the sense that there is a subset of precoders that cannot be reported
`by the device; that is, all precoders in the codebook cannot be selected and reported by the
`device. This restriction is defined by the signaled CSR configuration.
`In more detail, for a precoder codebook X, consisting of N precoders, there are zN
`possible codebook subset restriction configurations since each precoder can individually either
`be allowed or restricted (a restricted configuration is not allowed to be used). Each configuration
`can be represented by a bitmap of N bits, where each bit corresponds to a certain precoder and
`the value of the bit then indicates whether the precoder is restricted or not. If each of the zN
`configurations is equiprobable and independent, this is the optimal representation of a codebook
`subset restriction configuration with respect to the expected length (in bits) of the representation
`and it provides full flexibility.
`[001 0]
`However, embodiments herein recognize that, if certain configurations are more
`likely to be used than others, and/or if the restriction of one precoder is highly correlated to the
`restriction of another precoder, then this signaling leads to unnecessarily high signaling
`overhead. One or more embodiments herein include methods to reduce this signaling overhead;
`that is, reduce the number of bits required for signaling a codebook subset restriction
`configuration to a wireless communication device from the network. In some embodiments, for
`example, the methods utilize an implicit assumption about which sets of precoders are more
`likely to be restricted or which sets of precoders are likely to be jointly restricted.
`Method in A Network Node
`According to one embodiment shown in Figure 2, for example, a method is
`implemented by a network node (e.g., a base station) for signaling to a wireless communication
`device which precoders in a codebook are restricted from being used. For each of one or more
`groups of precoders in the codebook, the method includes identifying one or more reference
`Apple EX1010 Page 12


`Client Docket No. P45698-US1
`Attorney Docket No. 4015-9080
`configurations for the group (Block 110). Each reference configuration is one of different
`possible configurations that restrict different subgroups of precoders in the group from being
`used. One of the reference configurations for a group may be for instance whichever one of the
`different possible configurations has the maximum probability of being signaled, e.g., as
`predicted or estimated based on empirical observations or implicit assumptions. Regardless, the
`method further includes identifying, from the different possible configurations for the group, the
`actual configuration to be signaled for the group (Block 120).
`The method also includes generating signaling to indicate the actual configuration for
`the group (Block 130). This entails generating the signaling as a bit pattern whose length
`depends on (i) whether the actual configuration matches one of the one or more reference
`configurations; and/or (ii) which reference configuration the actual configuration matches. In
`some embodiments, for example, when the actual configuration matches any reference
`configuration, the bit pattern's length is shorter than when the actual configuration does not
`match any reference configuration. In other embodiments, when the actual configuration
`matches a particular one of multiple reference configurations, the bit pattern's length is shorter
`than when the actual configuration matches a different one of the reference configurations.
`Regardless, this process (Blocks 110-130) is repeated for each of one or more groups of
`precoders in the codebook (Blocks 100, 140, and 150). Finally, the method includes sending the
`generated signaling to the wireless communication device (Block 160).
`This approach may in some sense be viewed as a sort of compression algorithm for
`CSR signaling. Indeed, the approach advantageously reduces the signaling overhead when,
`over the course of a given time period, the overhead savings realized by signaling bit patterns
`with relatively shorter lengths outweighs the overhead costs imposed by signaling bit patterns
`with relatively longer lengths. Depending on the relative lengths of the bit patterns, then, the
`approach may for instance reduce signaling overhead when the one or more reference
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`Client Docket No. P45698-US1
`Attorney Docket No. 4015-9080
`configurations (or particular ones of the one or more reference configurations) are signaled
`more often than not.
`In at least some embodiments, therefore, a reference configuration has a higher
`likelihood or probability of being signaled than any other possible configurations that are not
`reference configurations. For example, the one or more reference configurations for a group
`may include whichever one(s) of the different possible configurations for the group have the
`highest probability of being signaled. Different reference configurations that have different
`probabilities of being signaled may be represented with bit patterns of different lengths, where
`reference configurations with higher probabilities are represented with bit patterns of shorter
`lengths. That is, certain configurations that are deemed more probable may be represented with
`a fewer number of bits, while other configurations, that are deemed less probable to be used,
`may be represented with a larger number of bits.
`In some embodiments, the one or more reference configurations may be predefined
`to be particular one(s) of the possible configurations, e.g., based on an (implicit) assumption
`that the particular configuration(s) have the highest probability of being signaled. For example,
`an implicit assumption is made on how the network is likely to be configured. Hence, here
`certain configurations are considered more likely than others but there are no actual probability
`values estimated for the different configurations.
`In other embodiments, though, the network node determines signaling probabilities
`of different configurations, e.g., based on empirical observations and compares those
`probabilities to identify the configuration(s) with the highest probability. In one embodiment for
`example signaling probabilities are estimated through logging of network data. Hence, here it
`may be possible to estimate actual probabilities for the different configurations. In general,
`therefore, the knowledge on "how likely" a certain configuration is may be obtained in many
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`Client Docket No. P45698-US1
`Attorney Docket No. 4015-9080
`In some embodiments, only a single reference configuration is defined for a group. In
`this case, the signaling is generated as a short bit pattern when the actual configuration
`matches the reference configuration and as a long bit pattern when the actual configuration
`does not match the reference configuration. Different long bit patterns in this regard are
`respectively defined for signaling different configurations (other than the reference configuration,
`for which the short bit pattern is defined for signaling). A long bit pattern of course has more bits
`than a short bit pattern (e.g., N bits vs. 1 bit).
`In other embodiments, multiple reference configurations are defined for a group. In
`this case, the signaling may be generated as bit patterns that have different lengths when the
`actual configuration matches different reference configurations. These lengths may correspond
`to how likely it is that the reference configurations will be signaled. The bit pattern's length may
`be shortest when the actual configuration matches a particular one of the reference
`configurations (e.g., the one with the maximum probability of being signaled), may be next
`shortest when the actual configuration matches a different reference configuration (e.g., the one
`with the next highest signaling probability), and may be longest when the actual configuration
`does not match any of the reference configurations.
`In some embodiments, bit patterns signaling non-reference configurations are
`encoded as a combination of a so-called "non-reference bit pattern" and a "bitmap." The non(cid:173)
`reference bit pattern is defined for signaling that the actual configuration for the group does not
`match any reference configuration for the group. The non-reference bit pattern may for instance
`be the complement of a bit pattern defined for signaling a reference configuration. For example,
`when only a single reference configuration is defined for a group, the bit pattern signaling that
`reference configuration may simply be a single bit with a value of "1 ", whereas the non(cid:173)
`reference bit pattern may be a single bit with a value of "0". Regardless, the bitmap portion of
`the bit pattern comprises different bits respectively dedicated to indicating whether different
`precoders in the group are restricted from being used.
`Apple EX1010 Page 15


`Client Docket No. P45698-US1
`Attorney Docket No. 4015-9080
`In at least some embodiments, the method is performed for only one group. This
`single group in one embodiment includes all precoders in the codebook.
`In another embodiment, of course, the single group includes only a portion of the
`precoders in the codebook, such that the signaling approach is adopted for only this portion,
`while other signaling approaches (e.g., the conventional bitmap) is adopted for other portions.
`In other embodiments, the method is performed for multiple different groups that
`respectively include different portions of the precoders in the codebook. In one such
`embodiment, the signaling indicates the actual configurations for the groups in a defined order.
`In one embodiment, the one or more reference configurations for any given group includes the
`actual configuration, if any, signaled immediately before that of the given group (according to
`the defined order).
`Consider a simple example with an arbitrary codebook of size N, where the single
`group includes all N precoders. A certain configuration out of the zN possible codebook subset
`restriction configurations for the single group is deemed more probable. This configuration is
`represented by a single bit, '1 '. The other zN - 1 configurations are represented by a 'O',
`followed by a bitmap of size N. One of the configurations is then represented by 1 bit, while the
`other configurations are represented by N + 1 bits. Since the configuration represented by one
`bit is more frequently signaled, according to the assumption, the average number of bits
`required to convey the codebook subset restriction may be much less than N.
`However, if the assumption that one of the possible codebook subset restriction
`configurations was more likely than the others was incorrect for the actual usage of codebook
`subset restriction configurations, the average number of bits required to convey a codebook
`subset restriction to a UE may be larger than N bits. One or more embodiments herein
`therefore aim to choose the representations of the zN configurations well. Various methods may
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`Client Docket No. P45698-US1
`Attorney Docket No. 4015-9080
`represent the zN configurations differently depending on which sets of precoders are more likely
`to be restricted.
`Consider for example embodiments where the codebook is defined for a multi-
`dimensional (e.g., two-dimensional) antenna array. Such antenna arrays may be (partly)
`described by the number of antenna columns corresponding to th

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