(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2006/0005050 A1
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Jan. 5, 2006
`Bass0n et al.
`US 2006.0005050A1
`(75) Inventors: Eli Basson, Kfar Sab (IL); Boaz
`Shuman, Yahud (IL); Igor Merling,
`Kfar Saba (IL); Eli Hassan, Hod
`Hasharon (IL); Ilan Kander, Raanana
`Correspondence Address:
`C/o Bill Polkinghorn
`Discovery Dispatch
`9003 Florin Way
`Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 (US)
`Assignee: SUPERCOM LTD.
`Appl. No.:
`Jun. 10, 2004
`Publication Classification
`(51) Int. Cl.
`G06F II/30
`(52) U.S. Cl. .............................................................. 713/194
`A Smart passport comprising a Smart inlay that includes a
`core Substrate operative to Store and exchange information
`contactlessly with an external reader, at least one physical
`Security component coupled to the core Substrate and opera
`tive to render the Smart inlay and thereby the passport
`tamper-proof, and a logical Security component incorporated
`in the core Substrate and operative to render the Smart inlay
`and thereby the passport forgery-proof. The physical Secu
`rity component is preferably Selected from the group at least
`one tear line and at least one patterned adhesive, both
`operative to cause irreversible damage to the information
`Storage and communication capabilities of the passport in
`case of tampering.
`Lead frame
`Chip Module -
`upper view
`Chip Module -
`lower view
`Tearing lines -
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`Patent Application Publication Jan.5, 2006 Sheet 1 of 10
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`Patent Application Publication Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 2 of 10
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`Smart Passport inlay
`Smort Inloy
`Viny COver
`77.00mm + 1.0
`Fig. 1b
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`Patent Application Publication Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 3 of 10
`US 2006/0005050 A1
`2.40m in
`s a O. SS 5g
`Fig. 1c
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`Fig. 1d
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`Fig. 2
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`Patent Application Publication
`352 UZ
`Fig. 3a
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5,2006 Sheet 7 of 10
`US 2006/0005050 Al
`114' / 306’
`a Serena
`= sani nea=
`Fig. 3b
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`US 2006/0005050 A1
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 9 of 10
`US 2006/0005050 A1
`Logical Operation
`Chip Functionality Test
`Smart Inlay
`Circuit Functionality Test
`Smart Passport
`Functionality 1 QA Test
`Smart Passport
`Enrolment 8 issuing
`Chip Sn
`OS Sn
`Logical Link 1
`Register into DB
`Chip Sn
`Register into DB
`Chip Sn
`OS Sn
`Passport Sn
`Logical link 2
`Register into DB
`Chip Sn
`OS Sn
`Passport Sn
`Personal Data
`Register into DB
`Logical Link 3
`Smart Passport
`Border control
`Logical link 3 sanity check
`for forgery and validity
`Fig. 4
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`Patent Application Publication Jan. 5, 2006 Sheet 10 of 10
`US 2006/0005050 A1
`Smart inlay
`Blind tnlay
`Cut holes for
`Chip and weaken
`chip area
`Parallel feed to
`smart inlay
`Parallet feed to
`smart inlay
`Lay Spread
`clue base
`Feed chip 1 test
`functionality and
`register to DB
`lay encapsulated
`chip into hole
`Antenna Connect
`to chip electrodes
`Chip and antenna
`level to substrate
`Test circuit functionality
`and register in DB
`Trim Smart inlay
`Apply gue to inlay
`Bind layers under
`pressure heat
`Test circuit functionality
`and register in DB
`Trim smart inlay
`to strips
`Exit tra
`Glue smart cover
`Fold booklet
`Die cut
`Test circuit
`functionality and
`eqister in DB
`Fig. 5
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`US 2006/0005050 A1
`Jan. 5, 2006
`0001. The present invention relates to tamper-free and
`forgery-proof identification documents, and in particular to
`Smart passports.
`0002 Security, particularly at major airports has become
`a significant concern. No printable identification is currently
`available to positively identify a passenger with high reli
`ability. No means is currently available to transmit such
`information Securely and to associate that information with
`user Specific permissions
`All passengers entering the USA have been
`required to bring a Machine Readable Travel Document
`(MTRD), i.e. a machine-readable passport since October
`2003. Starting October 2004, the passport is required to
`contain biometric data that uniquely identifies its bearer.
`This turns the passport into a “Smart” passport, which
`comprises a contactleSS chip that Stores the personal bio
`metric information as digital information. The chip is
`accessed contactlessly by a reader that retrieves the biomet
`ric information and compares it with information Stored in a
`database, to verify the identity of the passport bearer. The
`International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is setting
`the standard to be followed by all such smart passport
`0004 Smart documents are known in the art. Smart cards
`have been used to Store personal information and even
`biometric information about their owners to facilitate elec
`tronic transactions. The information is Stored on embedded
`chips, see for example U.S. Pat. No. 6,219,439, the content
`of which is incorporated herein by reference, U.S. Pat. No.
`6,219,439 further describes a identifying characteristic
`authentication System using a Smart card having Stored
`physiological data of a user on a chip disposed therein, and
`a fingerprint Scan (or retina Scan, voice identification, Saliva
`or other identifying characteristic data) for comparison
`against the Stored data. The System is Self-contained So that
`the comparison of the identifying characteristic data with the
`data Stored on the chip is done immediately on board the
`reader without relying upon communications to or from an
`external Source in order to authenticate the user. This
`arrangement also prevents communication with external
`Sources prior to user authentication being confirmed, So as to
`prevent user data from being Stolen or corrupted.
`0005 U.S. Pat. No. 6,101,477 describes a smart card for
`travel-related use, Such as for airline, hotel, rental car, and
`payment-related applications. Memory Space and Security
`features within Specific applications provide partnering
`organizations (e.g., airlines, hotel chains, and rental car
`agencies) the ability to construct custom and Secure file
`structures. U.S. Pat. No. 5,291,560 describes a personal
`identification system based on iris analysis. U.S. Pat. No.
`5,363,453 describes a personal identification system based
`on biometric fingerprint data. However, there is no encryp
`tion of the biometric information involved.
`0006 EP 0019191B1 discloses a paper of value (e.g. an
`ID) with an integrated circuit in which a checkable coding
`is written, the communication with the integrated circuit
`preferably being effected contactlessly via antennas. The
`integrated circuit is Set in the gap of an at least partly
`metalized carrier foil. This foil is then laminated between
`two paper webs. Since the carrier foil is only laminated in
`between the two paper webs, however, there is the danger
`that the layers can be separated from each other relatively
`easily So that the plastic inlay provided with the chip can be
`used for possible forgeries. Further, this Security element is
`a strictly machine-checkable Security element that can only
`be checked by means of Special detectors.
`0007 U.S. patent application 20030164611 by Schneider
`discloses a Security paper for producing documents of value,
`Such as bank notes, certificates, etc., with at least one
`multilayer Security element. The Security element is dis
`posed at least partly on the Surface of the Security paper and
`has at least one visually checkable optical effect and at least
`one integrated circuit. Other recent U.S. patent applications
`relevant to the Subject of the present invention include
`0008 All prior art solutions deal with only partial aspects
`of the problem. All known Solutions require basically a new
`product, fabricated with processes and Steps materially dif
`ferent from existing processes and StepS used in present day
`regular (non-Smart) passports. Since these processes and
`steps differ from each other, there is no “standardized'
`manufacturing of a Smart passport. No prior art Solution is
`known to be a full Solution that allows a regular passport to
`be transformed into a Smart passport without requiring major
`production System changes and/or major fabrication Step
`changes. Therefore, it would be advantageous to provide a
`Smart passport that will not require major overhaul of
`existing methods and Systems, yet fulfill its total Security and
`forgery/tamper-proof functions. It would be further advan
`tageous to find a “generic' Solution that can incorporate
`various chips and operating Systems (OSS) into the Smart
`passport, which can then be issued by all authorized issuers
`that use such different chips and OSs.
`0009. The present invention discloses a method and sys
`tem for providing Secure, tamper-free and forgery-proof
`Smart documents, in particular Smart passports. The present
`invention further discloses a Smart inlay that has inventive
`physical Security components or “features', and which can
`be inserted into any Standard passport, thereby turning it into
`a Smart passport. The Smart inlay of the present invention is
`functionally flexible in that provides full accommodation of
`existing and emerging Standards in the filed of Smart docu
`ments, in particular of Smart passports. These Standards will
`include requirements for global interoperability, technical
`reliability, practicality and durability. The emerging Stan
`dards will most likely require a digital representation of
`personal biometric information on a contactleSS chip in the
`passport booklet or in a visa The digital representation will
`include data. The biometric representation may be that of a
`face and fingerprint or iris. The contactleSS chip may be
`made by a variety of manufacturers, according to the ISO
`14443A/B or ISO 15693 standards. The booklet may include
`the Smart inlay in its cover (using a cover Substantially
`Apple EX1032 Page 12


`US 2006/0005050 A1
`Jan. 5, 2006
`identical with that of existing, non-Smart passports) or in a
`data page. In a visa, the Visa Sticker will contain the chip and
`its antenna.
`0.010 The biometric information is expected to provide a
`Singular match (comparison) of a person to data Stored in a
`database for identity Verification. All digital information on
`the chip will be cryptographically signed to prevent forgery.
`The planned biometric Storage needs include ca. 12 KB
`(kilo-bytes) for a face, 10 KB for a fingerprint, 30 KB for an
`iris and 5 KB for text--overhead. At the least, a Smart
`passport will require will need 32 or 64 KBS. The required
`antenna Size is the Same as in ID-1 Size documents similar
`to a credit Size card. The inlay has to be mechanically
`reinforced to protect the inlaid chip and antenna. Finally, the
`Smart passport has to be readable by a contactleSS reader that
`supports both ISO 14443A and 14443B standards.
`0.011 The present invention provides a smart inlay that
`can accommodate a variety of chips, for example a Philips
`P5CTO72 72K EPROM or a ST Micro Electronics
`ST19XR34 34K EPROM. The present invention further
`provides an upgrade path from a regular (non-Smart) paper
`passport to a Smart passport.
`0012. According to the present invention, there is pro
`Vided a Smart inlay comprising a core Substrate operative to
`Store and eXchange information contactlessly with an exter
`nal reader, the core Substrate further conditioned to bind to
`a passport Surface, at least one physical Security feature
`coupled to the core Substrate and operative to render the
`Smart inlay tamper-proof, and a logical Security feature
`incorporated in the core Substrate and operative to render the
`Smart inlay forgery-proof.
`0013. According to the present invention there is pro
`Vided a Smart passport comprising a passport booklet and a
`Smart inlay incorporated in the passport booklet, whereby
`the Smart inlay imparts tamper-proof and forgery-proof
`properties to the passport.
`0.014. According to the present invention there is pro
`Vided a method for tamper-proofing and forgery-proofing a
`passport, comprising the Steps of providing a Smart inlay
`operative to uniquely identify an authorized bearer of the
`passport, the Smart inlay adaptively fitting into the passport,
`and attaching the Smart inlay to the passport.
`0.015 According to one feature in the method for tamper
`proofing and forgery-proofing a passport of the present
`invention, the Step of providing a Smart inlay further
`includes providing an inlay with a core Substrate operative
`to Store and exchange information contactlessly with an
`external reader, the core Substrate further conditioned to
`bind to a passport Surface; at least one physical Security
`component coupled to the core Substrate and operative to
`render the inlay tamper-proof, and a logical Security com
`ponent incorporated in the core Substrate and operative to
`render the Smart inlay forgery-proof.
`0016. According to another feature in the method for
`tamper-proofing and forgery-proofing a passport of the
`present invention, the Step of attaching the Smart inlay to the
`passport includes attaching the inlay to the inside of a cover
`of the passport.
`0.017. According to yet another feature in the method for
`tamper-proofing and forgery-proofing a passport of the
`present invention, the Step of attaching the Smart inlay to the
`passport includes attaching the inlay to at least one inside
`page of the passport.
`0018. According to the present invention there is pro
`Vided a method for preventing tampering in a Smart passport
`that includes a contactleSS chip physically connected to an
`antenna, comprising the Steps of providing at least one
`physical Security component operative to disconnect the
`chip from the antenna and using the at least one physical
`component to protect the Smart passport form tamper
`0019. The invention is herein described, by way of
`example only, with reference to the accompanying drawings,
`0020 FIG. 1 shows a preferred embodiment of a smart
`inlay according to the present invention: a) cross-section; b)
`top view; c) top view of three attached Smart inlays; and d)
`View of a Smart inlay trimed from a Strip.
`FIG. 2 shows embodiments of a smart passport
`incorporating the Smart inlay according to the present inven
`tion: a) attached to a Smart passport cover, b) inserted into
`the inside of a Smart passport booklet.
`0022 FIG. 3 shows schematically steps in the manufac
`turing of the Smart inlay: a) main process steps; b) detail of
`a patterned first adhesive with “voids"; c) various adhesive
`patterns overlaid with an antenna.
`0023 FIG. 4 shows schematically a summary of a set of
`logical operations involved in functionalizing the Smart
`passport and rendering it logically forgery-proof,
`0024 FIG. 5 shows a detailed flow-chart of the opera
`tions involved in the fabrication and functionalization of
`both a Smart inlet and a Smart passport.
`0025 The present invention discloses devices and meth
`ods for providing Secure, tamper-free and forgery-proof
`Smart documents, in particular Smart passports. The present
`invention discloses in particular a Smart inlay to be used in
`a Smart passport, and Security features that make Such a
`Smart passport tamper-proof and forgery-proof. The present
`invention further provides an upgrade path from a regular
`(non-Smart) paper passport to a Smart passport.
`0026 FIG. 1a shows in cross section a preferred embodi
`ment of a smart inlay 100 according to the present invention.
`Smart inlay 100 comprises a core substrate (or “core layer”)
`102 made preferably of synthetic sheets, e.g. from Teslin
`manufactured by PPG Industries ( or Artisyn
`manufactured by Darmic Inc. ( Each of
`these materials provides a number of important advantages:
`each allows a judicious choice and application of tamper
`proof adhesives, for example poly-vinyl-acetates (PVAS),
`thermoplastic adhesives Such as ethylene Vinyl acetate
`(EVA) or polyethylene (PE), or the family of thermo-set
`adhesives. Teslin and Artisyn are further advantageous in
`that one can use most adhesives or glues that are water
`based, Solvent-based or heat or pressure activated, Single or
`dual component. Alternatively, the core Substrate material
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`US 2006/0005050 A1
`Jan. 5, 2006
`may include Vinyl or Polyurethane based materials. Smart
`inlay 100 further comprises an embedded contactless chip
`module 104 that includes an encapsulated chip 106 and a
`lead frame 108, and tearing lines (“tear lines”) 110 that
`provide a first main inventive Security component. Tear lines
`110 are preferably positioned under the lead frame elec
`trodes. Alternatively, in Some embodiments, the tear lines
`may extend the whole width of the inlay, to provide added
`bending flexibility (in addition to a weak spot) to the
`passport into which the inlay is incorporated (see below).
`Smart inlay 100 further comprises an antenna 120 that
`allows two-way communication between the chip and an
`outside contactless reader System (not shown). The chip
`module is electrically connected to the antenna through the
`lead frame. Optionally, Smart inlay 100 further comprises a
`cover material 112 attached to the core by a thin layer of
`adhesive 114, preferably a highly Solvent resistant adhesive,
`and most preferably a thermo-Set-type adhesive with a
`relatively high bond breaking temperature, e.g. Serial num
`ber 95.34 manufactured by Apollo (www.apolloadhe
`, 3M ( adhesive sheet 9218, 9200
`or 9328,
`0027 or Scapa Tape G175 (www.scapatapesnacom). The
`core Substrate has a typical thickness of 220-240 micron,
`while the Smart inlay has a typical size that fits in a page of
`a smart passport, see for example FIG. 1b. Other dimensions
`in FIG. 1a are marked H1, typically 380 microns, H2,
`typically 30 microns, H3, typically 350 microns and H4,
`typically 20-50 microns. Advantageously, the chip may be
`any standard chip such as a Philips P5CTO7272K EPROM
`or a Thompson ST19XR34 34K EPROM.
`0028 FIG. 1b shows in a top view a smart passport inlay
`(“smart cover”) with vinyl cover 120 (normally inserted in
`the “back cover of a passport, see below) complemented by
`a “dumb" section 122 (normally inserted in a “front cover”
`of a passport, see below), both with typical dimensions
`indicated on the figure. As shown in FIG. 1c, for efficient
`production purposes (described in more detail in FIG. 3a),
`the Smart inlay may be included in a set of attached Smart
`inlays on a continuous reel, in this case three inlays 130, 132
`and 134. FIG. 1d shows a single Smart inlay 150, cut away
`from the continuous reel. The dimensions shown in both
`FIGS. 1b and 1c are exemplary only, and in no way limiting.
`0029 FIG. 2a shows a smart passport booklet 200' that
`includes a smart inlay 202 incorporated into a cover 204
`(usually a back, fiber-reinforced vinyl cover, for example
`one manufactured by ICG Holliston (www.icgholliston
`.com)). The figure further shows an external booklet page
`206 and the rest of the booklet contents 208. FIG.2b shows
`a smart passport booklet 200" in which a smart inlay 210 is
`incorporated between two internal pages 212 and 214. In this
`case, the inlay may be either glued to one or both of the
`internal pages, attached directly to the passport backbone, or
`both. The attachment to the passport backbone can be done
`either by Sowing part of the inlay into the backbone, by
`lamination to a cover or to a page, by gluing, or by other
`known means.
`0030 FIG. 3a shows schematically steps in a preferred
`manufacturing process of the Smart inlay of the present
`invention. The manufacturing is performed in a System in
`which a continuous material strip 300, preferably made of
`Teslin or Artisyn is fed by a reel. Smart inlay cores with a
`top surface 301a and a bottom surface 301b are part of strip
`300. First, a chip hole 302 and local weakening patterns in
`the core layer, referred to hereinafter generically as “tear
`lines'304 are fabricated (e.g. punched) in the feed strip in a
`step 350. The tear lines are designed to provide a local weak
`link in the Smart inlay, So that any attempt to Separate the
`core layer from the cover will lead to irreversible core
`Substrate deformation and mechanical destruction of the
`antenna/chip assembly. That is, Such an attempt will cause
`the Separation of the antenna from the chip, or the breakup
`of the chip electrode/lead frame. This is one main inventive
`physical Security feature of the Smart inlay of the present
`invention. The tear lines may be in the form of perforations,
`preferably positioned under the electrode area as shown in
`FIG. 1a or as thinned areas in the core layer in the same
`places. Any attempt to tamper with the finished inlay, e.g.
`trying to separate the core layer from the vinyl cover (or
`from an internal cover or page if the inlay is inserted
`between two booklet pages) will result in the failure
`described above. A first adhesive pattern 306 designed for
`antenna positioning and Securing to the core (also referred to
`herein as "antenna base adhesive') is deposited on top
`surface 301a in step 352. The antenna base adhesive pattern
`may be variable in size and shape, and may cover either
`partially or Substantially totally the area of the top Surface.
`In case it coverS Substantially the entire inlay Surface, this
`may be the only adhesive layer applied in the manufacturing
`process. The adhesive may be any type of adhesive, for
`example PE or EVA, an adhesive such as 3M adhesive sheet
`9218, 9200 or 9328, Scapa Tape G175, or a pressure
`sensitive adhesive such as D74 manufactured by Colquimica
`0031. In the case of the first adhesive layer being the only
`layer in the process, the preferred adhesive is a thermo-Set
`adhesive such as serial number 95.34 manufactured by
`Apollo ( Thermo-Set adhesives
`behave irreversibly and have a wide range of bond-breaking
`temperatures that reaches over 200 degrees C. This makes
`the adhesive itself the “strong” link in the composite layer
`Structure, and ensures failure in places other that the adhe
`Sive, providing yet another inventive physical Security fea
`ture. Furthermore, if the first adhesive is the only adhesive
`used, it is further preferably patterned, as explained with
`reference to FIG. 3c below. As used herein, a “patterned'
`adhesive means any non-Smooth, irregular adhesive Surface,
`layer thickness, or general appearance. Preferably, the pat
`tern follows Some regular periodic form or topology Such as
`regular corrugations, mesh, Waves, ZigZag, Spring-like, or
`other geometric shapes. Inventively and advantageously, the
`first adhesive pattern may be segmented or placed in a
`patterned structure 306' that has gaps or “voids”, as shown
`in FIG.3b. This allows a second adhesive (glue) layer 114
`(see below) to fill the gaps, creating a composite structure of
`the two glues and further Strengthening the product. In other
`words, the non-Smooth and non-uniform application of the
`first glue layer that leads to the formation of a composite,
`interlaced, or intermingled Structure with the Second adhe
`Sive, results in even greater resistance to tampering and
`forgery. If any attempt is made to Separate the Smart inlay
`layers, or to Separate the inlay from the cover or page it is
`attached to, the Strong adhesive composite will cause failure
`in a non-adhesive “weak Spot' and result for example in the
`tearing of the antenna or of the Smart inlay layer materials,
`or in the destruction of the chip. The glue may be also
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`US 2006/0005050 A1
`Jan. 5, 2006
`layered on the chip area, leading to additional weak spots
`(added to those provided by the tear lines) which may cause
`potential breakage of the chip if an attempt is made to
`Separate the layers.
`0032). In step 354, a chip module 308 (shown in more
`detail in FIG.1a) is pressed in from the top surface into chip
`hole 302. In step 356, an antenna 310 is wound on top of the
`patterned adhesive layer and attached (e.g. welded or Sol
`dered) to respective chip connections on the chip lead frame.
`This is followed by pressing the antenna, typically under
`additional heating into adhesive pattern 306 to form a flat
`0033 AS mentioned, when the Smart inlay (and its
`“dumb' Section in case of a Smart cover) produced in Steps
`350-356 is about to be attached to a cover, a second adhesive
`layer 114 (used if the first adhesive layer does not fulfill that
`function) is introduced between the inlay and the cover and
`used to fill any voids in glue layer 306". The introduction of
`this layer is shown in an additional step 358. It has been
`determined experimentally that attempts to peel off the inlay
`from the cover show distinct tampering effects when Second
`adhesive layer 114 is also applied in a patterned form
`(independently of the form, patterning or even presence of
`a first adhesive layer), as shown in both step 358 and in a
`cross section in FIG. 3b, which shows a tooth-like adhesive
`layer 306" or 114 formed on the core substrate. To empha
`size, patterning either or both adhesive layers advanta
`geously improves the Security aspects of the Smart inlay and
`passport of the present invention. This constitutes yet
`another inventive physical Security feature of the present
`0034 FIG. 3c shows several exemplary embodiments of
`geometries of patterned adhesives according to the present
`invention. Embodiments A-E show a first adhesive overlaid
`with the antenna, and embodiment H Shows a croSS Section
`of a composite, two-adhesive structure with the antenna in
`the middle. In more detail, embodiment A shows a ZigZag
`first adhesive pattern 360, overlaid by an antenna 362.
`Embodiment B shows a series of glue segments 364 overlaid
`by an antenna 366. Embodiment C shows a “stretched
`spring” adhesive pattern 368 overlaid by an antenna 370.
`Embodiment D shows a full adhesive strip 372 overlaid by
`an antenna 374. Embodiment Eshows a dot adhesive pattern
`376 overlaid by an antenna 378. In all cases, “overlaid”
`preferably also means that the antenna is actually Sunk into
`the adhesive, So that is in the same plane as the adhesive.
`Methods for deposition of patterned adhesives are well
`known in the art.
`0.035 Embodiment H shows in cross section a composite
`adhesive structure in which a first adhesive 380 and a second
`adhesive 382 (both having a tooth-like appearance as in
`FIG. 3b) are interlocked or interlaced, locking in an antenna
`384. The first adhesive is deposited such that it has a
`plurality of holes, “dips' or “valleys” in the vertical direc
`tion perpendicular to the core Substrate top Surface. The
`antenna is wound and pressed in, preferably under heat, as
`described in step 356. The second adhesive layer is then
`applied, filling in the holes, dips or Valleys of the first
`adhesive, and locking the antenna in place in the composite
`two-adhesive layer. The croSS Section in H is in essence an
`enlargement of line 114 with thickness H4 in FIG. 1a for a
`specific embodiment. Thus, the two adhesives and the
`antenna are locked between a core Substrate 386 and a cover
`0036) The invention thus advantageously provides a
`number of physical Security features, Some of which have
`been mentioned above and Some of which will be discussed
`in more detail now. All physical Security features are geared
`toward providing a tamper-proof product. First, the tear lines
`mentioned and shown with regard to FIG. 1a provide
`Security by causing destruction of the functional integrity of
`the Smart inlay (e.g. separation of the antenna from the chip
`or breakage of either the antenna or the chip) in the case of
`any tampering attempt. Second, the use of preferably
`thermo-Set adhesives implies irreversibility and allows a
`choice of high enough bond-breaking temperatures. This
`ensures that any attempt to Separate the different layers
`results in layerS deformation or destruction before adhesive
`bond breaking. Third, the patterning of either the first or of
`the Second adhesive (or both coexisting together) provides
`additional tamper-proof Security because the adhesive com
`petes locally in Strength with the core material.
`0037 FIG. 4 shows schematically a summary of a set of
`logical operations involved in functionalizing the Smart
`passport and making it logically forgery-proof. The Set of
`operations includes 5 phases, each phase including a physi
`cal operation performed on a device, and an attendant logical
`operation occurring in a computer database. In phase 400,
`the chip functionality is tested, resulting in the Storage
`(registration) of a chip Serial number (CSN) and a chip
`operating system serial number (OSSN) in the computer
`database. The database allows to establish a unique logical
`link between the CSN and the OSSN, referred to herein as
`“logical link 1'. In phase 402, the complete circuit of the
`Smart inlay including the antenna are functionally tested and
`the results registered in the database. In phase 404 the Smart
`passport is functionally tested, and a passport Serial number
`(PSN) identifying the passport booklet is retrieved from the
`booklet and registered in the database. This establishes a
`second logical link between the CSN, OSSN and PSN,
`referred to herein as “logical link 2'. In phase 406, the
`passport is issued to a particular perSon, and personal
`information, preferably biometric (e.g. photo, iris, finger
`print, etc.) is inserted into both the passport and the database.
`At this stage, a unique link (also referred to as “logical link
`3') is created between the passport and the person to which
`it is issued using a combination of Some or all of logical links
`1 and 2 and the personal information. This may be done for
`example by creating a unique “key' or “Secret” using
`encription or encoding well known in the art. The “key” or

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