`CPSdemonstrator Specification
`Sample Applet to exercise EMV CPS
`Version 2.0
`May 2006
`Apple EX1049 Page 1


`May, 2006
`CPSdemonstrator Specification 2.0
`Table of Contents
`1. REVISION LOG................................................................................................................................. 4
`2. DOCUMENT OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................... 5
`PURPOSE ...................................................................................................................................... 5
`INTENDED AUDIENCE................................................................................................................... 5
`REFERENCE INFORMATION........................................................................................................... 7
`Requirement Numbering......................................................................................................... 7
`References............................................................................................................................... 7
`DOCUMENT ORGANIZATION......................................................................................................... 8
`3. APPLICATION OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................... 9
`FUNCTIONS .................................................................................................................................. 9
`4. APPLICATION COMMANDS ....................................................................................................... 10
`INSTALL COMMAND ................................................................................................................... 11
`4.1.1 Command Message............................................................................................................... 11
`Install Command Data.......................................................................................................... 12
`4.1.3 Data Field Returned in the Response Message .................................................................... 12
`Status Words......................................................................................................................... 13
`SELECT COMMAND .................................................................................................................... 13
`4.2.1 Command Message............................................................................................................... 13
`4.2.2 Data Field Sent in the Command Message........................................................................... 14
`4.2.3 Data Field Returned in the Response Message .................................................................... 14
`Status Words......................................................................................................................... 14
`INITIALIZE UPDATE COMMAND.................................................................................................. 15
`4.3.1 Command Message............................................................................................................... 15
`4.3.2 Data Field Returned in the Response Message .................................................................... 15
`Status Words......................................................................................................................... 16
`EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE COMMAND...................................................................................... 17
`4.4.1 Command Message............................................................................................................... 17
`4.4.2 Data Field Returned in the Response Message .................................................................... 18
`Status Words......................................................................................................................... 18
`STORE DATA COMMAND......................................................................................................... 19
`4.5.1 Command Message............................................................................................................... 19
`4.5.2 Data Field Sent in the Command Message........................................................................... 20
`4.5.3 Data Field Returned in the Response Message .................................................................... 20
`Status Words......................................................................................................................... 21
`Last Store Data..................................................................................................................... 21
`READ DATA COMMAND ............................................................................................................. 22
`4.6.1 Command Message............................................................................................................... 22
`4.6.2 Data Field Returned in the Response Message .................................................................... 23
`Status Words......................................................................................................................... 24
`PERSONALIZATION DATA PREPARATION ........................................................................... 25
`DATA GROUPING IDENTIFIERS ................................................................................................... 25
`5.1.1 DGI List................................................................................................................................ 25
`Copyright © 2006 GlobalPlatform Inc. All Rights Reserved.
`The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of
`this information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is
`strictly prohibited.
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`May, 2006
`CPSdemonstrator Specification 2.0
`PERSONALIZATION DEVICE INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................ 28
`Support for Data Grouping Order........................................................................................ 29
`Support for Migration to New Versions................................................................................ 29
`Support for Encrypted Data Groupings................................................................................ 30
`Copyright © 2006 GlobalPlatform Inc. All Rights Reserved.
`The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of
`this information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is
`strictly prohibited.
`Apple EX1049 Page 3


`May, 2006
`CPSdemonstrator Specification 2.0
`List of Tables
`TABLE 1 APDU COMMAND SET .....................................................................................................................10
`TABLE 2 INSTALL COMMAND MESSAGE ........................................................................................................11
`TABLE 3 INSTALL COMMAND DATA...............................................................................................................12
`TABLE 4 INSTALL COMMAND STATUS WORDS...............................................................................................13
`TABLE 5 SELECT COMMAND MESSAGE..........................................................................................................13
`TABLE 6 SELECT RESPONSE MESSAGE...........................................................................................................14
`TABLE 7 SELECT COMMAND STATUS WORDS................................................................................................14
`TABLE 8 INITIALIZE UPDATE COMMAND MESSAGE .......................................................................................15
`TABLE 9 INITIALIZE UPDATE RESPONSE DATA ..............................................................................................15
`TABLE 10 INITIALIZE UPDATE STATUS WORDS..............................................................................................16
`TABLE 11 EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE COMMAND MESSAGE.........................................................................17
`TABLE 12 EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE STATUS WORDS .................................................................................18
`TABLE 13 STORE DATA COMMAND MESSAGE ...............................................................................................19
`TABLE 14 DATA FIELD OF STORE DATA COMMAND .......................................................................................20
`TABLE 15 STORE DATA STATUS WORDS........................................................................................................21
`TABLE 16 READ DATA COMMAND MESSAGE.................................................................................................22
`TABLE 17 READ DATA RESPONSE DATA........................................................................................................23
`TABLE 18 READ DATA STATUS WORDS.........................................................................................................24
`TABLE 19 CPSDEMONSTRATOR DGIS............................................................................................................25
`TABLE 20 DATA CONTENT FOR DGI '0101' ....................................................................................................26
`TABLE 21 DATA CONTENT FOR DGI '0102' ....................................................................................................26
`TABLE 22 DATA CONTENT FOR DGI '0103' ....................................................................................................26
`TABLE 23 DATA CONTENT FOR DGI '8101' ....................................................................................................26
`TABLE 24 DATA CONTENT FOR DGI '8000' ....................................................................................................27
`TABLE 25 DATA CONTENT FOR DGI '9000' ....................................................................................................27
`TABLE 26 DATA CONTENT FOR DGI 8010'.....................................................................................................27
`TABLE 27 DATA CONTENT FOR DGI '9010' ....................................................................................................27
`TABLE 28 DATA CONTENT FOR DGI '9102' ....................................................................................................28
`TABLE 29 DATA CONTENT FOR THE FIELD ORDER.......................................................................................29
`TABLE 30 DATA CONTENT FOR THE FIELD VERCNTL..................................................................................29
`TABLE 31 CONTENTS OF THE FIELD ENC.......................................................................................................30
`Copyright © 2006 GlobalPlatform Inc. All Rights Reserved.
`The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of
`this information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is
`strictly prohibited.
`Apple EX1049 Page 4


`May, 2006
`CPSdemonstrator Specification 2.0
`1. Revision Log
`Brief Description of Change
`May 2006 Reformatted to GlobalPlatform Documentation Format
`Copyright © 2006 GlobalPlatform Inc. All Rights Reserved.
`The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of
`this information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is
`strictly prohibited.
`Apple EX1049 Page 5


`May, 2006
`CPSdemonstrator Specification 2.0
`2. Document Overview
`2.1 Purpose
`This document provides the specifications for the
`CPSdemonstrator application. The application’s design is based on
`the EMV Card Personalization Specification, a common approach
`to personalization for all IC card applications.
`This document is intended to present an example of an EMV
`Common Personalization compliant application. This specification
`details all the commands implemented in this application, which
`are specified as standard commands by the Common
`Personalization Specification. This specification also depicts the
`implementation of the Data Grouping Identifiers for the
`CPSdemontrator application as defined by the EMV CPS.
`This version of the application does not require the advanced
`features of the EMV CPS such as 3-byte length DGI, multiple DGI
`in one STORE DATA, spanning DGI, etc…
`2.2 Intended Audience
`There are three intended audiences for this document:
`1. The designers and developers of a specific application. This
`audience may use this document and the applet source as an
`example of implementation of EMV CPS commands and Data
`Grouping Identifiers known as DGIs, in order to give them an
`idea in:
`• Design of their application.
`• Development of their application.
`2. The designers and developer of personalization device
`processing. This audience may use this document and the
`application itself as an example of EMV CPS compliant
`Copyright © 2006 GlobalPlatform Inc. All Rights Reserved.
`The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of
`this information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is
`strictly prohibited.
`Apple EX1049 Page 6


`May, 2006
`CPSdemonstrator Specification 2.0
`application and Data Grouping Identifiers, in order to give
`them a hint in:
`• Development of their personalization system.
`• Testing of their personalization device.
`3. The designers and developer of data preparation processing
`system. This audience may use this document as an example
`EMV CPS compliant application and Data Grouping
`Identifiers, in order to give them a hint in:
`• Development of their data preparation system.
`• Testing of their data preparation system.
`Copyright © 2006 GlobalPlatform Inc. All Rights Reserved.
`The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of
`this information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is
`strictly prohibited.
`Apple EX1049 Page 7


`May, 2006
`CPSdemonstrator Specification 2.0
`2.3 Reference Information
`2.3.1 Requirement Numbering
`Requirements in this specification are uniquely numbered with
`the number appearing next to each requirement.
`2.3.2 References
`The following documents are referenced in this specification:
`Standard / Specification
`Remark / Location
`1. EMV Card Personalization Specification v1.0, June
`2. GlobalPlatform Card Specification v2.2, March 2006
`3. EMV Integrated Circuit Card Specifications for
`Payment Systems v4.1, June 2004
`Copyright © 2006 GlobalPlatform Inc. All Rights Reserved.
`The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of
`this information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is
`strictly prohibited.
`Apple EX1049 Page 8


`May, 2006
`CPSdemonstrator Specification 2.0
`2.4 Document Organization
`The document is organized as follows:
`• Chapter 1 is the revision log.
`• Chapter 2 is this chapter and contains an overview of the
`document and a list of references.
`• Chapter 3 provides an overview of the application and its
`• Chapter 4 details APDU commands accepted by the
`• Chapter 5 describes data preparation to personalize the
`Copyright © 2006 GlobalPlatform Inc. All Rights Reserved.
`The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of
`this information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is
`strictly prohibited.
`Apple EX1049 Page 9


`May, 2006
`CPSdemonstrator Specification 2.0
`3. Application Overview
`The CPSdemontrator Applet 2.0 is used to test the basic features of
`the EMV CPS compliant personalization device. It presents one
`possibility of coding the necessary commands for EMV CPS. This
`applet also implements the Data Grouping Identifiers known as
`DGI, which are used by an EMV CPS compliant device to perform
`the personalization. Reference 1 provides relevant information
`about EMV CPS.
`3.1 Functions
`The main functions of CPSdemonstrator are:
`Implementing Install command for the application.
`• Establishing a Secure Channel on behalf of a personalization
`device with the Security Domain associated with the
`Implementing the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command
`between the Security Domain Associated with the application
`and a personalization device.
`Implementing the secure STORE DATA command.
`The description of each command and the related parameters are
`detailed in the following chapter.
`Copyright © 2006 GlobalPlatform Inc. All Rights Reserved.
`The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of
`this information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is
`strictly prohibited.
`Apple EX1049 Page 10


`May, 2006
`CPSdemonstrator Specification 2.0
`4. Application Commands
`The following table provides a brief description of the commands
`included in the command set:
`Perform authentication
`Initialize personalization
`Read data
`Select the applet
`Perform personalization
`Table 1 APDU Command set
`The standard GlobalPlatform commands defined in the
`GlobalPlatform Card Specification (Reference 2) should be used to
`Load and Install the Applet to a GlobalPlatform card.
`Copyright © 2006 GlobalPlatform Inc. All Rights Reserved.
`The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of
`this information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is
`strictly prohibited.
`Apple EX1049 Page 11


`May, 2006
`CPSdemonstrator Specification 2.0
`4.1 Install Command
`After the Applet is loaded into a GP card, an INSTALL command is
`utilized in order to make the Applet selectable.
`4.1.1 Command Message
`The INSTALL [for install and make selectable] command message is
`coded according to the following table:
`Code Value
`'80' – Proprietary
`'E6' – INSTALL command
`'0C' – Install make selectable
`'2E'– Length of command data (see Table 3)
`See Table 3 INSTALL Command Data
`Table 2 INSTALL Command Message
`Copyright © 2006 GlobalPlatform Inc. All Rights Reserved.
`The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of
`this information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is
`strictly prohibited.
`Apple EX1049 Page 12


`May, 2006
`CPSdemonstrator Specification 2.0
`4.1.2 Install Command Data
`The Install Command Data is specified in the following table:
`Length of the Package AID
`Package AID
`Length of Applet AID
`Applet AID
`'A0 00 00 01 51 53 44 43 50 53'
`'A0 00 00 01 51 53 44 43 50 53 44 45 4D 4F'
`Length of Applet Instance AID 1
`Applet Instance AID
`'A0 00 00 01 51 53 44 43 50 53 44 45 4D 4F 30 31'
`App. Privilege length
`App. Privilege
`Length of Install Token
`Total Length
`46 =
`x '2E'
`Table 3 INSTALL Command Data
`4.1.3 Data Field Returned in the Response Message
`The data field of the response message is empty.
`Copyright © 2006 GlobalPlatform Inc. All Rights Reserved.
`The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of
`this information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is
`strictly prohibited.
`Apple EX1049 Page 13


`CPSdemonstrator Specification 2.0
`May, 2006
`4.1.4 Status Words
`SW1 SW2 Description
`Command processed successfully
`Conditions of use not satisfied (applet state incorrect)
`Incorrect P1, P2
`Table 4 INSTALL Command Status Words
`4.2 Select Command
`The SELECT command is utilized for selecting the
`CPSdemonstrator Applet on the card.
`4.2.1 Command Message
`The SELECT command message is coded according to the
`following table:
`Code Value
`'00' – ISO
`'A4' – SELECT command
`'04' – By name
`'00' – First or only occurrence or '02' – Next occurrence
`'10'– Length of AID
`'A0 00 00 01 51 53 44 43 50 53 44 45 4D 4F 30 31'
`Table 5 SELECT Command Message
`Copyright © 2006 GlobalPlatform Inc. All Rights Reserved.
`The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of
`this information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is
`strictly prohibited.
`Apple EX1049 Page 14


`CPSdemonstrator Specification 2.0
`May, 2006
`4.2.2 Data Field Sent in the Command Message
`The data field of the command message contains the AID of the
`CPSdemonstrator Applet application.
`4.2.3 Data Field Returned in the Response Message
`The following table defines the FCI returned by a successful
`selection of the Sample Applet:
`Tag Length
`File Control Information (FCI template):
`Length Description/Value
`' A0 00 00 01 51 53 44 43 50 53 44 45 4D 4F 30 31'
`Proprietary data (template):
`Length Description/Value
`Table 6 SELECT Response Message
`The FCI conveys 2 important pieces of information i.e. the DF
`name (tag '84') indicates the instance of the CPSdemonstrator
`Applet has just been selected and tag '9F12' indicates Application
`Preferred Name. After personalization there are also other tags
`returned. These tags are specified under FCI template in Table 17.
`4.2.4 Status Words
`SW2 Description
`Command processed successfully
`File not found
`Table 7 SELECT Command Status Words
`Copyright © 2006 GlobalPlatform Inc. All Rights Reserved.
`The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of
`this information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is
`strictly prohibited.
`Apple EX1049 Page 15


`CPSdemonstrator Specification 2.0
`May, 2006
`4.3 Initialize Update Command
`This command is used to initiate a secure personalization.
`4.3.1 Command Message
`The INITIALIZE UPDATE command message is coded according to
`the following table. For more information regarding the Command
`Data or Response Data, see reference 2:
`Code Value
`'80' – Proprietary
`'50' – INITIALIZE UPDATE command
`Table 8 INITIALIZE UPDATE Command Message
`4.3.2 Data Field Returned in the Response Message
`Table 9 details the data fields and their significations.
`Data Element
`Key Diversification Data
`Key Information Data
`Sequence Counter
`Card Challenge
`Card Cryptogram
`Table 9 INITIALIZE UPDATE Response Data
`Copyright © 2006 GlobalPlatform Inc. All Rights Reserved.
`The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of
`this information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is
`strictly prohibited.
`Apple EX1049 Page 16


`CPSdemonstrator Specification 2.0
`May, 2006
`4.3.3 Status Words
`The Applet returns the SW1, SW2 status codes. Possible values are
`as follows:
`SW2 Description
`Command processed successfully
`Conditions not satisfied
`Incorrect P1, P2
`Table 10 INITIALIZE UPDATE Status Words
`Copyright © 2006 GlobalPlatform Inc. All Rights Reserved.
`The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of
`this information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is
`strictly prohibited.
`Apple EX1049 Page 17


`May, 2006
`CPSdemonstrator Specification 2.0
`4.4 External Authenticate Command
`This command is used by the card to authenticate the
`personalization device and to determine the security level required
`for all subsequent commands.
`4.4.1 Command Message
`The EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command message is coded
`according to the following table. For more information regarding
`the Command Data or Response Data, see reference 2:
`Code Value
`'84' – Proprietary
`'00' – No Secure Messaging
`'01' – MAC only
`'03' – MAC and Encryption
`Not present
`Table 11 EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE Command Message
`Copyright © 2006 GlobalPlatform Inc. All Rights Reserved.
`The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of
`this information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is
`strictly prohibited.
`Apple EX1049 Page 18


`CPSdemonstrator Specification 2.0
`May, 2006
`4.4.2 Data Field Returned in the Response Message
`The data field of the Response Message is empty.
`4.4.3 Status Words
`The Applet returns the SW1, SW2 status codes. Possible values are
`as follows:
`SW2 Description
`Command processed successfully
`Security Status not satisfied
`Conditions not satisfied
`Incorrect P1, P2
`Copyright © 2006 GlobalPlatform Inc. All Rights Reserved.
`The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of
`this information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is
`strictly prohibited.
`Apple EX1049 Page 19


`May, 2006
`CPSdemonstrator Specification 2.0
`4.5 STORE DATA command
`This command is used to inject the cardholder personal data to the
`card during the personalization process.
`4.5.1 Command Message
`The STORE DATA command message is coded according to the
`following table:
`Code Value
`'84' – Proprietary
`'E2' – STORE DATA command
`'xx' – According to EMV CPS (see reference 1)
`'xx' – Sequence Number
`'xx' – Length of command data
` Data Objects to be allocated (see Table 14)
`Table 13 STORE DATA Command Message
`Copyright © 2006 GlobalPlatform Inc. All Rights Reserved.
`The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of
`this information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is
`strictly prohibited.
`Apple EX1049 Page 20


`May, 2006
`CPSdemonstrator Specification 2.0
`4.5.2 Data Field Sent in the Command Message
`The content of the Data Field is composed of the DGI followed by
`the length of the DGI followed by the content of the DGI. The
`following table defines the DGIs transferred to the card through
`data field of the command message. Each DGI should be sent to
`the card using one STORE DATA command. Section 5 provides
`detailed information about DGIs.
`Length (byte)
`Table 14 Data field of STORE DATA command
`4.5.3 Data Field Returned in the Response Message
`The data field of the Response Message is empty.
`Copyright © 2006 GlobalPlatform Inc. All Rights Reserved.
`The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of
`this information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is
`strictly prohibited.
`Apple EX1049 Page 21


`May, 2006
`CPSdemonstrator Specification 2.0
`4.5.4 Status Words
`The Applet returns the followings SW1, SW2 status codes:
`SW2 Description
`Command processed successfully
`Check Value failed for AKS key
`Command out of sequence
`Referenced data not found (Unrecognized DGI)
`Wrong P1, P2
`Table 15 STORE DATA Status Words
`4.5.5 Last Store Data
`The last STORE DATA is used to complete the personalization
`process. This has for effect to change the state of the
`CPSdemonstrator Applet to PERSONALIZED and to close the secure
`Copyright © 2006 GlobalPlatform Inc. All Rights Reserved.
`The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of
`this information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is
`strictly prohibited.
`Apple EX1049 Page 22


`May, 2006
`CPSdemonstrator Specification 2.0
`4.6 Read Data Command
`This command is used to read the content of the table (records) that
`have been stored to card during the personalization.
`4.6.1 Command Message
`The READ DATA command message is coded according to the
`following table:
`Code Value
`'80' – Proprietary
`'B2' – READ DATA command
`'01' – Table to retrieve
`Length of Response
`Table 16 READ DATA Command Message
`Copyright © 2006 GlobalPlatform Inc. All Rights Reserved.
`The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of
`this information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is
`strictly prohibited.
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`May, 2006
`CPSdemonstrator Specification 2.0
`4.6.2 Data Field Returned in the Response Message
`Table 17 details the data fields and their significations.
`Data Element
`Issuer Identifier
`Card Expiration Date – 'DDMMYYYY'
`Card Holder First Name
`Card Holder Middle Name
`Card Holder Last Name
`Card Holder Date of Birth – 'DDMMYYYY'
`Card Holder Street Address

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