`Apple Inc. et al. v. XR Communications LLC
`Branimir Vojcic D.Sc.
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` Petitioners, )
` v. )
` Patent Owner. )
` Case IPR2022-00367
` Patent 10,715,235
` Zoom video streaming deposition of
`BRANIMIR VOJCIC, D.Sc., called for examination by
`counsel for the Petitioner, on Tuesday, December 20,
`2022, commencing at 12:02 p.m. Eastern Standard Time,
`reported by Michele E. French, RPR, RMR, CSR-3091, on
`behalf of Digital Evidence Group.
` 1730 M Street, NW, Suite 812
` Washington, D.C. 20036
` (202) 232-0646
`www.DigitalEvidenceGroup.comDigital Evidence Group C'rt 2022
`APPLE 1043
`Apple v. XR Commc'ns


`Apple Inc. et al. v. XR Communications LLC
`Branimir Vojcic D.Sc.
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` On behalf of the Petitioner:
` 1000 Maine Avenue SW
` Washington, D.C. 20024
` (202) 626-6383
` On behalf of the Patent Owner:
` 12424 Wilshire Boulevard, 12th Floor
` Los Angeles, California 90025
` (310) 826-7474
`Also Present: DeShawn White, Videographer
`2 3
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`Apple Inc. et al. v. XR Communications LLC
`Branimir Vojcic D.Sc.
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` Examination by Mr. Khan 5
` Recess - 12:18 p.m. to 12:21 p.m. 17
` Recess - 1:00 p.m. to 1:17 p.m. 40
` Recess - 1:26 p.m. to 1:27 p.m. 46
` Recess - 2:03 p.m. to 2:11 p.m. 65
` Exhibit 2010 Declaration of Branimir Vojcic, 10
` D.Sc., 23 pages
` Exhibit 1001 US Patent No.: US 10,715,235 B2 40
`(REPORTER'S NOTE: All quotations from exhibits are
`reflected in the manner in which they were read into
`the record and do not necessarily denote an exact
`quote from the document.)
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`Apple Inc. et al. v. XR Communications LLC
`Branimir Vojcic D.Sc.
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` Tuesday, December 20, 2022
` 12:02 p.m. EST
` * * * * *
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: This is video number
`1 of the video-recorded deposition of Branimir Vojcic,
`in the matter of Apple Inc. versus XR Communications
`LLC, in the United States Patent and Trademark Office,
`before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board, Case Number
` This deposition is being held by Zoom
`video remote conferencing on December 20th, 2022. The
`time on the video screen is 12:02 p.m. Eastern Time.
` My name is DeShawn White. I'm the legal
`videographer from Digital Evidence Group. The court
`reporter is Michele French, in association with
`Digital Evidence Group.
` All parties have stipulated to the
`witness being sworn in remotely.
` Counsel, will you please state your
`appearances and whom you represent, followed by the
`court reporter administering the oath.
` MR. KHAN: Hi. My name is Usman Khan.
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`Branimir Vojcic D.Sc.
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`I am counsel for Petitioners, Apple and HP.
` MR. CONKLE: Christian Conkle for Patent
`was thereupon called as a witness herein, and after
`having first been duly sworn to testify to the truth,
`the whole truth and nothing but the truth, was
`examined and testified as follows:
` Q Great. Good afternoon, Dr. Vojcic. Can you
`please state your full name for the record.
` A Branimir Vojcic.
` Q Do you understand that you are under sworn
`oath and must tell the truth today?
` A Yes.
` Q And are you taking any medications or
`anything that could prevent you from answering my
`questions completely and truthfully?
` A No.
` Q Is there anything at all that might prevent
`you from answering my questions regarding your
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` A No, sir.
` Q And you understand that we're here today to
`discuss the Declaration you submitted for
` A That's my understanding.
` Q Will you let me know if you don't understand
`any of my questions?
` A I will.
` Q Great. If I don't hear otherwise, I will
`just assume that you understood my question. I can
`repeat them if you like, when you -- when it's not
`clear, if you would like me to.
` Also, if you need a break, please, I'd
`request that you just let me know a few minutes ahead
`of time. I don't anticipate that the -- that the
`deposition will go too long, but we'll plan some
`breaks in between, but should you need a break at any
`time, please just give me a few minutes heads up.
` A All right. Thank you.
` MR. KHAN: And it goes for everyone else
`on the call, too. Please, if you need to take a
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`break, just let me know. I'll just wrap up my line of
`questioning and we can take a break.
` Q Have you had a deposition taken in the past?
` A Yes, I have.
` Q Do you know roughly how many you may have
`been involved in?
` A Probably 30 to 50.
` Q Okay. And --
` A It's in my CV. I usually note it when there
`was a deposition, so....
` Q And are these depositions in District Court
`cases? ITC cases? IP? Post Grant? PTAB cases?
` A All of the above.
` Q How many IPRs have you been involved in?
` A I don't know, Counsel. It's -- it's been a
`recent development the last, I don't know, three, four
`years. And at least 10, somewhere between 10 and 20,
`I would say. I -- I haven't counted, really, but at
`least 10, I think.
` Q Okay. And in these 10 or so IPRs, you have
`been deposed, as well?
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` A I -- in some, yes. I -- I couldn't --
`couldn't recall. These are short cases, you know, so
`I don't -- couldn't remember the -- all details.
`Maybe not in all, but maybe, yes. I really don't
` Q And for this deposition, did you have any
` A Yeah, I did.
` Q Did you review your Declaration and the
`documents that were cited or referred to in your
` A Yes.
` Q Okay.
` A Some -- some of them. I reviewed
`Declaration, and Dr. Akl's Declaration, and some of
`the patents.
` Q Did you discuss how to answer any questions
`for the deposition with counsel for Patent Owner?
` MR. CONKLE: And the usual objection and
`instruction not to answer to the extent the answer
`would contain work product or attorney-client
`communications, but I think you can probably say yes
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`or no.
` THE WITNESS: How to answer questions,
` Q And have you spoken to anyone other than
`Patent Owner's counsel about this case?
` A No.
` Q When you prepared your Declaration, did you
`prepare the Declaration on your own or did you have
`any assistance in doing so?
` MR. CONKLE: Same -- no.
` THE WITNESS: I don't recall. I always
`prepare the main opinions myself, and attorneys
`usually help with putting it together, the whole
`Declaration, but I don't remember each particular
` Q And to the best of your knowledge, the
`statements made in your Declaration were the result of
`your own efforts and thoughts; is that correct?
` A That's correct, Counsel.
` Q And you didn't have any junior member of a
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`team, your own team, work on the declaration; is that
` A No.
` Q Do you understand that during the course of
`our deposition you're not permitted to discuss the
`questions or answers with Patent Owner's counsel?
` A Yeah, I do. That's usual practice, yeah.
` Q Okay. I would like to turn to your
` In paragraph 5 of your Declaration, you
`mention that you received a Doctor of Science in
`electrical engineering; is that correct?
` A I don't know which part of it. I'm not --
`it's true I received Doctor of Science degree.
` Q And that was from the University of
`Belgrade; is that correct?
` A That's correct.
` Q What's the difference between a Doctor of
`Science and a Ph.D.?
` A No difference. Some schools call it one
`way, some other -- some the other way.
` Q Okay. And --
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` A It's the same degree.
` Q I see.
` A It is the same degree, yeah.
` Q And in your research, the focus was on CDMA
`and spread spectrum communications; is that right?
` A Yeah. In a good part of the '90s, that was
`the focus, in my thesis, Ph.D. thesis, and good part
`of '90s. Then I moved on to other subjects.
` Q So is it fair to say that the focus of your
`doctorate thesis was CDMA and spread spectrum
` A That's correct.
` Q Did your doctorate thesis involve beam
` A No.
` Q Did your doctorate thesis involve antenna
` A No.
` Q Did your doctorate thesis involve MIMO
` A No.
` Q At the time of your thesis, were MIMO
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`systems known in the art?
` A No.
` MR. CONKLE: Objection.
` You can go ahead.
` THE WITNESS: MIMO is a term. They were
`not known. There were adaptive antenna systems, like
`beam-forming systems, that were known in the art I
`would say sometime from '70s, early '80s. There was
`quite a lot -- quite a lot of references there. But
`they were limited -- had some very limited uses,
`mostly military.
` Q I see.
` So just to clarify, you answered no, but
`then you also mentioned that they were known in the
`art for beam-forming systems. So I guess I'm not
`clear, which -- were they known or were they not
` A I said MIMO as a term was not known, or not
`used. It was introduced as a term of art in late
`'90s, I would say, and -- but adaptive antenna arrays
`were known for a long time. And adaptive antennas
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`for, say, beam steering and null steering were known
`in the art for some military applications, typically.
` Q I see.
` These adaptive antenna systems that you
`mentioned, were they limited to military applications
`or were they also available otherwise?
` MR. CONKLE: Objection, scope.
` THE WITNESS: I don't -- what I was
`saying is that the applications were exclusively
`military, to the best of my knowledge.
` Now, whether the articles -- how the
`articles were written, I couldn't remember now. That
`was a long time ago.
` Q Okay. And you said that basically maybe
`around about the '90s or so the term "MIMO" came to be
`known in the art, and then its use expanded from that
`point onward; is that correct?
` A That's correct.
` Q And at that -- and at that -- in the '90s --
`let's just use the '90s for now. In the '90s, was it
`generally known how to design antenna array systems
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`and MIMO systems?
` MR. CONKLE: Objection, scope.
` THE WITNESS: I don't know what you mean
`by "generally known." There was -- there was a lot of
`research, but there were no -- to the best of my
`knowledge, there were no commercial deployments in the
` Q Now, if requested, would you be willing to
`share a copy of your doctorate thesis?
` A I...sure, why not. It's a public document.
`I just don't know if I have copy. I lost some of the
`documents when I was moving, but I do think I have a
`copy of the doctorate thesis.
` Q In paragraph 2, you noted that your CV is
`attached to the Declaration. We didn't find it
`attached to the Declaration. So if we request a copy
`of your CV, would you be willing to provide a copy of
`your CV?
` A Sure. I'm sure I provided it to -- to the
` MR. CONKLE: Yeah, that sounds like a
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`question for me, not -- not the witness.
` Q And after your Ph.D., you joined GW --
`George Washington University as an assistant
`professor; is that correct?
` A That's correct.
` Q And did you remain at George Washington
`until retirement?
` A Yes. Yes, sir.
` Q And in that time, you mentioned that you
`taught many different courses in communications
`theory; is that correct?
` A That's correct.
` Q And these also focused on CDMA, WCDMA,
`HSDPA, HSUPA; is that correct?
` A Some of them included some -- a couple of
`them were mobile communications, included discussions
`of these commercial standard systems.
` Q Now, in paragraph 12 of your Declaration,
`you mention a number of U.S. patents and patent
`applications that you were named as co-inventor; is
`that correct?
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` A That's correct.
` Q Now, you listed two published applications,
`that's US 20140153654 and US 20140153625, in paragraph
`12; is that correct?
` A I -- I couldn't confirm these numbers from
`memory. I don't really remember.
` Q Okay.
` A If you mention the titles, I -- I could
`probably recognize.
` Q Okay.
` MR. KHAN: Would -- would we have any
`objection to sharing my screen? Or, Michele, how do
`you do the exhibits, normally? Do you typically pull
`them up from the uploaded exhibit list?
` MR. CONKLE: We can -- so no objection.
`But if you want to go off the record to discuss,
`that's fine by me.
` MR. KHAN: Yeah, sure.
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Do you want to go off
`the record, Counsel?
` MR. CONKLE: Yeah, let's do that, just
`to save Michele.
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` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Okay. The time is
`12:18 p.m. We are now off the record.
` (Recess - 12:18 p.m. to 12:21 p.m.)
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Time is 12:21 p.m.
`We are now on the record.
` Q Great. Dr. Vojcic in paragraph 12 of your
`Declaration, you mention two published applications
`that you were co-inventor of; is that correct?
` A I mentioned several in this paragraph.
` Q So you mentioned two issued patents and two
`U.S. published applications; is that correct?
` A Okay. Some of them may have been published
`in the meantime, but I listed here the typical
`representatives from several families, but they had
`variations in those families, in other countries and
`so on.
` Q Okay. And so for two of the U.S. published
`applications, those are US 20140153654 and US
`20140153625, did those ever issue as patents?
` A I don't know, Counsel. I don't know.
`These -- let me just -- yeah, these were done in
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`conjunction with the -- with the startup that I was
`involved, and the startup was dissolved about two
`years ago.
` So, you know, everything was abandoned,
`including the prosecution in progress. So whether
`they were approved or not, I am not sure now. But I
`think it's probably recoverable from -- from the U.S.
`Patent Office.
` Q Okay. And in paragraph 12, you also
`mentioned two issued patents. That's US Patent No.
`6,523,147, entitled "Method and Apparatus for Forward
`Error Correction Coding for an AM In-Band On-Channel
`Digital Audio Broadcasting System," and US Patent No.
`8,595,590, entitled "Systems and Methods for Encoding
`and Decoding Check-Irregular Non-Systematic IRA
`Codes." Is that correct?
` A That's correct.
` Q Is it fair to say, as suggested from the
`title of these patents, that these focused on encoding
`and decoding signals?
` MR. CONKLE: Objection, vague.
` You can answer.
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` THE WITNESS: Yeah, I think these two
`patents were mostly related to forward error
`correction encoding and decoding.
` Q Do you recall if these patents disclosed
`designing MIMO systems and antennas?
` MR. CONKLE: Objection, scope.
` THE WITNESS: The specification, it was
`very, very broad specification from which we wrote
`several patents.
` So this specification did mention and
`deal to some extent with multi -- multi-antenna
`systems, but the patent themselves, claims, dealt only
`with forward -- forward error correction aspects.
` And when I said some of these mentioned
`and dealt with multi-antenna systems, I think I had in
`mind primarily the second one, '590. I don't really
`remember the first one. It was a long time ago.
` Q Thank you.
` In Exhibit 2010, that's your
`Declaration, paragraph 16, you mention "POSITA."
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` In your opinion, who or what is a
` MR. CONKLE: Objection, scope.
` THE WITNESS: I'm not sure I
`understand -- understand the question.
` Q I can repeat my question. You mention in
`that first line of paragraph 16, a "person of ordinary
`skill in the art," and then in quotations, "POSITA."
` So my question to you is, who or what is
` MR. CONKLE: Objection, scope,
` THE WITNESS: That's a legal, I guess,
`question. It calls -- I'm not sure I could
`paraphrase. But it's a hypothetical. Hypothetical
`person that's supposed to have certain knowledge.
` Q What type of knowledge is that?
` MR. CONKLE: Objection, scope, legal
`opinion, ambiguous.
` THE WITNESS: What type of knowledge?
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`Or just this as described is -- you know, what's
`taught in specific curricula. For example, Bachelor's
`degree in electrical engineering is pretty much same
`in all schools. So I'm not sure really what you are
`trying to get from me.
` Q Well, in your answer, you said that a POSITA
`is a hypothetical person that's supposed to have
`certain knowledge.
` I'm trying to understand what that
`"certain knowledge" is. Can you clarify what that
`certain knowledge is that would make that hypothetical
`person a POSITA?
` MR. CONKLE: Objection, scope,
` THE WITNESS: I don't know how to answer
`better than what I previously said. So, for example,
`if he has a Bachelor's degree in electrical
`engineering, the curriculum of the Bachelor's degree
`in electrical engineering defines -- defines the scope
`of knowledge that a POSITA should have, you know,
`certain math skills, physics skill, liberal arts
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`skills --
` THE REPORTER: I'm sorry.
` (Record read for clarification.)
` THE WITNESS: -- liberal arts, signal
`systems, communication, engineering, and, you know, a
`bunch of other engineering disciplines, networks, et
` Q I see. So a person of ordinary skill in the
`art would be someone who has a Bachelor's degree in an
`electrical engineering background, but consistent with
`the curriculum in most colleges; is that correct?
` MR. CONKLE: Objection, scope,
` THE WITNESS: That's part of the
`requirement. So the second part was work experience
`in wireless communications of two years. And another
`equivalent would be a Master's or Doctorate in
`electrical engineering with some experience. So I
`believe these are Dr. Akl's definitions, and I agree
`with them.
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` Q What criteria did you use to decide what is
`appropriate for a POSITA?
` MR. CONKLE: Objection, scope.
` THE WITNESS: That's by looking in the
`first -- the field of the patent, the specific
`technology that's addressed in the patent, that these
`are primary criteria.
` Q So can you explain to me how the field of
`the patent would determine how many years of
`experience a POSITA would have?
` MR. CONKLE: Objection, scope, legal
`opinion, ambiguous.
` THE WITNESS: So typically -- typically
`a person who has electrical or, say, related computer
`engineering field, almost same curricula, would --
`working in the wireless industry, would learn over the
`course of, say, two years, you know, some of the
`standards that are used, would understand how radio
`systems and antenna systems generally work, and so on.
` Q So why two years and not three or four?
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` MR. CONKLE: Same objections.
` THE WITNESS: Well, that's -- that's
`sort of a judgment call. Maybe for -- it's a -- it's
`a hypothetical, so it's sort of an average situation.
`Maybe some people would need more, some less, but it's
`sort of typical how much a person would need to get
`accustomed with main aspects of the, say, radio
` Q So you mentioned that it's a judgment call.
`What's the criteria for making that judgment call?
` MR. CONKLE: Same objections.
` THE WITNESS: Every decision is a
`judgment call. So the criteria, as I said, was how
`was -- in a typical situation, what would be
`sufficient time for a person to get broadly familiar
`with the -- with the wireless radio technology that's
`relevant for these patents, or this patent in
` Q And in your opinion, two years after a
`Bachelor's degree would be sufficient; is that
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` A Yeah.
` MR. CONKLE: Same objection.
` THE WITNESS: That's correct.
` Q Or, alternatively, a Master's degree with a
`year of related work experience?
` MR. CONKLE: Same objections.
` THE WITNESS: That's correct.
` Q In paragraph 16, you also say that, "I am at
`least a POSITA...."
` Are you an expert, or a POSITA, or both?
` MR. CONKLE: Objection, vague.
` THE WITNESS: I think I'm an expert, but
`that doesn't exclude me or preclude me being a POSITA,
`but I think I'm an expert in the field.
` Q So as an expert, how can you speak to what a
`POSITA would have opined or thought about?
` A I didn't hear last part of your question.
`How will they talk to POSITA?
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` Q I can repeat. My question was, as an
`expert, how can you speak to what a POSITA would have
`thought or considered?
` A Sure. Because I -- I have been educating
`POSITAs for many years, and also during my consulting
`work for industry I worked with POSITAs many times, so
`that's how I know.
` Q So you are saying that by virtue of
`educating POSITAs, you know what they think?
` MR. CONKLE: Objection, misstates
`testimony, asked and answered.
` THE WITNESS: I said -- that's part of
`what I said. And second part is that I've been
`working as a consultant for industry all my career,
`and worked with many POSITAs during my consulting
`work, so that's how I know.
` Q So because you taught POSITAs, and you
`worked with them as part of your consulting
`engagements, you know how POSITAs think; is that
` A I didn't say how they think. I said how
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`they -- what they could understand and know and so on.
` Q How can you speak to what they know?
` MR. CONKLE: Objection, scope.
` Q Do you know the -- I'm sorry.
` MR. CONKLE: My apologies. My
`apologies. Why don't you just start the question
` Q Yeah. My question was, how can you speak to
`what your colleagues or your students know?
` A I'm not sure I understand the question.
`Because that -- that was my job as a professor, to --
`to know that. And -- and likewise, by cooperating
`with -- with consultants.
` That's -- I, as a consultant with
`POSITAs, I know what that typical hypothetical person
`should know, and not just based on what they learned
`in school, but also based on the available literature,
`to assume that they have access to the literature at
`that time.
` Q You mentioned in your Declaration that this
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`is an inter partes review. Do you understand that
`this is an inter partes review?
` A That is my understanding, but I'm not very
`familiar with these legal procedures.
` Q Do you happen to know what the difference
`between an IPR and a PGR, Post Grant Review, is?
` A No, not really.
` Q In your Declaration, you also mention your
`understanding of what "anticipation" and "obviousness"
`is; is that correct?
` A That's a -- that standard was provided to me
`by attorneys.
` Q But do you have the same understanding?
` MR. CONKLE: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: Yeah, I always rely -- I
`always rely on the standards that the attorneys
`provide me, so I don't need to have separate
` I -- you know, when I need to express
`opinion, I go and read what legal standard says and
`use that as a guideline. I'm not a lawyer. I'm a
`technical expert.
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` MR. CONKLE: And just for the
`transcript, that was objection on legal opinion.
` Q So in your Declaration, you mention that a
`claim can be found to be anticipated or to be found
` Can you explain to me how a claim can be
` MR. CONKLE: Same objection.
` THE WITNESS: That's -- let me read it
`for you from what attorneys provided to me.
` So, "It is my understanding that
`invalidation by 'anticipation' only exists if a single
`alleged prior art reference discloses each and every
`limitation of the claim at issue, either expressly or
`inherently. In other words, early limitation of the
`claim must appear in a single prior art reference for
`the reference to anticipate that claim. I also
`understand that all limitations of the claim must be
`disclosed in the reference as they are arranged in the
`claim. I also understand that anticipation by a
`preponderance of the evidence requires a showing that
`www.DigitalEvidenceGroup.comDigital Evidence Group C'rt 2022


`Apple Inc. et al. v. XR Communic

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