WO 01/46710
`Table 12 3: Pre-defined M - e Resnonse Sets
`MDT Softkcv 1 ·
`MDT Softk:ev 2
`Resnonse Set ID
`MDT Softlrev 3
`MDT Softkev 4
`. Response Set ID mdicates that no pre-defined response IS required. However, a custom response set may still bl:I
`, __ R l~DSe M essa,... {7405)
`defined within the message. Custom response sets may be defined by appending response set values to the message
`Response set values arc delimited by a 0 1" (vcrtic:al bar) character.
`T bl JZ4· S dM
`a e
`#ofbvtcs Descrintion
`Client Reouest ID3
`Value or Range
`OxOOOO = Success1
`OxOOOl = Service Not Available",
`Ox0002 = Invalid message format.
`Ox0003 = Message too long.
`Ox0004 = Invalid Tracker ID,
`Ox.0005 = Invalid Rcapome Set,
`Ox0006 = Database Access Error,
`Ox.0001 = Service Temporarily Not Available,
`Ox0008 = Null Message Em>r.
`Ox0009 = Low P~wer Mode,
`OxOOlO = Out ofNctwock
`Mes!lal?e SeQuenee IDz OxO0OOOO-OxFFFFFF
`Data checksum
`1 Success indicates that the message has been successfully queued so that it may be sent to the specified tracker(s). _
`2 ID associated with the message being sent. When th~ tracker successfully ~knowledges and/or responds to this
`message, the DMCS will receive a "Message Rcaponse and State" or a "Message Response and Reduced Stat.e"
`facket within a •'Real-time Tracking Data. Message" that contains the same Message Sequence ID.

`The ID associated with the request sent by the DMCS.
`4 If message was sent to alist of trackers, all trackers in the list must have message service available or this error

`code will be rerurned.
`Table t'ZS, Send Pre-defined Messnl"e ID Messnl"e (7206)
`Value or Ran"""
`Number of Trackers N, 1
`Tracker ID #1
`Tracker ID #N1
`Pre-defined Mess~e ID
`Response Set ID2
`Tmieout5 (in minutes)
`Client Reauest ID3
`Data Checksum
`OxOOOO - Ox08oo'
`Ox.00000000- OxOSFFFFFF
`Ox.00000000- Ox03FFFFFF'
`OxOD = No TllDCOut,
`Ox.01- OxFO = timeout value in minutes


`WO 01/46710
`1 If the number of trackers is OxOOOO, the CUstomer ID associated with the custOD10r's login account profile is used.
`2 A pre-defined :response set (see Pie-defined Message Response Sets) may be selected. Trackers will respond using
`a response ID that indicates the respoDSe selected from the pre-defined set. This response ID is rctumed to the
`DMCS in a "Message Response and State" or a "Message Response and Reduced State" packet within a "Real-time
`Tracking Data Message" that contains th.e same Message Sequence ID.
`3 The Client Request ID is assigned by the DMCS and is remmcd by the NOC Server in the response message.
`4 Due to FM sub-carrier bandwidth limitations, messages sent to a. large number of trackers may take several
`seconds (or minutes) to be delivcm,d. Groups are expected to be small (around 20- 60 trackers). However, the NDC
`. Sel"'ler uses an ID allocation scheme that allows it to commmiicate with a large number of ~r.s in its RF network
`if tracker group associations ~ known ahead of time. The DMCS is responsible to provide these trac)fer .group

`' Indicates the maximum retry timeout value. A Message limeout message will be sent to the CCS/DMCS if the
`message is not acknowledged by the timeout value. If Ox00 is specified for the timeout, the message is sent until the
`PROTRAK system max timeout is reached.
`Table·/ '2 6 i Send Pre-defined Mess•,... ID Resnonse Messa- 17406)
`Value or Ran1te
`#ofbvtes De
`Client Reouest m3
`OxOOOO = Success\
`OxOOOl =Service Not Available'\
`Ox.0002 = Invalid mess~ge fonnat,
`Ox.0003 = Message too long,
`Ox.0004 = Invalid Tracker ID.
`OxOOOS = Invalid Response Set.
`Ox.0006 = Database Access Error,
`Ox.0007 = Service Temporarily Not Available.
`Ox.0009 = Low Power Mode,
`Ox.0010 = Out ofNetworl::
`Messa2e Seouence m2 . OxOOOOOO-OxFFFFFF
`Data checksum
`1 Success indicates that the message ID has been successfully queued so that it may be sent to the specified
`2 ID associated with the message being sent. When the tracker mccessfully acknowledges and/or responds to this
`message. the DMCS will receive a .. Message Response.and State" or a "Message Response and Reduced St.ate"
`fackct within a "Real-time Tracking Data Message" that-contains the same Message Sequence ID.

`The ID associated with the request sent by the DMCS.
`4 If pre-defined was :sent to a list of trackers, all trackers in the list must have message service available or this eiror
`code will be retmned.


`WO 01/46710
`#ofbvtes Dcscrinrion
`Number of Trackers N, 1
`Tracker ID #1
`fucker ID #N,
`Sito Emiration7
`Resnonse Set m2
`Northeast Latitude
`Northeast Lonritude
`Southwest Latitude
`Southwest Lon~tude
`Messal!e Lenitth (Li)
`Timeout5 ( i n ~ )
`Client ReouestDY
`Data Checksum
`Value or Rana,
`OxOO (all trinsl, OxOl - Oxff
`OxOOOO- Ox07
`OxOO = N:P T"uneout.
`OxOl- OxFO = timeout value in minutes
`1 If the number of trackcl'S is OxOOOO, the Customer ID associated with the customer's login account profile is used.
`1 A pre-defined response set (sec Pie-defined Message Response Sets) may be selected. Trackers will respond wing
`a response ID that indicates the response selected from the pre-defined set. This response ID is tctumcd to lhc
`DMCS in a ''Message Response and State" or a "Message RespoDSe and Reduced State" packet within a ''Real-time
`Tracking Data Message .. that contains the saJIK? Message Sequence ID.
`3 The Client Request ID is assigned by the DMCS and is returned by the NDC Server in the response message.
`4 OxOO will be used for padding if ni:cessary to make entire body word aligned.
`5 Jodicates the mnximumretry timeout value. A Message Timeout message will be sent to the CCS/DMCS if the
`message is not acknowledged by the timeout value. If OxOO is specified for the timeout, the message is sent until the
`PROTRAK system max timeout is reached.
`6 Site duration. iadicatcs how 1011g a spccilied site should be used .. Singlc ttip indicates that the tmckor should ret:lin
`the site infomwion until the tracker eaters and leaves the site. Every trip indicates that the tracker should
`indicate every time the tracker enters m: leaves the specified site.
`7 Indicates the number of hours that the site is valid.· .
`Table 12.8; Send Site Di'°"atch Res11 onse Messa2e {7407}
`Value or Ran2e
`#ofbvtcs Descrintion
`Client Reauest m3
`OxOOOO = Success1
`OxOOOl = Service NotA-vailable.
`Ox.0002 = Invalid message format.
`Ox0003 = Message too long,
`Ox0004 = Invalid Tracker ID,
`Ox.0005 = Invalid Response Set,
`Ox.00015 = Database Access Error,
`Ox0007 = Service Temporarily Not Available.
`Ox0009 = Low Power Mode,
`Ox001O = Out ofNetwock
`: Data checksum
`1 Success indicates that the message ID has been successfully queued so that it may be sc:nt to the specified
`i ID associated with the message being sent. When the tiaclcer successfully acknowledges and/or responds to this
`message, the DMCS will receive a "Message Response and State" or a "Message Response and Rednced State"
`fackct within a "Real-time Tracking Data Message" that contains the same Site ID.
`The ID. associated with the request sent by the DMCS.


`WO 01/46710
`Table l'l.q: Send User Data Me!!m12e (7208)
`Number of Trackers N1
`Tracker ID #1
`Tracker ID #N,
`User Data.Lenl!'th tL.)
`User Data
`TJinCour (m minutes)
`Client Reauest m3 ·
`Data Checksum
`Value or Ranl!e
`Ox0OOO- Ox08oo4
`Ox.00000000- O.x0:3FFFFFF
`OxOO::. ?:Jo T"llllCout,
`OxOl- OxFO = timeout value in
`1 If the number of trackers is OxOOOO, the Customer ID associated with the customer's login account profile is used.
`2 OxOO will be used for padding jf necessary to make cntil'c body woal aligned.
`3 The Client Request mis assigned by the DMCS and is returned by the NDC Server in the message.
`4 Due to FM sub-carrier bandwidth limitations, messages sent to a large number of ttackm:s may take several
`seconds (or minutes) to be delivered. Groups me expected to be small (around 20-60 trackers). However, the NDC
`Server uses an ID allocation scheme that allows it to communicate with a large number of trackers in its RF ncnvork
`if ttacl:cr group associations are known ahead of time. The DMCS is responsible to provide these tracker group
`5 Indicatcs the maximum retry timeout value. A Message 'Thneoutmessage will be sent to the CCS/DMCS if the
`message is not acknowledged by the timeout value. If DldJO is specified for the timeout, the message is sent until the
`PROTRAIC system max timeout is reached.
`Table I ~o ~ Send User Data Resoonse Ml!S!IIU!e (7408)
`Value or Ran!!e
`#ofbvtes Description
`Client 'R""uest ID3
`OxOOOO= Success1
`OxOOOl = Sccvk:e Not Available4
`0x0002 = Invalid message format,
`0x0003 = Message too long,
`0x0004 = Invalid Tracker ID,
`O.X0006 = Database Access EJ:ror.
`Ox0007 = Service Temporarily Not Available,
`Ox0009 = Low Power Mode,
`OxOOIO = Out of Network
`Mcssal!C Sem1ence IIY O:x.000000 - OxFFFFFF
`Data checksum
`1 Success indicates that the message has been successfully queued so that it may be sent to the specified tracker(s).
`2 ID associaled with the ~ssage being sent. When the tracker successfully acknowledges and/or ~on:m to ·this-·
`message, the DMCS will receive a "Message Response and State" or a ''Message Response.and Reduced State"
`facket within a "Real-time Tracking Data Message" that contains the same Message Sequence ID.

`The ID associated with the request sent by the DMCS.
`4 If user data was sent to a list of trackers, all ttacke?s in the list must have message service available or this eIIOr
`code will be returned.


`WO 01/46710
`Table-J3 t: Send Traclmu!' Rennest Messa- (7209}
`Value or Rans.te
`#ofhvtes Descrintion
`Tracker ID'
`Client Reanest 101
`Data Checksum
`1 The Client Request ID is assigned by the DMCS and is returned by the NDC Server in the response message.
`Table 132: Send Trackine Re11 nest Resnonse Messaee (7409)
`Value or
`#ofbvtes Descrintion
`Client Request.
`OxOOOO = Success1
`· OxOOOl = Service Not Available,
`Ox0002 = Invalid Tracker ID,
`0x0004 = Service Tcmnorarily Not Available
`Data checksum
`1 Success indicates that the message has been successfully queued so that it may be sent to the specified tracker.
`2 The ID associated with the request sent by the DMCS.
`(7 10)
`T. bl f 33 Tracke InstaUa • U da M
`essaee 2
`tion 11>1
`a e
`Tracker ID
`Tracker Installation Record'
`Data Checksum
`Sec Tmcker Installation Record.
`I J3'4 Vehicl Prom U da M
`te Lessa!!e
`e JD
`Vehicle Profile Format1
`Data Checksum
`1 See Vehicle Profile Format.
`Value or Ranee
`Value or Ran-


`WO 01/46710
`What is claimed is:
`Avehicle fleet management information system for fleet asset management
`by enabling identification oflocation and direction of movement, if any, of each vehicle in
`said fleet in real-time and to automatically communicate directly therewith for reporting of
`vehicle location, direction and status of predetermined events in which the vehicle may
`become engaged, said system comprising:
`apparatus for broadcasting information to vehicles in the fleet over a
`communications network in which each vehicle is a participant, with precise time
`synchronization of the broadcast information according to timing employed in a navigation
`system for said fleet relative to a stable reference point,
`apparatus in each vehicle for detecting predetermined events of interest and
`reporting information concerning vehicle location and said detected events to a fleet
`management office over said communications network, and
`said broadcast apparatus including apparatus for assigning each vehicle in the fleet
`a unique time slot to transmit its reporting information without substantially interfering
`with transmissions from other vehicles in their own respective time slots.
`The fleet management information system of claim 1, wherein said
`broadcast apparatus includes means for broadcasting via FM radio subcarrier.
`The fleet management information system of claim 1, wherein said stable
`navigation reference for position determination is a satellite Global Positioning System
`The fleet management information system of claim 1, wherein at least some
`of said owners have low update rate requirements, and including means for polling
`vehicles associated with low update rate owner requests for information, without need for
`entry of the polled vehicle reporting transmissions into specific predetermined time slots of
`the network.


`WO 01/46710
`The fleet management information system of claim 4, wherein said low
`update rate requests for owners providing emergency response services include means for
`varying their respective vehicle position update rates in times of emergency.
`The fleet management information system of claim 1, including a network
`distribution center including means for providing space diversity processing of said
`received vehicle data packets for recovery of possibly corrupted data.
`The fleet management information system of claim 1, including means for
`dynamically allocating slots to accommodate update rates of information according to
`different periodic reporting intervals by different vehicles in the network.
`The fleet management information system of claim 1, including means for
`dynamically allocating slots to allow higher priority data packets to be transmitted to or
`from vehicles before lower priority packets that were queued first.
`The fleet management information system of claim 8, including means for
`increasing the priority of delayed lower priority packets according to a predetermined
`maximum time of delay.
`The fleet management information system of claim 1, including means for
`providing auxiliary reporting slots for vehicles to accommodate need for prompt reporting
`of important information independent of slower periodic reporting intervals.
`The fleet management information system of claim 1, including means for
`inferring the identity of a reporting vehicle to accommodate need for prompt reporting of
`important information independent of slower periodic reporting intervals.
`The fleet management information system of claim 1, wherein said
`communications network is a time division multiple access (TDMA) wireless network.


`WO 01/46710
`The fleet management information system of claim 12, wherein said
`broadcast apparatus includes means for broadcasting via FM radio subcarrier, said stable
`navigation reference for position determination is a satellite Global Positioning System
`(GPS), and said FM radio subcarrier is used to broadcast synchronization data to all
`TDMA network participants independent of separate delivery of time information from
`said GPS navigation reference.
`A management information system for a multiplicity of movable,
`information communicating assets whether stationary or undergoing movement, to identify
`the location of each asset in real-time and to communicate therewith, said system
`apparatus for transmitting information to each of said assets via a communications
`network in which each of said assets is a participant,
`apparatus for receiving information transmitted by each of said assets via said
`communications network,
`apparatus for detecting the location of each asset relative to an arbitrary stable
`reference point in a navigation system,
`apparatus for precise time synchronization of information transmitted to each of
`said assets with timing information derived from said navigation system, and
`apparatus for assigning each of said assets a unique time slot in which to transmit
`information to said receiving apparatus over said communications network without
`substantially interfering with information transmissions by others of said assets in their
`respective time slots.
`A time division multiple access (TDMA) wireless network for real time
`reporting of fleet vehicle locations and other information in data packets in respective
`assigned time slots to a central data processing location on a UHF band, with a minimum
`of gaps between reporting transmissions, said network comprising
`means for precise time synchronization of all elements of said TDMA wireless
`network, including wireless phase lock loop (PLL) timing control loop means for


`WO 01/46710
`distributing a single, remote global positioning satellite GPS based time reference
`throughout said network.
`The TDMA wireless network of claim 15, including FM subcarrier
`broadcast means having timing data referenced to a GPS based time source for broadcast
`to the fleet vehicles.
`The TDMA wireless network of claim 16, including means for providing
`navigation data for the fleet vehicles by other than GPS.
`The TDMA wireless network of claim 16, including means on each of said
`fleet vehicles for receiving data requests and messages from said central station and other
`information to synchronize said network elements without a GPS receiver.
`The TOMA wireless network of claim 16, wherein said PLL timing control
`loop means operates as an algorithm for synchronization of the different elements of the
`network to a synchronization pattern, using said algorithm to eliminate variability in
`The TDMA wireless network of claim 19, including means for processing
`difference in time from said GPS time reference and received synchronization data on said
`FM subcarrier using said PLL algorithm to generate a timing correction.
`A fleet management system for tracking the locations and paths of vehicles
`at rest and in transit for management of dispatch and operation of said vehicles,
`a radio frequency network,
`a plurality of geographically disparate network hubs for communication with fleet
`management offices and said vehicles over said network,
`a tracking computer on each of said vehicles for developing and transmitting


`WO 01/46710
`navigation and status messages to at least one of said network hubs for communication to
`a fleet management office responsible for the respective transmitting vehicle,
`apparatus for establishing a protocol for entry by said tracking computers into the
`network in assigned time slots for periodic transmission of messages by the respective
`tracking computers, and
`apparatus for providing space diversity of the messages received by said network
`hubs from said tracking computers to avoid corruption of messages received from a single
`tracking computer at more than one of said network hubs.
`The fleet management system of claim 21, wherein said network is a time
`division multiple access (TDMA) network.
`The fleet management system of claim 21, wherein said protocol
`establishing apparatus provides management of different periodic transmission intervals by
`different vehicles in the network by dynamically allocating said slots for various update
`The fleet management system of claim 21, wherein said protocol
`establishing apparatus provides auxiliary reporting slots to allow prompt reporting of
`important data by the respective tracking computers independent of slower said periodic
`transmission intervals.
`The fleet management system of claim 21, including apparatus for
`supporting both guaranteed and non-guaranteed delivery of message data.
`The fleet management system of claim 21, wherein said network includes a
`dual band full-duplex interface with TDMA on one-half of said interface and broadcast on
`the other half of said interface.
`The fleet management system of claim 21, wherein said assigned slots are
`unique to respective ones of said tracking computers, whereby to minimize bandwidth


`WO 01/46710
`usage in said network by enabling identity of the vehicle whose tracking computer is
`transmitting according to the time slot in which the transmission is received.
`A fleet management system for tracking the locations and paths of vehicles
`at rest and in transit for management of dispatch and operation of said vehicles,
`a wireless network,
`apparatus for modulating broadcasts transmitted on said network with message
`data including a synchronization pattern,
`a plurality of geographically disparate network hubs for communication with fleet
`management offices and said vehicles over said network,
`a tracking computer on each of said vehicles for developing and transmitting
`navigation and status messages to at least one of said network hubs for communication to
`a fleet management office responsible for the respective transmitting vehicle, and
`apparatus for synchronizing the timing of said tracking computers with each other
`and with said network hubs by aligning respective internal clocks thereof to said
`synchronization pattern pulses in received broadcasts of data on said network,
`said synchronizing apparatus including a timing control for correcting drifts in the
`timing to maintain synchronization between said tracking computers and said network
`The fleet management system of claim 28, wherein said timing control
`comprises a remote phase locked loop (PLL) that includes said apparatus for modulating
`broadcasts and a network control center that receives broadcasts of data on said network
`and computes and transmits a time correction to said apparatus for modulating broadcasts,
`to maintain said synchronization
`The fleet management system of claim 29, wherein said network control
`center includes a receiver for receiving Global Positioning System ( GPS) satellite signals
`including a GPS time reference and means for obtaining the difference between the
`average time of said received synchronization pattern and the time of said received GPS


`WO 01/46710
`time reference from which to compute said time correction.
`The fleet management system of claim 30, wherein said network includes a
`time division multiple access (TDMA) networ~ and said timing control PLL includes
`means for maintaining said synchronization in said TDMA network to about three
`microsecond accuracy.
`The fleet management system of claim 28, wherein said timing control
`comprises an RF link phase lock loop to maintain clock synchronization to a reference.
`The fleet management system of claim 30, wherein said network includes a
`dual band full-duplex interface with TDMA on one-half of said interface and broadcast on
`the other ha1f of said interface.
`The fleet management system of claim 33, including a remote reference
`controlled through a wireless link for synchronizing the TDMA portion of said network to
`The fleet management system of claim 33, wherein each of said tracking
`computers and said network hubs includes a central processing unit comprising a
`microprocessor with a time processing unit for performing precise clock synchronization
`within 10 microseconds for the TDMA portion of said network.
`The fleet management system of claim 28, including means for maintaining
`synchronization between said tracking computers and said network hubs and to a
`synchronization pattern, using the same algorithm to eliminate variability in
`An article management system for tracking the locations of articles at rest
`and in transit for maintaining a desired flow of said articles, said system providing
`bandwidth efficient wireless transceiver operation and comprising:


`WO 01/46710
`a plurality of data transmitters and a plurality of data receivers for communication
`via a wireless network with respect to location of said articles,
`means in each of said transmitters for filtering baseband data to reduce the
`occupied bandwidth of the channel on which data is transmitted, including removal of
`synchronization data to minimize overhead of non-information bearing data,
`said baseband filter being implemented by a digital microcontroller that replaces an
`original square wave data stream of said baseband data with deterministic transitions that
`reduce harmonic content and maintain bit widths, regardless of data input frequency.
`The article management system of claim 37, including
`means in each of said receivers for applying processor intensive clock and data
`recovery algorithms to facilitate said removal of synchronization data by said filter means
`at said transmitters.
`The article management system of claim 38, wherein said transmitters and
`receivers further employ forward error correction coding and space diversity processing to
`increase the reliability of received data, whereby to further optimize bandwidth reduction
`by eliminating bandwidth needed for retransmission of corrupted data.
`The article management system of claim 37, wherein said digital
`microcontroller comprises a digital filter that uses sine wave segments for transitions.
`The article management system of claim 37, wherein each of said receivers
`includes means to facilitate recovery of transmitted data without transmitted
`synchronization information by locating the start of each transmitted data message within a
`predetermined scant time window without aid from bit synchronization patterns.
`The article management system of claim 41, wherein said data recovery
`means performs said start message start location within said predetermined scant time
`window by an iterative search that sequentially clocks in the data at greater and greater
`delays from the nominal message start time until a valid data packet is located.


`WO 01/46710
`The article management system of claim 37, wherein each of said
`transmitters further includes means for performing a bit interleaving pattern on the data to
`be transmitted to provide a randomization of the data bits to ensure that single bit shifts in
`received data cause errors in all code words.
`The article management system of claim 43, wherein each of said receivers
`further includes means for de-interleaving received data according to said bit interleaving
`pattern introduced by said interleaving means at each of said transmitters.
`The article management system of claim 37, wherein said wireless network
`includes a time division multiple access (TDMA) network, and each of said receivers
`includes means for batch processing of received messages from said transmitters to
`recover clock and data on a packet by packet basis in said TDMA network.
`The article management system of claim 45, wherein said means for batch
`processing of received messages includes means for delay decoding sampled bits of the
`received data, with only predetermined allowable bit patterns present in the delay code,
`whereby if a bit error causes an invalid pattern, the pattern is decoded to one of the
`possible bits represented by the pattern, and if subsequent error detection processing on
`the decoded data indicates an error, then, if only one ambiguous data pattern was
`encountered in that particular code word during the delay decoding process, the other bit
`value is used and the error detection is repeated, and, if successful, the second bit value is
`The article management system of claim 46, wherein said delay decoding
`means retains the original value of said one of the possible bits if more than one bit is
`ambiguous or the second bit also fails to result in valid data, and allows processing to
`move forward on the premise that the bit error may be correctable at a later stage in the
`data processing chain.


`WO 01/46710
`The article management system of claim 47, wherein each of said receivers
`further includes means for de-interleaving received data according to a bit interleaving
`pattern introduced at each of said transmitters in which the transmitted data is jumbled
`sufficiently that single bit shifts cause all code words to be in error.
`The article management system of claim 37, including further processing of
`received data by diversity processing using a combination of error detection and voting.
`A fleet management system for tracking the locations of vehicles in the fleet
`and determining the status of events related to the usage or function of the vehicles,
`navigation apparatus on each vehicle for detecting the location of the vehicle
`relative to a predetermined reference point,
`a tracking computer on each of said vehicles for receiving inputs indicative of the
`location of the vehicle and transmitting navigation and status messages to a fleet
`management office responsible for the respective transmitting vehicle,
`at least one non-human sensor on each vehicle for detecting one of said events and
`supplying an input indicative of the detected event to said tracking computer, and
`said tracking computer including apparatus for automatic reporting of the detected
`events to said fleet management office.
`The fleet management system of claim 50, wherein said fleet vehicles and
`51 ..
`said fleet management office are connected for communication by a wireless network.
`The fleet management system of claim 51, wherein each vehicle has a
`plurality of sensors for detecting or measuring various ones of said events and supplying
`inputs indicative thereof to said tracking computer for prompt reporting of event data as it
`happens over said wireless network.
`The fleet management system of claim 52, wherein at least some of said
`plurality of sensors are selected from a group consisting of detectors of vehicle ignition,


`WO 01/46710
`vehicle run time, headlights on, transmission in forward and reverse directions, wheel
`speed, passenger or driver door open, four wheel drive engagement,, vehicle emergency
`lights or sirens operating, fuel level, coolant temperature, oil pressure, battery voltage,
`engine warning indication

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