Smarts P5CT072
`Secure Dual Interface PKI Smart Card Controller
`Rev. 1.3 — 4 October 2004
`Short Form Specification
`1. General description
`Family description
`Philips Semiconductors SmartMX (Memory eXtension) multiple interface option platform
`features a significantly enhanced smart card IC architecture. New powerful opcodesare
`available beyond the compatible classic 80C51 instruction set. The SmartMX family
`manufactured in most advanced CMOS 0.18 um 5 metal layer technologyis positioned to
`service high volume, mono- and multi-application markets such as eGovernment(e.g.
`Smart Passport), banking/finance, mobile communications, public transportation, pay TV,
`conditional access and network access.
`SmartMX enables the easy implementation of state-of-the-art operating systems and
`open platform solutions including Java Card Global Platform and MULTOSbyoffering
`optimized featureslike linear addressing and an enhancedinstruction set together with
`the highest levels of security. Within its targeted segments, the new platform is the most
`advancedsolution available, combining exceptionally powerful co-processors for public
`and secret key encryption supporting RSA, ECC, DES and AES, with the high security,
`ultra low power, performance optimized design conceptof Philips Semiconductors’
`handshaking technology. For further details on general SmartMX platform features please
`refer to the “SmartMX platform features” short form specification.
`Description P5CT072 device
`72 Kbytes EEPROM
`160 Kbytes User ROM
`4608 bytes RAM
`PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) co-processor (RSA, ECC)
`Dual / Triple key DES-3 co-processor
`ISO/IEC 7816 contactinterface
`ISO/IEC 14443A contactless interface
`USB 2.0 Low Speed contactInterface
`¢ EEPROM data retention time: 20 years minimum
`The P5CT072 is a Secure PKI Smart Card Controller of the SmartMX platform featuring
`160 Kbytes of ROM, 4608 bytes of RAM and 72 Kbytes of EEPROM, which can be used
`as data memory and as program memory. Additionally a USB 2.0 (Low Speed) interfaceis
`available thus the device is called a “Secure Triple Interface Smart Card Controller”. The
`non-volatile memory consists of high reliability memory cells to guarantee data integrity,
`whichis especially important when the EEPROM is used as program memory.
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`Philips Semiconductors P5CT072
`SecureTriple Interface PKI Smart Card Controller
`Operatedboth in contact mode (ISO/IEC 7816) and in contactless mode (ISO/IEC 14443)
`the user defines the final function of the chip with his chip operating system (COS). This
`allows the samelevelof security, functionality and flexibility for the contact interface as
`well as for the contactless interface.
`Thefield proven RFinterface technology (according ISO/IEC 14443-2) is well established
`in all products of the MIFARE®interface platform and providesreliable communication
`and secure processing, even in electro-magnetically harsh environmentslike in buses or
`train stations. Compatibility with existing MIFARE® readerinfrastructure and the optional
`free of charge emulation modes of MIFARE® 1K and MIFARE® 4Kenable fast system
`integration and backward compatibility of standard MIFARE® and ProX family based
`Bi-directional communication with the contact interface of the device can be performed
`through three serial |Os. These IOs are under full control of the application software in
`order to allow conditional controlled accessto the different internal memories.
`The On-chip hardwareis software controlled via Special Function Registers (SFRs). Their
`function and usage is described in the respective sections of this specification as the
`SFRsarecorrelated to the activities of the CPU, Interrupt, |O, EEPROM, Timers, etc.
`The P5CT072 provides two power saving modeswith reducedactivity: the IDLE and the
`SLEEP or CLOCKSTOP Mode. These two modesare activated by software.
`The device operates either with a single 1.8V, 3 V or 5 V power supply at a maximum
`external clock frequency of 10 MHz supplied by the contact pads(internally up to 30 MHz)
`or with a powersupply generated from the RF-field emitted by an RF-reader.
`The Contact Interface
`Operating in accordance with ISO/IEC 7816, the SmartMX contactinterface is supported
`by a built in UART, which enables data rates of up to 1Mbit/s allowing for the automatic
`generation ofall typical baud rates and supports transmission protocols T=0 and T=1.
`The USB 2.0 (Low Speed)Interface
`SmartMXis thefirst product platform ofits kind to provide a fully integrated USBinterface
`based on the USB 2.0 (Low Speed) standardSmartMX making SmartMX basedIC cards
`“Plug and Play” compatible with the whole PC world without the use of complex reader
`devices or extra external components. The USB interface uses the ISO contact module
`and worksvia a 4-wire connection to any PC supporting “hot Plug and Play”. The card
`automatically recognizes an ISO or USB environment andis able to work with external
`frequency of up to 6 MHZ or internal clock generation. The use of USB interfaces on smart
`cards is currently in the process of becoming standardized within ISO/IEC 7816-12.
`9397 750 XXXXX
`Short Form Specification
`Rev. 1.3 — 4 October 2004
`© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2003. Alll rights reserved.
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`Philips Semiconductors P5CT072
`SecureTriple Interface PKI Smart Card Controller
`Different Configurations of the P5CT072
`Depending on the application requirements the P5CT072 can be configured according to
`options described in the data sheet chapter “ORDER ENTRY FORM”.
`There are three different configurations (A, B1 and B4) possible as shownin Table |". The
`MIFARE®option configuration has impact on the access conditions for the EEPROM and
`influences the User OS development.
`Note that the contactless interface can be usedin anyof the following configurations to
`communicate via any protocol (T=CL as specified in ISO/IEC 14443-4 or a self defined
`protocol), also concurrently to the MIFARE® protocolavailable in configuration B1 and B4.
`Configuration A
`In configuration A all memory resourcesare available and underfull control of the dual
`interface User OS. No MIFARE®functionality is available.
`Configuration B1
`In configuration B1 the contactless MIFARE® Classic OS provided by Philips is
`implemented on the P5CT072. 1 Kbyte of the EEPROM canbe accessedby the MIFARE®
`Classic OSoffering the same commandsetand functionality as a MIFARE® 1K hardwired
`logic chip. The access conditions for the user OS to the MIFARE® memory area can be
`configured via the so called ACM (Access condition matrix). The MIFARE® Classic OS
`offers a backward compatibility to support existing infrastructure based on the MIFARE®
`Classic functionality.
`Configuration B4
`In configuration B4 the MIFARE® Classic OS provided by Philips Semiconductors offers
`the samefunctionality and commandset as the MIFARE® 4K hardwired chip. This
`emulation offers the possibility to access 4 Kbytes of EEPROM memory using the
`MIFARE® commandset. Accessrights for the user OS and the MIFARE® 4K emulation on
`accessing the EEPROM memorycan beconfigured via the so called ACM (Access
`Condition Matrix).
`For secure separation of the user OS and the MIFARE® OSa dedicatedbuilt in hardware
`protection controls the access to the EEPROM, RAM and ROM.
`Fordetailed explanation of MIFARE® 1K and MIFARE® 4Kfunctionality please refer also
`to the following documents:
`¢ MIFARE® MF CM500 Product Specification
`¢ MIFARE® Standard IC MF1 ICS50 Functional Specification
`¢ MIFARE® Standard 4 Kbytes Card IC MF1 ICS70
`© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2003. Alll rights reserved.
`9397 750 XXXXX
`Rev. 1.3 — 4 October 2004
`3 of 12
`Short Form Specification
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`Philips Semiconductors
`SecureTriple Interface PKI Smart Card Controller
`Table 1:
`Configurations of the P5CT072
`72 Kbytes for access with user OS
`71 Kbytes for access with user OS via EEPROM SFR
`1 Kbyte for access with MIFARE® Classic OS and user OS !"]
`68 Kbytes for access with user OS via EEPROM SFR
`4 Kbytes for access with MMIFARE®Classic OS and user OS "I
`In configuration B1 and B4 the MIFARE® OSallocates 128 bytes of the RAM.
`4608 bytes
`72 Kbytes
`160 Kbytes
`4480 bytes
`4480 bytes
`128 bytes MIFARE® OS
`71 Kbytes
`128 bytes MIFARE® OS
`68 Kbytes
`1 Kbytes
`4 Kbytes
`160 Kbytes
`160 Kbytes
`Fig 1. Configurations of the P5CT072.
`9397 750 XXXXX
`Short Form Specification
`Rev. 1.3 — 4 October 2004
`© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2003. Alll rights reserved.
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`Philips Semiconductors P5CT072
`SecureTriple Interface PKI Smart Card Controller
`2. Features
`2.1 Product Specific Features
`72 Kbytes EEPROM (including 192 bytes reserved manufacturer/security area)
`160 Kbytes User ROM
`4608 bytes RAM
`@ 256 bytes IRAM + 3 Kbytes CKRAM
`@ 1280 bytes FXRAM usable for FameXE
`Memory Managementand Protection Unit
`@ for more details see 2.2. Security Features
`USB 2.0 (Low Speed)contact interface acc. ISO/IEC7816-12
`Contactless Interface Unit (CIU) fully compatible with ISO/IEC14443A
`@ fully supports the T=CL protocol acc. ISO/IEC14443-4
`@ Data Transfer rates supported (106/212/424 kbit/s)
`MIFARE®RFcontactlessinterface acc. ISO/IEC14443-2
`@ 13.56 MHz operating frequency
`@ Reliable communication due to 100% ASK
`@ High speed (106/212/424 kbit/s, efficient frame support)
`@ True anticollision
`@ High speed CRC co-processoraccording to CCITT
`MIFARE® readerinfrastructure compatibility
`High speed DES-3 co-processor(64 bit parallel processing DES engine)
`High speed AES co-processor(128bit parallel processing AES engine)
`PKI Co-processor FameXE
`@ The major Public Key Cryptosystemslike RSA, El’Gamal, DSS, Diffie-Hellmann,
`Guillou-Quisquater, Fiat-Shamir and Elliptic Curve are supported
`@ 4096 bits maximum key length for RSA with randomly chosen modulus
`@ 32-bit interface
`@ Boolean operations for acceleration of standard, symmetric cipher algorithms
`@ Performance example:
`RSA Modular Exponentation (Straight forward) < 35 ms
`(2048 bit key length and 17 bit exponent)
`Optional free of charge MIFARE®@1K and MIFARE® 4Kfunctionality
`2 additional IO ports 102 and 103 for full-duplex serial data communication
`9397 750 XXXXX
`Short Form Specification
`Rev. 1.3 — 4 October 2004
`© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2003. Alll rights reserved.
`5 of 12
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`Philips Semiconductors P5CT072
`SecureTriple Interface PKI Smart Card Controller
`2.2 Security Features
`EnhancedSecurity Sensors
`@ Low / high clock frequency sensor
`@ Low /high temperature sensor
`@ Single Fault Injection (SFl) attack detection
`@ Light sensors
`Electronic fuses for safeguarded mode control
`UniqueID for each die
`ClockInputFilter for protection against spikes
`Power-up / Power-downreset
`Optional programmable “Card Disable” feature
`Memory Security (encryption and physical measures) for RAM, EEPROM and ROM
`Memory Managementand Protection Unit (MMU)
`@ Secure multi application operating systemsvia two different operation modes
`- System Mode and Application Mode
`@ OS controlled accessrestriction mechanism to pheripherals in Application Mode
`@ Memory mapping up to 8 Mbytes Code memory
`@ Memory mapping up to 8 Mbytes (-64K) Data memory
`Optional disabling of ROM read instructions by code executed in EEPROM
`Optional disabling of any code execution out of RAM
`EEPROM programming:
`@ No external clock
`@ Hardware sequencercontrolled
`@ On-chip high voltage generation
`@ Enhancederror correction mechanism
`64 or 128 EEPROMbytes for customer-defined Security FabKey. Featuring batch-,
`wafer- or die-individual security data, incl. encrypted diversification features on request
`14 bytes User Write Protected Security area in EEPROM (byte access, inhibit
`functionality per byte)
`32 bytes Write Once Security area in EEPROM (bit access)
`32 bytes User Read Only area in EEPROM (byte access)
`Customerspecific EEPROMinitialization optional
`© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2003. Alll rights reserved.
`9397 750 XXXXX
`Rev. 1.3 — 4 October 2004
`6 of 12
`Short Form Specification
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`Philips Semiconductors P5CT072
`SecureTriple Interface PKI Smart Card Controller
`2.3 Family Standard Features
`Dedicated Secure_MX51 Smart Card CPU (Memory eXtended / enhanced 80C51)
`@ 0.18 u 5 metal layer CMOStechnology
`® operating in contact and contactless mode (dependenton family type option)
`@ featuring a 24 bit universal memory space, 24 bit program counter
`@ combined universal program/data linear address range up to 16 Mbyte
`@ additional instructions to improve
`- pointer operations
`- performance
`- code density of both C and Java source code
`Low power / low voltage design using Philips handshaking technology
`Developmentand portation support of existing P8WE / P8RF family masks
`Multiple source vectorized interrupt system with four priority levels
`Watch exception provides for software debuggingfacility
`Multiple source RESET system
`Two 16-bit timers
`High reliable EEPROMfor both data storage and program execution
`@ Bytewise EEPROM programming and read access
`@ EEPROM endurance: up to 500 k programming cycles per byte
`@ EEPROM data retention time: 20 years minimum
`Versatile EEPROM programmingof1 to 64 byte at a time
`Typical EEPROM page erasing time: 2.5 ms
`Typical EEPROM page programming time: 1.5 ms
`Power-saving IDLE Mode
`@ Wake-up from IDLE Mode by RESETor anyactivated interrupt
`Power-saving SLEEP (power down) Mode or CLOCKSTOP Mode
`@ Wake-up from SLEEP or CLOCKSTOP Mode by RESETor ExternalInterrupt
`Contact configuration and serial interface according to ISO/IEC 7816: GND, VCC,
`CLK, RST, 101
`ISO/IEC 7816 UART supporting standard protocols T=0 and T=1 as well as high
`speed personalization at 1Mbit/s
`Externalor internally generated configurable CPU clock
`1 MHz to 10 MHzoperating external clock frequency range
`Internal CPU clock up to 30 MHz with synchronous operation
`@ Internal clocking independentof externally applied frequency
`High speed Triple-DES co-processor(two or three keys loadable)
`DES3 performance < 50 us
`High speed 16 bit CRC Engine according to CCITT polynom definition
`Low power Random NumberGenerator (RNG) in hardware, FIPS140-2 compliant
`1.62V to 5.5V extended operating voltage range for class C, B andA
`-25 to +85°C operating ambient temperature range
`© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2003. Alll rights reserved.
`9397 750 XXXXX
`Rev. 1.3 — 4 October 2004
`7 of 12
`Short Form Specification
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`Philips Semiconductors
`SecureTriple Interface PKI Smart Card Controller
`2.4 Design-in Support
`lH Approved DevelopmentTool Chain
`@ Keil PK51 developmenttool packageincl. Vision2/dScopeC51 simulator, additional
`specific hardwaredriversincl. simulation of contactless interface and ISO/IEC 7816
`card interface board. A “SmartMX DBox”allows software debugging and
`integration tests. (
`@ Ashling Ultra-Emulator platform, stand alone ROM prototyping boards and
`ISO/IEC 7816 and ISO/IEC 14443 card interface board. Code coverage and
`performance measurementsoftwaretools for real time software testing.
`@ Dual Interface dummy modules OM6711 (PDM 1.1 - SOT658) with special antenna
`bonding on C4and C8for testing the implanting process and antenna connection.
`@ Software Libraries
`@ Libraries supporting contactless communication according to ISO/IEC 14443, Part
`3 and 4
`@ USB 2.0 (Low Speed) Basic Library Support
`@ EEPROM Read / Write routines
`3. Ordering information
`Table 2:
`Type number
`Ordering information
` Name | Description Version
`P5CTO72EW1/Tvsrrffo FFC
`sawn wafer 150 u onfilm frame carrier
`P5CT0O72EVO/Tvsrrffo Module
`Dual Interface Modules on super 35 mm format (8-contact)
`SOT658 BA3
`P5CT072EV1/Tvsrrffo Module
`Dual Interface Modules on super 35 mm format (8-contact) with
`SOT658 BA3
`Antenna connected to C4/C8
`SOT500 AA3
`P5CT072EV3/Tvsrrffo Module
`pure contactless module MOB2 on super 35 mm format
`9397 750 XXXXX
`Short Form Specification
`Rev. 1.3 — 4 October 2004
`© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2003. Alll rights reserved.
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`Philips Semiconductors
`SecureTriple Interface PKI Smart Card Controller
`4. Block diagram
`ISO 14443
`USB D+, D-
`(Low Speed)
`USB 2.0
`72 Kbytes
`160 Kbytes
`enhanced PUBLIC.
`Memory ManagementUnit (MMU)
`101.23 {1 Iso 7a16
`RESET GENERATION 16|16 crete Fast
`ISO 7816 Triple Interface|P5CT072
`VOD (Symbol|SymbolCONTACTS Description
` C1 Vcc VDD Powersupplyvoltage input
`Resetinput, active LOW
`Clock input
`not connected
`Ground(reference voltage)input
`not connected
`* Antennacontacts are placed on module backside
`Input/Output#1 for serial data
`not connected
`antennacoil connection
`antennacoil connection
`Note: 102, 103 and assignments on request.
`Fig 2. Block diagram P5CT072.
`9397 750 XXXXX
`© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2003.All rights reserved.
`Short Form Specification
`Rev. 1.3 — 4 October 2004
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`Philips Semiconductors
`SecureTriple Interface PKI Smart Card Controller
`5. Limiting values
`Table 3:
`Absolute maximum ratings [11
`In accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).
`Supply voltage
`Input voltage on any signal pad
`Vpp +0.5
`lis lo
`DC input or output current on 101, 102 or 103
`+ 15.0
`Latch up current
`Vi <OorV, > Vpp
`Electrostatic discharge voltage 2!
`on pads VDD,VSS,CLK,RST,101, 102, 103,
`on all other pads
`Total powerdissipation per package [3!
`Tstg Table note [4] Table note [4 Storage temperature range
`[1] Stresses beyond thoselisted may cause permanent damageto the device. These are stress ratings only and functional operation of the
`device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under “recommendedoperating conditions” is not implied. Exposure to
`absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods mayaffect devicereliability.
`[2] MIL Standard 883-D method 3015; Human body model; C = 100 pF, R = 1.5 kQ; Tamb = -25 to +85 °C.
`[3] Depending on appropriate thermal resistance of the package.
`[4] Depending on delivery type, refer to “Philips General Specification for 8” Wafers” and to “Philips Contact & Dual Interface Chip Card
`Module Specification”.
`Table 4:
`Recommendedoperating conditions
`Vpp (5.0)
`Supply voltage
`5 V operation
`Vpp (3.0)
`3 V operation
`Vop (1.8)
`1.8 V operation
`DCinput voltage on digital inputs and
`digital |O pads
`DC input voltage on analog USB IO pads
`Tamb °C Operating ambient temperature 1) -25 +85
`[1] Operation ambient temperature whenusing the Universal Serial Bus interface with internally generated USB clock: Tamb = 0 to +50 °C.
`9397 750 XXXXX
`Short Form Specification
`Rev. 1.2 — 4 October 2004
`© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2003. Alll rights reserved.
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`Philips Semiconductors
`SecureTriple Interface PKI Smart Card Controller
`6. Data sheet status
`Level Datasheet status!"] Product status 21/3]__Definition
`Objective data
`This data sheet contains data from the objective specification for product development.Philips
`Semiconductors reserves the right to changethe specification in any mannerwithout notice.
`This data sheet contains data from thepreliminary specification. Supplementary datawill be published
`at a later date. Philips Semiconductors reservesthe right to change the specification withoutnotice,in
`order to improve the design and supply the best possible product.
`Product data
`This data sheet contains data from the product specification. Philips Semiconductors reserves the
`right to make changesat anytimein orderto improve the design, manufacturing and supply. Relevant
`changeswill be communicated via a Customer Product/Process Change Notification (CPCN).
`Preliminary data
`Please consult the most recently issued data sheetbeforeinitiating or completing a design.
`[2]_The productstatusof the device(s) describedin this data sheet may have changedsince this data sheet was published. Thelatest information is available on the Internet at
`For data sheets describing multiple type numbers,the highest-level product status determines the data sheet status.
`7. Definitions 8. Disclaimers
`Short-form specification — The data in a short-form specification is
`extracted from a full data sheet with the same type numberandtitle. For
`detailed information see the relevant data sheet or data handbook.
`Limiting values definition — Limiting values given are in accordance with
`the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134). Stress above one or
`moreofthe limiting values may cause permanent damageto the device.
`Theseare stress ratings only and operation of the device at these or at any
`other conditions above those given in the Characteristics sections of the
`specification is not implied. Exposureto limiting values for extended periods
`mayaffect devicereliability.
`Application information — Applications that are described herein for any
`of these products areforillustrative purposesonly. Philips Semiconductors
`makenorepresentation or warranty that such applicationswill be suitable for
`the specified use without further testing or modification.
`Life support — These products are not designedfor useinlife support
`appliances, devices, or systems where malfunction of these products can
`reasonably be expectedto result in personalinjury. Philips Semiconductors
`customers using orselling these products for use in such applications do so
`at their ownrisk and agreeto fully indemnify Philips Semiconductors for any
`damagesresulting from such application.
`Right to make changes — Philips Semiconductors reservestheright to
`make changesin the products - includingcircuits, standard cells, and/or
`software - described or contained herein in order to improve design and/or
`performance. Whenthe productis in full production (status ‘Production’),
`relevant changeswill be communicated via a Customer Product/Process
`ChangeNotification (CPCN). Philips Semiconductors assumes no
`responsibility orliability for the use of any of these products, conveys no
`licenceortitle under any patent, copyright, or mask workright to these
`products, and makesnorepresentations or warranties that these products are
`free from patent, copyright, or mask workright infringement, unless otherwise
`9. Contact information
`For additional information, please visit
`For sales office addresses, send an email to:
`© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2003. Alll rights reserved.
`9397 750 XXXXX
`Rev. 1.2 — 4 October 2004
`11 of 12
`Short Form Specification
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`Philips Semiconductors
`SecureTriple Interface PKI Smart Card Controller
`10. Tables
`Table 1: Configurations of the PSCT072 ............. 4
`Table 2: Ordering information...................... 8
`Table 3: Absolute maximum ratings "] ............. 10
`Table 4: Recommendedoperating conditions ........ 10
`11. Figures
`Fig 1. Configurations of the PS5CT072................ 4
`Block diagram P5CT072..............-.-000- 9
`12. Contents
`General description.............0000eeees 1
`Family description.................-.000- 1
`Description PSCT072 device .............. 1
`The Contact Interface ................... 2
`The USB 2.0 (Low Speed)Interface......... 2
`Different Configurations of the PS5CT072 ..... 3
` ConfigurationA..............0.0002 eee 3
`Configuration B1....................004- 3
`Configuration B4.................-.2004- 3
`Features ...... 20. c cece eee eee eee 5
`Product Specific Features................. 5
`Security Features ........... 0.0000 ceeeee 6
`Family Standard Features................. 7
`Design-in Support.................000008- 8
`Ordering information...............00005: 8
`Block diagram ........ 00. c cece eee eee 9
`Limiting values. ..........0.0 cece e eens 10
`Data sheet status........... 0.0 eee eee 11
`Definitions ........ 0... c eee eee eee 11
`Disclaimers. ..........000 cece eee eee 11
`Contact information .............0.+0005 11
`© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2003
`All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior
`written consent of the copyright owner. The information presented in this document does
`not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may
`be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any
`consequenceofits use. Publication thereof does not convey norimply any license under
`patent- or otherindustrialorintellectual property rights.
`Dateof release: 4 October 2004
`Documentorder number: 9397 750 XXXXX
`Published in The Netherlands
`Apple EX1012 Page 12
`Apple EX1012 Page 12

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