Page 1
` Petitioners,
` IPR2022-00367
`v. Patent No. 10,715,235
` Patent Owner.
` Tuesday, October 18, 2022
` 12:07 p.m. Eastern Standard Time
`Reported By:
`JOB NO.: 5919
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
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`Page 2
` October 18, 2022
` 12:07 p.m. Eastern Standard Time
` Videotaped remote deposition of
`ROBERT AKL, taken stenographically by Greta H.
`Duckett, CCR, RPR, CRR, CVR-S, RVR-M-S.
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
`212-400-8845 -
`Exhibit 2011
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` A P P E A R A N C E S
`Page 3
` Usman A. Khan, Esq.
` 3299 RBC Plaza
` 60 South Sixth Street
` Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402
` (202)783-5070
` Reza Mirzaie, Esq.
` James Pickens, Esq.
` 12424 Wilshire Boulevard, 12th Floor
` Los Angeles, California 90025
` (310)826-7474
` John Thomas, videographer
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
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`2 3
`Exhibit 2011
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`Page 4
` I N D E X
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`Page 5
`EXHIBIT 1 IPR2022-00367 Petition 7
`EXHIBIT 1001 U.S. Patent 10,715,235 8
`EXHIBIT 1003 Declaration of Dr. 8
` Robert Akl
`EXHIBIT 1006 U.S. Patent 7,155,231 9
`EXHIBIT 1007 U.S. Patent 6,006,077 9
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
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`8 9
`Exhibit 2011
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`Page 6
` afternoon. We are now on the
` record. Today's date is
` October 18, 2022, and the time is
` 12:07 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
` This is the video deposition
` of Robert Akl in the matter of
` Apple, iApple Inc., and HP Inc.,
` versus XR Communications, et al.,
` LLC, filed in the United States
` Patent and Trademark Office before
` the Patent Trial and Appeal Board,
` case number IPR2022-00367.
` This deposition is taking
` place via web videoconference, with
` all parties attending remotely. My
` name is John Thomas. I'm the
` videographer representing
` TransPerfect.
` Would counsel on the
` conference please identify
` yourselves and state who you
` represent, beginning with the
` questioning attorney.
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`Page 7
` (Counsel stated appearances
` for the record.)
` the witness, having first been duly
`sworn to speak the truth, the whole truth and
`nothing but the truth, testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning -- or good afternoon.
` A. It's still good morning. It's
`11:00 a.m. my time.
` Q. I forgot what time zone you're in.
`So I have uploaded a few exhibits to your chat
`function. Do you see those? There's five of
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And let's just go ahead and
`maybe open those and confirm on the record what
`those are.
` (Exhibit 1 was marked for
` identification.)
` Q. So the first one, from top to
`bottom, in the chat should be the IPR petition
`that is paper 3 in IPR 2022-00367, correct?
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`Page 8
` A. Yes.
` Q. And this is the petition for inter
`partes review for which you have submitted an
`expert declaration, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And this concerns United States
`patent number 10,715,235, correct?
` A. Yes.
` (Exhibit 1001 was marked for
` identification.)
` Q. And we'll go ahead and confirm that
`the next exhibit, which is labeled
`Exhibit 1001. If you open that up, that is the
`actual '235 patent, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And is it okay if I call that the
`'235 patent? You'll know what I'm talking
`about, right, obviously?
` A. Yes.
` (Exhibit 1003 was marked for
` identification.)
` Q. Great. Moving along, the next
`exhibit, top to bottom, is Exhibit 1003. And
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`Page 9
`that is your declaration, which we just
`referenced a moment ago, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And the exhibit numbers I'm using,
`by the way, just for the record -- this is not
`a question. But for the record, those are just
`the exhibit numbers used in the IPRs
` (Exhibit 1006 was marked for
` identification.)
` Q. So the fourth exhibit, from top to
`bottom, is a reference called Burke, et al.
`And that's Exhibit 1006, U.S. patent number
`7,155,231 to Burke, correct?
` A. Yes.
` (Exhibit 1007 was marked for
` identification.)
` Q. And the final one for now in your
`chat box is Exhibit 1007, which is U.S. Patent
`6,006,077 to Shull, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. Great. So we'll focus, I
`think, mainly on your declaration. So if you
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`Page 10
`could pull that one up. That's Exhibit 1003.
` A. Okay.
` Q. And by the way, you have been
`deposed before, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Roughly how many times?
` A. Over a hundred times.
` Q. Okay. Mostly in patent cases, I
`take it, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Mostly in IPRs or litigation or
` A. Both.
` Q. Okay. So you know the ground
`rules. No need to go over them. Like I said
`before we got on the record, this will not take
`the full time slot. Probably not close to it.
`In any event, if you need a break at any point,
`just let me know, and we can take one. If I
`have a question pending at the time, I would
`probably just ask you to answer that question,
`and then we can take a break.
` Is that okay?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that goes for everybody on the
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`Page 11
`Zoom link.
` If you don't understand any of my
`questions, just ask me to repeat them.
`Otherwise, I'll assume that you understood
`them. Is that fair?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. All right. So moving to
`Exhibit 1003, this is the declaration that you
`submitted in the IPR in question, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And you provide, I believe,
`two grounds for invalidity, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And I believe you also have, I
`think, paper copies of certain exhibits with
`you; is that right?
` A. I have just the table of contents
`of my declaration printed. That's the only
`paper exhibit I have.
` Q. Okay. So I'll probably be focusing
`mostly on the actual petition and then also
`your declaration. So if we go to the petition,
`that's Paper 3. If you could go to the bottom
`of page 1, there's a section titled, Challenge
`and Relief Requested.
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`Page 12
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And it spills over into page 2,
` A. Yes.
` Q. And there are two grounds
`identified in the table there at the top of
`page 2.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And ground 1 is for claims 8
`through 12, and it is obviousness under 35
`USC Section 103 in view of Burke alone,
` A. I see those words, yes.
` Q. And your declaration was provided
`in support of, among other things, that ground,
`ground 1, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And so ground 1 does not include
`anticipation as a theory or ground for
`invalidity; it is obviousness under
`Section 103, correct?
` A. I'm not a -- I'm not here to answer
`legal questions, but my understanding, it is a
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`Page 13
`single-reference obviousness.
` Q. And your declaration in support of
`ground 1 for claims 8 through 12 also has
`opinions concerning an obviousness theory, not
`an anticipation theory, correct?
` A. Yes. My understanding, it is a
`single-reference obviousness under 103.
` Q. And ground 2 -- if you refer to the
`IPR -- that concerns claims 13 through 14, and
`it is also an obviousness ground. This time,
`it's Burke in view of Shull, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And so ground 2 is not an
`anticipation theory; it is an obviousness
`theory, fair?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And if I understand correctly, your
`declaration in support of ground 2 has opinions
`supporting that obviousness theory. It does
`not have opinions supporting some anticipation
`theory, correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And for claims 8 through 12, the
`petition and your declaration relies on Burke
`as a single-reference obviousness theory,
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`Page 14
` MR. KHAN: Objection.
` Counsel, if you could limit the
` questions to the scope of the
` deposition, which is the
` declaration, rather than asking for
` Dr. Akl's opinion on the petition,
` that would be great.
` MR. MIRZAIE: I don't think I
` have to, but, you know, I'll get to
` his declaration in a moment. I was
` just trying to kind of simplify
` things a little bit.
` Q. In your declaration for claims 8
`through 12, you rely on Burke for a
`single-reference obviousness theory, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. But you do not rely on Burke in
`view of Shull for claims 8 through 12, correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. All right. Maybe just a couple
`more questions to help speed things along, and
`then we can go back to your declaration.
` If you could go to page 3. At the
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`Page 15
`bottom of page 3, there's a section called
`"claim construction."
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And what it says there is that no
`formal claim constructions are necessary for
`this petition.
` Do you see that sentence?
` A. Yes. I see those words.
` Q. Okay. And if I understand your
`declaration correctly, you also did not provide
`any formal specific claim constructions or
`didn't see any need to for any particular claim
`elements, correct?
` A. Yes. That's correct.
` Q. If I understand correctly -- and if
`we could switch over to your declaration now
`again, Exhibit 1003, you just applied what you
`believe to be the plain and ordinary meaning of
`the claim elements in your analysis, correct?
` A. I applied what would be the plain
`and ordinary meaning as understood by a person
`of ordinary skill in the art that would read
`the claims in light of the specification.
` Q. That is the more complete way of
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
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`Exhibit 2011
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`Page 16
`saying what I tried to say. You said it better
`than I did, but thank you for that
` Okay. And claims 13 and 14 are
`dependent claims, correct? And feel free to
`consult the patent or your declaration or any
`other document.
` A. Yes. Claim 3 depends on claim 12.
`Claim 14 depends on claim 13.
` Q. And I think you said claim 3 -- or
`at least that's what I heard. You meant claim
`13, right?
` A. Claim 13 depends on claim 12.
` Q. Great. I'm going to jump around a
`little bit here. If we could go down to page
`61 of your declaration. Let me know when
`you're there.
` A. I am there.
` Q. Great. And for this element, you
`labeled this element 8F. Do you see that right
`above your paragraph 101?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that element reads,
`Transmitting to the remote station a third
`signal comprising content based on the set of
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
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`Exhibit 2011
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`Page 17
`weighting values. Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And I believe in the paragraphs
`that follow, you -- or the paragraph that
`follows, what you state there is referring back
`to element 8E. Burke teaches that the mobile
`station 106 transmits a message that includes a
`set of weight values to the base station 104.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And then in the next sentence, you
`state that it would have been obvious to a
`POSITA that the message is transmitted through
`a signal and consequently that the mobile
`station 106 transmits a third signal (different
`from the first signal and second signal
`received from the remote station) that includes
`the message comprising content based on the set
`of weighting values determined by the mobile
`station 106 to the base station 104 via the
`antenna 112 as described by Burke.
` Did I read that correctly?
` A. Yes. I think so.
` Q. And so here you opine that it would
`have been obvious to a POSITA that the message
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`Page 18
`that you reference here would have been
`transmitted through a signal and specifically a
`claimed, quote/unquote, third signal, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that the third signal would,
`quote, include the message comprising content
`based on the set of weighting values determined
`by the mobile station 106 to the base station
`104 via the antenna 112 as described by Burke,
` A. Yes.
` Q. And so your opinions here -- strike
` So here in this paragraph you opine
`that Burke teaches the, quote/unquote, message
`comprising content based on the set of
`weighting values, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So if I understand correctly --
`strike that.
` You don't have any opinion that
`Burke expressly teaches this limitation,
` A. I do have an opinion that Burke
`expressly teaches, because I quote and I cite
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
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`Page 19
`to you Burke, when I say that Burke explicitly
`teaches transmitting a message that includes a
`set of weight values to the base station.
` Q. I think I understand. Just to
`clarify, there is at least one portion of the
`claim element that you claim is rendered,
`quote/unquote, obvious as you state in the
`second sentence of 101, true?
` A. Yes. That refers to the word
`"third signal." I've already identified that
`Burke teaches the first signal and a second
`signal and that Burke does teach a signal that
`transmits the message that includes a set of
`weight values. I don't think Burke explicitly
`calls it a third signal. And I'm saying it
`would have been obvious to a -- to call it a
`third signal. But everything else about this
`limitation in terms of a signal comprising
`content based on the set of weight values is
`explicitly disclosed by Burke that shows that
`you can transmit a message that includes a set
`of weight values to the base station. So that
`message would be in a signal, it just doesn't
`call it a third signal.
` Q. Thank you. And so what is the
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`Page 20
`content that is based on the set of weighting
` A. The one example would be the actual
`set of weights. So the set of weight values
`would be an example of content based on the set
`of weighting values. And that's what Burke
` Q. I should have been a little bit
`more clear. Just limiting your answer to the
`opinions that you reference or provide in
`paragraph 101, what is the content that is
`based on the set of weighting values?
` A. I think I already answered that
`question. It is the set of weight values. So
`transmitting the weights would be -- would be
`an example of content based on the set of
`weighting values.
` Q. And here you opine that the third
`signal includes the message comprising content
`based on the set of weighting values.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And what else would that signal
`include besides that message based on Burke's
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`Page 21
` A. I don't -- I don't find it
`necessary or I don't recall what else it could
`include. The fact that it includes a message
`that includes the set of weights meets the
`claim language. So the claim language requires
`content based on the set of weighting values.
`And a message that includes a set of weights
`would need that content based on the set of
`weighting values that's required by the claim.
` So to the extent there is other
`information in the signal, I don't recall or
`point to those because it's not necessary for
`the opinion that I have here.
` Q. And that's because the claim
`requires, in your opinion, content based on the
`set of weighting values, right?
` MR. KHAN: Objection. Form.
` A. Limitation 8F says transmitting to
`the remote station a third signal comprising
`content based on the set of weighting values.
`So I have shown that Burke teaches that you
`have a mobile station that transmits the
`message that includes a set of weight values to
`the base station. So it meets all the
`elements, and it would have been obvious for
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`Page 22
`that signal to be called a third signal or to
`be the third signal required by the limitation.
` Q. Okay. We may come back to that.
`If you could flip now to page 27.
` A. I am there.
` Q. All right. Actually, give me a
`second. Actually, page 46. And if you could
`flip to that page.
` A. Okay. I'm there.
` Q. So this page provides -- along with
`other pages, provide your opinions concerning
`element 8A, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And specifically paragraphs --
`strike that.
` Your opinions concerning how
`element 8A maps to Burke are provided in
`paragraphs 83 through 86, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you don't have any opinion that
`every claim term in 8A is expressly taught by
`Burke, fair?
` MR. KHAN: Objection to form.
` Q. Let me rephrase that. You don't
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`Page 23
`have an opinion that claim element 8A -- strike
` Let me back up. You don't have any
`anticipation opinions for claim 8 in your
`declaration, correct?
` A. That is correct.
` Q. You provide an obviousness opinion
`for claim 8 based on a single-reference
`obviousness theory based on Burke, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. For element 8A, you provide an
`obviousness theory, correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. And if you go to paragraph 85, it's
`your opinion that it would have been obvious to
`a POSITA that the first signal transmission
`transmitted over a signal path 150 would have
`been received via one of the antennas, e.g.,
`the first antenna of the array of antennas in
`antenna 112 and a second signal transmission
`transmitted over signal path 160 would have
`been received via a second antenna of the array
`of antennas in antenna 112, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So Burke does not expressly recite
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`Page 24
`or teach this element, but in your opinion it
`would been obvious anyway, correct?
` A. Burke doesn't explicitly call them
`a first signal and a second signal. But when
`we look at figure 2, which is on the previous
`page, Burke expressly shows the base station
`104, which meets the claim language of a remote
`station. And it shows a mobile station 106,
`which would be doing the receiving that is
`required by element 8A. And we see there is a
`transmission 150 and a transmission 160, just
`like you read. Burke doesn't expressly call
`them first signal transmission and second
`signal transmission.
` I annotate Figure 2 myself in green
`and in red, and I label these as a first signal
`transmission and a second signal transmission.
`So it would be obvious for a person of ordinary
`skill in the art to call transmission 150 a
`first signal transmission and transmission 160
`a second signal transmission as required by the
` But everything else is expressly
`disclosed, including antenna 112, which also
`can be an array, and that's expressly disclosed
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`Page 25
`in Burke where I point to in paragraph 84.
`It's column 25, lines 58 through 61. So the
`only thing that I'm pointing to as obvious to a
`person of ordinary skill in the art is the
`labeling of a first signal and a second signal.
` And since we're in this section,
`paragraph 84, the third line, you see it says
`25-58-61. It should be 25:58-61. So there's a
`very small typo here. It's columns 25, line 58
`to 61.
` Q. In paragraph 85, you state that
`prior art from the same time period further
`demonstrates that a POSITA would have been
`motivated to implement Burke's disclosure, and
`then you have a citation there -- for its
`technological benefits, like improved
`short-term channel estimation and receiver
`performance gain, with a reasonable expectation
`of success because it was implemented in
`similar wireless communication systems.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And then the examples that you
`point to here, in the next sentence, you point
`to a reference, Hottinen, correct?
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`Page 26
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you have another example,
`Walton, later in the paragraph, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you have a third and final
`example in the paragraph is Goldsmith, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. You state that the technological
`benefits -- strike that.
` You state here in paragraph 85 that
`the motivation would stem from technological
`benefits, like improved short-term channel
`estimation and receiver performance gain,
` A. Yes.
` Q. And those are your words; those
`aren't in Burke, correct?
` A. These are my words demonstrating
`why Burke -- so Burke itself discloses antenna
`112. And Burke itself explicitly discloses
`that antenna 112 can be an antenna array. And
`that's -- again, I cite in paragraph 25,
`column 25, lines 58 to 61 twice. In the third
`line of paragraph 85 and in the sentence that
`you just read.
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`Page 27
` So I am explaining why a POSITA
`would be motivated to implement Burke's own
`disclosure of an antenna array in element 112.
`And so I show the benefits of having an antenna
`array. And if you have an antenna array, you
`would have a first antenna element and a second
`antenna element, because an antenna array would
`be made up of at least two antenna elements.
`And I provide the motivation of having an
`antenna array, which is explicitly disclosed in
`Burke, the benefits of using an antenna array
`to receive a first signal and a second signal.
`And so the references that I cite to further
`support why an antenna array would be used by a
`POSITA, but the antenna array in 112 is
`explicitly disclosed in Burke.
` Q. You don't have an opinion that
`having an antenna array would inherently
`require a first signal being received at a
`first antenna element and a second signal being
`received by the different second antenna
`element, fair?
` MR. KHAN: Objection to form.
` Misstates testimony.
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`Page 28
` Q. Strike that. Let me ask you a
`slightly different question.
` The phrase "antenna array," to you,
`requires that you have more than one antenna
`element in an array, fair?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And there were antenna arrays
`present in the art, obviously, per your
`opinions, around the time of this patent
`filing, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And at least some of those arrays
`had antenna elements that were capable of
`receiving more than one different signal at the
`same element of the array, obviously, fair?
` A. I don't understand the last
` Q. Yes. The question is: Some of the
`antenna arrays in the art were capable of
`receiving multiple different signals at a
`single element within the array, correct?
` MR. KHAN: Objection.
` Ambiguous.
` A. What I show is Burke explicitly
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`Page 29
`shows an antenna array 112, because 112 can be
`an antenna array, and it explicitly shows
`receiving a first signal and a second signal
`using antenna 112, which can be an antenna
` Q. Yeah. And my question was a little
`bit different. I was asking about antenna
`arrays in the art at the time of the invention.
`Do you recall that?
` Do you recall my question? Not --
`not do you recall all of the art.
` A. Well, I thought I answered your
`question. So maybe if you want to clarify your
`question or ask it again.
` Q. Sure. An antenna array, per our
`conversation moments ago, means that there
`would be two or more antenna elements within an
`array, correct?
` MR. KHAN: Objection.
` A. An antenna array usually would
`include more than one antenna element. That's
`what makes it an array.
` Q. That's what makes it an array,
`correct? That's one part of what makes it an
`array, correct?
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions

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