
`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau.
`(10) International Publication Number
`(43) International Publication Date
`WO 2012/097019 Al
`19 July 2012 (19.07.2012)
`International Patent Classification:
`AGIP 27/400 (2006.01)
`AGI 38/78 (2006.015
`International Application Number:
`PCT/US20 12020855
`AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG. BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ,
`CA, CIL CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, Bo,
`HR, EIU, [D, IL, IN, 18, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR,
`MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ,
`SI, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TI, TM, TN, TR,
`TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, 2M, ZW,
`Designated States fiaess otherwise indicated, for every
`Kind of regional protection avaitables, ARIPO (3W, GEL,
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ,
`UG, 42M, ZW), Burasian (AM, AZ, BY, Kar, RZ, MD, RU,
`TJ, TM), Purepean (AL, AT, BE, Bor, CH, CY, CZ, DE,
`LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS. SE, SI, SK,
`GW, ML, MR, NI SN, TD, TG).
`International Filing Date:
`11 January 2012 (11.00.2012)
`Filing Language:
`Publication Language:
`Priority Data:
`13 January 2011 (13.01.2011)
`21 January 2011 (21.01.2011)
`21 November 20) 1 (21.11.2011)
`Applicant ¢for afi designated States except US): REGEN-
`Saw Mill River Road, Tarytown, NY 10541 (US).
`Inventor; and
`‘fur US oni: YANCOPOULOS,
`George D. |US/US |; 1519 Baptst Church Road, Yorktown
`Heights, NY 10598 (US).
`Agent): COTTINGHAM, Frank; Regeneron Phannaceut-
`jeals, Inc. 777 Old Saw Mill River Road, Tarrylown, NY
`10591 (US).
`Designated States fiarless vtenvise trndicated, far every
`kind of national protection availablesy, AL, AG, AL, AM,
`with international search report (rt. 2ht3y)
`before the expiration ofthe time fimit far cmeneing the
`cloims aad to be republished tt the event of receipt of
`amendments (Rude 48. 2th)
`with sequencefisting part ofdescription (Rate 3. 2faj)
`(37) Abstract: The present invention provides methods for trealing angiogenic eye disorders by sequentially administering multiple
`doses ofa VEGF antagonist to a patient. The methods of the present Invention include the administration of mulliple doses of a
`VEGFanlagonist toa patient ata trequeney of once every 8 or more weeks. The methods ofthe present invention ate useful for the
`treatinent of angiogenic cye diserders such as age related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, diabetic macular edema, central
`relinal vein ecclusion and comeal neovascularization.


`WO 2012/097019
`foogi] The oresent invention relates to the field of therapautic treatments of eye disorders.
`More specifically, the invention relates to the administration of VEGF aniagonisis fo treat eye
`disorders caused by or associated with angiogenesis.
`The oresent invention provides methodsfer treating angiogenic eye disorders. The
`methods of the Invention cornprise sequentially administering multiple doses of a VEGF
`antagonist to a patient over time.
`In particular, the methods of {he Invention comprise
`sequentially administering to the patient a singie initial dose of a VEGFantagonist, followed by
`Several eye disorders are associated with pathological angiogenesis. For example,
`the development of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is associated with a process
`calied choroidal neovascularization (CNV). Leakage from the CNV causes macular edema and
`collection of fluid beneath the macula resuiting in vision loss. Diabetic macular edema (DME) is
`another eye disorder with an angiogenic component. DME is the most prevalent cause of
`moderate vision loss in patients with diabetes and is a common complication of diabetic
`retinopathy, a disease affecting the blood vessels of the retina. Clinically significant DME
`occurs when fluid leaks into the center of the macula, the light-sensitive part of the retina
`responsibie for sharp, direct vision. Fluid in the macuia can cause severe vision loss or
`blindness. Yet another eye disorder associaied with abnormal angiogenesis is central retinal
`vein occlusion (CRVO}. CRVO is caused by obstructicn of the central retinal vein that leads ic
`a back-up of blood and fluid in the retina. The retina can also become ischemic, resuilling in the
`growth of new, inappropriate blood vesseis that can cause further vision loss and more serious
`complications. Release of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) contributes to increased
`vascular permeability in the eye and inappropriate new vessel growth. Thus, inhibiting the
`angiogenic-promoting properties of VEGF appears to be an effective strategyfor treating
`angiogenic eye disorders.
`FDA-approved treatments of angiogenic eye disorders such as AMD and CRVO
`include the administration of an anti-VEGF antibody calied ranibizumab (Lucentis®, Genentech,
`inc.) on a monthly basis by intravitreal injection.
`fethods for treating eye disorders using VEGF antagonists are mentionedin, 2.g., US
`7,303,746; US 7,306,799, US 7,300,863; US 7,303,748: and US 2007/0190058, Nonetheless,
`there remains a need in the art for new administration regimens for angiogenic eye disorders,
`especially those which allow for less frequent dosing while maintaining a high level of efficacy.


`WO 2012/097019
`one or mere secondary doses of the VEGF antagonist, followed by one or moretertiary doses of
`the VEGF antagonists. The present inventors have surprisingly discovered that beneficial
`therapeutic effects can be achieved in patients suffering from angiogenic eye disorders by
`administering a VEGF artagonisi to a patient at a frequency of once every 8 or more weeks,
`especially when such doses are preceded by aboul three doses administered fo the patient af a
`frequency of about 2 to 4 weeks. Thus, according ic the mefhads of the present invention, each
`secondary dose of VEGF antagonist is adrninistered 2 to 4 weeks after the immediately
`preceding dose, and each tertiary dose is administered at least 8 weeks after the immediately
`preceding dose. An example of a dosing regimen of the present inveniton is shown in Figure 1.
`One advantage of such a dosing regimen is that, for most of the course of ireaiment (Ae., the
`tertiary doses), il allows for less frequent dosing (e.g., ance every 8 weeks} compared to prior
`administration regimens for angiogenic eye disorders which require monthly administrations
`throughout the entire course of treatment. (See, e.g., prescribing information for Lucentisd>
`franibizurmab}, Genentech, inc.).
`The methods of the present invention can be used to treat any angiogenic eye
`gisorder, inciuding, @.g., age related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, diabetic
`macular edema, central retinal vein occlusion, comeai neovascularization, etc.
`The methods of the present invention comprise administering any VEGF antagonist to
`In one embadiment, ihe VEGF antagonist comprises one or more VEGF receptor
`the patient.
`based chimeric rnolecule(s), (alsa referred to herein as a “VEOF-Trap” or "VEGFT"} An
`exemplary VEGF antagonist that can be used in the contexi of the present invention is a
`multimeric VEGF-Dinding protein comprising iwo or more VEGF receptor-based chimeric
`molecules referred to herein as "VEGFRtiR2-FcAC ila} or "atitbercept.”
`fo008}] Various administration rovtes are contemplated for use in the methods of the prasent
`invention, including, é.g¢., topical administration or iniraocular administration (e.g¢.. intravitreai
`foooe}6Afflbercept (EYLEA™, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, inc} was approved by the FDA in
`November 2011, for the treatment of patients with neovascular (wel) age-related macular
`degeneration, with a recommended dose of 2 mg administered by intravitreal injection avery 4
`weeks for the first three months, followed by 2 mg administered by intravitreal injection once
`every & weeks.
`ther embodiments of the present invention will become apparent from a review of the
`ansuing detated description.
`In this regimen,
`Figure4 shows an exemplary dosing regimen of the present invention.
`a single “initial dose” of VEGF antagonist (VEGFT") is administered at the beginning of the
`treatment regimen (Le. atweek O°}, fwo "secondary doses" are administered at weeks 4 and 8,


`WO 2012/097019
`respectively, and al least six “tertiary doses” are administered once every 8 weeks thereafier,
`ia, alweeks 16, 274, 32, 40, 48, 56, eic.).
`Invention is described, it is to be understood that this invention is
`[6012] Before the present
`not lirnited to particular methods and experimental conditions described, as such methods and
`conditions may vary.
`itis also to be understood that the terminaiogyused herein is for the
`purpose of describing paricular embodiments only, and is net intended to be Hmiting, since the
`scope of the present invention wil be limited only by the appended claims.
`0013] Unless defined otherwise, all technical and scientific terms used herein have the same
`meaning as commoniy understood by one of ordinary skil in the art to which this invention
`belongs. As used herein, the term “about,” when used in reference to a particular recited
`numerical value, means that the value may vary frora the recited value by no more than 1%,
`For example, as used herein, the expression “about 100” inchides 99 and 107 and all values in
`between (e.g, 90.1, 99.2, 99.3, 99.4, atc}
`fogie4l Although any methods and materials similar or equivalent fo those described herein
`can be used in the practice cr testing of the present invention, the preferred methods and
`materials are naw described.
`fo025} The present invention provides methods fortreating angiogenic eye disorders. The
`methods of the invention comprise sequentially administering to a patient multiple doses of a
`VEGFantagonist. As used hereiri, “sequentially administering" means that each dose of VEGF
`antagonist is adrninistered to the catienf at a different pointin time, e.g., on different days
`separated by a predeterminedinterval {e.g., hours, days, weeks or months}. The presenti
`invention includes methods which comprise sequentially administering to the patient a single
`intial dase of a VEGF antagonist, followed by one or more secondary doses of the VEGF
`antagonist, followed by one or more tertiary doses of the VEGF antagonist,
`The terms “initial dose," “secondary doses,” and “tertiary doses,” refer io the temporai
`sequence of administration of the VEGF antagonist. Thus, the “iiitial dose" is ine dose which is
`administered at the beginning of the treatment regimen(also referred to as the "baseline dose");
`the “secondary doses" are the doses which are administered after the initial dasa; and the
`“tertiary deses” are the doses which are administered aller the secondary doses. The initial,
`secondary, and tertiary doses may all contain the same amount of VEGF antagonist, but will
`in certain
`generally differ from one anotherin terms of frequericy of admimstration.
`embodirnents, however, the amount of VEGF antagonist contained in the initial, secondary
`and/or tertiary doses wil vary from one another (e.g., adjusted up ar down as appropriate)
`during the course of treatment.


`WO 2012/097019
`in one exemplary embodiment of the present invention, each secondary doseis
`adminisierad 2 to 4 {e.g 2, 24, 3, Y4, or 4) weeks afer the immediately preceding dose, and
`each tertiary dose is administered at least 8 fe.g., 8, 874, 8, 9%4, 10, 10%, 14, 11%, 12, 12%, 43,
`13%, 14, 144, or more) weeks after the immediately preceding dose. The phrase “the
`immediately preceding dose," as used herein, means, in a sequence of multiple administrations,
`the dose of VEGF antagonist which is administered fo a patient prior to the administration of the
`very next dese in the sequence with no intervening doses.
`in one exemplary embodiment of the present invention, a single initial dase of a VEGF
`antagonist is administered to a patient on the first day of the treatment regimen{.¢., al week 0},
`followed by two secondary doses, each administered four weeks after the immediately
`preceding dose (,¢., at week 4 and at week 8), followed by ai least 5 tertiary doses, each
`administered eight weeks after the immediately preceding dose {1e., ai weeks 16, 24, 32, 40
`and 48}. Thetertlary doses may continue (at intervals of 8 or more weeks}indefinitely during
`ihe course of the treatment regimen. This exemplary administration regimenis depicted
`graphically in Figure 4.
`The methods of the invention may comprise administering to a patent any number of
`secondary and/or tertlary doses of a VEGF aniagonist. For exampie, in certain embacimenis,
`only a single secondary dose is administered to the patient.
`in other embodirnents, two or rnore
`(e.g., 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 7, 8, or more) secondary doses are administered io the patient. Likewise, in
`certain embodiments, only a single terlary cose is adrnirustered to the patient.
`In other
`ambodirnents, two or more (e.g, 2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ar mare} teriary doses are administered to
`the patient.
`in embodiments involving muilipie secondary doses, each secondary dase may be
`administered at the sarne frequency as the olher secondary doses. For example, each
`secondary dose may be administered to the patient 4 weeks after the immedialely preceding
`dose. Similarly, in erbodiments inveiving mulliple tertiary doses, each tertiary dose may he
`administered al the same frequency as ihe other tertiary doses. For example, each tertiary
`dose may be administered to the patient 8 weeks after the immediately preceding dose.
`Alternatively, the frequency at which the secondary and/ortertiary doses are administered to a
`patient can vary over the course of the treatment regimen. Far example, the present invention
`includes methods which comprise administering to the patient a single iniial dose of a VEGF
`antagonist, followed by one or more secondary doses of the VEGF antagonist, followed by at
`least 5 tertiary doses of the VEGF antagonist, wherein the first four tertiary doses are
`administered 8 weeks afler the immediately preceding dose, and wherein each subsequent
`tertiary dose is administered from 8 to 12 (e.g., 8, 8%, 9, 94, 10, 1044, 11, 11%, 42) weeke after
`the immediately preceding dose. The frequency of administration may aiso be adjusted during
`the course of treatment by a physician depending on the neads of the individual patient
`following clinical examination.


`WO 2012/097019
`PCT/US20 12020835
`The methods of the present invenhon comprise administering to 4 patient a VEGF
`antagonist according to specified dosing regimens. As used herein, the expression “VEGF
`antagonist” means any rnolecule that blocks, reduces or interferes with the narmal biolagical
`activity of VEGF.
`{0022} VEGF antagonists include molecules which interfere with ihe inieraction between
`VEGF and a natural VEGF receptor, e.g., molecules which bind to VEGF or a VEGF receptor
`and prevent or ctherwise hinder ine interaction between VEGF and a VEGF receptor. Specific
`exemplary VEGF antagonists include anti-VEGF antibodies, antl-VEGF receptor antibodies, and
`VEGF receptor-based chimeric molecules (also referred to herein as “VEGF-Traps"}.
`{0025} VEGF recepter-based chirneric molecules inciude chimeric polypeptides which
`comprise two or more immunogiobulln (Ig)-like domains of a VEGF receptor such as VEGFR?
`falso referred to as Fit?) and/or VEGFRe {also referred io as Fiki or KDR), and may also
`contain a multimerizing domain (e.g., an Fe domain which facilitates the multimerization fe.g.,
`dimerization! of iwo or more chimeric polypeptides}. An exemplary VEGF receptor-based
`chimeric molecule is a molecule referred fo as VEGFRIR2-FcAC ia} which is enceded by ihe
`nucleic acid sequence of SEQ ID NOct. VEGFRIR2-FeAC1(a) comprises three components:
`(4) a VEGFR1 component comprising amino acids 27 io 129 of SEQ ID NO:2: (2) a VEGFR2
`component comprising amino acids 130 to 241 of SEQ iD NO-2: and (3) a multimerization
`component ('FcAC 1(a}"} comprising amino acids 232 to 467 of SEQ iD NO:2 (the C-terminal
`amino acid of SEQ iD NO:2 [Le., K458] may or may not be included in the VEGF antagonist
`used in the methods of ihe invention: see e.g., LIS Patent 7,396,664), Amino acids 1-26 of SEQ
`i NO:2 are the signal sequence.
`The VEGF antagonis! used in the Examples set forth herein belowis a dimeric
`molecule comprising fwo VEGFRIR2-FcAC 1 {a} raoiecules and is referred to herein as
`“VEGFT.” Additional VEGF receptor-based chimeric molecules which can be used in the
`context of the creseni invention are disclosed in US 7,396,664, 7,303,746 and WO 00/75319,
`The methods of the present invention can be used fo treal any angiogenic eye
`disorder. The exprassion "angiogenic eye disorder,” as used herein, means anydisease of the
`eye which is caused by or associates with the growth or prailferation of blood vesseis or by
`blood vessel leakage. Non-limifing examples of angiogenic eye disorders that are treatabie
`using fhe methods of the present invention include choroidal! neovascularization, age-related
`macular degeneration (AMD), diabetic retincpathies, diabetic macular edema (OME), certral
`retinal vein occlusion (CRVO}, corneal neovascuiarization, and retinal neovascuiarization.


`WO 2012/097019
`The present invention includes methods in which the VEGF antagonist thatis
`administered to the patient is cantained within a pharmaceutical formulation. The
`pharmaceutical formulation may comprise the VEGF antagonist along with at ieast one inactive
`ingredient such as, ¢.g., a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier, Other agents may be
`incorporated into the pharmaceutical composition to provide improved transfer, delivery,
`folerance, anc the like. The term "pharmaceutically acceptable” means approved by a
`regulatory agency of fhe Federal or a state government or jisted in the U.S. Pharmacapeia or
`other generally recognized pharmacopeia for use in animals, and more particularly, in humans.
`The tearm “carrier” refers to a diluent, adjuvant, excipient, or vehicle with which the antibody is
`administered. A multitude of appropriate formulations can be found in the formulary known to
`all pharmaceutical chemists: Remington's Pharmaceutical Sciences (15th ed, Mack Publishing
`Company, Easton, Pa., 1975), particularly Chapter 87 by Blaug, Seymour, therein. These
`formulations include, for example, powders, pastes, ointments, jellies, waxes, oils, lipids, lipid
`{cationic or anionic} comtairuing vesicles (such as LIPOFECTIN™}. DNA conjugates, anhydrous
`absorption pastes, of-in-waier and water-in-oil emulsions, emulsions carbowax (polyethylene
`gfycois of various molecular weights), semi-solid geis, and semi-solid mixtures containing
`carbowax, Any of the foregoing mixtures may be appropriate in the context of the methods of
`the present invertion, provided that ne VEGF antagonis! is not inactivated by the formulation
`and the formulation is physiologically compatible and tolerable with ine route of administration.
`See also Powell et al. PDA (1998) J Pharm Sci Technol. 52:238-311 and the citations therein
`for additional information related to excipients and carriers well known to pharmaceutical
`Pharmaceutical formulations useful for administration by injection in the contex! of the
`present invention ray be orepared by dissolving, suspending or emuisifying a VEGF antagonist
`in a sterile aqueous medium or an oily medium conventionally used for injections. As the
`aqueous medium for injections, there are, for example, ohysiologicai saline, an isotonic solution
`conlaining giucose and other auxiliary agents, etc., which may be used in combination with an
`appropriate solubilizing agent such as an alcohol (e.g., ethanol), a polyalcohol (e.g., propylene
`giycoi, polyethylene glycol}, a nonionic surfactant [e.g., polysorbate 80, HCO-50
`{polyoxyethylene (50 mol} adduct of hydrogenated castorofl)f, etc. As the cily medium, there
`may be employed, e.g., sesame off, soybean oll, eic., whicn may be used in combination with a
`solubilizing adeni such as benzyl senzoate, berzy!l aicohal, etc. The injection thus prepared
`can be filled in an appropriate ampoule if desired.
`10028] The VEGF antagonist (or pharmaceutical formulation comprising the VEGF antagonist)
`may be administered to the patient by any known delivery system and/or adrrsnistration method.


`WO 2012/097019
`incerlain embodiments, the VEGFantagonist is administered to the patient by ocular,
`intraocular, intravitreal or subconjunctival injection.
`In other embociments, the VEGF antagonisi
`can be administered to the patient by topical administration, e.g., via eye drops or other liquid,
`ge!, ointment or fluid which contains the VEGF antagonist and can be applied directlyto the
`eye. Other possible routes of administration include, e.g., intradermal, intramuscutar,
`infraperitorieal, intravenous, subcutaneous, intranasal, epidural, and oral.
`Each dose of VEGF antagonist administered to the patient over the course of the
`treatment regimen may conlain the same, or substantially the same, amount of VEGF
`aniagonisi. Alternatively, ihe quantify of VEGF antegonisi contained within the individual doses
`may vary over the course of the treatmert regimen. For example, in certain embodiments, a
`first quantity of VEGF antagonist is administered in the initial dose, a second quantity of VEGF
`antagonist is administered in the secondary doses, and a third quantity of VEGF antagonistis
`administered in the tertiary doses. The present invention contemplates dosing schemes in
`which the quanlily of VEGF antagonist contained within ihe individual doses increases over time
`{e.g., each subsequenl dose contains more VEGF antagonist than the last), decreases over
`time (e.g, each subsequent dose contains lese VEGF antagonist than the jasi), initially
`increases then decreases, initially decreases then increases, or remains the samethroughout
`the course of the administration regimen.
`foo30) The amourt of VEGF antagonist administered to fhe patient in each dose is, in most
`cases, a therapeutically effective amount. As used herein, the phrase “therapeutically effective
`amount’ means a dose of VEGF anlaganist that results in a detectable improvement in one or
`more sympicme or indicia of an angiagenic eye disorder, or a dose of VEGF antagonist that
`inhibiis, prevenis, lessens, or delays ihe progression of an angiogenic eye disorder.
`In the case
`ofan ant-VEGF antibody or a VEGF receptor-based chimeric molecule such as VEGFRIR2-
`FeAC (a), a therapeutically effective arnount can be from about 0.08 mg to abouf 5 mg, e.g.,
`about 0.05 mg, aboul 0.7 mg, about 0.15 mg, about 0.2 mg, about 0.25 mg, about 6.3 mg,
`about 0.35 mg, about 0.4 mg, about 0.45 mg, about 0.5 mg, about 0.56 mg, about 0.6 mg,
`about 0.65 mg, about 0.7 mg, about 0.75 mg, about 6.8 mg, about 0.86 mg, about 0.9 mg,
`about 1.0 mg, about 1.05 mg, about 1.1 mg, about 1.15 mg, about 1.2 mg, about 1.25 mg,
`about 1.3 mg, about 1.35 mg, about 1.4 mg, about 1.45 mg, about 1.5 mg, about 7.55 rng,
`about 1.8 mg, about 1.95 mg, about 1.7 mg, about 1.75 mg, about 1.8 mg, about 7.85 mg,
`about 1.9 mg, about 2.0 mg, about 2.05 mg, about 2.1 mg, about 2.45 mg, about 2.2 mg, aboul
`2.25 mg, aboul 2.3 mg, about 2.35 mg, about 2.4 mg, about 2.45 mg, about 2.5 mg, about 2.55
`mg, about 2.6 mg, aboul 2.65 mg, about 2.7 mg, about 2.75 ma, about 2.6 mq. about 2.85 mg,
`about 2.9 mg, about 3.0 mg, aboul 3.5 ma, about 4.0 mg, about 4.6 mg, or about 5.0 mg ofthe
`antibody or receptor-based chimeric molecule.


`WO 2012/097019
`The amount of VEGF antagonist contained within the individual doses maybe
`expressed in terms of milligrams of antibody per kilogram of patient body weight {7.6., mg/kg}.
`For example, the VEGF antagonist may be administered to a patient at a d

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