`Paper 31
`Date: July 3, 2023
`Patent Owner
`Patent 10,622,842 B2
`Record of Oral Hearing
`Held: May 3, 2023
`WORMMEESTER, Administrative Patent Judges.


`Patent 10,622,842 B2
`6000 Headquarters Drive, Suite 200
`Plano, TX 75024
`200 Madison Avenue, 24th Floor
`New York, NY 10016
`1629 K Street NW, Suite 300
`Washington, D.C. 20006
`The above-entitled matter came on for hearing on May 3, 2023,
`commencing at 1:00 p.m., via video teleconference.


`Patent 10,622,842 B2
`P R O C E E D I N G S
`- - - - -
`JUDGE WORMMEESTER: Good afternoon, everyone. We have
`our final hearing in case IPR2022-00351, Apple v. Scramoge Technology,
`which concerns U.S. Patent Number 10,622,842. I'm Judge Wormmeester.
`Also appearing remotely are my colleagues, Judges Lee and Easthom.
`Thank you for your flexibility in conducting this hearing via video
`today. Given this format, we want to start off by clarifying a few items.
`First, our primary concern is your right to be heard. If at any time during the
`proceeding, you encounter technical or other difficulties that undermine your
`ability to adequately represent your client, please let us know immediately,
`for example, by contacting the team members who provided you with
`connection information.
`Second, for the benefit of the Judges, opposing counsel, and court
`reporter, please identify yourself each time you speak. When not speaking,
`please mute yourself. Third, we have the entire record, including the
`demonstratives. When referring to demonstratives, papers, or exhibits,
`please be explicit and identify any slide numbers or page numbers. Please
`also pause a few seconds afterwards so that we can find the reference and
`follow along.
`Finally, please note that members of the public may be listening to
`this oral hearing. So, if there's anything that is confidential, please let us
`know. As of now, we're not aware of anything that's confidential. Does
`anyone have anything you want to say about confidentiality of the materials
`presented today?


`Patent 10,622,842 B2
`Okay. Thank you. Let's go ahead and get the parties' appearances,
`please. Who do we have for Petitioner?
`MR. JARRATT: Good afternoon, Your Honor. This is Scott
`Jarratt, lead counsel for Petitioner Apple. And with me also is backup
`counsel Calmann Clements. And he will be presenting today.
`JUDGE WORMMEESTER: Great. Thank you. Good afternoon,
`counsel. And for Patent Owner, who do we have?
`MR. COOPER: Thank you, Your Honor. This is Brett Cooper. I
`am lead counsel for Patent Owner Scramoge. My colleagues Robert
`Auchter and John Petrsoric, who are backup counsel on this case, are here as
`well. And Mr. Auchter will be having the lead for us today.
`JUDGE WORMMEESTER: Okay. Great. Thank you so much.
`Welcome. We set forth the procedure for today's hearing in our trial order.
`But just to remind everyone the way this will work, each party will have 60
`minutes to present arguments. Petitioner has the burden and will go first and
`may reserve rebuttal time no more than half its total argument time. Patent
`Owner will then have the opportunity to present its response. It may also
`reserve surrebuttal time no more than half its total argument time.
`Please remember that the demonstratives you submitted are not
`part of the record. The record of the hearing will be the transcript. We will
`maintain a clock and give you warning as we're reaching the end of your
`argument time. Are there any questions before we proceed?
`JUDGE WORMMEESTER: Okay. Great. Thanks. Will you be
`reserving any time, counsel?
`MR. CLEMENTS: Yes, Your Honor. I will reserve 20 minutes


`Patent 10,622,842 B2
`for rebuttal.
`JUDGE WORMMEESTER: Twenty minutes. Okay. Great. I’ll
`go ahead and start the timer here. And you may begin when you're ready.
`MR. CLEMENTS: Good afternoon. My name is Calmann
`Clements from Haynes and Boone. I'm representing Petitioner Apple.
`Turning to Slide 2, the '842 patent claims nothing more than a
`known arrangement of a wireless charging coil and a communication
`antenna within a device. As shown here in Figure 6, the '842 patent
`described a portable terminal 302 that includes a printed circuit board 301.
`And the printed circuit board has a short-range communication antenna 340
`embedded therein. And the portable terminal also includes a reception space
`A which receives a wireless charging coil 310.
`Turning to Slide 3, we can see a side view of this arrangement, that
`the wireless receiving power coil 310 is placed within the receiving space A.
`It is not embedded in the printed circuit board 301 like the communication
`antenna 340 is.
`Turning to Slide 4, we see here a more detailed depiction of the
`short-range communication antenna within the printed circuit board. As we
`can see from the figure, there's a stack of printed circuit boards identified by
`reference numeral 301. And between those circuit boards are
`communication antennas identified by the reference numeral 340.
`And the claims at issue today are directed to this arrangement we
`see here in Figure 10. But instead of reciting a communication antenna
`between the layers, the claims recite the wireless charging coil between the
`So, turning to Slide 5, we see here Claims 1 and 7. And Patent


`Patent 10,622,842 B2
`Owner's response has presented arguments related only to Dependent Claim
`7. So, our discussion today will focus on Claim 7, which recites a short-
`range communication antenna on the first layer. Now, Claim 7 depends
`from Claim 1, which recites in part, a wireless power receiving coil on the
`first layer.
`So, what we have claimed here is both a wireless power receiving
`coil and a short-range communication antenna on a layer. But the concept of
`placing both a wireless charging coil and a communication antenna on a
`layer was known before the '842 patent.
`Turning to Slide 6, we start our discussion of Ground 2, which
`relies on the combination of Suzuki and Park. And there are two main
`aspects to this ground. First is that Park is prior art because the '842 patent
`is not entitled to its earliest claim priority date. Second, Park shows that as
`of the proper priority date, it was known to include both a wireless coil and a
`communications antenna on a layer.
`Turning to Slide 7, we see here the family history of the '842
`patent. This patent family started with Korean application in 2011. Then
`the '364-A patent, then the '346-B patent. And in the '346-B patent and
`earlier patents, the specifications aligned with the figures that we just
`discussed, with the short-range communication antenna in the printed circuit
`board and the wireless charging coil in the reception space. There was no
`disclosure of a wireless charging coil within the printed circuit board layers.
`And Slide 7 here shows the text that accompanied Figure 10 of the
`'346 patent. And as can be seen, it refers only to the communication antenna
`340 on the printed circuit board. Specifically, the text says, "While the
`procedure of disposing the short-range communication antenna 340 on the


`Patent 10,622,842 B2
`printed circuit board 301 is being performed."
`Now turning to Slide 8. Now, when the applicant filed the '666-C
`application on August 10, 2017, they added something new to the
`specification as it was filed. Looking at that same paragraph that describes
`Figure 10, the applicant added the highlighted part of the text to the filed
`specification. The specification newly referred to the procedure of disposing
`the short-range communication antenna 340 or receiving coil 310 not shown
`in the Figure 10 in the printed circuit board.
`And for purposes of our discussion today, I will be referring to this
`newly added language as the new receiving coil language. This new
`receiving coil language was the first time that the concept of a wireless
`charging coil within the printed circuit board is suggested. Previously, the
`wireless charging coil was only disclosed as being in the reception space.
`And despite adding this new receiving coil language, the applicant still filed
`the '666-C patent as a continuation rather than a continuation in part.
`Accordingly, the concept of a wireless charging coil within the
`claimed arrangement of layers was new as of August 10, 2017, in Claim 1,
`which recites this newly added concept of the wireless charging coil within
`the claimed arrangement of layers. So, Claim 1 and its dependent Claim 7 at
`issue here are not entitled to the earliest claimed priority date.
`Turning to Slide 9, the Patent Owner's position on this issue is that
`the Examiner knew that the applicant had added this new receiving coil
`language but believed it to be an inherent feature. But there is no evidence
`that the Examiner knew that additional material was added to the
`specification upon filing. And let's look at this from the Examiner's
`perspective. Applicant gave every indication they were filing a continuation


`Patent 10,622,842 B2
`and not a continuation in part. As we can see here, both the ADS and the
`specification of the '666 patent indicated they were filing a continuation.
`Turning to Slide 10, during prosecution of the '666 patent, Patent
`Owner or Applicant represented to the Office that it was filing a
`continuation and that the subject matter was the same as that of the parent
`applications. There was no reason for the Examiner to believe that there was
`newly added subject matter filed with the continuation.
`Turning to Slide 11, what the Examiner did note, however, was
`that there was no written description support for what the Applicant was
`attempting to claim. And Patent Owner points out that the Examiner says
`that the application adds disclosure not presented in the prior application.
`But the Examiner makes clear that what he's referring to has to do with the
`Specifically, in the lower highlighted portion section here, the
`Examiner says that, "The area of concern is the claims which seem to recite
`subject matter not found in the originally filed disclosure. In other words,
`the claims are directed to an embodiment not previously disclosed in the
`chain of continuity and seem to represent new matter. This new matter of
`the claims would be considered the CIP portion, and any support added to
`disclosure would then also constitute new matter and form the basis of a
`Turning to Slide 12, regardless of what the Examiner did or did not
`know, one important point here is that Patent Owner has not cited anything
`in the previous specifications that provides support for the claim's concepts.
`Patent Owner cites to interview summaries by the Examiner and Applicant,
`but neither of the interview summaries nor any part of the prosecution record


`Patent 10,622,842 B2
`point to anything in the previous specifications that provide written
`description support for the claim concepts.
`And the petition explained why the concept of a wireless coil
`within the stacked printed circuit boards was nowhere to be found prior to
`the '666 patent. So, the burden of production thus shifted to Patent Owner to
`identify where the earlier patents describe a wireless charging coil within the
`stacked printed circuit boards. This, they did not and cannot do.
`JUDGE LEE: Mr. Clements, it's Judge Lee. You mentioned
`earlier that the Examiner stated on the record that the claims were drawn to
`new matter; is that right?
`MR. CLEMENTS: That's right.
`JUDGE LEE: What was that new matter? What did the Examiner
`identify as the new material?
`MR. CLEMENTS: So, if we look at the prosecution history of the
`'666 patent, which is in Exhibit 1007, and if it helps, I can share my screen
`here. All right. Is that showing up?
`MR. CLEMENTS: So, the claims here, as they were originally
`filed in the '666-C patent application recited various features, including a
`board comprising a variety of layers, a wireless receiving coil disposed in
`the board, a short-range communication coil disposed in the board. And it
`was specific claim limitations that the Examiner was concerned with and
`believed were not disclosed in the specification.
`JUDGE LEE: But was he specific? I’m just trying to see whether
`he complained about the same thing that's at issue before us. So, it's not the


`Patent 10,622,842 B2
`same thing, right?
`MR. CLEMENTS: So, if we go to -- so the Examiner is referring
`to -- he's not referring to the new receiving coil language that was added
`upon the filing of the specification. So, if we go to page 181 of Exhibit
`1007, we can see what the Examiner actually took issue with. This is page
`183, actually, of Exhibit 1007.
`JUDGE LEE: Well thank you, but it's enough. It's not the same
`thing because what's before us now is something that was added even later
`than that, right?
`MR. CLEMENTS: Yes. What we're looking at --
`JUDGE LEE: So, the Examiner, he couldn't be talking about the
`same thing, right?
`MR. CLEMENTS: So yeah. The Examiner was talking about
`what they had filed with their claims was not added into the specification or
`was not supported in their specification. He wasn't referring to the new
`receiving coil language that was added upon filing of the '666-C patent. Did
`that answer your question?
`JUDGE WORMMEESTER: What part of the claims, I guess --
`this is Judge Wormmeester. What part of the claims were considered new
`matter to the Examiner? Is that made on the record in the (crosstalk)?
`MR. CLEMENTS: Yeah. So, I'm going to go back to -- yeah. So,
`I'm going to go back to sharing my screen. And this is on page 184, which
`is -- here's where the Examiner -- or starting on page 183, actually, the
`Examiner explains what he had issue with. So, starting at Paragraph 9 here,
`he says, "Regarding the new matter rejection, the Examiner has carefully
`considered the claims and reviewed the disclosure multiple times and simply


`Patent 10,622,842 B2
`is at a loss to find where the claim configuration can be found." A text
`search of the specification shows that the word “layer” is missing, the word
`“separation,” long distance is missing.
`He then referred to Figures 9 and 10 and said, "The problem with
`these figures is that the discussion of Figure 9 spans two lines, comprised as
`one sentence, and describes that the short-range communication antenna 340
`has been disposed in the printed circuit board and a shielding unit." And
`then he says, "The discussion of Figure 10 spans eight lines and describes
`how the short-range communication antenna 340 or receiving coil 310, not
`shown in Figure 10,” which is the new receiving coil added, “is disposed in
`the printed circuit board."
`So, the Examiner was quoting what he saw in the specification. He
`had no indication that that new language here, the receiving coil 310 not
`shown in Figure 10, which was newly added upon filing, he had no
`indication that that was new. So, he was saying that even with that, he didn't
`see support for things that were in the claims. So, the Examiner is not
`discussing this specific language as being new. He is talking about things
`that are in the claims are not supported.
`And we can see that in Applicant's response -- and this is 34 of
`Exhibit 1007 -- they amended Paragraph 84 to put more description in there,
`but this language that was added newly, it's not underlined. So, the
`receiving coil 310 not shown in Figure 10, right here, that's not underlined.
`So, there was no indication to the Examiner that this was new, that they had
`been newly added upon filing. Does that answer your question?
`JUDGE WORMMEESTER: I think so. Does the new matter
`include -- in the claims, include the receiving coil, the -- let me just go to the


`Patent 10,622,842 B2
`language so I don't -- oh, between the plurality of layers. Does the new
`matter include the wireless receiving coil being disposed between the
`plurality of layers?
`MR. CLEMENTS: It does say a wireless receiving coil disposed
`in the board.
`JUDGE WORMMEESTER: Right. At that last wherein clause.
`Is that what the Examiner is speaking to where it says the wireless receiving
`coil and the short-range communication coil --
`JUDGE WORMMEESTER: -- and the shielding unit are
`MR. CLEMENTS: I believe this --
`JUDGE WORMMEESTER: Is that part of the new matter as well
`JUDGE WORMMEESTER: Or do we not know?
`MR. CLEMENTS: So that was not added. When the Applicant
`filed the specification, the only thing that they added new was that new
`receiving coil language where they said the wireless coil, or 310. That was
`the only thing that was added new upon filing. Now, the examiner had
`originally thought that there was no disclosure for any of what's in Claim 1,
`including that last wherein clause.
`Now, Applicant had an interview with the Examiner and the
`Examiner sided with the Applicant, saying that there was support. But we
`know that what the Examiner had to look at for support was the newly added
`language that was added during filing. So, the Examiner had considered that


`Patent 10,622,842 B2
`language and believed it to be part of the original filed disclosure. And we
`can see that the Applicant represented to the Office that that material -- or
`there was nothing new, that it was a continuation, and that the disclosure was
`the same at that as it had been in previous applications.
`JUDGE LEE: Okay. It's Judge Lee. I have two follow-up. One is
`that I'm not sure I understand what the Examiner did. You told me that he
`said there's no support in the disclosure for whatever was filed as Claim 1,
`right? But the claim is a part of the disclosure. So, if it's in the claim, it's in
`the specification. So, I'm not understanding why there would be a complaint
`by the Examiner, hey, whatever you're claiming is not in the disclosure.
`And the second one is, is all of this not relevant? Because why do
`we even care whether the Examiner complained about it or not, whether that
`it is what we're considering today? All we need to look at is look at the
`evidence ourselves. And we can determine whether there was or there was
`not supporting disclosure. Whatever the Examiner did is not binding on the
`Board, so why are we even having a dispute about whether the Examiner
`looked at this or not looked at this and what did the Examiner say about it? I
`mean, does that really matter if we look at it and we say, there's no support
`for this?
`MR. CLEMENTS: Yeah. So, to answer your first question, why
`did the Examiner have an issue here, you know, I can't speak to the
`Examiner's intent. For whatever reason, the Examiner believed that the
`specification didn't provide (indiscernible) basis support or written
`description support for what was in the claims.
`And as to your second question, why does it matter --


`Patent 10,622,842 B2
`JUDGE LEE: Wait, wait. But isn't the claims a part of the spec?
`MR. CLEMENTS: I agree. So the merits to the Examiner's
`rejection here are not that relevant. But this is what the record shows us.
`So, I would agree with you that as they filed it, that would be original
`disclosure. But even then, that disclosure was entered into the record upon
`filing of the '666-C patent. So it's still new matter in that sense.
`So as far as why do we care about what the Examiner thought
`because it's not binding on the Board, you're correct, Your Honor. The
`reason that we're disputing this is because Patent Owner is relying on what
`the Examiner said and saying that they're entitled to the presumption that
`this stuff is inherent and that it's entitled to its earliest priority date.
`And our position is that, one, it’s not true that the Examiner knew
`about this language, so we don't get to give any presumption to what the
`Examiner thought. But even if we did give any kind of presumption to the
`Examiner, that's not an unrebuttable presumption. We can still say, well,
`wait a minute, is there actually any support prior to August 10, 2017, for the
`concept of a wireless coil and within the printed circuit boards?
`And we can see that there is not. And Patent Owner has had the
`opportunity to show where there might be support and they have not done
`that. Instead, they've just relied on what the Examiner said and are leaving it
`at that.
`JUDGE LEE: Thank you.
`JUDGE EASTHOM: Counsel, a follow-up question to that is,
`doesn't there have to be support here based on the dates for the foreign
`priority that goes with this challenged patent?
`MR. CLEMENTS: So, if they're wanting to get their earliest filing


`Patent 10,622,842 B2
`date back to the original Korean application, yes, there would have to be
`support in there for this concept.
`JUDGE EASTHOM: I thought that's what they had to do to beat
`Park. Maybe I missed the dates, but that's -- am I missing the date on that?
`MR. CLEMENTS: No. I think you're right, that they have to beat
`that. They have to go all the way back to their original filed Korean
`JUDGE EASTHOM: And so, is there anywhere where there's a
`translation of that on this record or in the prosecution history?
`MR. CLEMENTS: I don't believe that we have a translation of
`that Korean application in this record.
`JUDGE EASTHOM: I'll tell you why I'm kind of concerned. It
`seems that a lot of what we're really talking about here is whether or not
`there's support for Claim 7, because that's what's being argued. And so, you
`have to have support for two different types of antennas, I guess. And then,
`so that, that raises the issue of why we're not really looking at what's in the
`translation, although I get your point that you don't have to go all that way if
`it's not supported in the chain. But it would seem to be something that might
`be an easier slog than sorting through all the stuff in the prosecution history.
`But that's just --
`MR. CLEMENTS: Yeah. And again, because we don't have that
`translation in the record, I can't speak to that.
`MR. CLEMENTS: But what I can speak to is that we do know
`that this material appears to be added for the first time when the Applicant
`filed the '666-C patent application. We do know that they added material to


`Patent 10,622,842 B2
`the specification as filed that was not in previous specifications. So, we do
`know exactly when this material was added to the prosecution or to the
`family history, and that's on August 10th of 2017. So, we don't believe that
`they're entitled to a date earlier than that.
`JUDGE EASTHOM: Okay. All right. Thank you.
`MR. CLEMENTS: So, turning to Slide 14, we move on to the
`second aspect of Ground 2. And that, given that Park is prior art, we then
`look at Park. And we see here, Park shows that it was known to place both a
`wireless charging coil and a communication antenna on a layer. While
`Suzuki alone shows a wireless coil and a data coil on a noncontiguous layer,
`Park describes something different. Park describes another suitable option
`in which the wireless charging coil and antenna are disposed on the same
`continuous layer.
`In particular, Park describes a groove technique in which the
`wireless charging coil and data coil are placed within grooves of a
`continuous magnetic layer. And this groove technique provides a suitable
`option for Suzuki's device because it allows Suzuki's device to maintain or
`reduce thickness and further provides a shield wall between the
`communication antenna and the wireless charging coil.
`Turning to Slide 15. The shield wall 137 in Park is not the same as
`the shield unit 172 in Suzuki. And this distinction is important. Patent
`Owner argues that Park provides no additional benefits because Suzuki
`already has a shield layer. But the shield wall, 137, provides a different
`benefit than what Suzuki shielding unit does. The shielding wall is a
`magnetic material that's positioned between the two coils, and it shields the
`interference of electronic waves between those coils.


`Patent 10,622,842 B2
`Suzuki's shielding unit, on the other hand, is a metal material that
`is for shielding the coils from electromagnetic noise and it is placed beneath
`the coil, not between the two types of coils. Thus, Park's shield wall
`between the coils provides an additional benefit that is different and distinct
`than the benefit provided by Suzuki's shield unit.
`Moving on to Slide 16, Patent Owner argues that Park's technique
`is problematic because it would couple the magnetic fields from the wireless
`charging coil and the communication antenna. But Patent Owner ignores
`how Park's technique is designed to mitigate this problem. As we just
`discussed, Park's technique has a shield wall that mitigates that problem.
`Turning to Slide 17, Patent Owner's own expert agrees that the
`purpose of the shield wall mitigates the electronic waves between the two
`coils. Dr. Ricketts was asked at deposition what the function of Park's
`shielding wall was, and Dr. Ricketts explained that it shields the interference
`of waves between the first and second coils. Thus, Patent Owner has not
`provided a valid reason to dispute the proposed combination.
`Turning to Slide 18, Patent Owner's other attempts to dispute the
`combination attack a bodily incorporation position that the petition never
`made. Patent Owner argues that there's differences in permeability between
`the layers. But the petition is not bodily incorporating Park's magnetic layer
`into Suzuki.
`Turning to Slide 19, the proposed combination is shown here. And
`that's that, "Suzuki and Park simply represents using a known technique
`(disposing data and power receiving coils in recessed grooves on the same
`layer) to improve similar devices (Suzuki's and Park's wireless charging
`devices) in the same way."


`Patent 10,622,842 B2
`Turning to Slide 20. To summarize, Park is prior art because the
`'842 patent is not entitled to its earliest priority date. Park shows that
`placing both the antenna and the wireless charging coil on the same layer
`was simply one known and obvious technique. In other words, Park
`provides evidence that the (indiscernible) already knew and were motivated
`to implement both antenna and a power receiving coil on a layer.
`Turning to Slide 21, we move on to Ground 1. Turning to Slide
`22, Suzuki itself renders obvious both types of coil on a layer, albeit a non-
`continuous layer. In the figure here, we see both the wireless receiving coil
`170 and a short-range communication antenna 154. Both of these coils are
`on a magnetic layer. The wireless receiving coil 170 is on the magnetic
`layer 171 and the short-range communication antenna is on magnetic layer
`155. So accordingly, magnetic layer 171 and magnetic layer 155 together
`form a layer as claimed.
`JUDGE WORMMEESTER: Counsel, I'm having a hard time
`conceptualizing that because I see the magnetic layer 155 wraps around the
`antenna 154, whereas the layer 171H doesn't do that. And to me, it just
`looks like right now, there's two magnetic layers and you're just saying
`they're representing one layer. I don't see how -- and it's not the fact that
`they're not contiguous that's bothering me. It's just they just look like
`completely different layers.
`MR. CLEMENTS: Okay. So, the reason that we are construing
`the claims in a way that Suzuki reads on them, if we turn to Slide 23, we can
`see that what Suzuki describes is no different than what the '842 patent itself
`describes. Where the '842 patent does show a data coil and a power coil in
`the same figure, such as Figure 7 here, they're not on a contiguous layer. In


`Patent 10,622,842 B2
`fact, we don't even see --
`JUDGE WORMMEESTER: I'm sorry. Which page are you on?
`MR. CLEMENTS: This is Slide 23.
`MR. CLEMENTS: So again, this comes back to the issue that this
`concept of the wireless receiving coil was added during the family history in
`the next file, the '666-C patent. So, we don't really have any disclosures here
`of a wireless coil and an antenna on the same layer. At best, when they are
`shown together, as they are here in Figure 7, we don't see them on a
`continuous layer. And so, because we don't really have any description in
`the specification, we're reading the term layer broadly.
`And so, if we return back to Slide 22, that's why we think that
`reading the first layer broadly, these two separate magnetic layers would
`teach a layer together. And we have both the short-range antenna and the
`receiving coil on those layers or put together, make one layer. Does that
`make sense?
`JUDGE LEE: It's Judge Lee. I understand what you said, but that
`doesn't seem to make sense. If I understand you correctly, you're saying,
`well, because they don't have description, we get to read it as broadly as we
`want. I don't understand the law to be like that. If they don't have support,
`then the attack would be they don't have support, not, well, that's
`justification to read it as broadly as possible. That, you know, it goes
`beyond broadly reasonable. I don't even know a law that says, well, because
`there's no support, then it's reasonable to construe as broadly as you can
`MR. CLEMENTS: So, I don't think we're trying to construe this


`Patent 10,622,842 B2
`absurdly broadly. I mean, we're not saying that you can have one piece in
`one part of the world and some other piece in some other part of the world,
`and that together, they make a layer. I mean, we're showing two really
`closely put together layers. And we know that the law says that you can't
`construe a term such that it would exclude the only embodiment in the

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