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` CASE NO. IPR2022-00413
` Petitioner,
` -vs-
` Patent Owner.
` November 14, 2022 - 9:30 A.M. EST
`Reported by:
`S. Arielle Santos
`Job No. 6030
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
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` NOVEMBER 14, 2022
` 9:30 A.M. EST
`before S. Arielle Santos, Certified Court
`Reporter, Certified LiveNote Reporter and Notary
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`5600 Greenwood Plaza Boulevard, Suite 200
`Greenwood Village, CO 80111
`411 Theodore Fremd Avenue, Suite 206 South
`Rye, NY 10580
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`GERALD SMITH, Testifies under penalty of
`perjury as follows:
` Q Good morning.
` Can you please state your full
`name for the record?
` A My mute takes a little bit of
`time. Can you hear me okay?
` Gerald William Smith.
` Q Mr. Smith, for whom do you
`currently work?
` A I work in actually two places:
`ID Technology Partners, which is where
`this work was done through back in 2020,
`2021, and I also have my own entity
`called Generic Smart Cards LLC.
` Q And so "this work," what do you
`mean by "this work"?
` A What I mean by that is what I
`currently do to earn a living, which is I
`am a smart card professional, primarily
`consulting at my age now to various
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`organizations like Homeland Security and
`other agencies, as well as building
`things like diagnostic gear and stuff on
`a one-off basis.
` Q Are you familiar with something
`called mobile payments, generally, the
` A I am familiar with mobile. I am
`familiar with payments. And payments
`over mobile devices, if that's what is
`your definition of mobile payment.
` Q So have you heard of a product
`called Samsung Pay, for example?
` A If I can get the mute button to
`work -- I am familiar with Samsung Pay
`and other names in front pay or
`equivalence, yes.
` Q So you'd also be familiar with
`Google Pay, right?
` A Yes, I am familiar with Google
`Pay, the name at least, yes, and its
`general aspects.
` Q So are you familiar more than at
`a general level, are you familiar with
`the technical workings of Samsung Pay?
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` A The particulars of things like
`Samsung Pay or Google Pay, even others, I
`see through the eyes of payments because
`I sit on various standards boards, not to
`the level I did in the period, but I
`would see it through things like EMVCo or
`some of the European Telecom Standards
`Entity Standards, ISO 8583 traffic. I
`see it through that kind of nuts and
`bolts level versus a user level.
` I don't believe -- actually, I
`know I don't use any of those myself. I
`am still -- I am still a card-based guy
`in the end of the day. But I think -- I
`have some awareness of the concept.
` Q Are you aware of any of the
`security issues that have been prevalent
`with Samsung Pay and Google Pay?
` MR. HART: Objection.
` Relevance.
` Q You can answer if you know, sir.
` A I do not know. I don't --
`since -- I am in the identity space now
`more than payments, I don't follow
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`such -- such issues. So no, I am not
`familiar with specifics on any of these
`payment mechanisms.
` Q But you generally are aware that
`there have been security issues in the
`media, in news articles about Samsung Pay
`and Google Pay, right?
` MR. HART: Same objection.
` THE WITNESS: I do not recall
` if I saw those or I put them to
` memory. I would say in my
` recollection, no, I have not
` followed that at all because it's
` not relevant to what I do in the
` identity space.
` Q Are you aware of any
`transmission of credit card information
`as plain text over the internet by Google
`Pay or Samsung Pay leading to security
` MR. HART: Objection,
` relevance.
` THE WITNESS: I am not.
` Again, I am not familiar with the
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` specific mechanisms of those
` offerings.
` Q Who are you working for in this
`case, sir?
` A In this particular case? If you
`could rephrase the question so I
`understand what you mean who I am working
` Q I would like to know. I don't
`know how to make it more specific.
` Who are you working for -- Erise
`IP, the court reporter, me?
` Who are you working for?
` A Well, in this particular
`instance, I am representing -- I support
`the Erise IP team.
` Q Is there a party -- specific
`party you are working for?
` A I work for Erise IP, which my
`understanding -- and I am not a lawyer, I
`think I stated that in the declaration --
`I thought represented Apple in this
`particular case.
` Q Do you also work for Samsung?
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` A I have not -- no, I do not work
`for Samsung. As I stated previously, I
`work for ID Technology Partners and some
`additional work at Generic Smart Cards
`LLC. I don't deal with the West Coast
`firms, no. No, not at this time.
` Q Didn't you submit a declaration
`on behalf of Samsung in an IPR proceeding
`earlier last year?
` A Well, to clarify, I thought you
`meant at this moment. I was retained as
`an expert witness through a different
`legal team, I think it was GT Law to
`represent Samsung, yes. I didn't
`consider that -- I believe the terms of
`my contract was I was not or will ever be
`an employee of Samsung. That's my
`understanding. And when that resolved
`itself however it resolved itself, I am
`no longer associated with that.
` So it was only in this type of
`domain that I was associated with
` Q So if I say "this case," are you
`familiar with the IPR proceedings
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`IPR2022-412 and 413?
` A I would have to see the actual
`work to understand if I am familiar with
`that, whether that is the Apple stuff
`or -- sounds like it's newer. I think
`all my stuff is 2021 stuff under Samsung.
`That is the most I know of particular
`numbers without seeing the document.
` Q So you submitted two
`declarations, one in each of the
`proceedings we are here to talk about
`today, right?
` Is that right, sir?
` A That's correct. One for the
`'787 and one for the '009, which I think
`start out saying Samsung.
` Q And you submitted those
`declarations while you were doing work
`for Samsung in 2021, right?
` A That work started in 2020 and I
`believe, yeah, they were submitted
`sometime mid-2021. I would have to see
`the dates but that was for through GT Law
`to Samsung, yes, sir.
` Q And then sometime later you
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`started working with Apple and submitted
`what is essentially the identical
`declaration in the Apple proceedings,
` A I don't know the procedural
`aspects of this but the same declaration
`applies, is my understanding. So that is
`the best I can answer that particular
` Q So you didn't change any
`positions between the Samsung proceeding
`and the Apple proceeding, right?
` It's all the same positions you
`have taken?
` A As of today, even my opinion
`remains the same on what I disclosed in
`those declarations.
` Q When you were working for
`Samsung, you were actually representing
`or you submitted declarations for four
`proceedings, right?
` A As I recall -- again, this is
`two years ago, talking about a time
`period that's almost 20 years now, well,
`15-plus -- I do remember creating or
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`crafting four different declarations,
`although I think there were more IP than
`that at the time. But that sounds
`correct that there were four, in fact.
` Q I am going to say some patent
`numbers here.
` Are you familiar with the '218
` A I am familiar with the '218
`patent and I believe I crafted a
`declaration for that particular patent.
` Q And you're also familiar with
`the '855 patent as well, right?
` A I believe I call that out
`specifically in the -- it's like the
`'787. But, yes, I am familiar with an
`'855 declaration as well.
` Q And you understand that we are
`here today because the PTAB, P-T-A-B has
`instituted IPR proceedings for the '009
`and '787 patents, right?
` A That is my understanding, that
`that was -- what you people call a
`decision, okay, from a -- I think it is a
`three judge panel, if I understand the
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`process, I am not a lawyer.
` So yes, we are here because we
`are moving forward on '009 and the '787,
`that's my understanding.
` Q And you understand that there's
`a decision called an institution decision
`in those proceedings where the patent
`office, the PTAB, discusses the merits of
`the proceeding, right?
` A I have -- I have -- I understand
`what a decision document is which I think
`they discuss whether something should
`move forward or not, that is the best I
`can really ferret that out as a
` Q Have you read them?
` A I have read the decision
`documents for both the '787 and the '009,
`yes, sir.
` Q And you're also aware the patent
`office declined to proceed in the
`proceedings where you submitted a
`declaration for the '218 and the '855
`patents, right?
` A Under Samsung, yes, the decision
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`from the PTAB was not to institute trial
`on either of those matters. And that
`was -- as far as I was concerned, that's
`-- you know, I had done my job and moved
` Q Did you read the decisions in
`those cases?
` A Yes, I read both decisions
`because it's -- these type of -- this
`type of work is always, if nothing else,
`an educational moment for me of should I
`continue to go down this line of work, I
`want to try to improve my prose, if
`nothing else.
` But, yes, I did receive -- I
`did -- maybe I didn't fully understand
`them, but I did read those decisions.
` Q And so I want to make sure I
`understand the timing right.
` You submitted declarations on
`behalf of Samsung for the '218, '855,
`'787 and '009 patents sometime in the
`2020-2021 timeframe, right?
` A The work was done starting in --
`I mean, I got involved in late 2020, and
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`I remember -- my recollection is that all
`those filings were over the summer, maybe
`slightly into the fall of 2021 for
` Q And so you put declarations
` They were ultimately submitted
`sometime in the fall of 2021 for Samsung
`for all four patents, right?
` A That's my recollection, yeah,
`there were four things submitted. Again,
`most of that was other machinery tourney
`with respect to the PTAB and all that.
`But I remember doing work for four
`declarations, and my understanding is
`they were all submitted, yes.
` Q And then sometime in early -- or
`sometime in late 2021, early 2022, you
`became aware that the patent office
`denied institution, declined to proceed
`with the proceedings on the '218 and the
`'855 patent, right?
` A I was informed and I did read,
`as I said earlier, in I think it was
`early 2022, that two, the '787, '009,
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`there was -- to proceed and institute to
`trial, and the '218 and the '855 were
`declined by the PTAB.
` That's -- that's my recollection
`of how things more or less ended at that
`point with my work with Samsung based on
`subsequent legal maneuverings and all
` Q Are you aware one way or the
`other whether Samsung took a license to
`the patents?
` A I --
` (Simultaneous Crosstalk.)
` MR. HART: Objection.
` Relevance.
` Go ahead, Gerry.
` THE WITNESS: Sorry, I didn't
` mean to cut you off their, Paul.
` No, I never -- in the work I
` have done so far, depending
` whoever I am representing, I never
` know the outcome nor do I really
` want to know the outcome, it's
` none of my business, really.
` But no, I have no idea what
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` happened when things -- what
` happened after the PTAB decisions.
` Q Would it surprise you to learn
`that Samsung took a license to the
`RFCyber patents?
` MR. HART: Objection, form.
` Objection, relevance.
` THE WITNESS: Surprise might
` be too strong a word. Again, I
` wasn't privy to what actually
` happened other than my contract
` terminated at that point because
` my services were no longer needed.
` I am not surprised because
` that is -- to me, that's one
` possible outcome. You take a
` license or you agree on an amount
` from an award chest and you move
` on, okay, from at least my prior
` life experience in these areas.
` But surprise is -- I think might
` be a little too strong a word.
` But I wasn't aware that they took
` a license. That much is true.
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` Q So based on the fact that you
`rendered opinions that you believe all
`these patents are invalid, would it
`surprise you at all to learn that Samsung
`paid for a license to these patents?
` MR. HART: Same objections.
` THE WITNESS: I would repeat
` the same response, that it's
` just -- to me, these things are
` business decisions on the
` commercial side sometimes -- in my
` opinion, in my experience.
` So same basic response as
` before; surprise is a strong word,
` but it's -- it's one possible
` outcome. That is the most I can
` say there.
` Q Do you think Samsung would have
`paid for invalid patents -- a license to
`invalid patents?
` MR. HART: Same objections.
` THE WITNESS: Again, same
` response as before. I considered
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` it a business decision really at
` that point, and nothing more than
` that. And validity didn't really
` play into that. Just a business
` decision of do you keep going, at
` what cost, versus you settle.
` It's just that within this
` case, you're telling me a
` license -- which I cannot confirm
` by the way, maybe there is a way
` to confirm it, but I don't know
` how to do that.
` So same basic theme that
` surprise is a strong word but the
` merits of invalidity or not,
` debate was stopped really at that
` point at Samsung.
` Q Would it surprise you to learn
`that Samsung paid $5 million for a
`license to these patents?
` MR. HART: Same objections.
` THE WITNESS: I never know
` dollar amounts nor are they
` relevant to my contributions to
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` that particular effort.
` Q Based on your understanding from
`your time in the industry and your
`professional career, don't you think
`paying $5 million for invalid patents
`would be a lot of money if those patents
`were invalid?
` MR. HART: Same objections.
` restate about projections of
` what's it take to get to the end,
` what is the certainty it's going
` to get to the end, especially with
` some PTAB decisions versus
` basically cut losses in the matter
` and move on. To me, it's a
` business decision.
` It hasn't -- again, in my
` mind has nothing to do with the
` invalidity, especially when you
` look at all the arguments and
` hundreds and hundreds of pages
` that I know I performed under
` Samsung, okay, with respect to
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` those four matters.
` Q I will ask you something that is
`a little outlandish here then.
` Let's say you certainly do agree
`that if someone paid close to $30 million
`for a license to these patents, that, you
`know, they wouldn't be paying $30 million
`for license to invalid patents -- we will
`get back to the $5 million range in a
`second -- but let me rephrase that.
` A Please.
` Q So you told me what you think
`about the $5 million range but I want to
`ask you about something that is a little
`more outlandish.
` So let's say someone paid
`$30 million for a license to these
` You wouldn't think someone would
`be paying $30 million for a license to
`invalid patents, right?
` MR. HART: Objection, form.
` Objection, relevance.
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` THE WITNESS: Well, first,
` that is a hypothetical and I --
` with all due respect, I don't do
` hypotheticals. But I reaffirm
` where my head is on this and that
` is if it's a $3 trillion market,
` for example, if you're -- in your
` hypothetical $30 million might be
` a very reasonable way out in this,
` without considering invalidity. I
` think that is the point I want to
` make is if somebody pays for
` something, it doesn't transfer, in
` my mind, whether the patent is
` valid or not.
` Just because, again, I am not
` a lawyer. But that's my
` understanding, it's strictly in
` the realm of a business decision,
` the entity, the corporation.
` Q Have you ever rendered an
`opinion that a patent is valid?
` A I have done a few of these.
`That's a difficult question for me
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`because I did some work 2000 -- I want to
`say 2009 -- on a smart card matter, where
`I believe I did represent the plaintiff
`as an expert witness. I -- that never
`got to a declaration phase.
` So I think I have answered my
`own question. No, I don't think I am on
`the record for arguing that no, indeed, a
`patent is invalid. I have -- I don't
`think there's anything on the record in
`that regard.
` Q So to confirm, you've only ever
`submitted declarations or given sworn
`testimony proceedings arguing that
`patents are invalid.
` You have never argued in a
`declaration or in a sworn proceeding that
`a patent is valid, correct?
` A That is my recollection, yes.
` Q Other than the proceedings
`related to the Samsung RFCyber case and
`the Apple RFCyber case, how many other
`IPR proceedings have you been involved
` A This may not be an accurate
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`number because one of my clients over the
`years has been the Department of Justice,
`their IP division.
` I believe there's at least
`one -- two, in fact, I have done in the
`past. I don't remember the exact merits
`of that case. I did not prepare for that
`today. But I would say at least two
`where -- not counting this case, two
`additional, okay.
` And again, I think both of
`those -- three, actually, because there
`is one also that I think I did write a
`declaration for -- for the SEC. I was
`retained as an expert witness there on a
`particular smart card matter as well.
` So I would say in the universe
`of these kind of things, not counting
`Samsung or this proceeding, I would say
`three additional.
` Q Now, back to the Samsung
`institution decisions we discussed.
` After you read the decisions
`denying institution for the '218 and '855
`patents where the patent office decided
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`not to proceed based on your
`declarations, after reviewing those
`decisions, you didn't make any changes to
`any declaration in the Apple proceedings,
` MR. HART: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: I can only talk
` to the '787 and '009. But the
` opinions I rendered there, even in
` consideration of the two that were
` not moved forward, which I read it
` carefully enough to know it was a
` different board, different set of
` people, that I apparently did
` not -- I was not persuasive on my
` side I guess.
` No, my opinions stay the way
` they are and did not impact my
` '787 or '009 hundreds of pages of
` disclosure. No, I am sticking to
` my guns on that, because it's what
` I believe and -- for the time
` period, and there was -- in my
` opinion, there's no reason to
` change any opinions in that
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` regard.
` Q So in other words, if the patent
`office said certain things in the
`institution decisions denying institution
`for the '218 and '855 patents, you are
`not changing any of your opinions with
`regard to the '787 and '009 patents,
` You think you have said enough;
`you don't need to add anything to them;
`they stand on their own.
` Is that your testimony?
` A That's effectively my testimony,
`yes. Because -- and I think it is out of
`scope to bring in my own -- how I am
`educated on the '218 and '855 in that
`regard. So I am not going to talk about
` But there's nothing that changes
`what I know was what was happening and my
`best knowledge and experience there's no
`need for me to make any changes, I
`believe, in either the '787 or the '009.
` Q Are you familiar with the term
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`"secure element"?
` A I would need you to clarify what
`you mean by that term. I come out of the
`specifications and standards and
`business, so I would -- I am a little
`confused on context.
` Do you mean with respect to the
`'009 patent?
` Q Let's talk about the term secure
`element with regard to any of the RFCyber
` You are familiar with the term
`in the context of the patents, right?
` A I am familiar with the term as
`used in the '009, because that's top of
`my head right now, which stipulates in
`the specifications -- it's probably the
`wrong wording in the legal context -- but
`it says in the specifications, somewhere
`in column 6, I believe, I could be off
`there, I don't have, I would have to go
`look precisely -- that a secure element
`may be in the form of a smart card, which
`that's what I use, then, to engage my
`expertise for the balance of at least the
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`'009 in that regard.
` And I do not recall the use of
`secure element. It may be there, okay,
`in the '787 or I would have to go and
`look for it. But the '009 certainly
`brings in smart cards as a definition.
` Q You are aware that in the '218
`and '855 proceedings, the proceedings
`related to those two patents, that the
`patent office declined to proceed because
`the prior art that you cited to in those
`proceedings, they didn't believe it
`disclosed a secure element, right?
` MR. HART: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: Again, I did
` not really prepare for the '218
` and '855 today in scope for me
` today, I'm a very big guy on scope
` because I am trapped by it all the
` time in some of my work.
` I don't remember exactly the
` detail on those arguments. What I
` do remember is in the '009, a
` secure element can come in the
` form of a smart card. And that
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` was sufficient in my technical
` mind to proceed along the
` grounds -- the lines that I did,
` and ultimately my '009
` declaration.
` Q I am only asking about what the
`board said when it declined to institute.
`You said you looked at those decisions
`and you learned from them.
` I'm asking you whether you are
`aware that in the decisions denying
`institution, the board at the PTAB found
`that the references you cited to didn't
`have the secure element of the '218 and
`'855 patents.
` Do you know that or do you not
`know that?
` MR. HART: Objection, form.
` Objection, relevance.
` THE WITNESS: I consider that
` out of scope for today. I just
` would need to go back and see that
` language and see how it applies --
` applies here.
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` I am not exactly sure why
` you're asking that question, when
` it's very obvious certainly in the
` '009, where you define the term to
` be or at least a realm of that
` term for use which I did use,
` okay, in my declaration.
` Q So you are telling me in this
`proceeding, you don't plan to talk about
`at all what the patent office said about
`secure element in its decision denying
`institution for the '218 patent and '855
` Is that what you are telling me?
` MR. HART: Objection, form.
` Objection, relevance.
` THE WITNESS: I can't really
` answer that. I can't predict the
` future of what I am going to say,
` depending on how events unfold.
` What I have said in the
` declaration is what I am sticking
` to, as I have said in the opening
` of these proceedings.
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
`212-400-8845 -
`RFCyber's Exhibit No. 2009, IPR2022-00412
`Page 031


`Page 32
` Q So whateve

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