United States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`US 8,117,233 B2
`Liu et al.
`(45) Date of Patent:
`*Feb. 14, 2012
`(73) Assignee:
`(*) Notice:
`Inventors: Zhen Liu, Tarrytown, NY (US); Anand
`Ranganathan, White Plains, NY (US):

`Anton Y. Riabov, Ossining, NY (US)
`International Business Machines
`Corporation, Armonk, NY (US)
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C, 154(b) by 504 days.
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis-
`(21) Appl. No.: 11/748,216
`(22) Filed:
`May14, 2007
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2008/0288595 Al
`Nov. 20, 2008
`Int. Cl.
`GO6F 7/00
`(52) U.S.C). ccc ceecresrenneeens 707/802; 707/608
`(58) Field of Classification Search........... 707/999 .007,
`707/802, 608
`See application file for complete search history.
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`A method for modeling a web service operation, includes:
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`output message pattern that describes an output message of
`the web service operation, wherein the output message pat-
`tern includesa set of variables and exemplars that represent
`data elements contained in the output message, and a graph
`pattem that semantically describes the data elements con
`in the output message.
`17 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets
`A wy type
`couhtickerOf pany hasPrice
`y _hastlonvelwyMonetaryValuedf type inCurrency
`Message Out
` contains,
`\ l _TimeStamp I
`rdf type
`AtickerSymbol }-——
`Booking, Exh. 1047, Page 1
`Booking, Exh. 1047, Page 1


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`Feb. 14, 2012
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`1. Technical Field
`In an exemplary embodiment of the present invention, a
`method for modeling a web service operation, comprises:
`defining an input message pattern that describes input
`requirements of a web service operation, wherein the input
`messagepattern includesa set of variables representing data
`elements that must be contained in a message input to the web
`This application is related to: commonlyassigned US.
`service operation, and a graph pattern that semantically
`application Ser. No. 11/695,410, filed Apr. 2, 2007, entitled
`describes the data elements that must be contained in the
`message input to the web service operation, and defining an
`output message pattern that describes an output message of
`the web service operation, wherein the output message pat-
`and incorporated by referenceherein in its entirety; and com-
`tern includesa set of variables and exemplars that represent
`monly assigned U.S. application Ser. No. 11/695,349,filed
`data elements contained in the output message, and a graph
`Apr. 2, 2007, entitled “METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR
`pattern that semantically describes the data elements con-
`tained in the output message.
`Lachofthe variables is a memberofafirst set, wherein the
`and incorporated by reference hercin inits entirety.
`first set is infinite and disjoint from a set of resource descrip-
`tion framework (RDF) terms. A triple pattern is a member of
`a secondset, wherein the secondset includes tuples with three
`fields, wherein first and third fields of the three fields are
`membersofa third set, wherein the third set includes a union
`of the set of RDF termsandthe first set, and a secondfield of
`the three ficlds is a universal resource indicator (URI).
`Each of the graphpatternsis a set of triple patterns. The
`variables of the output message pattern represent data ele-
`ments carried forward from the message input to the web
`service operation. The exemplars represent new objects that
`did not appear in the message input to the web service opera-
`tion. The exemplars are represented as individualsorliterals
`in a web ontology language (OWL).
`In an exemplary embodiment of the present invention, a
`method for composing a workflow made up of web service
`operations, comprises: inputting a plurality of modeled web
`service operations, wherein each of the web service opera-
`tions includes: a pre-defined input message pattern, wherein
`the input message pattern includes a set of variables repre-
`senting data elements that must be contained in a message
`input to the web service operation, and a graph pattern that
`semantically describes the data elements that must be con-
`tained in the message input to the web service operation, and
`a pre-defined output message pattern, wherein the output
`messagepattern includesa set ofvariables and exemplars that
`represent data elements contained in the oulpul message, and
`a graph pattern that semantically describes the data elements
`contained in the output message; inputting a request ofa
`workflow to be composed, wherein the request includes an
`exemplar request message and a response message pattern;
`and composing a workflow in the form of a directed acyclic
`graph (DAG)that has a source vertex, wherein all outgoing
`edges from the source vertex are associated with semantics
`defined in the exemplar request message, and that has a sink
`vertex such that there is a match between exemplar messages
`associated with incoming edges to the sink vertex and the
`response messagepattern.
`The exemplar request message includesa set of data ele-
`ments, and an RDF graphthat semantically describes the data
`elements in the exemplar request message. The RDF graph of
`the exemplar request message includestriples that represent
`facts in OWL. The response message pattern includes a set of
`variables that correspond to data elements that must be
`present in an output of the workflow, and an RDI’ graph
`pattern that semantically describes constraints on values of
`the variables of the response message pattern and relation-
`ships between different variables of the response message
`The present invention relates to web service composition,
`and more particularly, to a method and system for message-
`oriented semantic web service compositionbased onartificial
`intelligence planning.
`2. Discussion of the Related Art
`A webservice is a software system designed to support
`interoperable Machine-to-Machine interaction over a net-
`work. Webservices are frequently Web application program-
`ming interfaces (APIs) that can be accessed over a network,
`such asthe Internet, and executed on a remote system hosting
`the requested services.
`An important class of web services consists of those that
`either do data processing or provide information, i.e., they
`take in messages containing input data or information
`requests, process them in some manner, and produce mes-
`sages containing output data or results.
`A challenge for software developers is to allow automatic
`composition of workflows (made up of web services) that
`process, transform or analyze data to produce some desired
`information. In such workflows,
`is necessary to have
`expressive models of messages and of data processing capa-
`bilities of web services to composeservices thal are seman-
`tically compatible and to create workflows that produce the
`desired information.
`Ilowever, many existing service models like OWL-S (as
`described in Martinet al, D. 2004. OWL-S: Semantic markup
`for web services. In W3C Submission) do not allow expres-
`sions with variables in describing inputs and outputs. For
`example, OWL-S describes inputs and outputs using con-
`cepts in an ontology. Similarly to OWT.-S, SA-WSDI, (as
`described in Akkiraju et al, R. 2005. Web service semantics—
`WSDL-S. W3C Submission), which allows linking semantic
`annotations to WSDLfiles, associates inputs and outputs with
`concepts in an ontology.
`During automatic composition of workflows, a planneris
`used to decide which kinds of messages canbe given as input
`toa web service and howitcan construct these messages from
`other messages that have been produced by other web ser-
`vices ina partial plan. A challenge with planning concernsthe
`use of description logic reasoning for checking if two com-
`ponents car be connected. For example, since a planner needs
`to perform a large number of such checks while building a
`plan,this results in a large numberofcalls to areasoner during
`US 8,117,233 B2
`Booking, Exh. 1047, Page 9
`Booking, Exh. 1047, Page 9


`US 8,117,233 B2
`Each vertex apart from the source and sink vertices is one
`of the modeled web service operations. For each vertex rep-
`resenting a web service operation in the workflow there is a
`match between exemplar messagesassociated with incoming
`edges to the vertex and the input message pattern of the web
`service operation. The match between exemplar messages
`associated with incoming edges to the vertex and the input
`message pattern of the web service operation exists when
`there is a substitution of variables defined in the input mes-
`sage pattern suchthat: the exemplar messages includeatleast
`all the data elements that must be contained in the message
`input to the web service operation; and an RDF graph
`obtainedafter substituting variables in the input graph pattern
`can be logically inferred from a union of RDF graphsin the
`exemplar messages. The logic inference is based ona descrip-
`tion logic process.
`A match between exemplar messages associated with
`incoming edgesto the sink vertex and the response message
`pattern of the workflow exists when there is a substitution of
`variables defined in the input message pattern such that: the
`exemplar messagesincludeatleast all the data elements that
`must be contained in a response message defined in the
`response messagepattern of the workflow, and an RDF graph
`obtained after substituting variables in the graph pattern that
`is part of the response message pattern can be logically
`inferred from a union of RDF graphs in the exemplar mes-
`In an exemplary embodiment of the present invention, a
`planner for composing a workflow made up of web service
`operations, comprises: a domain-generator for receiving, a
`plurality ofmodeled webservice descriptions, translating the
`webservice descriptions into a stream processing planning
`language (SPPL), and during the translation, performing
`description logic program (DLP) reasoning on output mes-
`sage graph patterns of the web service descriptions, and stor-
`ing the translated and reasoned webservice descriptions in an
`SPPL domain; anda plan-builder for receiving a composition
`request, translating the composition request into a planning,
`goal, and producing a workflowby recursively connecting
`webservice operations to one another based on their web
`service descriptions stored in the SPPL domain until a goal
`messageis produced.
`‘The DLPreasoning is performed only once for each web
`service operation in an offline manner. The plan-builder
`checks graph-embedding relationships between the input
`message graphpattern and a union of RDF graphs in exem-
`plar messages when producing the workflow.
`The plan-builder operates in a pre-solve phase and a plan
`search phase, wherein in the pre-solve phasethe plan builder
`removes sources that cannot contribute to the goal and trans-
`lates predicate formulation into a propositional formulation,
`wherein in the plan search phase the plan-builder performs a
`branch-and-bound search of the web service descriptions
`stored in the SPPL domain.
`In an exemplary embodiment of the present invention, a
`computer program product comprises a computer useable
`medium having computer program logic recorded thereon for
`modeling a web service composition, the computer program
`logic comprising: program code for defining an input mes-
`sage pattern that describes input requirements of a web ser-
`vice operation, wherein the input message pattern includes a
`set of variables representing data elements that must be con-
`tained in a message inputto the web service operation, and a
`graph pattern that semantically describes the data elements
`that must be contained in the message inputto the web service
`operation; and programcode for defining an output message
`pattern that describes an output message of the web service
`operation, wherein the output message pattern includesa set
`of variables and exemplars that represent data elements con-
`tained in the output message, and a graphpattern that seman-
`tically describes the data elements contained in the output
`The foregoing [features are of representative embodiments
`and are presented to assist in understanding the invention.It
`should be understoodthat they are not intended to be consid-
`ered limitations on the inventionas defined by the claims, or
`limitations on equivalents to the claims. Therefore, this sum-
`mary of features should not be considered dispositive in
`determining equivalents. Additional features ofthe invention
`will become apparent in the following description, from the
`drawings and from the claims.
`FIG. 1 illustrates a semantic description of a web service
`operation according to an exemplary embodiment of the
`present invention;
`T'IG. 2 illustrates a semantic description of another web
`service operation according to an exemplary embodiment of
`the present invention:
`FIGS.3A and 3B illustrate how the semantic descriptions
`of the web service operations shownin FIGS. 1 and 2 change
`as a result of composing the web service operations into a
`workflow according to an exemplary embodiment of the
`present invention; and
`FIG.4 illustrates a semantic planner according to an exem-
`plary embodimentof the present invention.
`In accordance with an exemplary embodiment of the
`present invention, a model of associating rich semantic infor-
`mation with messages consumed and produced by web ser-
`vices is provided. The model describes input message
`requirements and an output message specification of each
`webservice operation using resource description framework
`(RDF) graph patterns. The terms used in these patterns are
`defined in web ontology language (OWL) ontologies that
`describe the application domain.
`Bydeveloping this model, automatic composition ofwork-
`flows that process, transform or analyzedata to produce some
`desired information is enabled. The model provides rich
`descriptions ofthe inputs and outputs of web service opera-
`tions. This allows us to compare the semantics of the data
`producedas output byone or more operations and the seman-
`tics of the data required as input by another operation and
`decide if the two are compatible. The semantics-based com-
`parability is better than a plain syntactic check and can help
`verify the semantic composability of two services.
`The model provides both a workflow-independent and a
`workflow-dependent description of a web service operation.
`The workflow-independent description provides the minimal
`conditions that mustbe satisfied by the data provided as input
`to the operation, and the minimal conditions that will be
`satisfied by the data produced as output. In a given workflow,
`however, the actual data provided as input may have addi-
`tional semantic constraints depending on the semantics ofthe
`data produced by previous services in the workflow. The
`actual data produced as output may similarly have additional
`constraints. Hence, the workflow-dependent description is a
`specialization of the workflow-independent description tak-
`ing into account the actual semantics ofthe data given as input
`to the operation.
`Booking, Exh. 1047, Page 10
`Booking, Exh. 1047, Page 10


`US 8,117,233 B2
`Akeyaspect of the modelis the notion of semantic propa-
`gation, i.e., the semantic description ofthe output message of
`an operation dependson the semantics of the input message,
`which in turn depends on the semantics of the previous mes-
`sage in the workflow, and so forth. In order to model semantic
`propagations, we model operations using graph transforma-
`tions (as describedin L. Baresi and R. [eckel. Tutorial intro-
`duction to graph transformation: A software engineering per-
`spective. In 1°” Int. Conference on Graph Transformation,
`2002, a copy of whichis incorporated by reference herein in
`its entirety). The graph transformations allowreplacing vari-
`ables in the RDF graph pattern describing the output message
`with either single values or entire sub-graphs based on the
`actual semantics of the input message.
`Onedifference between our model and other semantic web
`service models like OWL-S and SA-WSDLthat describe or
`associate input and outputs using concepts in an ontology, is
`that our model describes input and output messages in terms
`of RDF graph patterns based on data instances that appear in
`these messages. Our approach allows associating constraints
`on these instances based on both the concepts(or classes) they
`belong to and their relationships to other instances. Such
`constraints are more difficult to express in pure concept-based
`representations and often require the creation of a large num-
`ber of additional concepts corresponding to different combi-
`nations of constraints.
`In addition,
`the instance-based
`approachalso allows describing messages of complex types
`such as sequences, and associating rich semantics with the
`elements within the complex type. As a result, our model
`allows associating rich semantic information aboutservices,
`which aids the automatic composition of workflows that
`involve data processing and data transformation.
`Another difference between our model and existing mod-
`els like OWL-S and SA-WSDLisin the use of variables. For
`example, existing models do not allow expressions with vari-
`ables for describing inputs and outputs. Our model describes
`inputs and outputs using graph patterns, which can be con-
`sidered as logical expressions with variables. The use of
`variables allows our modelto relate the semantics of outputs
`to the semantics of inputs. WSML(as described in de Bruijn.
`The Web Service Modeling Language WSML. http://www.
`, 2005) also allows specifying axioms with
`variables in the pre- and port-conditions of a service capabil-
`ity. However, it does not have an explicit model of messages,
`which is necessary to determine if certain messages can be
`given as input to an operation. Our model explicitly defines
`the elements in a message and describes the semantics of
`these elements using an RDI graph consisting of OWL ABox
`assertions. This feature is useful during composition by arti-
`ficial intelligence (AI) planning, when the planner needs to
`decide what kind of messages can be given as input to an
`operation and howit can construct these messages fromother
`messagesthat have been produced so far by other operations
`in a partial! plan.
`Based on our model, we define the conditions under which
`webservices can be connected to one another in a workflow.
`In accordance with another exemplary embodiment of the
`present invention, we have also developed a plannerthat can
`automatically build workflows given a user requirement in
`terms ofa high-level web service whose inputs and outputs
`are also expressed as RDF graph patterns. The resulting work-
`flow is represented in Business Process Execution Language
`(BPEL) and describes a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of
`services that can be invoked to perform the tasks required.
`The planner incorporates reasoning based on Description
`Logie Programs (DLP) (as described in B. Grosof, I. Hor-
`rocks, R. Volz, and S. Decker. Description logic programs:
`combining logic programs with description logic. In WWW
`*03, a copy of whichis incorporated by reference hereininits
`entirety) in building plans. Oneofthe features of the planner
`is the use of a two-phase approach, where pre-reasoning is
`performed on componentdescriptions and the results of the
`reasoning are then reused when generating plans fordifferent
`user goals.
`A description of exemplary embodiments of the present
`invention will now be provided in further detail under the
`following headings: Model ofWeb Services, Composing Ser-
`vices inlo Workflows; The Semantic Planner, and Evaluation.

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