(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2004/0177045 A1
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Sep. 9, 2004
`US 2004O177045A1
`(76) Inventor: Kerry Dennis Brown, Portola Valley,
`CA (US)
`Correspondence Address:
`P.O. BOX 1859
`LOS ALTOS, CA 94022 (US)
`(21) Appl. No.:
`Mar. 15, 2004
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 09/837,115,
`filed on Apr. 17, 2001.
`(22) Filed:
`Continuation-in-part of application No. 09/875,555,
`filed on Jun. 5, 2001.
`Continuation-in-part of application No. 10/738,376,
`filed on Dec. 17, 2003.
`Publication Classification
`(51) Int. Cl." ..................................................... G06F 17/60
`(52) U.S. Cl. ................................................................ 705/65
`A payment card comprises a plastic card and operates with
`three different legacy payment Systems. A magnetic Stripe
`with user account data allows card use in traditional point
`of-Sale magnetic card readers. A dual-input crypto-processor
`embedded in the card provides for contact/contactleSS Smart
`card operation. A user input provides for user authentication
`by the crypto-processor. Internal to the plastic card, and
`behind the magnetic Stripe, a magnetic array includes a
`number of fixed-position magnetic write heads that allow the
`user account data to be automatically modified by the
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`Patent Application Publication
`US 2004/0177045 A1
`t- ooi| -61
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`Patent Application Publication Sep. 9, 2004
`Sheet 2 of 4
`US 2004/0177045 A1
`read head
`data bits
`data bits
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`Patent Application Publication Sep. 9, 2004 Sheet 3 of 4
`US 2004/0177045 A1
`batt O/V,
`key active
`Fig. 3
`batt OK,
`wa e
`or invalid
`power up
`pin invalidate
`any key,
`timer Or
`CLEAR entered
`key entered
`key entered
`or invalid
`too early
`pin validate
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`Patent Application Publication Sep. 9, 2004
`Sheet 4 of 4
`US 2004/0177045 A1
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`US 2004/0177045 A1
`Sep. 9, 2004
`0001. This Application is a Continuation-In-Part of U.S.
`patent application Ser. No. 10/738,376, filed Dec. 17, 2003,
`by the present inventor, Kerry Dennis BROWN, and titled
`CARD. Such is incorporated by reference as if fully set forth
`0002) 1. Field of the Invention
`0003. The present invention relates to a payment card,
`and more particularly to payment cards with contact/con
`tactleSS Smartcard interfaces, and an internally writeable
`magnetic data Stripe readable by legacy card readers.
`0004 2. Description of Related Art
`0005 Credit card and debit card use and systems have
`become ubiquitous throughout the World. Originally, credit
`cards Simply carried raised numbers that were transferred to
`a carbon copy with a card-Swiping machine. The merchant
`Simply accepted any card presented. Spending limits and
`printed lists of lost/stolen cards were ineffective in prevent
`ing fraud and other financial losses. So merchants were
`required to telephone a transaction authorization center to
`get pre-approval of the transaction. These pre-approvals
`were initially required only for purchases above a certain
`threshold, but as time went on the amounts needing autho
`rization dropped lower and lower. The volume of telephone
`traffic grew too great, and more automated authorization
`Systems allowed faster, easier, and verified transactions.
`Magnetic Stripes on the backs of these payment cards Started
`to appear and that allowed computers to be used at both ends
`of the call.
`0006 The magnetic data on the stripe on the back of
`payment cards now contains a Standardized format and
`encoding. The raised letters and numbers on the plastic cards
`are now rarely used or even read. This then gave rise to
`"skimming devices that could be used by Some unscrupu
`lous merchant employees to electronically Scan and Save the
`information from many customers cards. Reproducing an
`embossed card complete with photoS is then rather easy.
`0007 Smartcards were first introduced around 1994 with
`embedded Single-chip cryptoprocessors and contact inter
`faces. These required a new reader that could probe the
`Smartcards contact pad and electronically interrogate the
`card. Cards could be authenticated this way, but the contact
`interfaces proved to be troublesome. Such cards have not
`gained wide acceptance because new readers needed to be
`0008 Dual interface Smartcards started to appear around
`2000. Such supported both contact (e.g., ISO/IEC-7816) and
`contactless (e.g., ISO/IEC-14443) interfaces, and used two
`completely independent cryptoprocessors and interfaces.
`They are therefore relatively expensive, because of the
`duplication. The independence of the two cryptoprocessors
`and interfaces meant that each had to be updated individu
`ally, the two may not talk to one another.
`0009 Typical dual interface Smart cards support both
`contact and Type-A and/or Type-B antenna Structures and
`the corresponding operating frequencies. Type A has a range
`of about 10 cm, and type B has a range of about 5 cm. Type
`B Supports a higher data rate, but has proven to be the leSS
`popular because of the Shorter range.
`0010 Dual-input Smartcard cryptoprocessors started to
`become available in 2004, e.g., Philips Semiconductors
`family of 8-bit MIFARE(R) PROX dual interface Smart card
`controllers. These use one IC with a crypto co-processor that
`has both contact and contactleSS interfaces. Updating the
`data through either interface is effective for both interfaces.
`The total cost of a Smartcard using dual-input devices is
`much closer to the original Single-chip cryptoprocessors
`with contact interfaces.
`0011. The proliferation of magnetic, contact, and contact
`leSS technologies is causing chaos, and the huge installed
`base of magnetic point-of-Sale readers in the United States
`has been inhibiting the transition to Smartcards, a USA cost,
`estimated by American Express in 2002, of approximately
`S4-14 billion dollars. What is needed is a transitional pay
`ment card that can continue to Support magnetic reading
`while also being able to respond to Smartcard readers. It
`further would be advantageous to have a payment card that
`can Self-authenticate its users. Additionally, a card with
`EMV (Europay-MasterCard-Visa) security features of a
`Smartcard and the transaction communications features
`compatible with magnetic Stripe transaction acceptance Sys
`tems and processing infrastructure.
`0012 Briefly, a payment card embodiment of the present
`invention comprises a plastic card and operates with three
`different legacy payment Systems. A magnetic Stripe with
`user account data allows card use in traditional point-of-Sale
`magnetic card readers. A dual-input crypto-processor
`embedded in the card provides for contact/contactleSS Smart
`card operation. A user input provides for user authentication
`by the crypto-processor. Internal to the plastic card, and
`behind the magnetic Stripe, a magnetic array includes a
`number of fixed-position magnetic write heads that allow the
`user account data to be automatically modified by the
`crypto-processor and Support circuitry.
`0013 An advantage of the present invention is a payment
`card is provided for use with three major existing legacy
`0014) A further advantage of the present invention is a
`payment card is provided that can authenticate the user to the
`0015. A still further advantage of the present invention is
`that a payment card is provided that does not require
`hardware or Software changes to merchant point-of-Sale
`0016. Another advantage of the present invention is that
`one card can express the personalities of Several different
`kinds of payment cards issued by independent payment
`0017 Another advantage of the present invention is a
`payment card that can generate a new account number upon
`each usage, and by doing So, authenticate itself to the
`transaction infrastructure.
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`US 2004/0177045 A1
`Sep. 9, 2004
`0.018. The above and still further objects, features, and
`advantages of the present invention will become apparent
`upon consideration of the following detailed description of
`Specific embodiments thereof, especially when taken in
`conjunction with the accompanying drawings.
`FIG. 1 is a functional block diagram of a payment
`card embodiment of the present invention;
`0020 FIG. 2 is a functional block diagram of a legacy
`magnetic card and reader embodiment of the present inven
`FIG. 3 is a state diagram of a card authentication
`proceSS embodiment of the present invention; and
`0022 FIG. 4 is a perspective diagram of a magnetic array
`embodiment of the present invention as can be used in the
`devices of FIGS. 1-3.
`0023 FIG. 1 illustrates a payment card embodiment of
`the present invention, and is referred to herein by the general
`reference numeral 100. Payment card 100 operates in any of
`three ways, e.g., (a) as a typical magnetic Stripe card, (b) as
`a typical contact-mode Smart card, and (c) as a typical
`wireless (proximity) Smart card. It is implemented in the
`familiar credit/debit card format as a plastic wallet card with
`a magnetic stripe on its back. For example, in the ISO/IEC
`7810 format. The payment card 100 comprises a dual-input
`crypto-processor 102 with a contact interface 104, e.g.,
`ISO/IEC-7816. For example, a Philips Semiconductor type
`P8RF6016 triple-DES secure dual interface Smart card IC
`could be used. Surface contacts on the card provide a
`conventional legacy contact 106 that can be used by tradi
`tional contact-mode card readers. A magnetic array 108 is
`arranged on the back of the card and presents what appears
`to be an ordinary magnetic stripe 109 encoded with appro
`priate bank and user information for a conventional mag
`netic card reader. Such readers are ubiquitous throughout the
`world at point-of-sale terminals. An antenna 110 provides
`wireleSS interface to conventional wireleSS Smart card read
`ers, e.g., ISO/IEC-14443-2 which operates at 13.56 MHz.
`0024 Particular details on the construction and operation
`of the magnetic array are included in the parent of the
`present application, U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/738,
`376, filed Dec. 17, 2003, by the present inventor, Kerry
`Dennis BROWN, and titled PROGRAMMABLE MAG
`NETIC DATA STORAGE CARD. In addition, the data sent
`to the magnetic array 108 can be withheld until the user
`authenticates themselves to the Smartcard 100. And Such
`data will only be readable by a magnetic reader or Smartcard
`reader for only a limited time or limited number of Swipes
`or contact/contactleSS transactions.
`0.025. An economic way of implementing payment card
`100 is to use commercially available dual-input crypto
`processors for processor 102 because they inherently come
`with the contact interface 104. This then can be easily
`interfaced to a low-power microcontroller 112, e.g., a Micro
`chip programmable interface controller (PIC). In one
`embodiment, the payment card 100 includes a biometric
`Sensor 114 that can Sense Some physical attribute about the
`user. For example, a fingerprint or Signature input through a
`Scanner or pressure Sensor array. In other embodiments, the
`payment card 100 includes a keypad 116 with which a user
`can Select a card personality and enter a personal identifi
`cation number (PIN), password, or other data. Such person
`ality Selection can, e.g., be a choice amongst VISA, Mas
`terCard, American Express, etc., So the payment card 100
`presents the corresponding account and user numbers in the
`required formats for the particular bank and payment pro
`cessor. A liquid crystal display (LCD) 118 in its simplest
`form presents a blinking indication that keypad input has
`been accepted, the card is awake and active, etc. A more
`complex LCD 118 can be used to display text message to the
`user in alternative embodiments of the present invention.
`0026. The communication between PIC 112 and dual
`input crypto-processor 102 is such that each digit of a PIN
`entered is forwarded as it is entered. The whole PIN is not
`Sent essentially in parallel. Such Strategy makes the hacking
`of the card and access to user data more difficult. The PIC
`112 does not store the PIN, only individual digits and only
`long enough to receive them from the keypad 116 and
`forward them on.
`0027. An embedded power source is needed by payment
`card 100 that can last for the needed service life of a typical
`Smartcard, e.g., about eighteen months to four years. A
`battery 120 is included. In more complex embodiments, a
`piezoelectric generator 122 and charger 124 can be used that
`converts incidental temperature excursions and mechanical
`flexing of the card into electrical power that can charge a
`Storage capacitor or help maintain battery 120. The piezo
`electric generator 122 comprises a piezoelectric crystal
`arranged, e.g., to receive mechanical energy from card
`flexing and/or keypad use. The charger 124 converts the
`alternating current (AC) received into direct current (DC)
`and Steps it up to a Voltage that will charge the battery.
`Alternative embodiments can include embedded photovol
`taic cells to power the card or charge the battery.
`0028 FIG. 2 illustrates a payment card embodiment of
`the present invention, and is referred to herein by the general
`reference numeral 200. In particular, FIG. 2 details the way
`magnetic array 108 and the legacy magnetic interface 109
`can operate in the context of FIG. 1.
`0029. A conventional, “legacy”, merchant point-of-sale
`magnetic-stripe card reader 201 is used to read user account
`data recorded on a magnetic Stripe 202 on the payment card
`200. Such is used by a merchant in a traditional way, the
`payment card 200 appears and functions like an ordinary
`debit, credit, loyalty, prepay, and Similar cards with a mag
`netic Stripe on the back.
`0030 User account data is recorded on the magnetic
`Stripe 202 using industry-standard formats and encoding.
`For example, ISO/IEC-7810, ISO/IEC-7811(-1:6), and ISO/
`IEC-7813, available from American National Standards
`Institute (NYC, N.Y.). These standards specify the physical
`characteristics of the cards, embossing, low-coercivity mag
`netic Stripe media characteristics, location of embossed
`characters, location of data tracks 2-3, high-coercivity mag
`netic Stripe media characteristics, and financial transaction
`cards. A typical Track-1, as defined by the International Air
`Transport ASSociation (IATA), is Seventy-nine alphanumeric
`characters recorded at 210-bits-per-inch (bpi) with 7-bit
`encoding. A typical Track-2, as defined by the American
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`US 2004/0177045 A1
`Sep. 9, 2004
`Bankers ASSociation (ABA), is forty numeric characters at
`75-bpi with 5-bit encoding, and Track-3 (ISO/IEC-4909) is
`typically one hundred and Seven numeric characters at
`210-bpi with 5-bit encoding. Each track has starting and
`ending Sentinels, and a longitudinal redundancy check char
`acter (LRC). The Track-1 format includes user primary
`account information, user name, expiration date, Service
`code, and discretionary data. These tracks conform to the
`ISO/IEC/IEC Standards 7810, 7811-1-6, and 7813, or other
`Suitable formats.
`0031. The magnetic stripe 202 is located on the back
`Surface of payment card 200. A data generator 204, e.g.,
`implemented with a microprocessor, receives its initial pro
`gramming and personalization data from a data receptor 205.
`For example, Such data receptor 205 can be implemented as
`a Serial inductor placed under the magnetic Stripe which is
`excited by a Standard magnetic card writer. Additionally, the
`data may be installed at the card issuer, bank agency, or
`manufacturer by existing legacy methods. The data received
`is Stored in non-volatile memory. Alternatively, the data
`receptor 205 can be a radio frequency antenna and receiver,
`typical to ISO/IEC/IEC Specifications 24443 and 25693.
`The data generator 204 may be part of a Secure processor
`that can do cryptographic processing, Similar to Europay
`Mastercard-Visa (EMV) cryptoprocessors used in prior art
`“Smart cards'.
`0.032 Card-Swipes generate detection Sensing signals
`from one or a pair of detectors 206 and 208. These are
`embedded at one or each end of magnetic Stripe 202 and can
`Sense the typical pressure applied by a magnetic read head
`in a Scanner. A first Set of magnetic-transducer write heads
`210-212 are located immediately under bit positions d0-d2
`of magnetic stripe 202. The data values of these bits can be
`controlled by data generator 204. Therefore, bit positions
`d0-d2 are programmable.
`0.033 Such set of magnetic-transducer write heads 210
`212 constitutes an array that can be fabricated as a single
`device and applied in many other applications besides
`payment cards. Embodiments of the present invention com
`bine parallel fixed-position write heads on one side of a thin,
`planar magnetic media, and a moving Serial read head on the
`opposite Side. Such operation resembles a parallel-in, Serial
`out shift register.
`0034) A next set of bit positions 213-216 (d3-d6) of
`magnetic Stripe 202 are fixed, and not programmable by data
`generator 204. A conventional card programmer is used by
`the card issuer to program these data bits. A Second Set of
`magnetic write heads 217-221 are located under bit positions
`d7-d11 of magnetic stripe 202. The data values of these bits
`can also be controlled by data generator 204 and are there
`fore programmable. A last set of bit positions 222-225
`(d12-d15) of magnetic stripe 202 are fixed, and not pro
`grammable by data generator 204. In alternative embodi
`ments of the present invention, as few as one bit is pro
`grammable with a corresponding write head connected to
`data generator 204, or as many as all of the bits in all of the
`0035. The legacy card reader 201 is a conventional
`commercial unit as are already typically deployed through
`out the world, but especially in the United States. Such
`deployment in the United States is So deep and widespread,
`that conversion to contact and contactleSS Smartcard Systems
`has been inhibited by merchant reluctance for more pur
`chases, employee training, counter space, and other con
`0036. It is an important aspect of the present invention
`that the outward use of the payment card 200 not require any
`modification of the behavior of the user, nor require any
`Special types of card readers 201. Such is a distinguishing
`characteristic and a principle reason that embodiments of the
`present invention would be commercially Successful. The
`card reader 201 has a magnetic-transducer read head 230
`that is manually translated along the length of data Stripe
`202. It serially reads data bits d0-d15 and these are con
`verted to parallel digital data by a register 232.
`0037. The magnetic-transducer write heads 210-212 and
`217-221 must be very thin and small, as they must fit within
`the relatively thin body of a plastic payment card, and be
`packed dense enough to conform to the Standard recording
`bit densities. Integrated combinations of micro-electro-me
`chanical Systems (MEMS) nanotechnology, and longitudinal
`and perpendicular ferromagnetics are therefore useful in
`implementations that use Standard Semiconductor and mag
`netic recording thin-film technologies.
`0038 FIG. 3 represents a card authentication process
`embodiment of the present invention, and is referred to
`herein by the general reference numeral 300. Such process
`details the way that the processor 102 (FIG.1) interacts with
`keypad 116 and LCD 118 in one embodiment of the present
`invention. Here, the keypad includes digits 0-9, CLEAR,
`and ENTER keys.
`0039) Process 300 comprises a power up state 302 that
`passes through an "always' condition 304 to a sleep State
`306. A “wake timeout' condition 308 occurs when a wake
`up timer times out. A wake test State 310 checks battery
`condition and the CLEAR key. A condition 312 causes a
`loop back if the battery is within proper operating Voltage
`range and the CLEAR key is inactive. If the battery is in
`range and the CLEAR key is inactive, a condition 314
`returns to sleep state 306. But if the user has pressed the
`CLEAR key, a condition 316 passes to a card entry State
`318. The LCD is caused to blink at 1.0 Hz. A time-out for
`waiting for another key to be pressed, or an invalid key being
`entered, causes a condition 320 to return to Sleep process
`0040. If a CARD key is entered, a condition 322 passes
`to a pin entry state 324. If CLEAR key was entered, a
`condition 326 returns to card entry state 318. The LCD is
`caused to blink at 1.0 Hz. A PIN entry condition 328
`processes each entry. If the user takes too long to enter the
`PIN, a time-out condition 330 returns to sleep state 306. If
`the ENTER key is pressed too soon, e.g., not enough PIN
`digits have been entered, a condition 332 returns to Sleep
`state 306. If a proper number of PIN digit entries have been
`made, and that was followed by the ENTER key, a condition
`334 passes to a pin validate state 336.
`0041) If the PIN entered is invalid or a time-out has
`occurred, a condition 338 returns to sleep state 306. Other
`wise, a valid-response condition 340 passes to a transac
`tion wait state 342. The LCD is caused to blink at 0.5 Hz.
`A transaction timer or CLEAR key entered condition 344
`passes to a pins invalidate State 346. Any key being pressed
`or a time-out in a condition 348 passes to the sleep state 306.
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`US 2004/0177045 A1
`Sep. 9, 2004
`This proceSS may be used in conjunction with a Smart card
`cryptoprocessor to unlock encrypted card data to be released
`for legacy transaction processes described herein and typical
`for magnetic Stripe and Smart cards.
`FIG. 4 illustrates a magnetic data storage array
`embodiment of the present invention, and is referred to by
`the general reference numeral 400. The magnetic data stor
`age array 400 includes a magnetic stripe 402 that mimics
`those commonly found on the backs of credit cards, debit
`cards, acceSS cards, and drivers licenses. In alternative
`embodiments of the present invention, array 400 can be a
`two-dimensional array, and not just a single track.
`Here in FIG. 4, magnetic data bits d0-d2 are
`arranged in a single track. A Set of fixed-position write heads
`404, 406, and 408 respectively write and rewrite magnetic
`data bits d0-d2. A moving, Scanning read head 410 in a
`legacy magnetic card reader is used to read out the data
`0044 Parts of magnetic data storage array 400 can be
`implemented with MEMS technology. In general, MEMS is
`the integration of mechanical elements, Sensors, actuators,
`and electronics on a common Substrate using microfabrica
`tion technology. Electronics devices are typically fabricated
`with CMOS, bipolar, or BICMOS integrated circuit pro
`cesses. Micromechanical components can be fabricated
`using compatible “micromachining processes that Selec
`tively etch away parts of a processing wafer, or add new
`Structural layers to form mechanical and electromechanical
`0.045. In the present case, MEMS technology can be used
`to fabricate coils that wind around Permalloy magnetic cores
`with gaps to produce very tiny magnetic transducer write
`heads. For example, a magnetic transducer write head that
`would be useful in the payment card 100 of FIG. 1 would
`have a gap length of 1-50 microns, a core length of 100-250
`microns, a write track width of 1000-2500 microns, and a
`read track width of 1000 microns. Nickel-iron core media
`permeability would be greater than 2000, and cobalt-plati
`num or gamma ferric oxide media permeability would be
`greater than 2.0, and the media coercivity would be a
`minimum of 300 Oe.
`0046) A parallel array static MEMS (S-MEMS) device is
`a magnetic transducer which will allow information to be
`written in-situ on the data tracks of a Standard form factor
`magnetic Stripe card. In a practical application, an array of
`twenty-five individual magnetic bit cells can be located at
`one end of an ISO/IEC/IEC 7811 standard magnetic media.
`Such a Stripe includes Some permanent encoding, as well as
`a region in which data patterns can be written by arrays of
`magnetic heads attached to a low-coercivity magnetic Stripe.
`0047. Each cell of such parallel array is independently
`electronically addressed. Write transducer current may flow
`in one direction or the other, depending on the desired
`polarity of the magnetic data bits. The magnetic Stripe
`transaction reader operates by detection of magnetic domain
`transitions within an F2F Scheme typical of Such cards and,
`therefore, magnetic domain reversal is not necessary. A
`prototype write head included a high permeability NiFe core
`with electroplated windings of copper wires. For example, a
`useful write head has a z-dimension (track width) of 1000
`2500 microns, a width of 100 microns in the X-direction, and
`a height in the y-direction of approximately 20 microns.
`There are four coil turns around each pole piece, for a total
`of eight. The croSS Sectional area of the coil was estimated
`at four microns Square, with a three micron Spacing. Total
`length in the X-direction, including core and coils, was 150
`microns, and about a ten micron Spacing between adjacent
`magnetic cells.
`0048 Transaction process embodiments of the present
`invention embed an algorithm with unique user data in a
`cryptoprocessor. For example, a method for a transaction
`process embeds an algorithm that encodes unique user data
`in a cryptoprocessor. It requests a new unique transaction
`encoding to be issued by using the cryptoprocessor to
`process the algorithm and to generate a data Suited to a
`card-acceptance System pre-processing requirements. A con
`ventional transaction infrastructure and Server can then be
`used to derive from the number the unique user data. The
`new unique transaction encoding can be communicated to
`the conventional transaction infrastructure and Server by a
`Smart card contact or proximity connection. The new unique
`transaction encoding can be communicated to the conven
`tional transaction infrastructure and Server by a reprogram
`mable magnetic Stripe on a card read by a reader. Such is
`useful in validating and approving point-of-Sale financial
`0049. Although particular embodiments of the present
`invention have been described and illustrated, Such is not
`intended to limit the invention. Modifications and changes
`will no doubt become apparent to those skilled in the art, and
`it is intended that the invention only be limited by the scope
`of the appended claims.
`The invention claimed is
`1. A payment card, comprising:
`a user-Sensor for accepting a user input;
`a processor connected to the user-Sensor and providing for
`user authentication;
`a contact interface connected to the processor and pro
`viding for communication with a contact-type Smart
`card reader;
`a wireleSS interface connected to the processor and pro
`viding for communication with a contactleSS-type
`Smartcard reader;
`a Stripe of magnetic material having a longitudinal length,
`and a front Side and a back Side, and able to Store
`electronic data as a magnetic recording comprising a
`plurality of bits;
`a magnetic write head permanently positioned on Said
`back Side of the Stripe at a particular data bit of one of
`Said plurality of bits, and providing for electronic
`magnetic alteration of a data bit magnetically readable
`on Said front Side;
`a magnetic recording Serially accessible to a longitudi
`nally moving read head on Said front Side of the Stripe
`that includes said data bit affected by the magnetic
`write head; and
`a plastic card in which all the other elements are disposed.
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`US 2004/0177045 A1
`Sep. 9, 2004
`2. The payment card of claim 1, wherein:
`the user-Sensor includes a keypad for user entry of a
`3. The payment card of claim 1, wherein:
`the user-Sensor includes a biometric Sensor for collecting
`a physical characteristic of the user.
`4. The payment card of claim 1, wherein:
`the user-Sensor includes a biometric Sensor for collecting
`at least one of a signature or a fingerprint of the user and
`Such is used by the processor to authenticate the user.
`5. The payment card of claim 1, wherein:
`the processor includes a Secure dual-interface Smartcard
`integrated circuit.
`6. The payment card of claim 1, wherein:
`the processor includes a programmable interface control
`ler (PIC) connected to a contact interface of a Secure
`dual-interface Smartcard integrated circuit.
`7. The payment card of claim 6, wherein:
`the PIC does not store more than one digit of a user
`password being entered before Sending it on to Said
`contact interface of Said Secure dual-interface Smart
`card integrated circuit.
`8. The payment card of claim 6, wherein:
`the PIC does not store a whole user password entered one
`digit at a time.
`9. The payment card of claim 1, further comprising:
`a financial account number of a user encoded within the
`magnetic recording; and
`a controller connected to the magnetic write head and
`providing for a Subsequent obfuscation of the financial
`account number by re-recording of Said data bit.
`10. The payment card of claim 1, further comprising:
`a usage-counter record encoded within the magnetic
`recording, and
`a controller connected to the magnetic write head and
`providing for a Subsequent incrementing of the usage
`counter record by re-recording Said data bit.
`11. The payment card of claim 10, further comprising:
`detectors connected to signal the controller when a read
`ing of data in the magnetic recording has occurred.
`12. The payment card of claim 1, further comprising:
`a piezoelectric generator connected to power the proces
`13. The payment card of claim 1, further comprising:
`a piezoelectric generator connected to charge a battery
`that powers the processor.
`14. A method for operating a payment card, comprising:
`providing a programmable magnetic array on a payment
`card; and
`presenting valid data to Said magnetic array for a limited
`15. A method for operating a payment card, comprising:
`providing a Smartcard contact interface, a wireleSS Smart
`card contactleSS interface, and a programmable mag
`netic array on a single payment card; and
`presenting valid data to Said magnetic array for a limited
`16. A method for operating a payment card, comprising:
`providing a Smartcard contact interface, a wireleSS Smart
`card contactleSS interface, and a programmable mag
`netic array on a single payment card;
`requiring a user to enter a password on Said Single
`payment card; and
`presenting valid data to Said magnetic array for a limited
`time if the user is authenticated.
`17. A method for operating a payment card, comprising:
`providing a Smartcard contact interface, a wireleSS Smart
`card contactleSS interface, and a programmable mag
`netic array on a single payment card;
`requiring a user to enter a biometric on Said Single
`payment card; and
`presenting valid user account data to a corresponding card
`reader for a limited time if the user is authenticated.
`18. A method for a trans

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