`Page 1
` ____________
` ____________
` V.
` IPR2022-00412 OF U.S. PATENT NO. 9,189,787
` IPR2022-00413 OF U.S. PATENT NO. 9,240,009
` (Taken February 7, 2023 at 11:02 A.M. CST)
`REPORTED BY:Karisa J. Ekenseair, CCR RMR, LS NO. 802
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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` T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S
`STYLE AND NUMBER.............................. 1
`APPEARANCES................................... 3
`CAPTION....................................... 4
`EXAMINATION BY MR. HART....................... 5
`EXAMINATION BY MR. OSTLING.................... 64
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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` 5299 DTC BLVD., SUITE 1340
` 913-777-5600
` RYE, NEW YORK 10580
` Ryan Gray, Lexitas Technician
` * * * * *
`2 3
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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` DEPOSITION OF MIGUEL GOMEZ, a witness produced
` at the request of the Petitioner, taken in the
` above-styled and numbered cause on the 7th day
` of February, 2023, before Karisa Ekenseair,
` Arkansas Supreme Court Certified Court Reporter
` #802, at 11:02 A.M. CST, via videoconference,
` pursuant to the agreement hereinafter set forth.
` * * * * * * * * * *
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`of lawful age, being first duly sworn, deposes and
`says in reply to the questions propounded as
` * * * * *
` Q. Good morning, Mr. Gomez. To get us
`started, can you state your full name for the
` A. Miguel Willie Gomez.
` Q. Have you been deposed before, Mr. Gomez?
` A. I have.
` Q. How many times approximately?
` A. About 14 times.
` Q. Okay. I'll keep the introduction short
`and sweet just as a refresher. It's my job to ask
`clear questions today. If you don't understand a
`question I ask you, if any part of my question is
`confusing, please let me know so I can rephrase it
`or clarify.
` The court reporter can only take down one
`of us speaking at a time. I will do my best not to
`speak over you, and I ask that you do your best not
`to speak over me so she can get a clear record. If
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`I do start asking a follow-up question and you have
`not finished your last answer, just let me know and
`I'll let you complete your answer.
` Is that all clear?
` A. Yeah. That's clear.
` Q. Okay. Is there any reason, medically or
`otherwise, you'd be unable to fully and truthfully
`answer my questions today?
` A. No.
` Q. Okay. Very good. I'm going to drop two
`exhibits into the chat, your two declarations from
`the proceedings we're going to be discussing today.
` MR. HART: And for the record, this
` deposition is going to cover two separate IPR
` proceedings: IPR2022-00412 that relates to the
` '787 patent, and IPR2022-0413 that relates to
` the '009 patent.
` Is that your understanding, Mr. Gomez?
` A. Yes, it is.
` Q. Okay. I'll refer to those as the '787
`proceeding and the '009 proceeding, if that works
`for you.
` A. That works.
` Q. All right. Very good. Can I have you
`pull up those two exhibits? They are both
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`Exhibit 2007 from their respective proceedings. And
`just let me know when you have those open.
` A. I will. Okay. I have them open.
` Q. All right. Very good. My first couple
`questions are going to refer to paragraphs 34 in
`each of those declarations. And I'll go ahead and
`start with the '787 proceeding declaration.
` In paragraph 34, you provide an overview
`of the '787 patent and you note, the '787 patent
`claims methods and systems for providing electronic
`purses (e-purses) for use in electronic and mobile
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And then turning to paragraph 34 in the
`'009 proceeding declaration, you provide an overview
`of the '009 patent?
` A. Yes.
` Q. You state, the invention of the '009
`patent is generally related to commerce over
`networks particularly techniques for personalizing a
`secure element and provisioning an application such
`as an electronic purse that can be advantageously
`used in portable devices configured for both
`electronic commerce, a/k/a e-commerce, and mobile
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`commerce, a/k/a m-commerce.
` Did I get that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I want to turn to your background. And I
`am going to drop your CV into the chat that has been
`introduced in both proceedings as 2008. And just
`for simplicity, I'm going to use the 412 proceeding
`from the '787 patent IPR for my questioning today.
`Let me know when you have that CV open.
` A. All right. I have it open.
` Q. All right. Very good. On page 2, you
`note you received a bachelor's in electrical
`engineering in 1983; is that correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Have you received any degrees since 1983?
` A. No.
` Q. Have you had any formal education since
` A. No.
` Q. Okay. Pages 3 through 6 in your CV,
`Exhibit 2008, provides an overview of your
`engineering experience.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I'd like to ask some questions about your
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`experience starting with the earliest engineering
`experience you have listed that dates back to 1983
`and going through around 2007, it looks like, when
`you were with ActSolar Inc.
` Does that time range make sense?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. In that time range, 1983 to 2007,
`what experience did you have with electronic purses
`or e-purses?
` A. So during that time frame, my focus was on
`building product and all sorts of different products
`related to implementation of communications,
`primarily with protocols and the methods used to
`exchange data. Back in the early '80s, it was
`telephony systems. In the '90s, it was for data
`communications. In the 2000s, I did a lot of
`security work.
` And so as far as the -- my background,
`of -- with protocols and implementing things that
`are related to the patents, it's pretty extensive.
` The patents are about protocols and it's
`for financial services. To the extent that I, you
`know, understand how those things work, I -- it's in
`my -- it's certainly in my CV.
` Q. And to my question, how about e-purses
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`specifically? Have you ever worked as a -- in your
`professional capacity with e-purses?
` A. Well, to the extent that the e-purses use
`protocols to exchange the data, like I said, I've
`got extensive experience designing with protocols
`and all the different layers and nuances of
`protocols. And so yes, to the extent it uses the
`functionality to communicate across a wire securely,
`I certainly have worked on those things.
` Q. Have you ever worked on any e-purses
` A. So -- so to the extent that an e-purse
`is -- is a storage device, certainly I have. And a
`secure storing securely, certainly I have.
` Q. What e-purses have you worked on?
` A. Like I said, I've worked on a number of
`different things related to communications, as well
`as the storage, and that's what an e-purse really
` Q. But an e-purse specifically, have you
`worked on anything that other engineers would refer
`to as specifically as an e-purse?
` A. So to the extent that it's a storage
`element for storing a value securely, like I said, I
`certainly said. The name, you know, changes. I've
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`worked on all different sorts of storage systems.
`To the fact that it is storage for an e-purse, I
`think I certainly have the experience to be able to
`do that kind of stuff.
` Q. And I hear what you're saying that
`you -- you believe you have the experience to
`discuss these topics.
` I'm asking very specifically: Have you
`ever worked on an e-purse?
` A. To the extent that it requires storage,
`certainly. To the extent that it requires
`communications, certainly. To the extent that it
`requires communications securely, certainly.
` Q. Let me move on to my next -- next question
`here: What experience in the 1983 to 2007 range do
`you have with electronic commerce?
` A. To the extent that we've been designing
`data communications for transporting data securely,
`I have considerable amount of experience. In 2000,
`I worked on a company called Webstacks that was
`later sold to Extreme Networks that was a server
`load balancer that was designed to be able to
`communicate data securely. Same kind of principle
`same kind of functionality that you would find in
`any kind of electronic products as well.
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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` Q. Have you ever worked on any systems that
`were designed specifically to carry electronic
` A. To the -- again, to the extent that I've
`worked on a large variety of different systems that
`transport data securely, I have worked on all the
`elements of electronic commerce.
` Q. But no systems that were specific to
`electronic commerce?
` A. Again, these are systems that -- that are
`using protocols and technologies that I've been
`working on for a variety of different products.
` Q. Can you identify any systems you've worked
`on that another engineer would describe as an
`electronic commerce system?
` A. So to the extent, again, that I've been
`working on protocols and working on storage systems
`for storing elements securely, I certainly have done
`a variety -- a large amount of that work.
` Q. Can you name any specific systems that one
`in the art would describe as an electronic commerce
` A. I'm sorry, one more time on the question.
` Q. Sure. Can you name any specific systems
`you've worked on that another person in the art
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`would describe as an electronic commerce system?
` A. Well, again, to the extent that I've
`worked on a variety of different storage systems and
`data communications systems and secure systems that
`use all of these protocols, you know, I've worked
`on -- on all of the elements that would be part of
`an electronic commerce system.
` Q. In the range 1983 to 2007, what experience
`do you have working with mobile commerce systems?
` A. So to the extent that I've worked on all
`of the things that I've mentioned before, I also
`have a fair amount of radio experience. And I've
`worked on a number of different radio front-ends and
`radio cellular communications systems. I've also
`supported a fair amount of litigation regarding LTE
`and various other over-the-air wireless
`communication protocols. I've also worked on Wi-Fi
`protocols as well.
` Q. Have you ever worked on any systems that
`were specifically targeting mobile commerce?
` A. Well, to the extent that I've worked on
`all of these systems using communications, both
`wired and wirelessly, I'm sure some of them were
`used for mobile commerce, but I've worked on the
`elements behind them.
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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` Q. Have you worked on any aspects of those
`systems that were specific to mobile commerce?
` A. Like I said, I've worked on all of the
`systems that the mobile commerce leans on in order
`to be able to communicate the -- you know, secure
`elements -- secure data across a network.
` Q. In your declarations, Exhibits 2007 in
`each of these proceedings, you've opined at length
`about certain smart card technologies and standards.
`In the time frame 1983 to 2007, have you had any
`experience with smart cards specifically?
` A. So at -- let me first say that the
`exhibits that you were just discussing that I opined
`on, all of those are protocols specifications. If
`you look at them carefully -- you don't even have to
`look at them carefully. They're just protocol
`descriptions. And like I said, I'm very qualified
`to be able to opine on that.
` But I did have a period of time at Philips
`Semiconductors back in the late '90s where I did
`actually work on peripherals used for
`microprocessors. And those -- it did include very
`early storage elements that some today would be
`considered to be smart cards.
` Q. Were any of those storage elements you
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`worked on at Philips used for financial transactions
`at the time?
` A. At the time they were designed to store
`data securely.
` Q. Right. And were they used for financial
`transactions at the time?
` A. They may have been. I don't know.
` Q. Okay. You did not work on any aspects of
`those storage elements pertaining to financial
`transactions; is that fair?
` A. My role at Philips was to be able to
`design secure systems or storage systems that could
`be storing data securely, and also to support the
`microprocessor group that was developing
`microprocessors for some of these later products.
`In specific, we were use -- we were designing
`processors for the handheld computing groups.
` Q. In the time frame from 1983 to 2007, did
`you have any experience with GlobalPlatform?
` A. I did not have any experience with
`GlobalPlatform per se. But again, like I said,
`GlobalPlatform's protocol specification, I'm very
`familiar with the protocols that would be used
`within a specification like that.
` Q. In that time frame, 1983 to 2007, did you
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`have any direct experience with any other smart
`card-specific protocols?
` A. Can you be more specific?
` Q. Sure. Protocols that were designed
`specifically for smart cards.
` A. Well, like I said, you know, I was working
`on secure storage at Philips, and I was also working
`on some of the other peripherals that were used for
`communicating to other -- to other devices. So to
`the extent that I used all those protocols,
`absolutely, was working on those, yes.
` Q. In the time frame from 1983 to 2007, did
`you work directly with any protocols that were
`designed specifically for financial transactions?
` A. Like I said, all of the protocols that are
`used in the exhibits are common and fairly
`straightforward. I've worked on a wide variety of
`different protocols and have read many, many
`protocol specifications.
` I look at the GlobalPlatform and I
`understand it to be a protocol for transferring
`secure information, not just financial payments or
`not just financial data, but a wide variety of
`things like authorization or storage of other
`information like medical records.
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
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` So it's not just the financial
`specification. It's a wide -- it's a storage
`element -- it's a secure storage element for a wide
`variety of types of information.
` Q. In that 1983 to 2000 [sic] time frame, did
`you have any direct experience with protocols that
`were specific to an electronic commerce or mobile
` A. Like I said, I worked on all of the
`protocols and all of the underlying technologies
`related to these -- these items.
` Q. Can you name any specific protocols you
`worked with that targeted electronic commerce or
`mobile commerce?
` A. Well, again, you know, everything is
`transported over TCP/IP and everything's transported
`or -- or at most UDP. But in this case, it would be
`TCP/IP. So to the extent I've worked on TCP/IP,
` Q. And what way does TCP/IP target electronic
`commerce or mobile commerce? Maybe you didn't
`understand my question.
` A. So these technologies that I've worked on
`are the underpinnings of all of the communications
`that are used throughout the Internet. And I'm very
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`familiar with all of the protocols.
` Q. If we set aside generic communication
`protocols that are designed to transport any type of
`data and focus instead on protocols that are
`specifically designed for electronic commerce or
`mobile commerce, have you worked with any of these
`electronic commerce or mobile commerce protocols?
` A. So --
` MR. OSTLING: Objection. Objection to
` form.
` THE WITNESS: So you're asking me to
` specify a particular protocol, but all of these
` exhibits that you've -- that I've been provided
` with lean on the Internet technologies that have
` been developed in one way or the other, so all
` of the communications protocols.
` So we -- you are asking me to specify a
` particular protocol. That's -- I don't --
` that -- it's a little bit of a confusing
` question.
` Q. In the 1983 to 2007 time frame, did you
`have any direct experience with MIFARE emulators?
` MR. OSTLING: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: Again, I worked on --
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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` MR. HART: Repeat the objection.
` MR. OSTLING: Sorry, Paul, say again.
` MR. HART: Yeah, what's that basis of the
` objection?
` MR. OSTLING: The basis for the objection
` is that the term MIFARE emulator is vague; it
` assumes facts not in evidence.
` MR. HART: You can answer, Mr. Gomez.
` THE WITNESS: One more time on the
` question, please.
` Q. Sure. In the time frame from 1983 to
`2007, did you have any experience with MIFARE
` MR. OSTLING: Same objection.
` THE WITNESS: To the extent that they were
` using storage elements and, you know, like I
` said, I worked at Philips Semiconductors working
` on a variety of different interfaces for their
` computing devices. I've looked at the MIFARE
` specification. And the processors that are used
` there and the communication interfaces are
` things that I saw at Philips and worked on.
` Q. Did you look at anything related to MIFARE
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`in the time frame 1983 to 2007?
` A. I wasn't in that group, so to the extent
`that I was supporting them in one way or the other,
`you know, I was working on peripherals in general.
` Q. Can I have you pull up your declaration,
`Exhibit 2007, in the '787 patent proceeding? And
`scroll to paragraph 48, please.
` A. Did you say page 48?
` Q. I meant paragraph 48. I'm not sure what I
` A. Okay.
` Q. All right. So paragraphs 47 and 48,
`you're discussing the Philips prior art reference
`that Apple used in the '787 patent IPR petition; is
`that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that's -- you describe it as Philips
`semiconductor P5CT072 secure dual interface PKI
`smart card controller; is that right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. In paragraph 48, you state that in your
`experience, a data sheet like Philips' would
`normally only be distributed under an NDA; is that
` A. Yeah. That's correct.
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` Q. You were not at Philips at the time this
`document was created, were you?
` A. I've got a lot of experience trying to get
`data sheets out of companies. You know, in the
`1970s when I was in college, I think data sheets was
`easy. But then we had the Apple versus
`AMD -- sorry, the Intel versus AMD wars. And
`there's a lot of data that was -- made it into the
`public that Apple -- that Intel was not too happy
`with. And that changed the mood -- that changed the
`way engineers had to get data sheets.
` It was difficult because you had to
`actually get a sales guy to come out to specify
`exactly what you wanted. Then you had to convince
`them you're worthy for him to get you an NDA. So
`I'm really familiar with how this works. And these
`kind of data sheets were under NDA.
` Q. In paragraph 47, you note that Philips has
`a revision date of October 2004.
` Were you at Philips in October 2004?
` A. No. I was not.
` Q. Okay. Do you have any personal knowledge
`that this specific document was subject to an NDA?
` A. Like I said, my experience is to get
`these -- documents of this form require
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`communicating with the manufacturer directly and
`ensuring that they were comfortable that you
`wouldn't spread their information.
` So these kind of documents were commonly
`under an NDA. And there's nothing here to show me
`that this wasn't under NDA. So given my experience,
`I would say that this certainly was.
` Q. Had you seen this specific document before
`Apple filed its IPR?
` A. Not this specific one.
` Q. Okay. Do you have any evidence
`specifically to this document that suggests it was
`subject to an NDA?
` A. Like I said, I was an engineer at this
`time working on many products. I was at Philips. I
`know that Philips did require NDAs as most -- most
`of the manufacturers did in that time frame. And so
`it was common to have to communicate with the
`manufacture, usually through their sales team, and
`access the documents securely through them.
` Q. All right. Let's move on. I'd like to
`talk about Dua, the primary prior art reference
`relied upon in Apple's IPR petition. Can I have you
`scroll back up to paragraph 41 in your declaration,
`Exhibit 2007, in the '787 patent IPR proceeding?
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` A. Okay.
` Q. All right. So in paragraph 41, you start
`out by noting that Dua's system makes use of a
`wallet application, including a wallet shell, that
`runs on the phone's primary processor.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Dua's wallet application allows users to
`conduct financial transactions such as e-commerce
`and m-commerce transactions, correct?
` A. I'm sorry, one more time on the question.
` Q. Sure. Dua's wallet application allows
`users to conduct financial transactions such as
`e-commerce and m-commerce transactions; is that
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. In paragraph 42 on that same page,
`you note that Dua discloses an embodiment where a
`smart card is used on the mobile phone. You
`continue contending that the smart card is not used
`to run the wallet application; is that right?
` A. That's what it says.
` Q. Okay. Do you agree that Dua does not
`provide a detailed disclosure that would guide
`implementation of a smart card used for financial
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`transactions in Dua's mobile device?
` A. I think the issue here is that Dua doesn't
`actually show that the wallet is implemented on the
`smart card, but could be used in the processor
`itself. All right. And so it doesn't actually get
`to the level, the distinction that it needs that
`says that the smart card is the secure element or is
`a -- is running the wallet. It just simply says
`that the wallet is on the phone, but it could be in
`the phone's unsecured processor.
` Q. Okay. So fair to say that Dua does not
`describe how to use a smart card for financial
` A. It does say that its smart card is used
`for storage and contactless communication. I think
`that's what I said.
` Q. But no -- no detailed description of how
`that smart card might be used for financial
`transactions, correct?
` A. Well, they certainly go on to say it's not
`used to run the wallet application, the wallet
`shell. I think that's the key, the crux, right
`there. It doesn't -- doesn't use a smart card for
`running the wallet or the wallet shell.
` Q. Okay. So does it describe using the smart
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`card to conduct any financial transactions?
` A. Well, for storage.
` Q. Beyond storage, no?
` A. I'd have to go back and review it, but I
`don't think so. No.
` Q. Okay. Does Dua describe the conventional
`smart card details at all?
` MR. OSTLING: Objection, foundation.
` THE WITNESS: I'm sorry, one more time on
` the question.
` Q. Sure. Does Dua describe just the
`conventional details of a smart card?
` MR. OSTLING: Same objection.
` THE WITNESS: So Dua doesn't --
` Q. Go ahead. I can ask a more specific
`question, but if you have an answer to that one,
`please go ahead.
` A. Kind of got tripped up here. Why don't
`you go ahead and ask the second question.
` Q. Sure. Does Dua describe the commands
`smart cards use for personalization?
` MR. OSTLING: Same objection.
` THE WITNESS: Dua doesn't -- Dua described
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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` a SIP system which is a communication protocol
` to target between phones or between phones and
` servers. Dua describes -- leans on those kinds
` of technologies in order to be able to
` communicate.
` So when you say commands, I'd have to go
` back and look at the specification again, but
` it's -- I don't believe they're using typical
` smart card commands.
` Q. Okay. You don't recall Dua describing
`typical smart card commands, correct?
` A. Like I said, I'd have to go back and look
`at the specification. Not off the top of my head.
` Q. Okay. Does Dua describe the commands
`smart cards use to conduct financial transactions?
` A. You mean like in a GlobalPlatform
` Q. In any smart card environment, does --
`does Dua provide the details of the commands used by
`smart cards to conduct financial transactions?
` A. Again, Dua describes using the SIP
`protocol in order to perform communications.
` Q. And it's not describing those
`communications being conducted by the smart card for
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`Apple EX1041 Page 26


` MIGUEL GOMEZ 2/7/2023
`Page 27
`financial transactions; is that your testimony?
` A. You know, a big part of Dua was defining
`how to exchange data and to be able to initiate the
`connection between a cell phone or -- and be able to
`target between a cell -- a p

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