`Instrumenting the physical world through large networks of wireless sensor nodes, particularly for applications like environmental monitoring of
`water and soil, requires that these nodes be very small, lightweight, untethered, and unobtrusive. The problem of localization, that is, determining
`where a given node is physically located in a network, is a challenging one, and yet extremely crucial for many of these applications. Practical
`considerations such as the small size, form factor, cost and power constraints of nodes preclude the reliance on GPS of all nodes in these
`networks. In this article we review localization techniques and evaluate the effectiveness of a very simple connectivity metric method for
`localization in outdoor environments that makes use of the inherent RF communications capabilities of these devices. A fixed number of
`reference points in the network with overlapping regions of coverage transmit periodic beacon signals. Nodes use a simple connectivity metric,
`which is more robust to environmental vagaries, to infer proximity to a given subset of these reference points. Nodes localize themselves to the
`centroid of their proximate reference points. The accuracy of localization is then dependent on the separation distance between two adjacent
`reference points and the transmission range of these reference points. Initial experimental results show that the accuracy for 90 percent of our
`data points is within one-third of the separation distance. However, future work is needed to extend the technique to more
`cluttered environments.
`GPS-less Low-Cost Outdoor Localization
`for Very Small Devices
`Nirupama Bulusu, John Heidemann, and Deborah Estrin
`University of Southern California/Information Sciences Institute
`ireless networks of sensors
`greatly extend our ability to monitor and control the physical
`world. The availability of microsensors and low-power wire-
`less communications enables the deployment of densely dis-
`tributed sensor/actuator networks for a wide range of
`biological and environmental monitoring applications, from
`marine to soil and atmospheric contexts. Networked sensors
`can collaborate and aggregate the huge amount of sensed
`data to provide continuous and spatially dense observation
`of biological, environmental, and artificial systems. Applica-
`tions include environmental monitoring of water and soil,
`tagging small animals unobtrusively, and tagging small and
`lightweight objects in a factory or hospital setting. Instru-
`menting the physical world, particularly for such applica-
`tions, requires that the devices we use as sensor nodes be
`small, lightweight, unobtrusive, and untethered. This imposes
`substantial restrictions on the amount of hardware that can
`be placed on these devices.
`In these large sensor network systems, we need nodes to
`be able to locate themselves in various environments and on
`different distance scales. This problem, to which we refer as
`localization,1 is a challenging one, yet extremely crucial for
`many applications of very large networks of devices. For
`example, localization opens up new ways of reducing power
`consumed in multihop wireless networks. In context-aware
`applications, localization enables the intelligent selection of
`appropriate devices, and may support useful coordination
`This research is supported by the SCOWR project through NSF grant ANI-
`1 We borrow the term localization from robotics, where it refers to the
`problem of determining the position of a mobile robot in some coordinate
`among devices. The desired granularity of localization is itself
`The Global Positioning System (GPS) [1] solves the prob-
`lem of localization in outdoor environments for PC-class
`nodes. However, for large networks of very small, cheap, low-
`power devices, practical considerations such as size, form fac-
`tor, cost, and power constraints of the nodes preclude the use
`of GPS on all nodes. In this article we address the problem of
`localization for such devices, with the following design goals:
`• RF-based: We focus on small nodes that have some kind of
`short-range radio frequency (RF) transceiver. Our primary
`goal is to leverage this radio for localization, thereby eliminat-
`ing the cost, power, and size requirements of a GPS receiver.
`• Receiver-based: In order to scale well to large distributed
`networks, the responsibility for localization must lie with
`the receiver node that needs to be localized and not with
`the reference points.
`• Ad hoc: In order to ease deployment, we desire a solution
`that does not require preplanning or extensive infra-
`• Responsiveness: We need to be able to localize within a fair-
`ly low response time.
`• Low energy: Small untethered nodes have modest processing
`capabilities and limited energy resources. If a device uses
`all its energy localizing itself, it will have none left to per-
`form its task. Therefore, we desire to minimize computa-
`tion and message costs to reduce power consumption.
`• Adaptive fidelity: In addition, we want the accuracy of our
`localization algorithms to be adaptive to the granularity of
`available reference points.
`This article uses an idealized radio model and proposes a
`simple connectivity-based localization method for such devices
`in unconstrained outdoor environments. It leverages the
`inherent RF communications capabilities of these devices. A
`fixed number of nodes in the network with overlapping
`IEEE Personal Communications • October 2000
`1070-9916/00/$10.00 © 2000 IEEE
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`regions of coverage serve as reference points and transmit peri-
`odic beacon signals. Nodes use a simple connectivity metric to
`infer proximity to a given subset of these reference points and
`then localize themselves to the centroid of the selected (proxi-
`mate) reference points.
`The article makes the following contributions:
`• It presents a detailed exploration and classification of the
`design space and work done in the area of localization.
`• It proposes a method for coarse-grained localization based
`on an idealized radio model, and demonstrates its validity
`and applicability in outdoor unconstrained environments.
`• It describes a simple implementation of the model and pre-
`sents initial results.
`Related Work
`Localization approaches typically rely on some form of com-
`munication between reference points with known positions
`and the receiver node that needs to be localized. We classify
`the various localization approaches into two broad categories
`based on the granularity of information inferred during this
`communication. Approaches that infer fine-grained informa-
`tion such as the distance to a reference point based on signal
`strength or timing measurements fall into the category of fine-
`grained localization methods; those that infer coarse-grained
`information such as proximity to a given reference point are
`categorized as coarse-grained localization methods.
`Fine-Grained Localization
`Fine-grained localization methods can be classified further into
`range-finding and directionality-based methods, depending on
`whether ranges or angles relative to reference points are being
`inferred. Additionally, signal pattern matching methods are also
`included in fine-grained localization methods.
`In range-finding methods, the ranges of the receiver node
`to several reference points are determined by one of several
`timing- or signal-strength-based techniques. The position of
`the node can then be computed using multilateration (e.g.,
`see [2]). We discuss timing- and signal-strength-based range-
`finding methods separately.
`Timing — The distance between the receiver node and a ref-
`erence point can be inferred from the time of flight of the
`communication signal.
`The time of flight may be calculated using the timing
`advance technique which measures the amount the timing of
`the measuring unit has to be advanced in order for the
`received signal to fit into the correct time slot. This technique
`is used in GPS [1] and Pinpoint’s Local Positioning System
`(LPS) [3]. GPS measures one-way flight time, whereas LPS
`measures round-trip time (thereby eliminating the need for
`time synchronization).
`GPS [1] is a wide-area radio positioning system. In GPS
`each satellite transmits a unique code, a copy of which is cre-
`ated in real time in the user-set receiver by the internal elec-
`tronics. The receiver then gradually time shifts its internal
`clock until it corresponds to the received code, an event called
`lock-on. Once locked on to a satellite, the receiver can deter-
`mine the exact timing of the received signal in reference to its
`own internal clock. If that clock were perfectly synchronized
`with the satellite’s atomic clocks, the distance to each satellite
`could be determined by subtracting a known transmission
`time from the calculated receive time. In real GPS receivers,
`the internal clock is not quite accurate enough. An inaccuracy
`of a mere microsecond corresponds to a 300-m error.
`Pinpoint’s 3D-iD system [3] is an LPS that covers an entire
`three-dimensional indoor space and is capable of determining
`the 3-D location of items within that space. The LPS subdi-
`vides the interior of the building into cell areas that vary in
`size with the desired level of coverage. The cells are each han-
`dled by a cell controller which is attached by a coaxial cable to
`up to 16 antennas. It provides an accuracy of 10 m for most
`indoor applications, although some may require accuracy of 2
`m. The main drawback of this system is that it is centralized,
`and requires significant infrastructural setup.
`Alternately, the time of flight can be calculated by making
`explicit time-of-arrival measurements based on two distinct
`modalities of communication, ultrasound and radio, as in the
`Active Bat [2] and more recently in [4]. These two modalities
`travel at vastly different speeds (350 ms–1 and 3 x 10–8 ms–1,
`respectively), enabling the radio signal to be used for synchro-
`nization between the transmitter and the receiver, and the
`ultrasound signal to be used for ranging. The Active Bat sys-
`tem, however, relies on significant effort for deployment
`indoors. Ultrasound systems may not work very well outdoors
`because they all use a single transmission frequency (40 kHz),
`and hence there is a high probability of interference from
`other ultrasound sources.
`Signal Strength — An important characteristic of radio
`propagation is the increased attenuation of the radio signal as
`the distance between the transmitter and receiver increases.
`Radio propagation models [5] in various environments have
`been well researched and have traditionally focused on pre-
`dicting the average received signal strength at a given distance
`from the transmitter (large-scale propagation models), as well
`as the variability of the signal strength in close spatial proxim-
`ity to a location (small-scale or fading models). In the
`RADAR system [6], Bahl et al. suggest estimating distance
`based on signal strength in indoor environments. They com-
`pute distance from measured signal strength by applying a
`wall attenuation factor (WAF) based signal propagation
`model. The distance information is then used to locate a user
`by triangulation. This approach, however, yielded lower accu-
`racies than RF mapping of signal strengths corresponding to
`various locations for their system. Their RF-mapping-based
`approach is quite effective indoors, unlike ours, but requires
`extensive infrastructural effort, making it unsuitable for rapid
`or ad hoc deployment.
`Signal Pattern Matching — Another fine-grained localiza-
`tion technique is the proprietary Location Pattern Matching
`technology, used in U.S. Wireless Corporation’s RadioCamera
`system [7]. Instead of exploiting signal timing or signal
`strength, it relies on signal structure characteristics. It turns
`the multipath phenomenon to surprisingly good use: by com-
`bining the multipath pattern with other signal characteristics,
`it creates a signature unique to a given location. The Radio-
`Camera system includes a signal signature database for a loca-
`tion grid of a specific service area. To generate this database,
`a vehicle drives through the coverage area transmitting signals
`to a monitoring site. The system analyzes the incoming sig-
`nals, compiles a unique signature for each square in the loca-
`tion grid, and stores it in the database. Neighboring grid
`points are spaced about 30 m apart. To determine the posi-
`tion of a mobile transmitter, the RadioCamera system match-
`es the transmitter’ s signal signature to an entry in the
`database. The system can use data from only a single point to
`determine location. Moving traffic and changes in foliage or
`weather do not affect the system’s capabilities. The major
`drawback of this technique, as with RADAR [6], is the sub-
`stantial effort needed for generation of the signal signature
`database. Consequently, it is not suited for the ad hoc deploy-
`ment scenarios in which we are interested.
`IEEE Personal Communications • October 2000
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`Petitioners' Ex. 1034, Page 2 of 7
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`2 * 2 Grid of reference points
`Fewer and larger localization regions
`3 * 3 Grid of reference points
`More and smaller localization regions
`The shaded area reflects one localization region
`I Figure 1. Granularity of localization regions vs. range overlap.
`walls). On the other hand, the same technique
`cannot be applied using RF in indoor environ-
`ments, because RF propagation in indoor envi-
`ronments suffers from severe multipath effects
`that make it impossible to limit the RF range to
`exactly within a room. The short range of IR,
`which facilitates location, is also a major draw-
`back of these systems because the building has
`to be wired with a significant number of sensors.
`In the few places where such systems have been
`deployed, sensors have been physically wired in
`every room of the building. Such a system scales
`poorly, and incurs significant installation, config-
`uration, and maintenance costs. IR also tends to
`perform poorly in the presence of direct sunlight
`and hence cannot be used outdoors.
`Directionality — Another way of estimating location is to com-
`pute the angle of each reference point with respect to the
`mobile node in some reference frame. The position of the
`mobile node can then be computed using triangulation methods.
`An important example of directionality-based systems are
`the VOR/VORTAC stations [8], which were used for long dis-
`tance aviation navigation prior to GPS. The VOR station
`transmits a unique omnidirectional signal that allows an air-
`craft aloft to determine its bearing relative to the VOR sta-
`tion. The VOR signal is electrically phased so that the
`received signal is different in various parts of the 360˚ circle.
`By determining which of the 360 different radials it is receiv-
`ing, the aircraft can determine the direction of each VOR sta-
`tion relative to its current position.
`Small aperture direction finding is yet another directionali-
`ty-based technique used in cellular networks. It requires a
`complex antenna array at each cell site location. The antenna
`arrays can in principle work together to determine the angle
`(relative to the cell site) from which a cellular signal originat-
`ed. When several cell sites can determine their respective
`angles of arrival, the cell phone location can be estimated by
`triangulation. There are two drawbacks of this approach
`which make it inapplicable to our application domain. The
`cost of the complex antenna array implies that it can be
`placed only at the cell sites. Second, the cell sites are respon-
`sible for determining the location of the mobile node, which
`will not scale well when we have a large number of such nodes
`and desire a receiver-based approach.
`Directionality-based methods are not very effective in
`indoor environments because of multipath effects.
`Coarse-Grained Localization
`The work we describe in this article is perhaps most similar to
`earlier work done in coarse-grained localization for indoor
`environments using infrared (IR) technology.
`The Active Badge [9] system was one of the earliest indoor
`localization systems. Each person or object is tagged with an
`Active Badge. The badge transmits a unique IR signal every 10
`s, which is received by sensors placed at fixed positions within a
`building and relayed to the location manager software. The
`location manager software is able to provide information about
`the person’s location to the requesting services and applications.
`Another system based on IR technology is described in
`[10]. This system requires IR transmitters to be located at
`fixed positions inside the ceiling of the building. An optical
`sensor sitting on a head-mounted unit senses the IR beacons,
`and system software determines the position of the person.
`Both these IR-based solutions perform quite well in indoor
`environments, because IR range is fairly small and can be limit-
`ed to the logical boundaries of a region, such as a room (by
`An Idealized Radio Model and
`Localization Algorithm
`We considered two approaches to engineer an RF-based
`localization system, based on measurements of received signal
`strength and connectivity, respectively. The signal-strength-
`based approach did not work very well, while the connectivity-
`based approach proved quite effective outdoors.
`Signal Strength Approaches
`One approach to RF-based localization is to use measured
`signal strength of received beacon signals to estimate dis-
`tance, as in the RADAR system [6], with an outdoor radio
`signal propagation model. We discarded this approach for
`several reasons relating to our short-range (10 m) radios.
`First, signal strength at short ranges is subject to unpre-
`dictable variation due to fading, multipath, and interferences;
`therefore, it does not correlate directly with distance. More-
`over, short range does not allow much gain in density of ref-
`erence points when considering signal strength. Finally, our
`commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) radios did not provide soft-
`ware-accessible signal strength readings. These reasons
`caused us to focus on connectivity-based localization,
`described next.
`An Idealized Radio Model
`We have found an idealized radio model useful for predicting
`bounds on the quality of connectivity-based localization. We
`chose this model because it was simple and easy to reason
`about mathematically. This section presents this idealized
`model. To our surprise, this model compares quite well to
`outdoor radio propagation in uncluttered environments,
`explored in the next section.
`We make two assumptions in our idealized model:
`• Perfect spherical radio propagation
`• Identical transmission range (power) for all radios
`A Localization Algorithm
`Multiple nodes in the network with overlapping regions of
`coverage serve as reference points (labeled R1 to Rn). They
`are situated at known positions, (X1, Y1)–(Xn, Yn), that form a
`regular mesh and transmit periodic beacon signals (period =
`T) containing their respective positions. We assume that
`neighboring reference points can be synchronized so that their
`beacon signal transmissions do not overlap in time. Further-
`more, in any time interval T, each reference point would have
`transmitted exactly one beacon signal.
`First, we define a few terms:
`d: Separation distance between adjacent reference points
`IEEE Personal Communications • October 2000
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`R: Transmission range of the reference point
`T: Time interval between two successive beacon signals
`transmitted by a reference point
`t: Receiver sampling or data collection time
`Nsent(i, t): Number of beacons sent by Ri in time t
`Nrecv(i, t): Number of beacons sent by Ri received in time t
`CMi: Connectivity metric for Ri
`S: Sample size for connectivity metric for reference
`point Ri
`CMthresh; Threshold for CM
`(Xest, Yest): Estimated location of the receiver
`(Xa, Ya): Actual location of the receiver
`Each mobile node listens for a fixed time period t and col-
`lects all the beacon signals it receives from various reference
`points. We characterize the information per reference point Ri
`by a connectivity metric (CMi), defined as
`i t( , )
`i t( , )

`In order to improve the reliability of our connectivity met-
`ric in the presence of various radio propagation vagaries, we
`would like to base our metric on a sample of at least S pack-
`ets, where S is the sample size, a tunable parameter of our
`method (i.e., Nsent(i, t) = S). Since we know T to be the time
`period between two successive beacon signal transmissions, we
`can set t, the receiver’s sampling time, as
`t = (S + 1 – e)T (0 < e « 1).
`From the beacon signals it receives, the receiver node
`infers proximity to a collection of reference points for which
`the respective connectivity metrics exceed a certain threshold,
`CMthresh (say 90 percent). We denote the collection of refer-
`ence points Ri1, Ri2, …, Rik. The receiver localizes itself to the
`region which coincides with the intersection of the connectivi-
`ty regions of this set of reference points, which is defined by
`the centroid of these reference points:
` 
` 
`,X Y
`parking lot,, at the origin (0, 0), and then measured connectiv-
`ity at 1 m intervals over a 100 m2 quadrant.
`Figure 2 compares these measurements with connectivity
`as predicted by the model. Among the 78 points measured,
`the simple spherical model matches correctly at 68 points (87
`percent correlation) and mismatches at 10, all at the edge of
`the range. Error was never more than 2 m. No dead spots
`were observed.
`As expected, our simple idealized radio model approxima-
`tion is not appropriate for indoor environments where reflection
`and occlusion are common. Our indoor measurements of propa-
`gation range varied widely from 4.6 to 22.3 m, depending on
`walls and exact node locations and orientations. Furthermore,
`these measurements were not time-invariant. We found that
`connectivity could vary from 0 to even 100 percent for the same
`transmitter receiver positions at different times of the day.
`Hence, the idealized radio model may be considered valid
`for outdoor unconstrained environments only.
`Experimental Results
`The Experimental Testbed
`Our experimental testbed [11] consisted of five Radiometrix
`RPC 418 (radio packet controller) modules connected to a
`Toshiba Libretto running RedHat Linux 6.0. One of these
`modules is used as a receiver, and the rest are used as refer-
`ence points. A 3 in antenna is used for experimental purposes.
`The software for the Radiometrix RPC-418 modules con-
`sists of two components:
`• Beacon: The reference point periodically transmits a packet
`(every 2 s in our experiment) containing its unique ID and
`• Receiver: The receiver obtains its current measured position
`based on an input from the user. For each measured posi-
`tion, it samples for a time period t determined by sample
`size S, and logs the set of reference points from which it
`hears and its current localization estimate.
`For our experiment, we placed the four reference points at
`the four corners of a 10 m x 10 m square in an outdoor park-
`ing lot. This square was further subdivided into 100 smaller 1
`Median range
`Y (in m)
`X (in m)
`I Figure 2. 90 percent connectivity ranges for reference point (0,0).
`We characterize the accuracy of the estimate by the local-
`ization error LE, defined as
`) .
`By increasing the range overlap of the reference points that
`populate the grid (i.e., increasing the ratio R/d), the granularity
`of the localization regions becomes finer, and hence the accura-
`cy of the location estimate improves. This is illustrated in Fig. 1.
`Since our localization model depends on the spherical radio
`propagation assumption described in the previous section, we
`checked the validity of our assumption in both outdoor and
`indoor environments.
`In outdoor environments, we evaluated the effectiveness of
`our idealized radio model by comparing its accuracy to experi-
`mental measurements. We evaluated propagation between
`two Radiometrix radio packet controllers (model RPC-418)
`operating at 418 MHz. A node periodically sent 27-byte bea-
`con signals; we define a 90 percent packet reception rate as
`connected and empirically measured an 8.94 m spherical range
`for our simple model.
`To evaluate how well our simple model compares to a real-
`world scenario, we placed a radio in the corner of an empty
`IEEE Personal Communications • October 2000
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`X (m)
`Y (m)
`I Figure 3. Experimental vs. theoretical 90 percent connectivity ranges for the four reference
`Theory (0,0)
`Theory (10,0)
`Theory (10, 10)
`Theory (0, 10)
`Expt (0,0)
`Expt (10,0)
`Expt (10, 10)
`Expt (0, 10)
`Based on our validated outdoor
`model, we performed numerical sim-
`ulations to predict how the granulari-
`ty of localization could be expected
`to vary using our scheme when the
`overlap of reference points is
`In our simulation, we assume an
`infinite two-dimensional mesh of ref-
`erence points, with any two adjacent
`reference points spaced a distance d
`apart and transmission range R. Our
`coordinate system is centered at one
`such reference point, which is
`assumed to be at (0, 0).
`The localization estimate of any
`point (X, Y) in the mesh can be
`obtained in two steps:
`• Step 1: Determine all the refer-
`ence points that are within range
`R of (X, Y), by considering the ref-
`erence points between (X – R, Y –
`R) and (X + R, Y + R).
`• Step 2: Localize (X, Y) to the cen-
`troid of the selected reference
`points and compute the corre-
`sponding localization error.
`For a given d, we increase the
`overlap R/d from 1 to 4. We consid-
`er the average and maximum localization errors of the
`localization estimates for 10,201 uniformly spaced points
`within one grid in the mesh for each R/d value. Figure 6
`presents the simulation-based scaling result of the localiza-
`tion error behavior. Although the maximum and average
`error do not decrease monotonically, nontrivial increments
`to R/d (for instance, an increment of 1) lead to lower maxi-
`mum and average localization errors on the whole. In par-
`ticular, the maximum localization error experiences a
`substantial drop (from 0.5d to 0.25d) when the overlap R/d
`is increased from 1 to 4.
`m x 1 m grids, and we collected data at each of the 121 small
`grid intersection points.
`Outdoor Results
`In this section we discuss the results obtained from our out-
`door experiments. Our experimental parameters were T = 2 s,
`S = 20, t = 41.9 s.
`Figure 3 shows the areas of connectivity of the four refer-
`ence points in the grid. We see several distinct regions in the
`grid, based on the areas of overlap. Each distinct region con-
`stitutes an equivalence class, defined by the centroid of the
`reference points in the region. These can be con-
`trasted with the theoretically predicted overlap
`regions, also seen in Fig. 3.
`The location estimate at each grid point is the
`centroid. We use the localization error metric defined
`previously to characterize the performance.
`In Fig. 4, the localization error obtained from the
`experiment is plotted as a function of the position.
`The localization error is lowest at the position corre-
`sponding to the centroid of the region and increases
`toward the edges of the region. The average localiza-
`tion error was 1.83 m and the standard deviation
`1.07 m. The minimum error was 0 m and the maxi-
`mum error 4.12 m across 121 grid points.
`Figure 5 shows the cumulative localization error
`distribution across all the grid points, from both the
`theoretical model and the experiment. They track
`each other closely, including plateaus in the error lev-
`els, although the spherical model is consistently more
`optimistic. In our experimental results, for over 90
`percent of the data points the localization error falls
`within 3.0 m (i.e., within 30 percent of the separation-
`distance between two adjacent reference points). This
`result is based on four reference points only. Since we
`observed a high correlation between our model and
`experiment, improved granularity can be expected
`with a higher overlap of reference points.
`Localization error (m)
`X (m)
`Y (m)
`I Figure 4. Localization error vs. position.
`IEEE Personal Communications • October 2000
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`localization methods, since they do not have similar con-
`straints as other nodes. Initially, the reference points may be
`deployed manually or scattered randomly across the terrain.
`We are working on automated algorithms to select good
`places to deploy additional nodes as reference points.
`Robustness — Since the success of our localization method
`depends on the node reliably inferring connectivity, and hence
`proximity to its neighboring reference points, it must be toler-
`ant to reference point failures (and also to nonuniform refer-
`ence point placement). Reference points should monitor
`themselves and failstop when their battery power drops. Some
`amount of redundancy (additional nodes that can serve as ref-
`erence points if needed) should be incorporated into the sys-
`tem to tolerate reference point failures.
`Adaptation to Noisy Environments — Our simple localiza-
`tion method is very effective in restricted domains with ideal-
`ized radio conditions. Idealized radio conditions do not hold
`in noisy environments characterized by severe multipath phe-
`nomenon, fading, obstructions, dead spots, and so on. In
`order to generalize our scheme to noisy environments, we are
`currently investigating techniques for empirical adaptation of
`reference point placement.
`This article addressed localization in unconstrained outdoor
`environments for very small low-cost devices that do not have
`GPS. We characterized existing localization techniques and
`explored an RF-based localization method in which the receiv-
`Average error
`Max error
`Localization error (as a fraction of d)
`I Figure 6. Localization error vs. overlap, R/d. (simulations).
`Localization error (m)
`Cumulative probability (%)
`I Figure 5. Cumulative localization error distribution.
`Discussion and Future Work
`In this section we discuss some general problems that arise in
`deploying our localization method and present some of our
`ideas on solving them.
`Collision Avoidance — For our method to work well, neigh-
`boring reference points need to synchronize their beacon sig-
`nal transmissions so as to avoid collisions. To achieve this, we
`propose the following randomized scheme. Each time interval
`T is subdivided into several smaller slots. Each reference point
`then chooses a slot randomly with a uniform distribution to
`transmit its beacon signal. We need to study this further,
`although randomized schemes have proven extremely effective
`in designing various network protocols to avoid contentions.
`Tuning for Energy Conservation — The parameters T, the
`time period for beacon transmissions, and S, the sample size,
`must be tuned to avoid collisions and ensure the consistency
`of the connectivity metric while reducing power consumption.
`Since we use the connectivity metric as a coarse-grained mea-
`sure, our experiences with our experimental testbed proved
`that a small value of S (e.g., 10) would s

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