acuseeseceseerecccessccnncesaesereneeereeennsssnssesessaassunacsnnnesosssesossseeeesenneatons REVIEW
`Clinical applications of angiogenic growth factors
`and their inhibitors
`patients with nonhealing ischemic ulcers and/orrest pain due
`In embryos, blood vessels form through
`two distinct processes, vasculogenesis
`and angiogenesis. Vasculogenesis
`volves the de novodifferentiation of en-
`dothelial cells
`from mesodermal precursors, whereas
`angiogenesis new vessels are generated from pre-existing ones’.
`Vasculogenesis takes place only during embryonic develop-
`ment andleads to the formation of a primary vascular plexus.
`‘Later these rather uniformly sized endothelial channels are re-
`modeled into a mature system consisting ofa tree-like hierar-
`chy of large and small vessels. New capillaries then form
`through angiogenesis, either by sprouting or by splitting (in-
`tussusception)from their vessels of origin. In adults, angiogen-
`esis is essential for the female reproductive cycle, and for repair,
`remodeling and regeneration of tissues, for example during
`wound healing*. Neovascularization is also importantin patho-
`logical processes such as tumor growth and metastasis’.
`The known endothelial cell specific growth factors and their
`receptors can beclassified into vascular endothelial growth fac-
`| tor (VEGF) and angiopoietin (Ang) families(Fig. 1).Among the
`various angiogenic factors, VEGF is probably the most essen-
`tial for the developmentand differentiation of the vascular
`system*. Loss of a single VEGF allele results in embryonic
`lethality®® (Fig. 2) . Even selective inactivation of the heparin-
`binding isoforms of VEGF,
`leaving one functional isoform
`is insufficient for the proper developmentof the
`cardiovascular system andresults in myocardial ischemia and
`perinatal or early postnatal lethality’. Also, other angiogenic
`factors, such as FGFs may work moreindirectly, some of them
`through the VEGFs and their receptors*, so that a thorough
`knowledge of the signal transduction pathways of VEGFs and
`angiopoietinsis essential for their use in therapeutic settings.
`Therapeutic angiogenesis andinhibition of arterial restenosis
`An exciting frontier of cardiovascular medicineis therapeutic
`angiogenesis. Promoting the formation of new collateral ves-
`sels on the ischemic myocardium,leg muscles and othertissues
`would have an important effect on the treatment of disorders
`for which pharmacologicalinterventionhasbeenineffective in
`controlled trials and for which therapy is now limited to surgi-
`cal revascularization or endovascularinterventional therapy”.
`Several angiogenic molecules have been tested in animal
`models, including bFGF, aFGF, FGF-S, VEGF isoforms, VEGF-
`C, HGF/SF and Ang-1/Ang-2. The factors tested most exten-
`sively are VEGF and bFGF. In somecases, the recombinant
`protein wastested. In others, gene transfer using naked DNA
`or adenoviral vectors was used. A single intra-arterial adminis-
`tration of 500-1000 ugof rhVEGF,.s augmented perfusion and
`development of collateral vessels
`in a
`rabbit model of
`hindlimb ischemia in which the femoral artery wassurgically
`| removed", Similar results were obtained in the same model
`with intramuscular or intra-arterial ad-
`ministration of aFGF, bFGF, HGF/SF and
`VEGF-C (refs. 11-14). VEGF administra-
`tion after removal of the femoral artery
`not only resulted in increased vascularization butalso led to
`recovery of the normal endothelial reactivity to various media-
`tors'®. Arterial gene transfer with cDNA encoding VEGFiso-
`formsalso led to revascularization to an extent comparable to
`that achieved with the recombinantprotein'®. Moreover, ad-
`ministration of a VEGF,,; adenovirus vectorshortly after com-
`moniliac artery ligation in the rat was capable of stimulating
`an angiogenic response that protects against subsequent oc-
`clusion of the femoralartery, indicating that gene transfer of
`VEGF might be useful in the prophylaxis of advancing arterial
`occlusive disease”. As little as 2 ug rhVEGF delivered over 4
`weeks periadventitially, distal to the occlusion, resulted in a
`significant increase in coronary blood flow and functional im-
`provementin a pig model of chronic myocardial ischemia’.
`Very similar results were obtained using bFGF (ref. 19).
`Unexpectedly, even a single intracoronary administration of
`VEGE (or bFGF) was efficacious in this model to an extent
`comparable to that of 4-week infusion, despite the fact that
`only a small fraction of protein localizes to the ischemic area”’.
`Given suchresults, it is conceivable that young and otherwise
`healthy animalsare very responsive to exogenous growth fac-
`tors in the context of ischemia. At least some of this respon-
`siveness may be due to the upregulation of VEGFreceptors in
`the endothelia of ischemic tissues?!, Adenovirus-mediated
`gene transfer of VEGF). (ref. 22) or FGF-S (ref. 23) also resulted
`in collateral vessel growth and functional improvement in
`porcine models of myocardial ischemia.
`These encouraging animalstudiesled to clinical trials using
`recombinant VEGF,,;, aFGF, bFGF or gene therapy with plas-
`mid or with adenoviral vectors. There is considerable debate
`whether gene therapy or administration of recombinantpro-
`tein would be preferable. Delivery of angiogenic proteins by
`gene therapy might not only minimizetheir systemic side ef-
`fects, such as hypotension (VEGF) or nephrotoxicity (bFGF),
`but also provide a slow release of the encoded factor for 1-2
`leading to a more lasting angiogenic response.
`However, slow release of the recombinantprotein, using mi-
`crospheres or heparin-alginate formulations, might achieve
`the sameresults, without the potential risks associated with
`the use ofviral vectors.
`Arterial gene transfer of naked plasmid DNA encoding
`VEGF,,; ina patient with severe limb ischemia produced angio-
`graphic andhistologic evidence of angiogenesis in the knee,
`mid-tibial and ankle levels 4 weeks after the transfer™. In a sub-
`sequent study, the VEGFys plasmid cDNA was injected intra-
`muscularly”®. Gene transfer was done in ten limbs of nine


`. ..............
`REVIEW···--· .. ·····
`. ...... .
`such as VF.GF
`3•, but secreted
`wall was not very efficient
`in the ankle­
`to peripheral
`using infu.
`gene transfer
`could be used for therapeutic
`were reported
`flow in eight limbs
`brachial index and distal
`or histamine-induced
`increase of en.
`also shown that
`by the same group have
`small trials
`VEGF and VEGF-C share one
`". Because
`in clinical
`DNA resulted
`of the VEGf,6S
`local injection
`in the other receptor,
`but differ
` or
`by myocardial
`in patients
`in the
`but distinct
`might have overlapping
`and VEGF,-s
`17• However,
`VEGF-C gene transfer
`wall. However,
`of these studies were
`is at least equ;il to
`and the protective
`gene transfer
`DNA or adenovirus
`VEGF-C naked
`that seen with VEGF,6s gene transfer"
`are now in phase r.
`VEGF,21 in myocardial
`with limb ischcmia,
`from a patient
`growth factor
`inhibition of
`of a VEGF,6, plasmid/liposome
`and 3 months after transfection
`VilScular density
`after the
`show increased
`chamben in
`in transparent
`The gwwth of tumor xenografts
`and some cau­
`is ongoing
`the trial
`(Fig. 3). However,
`in vascular
`by an increase
`mice is preceded
`such data, until more pa­
`tion should be used in interpreting
`on the development
`that the rapid growth of tumors depends
`are more extensively
`of placebo
`and the effect
`of angiogenesi
`In 1971, inhibition
`of a neovascular
`VEGF,65 and bFGF are also
`using recombinant
`for the treatment
`of solid tu­
`as a valid strategy
`was proposed
`with coronary
`In a phase l study in
`of tumor angiogenesis
`for the mediator(s)
`mors and the search
`by intracoronary
`was administered
`in which rllVEGF,.s
`at all doses tested".
`was safely
`sion, the molecule
`was begu11'
`41) or angiopoietin/Tie2
`of bFGF (ref.
`in seven of
`in perfusion
`of improvement
`There was evidence
`so far VEGJ: and its re­
`tumor growth,
`may inhibit
`in five of seven
`and improved col lateralization
`system in
`the most extensively
`coronary mgiography. However,
`who underwent
`of anti-cancer
`and are now a main target
`tumor angiogenesis
`phase II study, in which
`in most
`VEGF mRNA is substantially
`as a single
`rhVEGF was delivered
`has not demonstrated
`lowed by three intravenous
`the lllain
`tumor cells represent
`human tumors'.
`stroma is also an important
`source of VEGF, tumor-as�ociated
`than placebo
`was not better
`• The treatment
`at 60 days:?Y. Brief expo­
`There is a correlation between
`at least
`time and pain relief,
`site ofVEGF production".
`in primary
`sel density
`and microves
`in this t rial, may be
`such as those achieved
`sures to rhVEGF,.,.
`in several
`has been described
`A similar
`a therapeutically
`and maintain
`to trigger
`of extensive
`in the context
`ful angiogenic
`gastric carcinoma••.
`other malignancies,
`of VEGF in
`Also, systemic
`plasma levels
`there are increases in
`with tumor-free
`tumor patients
`rhVEGF,.,1 or other factor
`an appropriate
`may fail to generate
`with a
`from bchemic to non-is•
`are associated
`before chemotherapy
`high VEGF levels
`poor outcome".
`in a variety
`of angiogenesis
`a requisite
`chemic areas,
`of VEGJ'.' in tumorigenesis
`for involvement
`and pathological
`than initially
`is probably
`placebo effect
`using monoclonal
`was first demonstrated
`with ve1y compromised
`even patients
`a substantial
`may show
`dial function
`A phase II study With bFGF
`ment with
`is now ongoing.
`for coronary
`into the vascular
`wall of­
`Local gene transfer
`for the treatment
`fers a promising
`after percuta­
`of restenosis
`of the complication
`(PTCA) and
`neous transcoronary
`Restenosis occurs
`in many
`in 6 months, leading
`to ob-
`in 20-35% of the patients"'.
`depends on en-
`of r estenosis
`which also predisposes
`such as
`to other pathological
`of resteno-
`spasms or thrombosis.
`be based on strategies
`sis could therefore
`of en-
`or enhancement
`ial growth factors
`dothelial repair
`and endothel
`or vascular
`could be used for
`gene transfer
`Fig. 1 VEGFs,
`in cells and tissues.
`and some of their
`their receptors
`in balloon-injured
`this". Re-endothelization
`and subsequent
`binding induces
`rat carotid
`by a single
`was accelerated
`and leads to differential
`into the
`VEGF injected
`dose of recombinant
`1; a,b,
`NP-1, neuropilin-
`HSPG, heparan
`2•33• Vessel
`or locally'
`ref. 95). VE·
`with activated
`to make a molecular
`a,b, (reported
`of VEGF plasmid
`also improved by injection
`for VEGF-deperdent
`a requirement
`with VEGFR-2,
`is also able to form a complex
`carotid arter­
`of rabbit
`into adventitial
`point mutation of
`the P13-kinase/Akt
`in the arterial
`gene transfer
`ies". lntravascular
`with lymphoedema••.
`in a family
`av6l V£.
`Pll l◄L
`ty, DNA synthesis,
`angiogenesis Lymphangiogenesis


`························ .. ·········· .. ···· .. ····· .. ····· ............................................................................................................................................... REVIEW
`sexually immature animals that have not completed statural
`growth55• rhuMAb VEGF is now in phase II clinical trials for the
`treatment of non-small cell lung carcinoma and colorectal car­
`cinoma in conjunction with standard chemotherapy and for
`breast and renal cell carcinoma as a single agent. In addition,
`small molecules that inhibit VEGFR·2 signal transduction are
`undergoing phase II clinical trials in cancer patients
`l'urthermore, monoclonal antibodies against VEGFR-2 are en­
`tering clinical trials.
`Retinal ischemia and other conditions
`Diabetes mellitus, occlusion of the central retinal vein or pre­
`matu1ity with subsequent exposure to oxygen can all be associ­
`ated with intraocular neovascularization". A common
`denominator among these conditions is retinal ischemia';. The
`Fig. 2 Yolk sac of E10.5 VEGF•1• and VEGF .,. mouse embryos'. There is
`new blood vessels may lead to vitreous hemorrhage, retinal de­
`in the yolk sac of the heterozygous, an apparent absence of vasculature
`tachment, neovascular glaucoma, and eventual blindness.
`which die around E11. This is probably the only example among verte­
`Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness in the
`brates of lethality after inactivation of a single allele of a gene that is not
`working population. The hypothesis that ischemia-induced
`maternally imprinted.
`VEGF may be pathogenic in these conditions was initially
`In of patients. tested by measuring VEGF levels in the eye fluids
`VEGF in human xenografts in nude mice••. These initial studies
`a large series with 165 patients, a strong correlation was found
`showed that several tumor cell lines can be substantially
`between concentrations of VE.CF in both aqueous and vitreous
`8• These findings were ex­
`growth-inhibited by this treatment'
`and active proliferative retinopathy associated with diabetes,
`tended to a broad variety of tumor cell lines, including carcino­
`occlusion of central retinal vein or prematurity58• Direct evi­
`mas, sarcomas and gliomas•. Intravital videomicroscopy
`dence fo, the role of VF.GF as a mediator of intraocular neovas­
`techniques have augmented our understanding of VEGF in tu­
`cularization has been generated in several animal models,
`...,·,.,. Non-invasive imaging of the vasculature
`including a primate model of Iris neovascuiarization and a
`demonstrated a nearly complete suppression of tumor-associ­
`mouse model of retinopathy of prematurity. in the former, in­
`ated angiogenesis in animals treated with monoclonal antibod­
`traocular administration of monoclonal antibodies against
`ies against VEGF compared with controls. providing a direct
`VEGF substantially inhibits the neovascularization that follows
`verification that inhibition of angiogenesis is the mechanism
`the occlusion of central retinal veins$9
`• Likewise, soluble
`9• lntravital
`VEGFR-1 or VEGFR-2 extracellular domains fused to the im­
`of tumor suppression after anti•VEGF treatment'
`microscopy techniques have also been used to investigate the
`munoglobulin y Fe domain suppress retinal angiogenesls in the
`mouse model(,<). There is also evidence that growth
`effects of VEGF on the permeability and other properties of
`tumor vessels
`50• Treatment with antibodies against VEGF re­
`hormone/insulin-like growth factor-I is involved in ischemia­
`sulted in time-dependent reductions in vascular permeability,
`induced retinal neovascularization
`in the diameter and tortuosity and eventually to a regression of
`Neovascularization is a principal cause of visual loss also in
`survival fac­tumor blood vessels; thus, V£G r is also an essential
`the wet form of age-related macular degeneration (AMO), the
`overall leading cause of blindness"'. Several studies have docu­
`tor for tumor endothelial cells'°. Further evidence that VEGF
`mented the immunohistochemical localization of VEGF in sur­
`action Is required for tumor angiogenesis has been provided by
`the finding that retrovirus-mediated expression of a dominant
`gically resected choroidal neovascular membranes from AMO
`negative VE.GFR-2 mutant, which inhibits ,ignal transduction
`63• These findings suggest involvement of V£GF in the
`progression of AMD-related choroidal neovascularization.
`through wild-type VEGFR-2 receptor, suppresses the growth of
`glioblastoma multiforme as well as other tumor cell lines in
`Anti-VEGF strategies for AMD are now being explored in clini•
`cal trials. One approach. consists in the intravitreal administra­
`vi,·os'. Furthermore, high local expression of the soluble extra­
`tion of a recombinant humanized anli-VEGF Fab antibody
`cellular domain of VEGFR-1 or VEGFR-2, achieved by aclminis­
`fragment. Another strategy involves the injection of 2'-fluo­
`tration of the recombinant proteins, adenoviral-mediated gene
`transfer or by stable transfection of tumor cells, may signifi­
`ropyrimidine RNA oligonucleotide ligands (aptamerst
`VEGF inhibition may also have therapeutic value for the
`cantly inhibit tumor growth, metastasis and mortality rate in
`nude mices2•13•
`treatment of ischemic•reperfusion related brain edema and in­
`jury. VEGF antagonism has shown beneficial effects in a mouse
`Several strategies have been used to generate VEGF inhibitors
`model of cortical ischemia
`65; reducing acutely the volume of
`trials. One approach involves the 'human­
`sunable for clinical
`edematous tissue and resulting in a significant sparing of corti­
`ization' of mouse monoclonal antibodies. A chief advantage of
`cal tissue.
`'humanized' antibodies is a high degree of specificity, com­
`in the female reproduc­VEGF is important in angiogenesis
`bined with a long half-life and little or no immunogenicity. A
`tive tract. VEGF inhibition results in suppression of corpus lu­
`'humanized' high-affinity monoclonal antibody against VEGF
`teum angiogenesis in rodents� and primates". VEGF inhibitors
`(rhuMAb VEGF) with the same affinity and biological proper­
`ties as the original murine antibody has been described".
`might be used to treat conditions characterized by ovarian hy•
`Toxicological studies in primates have shown that the effects of
`perplasia and hypervascularity, such as the polycystic ovary
`rhuMAb VEGF are limited to inhibition of angiogenesis in the
`66. VEGF-dependent angiogenesis may also be impor­
`female reproductive tract and in the epiphyseal growth plate in
`tant pathogenically in endometriosis. Furthermore, VEGF is a


`REVIEW ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................
`.................. ..
`mediator or the ovarian growth and increased vascular perme­
`Also, it is unknown whether an angiogenic treatment may be
`ability of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, a potentially
`sufficient to induce functional blood vessels for prolonged
`fatal condition characterized by massive ovarian enlargement
`riods or wi II need to be re-administered periodically in order to
`that may follow medical induction of ovulation with go­
`maintain such vessels.
`A K14-driven VEGF-C transgene induced lymphangiogenesis
`VEGF-c but no angiogenesis in mouse skinS<, and recombinant
`also stimulated lymphatic vessel hyperplasia in mature chick
`VEGF,65 binds to neuropilin-1, which functions as a ligand
`chorioallantoic membrane••. Thus, besides anglogenesls, it may
`binding subunit of putative transmembrane receptors mediat­
`also become possible to direct therapeutic lymphangiogene
`ing specific signals for different semaphorins, the molecules
`in patients, such as after evacuation of axillary lymph nodes in
`is mediating the collapse of axonal growth cones&1. Neuropilin
`breast carcinoma surgery.
`expressed in endothelial cells and enhances the mitogenic ef­
`Despite the potential redundancy of tumor angiogenesis fac­
`fects of VEGFR-2 upon VEGF,65 stimulation. Thus, there may be
`tors, inhibition ofVEGF alone seems sufficient to achieve con­
`signals between cross-regulation of cellular an as-yet ill-defined
`siderable tumor growth suppression in a wide variety of
`these two families of factors. These findings lead to the intrigu­
`models. However, it remains to be established whether tumors
`ing conclusion that the processes of axon guidance and devel­
`are able to activate, after prolonged therapy, alternative angio­
`opment of a network of capillary tubes share at least some
`genic pathways that might confer resistance to the treatmen
`common molecular mechanisms. In addition, the angiopoietin
`These issues should be addressed in the current clinical
`receptorffie and ephrin families of endothelial tyrosine kinases
`with various VEGF inhibitors. A challenge now in anti-VEGF
`have important functions in the formation and maintenance
`(and anti-angiogenic) therapy is devising appropriate and reli­
`of the vascular system""·". Endothelial cell-specific members of
`able markers to monitor tumor progression. There is consider­
`the TGF-13 receptor and Notch families have also been de­
`able debate whether blood vessel count in biopsy
`5·'6 may provide a reliable indicator of respome to
`scribed12·73. Given this complexity of vascular endothelial sig­
`naling, therapies using VEGF alone or any other single
`the treatment. There are also efforts to identify surrogate end­
`angiogenic factor may produce incompletely functioning or
`points, applying non-invasive approaches, such as magnetic
`unstable endothelial channels with defective arteriovenous
`resonance imaging84.
`and pericellular differentiation, characteristic of many tu­
`VEGF is not only a mitogen but also a potential survival fac­
`mors". Combinations of growth factors may be preferable In
`tor for endothelial cells•. Such a 'maintenance' function seems
`future therapies directed to neovascularization of tissues, with
`to be developmentally regulated, as it is very dependent on the
`an adequate investment of the formed vessels with perien­
`age of the animal87. VEGF inactivation during early postnatal
`dothelial matrix and pericyte/smooth muscle cells. In fact, a
`of gene targeting inducible life, achieved by Cre-loxf>-mediated
`more heterogenous set of genes coordinating angiogenic func­
`by administration of a soluble VEGFR-1 chimeric protein,
`tions may be provided by active ongoing research of hypoxia­
`sults in regression of the vasculature, kidney failure and lethal­
`regulated gene expression in mammalian cells". Also, some
`itf'. However, in adult animals a similar treatment has no
`proteins, such as the VEGFR-2 activating HIV
`on the existing vasculature. Therefore, a process of mat­
`G-protein­, Kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus-associated
`Tat protein'
`uration occurs in endothelial cells such that VEGF eventually is
`not essential for survival. This switch seems to take place in the
`coupled receptor" or Orf virus encoded VEGF-E'S-30 may offer
`new insights into the mechanism of regulation of angiogenesis.
`mouse around the fourth postnatal week. Absence
`of pericyte
`Although recent research has focused on the combination of
`VEGF and Ang-1 as being especially promising, it is not known
`now which growth factor combinations will prove to be the
`most effective therapeutically. VEGF and bFGF have a very
`synergistic effect in the induction of angiogenesis, both in vitro
`and in vivo'. The interaction between VEGF and HGF/SF is also
`being actively investigated. Although transgenic expression of
`Ang-1 in the skin epidennis under the keratin (K)14 promoter
`has been associated with neovascularization
`8', other studies,
`using defined amounts of the recombinant protein in a model
`of adult neovascularization, have failed to demonstrate strong
`angiogenic responses to Ang-1, unless it is used in combina­
`tion with VEGF (refs. 71,82). This discrepancy may be ex­
`plained by the fact that the expression ot the K14 promoter is
`initiated already at midgestation, and thus the results may re­
`flect persistence of the fetal neovascularization. It is possible,
`however, that Ang-1 may provide a co-factor for combination
`therapies. A further unresolved issue is the correct dosage of
`growth factor(s). This seems particularly important for a mole­
`Fig. 3 Angiography of the lower extremity of a patient with limb is·
`cule like VEGF, which has several isoforms and such a tight
`chemia before (PRE) and 3 months after (3 MO) the transfection or a
`dose-response effect that a 50% reduction in expression re­
`VEG Fl 65 plasrnid/liposomc expression vector, showing strongly increasi!d
`sults in lethality during embryonic life5•6. Conversely, continu­
`vascular density after the treatment. Courtesy H. Manninen, P. Matsi, K.
`A. I.
`ous local overexpression of VEGF may result in a
`Makinen, M. Hilpelainen, M. Laitinen, E. Alhava and S. Yla-Hertt
`hemangioma-llke vasculature and thus can be deleterious".
`Virtanen Institute and Kuopio University Hospital (Kuopio, Finland).
`, , .. nr:rn..AA(R


`························································ ... · ................................................................... REVIEW
`------ --�
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`their determining vessels may be a factor coverage in immature
`in t,eatment of cardio­and vasculogenesis
`9. Rivard, A. &: Isner, J.M. Angiogenesis
`vascular disease. Mo/. Med. 4, 429-440 (1998).
`sug­other evidence dependence on VEGF (ref. 88). However,
`10. Takeshita, S. et al. Therapeutic angiogenesis. A single inlra-arterial bolus of vas­
`gests that the molecular/intracelullar nature of thls switch may
`cular endothelial growth factor augments revascularization in a rabbit ischemic
`be more complex and mostly still to be determined"'. In juve­
`hind Hmb model./. Oin. /1,ve,r. 93, 662-670 (1994).
`11. Pu, L.Q. et al. Enhanced revascularization of the ischemic limb by angiogenic
`bone forma­for endochondral nile animals, VEGF is essential
`therapy. Circulation 88, 208-215 (1993).
`growth89·s1. In the fully developed
`tion and longitudinal
`12. Asahara, T. et al. Synergistic effe<t of vascular endothelial growth factor and
`angiogenic anlmal, VEGF may be required mainly for active
`basic fibroblast growth factor on angiogenesis in vivo. Cirwlotion 92, 11365-11371
`wound heal­processes such as corpus luteum development or
`13. Van Belle, E. et al. Potentiated angiogenic effect of scatter factor hepatocyte
`for endothelial ing. Neverthless, VEGF may be important
`growth factor via induction ol vascular endothelial growth factor: the case for
`ptmu:::rine c:,mplifi�ation of angiogenesis, 97, 381-390 (1998).
`homeostasis In the adult In certain circumstances; for example,
`14 Witzenbichler, 8. et al. Vascular endothelial growth factor-C (VEGF-CNEGF-2)
`during disease states. Indeed, prolonged VEGF inhibition failed
`promotes angiogenesis in the setting of tissue ischemia. Am. /. Pothol. 1S3,
`si or ro­
`to induce glomerular damage in normal primates
`381-394 (1998).
`15. Bauters, C. et al. Physiological assessment of augmented vascularity induced by
`dents8'·90, despite
`the strong constitutive expression of the
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`VEGF mRNA in podocytes and other cell types in the adult kid­
`16. Takeshita, S. et al. Gene transfer of naked DNA encoding for three isoforms of
`ney'. However, administration of VEGF inhibitors to rats with
`vascular endothelial growth factor stimulates collateral development in vivo.
`Lab. Invest, 75, 487-501 (1996),
`(!lesangioproliferative nephritis results in impaired glomerular
`gene induced by adenovirus.mediated 17. Mack, C.A. et al. Salvage angiogenesis
`endothelial regeneration and increased endothelial cell death'°.
`transfer of vascular endothelial growth factor protects against ischemic vascular
`occlusion./. 1.7, 699-709 (1998).
`Some CD34· hematopoietic progenitor cells mobilized by
`Vose. S11rg.
`18. Pearlman, J.D. et al. Magnetic resonance mapping demonstrates benefits of
`GM-CSF from human peripheral blood, bone marrow, fetal
`VEGF-induced myocardial angiogenesis. NawreMed. 1, 1085-1089 (1995).
`liver or umbilical cord blood were shown to express VEGFR-2
`19. Harada, K. et al. Basic fibroblast growth factor improves myocardial function in
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`on human on their surface91, and VEGFR-2 is expressed
`20. lopez, J.J. er al. VEGF administratiot, i,, Ch(0nic myo(erdia! ischemia in pig$.
`hematopoietic stem cells92• Endothelial progenitor cells expand
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`of bFGF and differentiate into endothelial cells after addition
`21. Li, J. et al. VEGF, flk-1, andflt-1 expression in a rat myocardial infarction model of
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`to and VEGF to the cultures, and they can thus be considered
`22. Mack, C.A. et o/. Biologic bypass with the use of adenovirus-mediated gene
`provide endothelial progenitor cells0' ... ,. The endothelial prog­
`transfer of the complementary deoxyribonucleic acid for vascular endothelial
`growth factor 121 improves myocardial perfusion and function in the ischemic
`enitor cells from bone marrow may be mobilized using the stro­
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`or tissue the GM-CSF cytokine ved factor 1 chemokine,
`F. et o/. lntracoronary
`23. Giordcu,o,
`gene transfer of growth in­
`in ac­hypoxia94• As these cells may be capable of participating
`creases blood flow and contractile function in an ischemic region of the heart.
`Not. Med. 2, 534-539 (1996).
`tive angiogenesis after entry into the circulatory system9', they
`after arterial gene transfer of evidence of angiogenesis 24. Isner, J.M. et al. Clinical
`provide an interesting possibility for the delivery of cellular or
`phVEGFI 65 in patient with ischaemic limb. Lancet 348, 370-374 (1996).
`gene therapy to sites of neovascularization.
`65 atter intramuscular expression of phVEGFI 25. Baumgartner, I. et al. Constitutive
`gene transfer promotes collateral

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