`Apple EX1027 Page 1
`Apple EX1027 Page 1


`Frank Hargrave
`The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., New York
`Apple EX1027 Page 2
`Apple EX1027 Page 2


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`© 2001bythe Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
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`Printed in the United States of America.
`ISBN 0-7803-6020-6
`IEEE Order No. PC5869
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Hargrave, Frank.
`Hargrave’s communications dictionary.
`/ Frank Hargrave.
`Includes index.
`ISBN 0-7803-6020-6
`1. Telecommunication-—Dictionaries,
`TKS 102.H37 2000
`I. Title.
`Apple EX1027 Page 3
`Apple EX1027 Page 3


`® AAUI (App
`© AARP (Apt
`network adi
`co] that en
`through wh
`to determin
`AFP (Appl
`level protoc
`tions access
`ALAP (App
`tocol (data
`ARAP (Apy
`propriate fo
`© ASDSP (Ay
`layer protoc
`security age
`© ASP (Apple
`to initiate a
`server, and
`e ATP (Apple
`that provide
`© AURP (Ap}
`routing pro
`change has
`® DDP (Data;
`the DDP at
`ating at the
`e ELAP (Ethe
`col that con
`ate for trans
`col that com
`ate for trans
`© LLAP (Locz
`col that con
`ate for trans
`© NBP (Name
`translating ¢
`remember r
`» PAP (Printe
`Apple Desktop Bus (ADB) A high-speed serial interface used on the
`@Zes access
`Macintosh computer. It is where nonperipheral devices such as the
`keyboard are connected. See also EJA/RS-232, EIA/RS-422, EIA/RS-
`449, IEEE P1394, and ITU-T V.35.
`e RTMP (Ror
`routing prot
`© TLAP (Toke
`co] that com
`ate for trans
`© ZIP (Zone |
`networks or
`into zones (
`make up as
`The concept
`networks wi
`routing task:
`:| Application
`apoapsis Theorbital point most distant fromthe center of the primary
`attracting object. See also apogee and periapsis.
`apochromatic system An optical system that is chromatically cor-
`rected for three colors simultancously.
`apogee The orbital point most distant from the gravitational center of
`the Earth, when the Earth is the centerof attraction. See also apoap-
`sis and perigee.
`apparent power In alternating current (ac) power transmission and
`distribution, the product of the RMS voltage and current. Apparent
`poweris expressed in volt-amps (VA), not watts (W).
`‘When the applied voltage and the currentare in phase, the apparent
`poweris numerically equal to the effective power (the real power—
`expressed in watts (W)—delivered to or consumed by the load), If
`the current lags or leads the applied voltage, the apparent poweris
`greater (han the effective power. See also effective power.
`apparent solar time A timekeeping scheme based on the Sun’s
`crossing of the local meridian at 12:00 noon. Also called Jocal ap-
`parent time and sundial time. See also time (3).
`APPC An abbreviation of Advanced Program to Program Communi-
`cations, A collection of protocols executing programs to communi-
`cate with each other as peers, that is, without the assistance of the
`mainframe. APPC is used primarily with personal computer commu-
`nications to the mainframe host in IBM’s Systerms Network Archi-
`tecture (SNA) network, APPC provides direct peer-to-peer worksta-
`tion communications, mainframe access, compatible protocols
`between all types of workstations, and standard application program
`interfacing to the network.It is defined at a level comparable to the
`session layer in the ISO/OSI Reference Model.It is supported in var-
`ious networking environments, including IBM’s Systems Network
`Architecture (SNA), Ethernet, Token Ring, and X.25. Also called
`APPC/PC A version of APPC developed by IBM to run on PC-based
`Token Ring networks.
`append Toattach to an end of something (afile, a data block, etc.).
`Often used with reference to adding information to a packetofinfor-
`mation being transmitted (as in error detection or correction) or
`adding data to the end ofa file.
`Apple Datastream Protocal (ADSP) A transport mechanism for in-
`terprocess communications between Apple Macintosh and DEC
`VAX minicomputers.
`applet A small software application performing a specific task.
`Traditionally, applets have referred to programs like Cardfile and
`Calculator in Microsoft Windows but now it is used more commonly
`to describe the small distributed applications created with Sun’s Java
`programming language and are downloaded over the Internet Lo dress
`up a web page (e.g., provide motion),
`AppleTalk A nctwork protocol suite defined by Apple Computer Inc.
`for interconnecting Macintosh computers. The original version
`(Phase 1) allowed only 254 network nodes, however. Phase 2,intrg-
`duced in 1989, increased this limit to 16 million. Several physical in-
`lerfaces are defined,i.e.,
`» Serial EIA/RS-422 using AppleTalk Remote Access Protocol
`(ARAP). Apple’s basic architecture available on all Macintosh
`computers, It is a 230.4-kbps architecture that accesses shielded
`twisted pair (STP) cabling via EIA/RS-422 connections.It allows
`nodes to be separated by as much as 305 meters (1000 feet).
`The term LocalTalk is sometimes used to refer to an AppleTalk
`® Apple’s network LocalTalk utilizing LocalTalk Link Access Pro-
`tocol (LLAP).
`* Uthernet using EtherTalk Link Access Protocol (ELAP). Apple’s
`implementation of the 10 megabit per second (Mbps) Ethernetar-
`chitecture. ‘Iwo versions of Ether'lalk exist, The first, EtherTalk
`Phase 1, is based on the Blue Book Ethernet 2,0 (not the [EEE
`802.3 specification), Phase 1°s successor, Phase 2, is modeled on
`the LEREF 802.3 standard. Because the packets are defined differ-
`ently in Phase 1] and Phase 2, the two versions cannot communi-
`cate directly with each other. EtherTalk has replaced LocalTalk as
`the default networking capability in newer Macintosh models.
`e Token Ring using TokenTalk Link Access Protoco] (TLAP). Ap-
`ple’s implementation of the Token Ring architecture. TokenTalk
`supports both the 4-Mbps and 16-Mbpsversion.
`(Noie: The Token Ring architecture is supported only in Ap-
`pleTalk Phase 2.)
`e FDDI using FDDSlalk Link Access Protocol (FLAP). Apple’s
`implementation of the 100-Mbps 'DDIarchitecture.
`At the network layer, AppleTalk uses the Datagram Delivery Proto-
`col (DDP) regardless of the architecture operating at the data link
`layer, which makesa best effort at packet delivery, but delivery is not
`guaranteed. Also at the network layer is the AppleTalk Address Res-
`olution Protocol (AARP) which maps AppleTalk network addresses
`to Ethernet or Token Ring physical addresses, The relationships of
`the various metnbers of the protocol suite ate outlined in the assaci-
`ated diagram. The diagramalso illustrates the relationship of the el-
`ements to the ISO/OSI Reference Model.
`Apple Filing Protocol (AFP) A standard means ofpresenting the fil-
`ing system of a server to the user with a consistent Apple Macintosh
`AppleLink A commercial online informationservice dedicated to the
`service of Apple Computer’s customers. As with mostonline infor-
`mation services, a gateway to the Internetis available.
`AppleShare Apple Compuier’s networking system. Appleshare runs
`on a Macintosh network server, providing file access and printer
`services. It runs on top of the AppleTalk protocols at the uppermost
`(application) layer and uses the protocol suite to provide services.
`EX1027 Page 4
`Apple EX1027 Page 4

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