`Mr. Lipoff is president of IP Action Partners Inc, a consulting practice in TIME
`(telecommunications, information technology, media, electronics, and ebusiness) industries and
`technologies. He draws upon his 50+ years of experience in a wide variety of technologies and
`industries to assist clients with knowledge based consulting services involving complex business
`decisions and problem resolution.
`Mr. Lipoff was employed 25 years by Arthur D Little, Inc (ADL) as VP and Director of
`Communications, Information Technology, and Electronics (CIE); 4 years by Bell & Howell
`Communications Company as a Section Manager, and 3 years by Motorola's Communications
`Division as a Project Engineer. At ADL he was responsible for the firm's global CIE practice in
`laboratory based contract engineering, product development, and technology based consulting.
`At both Bell & Howell and Motorola, he had project design responsibility for wireless
`communications and paging products.
`Stuart Lipoff has Bachelor's Degrees in Electrical Engineering and in Engineering Physics, both
`from Lehigh University. He also has received a Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering from
`Northeastern University, and a MBA degree from Suffolk University.
`Mr. Lipoff is a fellow of the IEEE Consumer Electronics, Communications, Computer, Circuits,
`and Vehicular Technology groups. He is a member of the IEEE Consumer Electronics Society
`National Board of Governors, and was the Boston Chapter Chairman of the IEEE Vehicular
`Technology Society. He served as 1996-7 President of the IEEE Consumer Electronics Society
`and as Chairman of the Consumer Electronics Society Technical Activities and Standards
`Committee, and as VP of Publications; he currently is VP of Industry and Standards Activities
`for The IEEE Consumer Electronics Society. He has also chaired the search committee for Sony
`supported Mazura Ibuka Award in consumer electronics. As Vice President and Standards
`Group Chairman of the Association of Computer Users, he served as the ACU representative to
`The ANSI X3 Standards group. For the Federal Communications Commission's Citizens
`advisory committee on CB radio (PURAC), he served as Chairman of the task group on user rule
`compliance. He has been elected to membership in the Society of Cable Television Engineers
`(SCTE), The Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) , and The Society of Motion Picture
`and Television Engineers (SMPTE).
`Stuart Lipoff holds a FCC General Radiotelephone License and a Certificate in Data Processing
`(CDP) from the ACM supported Institute for the Certification of Computing Professionals
`(ICCP). He is a registered professional engineer (by examination) in The Commonwealth of
`Massachusetts and The State of Nevada.
`Mr. Lipoff holds seven USA patents and has published articles in Electronics Design,
`Microwaves, EDN, The Proceedings of the Frequency Control Symposium, Optical Spectra, and
`numerous IEEE publications. He has presented papers at many IEEE and other meetings. In the
`fall of 2000, he served as general program chair for The IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference
`on advanced wireless communications technology. He has organized sessions at The
`International Conference on Consumer Electronics and was the 1984 program chairman. He
`Petitioner Google Ex-1003, 0001
`Stuart J. Lipoff
`conducted an eight week IEEE sponsored short course on Fiber Optics Systems Design. In 1984,
`he was awarded IEEE's Centennial Medal and in 2000 IEEE's Millennium Metal.
`He has served as a member of the USA advisory board to the National Science Museum of Israel
`and has presented a short course on international product development strategies as a faculty
`member of Technion Institute of Management in Israel. He also served as a member of the board
`of directors of The Massachusetts Future Problem Solving Program.
`Mr Lipoff is internationally recognized as an authority and opinion leader in new economy
`related businesses and technology. Citations supporting his recognition can be found on his web
`site at http://www.ipaction.com .
`Some examples of projects he has performed in speech recognition and processing include:
` •
` For Texas Instruments he supported several projects for their semiconductor components
`division. The first project involved analysis of the market for advanced user interface speech
`input and output applications and the fit between these applications and TI's DSP products.
`The project produced technology and market forecasts by application. By matching the
`current state of the art of DSP speed-power products with the application requirements, he
`was able to recommend a timeline and roadmap for TI's target market planning for speech
`and speaker recognition
` For IBM's Thomas Watson Research Center he evaluated their speech to text typewriter test
`bed technology and applications plans. This project involved benchmarking IBM's
`technology to other large vocabulary connected speech research projects and suggesting a
`coordinated timeline matching expected performance and cost against present and future
`expected applications
` •
` •
` For Sprint's long distance telephone services, he assisted with the development of a speech
`and speaker recognition system designed to reduce fraud and improve customer convenience
`for dialup customers to Sprint's long distance telephone bypass service. Before equal access
`as used today, subscribers to discount long distance services had to first dial an access
`number, key in their account number, and then key in the number they wanted to call. By
`using this newly designed speech and speaker recognition system customer's could eliminate
`the need to key in their account number and merely speak it. Not only did the system
`recognize and validate the account number, the system also validated that the speaker was the
`authorized account holder. The system also included the ability to do voice dialing by
`speaking the number to be called.
` For BBN, he evaluated a prototype speaker recognition application using BBN's proprietary
`speech recognition technology. The prototype implemented a speaker independent system
`allowing remote remote users who dialed into the BBN system over conventional telephone
`lines to check airline flight schedules and make bookings. The system had unique features
`that provided high quality, low error rate speech recognition in a dialup telephone
`environment with limited bandwidth and high background noise levels
` •
`Petitioner Google Ex-1003, 0002
`Stuart J. Lipoff
`Some examples of projects he has performed in the telecommunications sector include:
` Leadership of the project which developed the series of DOCSIS specifications for high
`speed residential cable modems. The scope of work included developing a roadmap and
`strategic framework for evolving the business from simple high speed internet services to
`multimedia broadband services combining telephony, data, and secure electronic content
`delivery. This project was performed under contract to the MCNS consortium of cable TV
`operators representing 85% of the subscriber base in North America and has since been
`adopted by the United Nations as a global telecommunications standard.
` •
` •
` •
` For a consortium of the major cable TV operators consisting of Comcast, Time Warner, Cox,
`and Rogers; he developed models for prediction of reliability of alternative HFC
`architectures and their suitability to provide local exchange voice services competitive with
`ILECs. The project required understanding the reliability specifications employed in
`conventional local exchange carrier telephone plant and the contributions between hardware,
`power, and workmanship failures. Each of three alternative fiber optic architectures for cable
`delivered voice telephony were studied and modeled to develop reliability predictions and
`recommendations were made as to which aspects of the three alternatives were the best
`choice for cable delivered voice telephony.
` For Bellcore (now Telcordia division of SAIC), he evaluated the R&D portfolio of their
`Applied Research Group. The main components of this portfolio were speech recognition,
`DWDM technologies for long haul interLATA communications as well as optical
`multiplexing components for passive optical network applications in cable TV and advanced
`broadband residential services. I provided R&D planning assistance on the allocation of
`funding and priorities to the R&D efforts and identified opportunities for securing intellectual
`property rights to critical R&D efforts.
` •
` •
` For the ViaSat Division of Modern Times Group (Sweden) he developed business plans for
`the launch of a new service that bundled discounted long distance telephone services with
`direct to home satellite TV services and other interactive services including gambling via the
`set-top box.
` For Southern New England Telephone (SNET), he supported the launch of a video dial tone
`service. He contribution to the project included engineering and cost analysis of system
`alternatives as well as assisting with the preparing of RFPs for set-top-boxes and other
`network elements.
`Some examples of projects he has performed in the electronic commerce and information
`processing sector include:
` •
` For The Next Generation Network Architecture (NGNA) LLC (consortium of Comcast, Cox,
`and Time Warner) he lead the project that developed the advanced architecture needed by the
`cable industry to support eCommerce transactions, sale of content, and the associated rights
`management and security needed to support high value applications
`Petitioner Google Ex-1003, 0003
`Stuart J. Lipoff
`• For a ViaSat (Swenden), he developed the global requirements for a consumer internet
`appliance designed to allow network access via a set-top box interfaced to a television
` •
` •
` For The United States Postal Service, he has participated in several projects exploring roles
`for The Service in facilitating electronic commerce including directory services and public
`key certificate authority
` For IBM, he participated in a project to define the range of opportunities in electronic
`commerce for third party providers of systems and services and develop strategic and tactical
`plans to exploit eCommerce
` •
` •
` For Nielson Media (a firm that provides advertising measurement and information services),
`he developed strategies for participation in the buying and selling of advertising in an
`electronic marketplace
` For The MCNS consortium of cable system operators (Rogers, Comcast, Time Warner, TCI,
`and Cox), he supported the development of enhancements to the North American DOCSIS
`Specifications for cable modems and associated services providing for interactive and
`electronic commerce services to the home and small business
` •
` For the grocery industry consortium of The Food Marketing Institute and The Grocery
`Manufacturers Association, he developed standards used by the industry for direct exchange
`electronic data interchange (DEX/UCS EDI)
` •
` •
` For Mastercard and Visa, he supported a project exploring the applications and security
`issues associated with the use of smart cards in eCommerce
` For a multiclient consortium of newspapers and information publishers, he participated in a
`project to understand opportunities for electronic home information and transaction services
`using both dedicated videotext terminals as well as home computers
` •
`In support of a multiclient study of new opportunities for financial industry firms, he studied
`the security and encryption requirements to support electronic banking. This work involved
`consideration of counterfeit projection for media, physical security of systems, and the
`developed for security protocols for home banking videotex terminals.
`Some examples of projects he has performed in the home automation and control sector include:
` •
`I have served for over 30 years as a member of the IEEE International Conference on
`Consumer Electronics (ICCE) annual technical conference as a member of technical program
`committee track on home automation and control. In this capacity, I review dozens of
`research paper contributions under consideration for presentation at the ICCE. These papers
`represent research activities in home automation and control from industrial and academic
`institutions from every corner of the world.
` For Honeywell, I performed a project to study alternative technologies suitable for in home
`network energy management and environmental control including wireless thermostats. The
`project involved consideration of power line carrier, wireless radio frequency, and wired
`communications systems.
` •
`Petitioner Google Ex-1003, 0004
`Stuart J. Lipoff
` •
` •
` For E.F. Johnson Enscan's project offering, I supported the development of a residential
`remote meter reading system that allowed water, electric, and gas public utilities to read the
`meters inside the home by driving a radio equipped van down the street in front of customer's
`homes eleminating the need to enter the home to read the meter.
` For ADT, I developed architectures, foundation technology, and logistical procedures to
`reduce the cost and labor of installing home security systems. The project included adapting
`wireless technologies to be compliant with FCC regulations for unlicensed systems while at
`the same time providing two way supervised communications with wireless sensors to be
`compliant with UL requirements of home theft insurance carriers.
` •
` •
` For Next Generation Network Architecture llc (NGNA llc) consortium of Comcast, Cox, and
`Time-Warner; I managed the project that produced a five year planning horizon vision for the
`services and technology the cable industry will seek to deploy. The services and vision were
`then mapped to overall architectures impacting network elements on customer premises for
`home security, automation, and control. The project involved coordination with over fifty
`senior technical staff in the three cable MSO sponsors as well as interactions with over 100
`suppliers of systems, software, and products to the cable industry. The recommendations and
`findings were wide ranging including, for example: in-home networks for multimedia, home
`automation, and security monitoring.
` For Qualcomm OmniTracs, a provider of commercial telematics services, I assisted the client
`develop plans to expand the business into consumer markets. This project required
`developing an understanding of competitive telematic services for consumer safety and
`security applications.
`I led a project that perfomed analysis and recommendations in a study funded by CableLabs
`which led to today's hybrid-fiber coax architecture widely deployed worldwide for delivering
`broadband multimedia services to the home. The project involved developing applications
`beyond delivery of video to home such as two way interactive services for home control,
`remote meter reading, energy management, and security and fire monitoring.
` For Cambridge Silicon Radio (UK), he worked with the client to develop a prioritized list of
`applications for their Bluetooth component offerings. The project mapped applications into
`specific target customers and based upon an analysis that considered the market needs with
`CSR's capabilities, a prioritized roadmap of products was developed to steer the R&D
`portfolio. A primary focus of the project was to explore short range wireless applications for
`home automation and control
` TCE markets cordless telephones in the USA under the GE Brand Name. I managed a project
`to specify a new product design to make their cordless phones more competitive and flexible
`to support in home communications.
` For Symbol Technologies, I co-developed the protocol for a wireless local area network that
`was the basis for the current IEEE 802.11 wireless WiFi systems that are widely used today
`in commercial and residential in home networks.
` •
` •
` •
` •
`Petitioner Google Ex-1003, 0005
`Stuart J. Lipoff
` •
`I served as a member of an Electronic Industries Association (now known as CTA) technical
`committee developing the EIA Consumer Electronics Bus (CEBus) standards for home
`control and automation.
` For Emerson Electric in cooperation with New England Electric Systems, I supported the
`development of a power line carrier communications systems to facilitate automatic meter
`reading and home control of energy management within the home.
`Petitioner Google Ex-1003, 0006