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`Fully updated withthe latest
`technologies, terms, and acronyms
`Easyto read, expertly illustrated
`Definitive coverage of hardware,
`software, the Internet, and more!
`Page 1 of 12


`Microsoft Press
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Microsoft Computer Dictionary.--3th ed.
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`ISBN 0-7336-1493-4
`1. Computers--Dictionaries.
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`EE) meansoffinding outabout an unknowncomputerafter
`illegally gaining entry.
`browser n. See Web browser.
`browser box nm. See WebTV.
`browser CLUT a. A color look-up table consisting of the
`216 colors deemed safe when viewed with most Web
`browsers on most computer operating systems. See alsa
`CLUT, Web safe palette.
`BRSn. See big red switch.
`brush av. A tool used in paint programs to sketch or fill in
`areas of a drawing with the color and pattern currently in
`use. Paint programs that offer a variety of brush shapes
`can produce brushstrokes of varying width and, in some
`cases, shadowing or calligraphic effects.
`brute force adj. In general, any process that essentially
`involves “doing it the hard way.” In computer technology,
`however, brute force typically refers to a programming
`style that relies on the computer's processing power rather
`than on skill and planning to create or find a more elegant
`solution to a problem. Brute-force programming also
`ignores available information on how similar situations
`were handled in the past and might depend on outmoded
`design methodologies. For example, a program using
`brute force to crack passwords mighttry all the words in a
`dictionary (which would require huge amounts of comput-
`ing power). Instead, more elegant programming would
`involve using special rules, history,statistics, and other
`available techniques or information to limit the number
`and types of words to try first.
`BSD/OSa. A version of the UNIX operating system
`based on BSD UNIX and sold by Berkeley Software
`Design,Inc. See also BSD UNIX.
`BSD UNIX n. Acronym for Berkeley Software Distribu-
`tion UNIX. A UNIX version developed at the University
`of California at Berkeley, providing additional capabilities
`such as networking, extra peripheral support, and use of
`extended filenames. BSD UNIX was instrumental in gain-
`ing widespread acceptance of UNIX and in getting aca-
`demic institutions connected to the Internet. BSD UNIX is
`now being developed by Berkeley Software Design, Inc.
`Also called: Berkeley UNIX. See also BSD/OS, UNIX.
`BSOD n. See Blue Screen of Death.
`BSS a. See Basic Service Set.
`B-tree or btree n. A tree structure for storing database
`indexes. Each node in the tree contains a sorted list of key
`values and links that correspond to ranges of key values
`between the listed values. To find a specific data record
`given its key value, the program reads the first node, or
`root, from the disk and compares the desired key with the
`keys in the node to select a subrange of key values to
`search.It repeats the process with the node indicated by
`the corresponding link. At the lowest level, the links indi-
`cate the data records. The database system can thus rap-
`idly skip down through the levels of the tree structure to
`find the simple index entnes that contain the location of
`the desired records or rows. See the illustration.
` Simple
`Bree. A B-tree index structure.
`Pointers to data records (rows)

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`Code Red worm
`COBOL n. Acronym for Common Business-Oriented
`Language. A verbose, English-like compiled program-
`ming language developed between 1959 and 1961 and still
`in widespread use today, especially in business applica-
`tions typically run on mainframes. A COBOL program
`consists of an Identification Division, which specifies the
`name of the program and contains any other documenta-
`tion the programmer wants to add; an Environment Divi-
`sion, which specifies the computers being used and the
`files used in the program for input and output: a Data Divi-
`sion, which describes the format of the data structures
`used in the program; and a Procedure Division, which
`contains the procedures that dictate the actions of the pro-
`gram. See alse compiled language.
`cobweb site n. A Website that is far out ofdate. See alsa
`Cocoa a. A set of object-oriented development tools and
`interfaces available on Mac OS X. Cocoa containsa set of
`frameworks, software components, and development tools
`used to construct applications for Mac OS X and provides
`programming interfaces in Java and Objective-C. Cocoa is
`based on NeXT’s OpenStep and is integrated with Apple
`CODASYL a. Acronym for Conference on Data Systems
`Languages. An organization founded by the U.S. Depart-
`ment of Defense. CODASYLis dedicated to the develop-
`ment of data-management systems and languages, among
`them the widely used COBOL.
`code! n. 1. Program instructions. Source code consists of
`human-readable statements written by a programmer ina
`programming language. Machine code consists of numeri-
`cal instructions that the computer can recognize and execute
`and that were converted from source code. See also data,
`program. 2. A system of symbols used to convert informa-
`tion from one form to another. A code for converting infor-
`mation in order to conceal it is often called a cipher. 3. One
`of a set of symbols used to represent information.
`code? vb. To write program instructions in a program-
`ming language. See alse program.
`code access security n. A mechanism provided by the
`tuntime whereby managed code is granted permissions by
`security policy and these permissions are enforced, limit-
`ing what operations the code will be allowed to perform.
`To prevent unintended code paths from exposing a secu-
`rity vulnerability, all callers on the call stack must be
`granted the necessary permissions (possibly subject to
`overnde by assertion or denial).
`codec a. 1. Short for coder/decoder. Hardware that can
`convert audio or video signals between analog and digital
`forms. 2. Short for compressor/decompressor. Hardware
`or software that can compress and uncompress audio or
`video data. See alse compress*, uncompress. 3. Hardware
`that combines the functions of definitions | and 2.
`code conversion a. 1. The process of translating program
`instructions from one form into another. Code may be con-
`verted at the source-languagelevel (for example, from C to
`Pascal), at the hardware-platform level (for example, from
`working on the IBM PC to working on the Apple Macin-
`tosh), or at the language level (for example, from source
`code in C to machine code). See also code! (definition 1).
`2. The process of transforming data from one representa-
`tion to another, such as from ASCII to EBCDIC or from
`two's complement to binary-coded decimal.
`Code Division Multiple Access n. A form of multiplex-
`ing in which the transmitter encodes the signal, using a
`pseudo-random sequence that the receiver also knows and
`can use to decode the received signal. Each different ran-
`dom sequence corresponds to a different communication
`channel. Motorola uses Code Division Multiple Access
`for digital cellular phones. Acronym: CDMA.Also called:
`spread spectrum. See also multiplexing, transmitter.
`code page n. In MS-DOS versions 3.3 and later, a table
`that relates the binary character codes used by a program
`to keys on the keyboard or to the appearance of characters
`on the display. Code pages are a means of providing sup-
`port for character sets and keyboard layouts used in differ-
`ent countries. Devices such as the display and the
`keyboard can be configured to use a specific code page
`and to switch from one code page (such as United States)
`to another(such as Portugal) at the user's request.
`code profiler n. A tool designed to aid developers in
`identifying and eliminating the code inefficiencies that
`cause bottlenecks and degrade performance in their appli-
`cations. Code profilers analyze an executing application to
`determine both how long functions take to execute and
`how often they are called. Using a code profiler is a repet-
`itive process in that the tool must be reused after each sec-
`tion of inefficient code has been found and corrected.
`coder n. See programmer.
`Code Red worm a. A fast-spreading and pernicious
`Internet worm first discovered in mid-2001. The Code Red

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`Compressed SLIP
`Compressed SLIP vn. Short for Compressed Serial Line
`Internet Protocol. A version of SLIP using compressed
`Internet address information, thereby making the protocol
`faster than SLIP. Acronym: CSLIP. See also SLIP.
`2), integrated circuit, large-scale integration, very-large-
`scale integration.
`Table C.1 Ways to Categorize Computers
`compression n. See data compression.
`Mode of
`Computers can be classified as super-
`computers, mainframes, superminicom-
`puters, minicomputers, workstations,
`microcomputers, or PDAs. All other
`things (for example, the age of the
`machine) being equal, such a categoriza-
`tion provides some indication of the com-
`puter's speed, size, cost, and abilities.
`First-generation computers of historic
`significance, such as UNIVAC,intro-
`duced in the early 1950s, were based on
`vacuum tubes. Second-generation com-
`puters, appearing in the early 1960s,
`were those in which transistors replaced
`vacuum tubes. Third-generation comput-
`ers, dating from the 1960s, were those in
`which integrated circuits replaced tran-
`sistors. Fourth-generation computers,
`appearing in the mid-197Qs, are those,
`such as microcomputers, in which large-
`scale integration (LST) enabled thousands
`of circuits to be incorporated on one
`chip. Fifth-generation computers are
`expected to combine very-larze-scale
`integration (WLSI) with sophisticated
`approaches to computing, including arti-
`ficial intelligence and true distributed
`Computers are either analog or digital.
`Analog computers, generally used in sci-
`entific pursuits, represent values by con-
`tinuously variable signals that can have
`any of an infinite number of values
`within a limited range at any particular
`time. Digital computers, the type most
`people think of as computers, represent
`values by discrete signals—the bits rep-
`resenting the binary digits 0 and 1.
`compressor n. A device that limits some aspect of a
`transmitted signal, such as volume, in order to increase
`CompuServe vn. An online information service that is a
`subsidiary of America Online. CompuServe provides
`information and communications capabilities, including
`Internet access. It is primarily known for its technical sup-
`port forums for commercial hardware and software prod-
`ucts and for being one of the first large commercial online
`services. CompuServe also operates various private net-
`work services.
`computational intelligence n. The study of the design
`of intelligent agents whose reasoning is based on compu-
`tational methods. The central scientific goal of computa-
`tional intelligence is to understand the principles that
`make intelligent behavior possible, in natural or artificial
`systems. An intelligent agent is flexible to changing envi-
`ronments and changing goals—it learns from experience,
`and it makes appropriate choices given perceptual limita-
`tions and finite computation. The central engineering goal
`of computational intelligence is to specify methods for the
`design of useful, intelligent artifacts. See alse agents (def-
`inition 2), artificial intelligence, autonomousagent.
`computation-bound adj. Of. pertaining to, or characteris-
`tic of a situation in which the performance of a computer is
`limited by the number of arithmetic operations the micropro-
`cessor must perform. When a system is computation-bound,
`the microprocessor is overloaded with calculations. Also
`called: CPU-bound.
`compute vb. 1. To perform calculations. 2. To use a com-
`puter or cause it to do work.
`computer n. Any device capable of processing informa-
`tion to produce a desired result. No matter how large or
`small they are, computers typically perform their work in
`three well-defined steps: (1) accepting input, (2) process-
`ing the input according to predefined rules (programs),
`and (3) producing output. There are several ways to cate-
`fonze computers, including class (ranging from micro-
`computers to supercomputers), generation (first through
`fifth generation), and mode of processing (analog versus
`digital). See the table. See also analog, digital (definition
`computer-aided design a. See CAD.
`computer-aided design and drafting ». See CADD.
`computer-aided design,computer-aided
`manufacturing nm. See CAD/CAM.

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`for microcomputers based on Intel microprocessors. The
`first system, CP/M-80), was the most popular operating
`system for ROR(+ and 28(+based microcomputers. Digital
`Research also developed CP/M-86 for 8086/8088-hased
`computers, CP/M-28000 for Zilog 7800(+based comput-
`ers, and CP/M-68K for Motorola 6800(+based computers.
`When the IBM PC and MS-DOS were introduced, com-
`mon use ofCP/M by end users dwindled. DRI continues to
`enhance the CP/M line, supporting multitasking with the
`Concurrent CP/M and MP/M products. See alse MP/M.
`CPM n. See critical path method.
`CPRM n. Acronym for Content Protection for Record-
`able Media. Technology developed to control the use of
`copyrighted digital music and video material by blocking
`the transferofprotected files to portable media such as zip
`disks and smart cards. CPRM would be added to storage
`devices and provide data scrambling and identification
`codes to block the copying ofcopyrighted files.
`6pé n. See characters per second.
`CPSR n. Acronym for Computer Professionals for Social
`Responsibility. A public advocacy organization ofcom-
`puter professionals. CPSR was originally formed out of
`concer over the use ofcomputer technology for military
`purposes but has extended tts interest to such issues as
`civil liberties and the effect ofcomputers on workers.
`PU #. Acronym for central processing unit. The compu-
`tational and control unit ofa computer. The CPU is the
`device that interprets and executes instructions. Main-
`frames and carly minicomputers contained circuit boards
`full of integrated circuits that implemented the CPU. Ain-
`gle-chip central processing units, called microprocessors,
`made possible personal computers and workstatrons.
`Examples ofsingle-chip CPUs are the Motorola 68000,
`6RO20, and 68030 chips and the Intel R080, S086, BO286,
`40386, and M486 chips. The CPU—or microprocessor, in
`the case ofa microcomputer—has the ability to fetch,
`decode, and execute instructions and to transfer informa-
`tion to and from other resources over the computer's main
`data-transfer path, the bus. By definition, the CPU is the
`chip that functions as the “brain” ofa computer. In some
`instances, however, the term encompasses both the proces-
`sor and the computer's memory or, even more broadly, the
`main computer console (as opposed to penpheral equip-
`ment). See the illustration. See also microprocessor.
`CPU cache «A section of fast memory linking the CPU
`{central processing unit) and main memory that tempo-
`rarily stores data and instructions the CPU needs to exe-
`faster than main memory, the CPU cache contains data
`that is transferred in blocks, thereby speeding execution.
`The system anticipates the data it will need through algo-
`rithms. Also called: cache memory, memory cache. See
`alse cache, CPU, VCACHE.
`CPU cycle n. 1. The smallest unit oftime recognized by
`the CPU (central processing unit}—typically a few hun-
`dred-millionths of a second. 2. The time required for the
`CPU to perform the simplest instruction, such as fetching
`the contents of a registeror performing a no-operation
`instruction (NOP). Alse called: clock tick.
`CPU fan n. An electric fan usually placed directly on a
`CPU (central processing unit) oron the CPU's beat sink to
`help dissipate heat from the chip by circulating air around
`it. See also CPL, beat sink.
`CPU speed n. A relative measure ofthe data-processing
`capacity of a particular CPU (central processing unit),
`usually measured in megahertz. See alse CPU.
`CPU time ny. In multiprocessing, the amount oftime dur-
`ing which a particular process has activecontrol ofthe CPU
`(central processing unit). fee also CPU, multiprocessing.
`CR nn. See carriage retum.
`efack vb. 1. To gain unauthorized access to a network by
`breachingits secunty. 2. To decipher encrypted information.
`eracker n. A person who overcomes the security mea-
`sures ofa computer system and gains unauthorized access.
`The goal of some crackers is to obtain information ille-

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`MFC n. See Microsoft Foundation Classes.
`MFLOPSa. Acronym for million floating-point opera-
`tions per second. A measure of computing speed. Also
`called: megaflops.
`MFM encoding n. See modified frequency modulation
`MFP x. See multifunction peripheral.
`MFS a. See Macintosh File System.
`meget a. Short for multiple get. A command in most FTP
`clients with which a user can request the transfer of sev-
`eral files at once. See also FTP! (definition 1).
`MHTML n. Acronym for Multipurpose Internet Mail
`Extension Hypertext Markup Language, or MIME
`HTML. A standard method for sending an HTML docu-
`ment encapsulated with inline graphics, applets, linked
`documents, and other items referred to in the HTML docu-
`ment. See also HTML, MIME.
`MHz n. See megahertz.
`MIn. See multiple inheritance.
`MIB n. See Management Information Base.
`mickey nv. A unit of measure for mouse movement. One
`mickey is typically equal to 1/200" of an inch.
`MICR a. See magnetic-ink character recognition.
`micro- prefix 1. In nonexact measurements, small or com-
`pact, as in microprocessor or microcomputer. 2. Metric
`prefix meaning |0-* (one millionth).
`microbrowser a. An application for mobile phones that
`allows users to access the Intemet to send and receive e-mail
`and browse the Web. Microbrowsers don’t have the full
`functionality of a Web browser on a PC. For instance, micro-
`browsers are capable of loading only stripped-downtext ver-
`sions ofWeb pages. Most microbrowser products are built to
`utilize the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) standard.
`See alse Wireless Application Protocol.
`microcapsule n. In an electronic paper display, millions
`of tiny beadsfilled with dark dye and light pigmentthat, in
`response to an electrical charge, change color to create
`images and text. See also electronic paper.
`Micro Channel Architecture a. The design of the bus in
`IBM PS/2 cosmputers (except Models 25 and 30). The
`Micro Channelis electrically and physically incompatible
`with the IBM PC/AT bus. Unlike the PC/AT bus, the
`Micro Channel functions as either a 16-bit or a 32-bit bus.
`The Micro Channelalso can be driven independently by
`multiple bus master processors.
`microchip a. See integrated circuit.
`microcireult a. A miniaturized electronic circuit etched
`ona semiconductor chip. A microcircuit is made up of
`interconnected transistors, resistors, and other compo-
`nents. However,it is fabricated as a unit, rather than as a
`set of vacuum tubes, discrete transistors, or other elements
`that have to be wired together. See also integrated circuit.
`microcode nv. Very low-level code that defines how a pro-
`cessor operates. Microcode is even lower in level than
`machine code; it specifies what the processor does whenit
`executes a machine-code instruction. See also machine
`code, microprogramming.
`microcomputer a. A computerbuilt around a single-chip
`microprocessor. Less powerful than minicomputers and
`mainframes, microcomputers have nevertheless evolved
`into very powerful machines capable of complex tasks.
`Technology has progressed so quickly that state-of-the-art
`microcomputers—essentially, in today’s terms, a desktop
`PC—are as powerful as mainframe computers of only a
`few years ago, al a fraction of the cost. See also computer.
`microcontent ». Short pieces of text on a Web page that
`help provide an overview ofthe page's contents. Micro-
`content introduces, summarizes, or enhances the macro-
`content of a Web page, and includes headings, page titles,
`ALTtext, links, and subheads. Compare macrocontent.
`microcontroller m. A special-purpose, single-chip com-
`puter designed and built to handle a particular, narrowly
`defined task. In addition to the central processing unit
`(CPU), a microcontroller usually contains its own mem-
`ory, input/output channels (ports), and timers. When part
`ofa larger piece of equipment, such as a car or a home
`appliance, a microcontroller is an embedded system. See
`alse embedded system.
`microdisplay #. A tiny monitor screen that provides a
`full-size view when magnified. Microdisplays work by
`magnifying a screen as small as one-tenth of an inch to fill
`the user's field of vision. Microdisplays may be used with
`computers, DVD players, or handheld devices. in headsets
`and viewfinders, or anywhere a full-size monitor is
`impractical or undesirable.
`Microdrive a. A 1-inch disk drive, introduced in 1998 by
`IBM. The Microdrive is designed for use in handheld

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`Prodigy Information Service
`program file
`nications. The addition of SBC'sInternet customer base
`made Prodigy the third largest [SP in the United States.
`Profiles for Open Systems Internetworking
`Technology a. See POSIT.
`Prodigy Information Service #. An online information
`service founded by IBM and Sears. Like its competitors
`America Online and CompuServe, Prodigy offers access
`to databases andfile libraries, online chat, special interest
`groups, e-mail, and Internet connectivity. Also called:
`product n. 1. An operator in the relational algebra used in
`database management that, when applied to two existing
`relations (tables), results in the creation of a new table
`containing all possible ordered concatenations (combina-
`tions) of tuples (rows) from the first relation with tuples
`from the second. The number of rows in the resulting rela-
`tion is the product of the number of rows in the two source
`relations. Also called: Cartesian product. Compare inner
`join. 2. In mathematics, the result of multiplying two or
`more numbers. 3. In the most general sense, an entity con-
`ceived and developed for the purpose of competing ina
`commercial market. Although computers are products, the
`term is more commonly applied to software, peripherals,
`and accessones in the computing arena.
`production system a. In expert systems, an approach to
`problem solving based on an “IF this, THEN that”
`approach that uses a set of rules, a database of informa-
`tion, and a “rule interpreter” to match premises with facts
`and form a conclusion. Production systems are also known
`as Tule-based systems or inference systems. See also
`expert system.
`Professional Graphics Adapter na. A video adapter
`introduced by IBM,primarily for CAD applications. The
`Professional Graphics Adapter is capable of displaying
`256 colors, with a horizontal resolution of 640 pixels and a
`vertical resolution of 480 pixels. Acronym: PGA.
`Professional Graphics Display a. An analog display
`introduced by IBM,intended for use with their Profes-
`sional Graphics Adapter. See also Professional Graphics
`profile? n. See user profile.
`profile? yb, To analyze a program to determine how
`much time is spent in different parts of the program dur-
`ing execution.
`profiler a. A diagnostic tool for analyzing the run-time
`behavior of programs.
`program? n. A sequence of instructions that can be exe-
`cuted by a computer. The term can refer to the original
`source code or to the executable (machine language) ver-
`sion. Also called: software. See also program creation,
`routine, statement.
`program? vb. To create a computer program, a set of
`instructions that a computer or other device executes to
`perform a series of actions or a particular type of work.
`program button n. On a handheld device, a navigation
`control that is pressed to launch an application. Alsa
`called: application button.
`program card vn. See PC Card, ROM card.
`program cartridge n. See ROM cartridge.
`program comprehension tool n. A software engineer-
`ing tool that facilitates the process of understanding the
`structure and/or functionality of computer applications.
`Acronym: PCT. Alse called: software exploration tool.
`program counter nv. A register (small, high-speed mem-
`ory circuit within a microprocessor) that contains the
`address (location) of the instruction to be executed next in
`the program sequence.
`program creation n. The process of producing an exe-
`cutable file. Traditionally, program creation comprises
`three steps: (1) compiling the high-level source code into
`assembly language source code; (2) assembling the
`assembly language source code into machine-code object
`files; and (3) linking the machine-code objectfiles with
`various data files, run-time files, and library files into an
`executable file. Some compilers go directly from high-
`level source to machine-code object, and some integrated
`development environments compress all three steps into a
`single command. See also assembler, compiler (definition
`2), linker, program.
`program encapsulation nv. A method ofdealing with
`programs with Year 2000 problems that entailed modify-
`ing the data with which a program worked. The input data
`is modified to reflect a parallel date in the past that the
`program can handle. When outputis generated,that data is
`changed again, to reflect the correct date. The program
`itself remains unchanged.
`program file #. A disk file that contains the executable
`portions of a computer program. Depending on its size and

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`Hogin# n. 1. A protocol used to log in to a networked com-
`puter in which the local system automatically supplies the
`user's login name. See alse communications protocol,
`logon. Compare telnet]. 2. A UNTX command in BSD
`UNIX that enables a user to log in to a remote computer on
`anetwork using the rlogin protocol. See also BSD UNIX.
`dogin? vb. To connect to a networked computerusing the
`fogin protocol.
`RLSD a. Acronym for Received Line Signal Detect.
`See DCD.
`RMIIOP nv. Acronym for Remote Method Invocation
`over Internet Inter-ORB Protocol. A subsystem of the
`Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE). It provides the
`ability to write CORBA applications for the Java platform
`without learning the CORBA Interface Definition Lan-
`guage (IDL). RMI-IOP includes the full functionality of a
`CORBA Object Request Broker and allows the program-
`ming of CORBA servers and applications via the RMI
`application programming interface (API). RMI-IDOP is
`useful for developers using Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs),
`since the remote object model for an EJB is RMI-based.
`Also called: RMI over IIOP. See also CORBA, Enterprise
`JavaBeans, J2EE.
`RMM 2. See real-mode mapper.
`RMON nr. Acronym for remote monitoring or remote net-
`work monitoring. A protocol that enables network infor-
`mation to be monitored and analyzed al a central site. The
`nine Management information bases (MIBs) defined by
`RMONprovidestatistics about network traffic. See also
`MIB. Compare SNMP.
`roaming user profile n. A server-based user profile that is
`downloaded to the local computer when a user logs on; itis
`updated both locally and on the server when the user logs
`off. A roaming user profile is available from the server
`when logging on to a workstation or server computer. When
`logging on, the user can use the local user profile if it is
`more current than the copy on the server. See also local user
`profile, mandatory user profile, user profile.
`robopost vb. To post articles to newsgroups automati-
`cally, usually by means of a bot. See also bot (definition
`3), Rewsgroup, post.
`robot n. 1. A machine that can sense and react to input
`and cause changes in its surroundings with some degree of
`intelligence, ideally without human supervision. Although
`robots are often designed to mimic human movements in
`carrying out their work, they are seldom humanlike in
`appearance. Robots are commonly used in manufacturing
`products such as automobiles and computers. See alsa
`robotics. 2. See bot, spider.
`robotics n. The branch of engineering devoted to the cre-
`ation and training of robots. Roboticists work within a
`wide range of fields, such as mechanical and electronic
`engineering, cybernetics, bionics, and artificial intelli-
`gence, all toward the end of endowing their creations with
`as much sensory awareness, physical dexterity, indepen-
`dence, and flexibility as possible. See also artificial intelli-
`gence, bionics, cybemetics.
`robust adj. Able to function or to continue functioning
`well in unexpected situations.
`ROFL a». Acronym for rolling on the floor, laughing. An
`expression, used mostly in newsgroups and online confer-
`ences, to indicate one’s appreciation of a joke or other
`humorous circumstance. Alse called: ROTFL.
`role-playing game a. A game that is played on line, such
`as MUD,in which participants take on the identities of
`characters who interact with each other. These games
`often have a fantasy or science fiction setting and a set of
`rules that all players need to follow. Role-playing games
`may be similar to adventure games in terms of story line,
`but also feature management and decision making for the
`character assumed during the course of the game. Acre-
`aye: RPG. See alse MUD. Compare adventure game.
`rollback va. 1. A return to a previous stable condition, as
`when the contents of a hard disk are restored from a
`backup after a destructive hard disk error. 2. The point in
`an online transaction whenall updates to any databases
`involved in the transaction are reversed.
`rollover n. See Year 2000 rollover.
`ROM n. 1. Acronym for read-only memory. A semicon-
`ductor circuit into which code or data is permanently
`installed by the manufacturing process. The use of this tech-
`nology is economically viable only if the chips are pro-
`duced in large quantities; experimental designs or small
`volumes are best handled using PROM or EPROM.
`2, Acronym for read-only memory. Any

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