`a2) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2003/0086341 Al
`(43) Pub. Date: May8, 2003
`Wells et al.
`US 20030086341A1
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Inventors: Maxwell Wells, Seattle, WA (US);
`Vidya Venkatachalam, Bellevue, WA
`(US); Luca Cazzanti, Bellevue, WA
`(US); Kwan Fai Cheung, Bellevue,
`WA (US); Navdeep Dhillon, Seattle,
`WA (US); Somsak Sukittanon, Seattle,
`Correspondence Address:
`700 11TH STREET, NW
`SUITE 500
`(73) Assignee: GRACENOTE,INC., Berkeley, CA
`(21) Appl. No.:
`Jul. 22, 2002
`(60) Provisional application No. 60/306,911, filed on Jul.
`20, 2001.
`Publication Classification
`Int. C1?eee G11B 11/00; GO6F 17/00
`(52) U.S. Ch ecco 369/13.56; 700/94; 705/51;
`Copiesof original sound recordingsare identified by extract-
`ing features from the copy, creating a vector of those
`features, and comparing that vector against a database of
`vectors. Identification can be performed for copies of sound
`recordings that have been subjected to compression and
`other manipulation such that they are not exact replicas of
`the original. Computational efficiency permits many hun-
`dreds of queries to be serviced at the same time. The vectors
`maybeless than 100 bytes, so that many millions of vectors
`can be stored on a portable device.
`Test set
`< x testing
` Test sets of
`Reject or
`with effects
`Roku V. Media Chain
`U.S. Patent No. 10,489,560
`Roku V. Media Chain
`U.S. Patent No. 10,489,560
`Patent Application Publication
`May8, 2003 Sheet 1 of 20
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`Patent Application Publication
`May8, 2003 Sheet 2 of 20
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`Patent Application Publication May 8,2003 Sheet 3 of 20
`US 2003/0086341 Al
`FIG. 2
`218 220
` 221
` Histogram
` Cumulative
` 226
` Remapped
` Histogram
` 230
`Patent Application Publication
`May 8, 2003
`Sheet 4 of 20
`US 2003/0086341 Al
`534 | frame
`sensitive bands
`mean across
`bands and
`Split into
`Normalize the
`DCT values
`band and
`frame means
`Concatenate band
`and frame means
`into fingerprint
`Patent Application Publication
`May8, 2003 Sheet 5 of 20
`US 2003/0086341 Al
`Patent Application Publication May 8,2003 Sheet 6 of 20
`US 2003/0086341 Al
`O tog §
`powerin time-
`F I g . 5
`511 Discard
`frequency and/or
`time bands
`Patent Application Publication May 8,2003 Sheet 7 of 20
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`Patent Application Publication
`May8, 2003 Sheet 8 of 20
`US 2003/0086341 Al
`Patent Application Publication May 8,2003 Sheet 9 of 20
`US 2003/0086341 Al
`Compare distance of candidate
`from all reference FPsin set
`No match in
`FIG. 7B
`Patent Application Publication May 8,2003 Sheet 10 of 20
`US 2003/0086341 Al
`™) PO |
`Patent Application Publication May 8,2003 Sheet 11 of 20
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`Patent Application Publication
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`US 2003/0086341 Al
` OLxaouerlsid
`Patent Application Publication
`May8, 2003 Sheet 13 of 20
`US 2003/0086341 Al
`Patent Application Publication May 8,2003 Sheet 14 of 20
`US 2003/0086341 Al
`Search LRU
` matching FP
`LRU cache
`Fig. 11
`FP notin
`Patent Application Publication May 8,2003 Sheet 15 of 20
`US 2003/0086341 Al
` 1601
`Stream of
`at regular
` against
` Extract
`Database offingerprints
`Fig. 12
` Stream not
`or more
`Patent Application Publication
`May8, 2003 Sheet 16 of 20
`US 2003/0086341 Al
`wee eee ee eet ee es! wee ee eee
`rrr TPs
`ee pe de ee
`Patent Application Publication
`May8, 2003 Sheet 17 of 20
`US 2003/0086341 Al
`eee eye eee yr rrr
`ee ee Je ee ede eee dee
`boo eee eb eee eee
`ieee Joe ee eed ee
`eee qe eee
`Patent Application Publication May 8,2003 Sheet 18 of 20
`US 2003/0086341 Al
`Choose a
`principal FP
`Extract FPs
`every 15
`distance between
`each FP and
`Fig. 15A
`US 2003/0086341 Al
`Patent Application Publication
`May8, 2003 Sheet 19 of 20
`Patent Application Publication May 8,2003 Sheet 20 of 20
`US 2003/0086341 Al
`US 2003/0086341 Al
`May8, 2003
`[0001] This application is related and claims priority to
`US. provisional application entitled AUTOMATIC IDEN-
`No. 60/306,911, by Wells et al., filed Jul. 20, 2001 and
`incorporated by reference herein.
`1. Field of the Invention
`[0003] The present invention is directed to the identifica-
`tion of recordings and, more particularly, to the identifica-
`tion of sound recordings, such as recordings of music or
`spoken words.
`2. Description of the Related Art
`Identification is a process by which a copy of a
`sound recording is recognized as being the same as the
`original or reference recording. There is a need to automati-
`cally identify sound recordings for the purposes of registra-
`tion, monitoring and control, all of which are important in
`ensuring the financial compensationof the rights owners and
`creators of music. There is also a need for identification for
`the purposes of adding value to, or extracting value from the
`music. Registration is a process by which the owner of
`content recordshis or her ownership. Monitoring records the
`movementand use of content so that it can be reported back
`to the owner, generally for purposes of payment. Control is
`a process by which the wishes of a content owner regarding
`the use and movementof the content are enforced.
`[0006] Some examples of adding value to music include:
`identification of unlabelled or mislabeled content to makeit
`easier for users of the music to access and organize their
`music and identification so that the user can be provided
`with related content, for example, information about the
`artist, or recommendations of similar pieces of music.
`[0007] Some examples of extracting value from music
`include: identification for the provision of buying opportu-
`nities and identification for the purpose of interpreting
`something about
`the psychographics of the listener. For
`example, a particular song may trigger an offer to purchase
`it, or a related song by the sameartist, or an article of
`clothing made popular by that artist. This extracts value
`from the music by using it as a delivery vehicle for a
`commercial message. In addition, psychographics uses psy-
`chological, sociological and anthropological factors to deter-
`mine how a market is segmented by the propensity of groups
`within the market
`to make a decision about a product,
`ideology or otherwise hold an attitude or use a
`medium. This information can be used to better focus
`commercial messages and opportunities. This extracts value
`from the music by usingit to profile the listener.
`[0008] There have been two types of monitoring, reflect-
`ing the delivery of stored music and the delivery of played
`music. Stored music is considered to be copies for which
`there are “mechanical” or “reproduction” rights. Played
`music may be considered to be a performance, whether or
`not the performanceis live or recorded. This demarcation is
`reflected in different payment structures, which are admin-
`istered by different organizations. One organization (Harry
`Fox Agency) collects reproduction royalties when CDsor
`tapes are sold. These physical goods are counted and moni-
`tored using a variety of accounting practices and techniques.
`ASCAP, BMI and SESACcollect performance royalties
`when live or recorded music is played on the radio or in
`public spaces. These performances are monitored using a
`combination of automatic identification methods and human
`[0009] There are several different methods used for deliv-
`ery of music. Live music is “delivered” in a performance
`space, by radio and TV (both analog and digital) and over
`the Internet. Stored music or other sound recordings may be
`delivered on physical media associated with the recordings
`(CDs, cassettes, mini discs, OD-RWs, DVDs) which may be
`moved (stored, distributed, sold, etc). However, a sound
`recording does not have to be associated with a physical
`medium; it can also be easily transported in electronic form
`by streaming, or by moving from one storage location to
`another. In both cases, either radio or the Internet may be
`used to transport the sound recording.
`[0010] Digital music and the Internet are changing the way
`music is delivered and used, and are changing the require-
`ments for music identification. These changes are brought
`about because the Internet can be used to deliver both
`performances and copies, and the Internet
`increases the
`number of delivery channels.
`{0011] Whereas a terrestrial radio station may reach one
`thousand listeners at any momentin time while playing the
`same one song, an Internet radio station may reach one
`thousand listeners at one time while playing one thousand
`different songs. This means that a larger and more diverse
`selection of songs must be identified.
`[0012] Existing business models for music are being chal-
`lenged. For example, CD readers attached to personal com-
`puters, and peer-to-peer services are making it easier to copy
`and exchange music. New methods for registering, moni-
`toring, controlling, and extracting value from music are
`[0013] The copying of digital music is easy. Users are able
`to make copies on a variety of different media formats, for
`a variety of consumerelectronic devices. This creates a need
`to identify more copies of songs, across multiple media
`formats and types of device. Some of the devices are not
`connected to the Internet, which introduces an additional
`requirement on an identification system.
`[0014] There is a need for a single solution that can
`identify streamed or moved music acrossall delivery chan-
`nels. A single solution is preferable due to economies of
`scale, to remove the need to reconcile across methods and
`databases, and to provide a simple solution forall aspects of
`the problem.
`[0015] Current methods rely on attaching tags, water-
`marks, encryption, and fingerprints (the use of intrinsic
`features of the music). Tags are attached to the physical
`media or to the digital copy. The lowest common denomi-
`nator is the artist-title pair (ATP). Other information can
`include publisher, label and date. Attempts to give a sound
`recoding a unique ID include the ISRC (International Stan-
`dard Recording Code), the ISWC (International Standard
`US 2003/0086341 Al
`May8, 2003
`Work Code), the EAN (European Article Number), the UPC
`(Universal Product Code), ISMN (International Standard
`Music Number) and the CAE (Compositeur, Auteur, Edi-
`teur). All are alphanumeric codesthat are either attached to
`physical copies of the sound recording, or embeddedin the
`digital copy. Part of the rationale for creating the various
`codes was to assist with the automated identification and
`tracking of the works.
`[0016] However, there are problems with the use of ATPs
`and alpha-numeric codes. They can be easily detached or
`changed (as evidenced by the recent attempts by Napster to
`use ATPsto block content). Once detached or changed, they
`require human intervention (listening) to be reattached or
`corrected. There is no way to automatically authenticate that
`the content is what it’s tag claims it to be. They must be
`attached at source, prior to duplication, which reducestheir
`utility with legacy content. They are applied intermittently
`or incorrectly. They require a critical mass of industry
`participants to be useful. EAN/UPCidentify the CD and are
`not useful for individual music tracks. In some countries,
`there are laws against
`transmitting data along with the
`music, which limitstheir utility. Also, transmitting such data
`may require additional bandwidth.
`[0017] Watermarks add an indelible and inaudible signal
`that is interpreted by a special reader. Watermarks can be
`robust to noise. They are good for combinations of live and
`recorded content, for example where an announcer speaks
`over recorded background music. Watermarks can deliver
`additional information without the need to access a database.
`The problems with watermarksare: they are not necessarily
`indelible nor inaudible; they require addition at source, prior
`to duplication, and therefore have limited utility for legacy
`content; and if applied to legacy content, there still needs to
`be a wayto first identify the music.
`[0018] Encryption uses techniques embedded in software
`to make the content inaccessible without a key. Identification
`is done prior to encryption, and the identification informa-
`tion (metadata) is locked up with the music. Some of the
`problemswith encryption are: it has limited utility for legacy
`content, if applied to legacy content, there still needs to be
`a way to identify that content; and there is consumer
`resistance to locking up music. These problems are caused
`by incompatibilities between equipment that plays locked
`music and equipment that does not, leading to a reluctance
`to purchase equipmentthat maynot play their existing music
`collections and to purchasing music that may not play on
`equipment the consumers currently own.
`[0019] Another approach is to use intrinsic properties of
`the music to provide a “fingerprint.”The identifying features
`are a part of the music, therefore changing them changesthe
`music. The advantages of this method include: nothing is
`added to the music; the fingerprints can be regenerated at
`any time; fingerprints work on legacy content and do not
`require broad industry adoption to be applicable to all
`content; and fingerprints can madeofan entire song, and can
`therefore ensure that song’s completeness and authenticity.
`[0020] Current fingerprinting methodsare not suitable, for
`reasons that will be described in more detail later. Their
`limitations come about because of the requirements for (1)
`identifying large numbers of songs, and (2) identifying
`songs that have slight variations from the original. These
`variations are insufficient to cause a human to judge the
`songs as being different, but they can be sufficient to cause
`a machine to do so. In sum,
`the problems with current
`fingerprinting methods are that some systems can handle a
`large number of songs, but cannot handle the variations,
`while other systems can handle many variations, but cannot
`handle a large number of songs.
`[0021] Variations in songs may be caused by numerous
`“delivery channel effects.” For example, songs played on the
`radio are subjected to both static and dynamic frequency
`equalization and volume normalization. Songs may also be
`speeded up or slowed down to shorten or lengthen their
`playing time. Stored music can vary from the original
`because of the same effects found in radio, and because of
`other manipulations. The most common manipulationis the
`use of a codec to reduce the size of a file of stored music to
`make it more suitable for storage or movement. The most
`common codec is the MP3. The codec encodes the song to
`a compressed form, and at playback decodes, or expands,it
`for listening. An ideal codec will remove only those parts of
`the original that are minimally perceptually salient so that
`the version that has undergone compression and expansion
`soundslike the original. However, the process is lossy and
`changes the waveform of the copy from that of the original.
`Other manipulations and their manifestations (delivery
`channeleffects) are described below.
`[0022] Existing methods are intended for
`stored sound recordings, and for identifying sound record-
`ings as they are being played (performances). The main
`distinctions between the two identification systemsare:
`[0023] Played music identification systems must be
`capable of identifying a song without any knowledge
`of the song’s start point. It is easier to find the start
`point in stored music.
`[0024] Played music identification can have an upper
`capacity of about 10,000 reference recordings.
`Stored music requires a larger capacity.
`is being
`[0025] Played music is identified as it
`played, so there is not a stringent requirement for
`speed of fingerprint extraction or lookup. For many
`applications, stored music must be identified at many
`timesreal time.
`[0026] Played music identification may be limited to
`several thousand radio stations. There is a need for
`stored music identification by tens of millions of
`individual music users.
`[0027] Played music must be identified in the pres-
`ence of manipulations that create variations from the
`original. Methodsof identifying stored music in the
`prior art are not designed to compensate for varia-
`[0028] Both categories include techniques that rely on the
`use of intrinsic properties, the addition of metadata or the
`addition of inaudible signals. However the examination will
`concentrate on those identification techniques that use the
`intrinsic properties of the sound recording, either by them-
`selves, or in combination with other information.
`[0029] One commonly used technique for identifying cop-
`ies of music on a compact disc (CD) is to use the spacing
`between tracks and the duration of tracks or the “Table of
`Contents” of a CD to create a unique identifier for the CD,
`US 2003/0086341 Al
`May8, 2003
`as described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,230,192. The CD identity is
`used to lookup the name and order of the tracks from a
`previously completed database. This method does not work
`once the music has been removed from the CD, and is a copy
`on a computer hard drive.
`bursts, and signal dropout. It is capable of monitoring for
`one of approximately 10,000 songs in each of 5 radio
`channels. The disclosed technique is fairly robust, but the
`size of the database of reference songsis limited, primarily
`due to the database search techniques used.
`[0030] Another technique uses a hash algorithm to label a
`file. Hash algorithms, such as the Secure Hash Algorithm
`(SHAL) or MD5,are meantfordigital signature applications
`where a large message has to be “compressed” in a secure
`manner before being signed with the private key. The
`algorithms maybe applied to a musicfile of arbitrary length
`to produce a 128-bit message digest. The benefits of the hash
`values are they are quick to extract, they are small in size,
`and they can be used to perform rapid database searches
`because each hash is a unique identifier for a file. The
`disadvantages include:
`(1) The algorithms are designed to be secure
`to tampering, so any change to the file, however
`minor, will result in a different hash value. As a
`the hash value changes when the file is
`subjected to any of the channeleffects. For example,
`there are on average 550 variants of each song on a
`large file sharing exchange such as Napster. A slight
`alteration of a song(e.g. the removal of one sample)
`will result in a different hash, which will not be able
`to be used to identify the song.
`(2) Each variant of a song file requires that a
`different hash be stored in the database, resulting in
`a large database with a many-to-one relationship.
`‘Yet another technique is described in U.S. Pat. No.
`5,918,223. The method extracts a series of feature vectors
`from a piece of music which it then sends to a database for
`identification. The advantages of this technique are that the
`feature vectors consist of intrinsic properties of music that
`are claimed to be perceptually salient. This meansthat they
`should be robust to manyofthe distribution channel effects.
`The disadvantages are:
`(1) The feature vector
`intensive to extract
`is computationally
`(2) The feature vector is large, which means:
`(a) It takes long time to look up and is
`expensive to implement
`for large numbers of
`increases the amount of network
`(3) Each individual vector does not contain
`sufficient information to uniquely identify a song.
`Identification is accomplished after a series of fea-
`ture vectors are matched in the database. The data-
`base therefore takes a long time to search and must
`be limited in size.
`(4) There is no evidence that the technique is
`immuneto all delivery channeleffects.
`[0040] One method for identifying played sound record-
`ings is described by Kenyon in US. Pat. No. 5,210,820. The
`820 patent is primarily designed for radio station monitor-
`ing wherethe signal is acquired from listening stations tuned
`to a terrestrial radio station ofinterest. The system is capable
`of identifying songs irrespective of speed variation, noise
`Identifying all sound recordings includes stored
`music for around 10 million different songs in early 2002.
`For streamed music this numberis in the tens of thousands.
`The prior art has focused on streamed music with a much
`smaller number of songs.
`Identifying legacy content applies to approxi-
`mately 500 billion copies of digital music in existence.
`Methods that require the music to be identified at the point
`of origin cannot identify these copies.
`[0043] New content consists of relatively few songs that
`comprise the majority of popular music, distributed from a
`few points of origin, with processes in place to control the
`workflow, plus a larger number of songs distributed from
`many points of origin. These points are geographically
`distributed, and have diverse methods of workflow manage-
`ment. Therefore, methods that require the music to be
`identified at the point of origin cannot identify the majority
`of songs.
`[0044] An aspect of the invention is to automatically
`identify all sound recordings, including legacy content and
`new content.
`[0045] Another aspect of the inventionis to identify sound
`recordings rapidly. The system should be able to identify
`music at many timesreal time. For example a three minute
`song should be identified in less than three seconds.
`[0046] A further aspect of the invention is to automatically
`identify sound recordings with computational efficiency of
`extraction and lookup. Computational efficiency of the fin-
`gerprint extraction and lookupis desirable because many of
`the songs will be identified on consumerelectronics devices
`with limited processing power.
`‘Yet another aspect of the invention is to automati-
`cally identify sound recordings using a small fingerprint
`extracted from each sound recording and compact lookup
`code. Both are desirable because many of the songs will be
`identified on consumer electronics devices with limited
`storage space.
`[0048] Astill further aspect of the invention is to identify
`sound recordings whether the tags are absent or incorrectly
`applied, whether intentionally or not.
`‘Yet another aspect of this invention is to automati-
`cally identify variations of sound recordings where those
`variations are caused by delivery channeleffects. The mani-
`festations of those effects that should be considered include:
`(1) DC value—the average value of a digi-
`tized song waveform amplitude in the time domain.
`(2) Phase Inversion—the process of multiply-
`ing every time domain digital sample of a song
`waveform by -1. For a multichannel song, phase
`inversion is applied to all channels.
`US 2003/0086341 Al
`May8, 2003
`(3) Pitch-invariant speed increase—the pro-
`cess of speeding up the playback rate of a song
`without affecting its pitch.
`(4) Peak limiting—the process of limiting the
`maximum signal amplitude to a specified threshold.
`(5) Volume normalization—the process by
`which the gain of an audio file is increased until its
`loudest point (or sample) is at maximum level.
`(6) Dynamic range reduction—the process by
`which the dynamic range of a sound is reduced.
`Dynamic Range is the ratio of the strongest, or
`loudest part
`to the weakest, or softest, part of a
`sound; it is measured in dB
`(7) Equalization—theprocess usedto alter the
`relative balance of frequencies to produce desired
`tonal characteristics in sounds.
`(8) Remastering—the process of mastering a
`recording after the first mastering has been done.
`May happen when the “master tape” is re-processed
`because a recording is reissued, or included in a
`different album. Sometimes an actual mastering
`house is used, and other times the “mastered” mate-
`rial is sent directly to a duplication facility where
`they can also do the final few steps. Typical master-
`ing effects include many potential processes of the
`audio signal such as equalization, compression, lim-
`iting, normalization, wideningthe stereo image, edit-
`ing fades, and just putting the songs in the correct
`in kbs at which an
`(9) Bit rates—the rate,
`original song is compressed by a codec.
`(10) Start time variations—variations in the
`fingerprint caused by whatdifferent players consider
`the start of a song.
`(11) Different rippers—variations in the fin-
`caused by different
`devices that extract a song from a CD for compres-
`(12) Codecs—variations in the fingerprint
`caused by different coding and decoding schemes.
`(13) Watermarking—variations in the finger-
`prints caused by the addition of a watermark.
`(14) Addition of noise—variations in the fin-
`gerprint caused by the addition of noise to the audio,
`from various sources.
`[0064] The requirementsfor being able to deal with legacy
`content preclude systems based on encryption, watermark-
`ing or tagging at source. The requirement to be robust to
`simple manipulations of the tags precludes tagging systems.
`This leaves fingerprinting as the only way of meeting most
`of the requirements.
`[0065] An additional requirement for some applications is
`that the entire song be checked to ensure thatit is all present
`and correct. Reasons for this requirement:
`quality assurance where the rights owner of a song, or an
`artist, may wish to assure that their song is only distributed
`in its entirety, and (2) prevention of spoofing which relates
`to attempts to misrepresent identification which may be a
`tactic used to distribute songs illegally over a network.If a
`fingerprint is taken from a small section of the song, such as
`near the beginning, someone trying to spoof the system
`might prepend a section of a legal song onto the front of an
`illegal song.
`[0066] A further aspect of this invention is automatic
`identification and authentication of entire songs.
`[0067] The above aspects can be attained by a method of
`identifying recordings by extracting at least one candidate
`fingerprint from at
`least one portion of an unidentified
`recording; and searching for a match between at least one
`value derived from the at least one candidate fingerprint and
`a value in at least one reference fingerprint amonga plurality
`of reference fingerprints.
`[0068] These together with other aspects and advantages
`which will be subsequently apparent, reside in the details of
`construction and operation as more
`fully hereinafter
`described and claimed, reference being had to the accom-
`panying drawings forming a part hereof, wherein like
`numerals refer to like parts throughout.
`[0069] FIG. 1A is a flowchart of a fingerprint component
`testing procedure according to an embodimentof the inven-
`[0070] FIG. 1B is a flowchart of a procedure for finger-
`print creation according to an embodiment of the present
`FIG.2 is flowchart of the procedure for histogram
`equalization of soundfiles.
`[0072] FIG. 3 is flowchart of the procedure for band-by-
`band frequency equalization.
`[0073] FIG. 4 is a block diagram of time-frequency
`decomposition to create a matrix of frequency amplitude at
`time intervals in FIG. 1B.
`FIG.5 is flowchart of the procedure for creating a
`fingerprint based on a perceptual model of audition.
`[0075] FIGS. 6A-6C are wavelet based fingerprints of
`three songs with three variants each.
`[0076] FIGS. 7A and 7B is flowchart of a procedure for
`searching a database of reference fingerprints.
`[0077] FIGS. 8A and 8B are graphs of SRR search
`parameters overlaid on an example of a fingerprint.
`[0078] FIGS. 9A-9D are graphs of the distributions of
`matches for wavefiles, blade 128files, blade 32 files and fhg
`128 kg MP3files.
`[0079] FIG. 10A is a graph of the efficacy of Search by
`Range Reduction.
`[0080] FIG. 10B is a graph oftotal error (type 1+type 2)
`as a function of the Search by Range Reduction threshold.
`[0081] FIG. 11 is flowchart of a procedure for combining
`fuzzy and exact matches between candidate and reference
`[0082] FIG. 12 is flowchart of a procedure for using
`fingerprints to identify a stream of music.
`US 2003/0086341 Al
`May8, 2003
`[0083] FIG. 13A is a graph of the distance of the closest
`match based on extracting one fingerprint every second from
`a sample song.
`[0084] FIG. 13B is a graph of the song ID in the database
`corresponding to the closest match in FIG. 7A.
`[0085] FIG. 14 is a graph of percentage agreement
`between machine-extracted and human-extracted break-
`points (accuracy) for 95 songs.
`[0086] FIG. 15A is flowchart of a procedure for repre-
`senting an entire song as a compact vector.
`[0087] FIG. 15B is graph of the procedure illustrated in
`FIG. 15A.
`[0088] FIG. 16 is a simplified block diagram of a syst