`Civil Action No. 6:21-cv-00916-ADA
`Pursuant to the Court’s Scheduling Order (Dkt. 29), Defendant Apple Inc. (“Apple”)
`hereby serves its Preliminary Invalidity Contentions (the “Invalidity Contentions”) for U.S.
`Patent Nos. 8,118,218 (the “’218 patent”), 8,448,855 (the “’855 patent”), 9,189,787 (the “’787
`patent”), 9,240,009 (the “’009 patent”), 10,600,046 (the “’046 patent”), 11,018,724 (the “’724
`patent”) (collectively the “asserted patents”).
`Plaintiff RFCyber Corp.’s (“RFCyber”) Disclosure of Asserted Claims and Infringement
`Contentions (the “Infringement Contentions”) served on December 21, 2021, is insufficient
`under the local rule, vague and incomplete, and fails to provide the specificity necessary to allow
`Apple to adequately respond. For example, RFCyber states that “any version or variant of Apple
`Wallet, Apple Pay and/or Apple Cash infringe at least one claim of the [asserted patents].” See
`Infringement Contentions, Pg. 2. RFCyber does not identify specific products for specific patents
`or claims such that Apple may adequately respond to or understand RFCyber’s allegations.
`RFCyber's Exhibit No. 2005, IPR2022-00412
`Page 001


`The Court’s Order Governing Proceedings for Patent Cases states that “Plaintiff shall
`produce [] all documents evidencing conception and reduction to practice for each claimed
`invention,” but RFCyber has failed to identify documents responsive to its alleged priority date
`for any specific claim. RFCyber’s assertion of a “no later than” conception date is improper and
`unduly prejudicial to Apple. See Infringement Contentions, pg. 5-6 (“[Each Asserted Claim] has
`a priority date (i.e., earliest invention date) at least as early as August 1, 2004, with diligent
`reduction to practice at least through its September 24, 2006 filing date.”). The prejudice to
`Apple of an uncertain conception date is compounded by RFCyber’s statement that “[Each
`claim] further is entitled to the priority date of its earliest application, U.S. Patent Application
`No. 11/534,653, with a filing date of September 24, 2006.” Id. RFCyber’s refusal to commit to a
`conception date is prejudicial to Apple’s preparation of these Preliminary Invalidity Contentions,
`at least because Apple lacks the information necessary to adequately assess and respond to
`RFCyber’s claims.
`Many of the Asserted Claims have an effective filing date after September 24, 2006. At
`least the asserted claims (Claims 1, 2, and 5) of the ’046 patent have an effective filing date after
`March 16, 2013, as noted by the Patent Office in the related PGR2021-00028 proceedings.
`Apple’s preliminary invalidity contentions regarding the ’046 patent rely on an effective filing
`date of March 29, 2013, the filing date of U.S. Patent No. 9,047,601 to which the ’046 patent
`claims priority. The asserted claims of the ’724 patent have an effective filing date no earlier
`than March 1, 2013, the filing date of the ’724 patent. Apple’s preliminary invalidity contentions
`regarding the asserted claims of the ’724 patent rely on an effective filing date of March 1, 2013.
`Apple’s preliminary invalidity contentions for all other asserted claims, rely on
`RFCyber’s stated September 24, 2006 effective filing date. Apple’s reliance on the September
`RFCyber's Exhibit No. 2005, IPR2022-00412
`Page 002


`24, 2006 should not be understood as an admission that is it correct or proper for any of the
`asserted claims. To the extent Plaintiff is allowed to assert a different effective filing date for any
`asserted claim, Defendant reserves the right to identify and rely upon additional prior art and
`amend its contentions accordingly. Specifically, Apple reserves the right to identify and rely on
`additional prior art references that predate the effective filing dates relied on in these preliminary
`The Court’s Order Governing Proceedings for Patent Cases also required RFCyber to
`serve infringement contentions “in the form of a chart setting forth where in the accused
`product(s) each element of the asserted claim(s) are found.” See Dkt. 29. RFCyber failed to do so.
`RFCyber accused multiple different devices and different functionalities of each device but does
`not specify which functionalities and devices are specific to each claim. RFCyber further relies
`on circular logic in an attempt to identify a representative product. See, e.g., Infringement
`Contentions, Appendix A (’218 Chart), pg. 1 (“[T]he Apple iPhone 13 Pro is representative of all
`Accused Devices which practice the Asserted Claims in a manner consistent with the Apple
`iPhone 13 Pro.”) Apple thus lacks information sufficient to allow it to fairly understand or map
`RFCyber’s allegations from each asserted claim to specific accused products or functionalities
`such that Apple can adequately understand RFCyber’s allegations.
`For multiple claim limitations, RFCyber’s Infringement Contentions provide no
`explanation for its infringement allegations and fail to fairly apprise Apple of RFCyber’s
`infringement theories. For several claim elements, RFCyber makes only bald accusations that the
`claim element is satisfied without identifying or pointing to any particular evidence. RFCyber’s
`failure to identify what it contends to meet the claim limitations has prejudiced Apple’s ability to
`prepare these Preliminary Invalidity Contentions. Moreover, Apple prepared these Preliminary
`RFCyber's Exhibit No. 2005, IPR2022-00412
`Page 003


`Invalidity Contentions without the benefit of knowing the positions RFCyber may take
`regarding the scope of the asserted claims, how RFCyber may interpret the Court’s claim
`constructions, or how RFCyber may attempt to read the claims onto the accused products.
`As a result of the insufficiencies and failures identified above, Apple specifically
`reserves the right to amend these Preliminary Invalidity Contentions; and Apple reserves the
`right to contend that the Infringement Contentions are insufficient and in violation of the Local
`Patent Rules.
`Apple understands that RFCyber has asserted the following claims of the Asserted
`Patents, which are collectively referred to herein as the “Asserted Claims.”
`Claims 1-18
`Claims 1-17
`Claims 1-19
`Claims 1-17
`Claims 1-2 and 5
`Claims 1-11
`These Preliminary Invalidity Contentions are responsive to the Preliminary Infringement
`Contentions and are illustrative. As such, where these Preliminary Invalidity Contentions rely on
`or otherwise embody particular constructions of terms or phrases in the Asserted Claims,
`Defendant is not proposing any such constructions as proper constructions of those terms or
`phrases. Specifically, the invalidity positions put forth in this document are predicated on
`Plaintiff’s incorrect and overly broad interpretation of its claims as evidenced by its Infringement
`Contentions. Those positions are not intended to and do not necessarily reflect the true and
`proper scope of Plaintiff’s claims, and Defendant reserves the right to adopt claim construction
`positions that differ from or even conflict with various positions put forth in this document.
`RFCyber's Exhibit No. 2005, IPR2022-00412
`Page 004


`Apple offers these Preliminary Invalidity Contentions in response to RFCyber’s
`Infringement Contentions, notwithstanding the deficiencies therein, without prejudice to any
`position Apply may ultimately take as to any claim construction issues. Apple’s Preliminary
`Invalidity Contentions should not be interpreted as suggesting that RFCyber’s reading of the
`Asserted Claims is correct, that any of the Asserted Claims are not indefinite, or as an admission
`that any of Apple’s products or technology infringe any claim of the Asserted Patent. Apple
`specifically denies any such infringement.
`These Preliminary Invalidity Contentions, including the attached exhibits, are subject to
`modification, amendment, and/or supplementation in the event that RFCyber provides any
`information that it failed to provide in its Infringement Contentions or attempts to cure any
`deficiencies in its Infringement Contentions, in light of RFCyber’s Infringement Contentions, in
`view of any Court’s ruling regarding the construction or scope of the Asserted Claims, in view of
`any Court’s ruling regarding any findings as to the priority, conception, or reduction to practice
`date of the Asserted Claims, and/or positions that RFCyber or its expert witness(es) may take
`concerning claim construction, infringement, and/or invalidity issues. Further, because discovery
`is not complete, Apple reserves the right to revise, amend, and/or supplement the information
`provided herein, including identifying and relying on additional references, should Apple’s further
`search and analysis yield additional information or references, consistent with the applicable rules
`and the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
`The Preliminary Invalidity Contentions herein are based on Apple’s present knowledge
`and Apple reserves the right to amend these contentions if it identifies new material despite
`Apple’s reasonable efforts to prepare these contentions. Apple’s investigation regarding
`invalidity of the Asserted patents over prior art and regarding other grounds of invalidity,
`RFCyber's Exhibit No. 2005, IPR2022-00412
`Page 005


`including those based on the public use and on-sale bars under 35 U.S.C. § 102(b), anticipation
`under 35 U.S.C. § 102, obviousness under 35 U.S.C. § 103, failure to comply with 35 U.S.C. §
`112, derivation and improper inventorship under 35 U.S.C. § 102(f), and prior invention under
`35 U.S.C. § 102(g), is not yet complete. There may be products that were known or in public use
`prior to the filing dates of the applications leading to the asserted patents, but Apple must first
`obtain additional information regarding these products using available discovery tools.
`Moreover, prior art not included in this disclosure, whether known or unknown to Apple,
`may become relevant. In particular, Apple is currently unaware of the extent, if any, to which
`RFCyber will contend that limitations of the Asserted Claims are not disclosed in the prior art
`identified by Apple or will contend that any of the identified references does not qualify as prior
`art under § 102. To the extent that such issues arise, Apple reserves the right to identify
`additional teachings in the same references or in other references that anticipate or would have
`made the addition of the allegedly missing limitation to the apparatus or method obvious.
`The identification of any patents as prior art shall be deemed to include identification of
`any foreign counterpart patents. The identification of any patent applications as prior art shall be
`deemed to include identification of any resulting issued patents. Apple reserves the right to rely
`on any reference listed on the face of any charted patent reference at least to disclose and
`describe the state of the art at the time
`Apple incorporates herein by reference any and all IPRs and related materials that have
`been or in the future are filed against the asserted patents to supplement these invalidity
`contentions, including but not limited to IPR2021-00957, IPR2021-00979, IPR2021-00954,
`IPR2021-00978, IPR2021-00955, IPR2021-00980, IPR2022-00412, IPR2021-00956, IPR2021-
`00981, IPR2022-00413, PGR2021-00028, PGR2021-00029, and PGR2022-00003.
`RFCyber's Exhibit No. 2005, IPR2022-00412
`Page 006


`Apple incorporates by reference any and all invalidity defenses and related materials filed
`by other defendants in any other prior or future litigation involving one or more of the Asserted
`Patents, including, but not limited to, EDTX-2-20-cv-00274, EDTX-2-20-cv-00336, and EDTX-
`2-20-cv-00335. Apple reserves the right to identify and rely on any prior art references identified
`or referenced in any other related litigation.
`Prior Art
`Apple identifies at least the documents, materials, and systems identified within these
`contentions, within the associated charts, and the associated production, including all documents
`and things within Bates range APL-RFC0916-PA-00000001 - APL-RFC0916-PA-00021141, as
`prior art to one or more of the Asserted Claims of the Asserted Patents. Exemplary, but not
`exhaustive, lists are included below.
`Table 1: References Currently Charted Against the Asserted Patents
`Atlanta NFC Trial System
`Atlanta NFC Trial System
`Atlanta NFC Trial System
`Atlanta NFC Trial System
`RFCyber's Exhibit No. 2005, IPR2022-00412
`Page 007


`Square Systems
`VivoTech systems
`Table 2: Exemplary Relevant Patent Prior Art
`Filed Date Pub./Issue
`3/21/2012 Makoto Jogu Kou
`Square Inc.
`Henderson et
`Aaron et al.
`Henderson et
`Sun et al
`Pub. No.
`JP 0004902053
`Square Inc.
`Block Inc.
`Block Inc.
`Block Inc.
`Block Inc.
`Block Inc.
`11/15/2016 Block Inc.
`12/6/2011 Macronix
`PayPal Inc.
`Block Inc.
`12/24/2013 Block Inc.
`5/13/2014 Digital Retail
`Cake Corp
`Block Inc.
`AT&T Corp
`11/3/2004 Global
`10/13/1999 Citicorp
`RFCyber's Exhibit No. 2005, IPR2022-00412
`Page 008


`Filed Date Pub./Issue
`12/21/2006 N/A
`12/31/2003 Prepayment
`10/24/2006 Mastercard
`12/23/2008 Mastercard
`2/24/2009 Mastercard
`11/26/2003 6/4/2012
` SK Planet
`Pub. No.
`KR 10-2003-
`KR20050050757A 11/26/2003
`US20080129450A1 12/4/2007
`US20080129450A1 12/4/2007
`US20110218911A1 3/2/2010
`SK Planet
`SK Planet
`5/15/2001 Global
`6/11/2002 Global
`12/27/2005 Sun
`11/13/2007 UBS
`47-15-2014 NXP
`Changshu IP
`7/30/2014 Giesecke and
`7/30/2014 Giesecke and
`11/17/2011 1/1/2019
`RFCyber's Exhibit No. 2005, IPR2022-00412
`Page 009


`Pub. No.
`US20110218911A1 3/2/2010
`Filed Date Pub./Issue
`Unionpay Co.
`12/22/2015 Samsung
`Identity and
`12/15/2009 Mastercard
`11/15/2011 Google
`11/15/2011 Google
`T Mobile
`11/18/2009 12/24/2013 Fidelity
`11/18/2014 NXP
`Payzy Corp.
`10/26/1999 11/19/2002 Global
`12/21/1999 Global
`Blustor Pmc
`US20120233357A1 5/16/2012
`US20120246476A1 8/27/2010
`US20130122806A1 11/2/2012
`US20150020160A1 12/20/2012 8/1/2017
`10/13/1998 4/2/2002
`RFCyber's Exhibit No. 2005, IPR2022-00412
`Page 010


`Supercom IP
`DPD Patent
`7/27/2010 DPD Patent
`10/16/2014 Merburn
`3/21/2012 Makoto Jogu Kou
`Safety Pay
`10/2/2014 Harex
`Visa USA
`3/21/2012 Makoto Jogu Kou
`7/14/2011 Green
`Liberty Peak
`Pub. No.
`Filed Date Pub./Issue
`US20060208066A1 2/15/2006
`US 9027827
`US 2014-0365371
`US 2010-0211507
`US 2014-0297381
`US 2011-0066550
`US 8170527
`US 2013-0166448
`US 2011-0173060
`US 2013-0048717
`10/25/2011 5/6/2014
`US 9202330
`US 7890371
`US 10380573
`US 2009-
`US 2010-
`US 2012-
`US 2010-
`US 2013-0246258
`US 8601266
`12/26/2007 4/9/2009
`12/29/2020 Feitian
`12/25/2008 11/11/2010 Kyocera
`US 2010-0211504
`12/3/2013 Visa
`11/21/2017 Visa
`RFCyber's Exhibit No. 2005, IPR2022-00412
`Page 011


`Pub. No.
`US 7597250
`US20030218066A1 11/27/2002 5/30/2006
`US20060131410A1 2/15/2006
`Filed Date Pub./Issue
`10/6/2009 DPD Patent
`10/24/2006 Mastercard
`US20040094624A1 12/19/2002 4/18/2006
`2/24/2009 Mastercard
`12/31/1996 Mastercard
`1/12/1999 Wynn
`12/14/2004 Hewlett
`7/12/2005 Dot 23
`12/12/2006 Double-Time
`10/11/2006 4/12/2011 Meta
`1/10/2013 Visa
`12/19/2002 4/18/2006
`11/27/2002 5/30/2006
`Table 3: Exemplary Relevant Non-Patent Prior Art References
`RFCyber's Exhibit No. 2005, IPR2022-00412
`Page 012


`Title or Pat. No. / Pub. No.
`Nokia NFC Whitepaper
`Philips and ViVOtech Advance NFC
`Payments • 09_17_2004
`PN 511 Data Sheet
`PN511 Data Sheet
`PN51x Integration Notes
`Smart Card Alliance -
`w_Feb 2006
`Card Personalization Specification
`Contactless Payments: Delivering
`Merchant and Consumer Benefits
`Contactless Payments: Delivering
`Merchant and Consumer Benefits
`Contactless Payment and the Retail Point
`of Sale: Applications, Technologies, and
`Transaction Modes
`The What, Who, and Why of Contactless
`Global Platform Guide to Personalization
`Smart Cards and the Retail Payments
`Infrastructure: Status, Drivers, and
`The Mobile Payments and NFC
`Landscape: A U.S. Perspective
`Payment Card Management White Paper
`Government Smart Card Handbook
`The International Smart Card Industry
`Transit and Retail Payment_
`Opportunities for Collaboration and
`Transit and Retail Payment_
`Opportunities for Collaboration and
`Bates Suffix
`Author / Publisher
`Market Platform
`Philips Semiconductor
`Philips Semiconductor
`Smart Card Alliance
`Global Platform
`Smart Card Alliance
`Smart Card Alliance
`Smart Card Alliance
`Smart Card Alliance
`Global Platform
`Smart Card Alliance
`Smart Card Alliance
`Smart Card News
`Smart Card Alliance
`Smart Card Alliance
`RFCyber's Exhibit No. 2005, IPR2022-00412
`Page 013


`Title or Pat. No. / Pub. No.
`Mobile Near Field Communication
`(Mobile NFC) Stepping Stones
`Near Field Communication White Paper
`Contactless payments based on Near Field
`Communication Technology
`Introduction to NFC
`Management of Multiple Cards in NFC-
`Near Field Communication (NFC) and
`Transit: Applications, Technology, and
`Implementation Considerations
`Accepting Contactless Payments: A
`Merchant Guide
`Smartcard & Identity News
`Smart Card Handbook
`Philips Semiconductor mifare MF1-IC-
`S70 Functional Specification
`P5CD036 Smart MX Secure Dual
`Interface PKI Smart Card Controller
`GlobalPlatform Card Specification v2.1.1
`GlobalPlatform Guide to Common
`Personalization v.1.0
`Near Field Communication (NFC) and
`Transit: Applications, Technology, and
`Implementation Considerations
`Global Platform Card Spec v2.1.1
`Smart Card Handbook
`CEPS tech spec v2.3
`Smart MX P5CD009
`Smart MX P5CD036
`Smart MZ P5CT072
`Mifare ProX P8RF6016
`The Electronic Purse
`RFID Handbook
`GSA Smart Card Handbook
`IEEE Spectrum Nov2005
`RFC 3261_ SIP_ Session Initiation
`Mifare in action
`Bates Suffix
`Author / Publisher
`Rohde & Schwarz
`Madlmayr et a.
`Smart Card Alliance
`Smart Card Alliance
`Smart Card News
`Philips Semiconductor
`Philips Semiconductor
`Global Platform
`Global Platform
`Smart Card Alliance
`Global Platform
`Philips Semiconductor
`Philips Semiconductor
`Philips Semiconductor
`Philips Semiconductor
`Philips Semiconductor
`The Internet Society
`Card Technology
`RFCyber's Exhibit No. 2005, IPR2022-00412
`Page 014


`Title or Pat. No. / Pub. No.
`Applying the RFID technology for field
`force solution
`Shopping without cash
`A Personalized Offer Presentation
`GlobalPlatform. Card Specification.
`Version 2.2
`Version 2.1.1
`E-wallet Software Architecture w-
`Decentralized Credentials
`ISO-IEC 14443-4 1st Ed 2-1-2001
`ISO-IEC 14443-4.2000(E) 7-13-2000
`ISO-IEC 7816-4 - 1st Ed - 5-12-95
`ISO-IEC 7816-4 - 1st Ed - 9-1-95
`ISO-IEC 7816-4 - 2d Ed - 1-15-05
`Online E-Wallet System with
`Decentralized Credential Keepers
`Smart Card Handbook
`VivoTech RF-Based Contactless Payment
`White Paper
`VivoTech RF-Based Contactless Payment
`White Paper
`Global Platform - Financial
`Global Platform - Mobile Telecom
`Global Platform - Retail Implementations
`Global Platform - Transit
`Global KMA Guide to MULTOS
`AN108511 PN51x Quick Start Guide
`PN511 Transmission Module
`GSA Smart Card Handbook
`Bates Suffix
`Author / Publisher
`Global Platform
`Global Platform
`Global Platform
`Global Platform
`Global Platform
`Global Platform
`Philips Semiconductor
`Philips Semiconductor
`Including and in addition to the charts discussed herein, Apple identifies systems that
`constitute prior art that invalidate one or more of the asserted claims of the Asserted Patents
`under 35 U.S.C. §§ 102 and/or 103, including at least:
`Table 4: Relevant Prior Art Systems
`RFCyber's Exhibit No. 2005, IPR2022-00412
`Page 015


`System Prior Art
`Atlanta NFC Trials
`VivoTech systems
`Proton PRISMA
`Google Wallet
`Isis Wallet/Softcard
`Square Systems
`Starbucks Mobile
`PayPal Mobile
`Cake POS and
`payment systems
`Toast POS and
`payment systems
`NXP, Visa,
`Cingular, Chase
`Proton World
`AT&T, T-Mobile,
`Verizon, Discover
`SK Telecom
`Cake Corp.
`Toast, Inc.
`At least as early as 2005
`At least as early as 2005
`At least as early as 2005
`At least as early as 2011
`At least as early as 2010
`At least as early as 2005
`At least as early as 2009
`At least as early as 2009
`At least as early as 2006
`At least as early as 2010
`At least as early as 2013
`At least as early as 2012
`Discovery is not yet complete, and Apple reserves the right to identify different and/or
`additional evidence in support of these prior art systems, and further to identify additional prior
`art systems, including, but not limited to, any prior art systems disclosed by Patentee or a third-
`party under §§ 102 and 103 and any prior art systems related to or embodying the teachings of
`the prior art references identified in the attached charts.
`The Atlanta NFC Trial System:
`The Atlanta Trial:
`The Atlanta Philips Arena NFC Trial (“Atlanta Trial”) was held from December 2005 to
`September 2006 in the Philips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia. The Atlanta Trial was conducted by
`“Nokia, along with Cingular Wireless, Philips, JPMorgan Chase, and ViVOtech.” See
`RFCyber's Exhibit No. 2005, IPR2022-00412
`Page 016


`The trial included “contactless payments and content downloads.” See
`mobile-phone-payment-and-content-trial/. Specifically, “150 Atlanta Thrashers and Atlanta
`Hawks season ticket holders with both a Chase-issued Visa credit account and a Cingular
`Wireless account made payments at contactless readers supplied by ViVOtech at concession
`stands throughout the arena. Additionally, fans downloaded content to their Nokia 3220 mobile
`phones equipped with NXP’s NFC semiconductor chips, including ring tones, wallpapers,
`screensavers and video clips of favorite players.” Id.
`The trial was also detailed in a widely-published information technology news magazine
`and Web site, Information Week, see
`cell-phone-payment-service/d/d-id/1038865. Fans in the 20,000+ attendee Philips Arena in
`Atlanta could see the field trial in use at concession stands throughout the arena by 300 Hawks
`and Thrashers season ticket holders in January 2006 through the end of the basketball and
`hockey season. Customer

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