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`2/7/22, 12:11 PM
`Whatis Webmail - javatpoint
`On 8 August 1995, at the University of Miami, Matt Mankins released his “Webex" application source code in a post to comp.mail.misc under the
`supervision of Dr. Burt Rosenberg. However, at the School of Construction, it was used as the main email application.
`The developmentofBill Fitler's webmail implementation was continued as a commercial product, which was announced andreleased for the
`World Wide Web1.0 by Lotusin the fall of 1995 as cc: Mail. Later the name of Webex has changed to EMUmail within DotShop. And, before the
`sale to AccuRev in 2001, it would be sold to companies like UPS and Rackspace. Hotmail and Four11's RocketMail becamevery popularafter they
`launched in 1996asfree services.
`In the 1990s, progress increased in the field of webmail, and it becamevery easy to have access to webmail by the 2000s because:
`© Webhosting providers like Verio and internet providerslike EarthLink started to include webmail into their service providing.
`© Manylarge corporations and universities began providing webmail in terms of accessing email to their user communities.
`© In order to as a free service to the general public, webmail service providers like Hotmail and RocketMail emerged in 1996 and rapidly
`In some cases, webmail application software is obtained from software companies as part of an integrated mail server package. Netscape
`Messaging Serveris an early example. In the 2010s, the sale of webmail application software has continued in the market.
`l-Youtube For Videos Join Our Youtube Channel: Join Now
`© Send your Feedback to
`Help Others, Please Share
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