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`Roku V. Media Chain
`U.S. Patent No. 9,715,581
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` .
`12/27/21, 11:19 AM
`Like This? You'll Hate That. (Not All Web Recommendations Are Welcome.) - The New York Times
`Liveplasma.com,an online site for music and, more recently, movies, graphically "maps"
`shoppers' potential interests. A search for music by Coldplay, for example, brings up a
`graphical representation of what previous customers of Coldplay music have purchased,
`presentedin clusters of circles of varioussizes.
`The biggerthecircle, the greater the popularity of that band. The circles are clustered into
`orbits representing groups of customerswith similar preferences.
`"This is a way of showing recommendationsthat are vastly more useful than textuallinks,"
`said Whit Andrews,a research vice president at Gartner Inc., a market research companyin
`Stamford, Conn.
`Another development under wayis matching customertastes across Web businesses, using
`knowledgeof a customer's tastes in musicto try to sell them books, for example. "To date,
`that's been largely unchartedterritory," Mr. Andrewssaid, thoughnotfor lack of trying.
`Websites have longtried to develop systemsfor cross-selling among companiesthat
`protect customerprivacy but also allow sharing of data.
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`While large online stores are having success through recommendations, smaller Websites
`are having a moredifficult time using the technology to their advantage. Developing a
`system for cross-selling is expensive, and perhaps most important, requires amassing a
`huge amountof customerdatato be effective, said Patty Freeman Evans,a Jupiter
`Research analyst.
`As a result, according to Ms. Evans, fewer than one-quarter of online shoppers make
`unplanned purchases whentheyare online, a far smaller percentage than customersat
`actual stores.
`Walmart.com's DVDsalessite now has no automated recommendation system atall. The
`musicsection of Walmart.com, however, uses a system closerto that of Amazon, where
`customers are given recommendations based on music they've purchasedin the past. The
`companyis also looking at using that technology for the DVD section, along with movie
`reviews and guidesthat are automatically linked to customer searches.
`Carter Cast, president of Walmart.com, says personalized recommendationsare one of the
`company's "importantpriorities" for its Web store. "It's convenient and helpful for
`customers,and it does help generatesales," Mr. Cast said, referring to the personalization
`feature on Walmart.com's music section.
`Certainly, Apple's iTunesstore has benefited from its ability to recommend songs and
`artists. In fact, its newest feature, called MiniStore, is able to make recommendations based
`on songsin users' playlists, no matter where they camefrom.
`12/27/21, 11:19 AM
`Like This? You'll Hate That. (Not All Web Recommendations Are Welcome.) - The New York Times
` ÿ ÿ
`Whensomeoneis using the MiniStore and selects a song onthe playlist, Apple will
`automatically collect that information. The feature, however, has beencriticized by privacy
`advocates whoSay it allows Apple to snoop on customers. Under pressure, Apple decided
`last week to makethe feature an option that customersget only on request.
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