
`US 6,779,153 B1
`(10) Patent No:
`a2) United States Patent
` Kagle (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 17, 2004
`(*) Notice:
`Jonathan Kagle, Redmond, WA (US)
`(73) Assignee: Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term ofthis
`patent 'sextended
`adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b)
`by 0 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 09/300,141
`(22) Filed:
`Apr. 27, 1999
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Provisional application No. 60/111,999, filed on Dec. II,
`Int. C0 ieee seneecerererevenes GO06F 17/21
`(52) US. Ch we 715/522; 715/517; 715/530;
`715/513; 715/501.1
`(58) Field of Search ......0.0.. ee 707/513, 522;
`709/218; 715/522, 501.1, 513, 517, 523,
`530, 531; 345/751, 733
`References Cited
`12/1998 Arora et al.
`5,845,299 A
`1/1999 Nestoret al. 0... 345/866
`5,864,338 A *
`4/1999 Tyanetal.
`5,893,127 A
`3,f900 preivale “ al.
`a “
`1Oy1999 Benodiktot al
`5066535 A
`2/2000 Douglis et al
`6021406 A
`2/2000 D’Atlach etal. .
`6026433 A *
`......... 707/501.1
`3/2000 Narayen etal.
`6,035,323 A *
`8/2000 Jois etal.
`6,112,242 A
`9/2000 Stedmanctal.
`6,122,661 A
`6,141,666 A * 10/2000 Tobin 0... eee eneeee 705/27
`6,185,587 B1
`2/2001 Bernardoetal.
`(List continued on next page.)
`Temay“Teach Yourself Web Publishing with HTMT. in 14
`days”, 1995, pp. 381-391.*
`Macket al., “HTML 4.0 No Experience Required”, 1997,
`pp. 542-546.*
`Rodenthal, Adobe SiteMill 1.0: Site Managment MadeEasy,
`Internet 1998, pp. 1-2.
`Lemay, Teach Yourself Web Publishing with HTML 3.0 in
`a Week, Publishing 1996, pp. 46-47.
`Adamsetal., “Template Style Considerations for Sea—of-
`Gates Layout Generation”, 26” ACM/IEEE Design Auto-
`mation Conference®, pp. 31-36, 1989.
`Fernandez et al., “Catching the Boat with Strudel: Experi-
`ences with a Web-Site Mangement System”, pp. 414-425,
`Primary Examiner—Stephen S. Hong
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Banner & Witcoff, Ltd.
`Creation of web pages on hand-held devices such as digital
`cameras and personal digital assistants (PDAs) is made
`feasible by a system for generating mark-up language based
`on acompact template mappingfile created on the hand-held
`device. Through a user interface, a user of the hand-held
`device creates the template mapping file, which associates a
`selected on of the templates stored on the host computer with
`one or moresource files, which may includetext, image and
`audio files. HTMLtemplates(files containing the actual and
`usually lengthy formatting commands that accomplish the
`style selected by the user) and other large files needed to
`create compelling web pages reside on the host computer,
`not on the hand-held device. In a synchronization operation,
`where the hand-held computer is operably connected to the
`host computer, the source files are merged with the selected
`style templates according to mapping information in the
`template mappingfile. The invention is especially applicable
`to digital cameras having features of a PDA and provides
`users with the capability to remotely create their own
`websites which incorporate images they have obtained with
`the digital camera.
`57 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets
`Com) rimese|ae
`PlacewaeseceoreD [~~
`~ [ae
`= fee
`\ mteBatruaetscieo
`Booking, Exh. 1055, Page 1
`Booking, Exh. 1055, Page 1


`US 6,779,153 B1
` Page 2
`2/2001 Yasumura
`6,192,363 Bl
`2/2001 Applemanet al.
`6,195,681 B1
`3/2001 Ferrel et al.
`6,199,082 B1
`4/2001 Aihara et al... 348/207
`6,223,190 Bl *
`6/2001 Ferris et al.
`6,253,228 B1
`6,304,886 Bi * 10/2001 Bernardo etal.
`.. TOT/S17
`6,313,835 Bl
`11/2001 Geveret al.
`6,324,521 B1
`11/2001 Shiota etal. we 705/27
`6,330,575 Bl
`6,336,210 B1
`6,344,853 B1 *
`6,397,387 Bl
`6,429,880 B2
`6,449,260 B1
`6,466,970 B1
`12/2001 Mooreet al.
`1/2002 ‘Laimaet al.
`2/2002 Knight
`....ceccssccseeee: 345/629
`5/2002 Rosin ct al.
`8/2002 Marcosetal.
`9/2002 Sassin et al.
`10/2002 Leeet al.
`* ciled by examiner
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`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 17, 2004
`Sheet 1 of 8
`US 6,779,153 B1
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`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 17, 2004
`Sheet 2 of 8
`US 6,779,153 B1
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`Booking, Exh. 1055, Page 4
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`Booking, Exh. 1055, Page 4


`U.S. Patent
`Aug.17, 2004
`Sheet 3 of 8
`US 6,779,153 B1
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`Booking, Exh. 1055, Page 5
`Booking, Exh. 1055, Page 5


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 17, 2004
`Sheet 4 of 8
`US 6,779,153 B1
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`Booking, Exh. 1055, Page 6


`U.S. Patent
`Aug.17, 2004
`Sheet 5 of 8
`US6,779,153 B1
`FIG. 5
`Booking, Exh. 1055, Page 7
`Booking, Exh. 1055, Page 7


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 17, 2004
`Sheet 6 of 8
`US 6,779,153 B1
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`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 17, 2004
`Sheet 7 of 8
`US 6,779,153 B1
`Booking, Exh. 1055, Page 9
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`U.S. Patent
`Aug.17, 2004
`Sheet 8 of 8
`US 6,779,153 B1
`Figure 8
`Booking, Exh. 1055, Page 10
`Booking, Exh. 1055, Page 10


`US 6,779,153 B1
`This application receives the benefit of U.S. Provisional
`Application No. 60/111,999, filed Dec. 11, 1998.
`The invention relates to systems and methods for gener-
`ating web pages to be displayed on distributed networks,
`such as the World Wide Web. More particularly, the inven-
`tion relates to systems and methods for providing users of a
`hand-held device, such as a personaldigital assistant (PDA)
`or digital camera, with the capability to author web pages
`without being limited by the system resources of the hand-
`held device.
`The distributed network knownasthe Internet is a global
`array of cooperatively interconnected computer networks. It
`includes the World Wide Web, which is a collection of
`websites defined by web servers—computers that store and
`retrieve computer files that represent web pages that are
`requested by and displaycd to uscrs of the Internct. Web
`pages combine text, graphic images, animation, audio and
`other multimedia forms for presentation to viewers. In the
`Web environment, client machines communicate with Web
`servers using Ilypertext Transfer Protocol (IITTP), which
`uses a slandard page description language known as Hyper-
`text Markup Language (HTML). HTML provides basic
`document formatting and allows the developer to specify
`“links” to other servers andfiles.
`It is knownto provide web page authoring tools, such as
`by Microsoft Corporation of Redmond Wash., which give
`webpage authors the ability to quickly and efficiently create
`compelling web pages. Muchof the powerof these tools is
`derived from the use of style templates, which contain
`predefined HTML formatting commands [or predetermined
`styles. With templates, a web page author avoids the tedious
`task of manually entering hundreds of HTML formatting
`commands. Because of the need to store large libraries of
`templates and otherlarge files, such as background bitmaps,
`state-of-the-art web-authoring tools require computer plat-
`forms with relatively large amounts of system resources,Le.
`There is a recent growing trend towards the use of
`portable hand-held computing devices that offer portability,
`but which provide somewhat limited computing features.
`Known hand-held devices, such as PDAs, provide for the 5
`storage and retrieval addresses and other information, send-
`ing and receiving of e-mail via communications link and
`other functionality defined by resident software applications.
`PDAs offer the capability of remote connectivity to a desk-
`top computeror to the Internet using a communicationslink,
`enabling users to upload and download information, and to
`synchronize information stored in the PDA with information
`on a host computer, from virtually any geographic location.
`Hand-held devices also include rather specialized platforms,
`such as digital cameras, which provide users with the
`capability of instantly recording electronic images on a
`removable storage device, such as a floppydiskette, for later
`viewing on a desktop computer. I'’rom the desktop computer,
`users may send the imagefiles to their friends via e-mail,
`post them to an existing, website on the World Wide Web, or
`incorporate them into their own website. As the user inter-
`faces and features of digital cameras become more
`sophisticated, they may tend to incorporate much of the
`functionality of PDAs
`Onc conscquence of the compact designs and low weights
`consumers desire in hand-held electronic devices is that such
`devices are limited in the amount of system resources,
`namely memory andscreensize, that they provide. Although
`the portability of hand-held devices make them attractive as
`web-authoring plattorms,
`they have not heretofore been
`considered as feasible platforms for web creation, primarily
`becauseof their limited system resources. It would therefore
`be desirable to provide a web-authoring system and method
`which are suitable for
`implementation on a hand-held
`device, such as a PDA or a digital camera. Such a system and
`method would permit users of digital cameras, for example,
`to create compelling web pages that
`incorporate digital
`images they have recorded “on-the-spot” and provide their
`owntextual information for presentation to others on the
`World Wide Web.
`‘The invention provides for the creation of web pages on
`hand-held devices such as PDAs and digital cameras. In
`general, the invention provides for the downloading of data
`from a hand-held device (client) while simultaneously, in a
`one-step operation, substituting user-defined data into tem-
`plates stored ona larger computerplatform (host). A user of
`the invention will be able to remotely author, on their
`hand-held device (client), a web page styled according to
`their own preference.
`One aspect of the invention involves the generation of
`large HTMLfiles on the host computer under control of a
`compact mapping file that is a generated on a hand-held
`client computer. The mapping file may be created using a
`graphic user interface on the hand-held device which allows
`the user to associate particular onesofa library of templates
`with text and images, which maybe stored on the hand-held
`device. In a one-step synchronization operation when the
`hand-held device is connected to a host computer,
`mapping file controls the creation of a main HTMLfile.
`Specifically, templates referenced in the mapping file are
`retrieved from host memory and “filled in” with the appro-
`priate information according to the mappingfile. Finally, the
`main HTMLfile and anysource files (e.g. images, audio
`it points to are transferred from the host
`to the
`appropriate location on the web server to create the web
`A primary advantage provided by the invention is that
`HTMT. templates (files containing the actual and usually
`lengthy formatting commands that accomplish the style
`selected by the user) and other large files needed to create
`compelling web pages reside on the host computer, not on
`the hand-held device. Another advantage provided by the
`invention is that web creation may occur automatically,
`using a one-step synchronization operation, thereby elimi-
`nating the need for a web author to manually orchestrate the
`transfer of appropriate source files and text. In the case of a
`digital camera, the invention provides users with the capa-
`bility to create web page content
`incorporating digital
`images stored in the camera and, from a location remote
`from the host computer, present those images in a compel-
`ling format on the World Wide Web. This solution also
`reduces the amount of data (bandwidth) that needs to be
`transferred from the hand-held device and the main PC.
`The present inventionis illustrated by way of example in
`the accompanying Figures, which should not be construed as
`limiting, in which:
`Booking, Exh. 1055, Page 11
`Booking, Exh. 1055, Page 11


`US 6,779,153 B1
`FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of a conventional general-
`purpose digital computing environment that may be used to
`implement various aspects of the present invention;
`FIG. 2 illustrates an exemplary web page layout for
`permitting a user to crcate a web page according to the
`present invention;
`FIG. 3 illustrates an exemplary graphical user interface
`(GUI) for permitting a user to select style templates for a
`web page layout according to the present invention;
`FIG.4 illustrates an exemplary GUI for permitting a user
`to enter text into a style template according to the present
`FIG. 5 illustrates an exemplary flow diagram for gener-
`ating an HTMLpage layout according to the present inven-
`FIG. 6 illustrates an exemplary format for a compact
`mappingfile created on a hand-held device according to the
`present invention;
`FIG. 7 illustrates an exemplary control flow and file
`transfer according to the present invention; and
`T'IG. 8 illustrates an exemplary flow diagram for gener-
`ating an HTMLpagelayout from a mapping file according
`to the present invention.
`Although not required, the invention will be described in
`the general context of computer-executable instructions,
`such as program modules, being executed by a personal
`computer. Generally, program modules include routines,
`programs, objects, components, data structures, etc.
`perform particular tasks or implement particular abstract
`data types. Moreover, those skilled in the art will appreciate
`that the invention may be practiced with other computer
`system configurations, including hand-held devices, multi-
`processor systems, microprocessor-based or programmable
`consumerelectronics, network PCs, minicomputers, main-
`frame computers, and the like. The invention may also be
`practiced in distributed computing environments where
`tasks are performed by remote processing devices that are
`linked through a communications nctwork. In a distributed
`computing environment, program modules maybe located
`in both local and remote memory storage devices.
`FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of a conventional general-
`purpose digital computing environment that can be used to
`implement various aspects of the invention. Computer 100
`includes a processing unit 110, a system memory 120 and a
`system bus 130 that couples various system components 5
`including the system memory to the processing unit 110.
`System bus 130 may be any of several types of bus struc-
`tures including a memory bus or memory controller, a
`peripheral bus, and a local bus using anyofa variety of bus
`architectures. System memory 120 includes a read only
`memory (ROM)140 and a random access memory (RAM)
`A basic input/output system (BIOS) 160 containing the
`basic routines that help to transfer information between
`elements within the computer 100, such as during start-up,
`is stored in ROM 140. Computer 100 also includes a hard
`disk drive 170 for reading from and writing to a hard disk
`(not shown), a magnetic disk drive 180 for reading from or
`writing to a removable magnetic disk 190, and an optical
`disk drive 191 for reading from or writing to a removable
`optical disk 192, such as a CD ROMorother optical media.
`Hard disk drive 170, magnetic disk drive 180, and optical
`disk drive 191 are respectively connected to the system bus
`130 by a hard disk drive interface 192, a magnetic disk drive
`interface 193, and an optical disk drive interface 194. The
`drives and their associated computer-readable media provide
`nonvolatile storage of computer readable instructions, data
`structures, program modules and other data for personal
`computer 100. It will be appreciated by those skilled in the
`art that other types of computer readable media which can
`store data that is accessible by a computer, such as magnetic
`cassettes, flash memorycards, digital video disks, Bernoulli
`cartridges, random access memories (RAMs), read only
`memories (ROMs), and the like, may also be used in the
`exemplary operating environment.
`A numberof program modules can be stored on the hard
`disk, magnetic disk 190, optical disk 192, ROM 140 or
`RAM 150, including an operating system 195, one or more
`application programs 196, other program modules 197, and
`program data 198. A user can enter commandsand infor-
`mation into computer 100 through input devices, such as a
`keyboard 101 and a pointing device 102. Other input devices
`(not shown) may include a microphone, joystick, game pad,
`satellite dish, scanner, or the like. These and other input
`devices are often connected to the processing unit 110
`through a scrial port interfacc 106 that is coupled to the
`system bus, but may be connected by other interfaces, such
`as a parallel port, a game port or a universal serial bus
`(USB). A monitor 107 or other type of display device is also
`connected to system bus 130 via an interface, such as a video
`adapter 108. In addition to the monitor, personal computers
`typically include other peripheral output devices (not
`shown), such as speakers and printers.
`Computer 100 can operate in a networked environment
`using logical connections to one or more remote computers,
`such as a remote computer 109. Remote computer 109, also
`referred to as a “client,” may be a PDAordigital camera
`which includes some of the elements described above rela-
`tive to computer 100, although only a memory storage
`device 111 has been illustrated in FIG. 1. Typically,
`hand-held devices, the monitor 107 would be in the form of
`a compact
`liquid crystal display (LCD) and the storage
`devices, for example, 170 and 191 are omitted in favor of a
`large internal memory or RAM. Morcover, the user input
`device, such as the keyboard 101 take the form of a compact
`keyboard interface or handwriting recognition interfaces. In
`the case of a digital camera, storage device in the form of a
`floppy disk drive may be provided. The logical connections
`depicted in FIG. 1 include a local area network (LAN) 112
`and a wide area network (WAN) 113. Such networking
`environments are commonplace in offices, enterprise-wide
`computer networks, intranets and the Intemet.
`Whenused in a LAN networking environment, computer
`100 is connected to local network 112 through a network
`interface or adapter 114. Whenused in a WAN networking
`environment, personal computer 100 and remote computer
`109 may both include a modem 115 or other means for
`establishing a communications over wide area network 113,
`such as the Internet. Modem 115, which may be internal or
`is connected to system bus 130 via serial port
`interface 106. In a networked environment, program mod-
`ules depicted relative to personal computer 100, or portions
`thereof, may be stored in the remote memorystorage device.
`It will be appreciated that the network connections shown
`are exemplary and other meansof establishing a communi-
`cations link between the computers can be used. The exist-
`ence of any of various well-known protocols, such as
`TCP/IP, Ethernet, FTP, HTTP andthelike, is presumed, and
`the system canbe operated ina client-server configuration to
`Booking, Exh. 1055, Page 12
`Booking, Exh. 1055, Page 12


`US 6,779,153 B1
`icon 31la@ is a graphical image representing a banner or a
`permit a user to retrieve web pages from a web-basedserver.
`Any of various conventional web browsers can be used to
`title style template. Style icon 3116is a graphical image for
`display and manipulate data on web pages.
`text-only style template. Style icon 311c is a graphical image
`One aspect of the invention provides a method and system
`for a single photographic or graphical image style template.
`for generating web pages based on a compact mappingfile
`Style icons 311d-311f represent combinations of textual
`created and stored on the hand-held device or remote
`and/or image style templates. Style icons 311g—3117 repre-
`computer 109. Another aspect of the invention relates to a
`sent different exemplary textual style templates. Of course,
`simplified layout for a web page suitable for implementation
`other recognizable icons can be displayed that represent
`on a hand-held device. The simplified HTML layout will
`other style templates that are not described.
`first be described with reference to FIGS. 2-5 to illustrate
`Display region 320 includes a graphical image 321 rep-
`one method of creating a template mapping file according to
`resenting a current web page that
`is being created. As
`the invention. With reference to FIGS. 6-8, the method and
`different style templates are selected, web page image 321
`system for generating a web page according to a template
`changes to reflect
`the relative position of the selected
`mapping file will then be described. It will be recognized
`templates. As shown, image 321 includes a title style tem-
`that the simplified layout described below is intended to
`plate at the top of image 321 with a text-only, a picture
`illustrate onc possible method and userinterface forcreating
`w/right text and a picture w/left text style templates in order
`the mappingfile. Other methodsof creating the mapping file
`below the title style template. Display region 320 also
`will be apparent to those of ordinary skill upon a reading of
`this disclosure.
`includes command buttons 322¢—322c, which are used for
`performing selected operations in a well-known manner.
`FIG. 2 provides a schematic overview of an exemplary
`web page layout scheme according to an aspect of the
`A particular horizontal region 201 (FIG. 2) is laid out by
`invention. A web page 200 is divided into horizontal rows or
`selecting a horizontal portion of image 321 in a well-known
`regions 201. Each of these horizontal regions 201a—g is
`mannerusing the user interface selection device. A particular
`associated with a particular style template, selected by a
`style for the selected horizontal portion of image 321 is also
`user, Exemplary style templates include templates fortitles,
`selected from style icons 311 in a well-known manner using
`text, audio, pictures, parallel column and navigational bars.
`the user interface selection device. Each template includes
`For example,atitle style template may be associated with
`HTMLcodes for the particular style of the template and
`the top horizontal region 201a. Region 201b maybe asso-
`blank spaces for information, such as text or pictures,
`ciated with a style template for presenting a centered image.
`depending upon the particular style of the template.
`Region 201c may be associated with a style template for

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