I 1111111111111111 1111111111 111111111111111 11111 1111111111 111111111111111111
`c12) United States Patent
`(IO) Patent No.: US 10,292,011 B2
`(45) Date of Patent:
`May 14, 2019
`(71) Applicant: William J. Johnson, Flower Mound,
`TX (US)
`Inventor: William J. Johnson, Flower Mound,
`TX (US)
`( *) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term ofthis
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by O days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 16/147,532
`(22) Filed:
`Sep. 28, 2018
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2019/0037354 Al
`Jan. 31, 2019
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(63) Continuation of application No. 15/218,039, filed on
`Jul. 24, 2016, now Pat. No. 10,111,034, which is a
`continuation of application No. 14/752,945, filed on
`Jun. 28, 2015, now Pat. No. 9,456,303, which is a
`continuation of application No. 13/972,125, filed on
`Aug. 21, 2013, now Pat. No. 9,078,095, which is a
`Int. Cl.
`H04M 11104
`H04M 3/42
`H04W 4102
`H04H 20116
`H04L 12124
`H04L 12126
`H04L 29108
`H04W 40120
`H04W 40124
`H04W 12106
`G06Q 10/08
`G06Q 30/06
`U.S. Cl.
`CPC ............ H04W 41023 (2013.01); H04H 20116
`(2013.01); H04L 4110816 (2013.01); H04L
`43116 (2013.01); H04L 671104 (2013.01);
`H04W 4102 (2013.01); H04W 12106
`(2013.01); H04W 40120 (2013.01); H04W
`401244 (2013.01); H04W 64100 (2013.01);
`G06Q 10/087 (2013.01); G06Q 10/0833
`(2013.01); G06Q 30/0633 (2013.01)
`Field of Classification Search
`CPC ....... H04W 4/02; H04W 64/00; H04W 4/023;
`H04W 12/06; H04W 40/20; H04W
`40/244; H04W 92/18; H04W 4/21; H04W
`4/50; H04W 4/80; H04W 68/005; H04W
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`6,427,115 Bl*
`2001/0022558 Al*
`7/2002 Sekiyama
`G0lC 21/3688
`9/2001 Karr, Jr ................... G0lS 1/026
`Primary Examiner - Liton Miah
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm - Yudell Isidore PLLC
`Mobile data processing Systems (MSs) interact with systems
`in their vicinity, and with each other, in communications and
`interoperability. Information transmitted inbound to, trans(cid:173)
`mitted outbound from, is in process at, or is application
`modified at a mobile data processing system triggers pro(cid:173)
`cessing of actions in accordance with user configurations,
`for example to present content to a user. The locatable
`network of MSs is referred to as a Location-Network
`20 Claims, 322 Drawing Sheets
`START - Thread for
`Antenna locate MS when
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 1 of 550


`US 10,292,011 B2
`Page 2
`Related U.S. Application Data
`continuation of application No. 12/590,831, filed on
`Nov. 13, 2009, now Pat. No. 8,634,796, which is a
`continuation-in-part of application No. 12/287,064,
`filed on Oct. 3, 2008, now Pat. No. 8,639,267, which
`is a continuation-in-part of application No. 12/077,
`041, filed on Mar. 14, 2008, now Pat. No. 8,600,341.
`References Cited
`2007 /0244633 Al * 10/2007 Phillips .
`2004/0252051 Al* 12/2004 Johnson .............. G06F 17/3087
`G08B 21/0236
`2007/0281716 Al* 12/2007 Altman ................... H04L 51/20
`* cited by examiner
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 2 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 1 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`2 MS
`4 LBX Character
`Peer Interaction Processing Code
`P~~r Interaction :rocl essing ~;ta
`Service Directory
`Self Management Processing Code
`Self Management Processing Data
`Queue Queue
`Informant History
`32 Other Character
`Other Processing Code
`Other Processing Data
`Other Resources
`Fig. 1A
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 3 of 550


`U.S. P a t e n t
`U.S. Patent
`M a y 14, 2019
`May14, 2019
`Sheet 2 o f 322
`Sheet 2 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`US 10,292,011 B2
`, - - 4 0
`-- . . . . . ' .
`. . . . . . . . .
`-- . . . . . . .
`. . . . . . .
`. . . . . . . '
`. . . . . . . ' .
`. . . . . . . . .
`. . . . . . . . .
`. . . . . . . . .
`. . . . . . . . .
`.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·. 2



`:::::::::::::::: ::



`- - + - - ; - ~ .


`. · . · . · . · . · . · . - . · · .
`. · . · . · . · . · . · . · . · · .
`. ·.·.·.·.-.·.·.· · .
`· . · . · . - . - . · . · . · ·.
`· . · . · . · . · . · . - _ · ·.
`·.·.·.·.-_-_-_. · .
`. . -- . . . . .
`. . . . . . .
`~~. 2
`. . . . . . . . .
`. . . ·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.
`·.-.-.·.-.·.·.·.·.· . .
`:-: : : :.: :-: : : . ·
`l. · · · · · · · · · · • . L - - - ~ > •
`• 2
`. . . . . . . . . . .
`Fig. 1B
`Fig. 1B
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 4 of 550
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 4 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 3 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`MS 1
`■ ■
`Fig. 1C
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 5 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 4 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`• 1
`,- 50
`Main Memory
`Persistent Storage
`Removable Storage
`- Storage Unit
`Other Data -
`Display Device
`Input Peripheral
`Output Peripheral
`Fig. 1D
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 6 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 5 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`1.r108a 1
`} tlOG}
`Fig. 1E
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 7 of 550


`U.S. P a t e n t
`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`May14, 2019
`Sheet 6 o f 322
`Sheet 6 of 322
`V S 10,292,011 B2
`US 10,292,011 B2
`Fig. 1 F
`Fig. 1F
`Exhibit 1001
`Page8 of 550
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 8 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 7 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`Fig. 2A
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 9 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`14, 2019
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 8 of 322
`Sheet 8 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`Fig. 2B
`Fig. 2B
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 10 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 9 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`' ' ' ' ' ' u200
`Fig. 2C
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 11 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 10 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`START - Thread for
`Antenna locate MS when
`detected in range
`Authenticated MS
`signal detected
`Respond back asap to
`MS with current
`antenna whereabouts
`MS completes a
`whereabouts data
`Prepare parameters
`Whereabouts Data
`( .... __ s_T_o_P_r_2_),,,2
`Fig. 2D
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 12 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 11 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`itself relative antenna
`Authenticated antenna
`signal detected
`Send request and wait
`for response
`MS completes a
`whereabouts data
`Prepare parameters
`Whereabouts Data
`Fig. 2E
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 13 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 12 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`START - Whereabouts
`data insertion
`Determine params 4
`WDR, obsolete Q
`entries, & supervis
`______ J:2.ZJ
`Peek queue for most
`recent highest
`confidence WDR for
`this MS whereabouts
`Update DLMV if new ---
`role to be added
`I _____ _r:289
`I Update WDR info
`MS thread inserts
`whereabouts data
`record to queue
`MS thread discards
`obsolete location
`queue record(s)
`Update supervisory
`Set L WT to WDR field
`~ - -~
`11 00b for insertion
`Fig. 2F
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 14 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 13 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`' ,
`I 3200
`Fig. 3A
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 15 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 14 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`Appropriately prune
`location history data
`for MS
`Determine heading
`based on current
`versus previous
`Complete service side
`location history data;
`Notify supervisory svc
`if a
`· ble
`Communicate WDR
`info to MS
`MS completes its
`Prepare parameters
`MS invokes
`Whereabouts Data
`START - Service
`locating MS
`Nearest base stations
`continue pulse
`reporting signal
`strength w/ AOA or
`heterogeneously with
`both AOA and TDOA
`Controller( s)
`determines strongest
`signal base stations
`information accessed
`for strongest base
`sta i s
`TDOA or AOA or
`heterogeneously both
`AOA and TDOA of
`strongest signal base
`stations used to
`calculate location of
`Access location
`history data of
`previous location( s)
`Fig. 3B
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 16 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 15 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`Determine direction
`based on current
`versus previous
`Complete WDR
`Prepare parameters
`Whereabouts Data
`START - MS locating)
`- I
`Device continues
`receiving pulse
`reporting signals from
`nearest stations for
`AOA or TDOA or
`heterogeneously AOA
`and TDOA
`MS determines
`strongest signals
`MS parses station
`location information
`from pulse message
`AOA or TDOA or
`heterogeneously both
`TDOA and AOA of
`strongest signals used
`to calculate location of
`Access location
`history data of
`previous location
`Appropriately prune
`location history data
`Fig. 3C
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 17 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`May14, 2019
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 16 of 322
`Sheet 16 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`US 10,292,011 B2
`Fig. 4A
`Fig. 4A
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 18 of 550
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 18 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 17 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`START - GPS locator
`Initialize to GPS
`New location
`determined upon
`strongest satellite
`signals with params
`Calculate location
`Complete WDR
`Prepare parameters
`Whereabouts Data
`Fig. 4B
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 19 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 18 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`✓ 504a
`✓ 504b
`Fig. SA
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 20 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 19 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`START - Determine)
`MS location
`Cell controller emits
`Receiving system
`phase modulates
`unique MS id onto
`return signal
`Cell controller
`determines antennas
`in closest range of
`returned signal
`Cell controller extracts
`the MS id from return
`Cell controller
`determines distances,
`AOA, or
`heterogeneously both
`distances AND AOA of
`unique id from closest
`X antennas
`1 522
`Cell controller locates
`MS by registration grid
`__,. Calculate location
`, ,
`Access MS location
`history of prev
`Appropriately prune
`history data;
`Determine heading
`based on previous
`Complete service side
`Append entry to
`location history data;
`Notify supervisory
`service if applicable
`Communicate WDR to
`MS completes its
`Prepare parameters
`MS invokes
`Whereabouts data
`Fig. 5B
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 21 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 20 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`ST ART - Physically or
`logically connected
`locating by service
`MS is physically
`plugged into network
`or logically connected
`Communicate WDR to
`MS completes its
`MS accesses service
`Prepare parameters
`MS invokes
`Whereabouts Data
`Service accesses
`location history data
`which contains
`network address for
`loc/dir info
`Appropriately prune
`location history data;
`Determine heading/
`travel to previous
`Complete service side
`Append entry to
`location history data;
`Notify supervisory
`service if applicable
`Fig. 6A
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 22 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 21 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`START - Physically or
`logically connected
`locating by MS
`MS is physically
`plugged into network
`or logically connected
`MS accesses service;
`MS receives ack for
`being connected
`MS requests
`whereabouts info via
`service and waits for
`MS completes its
`Prepare parameters
`MS invokes
`Whereabouts Data
`Fig. 6B
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 23 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 22 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`1---- - - - --F 708
`: IV
`I ~2001
`L ________ I
`Fig. 7A
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 24 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 23 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`g 7 1 2
`• •
`710a ~ 7 1 0 b
`I •
`Fig. 7B
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 25 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 24 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`Fig. 7C
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 26 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 25 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`ST ART - Graphical
`thread locating
`Initialize pattern/symbol(s)/
`object(s) location recognition
`Get next snapshot;
`wait if necessary
`Detect pattern/
`symbol(s)/ object(s)
`within field of view
`Calculate WDR
`information for
`Notify supervisory svc
`if applicable
`Communicate WDR
`information to MS(s)
`Prepare parameters
`MS completes its
`MS invokes
`Whereabouts Data
`Fig. 7D
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 27 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`May14, 2019
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 26 of 322
`Sheet 26 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`US 10,292,011 B2
`Fig. BA
`Fig. 8A
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 28 of 550
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 28 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 27 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`TART - Thread for
`locating by physically
`Sample set as input
`for recognition
`Database is accessed
`for match
`Determine WDR
`Update supervisory
`service if applicable
`Communicate WDR
`information to MS
`MS completes its
`Prepare parameters
`Whereabouts Data
`Save data for
`unrecognized entity
`Fig. BB
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 29 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 28 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`ST ART - User specifies
`whereabouts info
`User continues
`interfacing to MS until
`action that is handled
`User interfaces for
`specifying his WDR
`MS completes its
`WDR information
`Prepare parameters
`MS invokes
`Whereabouts Data
`MS locates itself
`MS emits where am I
`broadcast soliciting
`response (may
`Handle user interface
`action appropriately
`Terminate interface
`error to user
`Fig. BC
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 30 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 29 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`Graphic-Pattern(s) C
`Graphic-Distances C
`Graphic-Triangulate C
`Cell Range
`Cell MPT
`Antenna Range C'
`I 5 i
`Client LogIcaI
`server LogIcaI
`Client Physical
`-server Physical C
`Sound/Acoustics C
`Antenna TDOA
`LI DAR/optics
`Microdot/ RFI
`MS (id 0A12:43EF:985B:Cl12F)
`· -
`· -
`Fig. 9A
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 31 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 30 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`START - Heterogeneous
`Process a plurality of
`params using different
`location methods
`locate the MS using
`different location
`params in conjunction
`with each other
`Communicate WDR
`information to MS
`MS completes its
`Prepare parameters
`MS invokes
`Whereabouts Data
`Fig. 9B
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 32 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 31 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`· ' , ,

`IY 2
`: 1JY1ooob
`IV 1000i
`fn If 1 OOOj
`Fig. 10A
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 33 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 32 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`I,\ .,ooob
`' \ ' '~.•·•, 1000c
`200e 1lliillJ
`. . 1000f
`Fig. 10B
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 34 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 33 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`200e w1000c
`Fig. 10C
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 35 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 34 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`~ -- -i1illf
`Fig. 10D
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 36 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 35 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`. . 200a
`. . 200b
`. . 200d
`IY- 1000c
`_ _ _ _
`' , .·.·.·.·.·.·.
`- - - -1-m
`:·f7 .. :·:·:··.:·::·:
`Fig. 10E
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 37 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 36 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`~ w1000c
`Fig. 10F
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 38 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 37 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`Fig. 10G
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 39 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 38 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`fnl 1 1000b
`I V-1000e
`ll 1r1oooc
`m===ffif 1 OOOh
`Fig. 10H
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 40 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 39 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`I 1050
`[ml 1 200b
`ll w1000c
`Fig. 10/
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 41 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 40 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`- r
`r -
`Fig. 11A
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 42 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 41 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`Fig. 11B
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 43 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 42 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`Fig. 11C
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 44 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 43 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`Fig. 11D
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 45 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 44 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`. . .
`I . .
`' .
`Fig. 11E
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 46 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 45 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`Create semaphore(s)
`Enable appropriate
`role(s) thread(s)
`Initialize enumerated
`process set [1952,
`1932, 1912, 1942,
`1922, 1902]
`Get next (or first)
`enumerated set
`element P
`Spawn process and
`save PIO (e.g. 19xx-
`Initialize BIOS
`Complete other
`character initialization
`Initialize NTP
`1212----.... - - - -
`Create shared
`Initialize persistent
`Initialize non(cid:173)
`persistent data
`Create queue(s)
`Complete LBX
`character initialization
`Initialize enabled
`role(s) appropriately
`Fig. 12
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 47 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 46 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`' .
`' .
`. .
`1308 \..:
`....... - ...
`Fig. 13A
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 48 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 47 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`. .
`.. ·"\..1306
`.... - .........
`.. - - ....
`/ -.. ----
`1308 \... · .
`.. . .. - - ..
`... . - -
`Fig. 13B
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 49 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 48 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`. I
`........... - ....
`............ - ..
`"' - ........
`1318 \..'
`.. - ....
`·. \...1320:
`.'\ ... 1322
`.. - ..... -
`- ..... - - ..
`.. ·\___1316
`Fig. 13C
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 50 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 49 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`Configure ILM role(s)
`Configure NTP use
`Maintain WDR queue
`Interface with user for
`which 19xx process
`Prepare parameters
`Invoke process
`terminator (19xx,
`error to user
`Fig. 14A
`Terminate interface
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 51 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 50 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`Prepare parameters
`Invoke Configure
`Configure service
`Configure permissions
`Configure charters
`Configure statistics
`Configure service
`Maintain LBX history
`Handle other action
`Fig. 14B
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 52 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 51 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`, - 1412
`START - Configure
`OLM role(s)
`Access marked list of
`possible MS OLM
`error to
`Save current OLMV
`Manage List
`~ - . . . . . . . i
`Handle role changes
`Fig. 15A
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 53 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 52 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`, - - 1416
`START - Configure
`ILM role(s)
`Access marked list of
`possible MS I LM
`error to
`Save current ILMV
`Manage List
`Handle role changes
`Fig. 15B
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 54 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 53 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`Present (scrollable if
`necessary) list of
`marked entries with
`appropriate highlight
`(enabled (i.e. marked)
`= highlighted, disabled
`= not highlighted)
`Wait for user action
`Mark list entry (save)
`--:::.----......i as enabled (will be
`Mark list entry (save)
`~---~as disabled (will not be
`Handle other user
`action appropriately
`Fig. 15C
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 55 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 54 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`START - NTP use
`Access current
`NTP setting
`Present NTP setting
`(enabled or disabled)
`with options
`Wait for user action
`Handle user action
`, - 1420
`Terminate NTP
`Set NTP use to
`,--_______ 1_61....._8
`Access known NTP
`server(s) addresses
`Ping each server with
`error to
`Initialize NTP
`Set NTP use to
`Fig. 16
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 56 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 55 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`ST ART - Maintain
`Present (scrollable if
`necessary) list of
`WDRs of queue 22
`Wait for user action
`error to
`Discard selected WDR
`from queue 22
`Interface with user to
`modify a validated
`Interface with user to
`add to Q 22 a
`validated WDR
`Nicely format WDR for
`easy reading; Wait for
`exit user action
`Handle other user
`action appropriately
`Fig. 17
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 57 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 56 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`START - Configure
`Determine params for
`current value (passed
`by reference) and
`validity criteria
`Present setting to user
`Wait for user action
`Interface with user for
`validated value using
`.;,r------11"'1 validity criteria; Save
`validated value to
`Handle other user
`action appropriately
`Fig. 18
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 58 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 57 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`, , - -~ 2 6
`I 1912'--
`1948 ""\ _I
`'1 1956
`.,,,,,, ,,,,, ---
`1928 ~ Determination
`) __ T_hr_e_ad __ (s __ )_,
`1990 1936
`- - - - - - - - -Y -~ 2 4
`Fig. 19
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 59 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 58 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`Decrement 1902-Ct
`START - MS whereabouts
`broadcast ( 1902) thread
`Increment 1902-Ct
`Peek WDR queue for
`termination entry
`Sleep SPTP
`Peek WDR queue for
`greatest confidence
`and most recent WDR
`with MS ID = this MS,
`confidence >=
`confidence floor, NTP
`enabled date/time
`stamp within timely
`time period
`Prepare WDR for
`- __J;.2Q15
`Broadcast WDR
`Fig. 20
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 60 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 59 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`START - MS whereabouts
`collection (1912) thread
`Invoke Prune
`Queues (WDR)
`Retrieve next WDR
`info record
`_____ _c2111
`Set Field 11 00b
`appropriately; Adjust
`Peek CR queue
`record for matching
`Build TR queue entry
`for thread 1932 start
`Set TDOA info in
`location reference field
`Access ILMV
`Build TR queue entry
`for thread 1952 start
`Insert to TR queue
`Fig. 21
`Prepare parameters
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 61 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 60 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`START - MS whereabouts
`supervisor (1922) thread
`Increment 1922-Ct
`Sleep f(WTV)
`Invoke Prune
`Queues (CR)
`Peek WDR queue for
`termination entry
`Peek WDR queue for
`greatest confidence
`WDR with MS ID =
`this MS, confidence
`>= confidence floor,
`date/time stamp within
`f(WTV) time period
`Insert to TR queue
`Fig. 22
`Decrement 1922-Ct
`Build WDR request
`Build CR entry
`Insert to CR queue
`Broadcast request
`Build TR queue entry
`for thread 1952 start
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 62 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 61 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`START - MS timing
`determination (1932) thread
`Increment 1932-Ct
`Invoke Prune
`Queues (CR)
`Retrieve next 1932 TR
`Decrement 1932-Ct
`Build WDR request for
`targeted MS ID
`Generate correlation
`for CR queue entry
`Set stake date/time in
`CR queue entry
`Build WDR request for
`Insert to CR queue
`Send/broadcast WDR
`Fig. 23
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 63 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 62 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`, - - 2400
`~ _____ ~ATA ______ [2400b
`Fig. 24A
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 64 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 63 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`~ 2450
`___________________ __,
`t---------C-O_R_R_E-LA_T_I_O_N ______ __,r245ob
`Fig. 24B
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 65 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 64 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`~ 2490
`~ -
`- C~M~N~R~C.:_ -
`Fig. 24C
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 66 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 65 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`TART - WDR request ( 1942
`Increment 1942-Ct
`Decrement 1942-Ct
`Retrieve next WDR
`Peek WDR queue for
`WDR with this MS ID,
`confidence >
`confidence floor, most
`recent date/time within
`timely time period
`Complete WDR for
`- __c25.15
`Fig. 25
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 67 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 66 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`START - MS Whereabouts
`determination (1952) thread
`Decrement 1952-Ct
`Invoke Prune
`Queues (WDR)
`Retrieve next TR entry
`Peek WDR queue for
`this MS with highest
`confidence > floor and
`most recent date/time
`in last f(WTV) time
`Prepare parameters
`Whereabouts Data
`Determine new
`highest confidence
`WDR for this MS
`Fig. 26A
`Exhibit 1001
`Page 68 of 550


`U.S. Patent
`May 14, 2019
`Sheet 67 of 322
`US 10,292,011 B2
`2600 ~
`Access field 11 00f
`ST ART - Determi
`BESTWDR = null;
`THIS_MS list= null;
`REMOTE_MS list =
`Insert appropriate
`WDR to THIS MS list
`in sorted order
`Peek all WDRs from
`queue 22 for
`confidence >
`confidence floor and
`most recent in trailing
`f(WTV) period of time
`.----........l1....--.i...=.26=-=3::.;:6;,....,,,.,....--....... ~ ........ ""'"'=,..:;:1;;:;..t .::..,_
`Set sort keys based
`and AOA list with triangulate
`on f(WTV) in use
`Get next (or first)
`Maximize referenc

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