`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`21 June 2001 (21.06.2001)
`(43) International Publication Date
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 01/45343 A2
`(51) International Patent Classification’:
`HO4L 29/00
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`27 November 2000 (27.1 1.2000)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`14 December 1999 (14.12.1999)
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US); NORTEL
`NETWORKS LIMITED [CA/CA], World ‘Trade Center
`Of Montreal, 380 St. Antoine Street West, 8th Floor, Mon-
`treal, Québec H2Y 3Y¥4 (CA).
`(72) Inventors; and
`(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): DAVLES, Elwya,
`B. [GB/GB]; 60 The Butts, Ely, Cambridgeshire CB7
`5AW (GB). HARKER, Andrew, Newton [GB/GB]; 20A
`Nursery Road, Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire CM23
`3HL (GB). STRINGER, David, Robert |GB/GB]; 72
`Broom Grove, Knebworth, Hertfordshire SG3 6BQ (GB).
`PARSONS, Eric, W. [CA/CA], 19 Carlisle Circle RR4,
`A ere
`RR4, Ashton, Ontario KOA IBO (CA). ARMSTRONG,
`Steven, M. |CA/CA]; 24 Hillview Road, Nepean, Ontario
`K2H 5G5 (CA).
`(74) Agent: CUTFORTH,Peter; Nortel Networks. London
`Road, Harlow, Essex CM17 9NA (GB).
`81) Designated States (national): AL, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ,
`$4 858g. BR, BE GARE Ce ERGe DE-DE
`DM, EE, ES, Fl, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL,
`IN. 18, JP. KE, KG. KP, KR. KZ, LC, LK. LR. LS, LT. LU,
`LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, NO, NZ, PL, PT,
`RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TR, TT, TZ, UA,
`UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZW.
`(84) Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH, GM,
`KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ. UG, ZW), Eurasian
`patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European
`patent (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, BS, FI, FR, GB, GR, TB,
`[Continued on next page]
`ef (87) Abstract: A presence management system is described whereby connections between watching parties and watched parties in
`a multiple access communications network are managed. When the presence management system receives a contact request from
`— a watching party it determines whether the required watched party is available for contact. The system then provides information
`about this to the watehing party who made the request, The presence management system chooses the best mode of communication
`(e.g. email or fax) taking into account the watched parties preferences and details about the facilities available to the watching party.
`If, the presence management system informs the waiching party that the watchedparty is unavailable, the walching party is able to
`= sel up a monitor, In determining whetherthe required watched party is available for contact, the presence management syslem uses
`stored information about the watched party, information about the required connection (e.g. size and type) and alsorules.
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`WO 01/45343 A2
`IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CPF,
`Withou! international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt ofthat report.
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, referto the “Guid-
`ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin-
`ning of each regular issue ofthe PCT Gazette.
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`WO 01/45343
`Background of the Invention
`Field of the Invention
`invention relates to a presence management
`system for
`use in a multiple access communications network.
`Description of
`prior art
`Telecommunication users of
`today are faced with ever
`increasing choice over how they communicate.
`A typical user
`has several different kinds of communications
`as mobile telephones,
`fax machines, personal computers,
`top computers. Also a typical user also often has more that
`one of a given type of communications terminal,
`for example,
`than on* E-mail account,
`and work
`This produces complexity and confusion both for
`senders and receivers of communications.
`Receivers of communications have to work hard to field
`incoming communications and such users often find that
`from alerts,
`telephone calls
`instant messages, are intrusive.
`over what
`at which
`times, and in which modes.
`In face to face communications,
`humans are able to control
`the degree of
`interaction which
`they allow with particular people or groups.
`However, with
`today’s communication networks
`the degree and resolution of
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`WO 01/45343
`the control of electronically mediated communications is much
`For example,
`telephone numbers are often fully public
`(in a directory) and are typically issued on demand to others
`who explicitly ask and know the full address.
`telephone number,
`once released to others,
`has continuing
`validity unless
`the telephone number
`is changed at great
`inconvenience and expense.
`Similar problems apply for email
`This means
`that it is easy for others,
`such as
`salesmen or nuisance callers to contact you more times than
`In order to prevent this problem,
`telephone numbers
`and email
`addresses may be withheld but
`this gives
`disadvantage of
`isolating the “owner” of the telephone number
`or email address.
`about which mode
`to use at
`a given time
`a particular
`In order to determine the most appropriate
`method of access there are many factors to be considered,
`These include factors to do with the sender such as what
`are trying to communicate and factors to do with the receiver
`such as where. the intended recipient
`is and what
`they are
`doing at the time.
`instant messaging services
`are now
`Microsoft Network (MSN) messenger service
`MSN messenger service is an instant messaging service
`for use on the Internet.
`Users are able to identify when
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`WO 01/45343
`others are online and to send and receive instant messages.
`By identifying when others are online it is possible to send
`instant message
`communicate with several other online individuals at once.
`In this way
`the communication and messages are more “real
`than conventional email
`for example, where an email
`message may simply remain in an individual’s email
`inbox for
`Some time before it is accessed.
`The service enables a user
`to identify when another party in an internet conversation is
`typing at
`their computer
`terminal keyboard.
`is, using
`the instant message service it is possible to “talk” to more
`than one person at a time in a similar way to an online chat
`The user
`is also able to control which other
`parties are able to identify or “see” when the user is online
`and also to control who is able to send messages to the user.
`In this respect
`the MSN service differs from conventional
`online chat programs.
`Automatic notification of receipt of
`is provided.
`instant messages
`in MSN
`messenger service have a temporary quality. Unless the user
`deliberately saves
`these messages
`they are lost when
`shut down.
`contrasts with
`email messages
`in most
`systems which
`remain until a user actively deletes them.
`Information about
`MSN messenger
`Teo ("I seek you”)
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`WO 01/45343
`IcQ is an instant messaging service for internet users.
`It is a program that enables users to identify others who are
`online and which alerts users when specified individuals log
`onto the ICQ service.
`This removes the need for a directory
`search to be made each time a user wants to communicate with
`a specific person.
`Using ICQ, messages, files and web pages can be sent
`other online users of
`ICQ in real
`time and ICO also supports
`chat, voice, message board, data conferencing and internet
`games. When a new user installs ICQ the user is prompted to
`register at a server which is connected to a broad network of
`other servers
`spanning the internet.
`In the registration
`Process the user receives a unique ICQ identifier number and
`is able to enter personal
`information. When the registered
`user logs onto the Internet
`thé ICQ system detects this and
`allows other ICO users to recognise that that user has logged
`The registered user is able to compile a list of friends
`and associates
`(these friends and associates must also be
`registered with
`ICO or
`instant messaging
`service) and the ICO system determines when these individuals
`are logged onto the internet. Alerting messages are sent
`the user
`to inform him or her when members of
`the list of
`friends and associates sign on or off the ICQ system. Users
`are also able to control who contacts them and to hide their
`presence on the internet when this is required.
`ICQ is given on the Internet at http: //www.ica.com.
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`Some instant messaging services include so called “buddy
`jists” which are
`lists of other users
`messaging service which have been selected by an individual
`user as being those of interest.
`The individual user is then
`informed whether or not
`the members of
`the “buddy list” are
`currently using and available for contact via the instant
`attributes of
`the owning user and do not have any autonomous
`status in the instant messaging system,
`thus playing only a
`passive role therein.
`instant messaging systems
`such as America On-
`line's Instant Messenger
`(trade mark) offer broadly similar
`capabilities to ICQ.
`Known instant messaging systems such as MSN and ICO do
`not deal with multiple aphaee communications networks and are
`based on the internet only.
`This is disadvantageous because
`functions of
`the instant messaging systems
`are only
`available via the internet.
`Unified messaging systems
`are known,
`such as Nortel
`Network’s own product CALL PILOT (trade mark).
`This enables
`and voice mail messages
`to be
`received via a
`Single “in box" and users are able to set up filters to allow
`only certain messages to reach thei
`For example, users are
`email messages
`automatically into speech using their mobile telephone and
`are able to filter out non-urgent messages, However,
`this is
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`WO 01/45343
`a presence management
`system and does not monitor
`activity of users on a communications network.
`are available which act
`network based “secretaries” to take a user's calls.
`(trade mark)
`by Wildfire
`(trade mark)
`produced by
`General Magic,
`The WILDFIRE product
`fax and email
`recognition to help Smine manager their phone,
`Commicattons. This product dials outgoing calls, announces
`callers using a voice recording that
`is played back,
`contact details and is able to route incoming calls to any
`telephone specified by a user. However,
`this system is not a
`presence management
`system because it does not obtain and
`manage information about
`the activities of users and monitor
`their “presence” on the communications network. Also,
`it is
`not an instant messaging system and does not enable users who
`are trying to contact another user
`to- obtain information
`the best mode and time to do this. Details about
`www.wildfire.com. Details about PORTICO are available on the
`Internet at www.generalmagic.com.
`WILDFIRE and is limited in the same respects as PORTICO.
`It is accordingly an object of the present invention to
`provide a presence management
`system which overcomes or at
`least mitigates one or more of the problems noted above.
`Summary of the Invention
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`the present
`invention there
`is provided a
`presence management
`system suitable for use in a multiple
`access communications network by watching parties and watched
`Parties, said presence management system comprising: -
`an input arranged to access a store of watched party
`information about connection criteria;
`(iii) an input arranged to receive information about events
`said multiple
`network in use; and
`an input arranged to receive connection requests from
`in use;
`and wherein said presence management
`system is arranged such that,
`in use,
`on receipt of
`from a watching party for a connection with a
`watched party,
`a connection address
`that watched
`party is provided under controlled conditions,
`conditions being determined on the basis of said watched
`party information,
`said information about
`criteria and said input
`information about events.
`A corresponding computer program stored on a computer
`readable medium is provided,
`said computer program being
`presence management
`presence management
`system being suitable for use
`in a
`multiple access communications network by watched parties and
`watching parties,
`said computer program being arranged to
`control said presence management system such that:-
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`WO 01/45343
`a store of watched party information is accessed;
`information about connection criteria is accessed;
`(iii) information about events
`that occur
`in said multiple
`access communications network is received in use via an
`input; and
`(iv) conmection requests are received from watchers in use;
`and on receipt of a request from a watching party for a
`connection with a watched party,
`a connection address
`that watched party is provided under controlled
`said conditions being determined on
`said watched
`information about connection criteria and said input
`information about events.
`A corresponding multiple access communications network
`is provided comprising a presence management
`presence management system being for use by watching parties
`and watched
`presence management
`comprising: -
`input arranged to access a store of watched party
`information about connection criteria;
`(iii) an input arranged to receive information about events
`said multiple
`network in use; and
`an input arranged to receive connection requests from
`in use;
`and wherein said presence management
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`WO 01/45343
`system is arranged such that,
`in use, on receipt of a
`from a watching party for a connection with a
`watched party, a connection address
`that watched
`party is provided under controlled conditions,
`conditions being determined on the basis of said watched
`party information,
`said information about
`criteria and said input information about évents.
`corresponding method
`system suitable for use
`in a multiple access
`communications network is provided, said presence management
`system being for uae by watching parties and watched parties,
`at least one of said parties being an automated service, said
`method comprising the steps of:-
`accessing a store of watched party information;
`(ii) accessing information about connection criteria;
`(iii) receiving information about events
`that occur
`in said
`multiple access communications network; and
`on receipt of
`a request
`from a watching party for a
`connection with a watched party,
`a connection address
`that watched party is provided under controlled
`said conditions being determined on
`said watched
`information about connection criteria and said input
`information about events.
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`This provides the advantage that a presence management
`System provides
`a connection address
`a watched party
`under controlled conditions,
`thus enabling the watched party
`to control access to that connection address by making use of
`the presence management
`connection address provided is valid only for
`number of connections or for a limited time.
`In this way,
`connection addresses can be issued to watching parties such
`as sales people whilst at the same time limiting the ability
`that watching party to contact
`the watched party.
`another example,
`the connection address provided is used by
`the presence management
`system to forward the connection
`request direct
`to the watched party.
`This prevents
`watching party from gaining access
`to the watched party's
`direct address.
`Further benefits and advantages of
`from a Senatdecation
`the invention will
`detailed description given with reference to the accompanying
`drawings, which specify and show preferred embodiments of the
`Brief description of the drawings
`Figure 1
`is a
`schematic diagram of
`a presence management
`Figure 2
`is a schematic diagram of
`the presence management
`system of Figure
`1 with a canference call
`service as
`watching party.
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`Figure 3
`is a schematic diagram of
`the presence management
`system of Figure 1 with a ticket agency service as a watched
`Figure 4
`is a schematic diagram of
`the presence management
`system of Figure 1 with an aggregate of watching parties and
`an aggregate of watched parties.
`Pigure 5
`is a
`schematic diagram of
`a presence management
`Figure 6 is a schematic diagram of an event gateway.
`Figure 7
`is a flow diagram for another example of a computer
`program for controlling a presence management system.
`Figure 8
`schematic diagram illustrating the use of
`“partially interpreted event triggers”.
`Detailed description of the invention
`Embodiments of the present
`invention are described below
`by way of example only.
`These examples
`the best
`of putting
`into practice
`currently known to the Applicant although they are not
`only ways in which this could be achieved.
`term “multiple access
`communications network”
`used to refer
`to a communications network which comprises
`several different
`types of communications network and which
`can be accessed using a plurality of different
`types of
`terminal which also comprise part
`The communications network can be accessed by a
`plurality of such terminals at any one time.
`For example,
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`WO 01/45343
`public switched telephone network that
`connected to a
`mobile telephone network is a multiple access communications
`This is because the overall network is made up of
`two different types of communications network and the overall
`accessed using many different
`facsimile machine,
`a mobile telephone or a modem.
`A multiple
`“federated” network and the component communications networks
`within a multiple
`communications metwork
`conmnection-less networks
`the Internet) or connection
`oriented networks (e.g. public switched telephone networks).
`term “access
`communications network”
`is used to
`to a communications network which is situated on the
`edge or periphery of
`network and
`through which users. gain access to the core communications
`The term “presence management system” is used to refer
`to an automated system for use in a communications network
`which provides a single point of presence for a user of that
`communications network.
`A point of presence is a source of
`information about whether a user is available for contact on
`a communications network, where that user is located on the
`and in which mode
`that user should preferably be
`contacted in.
`A presence management system provides a single
`point of presence despite the fact that a user has more than
`for accessing the communications network in
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`communications networks.
`A presence management
`system also
`provides context
`information rather
`than just
`raw presence.
`information about
`the availability,
`location and capability
`a user
`A presence
`system processes
`according to rules or other pre-specified criteria about
`users in order to provide context
`information that is simpler
`and easier for human operators to understand,
`Figure 1
`illustrates a presence management
`system 10
`a multiple
`the multiple
`communications network 11 are a plurality of watching parties
`12 and a plurality of watched parties 13.
`In Figure 1, each
`watching party 12
`and each watched party 13
`is shown as
`the multiple
`communications network 11.
`this is not necessarily
`the case.
`a watched party 13
`can be
`the multiple
`communications network via a mobile
`a watching party may have more than one connection
`to the multiple access communications network.
`Each watched party 13
`registers with the presence
`system 10
`identifier. During the registration process each
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`WO 01/45343
`watched party 13
`information which
`recorded in a store 14 in the presence management system 10.
`For example,
`this information includes
`the watched party's
`email address,
`telephone number,
`and other contact details.
`information is also included,
`such as
`about whether
`the watched party is
`home worker or
`travelling salesman.
`the watched party's
`such as which modes
`communication are preferred at which times,
`email messages may be permitted at any time, whilst
`calls may only be preferred during work hours.
`Some of
`information is stored in the form of
`rules 15 within the
`presence management system,
`Some rules may be default rules
`that are preconfigured and others are entered by watched
`information in the form of rules 15.
`Any suitable form for
`the information may be used.
`A first input 16 is provided to the presence management
`system 10 from the multiple access communications network 11.
`This input 16 is termed an events input and may be provided
`in the form of an events gateway (described in more detail
`below) .
`Via this first
`information about events
`that occur in the multiple access communications network are
`provided to the presence management system 10.
`In this way
`events that are associated with the watched parties 13,
`the event of
`a watched party logging onto
`Internet, are accessed by the presence management system 10.
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`Other examples of events include movement of a watched party
`between cells of a cellular communications network,
`login events, or keyboard presses by a watched party on an
`Internet terminal.
`a watching party 12
`requires to contact
`a watched
`party a contact
`is sent
`to the presence management
`system 10 by the watching party 12.
`The contact
`reaches the presence management system via a second input 17
`which is termed a connection request
`These requests
`may be received via protocols
`such as
`messaging and presence protocol(s)), or WAP
`(Wireless Access
`trade mark).
`In order
`to make
`this request
`watching party does not need to know any of
`the watched
`party's direct
`contact details;
`the presence management
`system identifier for the watched party is used.
`A watching party 12 is also able to make a notification
`in respect of
`a watched party and, optionally,
`specific event.
`In this case the watching party 12
`requesting to be notified when a particular type of event
`than requesting to establish contact with a
`Gacenad party, When users enter their preference details to
`notification preferences,
`is, preferences about when,
`how and under what
`‘Miveimebancer notifications
`should be
`provided or accepted.
`When the presence management system receives a contact
`request it determines whether
`the required watched party is
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`available for contact and provides information about
`this to
`the watching party who made the request.
`For example,
`presence management
`system may
`by providing
`particular contact detail
`the watched party such as
`telephone number.
`In doing this,
`the presence management
`system chooses the best mode of communication (e.g. cellular
`email or
`fax) after taking into account
`the watched
`parties preferences as explained by the rules and identityof
`the watching party. Alternatively,
`the presence management
`system may inform the watching party that
`the watched party
`is unavailable.
`The watching party is able to set up a monitor by which
`the presence management
`system informs
`the watching party
`the watched party becomes available.
`presence management
`system is
`arranged such
`that when
`change of state of
`a watched party occurs, notifications
`that change of state are sent
`to watcbing parties who
`have lodged an interest in that watched party.
`In determining whether
`the required watched party is
`available for contact,
`the presence management
`system uses
`the watched
`information about
`required connection
`size and
`type) and also the rules 15.
`In addition,
`information about
`from the multiple access network 11
`is used.
`a request to send an instant message at 10 pm may be
`If the watched party is online but has configured
`rules 15 such that no instant messages
`should be accepted
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`after 9 pm then the presence management system refuses the
`request. However,
`the watched party may have set preferences
`to allow family members to send instant messages at any time.
`In this case,
`the request could be granted.
`The presence management
`system allows watching parties
`to send messages and communications
`to watched parties even
`when those watched parties are not “present” or available on
`the communications network.
`example, when
`a watched
`party is not
`logged onto the internet he or she may allow the
`presence management
`system to forward email messages
`In this
`the presence management
`differs from an instant messaging system.
`One or more watched parties
`13 may be
`similarly one or more watching parties 12 may be services.
`For example, as shown in Figure 2 a watching party may be a
`conference call service 20.
`term “service” is used to refer
`to an automated
`service which is operable without human intervention.
`a computerised cinema ticket service.
`By allowing
`watching parties or watched parties to be such services it is
`possible for users of
`a presence management
`system to be
`notified of conditions or availability of goods or services
`without the intervention of a human operator.
`Referring to Figure 2,
`the conference call service 20 is
`able to send connection requests to the presence management
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`system in the same way that any other watching party 12 may,
`as described above.
`conference call
`service is
`required to set up a conference call between three or more
`watched parties
`subscribes with
`Management system 10 in order to be notified when changes in
`state of
`required watched parties
`presence management system 10 will
`then inform the watching
`party, which in this case is a conference call service 20,
`when each required watched party 13 becomes available.
`this way the conference call service 20 is able to set up 2
`required watched
`the information about availability from the
`presence management system is effectively “real time” so that
`if a change in state of a watched party occurs just after the
`conference call
`is attempted,
`then that party may not
`the conference call,
`In one example,
`the conference call
`service may advantageously form the required watched parties
`into a group or aggregate as described in more detail below.
`once notifications of availability are given for
`certain number of
`group members,
`quorum of
`the conference call is attempted.
`The watched parties 13 may record preferences and rules
`about services such as conference call services 20 and these
`will be taken inte account by the presence management system
`10 when
`to requests
`from a
`conference call
`service 20.
`for other services that are watching
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`Page 20
`WO 01/45343
`parties 12, watched party preferences,
`information and rules
`are taken into accoun