IPR HEARING 5/19/2022
`Page 1
`Page 3
` ________________
` ________________
` Petitioner,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` ________________
`MAY 19, 2022, between the hours of two o'clock in the
`afternoon and three o'clock in the afternoon of that
`day, taken remotely with all parties attending from
`various locations via teleconference, before Penny J.
`Mullen, a Certified Court Reporter (MO #808), within
`and for the State of Missouri, in a certain cause now
`pending in the United States Patent and Trademark
`Office, Before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board
`between APPLE INC., Petitioner, vs. RFCYBER CORP.,
`Patent Owner; on behalf of the Petitioner.
`Page 4
` A P P E A R A N C E S
` For the Petitioner:
` Adam P. Seitz (telephonically)
` Paul Hart
` Erise IP PA
` 7015 College Boulevard, Suite 700
` Overland Park, Kansas 66211
` (913)777-5600
` For the Patent Owner:
` Richard Cowell (telephonically)
` Kenyon & Kenyon, LLP
` One Broadway
` New York, New York 10004
` (212)908-6277
` Also present: Hearing Chief, Judge Cherry.
`Court Reporter: (Telephonically)
`Penny J. Mullen, CCR
`Missouri CCR #808
`Lexitas Legal Services
`1608 Locust Street
`Kansas City, Missouri 64108
` ________________
` ________________
` Petitioner,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` ________________
`Inter Partes Review Case No. IPR2022-00412, -00413
` U.S. Patent No. 9,189,787
` MAY 19, 2022
`Page 2
` I N D E X
`Opening Remarks and Introduction............. 5
`Discussion................................... 6
`Closing Statements........................... 19
`Court Reporter Certificate................... 21
` E X H I B I T S
` (None marked or identified.)
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`1 (Pages 1 to 4)
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`Apple EX1040 Page 1


` IPR HEARING 5/19/2022
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`between counsel for the Petitioner and counsel for the
`Patent Owner that this hearing may be taken in
`shorthand by Penny J. Mullen, a Certified Court
`Reporter, and afterwards transcribed into typewriting.
` * * * * *
` (Starting time of the hearing: 2:00 PM.)
` * * * * * * * *
` THE COURT: Good afternoon, everyone. This
`is Judge Cherry. With me on the line are co-panelists
`Scanlon and Turner. Would the parties please make
`your appearances.
` MR. SEITZ: Good afternoon, Your Honor.
`This is Adam Seitz for Petitioner Apple. With me also
`is my partner, Paul Hart. And I also asked for a
`court reporter to take this down who is on the phone
`as well.
` THE COURT: Thank you very much. Would the
`Patent Owner representative like to introduce
` MR. COWELL: Good afternoon, Your Honor.
`This is Richard Cowell on behalf of the Patent Owner,
` THE COURT: Would you like to make your
`Page 6
`request? Let us know exactly what you want to do.
` MR. SEITZ: Thank you, Your Honor. The
`Petitions that Apple filed, the 00412 and 00413
`proceedings, both of them were copycat substantively
`identical proceedings that have sought to join
`Samsung's Petitions, the 2021-980 and -981
` We filed a Motion For Joiner within the
`appropriate timeframe. There has been oppositions to
`those Motions for Joiner after the opposition and the
`reply brief was set in motion. The Motion For Joiner
`was fully briefed.
` The Motion to Terminate was filed and then
`in April the board terminated the -- the board
`terminated both of the proceedings to which we sought
`to join.
` This caused a small amount of confusion on
`my end, Your Honor. Looking through your precedent, I
`understand the termination of proceedings was
`discretionary. But looking through the precedent, it
`appears that the board typically would dismiss either
`the Petitioner only or holding the decision on
`termination of the proceeding that is sought to be
`joined so that the underlying Motion For Joiner be
` So now I'm left in a little bit of a lurch
`on procedurally what happens to our Motions For
`Joiner. I don't know whether the underlying Samsung
`proceedings were meant to have been terminated only as
`to Petitioner Samsung, or if those entire proceedings
`have been terminated.
` And if that's the case, it leaves me in
`just a little bit of a question as to what happens to
`our pending proceedings which, Your Honor, were filed
`as substantively identical copycat proceedings to
`Samsung's Petition proceedings seeking to joiner.
` So I had a secondary request that really is
`contingent on the answer to the first question, that
`would be to address by way of a reply and potential
`supplemental declaration to arguments that were made,
`because my hands were tied in filing a copycat
` But before I get into that, I did want to
`address just a confusion that was procedurally for
`what we do with the posture of our Petition which
`specifically sought to joint Samsung's proceedings
`which have now been terminated.
` THE COURT: Well, I think I can answer that
`question. I mean those proceedings were terminated.
`My understanding, though, is that neither of these two
`Page 8
`Petitions, the 00412 or the 00413, are barred under
`the, what is the section, Section 315B. So in that
`case, then, I think that the Petition would just
`proceed normally to an institution decision.
` MR. SEITZ: I may have to ask for a
`clarification on that, Your Honor.
` THE COURT: Sure.
` MR. SEITZ: That certainly is correct.
`We're not barred and if that's how you're proceeding,
`I understand that. But my confusion, rather, arose
`from the precedent that's out there.
` In this instance we filed a copycat
`Petition seeking to join which was substantively
`identical to that which Samsung filed to obviously to
`take an understudy role. We can't raise any
`objections. We can use substantive arguments.
` We have the patent now where RFCyber has
`sought to raise a new argument in its patent under
`preliminary response that we could not have addressed
`in any way, shape or form in our original Petition
`because of descriptions on the understudy role in
`filing a copycat Petition.
` So if this proceeding is going to proceed
`as normal now, I would like permission to file a reply
`that addresses those new arguments that I would have
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`2 (Pages 5 to 8)
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`Apple EX1040 Page 2


` IPR HEARING 5/19/2022
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`Page 11
`been precluded in raising otherwise in the context of
`a copycat joiner Petition.
` THE COURT: Well, I mean there's nothing
`that restricts the Patent Owner from filing new
`arguments even though the joiner Petition makes no --
`it still proceeds with them filing a preliminary
`response; right?
` MR. SEITZ: I don't disagree with that
`point, Your Honor. I'm just saying procedurally I
`could have prejudiced my client to file a Petition for
`Joiner that seeks to state substantively identical to
`what was done by Samsung. New arguments have been
`raise, but they don't disagree that RFCyber has the
`right to raise an argument.
` I'm just asking for an ability to cure that
`prejudice now, because in the underlying proceeding to
`terminate, there's new arguments that have never been
`raised in either one and that I was precluded from
`raising in my original one. So I was asking for the
`right to address those new arguments.
` THE COURT: I just don't see how that's any
`different than any other Petition. I mean we don't
`grant petitions -- there has to be good cause. How is
`that good cause?
` MR. SEITZ: The good cause here, Your
`Page 10
`Honor, is that if I had filed my own Petition that did
`not seek to join another party's Petition, I certainly
`could have addressed every argument that I think the
`Patent Owner would have raised, and I would be held to
`that. That is absolutely right.
` But here, we filed a Motion to Join and
`filed a copycat Petition. I sought to join as an
`understudy role. That meant that I was precluded from
`adding any new substantive arguments.
` I could not have addressed any arguments
`that the Patent Owner may have raised, because I was
`restricted to raising only the issues that were raised
`in Samsung's Petition. So that's a different
` THE COURT: What specifically are you
`intending is the new argument that could be responded
` MR. SEITZ: Your Honor, on that point, if I
`may defer to my partner, Paul Hart, I believe he may
`have those substantive arguments in front of him, if
`you give me just the ability to do that. I may have
`lost him, Your Honor.
` MR. HART: I am here. I'm just pulling it
`up. There are new arguments in the 009 patent proffer
`that were not raised in Samsung's proffer that the
`board did not address related to the claims' secure
` And there are also arguments in that 009
`patent proceeding related to eliminating the combined
`and related to the standard comments about the
`standards in the base reference.
` Those are two sets of arguments that were
`not raised in Samsung's proffer that the board did not
`consider in Samsung's (unintelligible) but that had
`advanced in the 009 patent proffer against us for
`which we have not yet had an opportunity to respond.
` Obviously, those are arguments that had we
`been joined to an active proceeding, we could have
`addressed in our patent reply and entered supplemental
`expert declaration. But because we joined via copycat
`petitions, we had no ability to address them up front.
` Similarly, in the 77 patent proceedings
`there is an argument about the claim language for,
`quote, getting the fund stored in the emulator, end
`quote, related to E-post transactions that are the
`subject of those claims.
` That is another argument, another
`substantive argument patent related (unintelligible)
`called a heater that was not advanced to the proffer
`in Samsung, and so the board has not considered or had
`Page 12
`an opportunity to address.
` THE COURT: I mean, I guess so if we
`decided to (unintelligible) you would be able to
`respond to those, right?
` MR. SEITZ: Absolutely, Your Honor; yes.
` THE COURT: But we don't normally grant
`discretions because Patent Owner already raised
`arguments about, I mean, about the claims and about
`the motivation to bind. We don't normally in normal
`situations grant replies to preliminary response; do
`we? Have you identified any?
` MR. HART: No. We don't normally seek to
`file preliminary replies on substantive arguments.
`We've never been placed in the current situation where
`we asked to join an existing active proceeding and
`could have addressed in a substantive argument in a
`Petitioner reply through a supplemental declaration.
` So here we're kind of put in a tough spot
`where we could not address any argument because it's a
`copycat. We (unintelligible) Patent Owner to present
`to you to deny instituting identical grounds that were
`previously instituted which would deprive us of the
`opportunity to address these arguments in a Petitioner
`reply and supplemental expert declaration.
` THE COURT: Okay. That doesn't really
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`3 (Pages 9 to 12)
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`Apple EX1040 Page 3


` IPR HEARING 5/19/2022
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`Page 15
`answer my question. But let's listen to the Patent
` MR. COWELL: Your Honor, this is Richard
`Cowell on behalf of the Patent Owner. We believe
`Apple's request needs to be denied, because they have
`not shown good cause and can't show good cause.
` As Your Honor said, I think several times,
`this has always been the case or is often the case
`that a Petitioner raises the Petition and then a
`Patent Owner may listen to argument. And if the
`Petition doesn't have the information to overcome that
`argument, then that Petition shouldn't be instituted
`such as Apple's Petition.
` I understand they're saying the copycat
`Petition, but that was their strategic choice and
`they're bound by that choice. Case law is very clear
`that, you know, the IPR proceeding is defined by the
`content of that Petition.
` And what Apple is seeking to do here -- and
`they're calling it a reply, but it's actually a
`supplement -- they want to add new arguments and they
`want to add new evidence in the form of a declaration.
` That's just not contemplated by the rules,
`and I don't think it's covered by the rules. Apple
`could have addressed -- they're saying, no, we didn't
`Page 14
`have any opportunity; our hands have been tied to
`address the arguments that Patent Owners have made in
`this IPR.
` But again, they certainly could have done
`that. They chose to limit the Petition to the exact
`grounds that Samsung did. And they were not forced to
`do that.
` They had the opportunity to respond to
`these arguments that they had and could have done so.
`So we think there is no good cause. And this is the
`same as every other case when there's a Petition, and
`it has to stand or fall on its own merits. And a
`reply is generally not granted to respond to
`substantive arguments.
` And I further note that allowing us to
`claim declaration certainly is an end around word
`limits in the Petition, because now they're putting in
`substantively new arguments, substantively new
`evidence that if instituted would raise practical
` Would those be considered part of the
`Petition a Patent Owner needs to respond to on its POR
`or are they some sort of nebulous problem? Briefly
`that's -- so for all those reasons, there was no good
`cause, and we ask that the request be denied.
` THE COURT: Okay. Do you have anything
`else you would want to say? And I have one question
`for you, Apple counsel.
` MR. SEITZ: Yes, Your Honor.
` THE COURT: Are you still within the
`one-year time limit?
` MR. SEITZ: I believe so, Your Honor. I
`should have pulled up the dockets. But I believe the
`answer to that is yes. If you give me a moment, I can
`pull up the docket very quickly.
` MR. HART: I can confirm that we are within
`our one-year limit.
` THE COURT: And I guess the other question
`is, I mean, were you aware of these arguments when you
`filed your copycat Petition?
` MR. SEITZ: No. These arguments had not
`been raised in the POPR and Sumsung's Petition, and
`had not been raised after institution of the Samsung
`proceedings, either.
` THE COURT: Okay. I mean let me talk to my
`co-panelists. Let me mute for a minute while I speak
`with them and I'll get back to you.
` (WHEREIN, a recess was taken.)
` THE COURT: Counsel, are you there?
` MR. SEITZ: Yes, Your Honor.
`Page 16
` MR. COWELL: Patent Owner is here, Your
` THE COURT: We are going to take it under
`advisement. But I would say that we're unlikely to
`grant this request, because, I mean, there's no normal
`requirement that we grant a reply. There has to be
`good cause shown.
` You know, Patent Owner is free to make any
`arguments in opposition to a Joiner Petition, and a
`Joiner Petition does not necessarily limit their
`argument that they can raise.
` I have had a number of cases where the
`Patent Owner raises completely different arguments,
`and the Patent Owner preliminarily responds to the
`Joiner Petition. So I don't think this is that
`unusual of a situation as you're suggesting, Mr.
` The other issue, I mean, there's always the
`opportunity for you to withdraw your Petition and
`refile a Petition that is more to your liking.
` Also, you know, we haven't even considered
`your Petition yet, so it may be instituted; it may not
`be. I mean, so I think any ruling -- and if we
`institute, you will have the opportunity to respond to
`all these arguments in your reply.
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`4 (Pages 13 to 16)
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`Apple EX1040 Page 4


` IPR HEARING 5/19/2022
`Page 17
`Page 19
` MR. SEITZ: I understand, Your Honor. And
`I've stated my point, that the only difference here is
`the point of context and we have not found a single
`case at all that was given this exact procedural
` So in that regard it's unique, but I
`certainly understand what you're saying with regards
`to the routine practice. And that's all I have to
` MR. COWELL: Your Honor, may I say
` THE COURT: Sure.
` MR. COWELL: Your Honor, I just want to put
`on the record as to Mr. Seitz's prejudice to
`adherence. Here it's caused by its own choice,
`strategic choice made freely to file a copycat
`Petition rather than a conventional Petition.
` And I would note that we cite in the case
`in our opposition to Apple's Motion For Joiner where a
`Motion For Joiner was made, the underlying original
`Petition was terminated, and then the board went on to
`evaluate the new joiner Petition on its own merits.
`And that's IPR2020-108.
` THE COURT: Okay. Thank you very much.
`Page 20
`Anything else you wish to raise?
` MR. SEITZ: No, Your Honor.
` MR. COWELL: Nothing for Patent Owner, Your
` THE COURT: We have no other questions, and
`I thank the parties for their agreeing to this call.
` MR. SEITZ: Thank you, Your Honor.
` COURT REPORTER: Okay. So Adam, what would
`you like me to do with this? Are you on the phone,
`Adam? Is anyone there?
` (WHEREIN, the hearing was concluded at 2:20
` So I think that those are what's weighing
`on our consideration. But we would like to have the
`parties file the transcript with the board and we'll
`issue an order after we receive the transcript.
` MR. SEITZ: Your Honor, may I ask a
`question? This is a sidetrack, if that's okay.
` THE COURT: Of course.
` MR. SEITZ: So in the event where if we
`were to, for example, withdraw our Petition like you
`noted, my concern would be the gotcha case that has
`now arisen here with the board's ability to deny under
`General Plastics.
` Like I anticipate that the Patent Owner
`would argue that we would join additionally after
`seeing substantive arguments and that should then be,
`the subsequent Petition, should be subject to either
`discretionary denial or under General Plastic.
` I mean I think that same issue applies if
`the board were to deny based on arguments that we
`could not have raised because of the posture of the
`Joiner Motion.
` If, for example, relying on the new
`arguments, if I were to attempt to file a second
`Petition, I also could envision a Patent Owner arguing
`that General Plastics would bar that scenario as well,
`Page 18
`which is part of the prejudice that I'm referring to
`here which is why I believe there is good cause.
` I think this has put us behind, put
`Petitioner Apple in a darned-if-you-do,
`darned-if-you-don't scenario if you're given a
`discretionary denial of claims that General Plastics
`with any sort of follow-on petitions or withdrawal of
`Petition or follow-on Petition.
` THE COURT: I mean I can't issue rulings on
`things that haven't happened yet. You know, I think
`that those are all considerations for you and your
`client to deal with. I can't give advice or any
` MR. SEITZ: I understand, Your Honor. I
`wanted the prejudice that Apple is going to be subject
`to in the event of a denial, the arguments to be clear
`on the record.
` THE COURT: No, I understand that. But I
`would like to note that that same kind of prejudice
`exists in every single Petition where the Patent Owner
`raises arguments in a preliminary response, but we
`don't grant replies as a matter of course.
` So I think that that's the way the game is
`played here. So I think that's, you know, I don't see
`how this situation differs that much from any other
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`5 (Pages 17 to 20)
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`Apple EX1040 Page 5


` IPR HEARING 5/19/2022
`Page 21
` ) ss.
` I, Penny J. Mullen, a Certified Court
`Reporter within and for the State of Missouri, do
`hereby certify that the witness whose testimony
`appears in the foregoing hearing was taken by me to
`the best of my ability and thereafter reduced to
`typewriting under my direction; that I am neither
`counsel for, related to, nor employed by any of the
`parties to the action in which this hearing was taken,
`and further that I am not a relative or employee of
`any attorney or counsel employed by the parties
`thereto, nor financially or otherwise interested in
`the outcome of the action.
` ____________________________
` Penny J. Mullen, CCR #808
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`6 (Page 21)
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`Apple EX1040 Page 6


` IPR HEARING 5/19/2022 IPR HEARING 5/19/2022
`ability 9:15
`10:21 11:16
`17:11 21:8
`able 12:3
`absolutely 10:5
`action 21:11,15
`active 11:13
`Adam 4:3 5:15
`add 13:21,22
`adding 10:9
`address 7:14,19
`9:20 11:1,16
`12:1,19,23 14:2
`6:25 8:19 10:3
`10:10 11:14
`12:16 13:25
`addresses 8:25
`advanced 11:10
`advice 18:12
`afternoon 3:12
`3:12 5:10,14
`agreeing 20:6
`allowing 14:15
`amount 6:17
`answer 7:13,23
`13:1 15:9
`anticipate 17:13
`Appeal 1:2 3:2
`appears 6:21
`Apple 1:5 3:5,19
`5:15 6:3 13:19
`13:24 15:3
`Apple's 13:5,13
`applies 17:18
`appropriate 6:9
`April 6:14
`argue 17:14
`arguing 17:24
`argument 8:18
`9:14 10:3,16
`12:16,19 13:10
`13:12 16:11
`arguments 7:15
`8:16,25 9:5,12
`9:17,20 10:9
`11:3,7,12 12:8
`12:13,23 13:21
`15:14,16 16:9
`16:13,25 17:15
`17:19,23 18:16
`arisen 17:11
`arose 8:10
`asked 5:16
`asking 9:15,19
`attempt 17:23
`attending 3:13
`attorney 21:13
`aware 15:14
`B 2:7
`back 15:22
`bar 17:25
`barred 8:1,9
`base 11:6
`based 17:19
`behalf 3:20
`5:23 13:4
`believe 10:19
`13:4 15:7,8
`best 21:8
`bind 12:9
`bit 7:1,8
`board 1:2 3:2,18
`6:14,14,21 11:1
`11:8,25 17:3,19
`board's 17:11
`Boulevard 4:5
`bound 13:16
`brief 6:11
`briefed 6:12
`Briefly 14:23
`Broadway 4:10
`C 4:1
`call 20:6
`called 11:24
`calling 13:20
`case 1:10 7:7
`8:3 13:8,8,16
`14:11 17:10 19:5
`cases 16:12
`cause 3:16 9:23
`9:24,25 13:6
`13:6 14:10,25
`16:7 18:2
`caused 6:17
`CCR 4:20,20
`certain 3:16
`certainly 8:8
`10:2 14:4,16
`Certificate 2:5
`Certified 3:15
`5:4 21:4
`certify 21:6
`Cherry 4:12 5:11
`Chief 4:12
`choice 13:15,16
`chose 14:5
`cite 19:19
`City 4:22 21:3,3
`claim 11:18 14:16
`claims 11:21 12:8
`claims' 11:1
`clarification 8:6
`clear 13:16 18:16
`client 9:10 18:12
`Closing 2:4
`5:11 15:21
`College 4:5
`combined 11:4
`comments 11:5
`concern 17:10
`confirm 15:11
`confusion 6:17
`7:19 8:10
`consider 11:9
`11:25 14:21
`content 13:18
`context 9:1 19:4
`contingent 7:13
`copycat 6:4
`7:10,16 8:12
`8:22 9:2 10:7
`11:15 12:20
`13:14 15:15
`CORP 1:7 3:7,19
`correct 8:8
`counsel 5:2,2
`15:3,24 21:10
`course 17:7
`court 2:5 3:15
`4:19 5:4,10,17
`5:19,25 7:23
`8:7 9:3,21
`10:15 12:2,6
`12:25 15:1,5,13
`15:20,24 16:3
`17:7 18:9,18
`19:13,25 20:5
`20:8 21:4
`covered 13:24
`Cowell 4:9 5:22
`5:23 13:3,4
`16:1 19:11,14
`cure 9:15
`current 12:14
`D 2:1
`day 3:13
`deal 18:12
`decided 12:3
`decision 6:22
`declaration 7:15
`11:15 12:17,24
`13:22 14:16
`defer 10:19
`defined 13:17
`denial 17:17 18:6
`denied 13:5
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334Fax: 314.644.1334
`Apple EX1040 Page 7


` IPR HEARING 5/19/2022
`deny 12:21 17:11
`deprive 12:22
`difference 19:3
`different 9:22
`10:13 16:13
`differs 18:25
`direction 21:9
`disagree 9:8,13
`6:20 17:17
`discretions 12:7
`Discussion 2:3
`dismiss 6:21
`docket 15:10
`dockets 15:8
`E 2:1,7 4:1,1
`E-post 11:20
`either 6:21 9:18
`15:19 17:16
`element 11:2
`eliminating 11:4
`employed 21:10
`employee 21:12
`emulator 11:19
`entered 11:14
`entire 7:5
`envision 17:24
`Erise 4:4
`evaluate 19:23
`event 17:8 18:16
`evidence 13:22
`exact 14:5 19:5
`exactly 6:1
`example 17:9
`existing 12:15
`exists 18:20
`expert 11:15
`fall 14:12
`file 8:24 9:10
`12:13 17:3,23
`filed 6:3,8,13
`7:9 8:12,14
`10:1,6,7 15:15
`filing 7:16 8:22
`financially 21:14
`first 7:13
`follow-on 18:7,8
`forced 14:6
`foregoing 21:7
`form 8:20 13:22
`found 19:4
`free 16:8
`freely 19:17
`front 10:20 11:16
`fully 6:12
`fund 11:19
`further 14:15
`game 18:23
`General 17:12,17
`17:25 18:6
`generally 14:13
`getting 11:19
`give 10:21 15:9
`given 18:5 19:5
`going 8:23 16:3
`good 5:10,14,22
`13:6,6 14:10
`14:24 16:7
`gotcha 17:10
`grant 9:23 12:6
`12:10 16:5,6
`granted 14:13
`grounds 12:21
`guess 12:2
`H 2:7
`hands 7:16 14:1
`happened 18:10
`happens 7:2,8
`Hart 4:4 5:16
`10:19,23 12:12
`hearing 1:13
`3:10 4:12 5:3,7
`5:8 20:11 21:7
`heater 11:24
`held 10:4
`holding 6:22
`Honor 5:14,22
`6:2,18 7:9 8:6
`9:9 10:1,18,22
`12:5 13:3,7
`15:4,7,25 16:2
`17:5 18:14 19:2
`19:11,14 20:2,4
`hours 3:11
`identical 6:5
`7:10 8:14 9:11
`identified 2:8
`instance 8:12
`institute 16:24
`instituted 12:22
`13:12 14:19
`instituting 12:21
`institution 8:4
`intending 10:16
`Inter 1:10 5:7
`interested 21:14
`introduce 5:20
`IP 4:4
`IPR 1:13 3:10
`13:17 14:3
`issue 16:18 17:4
`17:18 18:9
`issues 10:12
`J 3:14 4:20 5:4
`join 6:5,16 8:13
`10:2,6,7 12:15
`joined 6:24
`joiner 6:8,10,11
`6:24 7:3,11 9:2
`9:5,11 16:9,10
`16:15 17:21
`joint 7:21
`Judge 4:12 5:11
`Kansas 4:5,22
`Kenyon 4:9,9
`kind 12:18 18:19
`know 6:1 7:3
`13:17 16:8,21
`language 11:18
`law 13:16
`leaves 7:7
`left 7:1
`Legal 4:21
`let's 13:1
`Lexitas 4:21
`liking 16:20
`limit 14:5 15:6,12
`limits 14:17
`line 5:11
`listen 13:1,10
`little 7:1,8
`LLP 4:9
`locations 3:14
`Locust 4:21
`looking 6:18,20
`lost 10:22
`lurch 7:1
`marked 2:8
`matter 18:22
`mean 7:24 9:3
`9:22 12:2,8
`15:14,20 16:5
`16:18,23 17:18
`meant 7:4 10:8
`merits 14:12
`minute 15:21
`Missouri 3:16
`4:20,22 21:2
`MO 3:15
`moment 15:9
`motion 6:8,11,11
`6:13,24 10:6
`17:21 19:20,21
`Motions 6:10
`motivation 12:9
`Mullen 3:15
`4:20 5:4 21:4
`mute 15:21
`N 2:1 4:1
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`Apple EX1040 Page 8


` IPR HEARING 5/19/2022
`nebulous 14:23
`needs 13:5
`neither 7:25
`never 9:17 12:14
`new 4:10,10
`8:18,25 9:4,12
`9:17,20 10:9
`10:16,24 13:21
`13:22 14:18,18
`17:22 19:23
`normal 8:24
`12:9 16:5
`normally 8:4
`note 14:15 18:19
`noted 17:10
`number 16:12
`o'clock 3:11,12
`objections 8:16
`obviously 8:14
`Office 1:1 3:1,18
`okay 12:25 15:1
`15:20 17:6
`19:25 20:8
`one-year 15:6
`Opening 2:2
`opportunity 11:11
`12:1,23 14:1,8
`opposition 6:10
`16:9 19:20
`oppositions 6:9
`order 17:4
`original 8:20
`9:19 19:21
`outcome 21:15
`overcome 13:11
`Overland 4:5
`Owner 1:8 3:8
`3:20 4:8 5:3
`5:20,23 9:4
`10:4,11 12:7,20
`14:22 16:1,8,13
`16:14 17:13,24
`18:20 20:3
`Owners 14:2
`P 4:1,1,3
`PA 4:4
`Park 4:5
`part 14:21 18:1
`Partes 1:10 5:7
`parties 3:13
`5:12 17:3 20:6
`partner 5:16
`party's 10:2
`patent 1:1,2,8,10
`3:20 4:8 5:3
`5:20,23 8:17
`8:18 9:4 10:4
`10:11,24 11:4,10
`12:7,20 13:1,4
`13:10 14:2,22
`17:13,24 18:20
`Paul 4:4 5:16
`pending 3:17
`Penny 3:14 4:20
`5:4 21:4,18
`petition 7:11,17
`7:20 8:3,13,20
`8:22 9:2,5,10
`9:22 10:1,2,7
`10:13 13:9,11,12
`15:15,17 16:9
`16:22 17:9,16
`17:24 18:8,8
`18:20 19:18,18
`Petitioner 1:5
`3:5,19,20 4:2
`5:2,15 6:22
`7:5 12:17,23
`13:9 18:4
`petitions 6:3,6
`8:1 9:23 11:16
`phone 5:17
`placed 12:14
`Plastic 17:17
`Plastics 17:12
`17:25 18:6
`played 18:24
`please 5:12
`PM 5:8 20:12
`point 9:9 10:18
`POPR 15:17
`POR 14:22
`posture 7:20
`potential 7:14
`practical 14:19
`practice 19:9
`precedent 6:18
`6:20 8:11
`precluded 9:1
`9:18 10:8
`prejudice 9:16
`18:1,15,19 19:15
`prejudiced 9:10
`preliminary 8:19
`9:6 12:10,13
`present 4:12
`problem 14:23
`problems 14:20
`procedural 19:5
`7:2,19 9:9
`proceed 8:4,23
`6:23 8:9,23
`9:16 11:4,13
`12:15 13:17
`7:21,24 11:17
`proceeds 9:6
`proffer 10:24,25
`pull 15:10
`pulled 15:8
`pulling 10:23
`put 12:18 18:3,3
`putting 14:17
`question 7:8,13
`7:24 13:1 15:2
`15:13 17:6
`questions 20:5
`quickly 15:10
`quote 11:19,20
`R 4:1
`raise 8:15,18
`9:13,14 14:19
`16:11 20:1
`raised 9:18 10:4
`11:8 12:7 15:17
`15:18 17:20
`raises 13:9 16:13
`raising 9:1,19
`really 7:12 12:25
`reasons 14:24
`receive 17:4
`recess 15:23
`record 18:17
`reduced 21:8
`reference 11:6
`referring 18:1
`refile 16:20
`regard 19:7
`regards 19:8
`related 11:1,4,5
`11:20,23 21:10
`relative 21:12
`relying 17:22
`Remarks 2:2
`REMOTE 3:10
`remotely 3:13
`replies 12:10,13
`reply 6:11 7:14
`8:24 11:14
`12:17,24 13:20
`14:13 16:6,25
`reporter 2:5
`3:15 4:19 5:5
`5:17 20:8 21:1
`request 6:1 7:12
`13:5 14:25
`respond 11:11
`12:4 14:8,13
`14:22 16:24
`responds 16:14
`response 8:19
`9:7 12:10 18:21
`restricted 10:12
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`Apple EX1040 Page 9


` IPR HEARING 5/19/2022
`we'll 17:3
`we're 8:9 12:18
`We've 12:14
`weighing 17:1
`went 19:22
`wish 20:1
`withdraw 16:19
`withdrawal 18:7
`witness 21:6
`word 14:16
`X 2:1,7
`York 4:10,10
`Z 0
`00412 6:3 8:1
`00413 1:10 6:3
`009 10:24 11:3
`10004 4:10
`1608 4:21
`19 1:15 2:4 3:11
`2:00 5:8
`2:20 20:11
`2021-980 6:6
`2022 1:15 3:11
`21 2:5
`315B 8:2
`timeframe 6:9
`times 13:7
`tough 12:18
`Trademark 1:1
`transcribed 5:5
`transcript 17:3,4
`Trial 1:2 3:2,18
`Turner 5:12
`two 3:11 7:25
`typewriting 5:5
`typically 6:21
`U.S 1:10
`underlying 6:24
`7:3 9:16 19:

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