9/14/2023 | 09-14-2023-Patent_Owner | |
7/13/2023 | 07-13-2023-Board | |
7/12/2023 | 07-12-2023-Board | |
5/8/2023 | 05-08-2023-Board | |
4/12/2023 | 04-12-2023-Petitioner | |
4/12/2023 | 04-12-2023-Patent_Owner | |
4/7/2023 | 04-07-2023-Patent_Owner | |
4/5/2023 | 04-05-2023-Petitioner | |
3/31/2023 | 03-31-2023-Petitioner | |
3/24/2023 | 03-24-2023-Patent_Owner | |
3/8/2023 | 03-08-2023-Board | |
3/3/2023 | 03-03-2023-Patent_Owner | |
3/3/2023 | 03-03-2023-Petitioner | |
2/24/2023 | 02-24-2023-Patent_Owner | |
2/6/2023 | 02-06-2023-Petitioner | |
1/23/2023 | 01-23-2023-Patent_Owner | |
1/13/2023 | 01-13-2023-Petitioner | - Petitioner Exhibit 1071: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request No. 58532 filed with National Library of Medicine on August 7, 2022 and automated response.
- Petitioner Exhibit 1072: National Library of Medicine Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request No. 58532 and August 8, 2022 response.
- Petitioner Exhibit 1078: December 9, 2022, Deposition Transcript of Paul A. Laskar, Ph.D.
- Petitioner Exhibit 1079: Appendix 1: 1 Preparation of Reagents and Buffers Used in Molecular Cloning, in Sambrook, J. F., & Russell, D. W., Molecular cloning: A laboratory manual (3d ed. 2001).
- Petitioner Exhibit 1080: United States Patent Publication No. 2011/0184017 Al to Kanzawa et al.
- Petitioner Exhibit 1081: Chapter 4: Reagents, in Directorate for the Quality of Medicine & Health Care of the Council of Europe (EDQM), European Pharmacopoeia (5th ed. 2004)
- Petitioner Exhibit 1082: Buffers: A guide for the preparation and use of buffers in biological systems, Calbiochem (2006), available at https://www.med.unc.edu/pharm/sondeklab/wp-content/uploads/sites/868/2018/10/buffers_calbiochem.pdf (last visited Dec. 5, 2022).
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- Petitioner Exhibit 1085: Disodium hydrogen phosphate, PubChem, available at https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/24203#section=Refractive-Index (last visited Dec. 5, 2022).
- Petitioner Exhibit 1086: Declaration of Dr. Paul A. Laskar Ph.D (Ex. 1014) in IPR2018-01020, executed on May 14, 2018.
- Petitioner Exhibit 1087: U.S. Patent No. 8,791,154 to Gamache et al., (Ex. 1001 in IPR2018-01020).
- Petitioner Exhibit 1088: U.S. Patent No. 6,995,186 B2 to Castillo et al., (Ex. 1005 in IPR2018-01020).
11/21/2022 | 11-21-2022-Petitioner | |
10/21/2022 | 10-21-2022-Patent_Owner | - Patent Owner Exhibit 2003: October 21, 2022, Declaration of Paul A. Laskar, Ph.D.
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2009: September 30, 2022, Deposition Transcript of Dr. Stephen R. Byrn
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2010: Silvergate Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v. Bionpharma Inc., Case Nos. 18-1962-LPS, 19-1067-LPS, April 27, 2021Trial Decision, D.I. 294, D.I. 307 (D. Del. Aug. 2, 2021)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2011: Reckitt Benckiser Inc. v. Tris Pharma, Inc., Case No. 09-3125-FLW, Decision on Summary Judgment, D.I. 220 (D.N.J. Dec. 2, 2011)
10/14/2022 | 10-14-2022-Board | |
9/8/2022 | 09-08-2022-Patent_Owner | |
9/1/2022 | 09-01-2022-Patent_Owner | |
8/31/2022 | 08-31-2022-Patent_Owner | |
8/12/2022 | 08-12-2022-Petitioner | |
8/2/2022 | 08-02-2022-Petitioner | |
7/29/2022 | 07-29-2022-Patent_Owner | |
7/19/2022 | 07-19-2022-Petitioner | |
7/15/2022 | 07-15-2022-Board | |
5/24/2022 | 05-24-2022-Patent_Owner | |
5/23/2022 | 05-23-2022-Board | |
5/17/2022 | 05-17-2022-Petitioner | |
4/18/2022 | 04-18-2022-Patent_Owner | |
1/18/2022 | 01-18-2022-Board | |
1/18/2022 | 01-18-2022-Patent_Owner | |
12/29/2021 | 12-29-2021-Petitioner | - Petitioner Exhibit 1001: U.S. Patent No. 10,842,787 to Ostrow et al.
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- Petitioner Exhibit 1037: U.S. Patent No. 10,842,787 File History - Part 1
- Petitioner Exhibit 1037: U.S. Patent No. 10,842,787 File History - Part 2
- Petitioner Exhibit 1037: U.S. Patent No. 10,842,787 File History - Part 3
- Petitioner Exhibit 1037: U.S. Patent No. 10,842,787 File History - Part 4
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- Petitioner Exhibit 1039: HANDBOOK OF PHARMACEUTICAL EXCIPIENTS 5���7, 193���196, 281���284, 351���352, 741���742, 984���989 (Raymond C. Rowe et al. eds., 7th ed. 2012) - Part 2
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- Petitioner Exhibit 1043: Certified English Translation of CN 101049287A to Wu Peichang et al.
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- Petitioner Exhibit 1046: Kirchhoff et al., Analysis of atropine, its degradation products and related substances of natural origin by means of reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, J. CHROMATOGRAPHY A 1046:115���120 (2004)
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- Petitioner Exhibit 1048: International Publication No. WO 2012/161655 to Donald Tan and Wei Han Chua
- Petitioner Exhibit 1049: U.S. Patent Publication No. 2012/0203161 to Herekar
- Petitioner Exhibit 1050: English Translation of Jinshen Li, Preparation and Quality Control of 0.04% Atropine Sulfate Eye Drops, CHINA PHARMACY 17(2):111���113 (2006)
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