`Jul. 21, 2015
`Sheet 246 of 259
`US 9,088,868 B2
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`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 21, 2015
`Sheet 247 of 259
`US 9,088,868 B2
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`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 21, 2015
`Sheet 248 of 259
`US 9,088,868 B2
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`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 21, 2015
`Sheet 249 of 259
`US 9,088,868 B2
`sae52s 3S85a
`< ER
`EXHIBIT 1001 - PAGE 0254
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`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 21, 2015
`Sheet 250 of 259
`US 9,088,868 B2
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`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 21, 2015
`Sheet 251 of 259
`US 9,088,868 B2
`Camnosd-efiajayd|2sfs70yopwae|ApuusRaueeaoe.sdBoneBupsaugss[east2204puBUAuSaso29|*y|Le| sowed
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`EXHIBIT 1001 - PAGE 0256
`EXHIBIT 1001 - PAGE 0256
`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 21, 2015
`Sheet 252 of 259
`US 9,088,868 B2
`START - Admin processing
`Admin email
`Admin sms
`Admin brd
`Admin brd
`Admin uifobj
`Admin uifetl
`Admin input
`Op= uifobj? ~
`KopasiaitSS Admin adial
`Admin Av <<
`Gp=wediSs weblink
`uk A38
`=ou A42
`Admin doc
` Admin
`z oOoO
`}jAdmin output
`Admin alert
`Admin app §
`— Op= content? +S
`Admin file
`Admin DBobj
`Admin data
`Op = progobj?
`Op' appropriatel
`EXHIBIT 1001 - PAGE 0257
`EXHIBIT 1001 - PAGE 0257
`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 21, 2015
`Sheet 253 of 259
`US 9,088,868 B2
`START - Change
`command processing
`Access paramsfor
`Operand and
`Get next system
` 412
`Prepare parameters
`All processed? S
`Invoke operating
`system application by
`object type
` Oo
`Prepare launch
`Launchapplication §
`with commandstring
`for custom
`Prepare API
`| CallAPItolaunch
`Perform change
`Fig. 74A
`EXHIBIT 1001 - PAGE 0258
`EXHIBIT 1001 - PAGE 0258
`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 21, 2015
`Sheet 254 of 259
`US 9,088,868 B2
`START- Change processing
`Op = adial#?
`<,. Op = weblink?
`Op = sms?
`Op = brd email? 2$
`Op = brd sms?
`Op = app?
`Op = content? _
`_OP = appcixt? —
`” X
`Op = progobj?
`Op' appropriatel
`EXHIBIT 1001 - PAGE 0259
`EXHIBIT 1001 - PAGE 0259
`Change sem <>:
`Changedir <<
` Change uifctlj
`Change brd
`Change brd
`Op=indicator? —
`,; Change app >
`Change proc
`Change doc
` Change
`Changefile §
`progobj Change
`Fig. 74C
`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 21, 2015
`Sheet 255 of 259
`US 9,088,868 B2
`Send packet(s)
`Wait for ack/response
`if applicable
`Complete processing |
`if applicable
`Log attemptinfo
`Fig. 75A
`EXHIBIT 1001 - PAGE 0260
`EXHIBIT 1001 - PAGE 0260
`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 21, 2015
`Sheet 256 of 259
`US 9,088,868 B2
`START- MS Receive
`Execution Data (RxED)thread
`Decrement RxED-Ct
`Increment RxED-Ct
`—<—<—| "7556
`Retrieve next incoming
`data packet(s)
`Validate incoming data
`for this target
`Access sourceinfo,
`command, operand
`and params
`co 7568
` Data
`for remote
`S 7562
`(cmd, operand,
`Compiete an ack/
`Send/Broadcast ack/
`Perform particular
`command, operand
`and params
`Fig. 75B
`EXHIBIT 1001 - PAGE 0261
`EXHIBIT 1001 - PAGE 0261
`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 21, 2015
`Sheet 257 of 259
`US 9,088,868 B2
`START- Userinterface special
`paste detected
`Access most recent
`Term info for this MS
`Reference set?
`Default info for paste
`—|based on useraction
`Cancel paste?
`Provide warning and J
`- WTV exceeded?
`wait for user action
`| Paste applicable field
`information to focused f
`entry field
`An entry
`field in focus?
`Fig. 76
`EXHIBIT 1001 - PAGE 0262
`EXHIBIT 1001 - PAGE 0262
`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 21, 2015
`Sheet 258 of 259
`US 9,088,868 B2
`START- Specify
`append of application
`Enable app
`Disable app
`Set specified app
`indicator for disabled.
`Userinterfaces for
`validated path specor
` until cancel
`Handle other user
`action appropriately
`Set profile
`participation tofile
`EXHIBIT 1001 - PAGE 0263
`EXHIBIT 1001 - PAGE 0263
`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 21, 2015
`Sheet 259 of 259
`US 9,088,868 B2
`<state>New Jersey</state>
`<interests >
`running; football
`<lunch>Jammin's;Mongolian Barbeque</lunch>
`Fig. 78
`EXHIBIT 1001 - PAGE 0264
`EXHIBIT 1001 - PAGE 0264
`US 9,088,868 B2
`This application is a continuation of application Ser. No.
`12/287,064 filed Oct. 3, 2008 and entitled “System and
`Method for Location Based Exchanges of Data Facilitating
`Distributed Locational Applications” whichis a continuation
`in part of application Ser. No. 12/077,041 filed Mar. 14, 2008
`and entitled “System and Method for Location Based
`Exchangesof Data Facilitating Distributed Locational Appli-
`cations”. This application contains an identical specification
`to Ser. No. 12/287,064 except for the title, abstract, and
`The present disclosure relates generally to location based
`services for mobile data processing systems, and more par-
`ticularly to location based exchangesof data betweendistrib-
`uted mobile data processing systems for locational applica-
`tions. A common connected service is not required for
`location based functionality and features. Location based
`exchanges of data between distributed mobile data process-
`ing systems enable location based features and functionality
`in a peer to peer manner.
`The internet has exploded with new service offerings. Web-
`sites yahoo.com, google.com, ebay.com, amazon.com, and
`iTunes.com have demonstrated well the ability to provide
`valuable services to a large dispersed geographic audience
`throughthe internet (ebay, yahoo, google, amazon and iTunes
`(Apple) are trademarks of the respective companies). Thou-
`sandsofdifferent types ofweb services are available for many
`kinds of functionality. Advantages of having a service as the
`intermediary point between clients, users, and systems, and
`their associated services,
`includes centralized processing,
`centralized maintaining of data, for example to have an all
`knowing database for scope of services provided, having a
`supervisory point of control, providing an administrator with
`access to data maintained by users of the web service, and
`other advantages associated with centralized control. The
`advantages are analogousto those providedby thetraditional
`mainframe computer to its clients wherein the mainframe
`ownsall resources, data, processing, and centralized control
`for all users and systems (clients) that access its services.
`However, as computers declined in price and adequate pro-
`cessing power was broughtto more distributed systems, such
`as Open Systems (i.e. Windows, UNIX, Linux, and Mac
`environments), the mainframe was no longer necessary for
`many ofthe daily computingtasks. In fact, adequate process-
`ing poweris incorporated in highly mobile devices, various
`handheld mobile data processing systems, and other mobile
`data processing systems. Technology continues to drive
`improved processing power and data storage capabilities in
`less physical space of a device. Just as Open Systems took
`muchofthe load of computing off of mainframe computers,
`so to can mobile data processing systems offload tasks usually
`performed by connected web services. As mobile data pro-
`cessing systems are more capable, there is no need for a
`service to middleman interactions possible between them.
`While a centralized service has its advantages, there are
`also disadvantages. A service becomesa clearinghouseforall
`webservice transactions. Regardless ofthe numberofthreads
`of processing spread out over hardware and processorplat-
`forms,the web service itselfcan becomea bottleneck causing
`poor performancefor timely response, and can causea large
`amount of data that must be kept for all connected users
`and/or systems. Even large web services mentioned above
`suffer from performance and maintenance overhead. A web
`service response will likely never be fast cnough. Addition-
`ally, archives must be kept to ensure recovery in the event of
`a disaster because the service housesall data for its opera-
`tions. Archives also require storage, processing power, plan-
`ning, and maintenance. A significantly large and costly data
`center is necessary to accommodate millions of users and/or
`systems to connect to the service. There is a tremendous
`amount of overhead in providing such a service. Data center
`processing power, data capacity, data transmission bandwidth
`and speed, infrastructure entities, and various performance
`considerations are quite costly. Costs include real estate
`required, utility bills for electricity and cooling, system main-
`tenance, personnel to operate a successful business with ser-
`vice(s), etc. A method is needed to prevent large data center
`costs while eliminating performance issues for features
`sought. It is inevitable that as users are hungry for more
`features and functionality on their mobile data processing
`systems, processing will be moved closer to the device for
`optimal performanceand infrastructure cost savings.
`Service delivered location dependent content was dis-
`closed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,456,234; 6,731,238; 7,187,997
`(Johnson). Anonymouslocation based services was disclosed
`in U.S. PTO Publication 2006/0022048 (Johnson). The
`Johnson patents and published application operate as most
`webservices do in that the clients connecting to the service
`benefit from the service by having some connectivity to the
`service. U.S. Publication 2006/0022048 (Johnson) could
`cause large numbers of users to inundate the service with
`device heartbeats and data to maintain, depending on the
`configurations made. While this maybeoflittle concern to a
`companythat has successfully deployed substantially large
`webservice resources, it may be of great concern to other
`more frugal companies. A method is needed for enabling
`location dependent features and functionality without the
`burden of requiring a service.
`Users are skeptical about their privacy as internet services
`proliferate. A service by its very nature typically holds infor-
`mation for a user maintainedin a centralized service database.
`The user’s preferences, credential information, permissions,
`customizations, billing information, surfing habits, and other
`conceivable user configurations and activity monitoring, can
`be housedbythe service at the service. Companyinsiders, as
`well as outside attackers, may get access. Most people are
`concerned with preventing personal information of any type
`being kept in a centralized database which maypotentially
`become compromised from a security standpoint. Location
`based services are of even more concern,in particular when
`the locations of the user are to be known to a centralized
`service. A method and system is needed for making users
`comfortable with knowingthat their personal information is
`at less risk of being compromised.
`A reasonable requirementis to push intelligence out to the
`mobile data processing systems themselves, for example, in
`knowing their own locations and perhaps the locations of
`other nearby mobile data processing systems. Mobile data
`processing systems can intelligently handle many of their
`own application requirements without depending on some
`remote service. Just as two people in a business organization
`should not need a manager to speak to each other, no two
`mobile data processing systems should require a service
`EXHIBIT 1001 - PAGE 0265
`EXHIBIT 1001 - PAGE 0265
`middlemanfor useful location dependent features and func-
`tionality. The knowing of its own location should not be the
`end of social interaction implementation local to the mobile
`data processing systems, but rather the starting place for a
`large numberof useful distributed local applications that do
`not require a service.
`Different users use different types of Mobile data process-
`ing Systems (MSs) which are also called mobile devices:
`laptops, tablet computers, Personal Computers (PCs), Per-
`sonal Digital Assistants (PDAs), cell phones, automobile
`dashboard mounted data processing systems, shopping cart
`mounted data processing systems, mobile vehicle or appara-
`tus mounted data processing systems, Personal Navigational
`Devices (PNDs), iPhones (iPhone is a trademark of Apple,
`Inc.), various handheld mobile data processing systems, etc.
`MSs movefreely in the environment, and are unpredictably
`moveable (i.e. can be moved anywhere, anytime). Many of
`these Mobile data processing Systems (MSs) do not have
`capability of being automatically located, or are not using a
`service for being automatically located. Conventional meth-
`ods use directly relative stationary references such assatel-
`lites, antennas, etc. to locate MSs. Stationary references are
`expensive to deploy, and risk obsolescence as new technolo-
`gies are introducedto the marketplace. Stationary references
`havefinite scope of support for locating MSs.
`While the United States E911 mandate for cellular devices
`LBS (Location Based Services) is a term which has gained
`in popularity over the years as MSs incorporate various loca-
`tion capability. The word “Services” in that terminology
`plays a majorrole in location based features and functionality
`involving interaction between two or more users. This disclo-
`sure introduces a new terminology, system, and method
`referred to as Location Based eXchanges (LBX). LBX is an
`acronym used interchangeably/contextually throughoutthis
`disclosure for the singular term “Location Based Exchange”
`and for the plural term “Location Based Exchanges”, much
`the same way LBS is used interchangeably/contextually for
`the single term “Location Based Service” and for the plural
`term “Location Based Services”. LBX describes leveraging
`the distributed nature of connectivity between MSsin lieu of
`leveraging a commoncentralized service nature of connec-
`It is an advantage herein to have no centralized service
`governing location based features and functionality among
`MSs. Avoiding a centralized service prevents performance
`issues, infrastructure costs, and solves many of the issues
`documents requirements for automatic location of a Mobile
`described above. No centralized service also prevents a user’s
`data processing System (MS)suchasacell phone, the man-
`information from being kept in one accessible place. LBS
`date does not necessarily promote real time location and
`contain centralized data that is personal in natureto its users.
`tracking of the MSs, nor does it define architecture for
`This is a security concern. Having informationfor all users in
`exploiting Location Based Services (LBS). We are in an era
`one place increases the likelihood that a disaster to the data
`where Location Based Services (LBS), and location depen-
`will affect more than a single user. LBX spreads data out
`dent features and functionality, are among the most promising
`across participating systems so that a disaster affecting one
`technologies in the world. Automatic locating of every
`user does not affect any other user.
`Mobile data processing System (MS) is an evolutionary
`It is an advantage herein for enabling useful distributed
`trend. A method is needed to shorten the length of time for
`applications without the necessity of having a service, and
`automatically locating every MS. Such a goal can be costly
`withoutthe necessity ofusers and/or systemsregistering with
`using prior art technologies such as GPS (Global Positioning
`a service. MSs interact as peers in preferred embodiments,
`System), radio wavetriangulation, coming within range to a
`rather than as clients to a commonservice(e.g. internet con-
`knownlocated sensor,or the like. Complex system intrastruc-
`nected webservice).
`ture, or added hardware costs to the MSs themselves, make
`It is an advantage herein for locating as many MSs as
`such ventures costly and time constrained by schedules and
`possible in a wireless network, and without additional
`costs involved in engineering, construction, and deployment.
`deployment costs on the MSs or the network. Conventional
`A method is needed for enabling users to get location
`locating capability includes GPS (Global Positioning Sys-
`dependent features and functionality through having their
`tem) using stationary orbiting satellites, improved forms of
`mobile locations known, regardless of whether or not their
`GPS, for example AGPS (Adjusted GPS) and DGPS(Differ-
`MSis equipped for being located. Also, new and modern
`ential GPS) using stationary located groundstations, wireless
`location dependentfeatures and functionality can be provided
`communications to stationary located cell tower base sta-
`to a MS unencumbered by a connected service.
`tions, TDOA (Time Difference ofArrival) or AOA (Angle of
`Arrival) triangulation using stationary located antennas, pres-
`ence detection in vicinity of a stationary located antenna,
`presence detection at a wired connectivity stationary network
`location, or other conventional locating systems and methods.
`Mobile data processing systems, referred to as Indirectly
`Located Mobile data processing systems (ILMs), are auto-
`matically located using automatically detected locations of
`Directly Located Mobile data processing systems (DLMs)
`and/or automatically detected locations of other ILMs. ILMs
`are provided withthe ability to participate in the same LBS, or
`LBX, as a DLM (Directly Located Mobile data processing
`system). DLMsare located using conventional locating capa-
`bility mentioned above. DLMsprovide reference locations
`for automatically locating ILMs,regardless of where any one
`is currently located. DLMs and ILMscan be highly mobile,
`for example whenin use by a user. Thereare a variety ofnovel
`methods for automatically locating ILMs, for exampletrian-
`US 9,088,868 B2
`tivity between MSs. The line can becomeblurred between
`LBS and LBX since the same or similar features and func-
`tionality are provided, and in somecasesstrengths from both
`maybe used. The underlying architectural shift differentiates
`LBX from LBS for depending less on centralized services,
`and more ondistributed interactions between MSs. LBX pro-
`vide server-free and server-less location dependent features
`and functionality.
`Disclosed are manydifferent aspects to LBX,starting with
`the foundation requirement for each participating MS to
`know, at somepointin time, their own whereabouts. LBX is
`enabled when an MS knowsits own whereabouts. It is there-
`fore a goalto first make as many MSs knowtheir own where-
`abouts as possible. When two or more MSs know their own
`whereabouts, LBX enables distributed locational applica-
`tions whereby a server is not required to middleman social
`interactions between the MSs. The MSs interact as peers.
`LBXdisclosed include purely peer to peer interactions, peer
`to peer interactions for routing services, peer to peer interac-
`tions for delivering distributed services, and peer to peer
`interactions for location dependentfeatures and functionality.
`One embodiment of an LBX enabled MSisreferred to as an
`EXHIBIT 1001 - PAGE 0266
`EXHIBIT 1001 - PAGE 0266
`US 9,088,868 B2
`gulating an ILM (Indirectly Located Mobile data processing
`system) location using a plurality of DLMs, detecting the
`ILM being within the vicinity of at least one DLM,triangu-
`lating an ILM location using a plurality of other ILMs, detect-
`ing the ILM being within the vicinity of at least one other
`ILM,triangulating an ILM location using a mixed set of
`DLM(s) and ILM(s), determining the ILM location from
`heterogeneously located DLMsand/or ILMs,and other novel
`MSs are automatically located without using direct con-
`ventional meansfor being automatically located. The conven-
`tional locating capability (i.e. conventional locating methods)
`described aboveis also referred to as direct methods. Con-
`ventional methodsare direct methods, but notall direct meth-
`ods are conventional. There are new direct techniques dis-
`closed below. Provided herein is an architecture, as well as
`systems and methods, for immediately bringing automatic
`location detection to every MSin the world, regardless of
`whether that MS is equipped for being directly located. MSs
`without capability of being directly located are located by
`leveraging the automatically detected locations of MSs that
`are directly located. This is referred to as being indirectly
`located. An MS which is directly located is hereinafter
`referred to as a Directly Located Mobile data processing
`system (DLM). Fora plural acronym, MSs whichare directly
`located are hereinafter referred to as Directly Located Mobile
`data processing systems (DLMs). MSs without capability of
`being directly located are located using the automatically
`detected locations of MSs that have already been located. An
`MSwhichisindirectly located is hereinafter referred to as an
`Indirectly Located Mobile data processing system (ILM). For
`a plural acronym, MSs whichare indirectly located are here-
`inafter referred to as Indirectly Located Mobile data process-
`ing systems (ILMs). A DLM canbelocated in the following
`A) New triangulated wave forms;
`B) Missing Part Triangulation (MPT) as disclosed below;
`C) Heterogeneousdirect locating methods;
`D) Assisted Direct Location Technology (ADLT) using a
`combination of direct and indirect methods;
`E) Manually specified; and/or
`F) Any combinations of A) through E);
`DLMsprovide reference locations for automatically locating
`ILMs,regardless of where the DLMsare currently located.It
`is preferable to assure an accurate location of every DLM,or
`at least provide a confidence v