`SASK OF evaporation process, The
`process, auch as
`pottion (PVD)
`material of the adhesinn/barrier Isyer }6 may Include tlanfum, @ itanlum-tungsten allay,
`Slandum stride, chrootium, tantalam,
`tintahun riteide or a composite of ihe previously
`described materials, and dhe material of the seed Iayer
`[8 omay inclade capper, nickel,
`ahavdaun, guid, ‘cilver plathiuimor galiadinn,
`For exanyyis, when the adhesion/barrier layer 16 1s formed hya suitable process
`Or processes, cca
`. By SpUnering a iHanlumeconteining dayer,
`as a single layer ©
`Sienisen-timpsten voy thantum or fitanduny abride, having a thickness smaller than |
`nueremeter, such as bepveen G02 and 8 micrometers, and preferably between O01 aad 0.2
`micrometers, onthe polymeriaver 14 and onthe regions of the topmost layer of gold, capper,
`nickel or palladium: of ihe provikaisly desoribed various mela layer 68 exeosad by fhe. openings
`iq, the seed leyer TS can be durrmed by a saktable process or processes, c.g, by sputtering a
`copper layer, aydekel layer, an ahardimn layer, a gold Jayer, a sdver inyer, aplat layer oe
`syaglier than | micrometer, between 08 and OS
`# paliadium layer with « thickness
`micrometers, between O.08 and U.)4 niicremetérs, Genween Of and do micrometers Gr beiween
`Otand GA miteareters, on the tianiom-conaining isyer.
`KHONG|Abernatively when the adbesioa/barrierdayer 16 is formed Sy a-cutile process
`ar pruesses, eg. hy sputteringa composite layer wneluding aiiianiim layer having 3 thickness
`benveen TLEand 0.19 oicromalers.on the polymer laver 14 and os the regions ef the mprmnoal
`keyersa?necopper, cickel or palladino: ofthe previously described various metal layer 68
`the openings 14a and a thaniam-tungsten-aliny layer having a thickness between
`exposed sy
`0.1 and 6.35 micrometers on the tilaniarlayer, the osed layer £8 can be formed by a sultabis
`procee or processcs, ag), by aputterine a copper layer a nickel layer, an aluronum layer, 4
`gold fayer, a silver lager, a platinuin fayer or a palldditun layer with a thickness smaller than |
`micrameter such as bernvecn 0.05 aed O85 micrarmetess, between G.G8 and O14 micromeiers,
`between OP
`of miceorseiess
`between G2 ami
`O84 miocremeters,
`Haniun-tungstermalloy layer,
`(TSS)|ANernatively, when the adheston/bartier Jayer 16 is formed by a suitable process
`ar processes, c.8., by spuitering a tantalum-containingbey
`winmahure nitrade, havirig @ thickness smaller than |
`och as asiigie layer of tantaliam
`iehomnelée such as between O02 and
`iS micrometers, and profirably benwveen G1 and (2 mmicranteters, ooche polysier layer 14 and
`en the regions ofthe tapwmest
`layer of geld, copper, tickel or paladins of the previcuely
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`Wer FOGG G87
`described various metal layer G8 exposed by the openings 14a, ihe seed fayer 12 canbe firmed
`by & suitable process of pracegses, ag. by spullering a copper Inver, a nickel
`layer, an
`absminua loyer, a-gold layer, a siiver layer, a slaumen lever dra pallathan layer ovih 2
`thickness sraaler than | micrometer,
`such aa Gerwwen G05 and. 0.5 micrometers, betoresn 6.08
`amd 6.14 nicrometers; benween. GO.) and { micrometers or bebweed 0.2 and 0.8 smicromeiers; on
`ihe tantalumacontaining layer
`]OG743} Alternatively whee the adhesion/barrier layer 14 is formed by a suitable precess
`Of pracesyes, ag, by spunering a chramnium-comtaining layer, such ay Sosiugle layer of
`sheorminm layer, having @ Bdckness smaller than | micrometer such as between G02 and 0.3
`ably between Gt and 0.2 mcrameters, on the polymer layer foand on
`Micrameters, and pr
`the segione of the topmost
`jayer of gold, copper, aickel or palladium of dhe previnusly
`described various metal layer G8 exposed by the openingsIda, the seed hover [2 oan be formed
`ty a-sulisble process or processes, &.@ by spetiaring @ oipper layer, a nickel Jayer, an
`ahuminuny layet a gold fever, « silver bayer, 4 mee layer soa palladium lever svith a
`thickness sraaiier than Oomtcromieter, such ds between05
`S.aisrasrsters, benveen G08
`the suromiuo-eontaining layer.
`Referringte Fi. 27, alterthe sten ddustated InFig. 270.8eelayer 33
`can be formed on the seed layer 18 of any previously deserted riatenal, and rivltighe aperdrgs
`toy pet oa eered st= ae
`hotoresist laver 31 expose the seed layer [Bast any previcasly deserted opateriad,
`which can be referrsdig as the step dlustraied in Fig. 25). Next, muliple metal barapa or
`pillars 27 ean be formed on the seed fayer-
`18 of any provicualy deseribed malscrial exposed Oy
`the apenings 3laan@ bi the oginings 2h. The process of forming the metal bumps or pdlars
`Fon ie seed Inyer 1S of any previously described material expasad by the apenings Fla and
`in the openings Jha as shown in Fhe, 272 can be as the process of fering the micial
`buns op piiier 27 on the seed iaver {8 of any previously described material expased by the
`opening Jig-and in thé opening Slaae dhisivsted i Pay TS]. The apecification af the metal
`bunins or pillars. 27 shown in Fie. 27P can be referred to as the specification of the metal bume
`orgular 27 as Wlustrated in Fig. 234,
`(POTS=Newt, referring w Fie, 27, the phetoresiat Jayer 3) bs removed, wheek can be
`the Mies Hilstrated jt Pig, ISK. Next, ibe seed layer 1A not under the metal
`refisréd te. ad
`humps <p-piilare 27 ie remeved,and then the adhesion/barrigy layer 14 GOt xexder the imetal
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`BOTAUS20 GAZ 7050
`tampa or pllars 27 is removed, which can be refered to ag the step Hlustrated in Pie DSL.
`Asvordinghy a banom sekemes 107 4 the backside la.of the thinned. silicon substrate fis
`formed wih the inaulatingdver 3, tes intersanneating Structures U8 provided by the sictal
`layers: 4 and Othe via phigs $8, the polymer layers 4 ard 142, theowetal layers 16, PB 04, a
`and 68, and the prstal bans or pillars 27, arel the operines F4a in the potyawr dayer 14 are
`over the metal layer 68. Afier the step Hheiveted in Fig, 27Q, the sendcenduetor water Ubean
`bean inte a phisality of individnal senriconductor chip bya die-sawing process.
` Aleroatively,
`fotiowhis @eps being ilnstrated with reverse figures fer simple explanation, mulliple openiigs
`SQ-are donned in the paseivation iaver Ste ecpose the sicial waces or pads 600, and then each
`of the overpassivation shemes Hyfdlustrated in Pigs. JON, TSK-TSM, TOL, 26MM) PE PSY,
`TSR and 26 canbe aliernatively formed aver the passivation layer 2 atthe active. side of the
`thinned silicon dubstrate |, Thersafter, the semidondiuctér wafer [0 can be cut into a phireliy
`afindividual seimicanductorchio by a die-sawing process
` Alrernalively, a process of forming any-ane afthe averpaasivation schemes 102
`Hlusteatedfigs, PSH, PSK-PaM, fOL, POM, 17181, JON and 20 over the passivation layer
`S say be performed before the Sens Hhiswated In Figs 248, 280) 2548-250 and 27Ad.
`Altethesteps (uatrated in Figs. 298, 24C, 29A0250) and 27A-27¢, the semiconductor water
`Hidan be cub hace phualiiy-adindiykinal cemdcorlacter chip bya dic-sawing Process,
`ARer whe dicesawin
`sgmioanduetor wefer £0 can be

`from the
`vow chip package.
`In the chip package,
`semioondactor one gan be connected an an external cireuu, euch ay ball-grid-array (RGA)
`substrate, printed circul board, semicandystoreh mend substrate, glass eubstaateor ceramic
`subsirate,Sroug the metal bums or gillars27af the bottom scheme fO5. Themestal bamps
`27 of the semiconductor chip can be ctamected io the off-chip Gulier 42, the ofchis
`ar pillars
`reat 43 afd ihe internal clecuits: 21, 22,23 and 24 through the metal fayer 68, the sia
`plage38 aad the tuk metaliayer &, Multiple intercennesting structures provided by the rectal
`layer do
`the bullemnetal laver 9, the da olugs 38, the adhesionbarrier ever 64, the seed layer 68
`ined aiicon subatrate Pafthe
`and the metal layer 68 curs be formedaf the backside la of the
`semiconductor chip, and the interconnecting eimetarescan canarct the ofGehip bedler 42 ta
`ihe internal circuits 21, 22, 2) and Bo are can covnect the ofschin hader 42 and the nvernal
`niecuite 21,22, 33 and 24 to the external clroull through the meatal buroga ay pillars 27.
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`We ZU HVT 14687
`ional view showing @Sermionnducter wathr, whieh can
`Tig STR wae
`be fanned By 42 su ishle yecess: Ge Grateuses, e.g. by ihe following stepe, First,
`seniconducior wafer 16 jHusteated in Fig. 244 includes anuluiple opotings S31, $32, 334,339
`and S59" in the passivation layer 4 jo expose muNiple regians 00a ofthe metal traces or pads
`S00. The openings 331,532, $34, $39 and S39 are over the regiang 6000 of the matal traces ar
`pads G06, and the
`regions. GUdg.of che metal traces or pads 600are at bohoms. of the openings
`a we
`831, 532,934, $39 and 838° Next,» Han 32 can beformicdin the opénings S21,432, 934, 93
`and $39° and on the regions 6004 af the metal iraces or pads 6
`xposed by the openings 331,
`492, $34, § ard S39", Next, the step Hlustrated In Pig. 24gan be perfnrmied. Next the
`through sHican vies Tis, 11h, dls, Tidand [le cans formed inthethinned silicon substrate 1,
`and the insulating iaverS can be formed on the backside fa of ihe thinned silicon substrate.
`and on the sidewalls afthe through silico wieg (la, fhb: Tie Pid and Cis whick can be
`refarted to as the @teps Hluseiated in Pigs, 240-24H ar Pigs. 241-24. Next, the interconnecting
`strucaires BB can be foemed in the diough silicon siae lia, 1TSy Me) Pid aad Te. on fhe
`insulating laver'd and at the backside fa af the thinned silicon auhstrate |, andthe via phigs 38
`gan be farmedon the interconnecting aiructires 88 and ai the backside la-of the thinned 4iiicos
`f) which oan Be referred to as the steps iHastreaed ip Figs. 23.4-25D and 27AS7F.
`Next, che polymer layers }42-and 14, the adhesioa/barier layers Mand G4, the seed layers 18
`and 65, the metal layerG€ are the
`sotal bumps or pillars 27 canbe formed ay the backsiie 1a
`afathe chimed eifcon substraae 3, which oan be referred foes the steps Wustrated i Pigs
`276-270: Accwwilingly @ bontomscheme [03 sane asthe hettont scheme 103 shown in dig.
`DQ can be fired atthe backside la ofthe Gusmed allicon substrate ft.
`After forovingthe siractues shown in Pig. 27M, dhe flux 38 is remmved. Next,
`wih the follwingsteps being Bhusivated wih reverse a“ far simple expianation, cack oF
`and. 20 can bevc aernatively formed ower the gaasivaticnheyer Sat the wetive side atthe denned
`dhe.overpassivation schemes 102 Niestratedin Figs (9H, PSRTSM, POL, 16M, VRE YET (OH
`ailinon subsirate 1, Thereatker, she semlsandgctar wafer 18 can be out inte @ plurality af
`iidividual semiconductor chip by a dic-sawing process. Aer the dic-sawing process,
`weyeot ee2Kae&2z eS co S =oS3 oteacory ueeeathey Ton teefoe eR a z %eS
`lG-cant be packaged Jor’ chip package.
`In thea chipwattage, the semicanductor chip can be connected tea first eiternal circu, such a8
`ball-arid-array (RGA) subsieata, printed cheouit board, semiconductar chip, metal substrate,
`substrate of cerantio sulistrate, through the metal bumps or oillars 27 of the hotiont
`scheme NE. andor aoa sesond external citul, such as balb-grid-errap (BOGAY substrate,
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`We ZU HVT 14687
`Arinted circuit board, seminarductorchip, mela! substrate, alass substracé or verantie substrate,
`ihrough-one.of the over-paselvation schemes Hf iusuated ja Fige. PSM. SK ~-15M, 18L, 16M,
`ITE PRL {9H and 20.
`Fig 27S laa srass-adcthinal view. showing a sentichaductar waftr, which cant be
`formed by a cultable process or ommended, ca. by the following steps. First, the semiconductor
`water Hi} Hhusteated in Pig. 74.4 includes niultiple openings $31, $32, 534, 539 and 330% i the
`nddsivation Inyer Sada expose aaiiple regions 600a of the metal
`traces Gr pads a0. The
`Hpenings S31, $32,534, 539 and 330" are aver the regions: dOGaof the metal traces or pad608,
`and the regis 6008 of the metal tlaces or pads 800 are atbottoms of the openings 331, 332,
`S34, $39 andi 339°. ext che metal pads, bumps or traces 34a can be formed-on the passivation
`fever Sand onthe reginns 60a ofthe metal traces or pads GOO enposad-bythe ogenings 331,
`AQ3, 534, 8349 and 539°, which can be referred to as the process Uiustrated In Fig. 25M. The
`278 can be referred fo agthe
`specification of the aetel pads, buiring nf traces 34a showoin Fig.
`speciination of the metal pads, barape or races J4a as ilnstraied in Fig. 2SN_ Afler forrsing
`he sicial pails, bunise of tress Ida, thé atép iNusrated in Pig 24 can be perfowned. Mex,
`thy through siloen vies Tfa, 136, he, Tid and die oan be doomed hy the thimecd afican
`aubattate f. and the insulsiog layer 7 can be formed on the backside faa? the thinned ‘silhcon
`aussie Land og the sidewalls of the through silicon vieg Pia, Hb, die, Dband ie. avhich
`san be referred to us ihe aieps (Nasirated in Figs. 220-24H ar Figs.
`interconnecting. structures §8 can be formed in the through silicare vied Tia, 11, Pig, Md and
`5 “
`baywe,g.% aSe
`3 and ar the backside ba ofthe thinned sihcoa substrate i, ard the
`via plugs J8-can be ormed an the interconnecting structures $9 ard at the backside Poof the
`thinned silivon substrate .f which can be refered to asthe
`steps Hustrated In Pigs. 25A<25D
`and Q7A-27F, Next, the eolywiertayers 142 al bt the adkesiowharrictlayers 16 and 84, the
`seed layers JA and GS, the meni) layer 68 and the metal burape or pllare 27 can be formed at
`the Neckside fa of yRe dAbined Siinon aubstrate PT owhieh can be referred in as the steps
`iflustrated in Figs. 27Q-27Q. Accordingly, 3 bottom seheme 103. same ag the bottern acheme
`HOS showein Fig. 27Q cas be formed at the backside Ta ofthe iNaned ailican aubsirate 7.
`ie ernatively the step of forming the metd pads, bumpe ur faces S4a on the regions 6008 of
`ih arictal faces’ ax pais GOO exposed by the openings $3}, S22, $34) 839 and S39" aan be
`perfirovsd afier forming the metal bumps or pillars 27.
`After forming the gavicture Pig27S, Gio semiserducnie water 10 can
`be warisie a plurality of individual somicoandts
`chip by a die-sawing process. After the
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`the sefnitonductar chip cnc from the semiconductor water 10 can be
`de-sawing process,
`packaged for a.chip package. Inthe chig package, the aemicanducior chip can bs connected to
`first external cima, such ge prined circull beardsemdconducitr chip, ballgrid-array {BOA}
`substrate, metal substrate, glass substrate or ceramic substrate,rough the metal pada; humps
`afirgess 34a, and toa getord external circuit, such we printed circult board, balkgrig-array
`PRGA) subelrate, seraigunducter chip, metal substrate, glass sabstrate of ceramic substrate,
`thrigh the metabbumnps or giles 27 of the botten: scheme 103.
`Fig, 277 ica crogexectional wiew showing a semiconducior wales, which can be
`a gullable process or proncases, ee., by the following steps: First, the seinlconducter
`for Hi dihustvated in Fig. 244 includes multiofe openings S31, 833, 534, $39 and §39° be the
`passivation layer S io expose multiple regions 04a af the -otwtal traces of ads 5Q0. The
`openings S31, 539) $34 S30 and S39° are aver the regions 6a the neetal traces or pads GUY,
`and the regions 6Gfe of ihe metal traces ar pads GW) are at betens of the. Openings. S31, 337,
`S34, 539 and 539°, Next, a patterned circuit Isyer AO? souipased of an adheslon/barrier/Secd
`laver 8011 and a metal layer SOLS oan be domed on the passivation Isyerd.and on the regions
`&00s- of ihe metal races or pads 600 cxpased by the openings 331), 332,434, $39 and $36",
`adich cin be referred ty as the’ wepsdiiustemted i Figs. SDS 19H. Next a pohmer layer 98 is
`formed av the avetal layer 80) 2 of the patterned cireull layer 80 land on ihe passivation layer 3
`aid siltipls openings G80 inthe polymter layer 88 are over snulipls conlact poibis 801a of the
`dietal layer S012 oP the pansrned clroukt laver 801 and expose them, which Can be beferred ta
`as the process Husirared in Fig, }SM. Next, multiple meta! bumps 88 provided by the mntal
`inyers 89a, 8b and 88e can be formed on the polymer layer 94 and an the saiiact points 8018
`af the metal layer 8012 exposed bythe apenings 886, which can be refered ke as the process
`iMastested it Fig. PSM. Aascorifing!¥ AW Overpassvation scheme LOZ can khedormned with the
`patiermed cireultwt ae 801, the polymer layer 88 and the metal bumps 89. at the active side of
`the thinned silicon cnbstrate 1. After forserig the stetal bumps 89, the aep Hhstwated in Fig.
`248 can be perforiaed. Nexd, the through sillces viag J la7b, Me, Piel and Te-can Ge fosmneéd
`in the thinned sificon sabstrate J, arb the imaiating layer 3 can be formed on ihe backside fa
`of the thinned silicon substrate | and on the sidewalls ofthe through silicon vias Tia, Hb. dic
`lid and (is, which.can be referred to as the stems Hhesteated by Figs, 240-24h. ar Figs
`F4U24N. Next, the infercanaecting sroctures 8o-can-he formed in the tiredgh eileen vise 11a,
`Hib, Mle, {id and fle, onthe insulating layer 3 and at the becksble Laoof the thinned silizon
`abbdtnaic {, and the wa phigs 58can be dormed on the interconndeting Minacrures 88 ard at che
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`BOTAUS20 GAZ 7050
`backside fa of the (hinned alison subsirate |, which cart be referred iG aa the stepy ostiated
`the achesion/barrige
`in Figs. 2SA-25D and 27A-27F Next, the polymer layers. P42 and: 14.
`layers UG and 64, the seed layers [8 and 69, the metal layer 68and the metal bampeor pillars
`2? tan be formed apihe backside 1g of the thinned silicon sabatrate
`, ohich caw be referred io
`* i
`aa the stepna
`HHostrated’ in Figs, 270cPR2. Accordingly, a bottiem scheme 12 Same ae the
`bottony scheme 103 shown in Fig. 27Q can be formed at the backskle Ia ofthe thened silicon
`gnbstrate i. Alternatively, the steps of forming the patterned cirouit ayer 81 the polyoter
`inyer O8, the nietal hever 89s and the metal humps 8can ke performed after forming the metal
`barngeor pillars 27.
`{ON7S] After Yorming the structare shows In Fig QTY, tbe scocamductar wafer 1) can
`be out inte « plurality of individual semiconductar chip by a die-swwing process, ARer the
`diesiwing pricess,
`the Setiddadvene ship cut fam the semiconductor watts HN) car be
`packaged fora chip package. Inthechippackage, the semiconductor chip can be commested
`fst external ola, stich ae drinied circuit. Ocal, ball-erid-array GHIA) substrate,
`semiconductor chip, anctal ‘subsirate, glass sabstyate cr ceramic subarste; through the metal
`binge 88 of the overpassivation goheme 102, and isa sseond external ciresll, speb as. printed
`site board, balbgrid-earray BGA) Substrais,.cemigenductar chip, metal substrate, gins
`substrate or-oeramic sabsirets, through the metal bumps or pillars 27 cf the boltern sctieme
`Figs, QSA-2RF are cross-sectional views showing & process dor eres a
`botiom scheme M3 of.a bottom strackwe a backside of a sendconductor wal
`accbtding iothepresentdisciosure. ReferringtoFig, JHA) after thesteps Hlastrated inMe
`24B, 240 and 354-25F an inmadating layer 4€
`having a thickness (8 larger than 00
`mictometers, sich as befecen O.2 and {4 micrameters, and preferably benveen O32 and I
`micrometers, canbe formed ov the insulating layer. ahd-on-the tpmost layer of Copper, gob,
`aluminum, nickel or palladium of the previcusly deacribed varioug tndk metal layer 9 byusin
`a chemical vapor dapueition (OVD) srocess. The imadating layer 46 canbe a.single layer af
`sifeon oxide, Sicon oxynitride or silicon nitride fsach ay Sia) a composite fayer made af
`previously described miaterials.
`the insulating layer 46 ean be sn borganlc lnyer, such as
`For example,
`sileon-oxide layer, silicon-oxynitride layer or silicos-nbride layer, Raving’s thickness Jarger
`than OQ Qounicrometers: such as benween 2.2 and 1.8 mlcrometers, and preferably between(5
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`layer af copper, gold,
`and 1 mlerameters, on the imadating layer 3 and on the topreast
`@umimen, sickel ar oalladhiny of the previously deseribed varmus. bk metal ayer &
`Ateraptively the isolating fayer d6-can be ah inselasing Witedde layer, sich aealicaenitide:
`layercar ailcomoxyiiride Javer, having a Uickoess larger than O.2 releroneeters, ach as
`between G2 and 7.5 micrometers, and preferaily: benweerm (5 and 1 micrometers, on the
`insulatinglayer J and on the
`toomest fayer of coppers, gold, uninum, siekel or gal
`the. previously deaeribed various balk moral layer 9. Anermatively the insulating layer 4can
`be an oxide layer, such as gilicamoside laver or silisoreoxyniinde layer, having a thinksROSS
`lasger than O.2 micro
`%, seh as between G2 and 1.5 micrometers, and preferably berween
`mer, wold,
`53 and | mierometers,an the insulating lever 3 and on the topmost layer of
`layer &
`ahimivacn, nickel or paHadhim ofthe preyoualy described warloes balk metal
`Alternatively, theiasdleting lager. $6 oan be sermposed ofdoublelayers including ar insalating
`attride layer, such av sllison-nitride fayer or silicen-oxynitride layer, having q Utickness larger
`Barcromeiees, such as between U2 and 1.8 micrometers, and preferably between D3
`oT sHeromeiers, on che insitlaling layer 3 and on the topos laver of capper, gold,
`Be%a *& &a ¢z Be 3
`bot fe s* ees e.&rt
`oe oe
`ahumdauny, nickel or palach
`axide layer, auch as siflcon-exile layer or silfeon-oxytride layer, teving a thickness larger
`etal layer 8, and an
`than 0.2 misranwilerg, such ag Beteeer 0.2 and 14 mictameters, and preferably bepween U4
`an’ { mierameters, on che insalating nitride lave
` Reforing i@ Fig 28R) aller forming the insulating layer 46, a pohomer layer h4
`oie be formed on iho insuhating layer 46 asing.a process including a aphan caating pracesa
`femination procesy, a screensprinting Brocess oF a spraying process, aod maliple openings dds
`in the polemer layer 14 expose mubiple-regions of the inselating layer 46 over the bulk metal
`ever &. The pofymer keyer P4 has athickness between 3 and 30 micrometers, and grelecably
`between 3 and 25 micrometerg, and the polymer
`[4 can be a single layer of
`henzocyeldbaians (BCA) pelvinide (Mh polvbenzoxazcle (PBO) or epoky resky The prerss
`of formingthe yolymerlayer 14 and the openings [4a in the polymer layer 14 as shownin Fig.
`SAE oan be seferrsd i as the prodess of formiing the polymerdayer £4 end the opening Idai
`the pohwner deyer }4as Hostrated ds
`Referring to Pig.8C\ afler the step Hluetrated inv Fig, TMS, the reghing al the
`insulating layer 46 qupnsed by the apenings Ma can be removed with w dry etching meting,
`such asan enhanced pliniaerching iMeihed. According,
`the openings 4a in the polymer
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`layer Pd care geen miditiple regions af the inpriast layer of nappel, gold, aluminum, picked or
`palladhun of the previously described various bulk meial layer 9 and expose them
`$6078) Neat, rSfbrring to Fi, G80) an adkesianfsarrice Isyer 16 having @ thickness
`‘smmatior thaye { micrestietes, such as hepweert G:2-and U.S pocromefers, and preferably hepveen
`ianhin-ingsien Aivy, Ulanlum Hitride, ohforslum,
`tanlalaiti or tardaluet diwide, aed the
`O44. and 0.2 nileremerers; ean be fared on the polymer laver Td and on the regions ofthe
`topmost layer of copper, gold, ahuninum, sickel or palladiura of the previously described
`varinus hall metal layer G exposed by the onerdnigs Pda by aging a physical vapor depasitian
`(PVEprocess, such ah sputtering prmexe-or evaporation @rocess, and then a seed layer 18
`having’a thicknass smuiler than ] nieronietes, such as between 6.05 and G.3 miccametes, and
`preferably between 0.08 snd G74 micrometers, can be formed on the adhesina!harrier layer 16
`by wang a physical vapar depantiGn (PYDY peioass, Mich 2s epueting process Gr evaporation
`process, The "snarl of
`adhesian/barrier Reyer
`TG may dnclades
`material of dhe geed layer 18 may include copper, nickel, shunimen, gold, siver, slain or
`yer, such asa single jayer of tittnhim-aingater alloy, Htanlum or
`taaniom olvide,
`soier than.
`micrometers, such as betcen O02 anid G8 micromeeters, 2nd preferably beteeen Gl and O2
`micrometers, oa the palymer a 4 and on the resigns ofthe topmost lever ofcopper gold,
`ETE Forenample, when the adhesionbarter lay
`ar. processes, ea, by apultering 4 ‘Eitaniam-contkinin
`formed bya sudtable proses
`ahanimani, nickel cr galladiunyofthe previouslydescribed various bulk metal layer 9 exposed
`by the openings Ida, the seed layer 19 can. bs formed by a suitable pracess or processés, 8.2),
`by sputtering a copper Javer, a nickel laver, an slaminais layer, ayold layer, a silver layer,
`jayer.or a gafladiam layer with a thickaess smaller shan 1 gderatseter, Suck as
`bopvecn O65 and 8 ovicraredess, between O.OScand GES micrometers, hetween OF and P:
`aficrometers or between 6.2 and GS mplowntdterg, athe Tiapium-containing layer
`fQVTSH| Alternatively when the sdhesian/barrier layer 14 Is formed bya sutiable process
`on processes, 2g, by Syattering-¢ composite lever Inciading a tlanhim layer having a Thickness
`ween G.0) and1S osicroiictera an the paler layer da and on the regions of the topmast
`layer of scpner, gold, aluminum, sickel dr Galladiuim Of the previously described various bulk

`meatal fayer 8 exposed by the openiags Ia ard a tkandum-tungsten-alloy layer having «
`ihickness-benveed 0.) and O34 micrometers an the (asian ayer, the seed layer 18 can be
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`formed by a silinble process or pronesses, e.g by smulteritig a copper layer, a nickel layer an
`alumina layer, a gold layer, a silver Jayer, 3 platiman layer ora palladium layer with 4
`thickess antaller than f migrameter, such as Between G(s aod G8 micrometers, between 0.08
`and O.7S micramsiers, between 0.) and J micrometers or hepveen OZ and 0.5 micrometers, on
`the Hlaniom-tanpstes-alioy layer,
`{OO7SZ] ARerstively, when the adhmsinatbariee hyyer 1é-ig formedby asaiiable prmenss
`ay praeessss, 2s. by spaliering a tani@ldre-soniadiing hayer, such se a single layer OP tantalum
`ay tantalum jiiride, having @ thickness smaller than | misrometer, sich as between 5.02 and
`0.5 mikromieters, ancl preferably beeween Of and G2 micrometers an the polymer layer hd aad
`On the regions of the topmiest layer of copper, gold, alaminum, nivkel ar palladium, of the
`oreviously described various bulk meial layer G expaved by the openings I4a. ihe seed layer 18
`gag be formed by a suitable prascess ar processea, cage, by-amitiering a copper dayer, a nickel
`fayer) ar shinning layes, a gold daver: a sliver leyer a platinum layeror a palladium layar with
`athickness amatler than | mucrameter, such as between G08 and 0.5 miorometers, between
`{OR and OFS ‘edecrometers, betes Gi
`and | pmeromeiere or between GS and (8
`micrometers, on tie daotalium-coniaining fayer,
`Alternatively, when the adbeslonbarrier layer 18 is formed by a epitabls process
`or praceages, cg, By sputtering 2 sheomun-continiog layer, such asa single fayer of
` he doprmost layerof sopper, gold, aluminuim, aickel or rt af the
`“ghromiim layer, having a thickness srmallerthas [ avioranieter, auch ay bonween G42 aad as
`oe teog
`ww >]
`previously described various bulk etal Jayer 9 axpased Oy the openings i4a, the seed Jays
`gan beforced bya guitable¢TOCOSS, GE processes, ag, by epotieeing.a capper layer, a nickel
`layer, an alursinurn layer, a gold layer, a sliver lager, a pladnam layer or apaliadiam Jayer with
`#¢ Hivkeess wneller them | mlordeeter; sich as between 0.05 and 0 micrometers, between
`§.G8 and G14 wierometers, bepvecn 0.1 dnd } minranisters or Bsbween 0.2 amt 0.5
`micraniseers, on be Chrontiensconiaining lave.
`Referring to Pig. TSE, aller the step Husteated ie Pig, 28D a photoresist iayer
`31 can bs formed an the secd dayer EB) andinmaltiple openings Jha in the photoresist layer 34
`expose-the sand ayer £8, which esa be
`cefeered ta se the step diustraied in Pig. 251 Nest,
`multiple méid bukpsor piflara 27 can he fiertied onthe seed jayer 18 of any previously
`deseribed material exposed by the-apeninge Jha and ty the openings Jia. The process of
`APPLEINC./ Page 543 of 1071
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`BOTAUS20 GAZ 7050
`farming dhe mista) bumps oe pillars 2? an thecaeed layer 28 of any previnish’ described
`material exposed by the openings S}a and in the openings dia as shown In Fig. TRE can be
`referred to ws theprocess of forming themetal bame or pillar 27 wrethe seed ler he ol any
`pravigusly described material exposed by the apening 34aand in the opening 3a as Hhuatrated
`in Fig. 281. The-gpectitetion of the metal burps ar pillars 27 shown in Pig. 288 can be
`referred io acdhe specification of ihemetal bumpor illar 27 aa Uistraied in Pig. E54
`(RO7GR] Next, refenidg io Pie 2SP dhe photoresist layer Jf ig removed, which cad be
` seferred to ag the. sien idustrated by Fie. 23K. Neat, the seed dayer 14 motunder the metal
`tinips ar pillars 27 is
`ramaved, and then the adhesion/barrier fayer PO net under the metal
`bums ar pillars 27 isoremoved..which can be referred fe oms The step Hlustrated in Fig. 33k.
`Accardingdy, a botiam scheme 1M) at the hackside fa of the thinned sidean substrate fis’
`formed with the joadating layer 3, the imercomnesting dinuetures RS provided by deo metal
`layers d-and 8, the lsulating layer 46, the sober layer 14, the otetal Jayers 18 and 28) and
`the suetal bumps or pillars 27, and dhe openings fa in the polymer Jayer i4 are over ihe
`anuctures 88, Afterthe stoy(astrated in Fig. 28M the ssininanductor water 1
`gan be out into a plurslity of indhvidual semiconductor chip by 8 dkesawing process,
`287 with
`ie step Hlostrated
`POTS] ANeroslively
`following steps being Hlustratedwith reverse fgures or sinyple exqianation, nrulinie openings
`SG are Torieed in the passivation layer Ste exndas the nietal traces or pads 6), ard) then each
`‘ofthe cver-passivaiion schemes PG2 Uhsstrated Ip Pigs ESN, LSK-13M, TOE, TOM) 174 18h
`19M aid 20 can be allernatively formed over the passivation layer F at ihe active side of the
`thinned sifeon subsivate 1. ThereaGex, che sewconducter wafer 10 cay be cut bio a plurality
`af bniividual semiconductor chig by a die-smwing process,
`JONIS7] Alternatively, « process of forming any oneofthe averpassivaiion schemes 102
`Hiswated in Figs. SH, PSK-15M, £31, LOM,
`£74, 181, 19Hand 20 over the passivation layer
`# pan $e nerlormed hefore the steps Wiusiested in Figs, 248 240, 258-25P ard 2BAGSE. After
`the stops Hingivated ip Pine. 248, 240, ISA-OSP and 28A-28F, the sem inonducior walter 1O can
`be cat intera phiraliry ue implividual somicunductor chig bya diesen premess.
`faim the
`Afier Hie dis-ssnvirig process,
`semiconductor water [) can be packaged for a chip packaye.
`In the ohigp package,
`semicanducter chip. darn he conmectéd woven axtémeal olreul; such ac ball-grid-aitay (BGAI
`eubsiraie, printed cioult board, sepricenduciar chip, nrcial substrate, glass substrate or ceramic
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`BOTAUS20 GAZ 7050
`of the Bottorn scheme HEE. Yhe
`aubsiraie, eenthe metal Bbomps er pllare 2
`inlernonnecling structures 88 provided by the metal layers'4 and 8 connect the afichip hofler
`42 to ths internal circalts 21, 23, 23 and 24, and connect ihe nistal busrips ur pillars 2? tthe
`affehip bufler ¢2. tothe ofchip ESD circun 43 and tp the internadcireults 21,22, S)-and 24.
`YHe a chip ESD citodht 49 bs ountiected ta the offchip taiffer 42 through the Nae-line metal
`Fig. TSC.
`is we cross-s

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