`Global Information Assurance Certification Paper
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`Christian Boniforti
`Version 1.4b Option B
`March 2003
` Securing a University’s Bandwidth with
`This paper is not limited to universities and could be applied to any network
`architecture. It is meant to bring attention to the importance of securing any
`network’s bandwidth. This paper will assist the reader in the implementation,
`installation and configuration of the PacketShaper and the processes that are
`necessary to apply bandwidth utilization policies. It is important to remember that
`there is no “one size fits all” solution. I suggest using what is pertinent to your
`scenario and learn from my mistakes. I am not providing a guaranteed solution
`or an instructional paper; I am merely providing you with tools, strategies and the
`technology that I used in securing and providing reliable bandwidth to our
`One must also understand that this paper is written with an emphasis on a
`university network which differs greatly from traditional corporate enterprises.
`According to Ted Udelson, academic institutions are presented with special and
`complex challenges which are not faced by commercial or government entities.
`He further lists the most common threats:
`They have difficulty in controlling end users.
`The culture cultivates free thinking and “open” access to
`The university serves as a research body, corporation, and Internet
`service provider. Colleges and universities must analyze each of
`these functions to determine the proper stance to take with regard
`to security (Udelson, p. 10).
`These points brought up by Mr. Udelson, present a network administrator with
`many challenging and unique tasks. It is important to first, understand the
`threats that are specific to your network environment and then develop a solution
`that will fit best for your specific scenario.
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`As part of GIAC practical repository.
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`Scenario: Before PacketShaper
`In late 2001, administration had received complaints from several students that
`the bandwidth that was provided to them was not adequate at times to conduct
`research. Specifically, students complained that at certain times of the day (a
`stretch between 10:00pm and 2:00am) internet access would come to a
`complete halt.
`This was brought up to the CIO and the concern was later passed off to me. I
`conducted some research and monitoring using MRTG tool on our single T1. My
`report of the utilization of bandwidth showed that the T1 line idled between 80%
`and 90% utilization on working hours (9-5), and reached 100% during the
`10:00pm – 2:00am stretch. Figure 1 shows the basic public network setup.
`My observation was passed along to my CIO and then onto administration. The
`problem needed to be resolved quickly and thus a very reactive decision was
`reached. Administration decided that the university should purchase an additional
`T1. This additional T1 was purchased in early 2002.
`The university decided that it would purchase a device called Linkproof by
`Radware for the integration of both T1 lines. These T1 lines would be setup to
`provide load balancing, redundancy, and a larger bandwidth capacity. Figure 2
`shows the new design that was created for the integration of the dual T1.
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`As part of GIAC practical repository.
`Author reta ns full rights.
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`The implementation of an additional T1 and the Radware Linkproof device were
`to provide the additional bandwidth needed and supply the university with some
`redundancy. The Linkproof device was able to eliminate
`. . . link congestions and bottlenecks from multi-homed networks,
`for fault tolerant connectivity and continuous availability of web
`services. By intelligently routing traffic and controlling bandwidth
`service levels across all Internet links, Linkproof enables effective
`link utilization, accelerating responsiveness, controlling bandwidth
`consumption and economically scaling operations. (LinkProof, p. 1)
`The additional T1 and Radware Linkproof solution provided the university with
`larger amount of capacity and offered the university the needed tolerance, but it
`was not able to monitor internal usage.
`Two weeks into the winter semester of 2002, the administration continued to
`receive complaints of slow internet access. Bandwidth monitoring was
`conducted once again and during the peak hours for the university (10:00pm to
`2:00am) bandwidth readings would burst to the 100% capacity.
`My first approach to this situation was to use portions of the “Defense in Depth”
`strategy and identify the business goals by the administration, faculty, students
`and the IT Department. Administration wanted a controllable, cost effective and
`quick solution. Faculty wanted guaranteed bandwidth and the Communications
`Department wanted designated bandwidth to conduct their streaming video
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`As part of GIAC practical repository.
`Author reta ns full rights.
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`projects and presentations. Students wanted everything, from peer to peer
`networks to online gaming and Xbox live gaming. The IT Department wanted a
`better solution, one that would provide filtering, control and designate bandwidth
`on a policy based system. The IT Department also needed to be able to
`implement a VOIP (Voice Over IP) solution with adequate QoS (Quality of
`Service) in the near future.
`It became apparent to the IT department that we could not continue to add T1’s,
`and that we needed to come up with a solution that would be able to measure,
`monitor, filter and shape the bandwidth traffic. A solution also needed to be
`backed up by an “Issue-specific Policy”. Currently the university had no specific
`internet utilization policy neither developed nor implemented.
` A
` New Problem:
`At around the same time we were beginning to experience constant problems
`with our firewall. At first we did not know or realize that this problem was part of
`our lack of bandwidth control and knowledge. The log files would grow at a rate
`that the OS could not handle. This would cause the firewall to either freeze and
`hang or the hardrive designated for the log files would fill up and consequently
`shut down the firewall.
`After researching the log files it was determined that the culprit was SMTP traffic
`initiating from internal clients (specifically students). There were two different
`options to solve this problem. Allow SMTP to go through the firewall which would
`propagate SMTP traffic to the outside world, or stop SMTP traffic at the internal
`core router. Our core router also served as our VLAN manager. We setup an
`ACL (Access Control List) to not allow student traffic to send SMTP traffic. This
`solution seemed to work. We began to experience problems with the core router
`less than a week into the implementation phase. The core router began to crash
`every 24 hours. Once the router was reloaded some SMTP traffic was still being
`filtered, but not all. It was agreed that we were going to not filter at the router
`level, and try to find the culprit students? At this point, I was not able to identify
`this problem as a miss management of bandwidth.
`We decided that we would try to answer the following key questions, Why?
`What ? Where? and How?. Why monitor and secure bandwidth? What were
`we going to use to measure and secure bandwidth? Where did we need to
`monitor bandwidth? And How would we enforce these solutions?
`Understanding the Importance of Securing Bandwidth
`Before we can understand Why we should secure and manage bandwidth we
`must define bandwidth. Scientifically speaking,
`…bandwidth is the width of the range of frequencies that an
`electronic signal occupies on a given transmission medium. Any
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`As part of GIAC practical repository.
`Author reta ns full rights.
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`digital or analog signal has a bandwidth. In digital systems,
`bandwidth is expressed as data speed in bits per second (bps). In
`analog systems, bandwidth is expressed in terms of the difference
`between the highest-frequency signal component and the lowest-
`frequency signal component. (, p. 1)
`Generally speaking we identify bandwidth as the speed in which flow of
`information is transmitted back and forth within a network or between
`many networks. Usually the more bandwidth one has the better the flow
`of information is exchanged. This statement is generally true. We are
`going to identify some reasons Why it is important to secure your
`network’s bandwidth.
`The number one reason to secure your bandwidth is cost. Cost can be
`measured in a many different ways. The most obvious associated cost
`with bandwidth is your ISP costs. In our scenario, the university was
`currently using two T1 lines and one point to point WAN link. The total
`cost of the university bandwidth was about a $30,000 yearly investment.
`This investment needed to be monitored, secured and efficiently utilized.
`Once bandwidth was converted to an investment it became apparent and
`easier to convince the administration that further studies and policies
`should be implemented.
`Another reason to secure your bandwidth can be performance. We are
`referring to the overall performance of the university’s bandwidth.
`Bottlenecks, congestions, dropped or lost packets and unnecessary
`retransmissions are all signs of an ill performing network. Many of these
`symptoms can be traced back to poorly managed bandwidth. Optimizing
`performance on a network basically attempts to minimize negative
`effecting traffic or “less desirable” traffic (P2P, video, sharing) and provide
`or guarantee the mission-critical applications their needed bandwidth.
`Policy may dictate and mandate the need to secure and manage campus
`bandwidth. Our IT Department had no policies set to limit bandwidth,
`block “less desirable” traffic or manage bandwidth.
`What to use? PacketShaper by Packeteer – A Brief
`The next question that we needed to answer was, what were we going to use to
`measure and control bandwidth? We knew that we could setup MRTG tools and
`measure the overall bandwidth, but it was not going to help us analyze packets,
`protocols or control bandwidth. After an extensive comparison and research, we
`decided to use a product by Packeteer called PacketShaper.
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`As part of GIAC practical repository.
`Author reta ns full rights.
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`PacketShaper is the bandwidth-management solution that brings
`predictable, efficient performance to applications running over
`enterprise wide-area networks (WANs) and the Internet. It balances
`traffic’s demands, giving each type of traffic the bandwidth it needs
`to perform. PacketShaper protects critical traffic, paces bandwidth-
`greedy traffic, and prevents any single type of traffic from
`monopolizing resources. It provisions bandwidth to applications,
`sessions, branch offices, and/or users. (Four Steps Packeteer, p.
`PacketShaper was the device that was going to be able to monitor inbound and
`outbound traffic, as well as analyze and filter. This product would secure our
`bandwidth and we would be able to set forth “Issue-specific Policies” that could
`be enforced. Packeteer has produced a simple introductory paper on the
`PacketShaper product and how to deploy it in your network. It can be found via
`this URL:
`First Step: “Classify Network Traffic”
`This first steps means allowing PacketShaper to identify traffic as it passes
`through the device. PacketShaper has the ability to identify or classify traffic by
`applications, protocols, web pages, subnets, users and many more. It has the
`ability to automatically classify known applications and protocols. Since, new
`applications are added on a daily basis Packeteer makes new classification
`features available to customers by introducing new “easy plug in” features. If a
`vulnerability or application is introduced a new plug in will be offered. After
`downloading and applying the plug in; PacketShaper is able to automatically
`classify the new application or vulnerability.
`PacketShaper has the ability to manually classify applications, subnets, protocols
`and other network traffic. As new applications are introduced they become
`more integrated, more bandwidth intensive and more difficult to classify under
`one category. PacketShaper has the ability to manually classify these complex
`applications that may differ from the simple IP scheme and single port
`applications. Some of the manual classification categories are as follows:
`• Web Classification: Most of the traffic today resides through HTTP traffic.
`PacketShaper is able to identify and differentiate HTTP traffic, by direction
`of traffic, web URL, server based, or host name. This allows for more
`granularities within the HTTP class.
`Intricate Port Classification: PacketShaper is able to classify and analyze
`difficult traffic that uses multiple ports or conducts in port hoping. Through
`this same classification it is able to differ classify traffic that may share the
`same port
`• File-Sharing Protocol: This category refers to the famous Napster, Kazaa,
`and Gnutella.
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`Second Step: “Analyze Behavior”
`PacketShaper has the ability to measure the classes of traffic that were
`previously identified. It will be able to track “…traffic levels, detects network
`trends, measures response time, and calculates network efficiency” (Four Step
`Packeteer, p. 5). This period of analysis will help answer many questions
`regarding the bandwidth traffic of an organization. PacketShaper is managed
`through a simple web interface. This interface contains many helpful tabs that
`will be useful to analyze the classified traffic. One of the helpful tabs is the
`Monitor Tab:
`This tab will identify the automatic or manually set classes on the left column, it
`also will shows such columns as Current (bps), 1 Minute (bps), and Peak (bps).
`This tab will be very helpful in pulling data on desired classes and will become an
`important gathering tool for controlling bandwidth.
`Third Step: “Control Performance”
`PacketShaper is able to manage application performance and guarantee a
`preset amount of bandwidth. PacketShaper controls bandwidth through the
`usage of partitions. A partition “…creates a virtual separate pipe for a traffic
`class” (Four Steps Packeteer, p. 5). One is able to set a size for the reserve link,
`define whether it can expand over the cap and control that growth. Partitions
`work much like pipes within pipes. Figure 4 shows the relationship of partitions
`within partitions:
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`Figure 4:
`Picture from Packeteer Website at URL:
`s.pdf, p. 20
`There are different kinds of partitions that can be utilized. PacketShaper can use
`either “hierarchical partitions” or “dynamic partitions” . “Hierarchical partitions”
`enable one to preset a certain amount of bandwidth within another subset of
`partitions. For example, one could set 30% of a link designated to HTTP traffic,
`and then assign different portions of the preset 30% to web servers that utilize
`HTTP traffic. One could assign half of the 30% to all web servers, quarter to
`OWA traffic and the remaining to any HTTP traffic. “Dynamic partition”, allows
`one set partitions on a per-user basis. It allows one to manage a user’s
`bandwidth allocation across all types of applications.
`Step Four: “Report Results”
`The reporting capabilities of the PacketShaper allow for a quick visual and
`comprehensive analysis of the traffic flow. PacketShaper will graph bandwidth
`based on time, network efficiency, average bandwidth and peak periods. This
`ability to quickly see what is traversing the network becomes a powerful and
`helpful tool in reaching your optimal goal of securing desired bandwidth
`Where to Use PacketShaper?
`Now that we understand what to use to monitor, shape and manage our
`bandwidth I had to decide where to place this device within our network. The
`placement of the PacketShaper depended on our needs, desires, budget and the
`current topology of our network. I will discuss the basic options that we had and
`the advantages and disadvantages of each placement.
` I
` took a basic and common setup of most university topologies and introduce the
`possible options of placement. Figure 5 shows the different options:
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`As part of GIAC practical repository.
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`Option 1, implements PacketShaper outside the border router. One of the
`positives to this solution is that you will be able to shape incoming and outgoing
`packets at this topology level. The other positive is that only external traffic will
`be shaped all internal traffic will not be accessed or modified. One of the
`negatives is that internal traffic will not be controlled, or managed. Another
`negative is that the PacketShaper will need a WAN or T-1 interface which will be
`more expansive and less flexible.
`Option 2, does not require PacketShaper as we are using the router to shape
`bandwidth. The positives to this solution are that you do not have to buy or
`manage an additional device. Another positive is that internal traffic is not
`interfered with or shaped. The negatives to this option are that you are restricted
`to router based shaping, which is very limited and less effective. The other
`disadvantage is that you will be taxing the router CPU. Routers are designed to
`route traffic not to shape it and analyze it.
`Option 3, implements PacketShaper internally or inside your border router. The
`positives to this solution are that you can use more flexible and less expensive
`Ethernet interfaces to manage traffic. Also, this option will allow for partitioning of
`university’s internal network and the use of multiple shapers. Some of the
`negatives include a greater amount of bandwidth will be managed which may
`require a more capable and more expensive device. Another negative is that
`internal traffic will be interfered with and shaped.
`Option 3, allows administrators for the most flexibility and manageability of
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`Now that we understand Why there is a need to manage bandwidth? What
`device? And Where to place it?, we can start discussing on How to use it? For
`this explanation we will return to the scenario previously mentioned.
`Scenario: During Installation
`Since our first three questioned have been answered and explored I will move on
`to the implementation of the PacketShaper and describe what I did to deploy this
`appliance. Figure 6 shows where our IT Department decided to install the
`After exploring all of the different options and analyzing the pros and cons, it was
`decided that in our scenario it was important to be able to manage and shape
`internal traffic. The best place to do this was to implement the PacketShaper
`between the firewall and internal router. The PacketShaper has two Ethernet
`interfaces, one labeled “In” and the other “Out”. They basically describe the flow
`of traffic. The “In” interface describes traffic flow destined towards the internal
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`network. While, the “Out” interface describes traffic flow initiated from the
`internal network destined to the outside world or DMZ. In our deployment of the
`PacketShaper we will not be able to monitor, shape or manage traffic that does
`not traverse the PacketShaper. This traffic will include internal peer-to-peer
`traffic and traffic between internal servers and internal clients.
`Configuring PacketShaper
`Once I decided where to implement the PacketShaper I needed to figure out how
`to physically plug the cables and what cables to use. Figure 7 shows the front
`end of the PacketShaper:
`Figure 7
`Picture from Packeteer Website at URL:
` Getting
`Started v521.pdf
`The RJ 45 interfaces are clearly labeled “Outside” and “Inside”. The types of
`cable that will be plugged into these interfaces depend on the type of device that
`you will be plugging into the PacketShaper. In our scenario, I use

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