`Michael Ben-Nun
`P-Cube Inc.
` This document explains the increasing
`bandwidth and network capacity planning
`challenges peer-to-peer file exchange
`applications cause Internet Service
`Providers. It discusses how Service Control
`– the concept of statefully tracking network
`usage and enforcing advanced subscriber,
`application and destination differentiated
`policies – is key to resolving the peer-to-
`peer traffic issues within existing network
`The Evolution of Peer-to-Peer (P2P)
` Understanding the relatively short history
`of P2P applications and its underlying
`technologies is critical to the comprehension
`as the impact it has on broadband IP
`networks. Internet based P2P is a relatively
`new technology, which allows for the
`creation of decentralized, dynamic, and
`anonymous logical networks for information
`exchange using the public Internet. In
`“traditional” client/server model a well-
`known source provides content and
`information to requesting clients, whereas in
`P2P, applications utilize various techniques
`to allow users to search and share content
`between themselves. There are several
`different P2P technologies and architectures
`that evolved from the most basic type – one
`that has a central “coordinating” server
`utilized for content searches between clients
`(e.g., Napster). Completely decentralized
`P2P has no central server (e.g., Gnutella) to
`provide search capabilities due to the fact
`that the clients search amongst themselves.
`Other variations of P2P provide application
`specific networks (e.g., KazaA) and some
`utilize an open standard (e.g., Gnutella and
`OpenNAP) to allow clients share all sorts of
`content. All of these applications allow
`individual users (conveniently shielded by
`the anonymity of the network) to share files
`over the Internet. These files often contain
`copyrighted materials (e.g., songs, movies,
`software, etc.) that no commercial content
`provider could legally afford to publish.
` Due to this simple file sharing method,
`Napster, which is considered to be the first
`P2P application with mainstream appeal,
`was an immediate success among Internet
`users, especially those with high-speed
`Internet connections. A court ordered
`shutdown of the Napster service did little to
`decrease the amount of P2P file swapping
`activities, rather it can be argued that the
`added publicity probably achieved the
`opposite effect and the popularity of P2P
`applications has increased ever since. With
`new P2P clients and applications released to
`provide more functionality and ease of use,
`P2P traffic comprises a large part of Internet
`bandwidth usage. The popularity and use of
`different P2P clients is varied and can be
`determined by a variety of factors. Some
`clients are more popular in certain
`geographies (such as Winny which has wide
`spread acceptance in Japan), while others
`have a strong following among the
`“distributors” of specific types of material.
`Splunk Inc. Exhibit 1013 Page 1


`Peer-to-Peer Incurred Congestion
` P2P clients, due to their numbers and
`intensive need for network bandwidth are
`causing significant network congestion.
`With less bandwidth left for other network
`traffic, this results in a reduction of the
`overall broadband experience for other
`subscribers on the network, and raises
`network capacity, planning, and
`management issues. Every IP network is
`built with assumptions about usage, which
`in turn is used to analyze and compute the
`necessary amount of network capacity and
`resources needed to support a given
`subscriber base. P2P applications are
`different from traditional client/server
`applications in the way that users run them
`and how the applications use the network.
`The table below provides a glimpse of some
`of the parameters used by service providers,
`their importance for planning the network,
`and the influence P2P technologies have on
`these parameters. P2P applications are
`increasing in popularity and constitute a
`growing percentage of network traffic.
`These applications are so popular that a new
`term has been coined to describe the more
`avid users of these technologies. Often
`referred to as “bandwidth hogs” or “abusive
`subscribers,” these users are using their
`broadband network connections to generate
`a disproportional amount of network traffic
`and significantly contributing to network
` The following charts, produced from
`analyzing the usage of a particular network,
`serving HSD cable subscribers uncovers the
`alarming truth: Approximately 70% of
`network bandwidth is being used by P2P
` With the growing amount of P2P
`traffic, there is a clear need to address
`the link congestion and bandwidth issues
`it creates. To solve the problem, service-
`providers must use a solution that is able
`(a) Identify, account and report on P2P
`(b) Control the bandwidth these
`applications consume.
` The following section provides detailed
`technical requirements that a solution must
`Splunk Inc. Exhibit 1013 Page 2


`new ones emerge, the underlying protocols
`used to carry the peer-to-peer traffic change
`frequently. The solution must be quick to
`adapt to new protocols, and provide new
`identification mechanisms.
` Note that the importance of the above-
`mentioned identification requirements
`increase in complexity and number with the
`growing speed of the development of new
`peer-to-peer applications/protocols. Even
`today, P2P applications use well-known
`ports, assigned to other network uses (such
`as port-80 for web-browsing), and they are
`constantly migrating to these port numbers
`in an attempt to masquerade as ‘traditional’
`network activities and thereby avoid
`detection. Hence, simple analysis based on
`port-numbers leaves most of the P2P traffic
`unaccounted for, and will not truly address
`the problem.
`! Ability to control bandwidth at various
`isolation levels & granularities: To control the
`bandwidth impact of P2P applications it is
`necessary to provide a network control
`mechanism for different levels of isolation and
`control. The solution must provide the means
`to control bandwidth at “subscriber
`granularity”, whereby it limits the total
`amount of bandwidth each subscriber can
`consume. It must be able to control the
`bandwidth of particular flows, so as only the
`P2P identified traffic of a particular subscriber
`is limited, while the rest of that subscriber’s
`traffic is left unaffected.
` !
` Ability to enforce time, destination and
`subscriber differentiated policies: To
`control the bandwidth congestion cause by
`P2P, and enforce various control policies,
`while maintaining the necessary flexibility
`to actually implement these on real-life
`subscribers, the solution must provide the
`Technical Requirements
` When attempting to identify and
`control P2P traffic, it is important to
`remember the underlying technical
`requirements from a proposed solution.
`Once the requirements are fully
`understood they could be used to
`evaluate possible solutions. The unique
`technical requirements that need to be
`addressed are:
`! Ability to classify traffic based on
`layer3-7 parameters: Peer-to-peer
`applications do not utilize well-known
`port numbers, and thus cannot be
`classified by simply looking at IP packet
`headers (IP addresses, TCP port-
`numbers, etc.). Rather, deep inspection
`of packets, including the identification of
`layer-7 patterns and sequences must be
`! Ability to maintain bi-directional
`flow state: In order to identify a
`particular flow of packets as peer-to-
`peer, carriers cannot inspect each packet
`within that flow to make the
`identification. The solution that
`performs proper identification of P2P
`traffic must ensure that once a particular
`flow (e.g. a TCP connection between
`two hosts) is identified as P2P, all
`packets on that flow are tracked, and
`treated as such. Of critical importance is
`the ability to tie between both directions
`(i.e. upstream & downstream) of a flow,
`since in many cases the initial
`identifying pattern resides in a packet
`sent from one host, yet the majority of
`traffic can flow in the other direction.
` !
` Ability to provide quick turn-around
`for new P2P applications: As peer-to-
`peer applications constantly change, and
`Splunk Inc. Exhibit 1013 Page 3


`capacity to support the total number of
`subscribers served by the network links, for
`both existing subscriber numbers today, and
`for forecasted growth.
` With the technical requirements in mind,
`the following section explores possible
`solutions to identifying and controlling peer-
`to-peer traffic.
`Using Router/Switch QoS Mechanisms
` Existing routers, switches or similar
`network devices contain various types of
`traffic classification and QoS mechanism,
`which could potentially be used to control
`P2P bandwidth.
` However, as these devices were not
`designed to address these issues, they do not
`provide the following capabilities:
`! They do not provide Layer 3-7 traffic
`classification. Nor do they maintain state
`across packets flows.
` !
` They are not “subscriber-aware” and
`cannot provide subscriber differentiated
` As a result, switches and routers do not
`provide the means by which the peer-to-peer
`traffic can be identified, and network usage
`policies be applied to it. Additionally, as the
`QoS mechanisms in switches and routers
`attempt to deal with link congestion and
`bandwidth distribution, they do not provide
`the necessary subscriber-differentiated
`policies, required to control the peer-to-peer
`traffic once identified.
`means to create differentiated
`enforcement schemes (or policies) based
`on time of day, destination and
`subscriber. Specifically, the ability to
`create different enforcement packages
`for different subscribers must be
` Ability to maintain subscriber level
`quotas: In order to control P2P traffic in
`a persistent manner for each subscriber,
`the solution must provide the
`infrastructure to maintain a usage state
`for subscribers, and account for the total
`amount of P2P traffic over time. As an
`example, the ability to maintain the total
`amount of P2P traffic each subscriber
`has consumed on a
`daily/weekly/monthly basis, and apply
`different bandwidth quota based
`consumption restrictions based is key to
`moderating the use of the network.
`! Note that while the issue of
`controlling and enforcing P2P bandwidth
`consumption is crucial for maintaining a
`congestion-free and predictable
`broadband network, it can cause
`customer expectation issues, as the
`current subscriber-base is unaccustomed
`to imposed limitations on its high-speed
`data access. Therefore the above
`flexibility is mandatory as service-
`providers create the policies best suited
`for their subscriber-base.
` !
` !
` Support high-speed network rates,
`and subscriber-capacities: As today’s
`broadband networks are built to sustain
`significant traffic loads, the solution
`must support today’s network interfaces
`and traffic rates. Typical broadband
`networks use Gigabit Ethernet and OC
`interfaces with high throughput. In
`addition, the solution must have the
`Splunk Inc. Exhibit 1013 Page 4


`classification of the traffic and the
`subscriber it is mapped to.
` The following diagram depicts the
`internal operations of a service control
` On step (1), the platform classifies each
`packet received into a stateful, bi-directional
` On step (2), the platform performs
`dynamic stateful reconstruction of the
`application (layer-7) message exchange in
`the flow, and identifies the application used
`by each (peer-to-peer, web, mail, etc.)
` On step (3), the platform maps each such
`flow into a particular subscriber. Typically
`there is a many-to-many relationship, in
`which many application-flows are mapped
`to many subscribers.
` On step (4), once the traffic has been
`classified, identified and mapped, it is
`accounted for on a subscriber basis.
`Subscribers’ state is updated according to
`the traffic they transmit or receive, and this
`impacts (along with the their assigned
`policies) the final bandwidth enforcement
`policy (5) applied.
` On step (6), the selected policy is
`translated into packet level decisions,
`indicating how the actual implementation of
`the bandwidth restriction is performed.
` Ultimately the total bandwidth consumed
`is reduced through control implemented in
`the service control platform and the overall
`network congestion is reduced to a level
`acceptable to the network provider.
`Using DOCSIS 1.1
` The DOCSIS 1.1 specifications,
`contains many features and capabilities
`to control bandwidth utilization, and
`offer differentiated services to
`subscribers. However, by itself the
`DOCSIS 1.1 specifications cannot fully
`address the issue of controlling P2P
`applications. This is due to the fact that
`DOCSIS 1.1 does not:
` !
` Provide the mechanisms to classify
`traffic based on layer-7 capabilities, or
`maintain state for bi-directional network
`! Provide the required bandwidth
`control isolation and granularities.
`DOCSIS 1.1 provides the means to
`control traffic at a defined flow
`specification (typically a combination of
`layer3-4 parameters). However, as
`mentioned above, to fully control P2P
`bandwidth consumption, there is a need
`to implement various layer of bandwidth
`control, which the DOCSIS 1.1
`specifications does not attempt to
` As a result, while DOCSIS 1.1 is a
`potential key component in service
`differentiated high speed data networks,
`it does not provide the mechanisms to
`control the peer-to-peer abuse problem.
`Using Service Control Platforms
` A Service Control Platform is defined
`as a platform that is able maintain state
`for each network flow, classify it
`according to layer3-7 parameters, and
`implement various bandwidth shaping
`and control rules, based on the
`Splunk Inc. Exhibit 1013 Page 5


`Recieved Packets
`Transmitted Packets
`n: OOOO | @ @ Gi peer-to-peer
`2: OO i i i
`m OOO
`MMM sopeer-to-peer
`(2) Classify flow
`to application by
`layer3-7 patterns
`and messages
`(1) Classify
`Packet to
`Hl] johni23
`(3) Map
`flow to
`(5) Select
`( 4) Maintain
`State & Quota
`(6) Perform
`Shaping &
`The combination of Peer-to-Peer
`applications’ aggressive use of network
`resources and the growing popularity of
`P2Pis straining broadband networks,
`and causing congestion, operational
`costs, and usersatisfaction issues. Using
`Service Control, P2P traffic can be
`precisely identified and controlled, so as
`to contain its affects on the network
`without influencing other applications
`and network users. Furthermore, the
`P2P consumption hasa different
`network behavior and usage pattern than
`typical “common”network applications
`that require differentiated bandwidth
`(such as enterprise based SLA and QoS).
`Users utilizing the network for P2P
`traffic are typically residential
`subscribers, unaccustomed to enforced
`bandwidth restrictions. As such the
`control mechanisms required to contain
`the affects of P2P, while avoiding
`subscriber alienation due to rigid
`policies, are not provided by standard
`QoS mechanisms. This meansthat
`commonly deployed switched and
`routers cannotact in the same capacity
`as Service Control Platforms for the
`purpose of P2P monitoring and control.
`A complete and effective solution
`requires the combination of P2P
`identification flexibility, traffic control,
`quotas, and subscriber awareness — the
`main building-blocks of a Service
`Control Platform.
`Visit P-Cube on the web at:
`388 Oakmead Parkway, Sunnayvale CA 94085. eTel: 408-720-7770 eFax: 408-720-7772
`Splunk Inc.
` Page6é
`Splunk Inc. Exhibit 1013 Page 6


`Networks are
`asymmetrical in nature:
`the amountof traffic that
`a network can sustain
`upstream (i.e., from the
`subscribers to the
`network), is different
`from the amountit can
`sustain in the opposite
`direction. The ratio
`required between these
`two directions is in direct
`correlation to the
`requirements of the
`applications using the
`network. Networks are
`built with a specific ratio
`which,if incorrect, may
`cause high rates of
`congestion and unutilized
`Upstream / Downstream
`Traffic Ratio
`eM RyCe OkaesTIET
`user uses the network
`for downstream
`applications. These
`applications (e-mail,
`web browsing,etc.)
`generate a larger
`for each
`and service providers
`have cometo rely
`this ratio to model
`network capacity
`P2P applications
`encourage users to
`share files, and a
`typical peer serves
`gigabytes offiles.
`This causes a drastic
`changein the
`downstream ratio,
`and as a result
`congestion on the
`upstream link (due to
`individual users’
`increased uploading
`Splunk Inc.
`Page 7
`Splunk Inc. Exhibit 1013 Page 7


`The time of day
`and percentage of
`for residential
`rooted in the
`premise that a
`typical residential
`network only when
`the subscriberis
`physically present
`and actively using
`the connection.
`Suchis the case
`browsing, reading
`Time of Day and
`Percentage of Activity
`Service providers
`typically assume an
`average duration of
`network use per
`subscriber per day, and
`(based on subscriber
`profiling) peak use
`periods. A service
`provider would typically
`be able to predict and
`account for network
`“rush hours” and“lulls”
`periods of networkuse.
`This subscriberprofiling
`is based on assumptions
`that residential home
`users primarily use the
`network during weekends
`and evenings, and that
`telecommuters and small
`offices use it primarily
`during business hours.
`Sudden or sporadic
`changesin these patterns
`may cause congestion
`during certain hoursthat
`werenot evident before.
`As P2P applications
`are usually used to
`upload or download
`large, multi-
`megabytefiles, they
`are typically left
`unattended for days
`at a time while the
`application constantly
`attempts to download
`a list of files. At the
`same timeit can
`serve as a search
`node for the P2P
`network and serve
`multiple file requests
`of other peers. This
`creates a never
`ending, high volume
`stream of network
`activity throughout
`the day.
`For example, a
`student’s computer
`with a broadband
`connection can
`compete with
`telecommuters for
`vital network
`resources during
`business hours while
`the studentis at
`Splunk Inc.
`Exhibit 1013
`Page 8
`Splunk Inc. Exhibit 1013 Page 8


`The costs associated with
`serving each network
`packet and connection
`can depend on the
`location of the peer of the
`subscriber. Carefully
`crafted peering
`agreements with other
`networkproviders can
`help reduce the amount of
`traffic, and hence the cost
`of expensivetransit
`connections. Furthermore
`local traffic (often
`referred to as OnNET)
`that does not leave the
`service provider’s own
`significantly lower in cost
`than traffic that does
`Traffic Destination and
`Peering points
`Estimated Traffic Volume
`Traditional uses of
`the data network
`are mainly OnNET
`(email, nntp, web-
`proxies), with a
`small percentage
`being OffNET.
`This small
`evaSCOT es
`content that is
`located at sites
`arseitmem iits
`network providers
`No matter the topology
`and architecture of the
`network,thereis a finite
`amount of bandwidth
`available for all its users,
`and certain over-
`subscription assumptions
`are used when planning
`the capacity of the
`applications have a
`large “time-to-
`consume” factor: A
`small web-page
`can take several
`minutes to read, a
`single e-mail
`message might take
`a numberof hours
`to process. This
`determines how the
`traffic volume for
`each type of
`content served.
`P2Ptraffic has
`increased the amount
`of traffic between
`users in a significant
`way. When two or
`more P2Pclients start
`using the network
`they form a direct
`connection to
`Whetherthe clients
`use the sameor
`different providers is
`not a determining
`factor in how the P2P
`connections are
`made. P2Pfile
`exchange has
`increased the
`potential for OffNET
`P2P applications are
`mainly used to share
`large binary files that
`have a much lower
`ratio. A three-minute
`song is usually 3-5
`megabytes. A 10-
`minute movie can be
`hundreds of
`Eachpiece of content
`that is served is
`Splunk Inc.
`Exhibit 1013
`Page 9
`Splunk Inc. Exhibit 1013 Page 9

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