`Case No. 21-cv-411-ADA
`MemoryWeb, LLC,
`SamsungElectronics Co., Ltd. (a Korean
`Company) and Samsung Electronics America,
`Pursuant to the Case Readiness Status Report (Doc. 21) and the Agreed Scheduling Order
`(Doc. 35), Plaintiff MemoryWeb, LLC (“MemoryWeb”) hereby submits the following initial
`infringement contentions with respect to Defendants Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. and Samsung
`Electronics America, Inc. (“Samsung”) with respect to U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 (“the “658
`patent”), U.S. Patent No. 10,621,228 (“the ‘228 patent”), and U.S. Patent No. 11,163,823 (“the
`“823 patent”) (collectively, “the Asserted Patents”).
`MemoryWeb’s investigation is ongoing and the contentions set forth herein are based on
`the information available to MemoryWeb as of the date of these contentions. MemoryWeb
`reservesthe right to supplement or amendthis disclosure after receiving discovery from Samsung,
`or other third parties, particularly documents and other discovery regarding Samsung’s accused
`products (e.g., source code) and as additional information becomesavailable.


`Identification of the Asserted Claims
`Samsunghasinfringed and continuesto infringe at least the following claims of the ‘658
`patent: claims 1-15. Samsunghasinfringed and continues to infringeat least the following claims
`of the ‘228 patent: claims 1-10 and 12-15, and 17-19. Samsung has infringed and continues to
`infringe at least the following claims ofthe ‘823 patent: claims 1-34. MemoryWeb’s investigation
`is ongoing and discovery has not commenced. Accordingly, this identification of asserted claims
`is based on information available to MemoryWebatthis time. MemoryWebreservesthe right to
`add, delete, substitute, or otherwise amend this list of asserted claims should discovery, the
`Court’s claim construction, or other circumstances so merit.
`Identification Priority Dates
`The priority date for claims 1-15 of the ‘658 patent and claims 1-10 and 12-15, and 17-19
`of the ‘228 patent is February 28, 2014. Thepriority date for claims 1-34 of the *823 patent is
`June 9, 2011. MemoryWebreserves the right to update or amend this identification of priority
`dates should the Court’s claim construction or other circumstances so merit.
`Identification of Accused Products
`On information and belief, MemoryWeb identifies the following accused products:
`Samsung has and continues to make,use, sell, offer for sale, and/or import products and services,
`including without limitation those marketed by Samsung as Samsung Gallery (hereinafter, “the
`Gallery Application”). On information andbelief, at least the following Samsung products include
`and/or use the Gallery Application: Samsung Galaxy smartphones(including, but not limited to,
`A series, S series, Z series, and Note models) and Samsung Galaxy tablets (including, but not
`limited to, Tab A and Note models). On information andbelief, additional Samsung products are
`compatible with and use the Gallery Application.


`The Gallery Application and the Samsung products described above that include and/or
`use the Galley Application software are collectively referred to herein as the “Accused Samsung
`Products.” MemoryWebreserves the right to amend this identification of accused products, as
`well as other information contained herein, to incorporate new information as in becomesavailable
`underthe course of discovery.
`Claim Charts
`Claim charts identifying a location of each and every element of every asserted claim of
`the Asserted Patents in the Accused Samsung Products are attached hereto as Exhibits A-C.
`Exhibits A and B illustrate Samsung’s infringement using Gallery version MemoryWeb
`contends that there are no material differences between Gallery version and additional
`Gallery versions for purposesof infringement, including at least one or more versionsreleased at
`least as early as Gallery version 11.5 (see Complaint at §§ 47-56). Exhibit C illustrates Samsung’s
`infringement using Gallery version MemoryWebreserves the right to amend these
`charts, as well as other information contained in these disclosures and contentions, to incorporate
`new information learned during the course of discovery and to identify additional specific versions
`of the Gallery Application. MemoryWebalso reservesthe right to amendits claim charts, as well
`as other information contained in these disclosures and contentions, upon the Court’s issuance of
`a claim construction order.
`Literal Infringement and Doctrine of Equivalents
`Underthe proper construction of the asserted claims, the limitations of each asserted claim
`in the Asserted Patents are satisfied literally in the Accused Samsung Products. However, to the
`extent that any claim limitation or element is found notbe literally embodied or practiced by the
`Accused Samsung Products, MemoryWebcontendsthat the Accused Samsung Products embody


`or practice such claim limitations or elements under the doctrine of equivalents because there are
`no substantial differences, and the Accused Samsung Products perform substantially the same
`function, in substantially the same way, to achieve substantially the sameresult.
`VI._—Direct Infringement
`Samsung (including Samsung’s employees) and Samsung’s customers(including end users
`of the products described above) using the Accused Samsung Products have directly infringed,
`and continueto directly infringe, the Asserted Claimsas set forth in the attached claim charts. This
`infringement has occurred,either literally or under the doctrine of equivalents, by making, using,
`selling, and/or offering for sale in the United States, and/or importing into the United States
`without authority, the Accused Products.
`To the extent Samsung contendsthat it or the Accused Samsung Products do not perform
`each and every step ofthe Asserted Claims, Samsungdirects or controls the performance by others
`of each claim limitation that it does not perform itself, such that the performance of each claim
`limitation can beattributed to Samsung.
`Induced and Contributory Infringement
`Samsunghas induced and continuesto induce infringement of the Asserted Claimsliterally
`or under the doctrine of equivalents by making, selling, offering to sell, and/or importing the
`Accused Products to or for its customers (including end users), and providing such customers
`(including end users) with instructions and training on how to use the Accused Products in a
`mannerthat directly infringes the claims, all while Samsung has knowledge ofthe Asserted Patents
`and Asserted Claims, and knowledge that such use of the Accused Products would infringe the
`Asserted Claims. Samsung acts with knowledge and specific intent to encourage and facilitate
`such infringing acts by its customers. Samsung’s technical and marketing documentation for the


`Accused Samsung Products provides specific instruction for using, and actively encourages its
`customers to use, the Accused Samsung Products in an infringing manner.
`Samsung has and continues to contributorily infringe the Asserted Claims by using,
`offering to sell, selling, or importing the Accused Products. The Accused Products in operation
`form a component ofa machine, manufacture, combination, or composition, constituting a material
`part of the invention for each of the Asserted Patents. Samsung knowsthat the Accused Products
`are especially made or adapted for use in an infringement of the Asserted Claims, and that the
`Accused Productsare nota staple article or other system capable of substantial non-infringing use.


`Dated: November24, 2021
`Respectfully submitted,
`/s/ Daniel J. Schwartz
`Arthur Gollwitzer III
`Texas Bar No. 24073336
`Jackson Walker LLP
`100 Congress Avenue, Suite 1100
`Austin, TX 78701
`Telephone: 512.236.2268
`Facsimile: 512.236.2002
`Daniel J. Schwartz (pro hac vice)
`Zachary Sorman (pro hacvice)
`Angelo J. Christopher (pro hacvice)
`70 West Madison, Suite 3500
`Chicago, IL 60602-4224
`Tel: 312-977-4400
`Attorneys for PlaintiffMemoryWeb, LLC


`I, Daniel J. Schwartz, an attorney of record in this matter, hereby certify that on November
`24, 2021, I caused the following document:
`Plaintiff MemoryWeb LLC’s First SupplementalInitial Infringement Contentions
`to be served on the following counsel of record via electronic service:
`Justin MacLean (Pro Hac Vice)
`Allan A. Kassenoff (Pro Hac Vice)
`Richard A. Edlin (Pro HacVice)
`Jeffrey R. Colin
`Vimal M. Kapadia
`Greenberg Taurig, LLP
`One Vanderbilt Avenue
`New York, NY 10017
`Telephone: (212) 801-9200
`Facsimile: (212) 801-6400
`Melissa Richards Smith
`Gillam and Smith, LLP
`303 South Washington Avenue
`Marshall, Texas 75670
`Telephone: 903.934.8450
`Facsimile: 903.934.9257
`Counselfor Defendants
`/s/ Daniel J. Schwartz
`Daniel J. Schwartz


`Exhibit A


`Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery
`U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Infringement Claim Chart
`The following chart identifies a location of eachand every element of every asserted claim of U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 (‘the
`“658 patent”) nm the Samsung Gallery application (“Gallery”). The exemplary screenshots below were taken using a Samsung Galaxy
`A51 running Gallery Version While various views with one or more photographs are shown for exemplary purposes below,
`it should be understood that each view can include more or less phetographs, and/or videos. Additionally, while one or more
`photographs or videos are shownat various locations for exemplary purposes, it should be understood that eachlocation can include
`more orless associated photographs and/or videos.
`I[pre] A To the extent the preamble is limiting, Gallery displays atleast a portion ofaplurality of (1) digital
`photographs, (i) videos, or (if) acombmation of(i) and (i), each ofthe digital photographs and videos being
`associated with a geotag indicative of geographic coordinates where the respective digital photograph or video
`method of
`was taken. See infra.
`displaying at least
`a portion of a
`plurality of(1)
`photographs, (1)
`videos, or(il) a
`combmation of(i)
`the digital
`photographs and
`videos being
`associated with a
`geotag indicative
`of geographic
`coordinates where
`the respective
`digital photograph
`or video was
`taken, the method
`nis a


`Gallery displays an application view on a video display device (e.g.,a Samsung device such as a smartphone
`or tablet) including a plurality of selectable elements, which include a location selectable element. A first
`example ofa location selectable element in an application view including a plurality of selectable elements is
`shown below.
`1[a] displaymg an
`application view
`on a video display
`device including
`displaying a
`plurality of
`elements, the
`plurality of
`elements including
`a location
`selectable element; Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery
`Another example of a location selectable element in an application view is shown below.


`< Search for “Portraits”
`< Chicago
`:. EW“
`Pain wes
`Googie Hae,
`@ a | atLncolt Part Zon
`view on a video Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery
`Gallery displays a map view ona video display device (e.g., a Samsung smartphone or tablet) responsive to a
`click or tap of the location selectable element.
`1 |b] responsive to
`a click or tap of
`the location
`selectable element,
`displaying a map


`display device, the
`displaying the map
`view including
`Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery


`Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery
`ant) COSTES
`Bence vuLacE
`co row
`Te Semen
`in substantially the same way, to achieve substantially the sameresult.
`To the extent it is found that the map view is not literally displayed responsive to a click or tap of the location
`selectable element, MemoryWeb contends that this limitation 1s satisfied under the doctrine ofequivalents as
`any differences are insubstantial. The function of the claimed displaying the map view responsive to a click or
`tap of the location selectable element to cause the map view to be displayed on the video display device. The
`waythat the claimed displaying the map view responsive to a click or tap of the location selectable element
`performs this function is by displaying the location selectable element, then causing the map view to be
`displayed subsequent toa click or tap of the location selectable element. The result of the claimed displaying
`the map view responsive to a click or tap of the location selectable elementis that the map view 1s displayed
`on the video display after the click ortap of the location selectable element. Samsung Gallery performs
`substantially the same function,
`artRT To


`Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery
`As shown above, displaymg the map view includes displaying a representation of an interactive map. The
`1[b][i] @ a
`representation of|mapis interactive at least because Gallery zcoms in or out on the map, as shown below.
`an interactive map;
`< Map
`< Map
`View selected
`foeT~ interactive map
`map,the first
`1 |b} [ii] G afirst|Displaymg the map view includes displaying a first location selectable thumbnail image ata first location on
`location selectable|the interactive map.
`at a first location
`on the interactive


`is associated with Chicago, IL.
`The first location is associated with the geographic coordinates ofa first geotag. In this example,
`location selection thumbnail
`sey BL
`first location selectable
`bal se
`Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery
`location being
`associated with the
`coordinates of a
`first geotag,
`the first


`geotag: Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery
`The first location selectable thumbnail mage 1s associated with a fist set of digital photographs and videos
`including all ofthe digital photographs and videos associated with the first geotag.
`1[b] [ii] [A] a first
`set ofdigital
`photographs and
`videos including
`all of the digital
`photographs and
`videos associated
`with the first
`Po as eater
`o> Sa
`1251 W DraperSt, Chicago,IL 60614, USA


`Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery
`scaled replicas from first set of
`digital photographs and videos
`number ofdigital Displaying the map view includes displayingafirst count value imagepartially overlapping thefirst location
`1[b]||iii] (i) a first
`count value image
`overlapping the
`first location
`thumbnail mage,
`the first count
`value image
`number that
`corresponds to the
`selectable thumbnail image, the first count value image including a first number.


`Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery
`first count value image
`first set of digital photographs and videos.
`The first count value (in this example, 9) corresponds to the numberof digital photographs and videos in the
`photographs and
`videos im the first
`set of digital
`photographs and
`first location selectable
`Ree ee


`Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery

`St, Chicago,IL 60614, USA
`To the extentit is found that the first count value image does notliterally partially overlap the first location
`selectable thumbnail
`image, MemoryWeb centends that this limitation is satisfied under the doctrine of
`equivalents as any differences are insubstantial. The function of the claimed partially overlapping is to
`indicate the number ofdigital photographs and videos in the first set of digital photographs and videos that are
`associated with the first location. The way the claimed partially overlappmg performs this function is by
`positioning the first count value image in sufficient proximity to the first thumbnail
`image to create an
`association betweenthefirst thumbnail
`image and the first count value image, but without completely
`obscuring the first thumbnail
`image. The result of the claimed partially overlapping 1s that the first count
`value indicates the number digital photographs and videos inthe first set of digital photographs and videos that
`are associated with the first location and the first thumbnail
`image without completely obscuring thefirst
`image. Samsung Gallery performs substantially the same function, m substantially the same way,
`to achieve substantially the same result.
`Displaying the map view also includes displaymg a second location selectable thumbnail mage ata second
`location on the interactive map.
`1[b] [iv] Gv) a
`at asecond


`Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery
`location on the
`interactive map,
`the second
`location being
`associated with the
`coordinates of a
`second location selectable
`thumbnail image
`first location selectable
`thumbnail image
`The secondlocation is associated with the geographic coordinates of a second geotag. See mformation for


`Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery
`7575 Uthe Dr, Newaygo,MI 49337, USA

`videos including
`image ts associated with a secondset ofdigital photographs and
`The second location selectable thumbnail
`videos including all of the digital photographs and videos associated with the second geotag.
`1[b][iv][A] a
`secondset of
`photographs and


`Displaying the map view includes displaying a second count value image partially overlappmg the second
`1[b][v] (ya
`second count value}location selectable thumbnail
`Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery
`all of the digital
`photographs and
`videos associated
`with the second
`geotag; and
`My 1,
`scaled replicas from second set of
`digital photographs and videos


`Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery
`second location selectable
`second count value
`image partially
`overlapping the
`second location
`the second count
`value image
`including a second
`number that
`corresponds to the
`photographs and
`videos in the
`secondset of
`and videos in the secondset ofdigital photographs and videos.
`photographs and
`The second count value image includes a second number corresponding to the numberofdigital photographs


`7575 Uthe Dr, Newaygo, MI 49337, USA
`Saetip es Novi?
`scaled replicas from second set of
`digital photographs and videos
`thumbnail mage, Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery
`To the extent it is found that the second count value mage doesnot literally partially overlap the second
`location selectable thumbnail
`image, MemoryWebcontends that this limitation is satisfied under the doctrine
`of equivalents as any differences are insubstantial. The function of the claimed partially overlapping 1s to
`indicate the number ofdigital photographs and videos in the secondset ofdigital photographs and videosthat
`are associated with the second location. The way the claimed partially overlapping performs this function is
`by positioning the second count value image in sufficient proximity to the second thumbnail image to create an
`association betweenthe second thumbnail image and the second count value image, but without completely
`obscuring the second thumbnail
`image. The result of the clamed partially overlapping 1s that the second count
`value indicates the number digital photographs and videos in the secondsetofdigital photographs and videos
`that are associated with the second location and the second thumbnail image without completely obscuring the
`second thumbnail
`image. Samsung Gallery performs substantially the same function,
`in substantially the same
`way, to achieve substantially the sameresult.
`Gallery displays a first location view on the video display device (e.g.,a Samsung device) responsive to a click
`or tap ofthe first location selectable thumbnail
`1[c] responsive to
`a click or tap of
`the first location


`displaying a first
`location view on
`the video display
`device, the
`displaying thefirst
`location view
`first geotag and Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery
`1251 W Draper St, Chicago, IL6061 4, USA
`1[c][i] @) a first The first location view includesafirst location name associated with the first geotag.
`location name
`associated with the


`Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery
`videos, the
`first location name
`I[c][ii] 1) a scaled|The first location view includes a scaled replica of each of the digital photographs and videos in the first set of
`replica of eachof|digital photographs and videos.
`the digital
`photographs and
`videos in the first
`set of digital
`photographs and


`Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery
`1251 W DraperSt, Chicago,IL 60614, USA
`scaled replicas from first
`+— set of digital
`photographs and videos
`displayed scaled
`replicas of each of
`the digital
`photographs and
`videos in the first
`set ofdigital
`photographs and
`videos not beng
`overlaid on the
`interactive map;
`view on the video
`The displayed scaled replicas of each ofthe digital photographs and videos in the first set ofdigital
`photographs and videos are not overlaid on the interactive map. See limitation 1[b]f[1].
`1{d] responsive to|, Gallery displays a secondlocation view on the video display device (e.g.,a Samsung device) responsive toa
`aclick or tap of
`click or tap of the second location selectable thumbnail mage.
`the second
`location selectable
`displaying a
`second location


`corresponding to
`Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery
`display device, the
`displaying the
`view includmg
`7575 Uthe Dr, Newaygo, MI 49337, USA
`Vidi WA
`1[d]|i] @) asecond|The second location view includes a second location name corresponding to the second geotag.
`location name


`Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery
`the second geotag
`7575 Uthe Dr, Newaygo, MI 49337, USA ek second location name
`The second location view also includes a scale
`second set ofdigital photographs and videos.
`d replica of each ofthe digital photographs and videos in the
`7575 Uthe Dr, Newaygo, MI 49337, USA
`1[d] [ii] (a) a
`scaled replica of
`each of the digital
`photographs and
`videos in the
`second set of
`photographs and
`videos, the
`displayed scaled
`replicas of each of
`the digital
`photographs and
`videos in the
`second set of
`photographs and
`videos not being
`J |
`scaled replicas from second set of
`digital photographs and videos


`2|pre] The
`method ofclaim 1,
`2[a] the first
`location selectable
`includes a scaled
`representation of
`at least one ofthe
`photographs in the
`first set ofdigital
`photographs, and
`Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery
`overlaid on the
`As shown above, the displayed scaled replicas of each of the digital photographs and videos in the second set
`ofdigital photographs and videos are not overlaid on the interactive map; instead, they are displayed belowthe
`Interactive map.
`interactive map. See a/so information for limitation 1[b][1].
`See information for claim 1.
`As shown below, the first location selectable thumbnail mage (see lmitation 1[b][]) meludes a scaled
`representation ofat least one of the digital photographs in thefirst set of digital photographs (see limitation


`Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery
`first location selectable B
`thumbnail image

`2[b] and wherein|The second location selectable thumbnail image (see limitation I[b][iv]) includes a scaled representation ofat
`the second
`least one ofthe digital photographs in the secondset of digital photographs (see limitation 1I[b][1v][A]).
`location selectable


`Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery
`' second location sel
`thumbnail image
`includes a scaled
`representation of
`photographs in the
`secondset of
`photographs. 3|pre] The
`See information for claim 1.


`coordinates of the first geotag are displayed.
`method of claim 1,
`further comprising
`3[a] responsive to
`a click or tap ofa
`first one ofthe
`displayed scaled
`replicas in thefirst
`location view,
`displaying a first
`digital photograph
`associated with the
`first scaled replica
`in the first location
`view and3[b] a
`first map image
`indicating the
`coordinates ofthe
`first geotag
`Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery
`Responsive to clicking one ofthe scaled replicas in the first location view (see limitation 1[c][i]), a first
`digital photograph associated with the first sealed replica anda first map image indicating the geographic


`Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery
`12:01 Gi
`Aug 20,2020 9:35PM
`+— first digital photograph
`1.86MB 3024x4032
`internal storage/Pictures
`1251 W DraperSt, Chicago, IL 60614, USA
`aveaQF <— first map image
`Sep Se Bem


`Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery
`See information for claim 1.
`4|pre] The
`method ofclaim 3,
`further comprising
`4|a] responsive to|Responsive to clicking one ofthe scaled replicas in the second location view, a seconddigital photograph
`aclick or tap ofa|associated with the second scaled replica and a second map image mdicating the geographic coordinates of the
`first one ofthe
`second geotag are displayed.
`displayed scaled
`replicas in the
`view, displaying a
`first digital
`associated with the
`first scaled replica
`in the second
`location view and
`second geotag.
`4[b] a second map
`image indicating
`the geographic
`coordinates of the


`Aug 6,2019 690 4M
`259MB 177002105
`second digital
`computer- Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery
`Go ge
`7575 Unthe Oy, Newaygo, Mi 49337, USA
`— secondmap image
`5[pre] The
`See information for clam1.


`The plurality of selectable elements in the application view (see limitation |[a]) mcludes a people selectable
`element, as shown below.
`people selectable
`Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery
`people selectable
`2 [a}--— element
`location selectable
`a p
`method of claim 1,
`5{a] wherein the
`plurality of
`elements further
`includes a people
`selectable element,
`Gallery displays a people view responsive toa click or tap of the people selectable element.
`5[b] the method
`further comprising
`responsive toa
`click or tap ofthe


`~<— SG
`person; Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery
`displaying a
`people view, the
`displaying the
`people view
`5c] (a) a first
`person selectable
`includmg an image
`ofa face ofa first
`person, a third set
`photographs and
`videos including
`photographs and
`videos associated
`with the first
`422 Gl
`< Search for “Portraits”
`People |
`Locations |
`The people view includes a first person selectable thumbnail
`image including an image ofa face ofa first
`first person selectable


`Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery
`The first person selectable thumbnail
`image is associated with a third set ofdigital photographs and videos:
`< Chris
`15 items
`Feb 24, 2020
`scaled replicas from third
`set ofdigital photographs


`Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery
`5[d] (1) a name
`associated with the
`Gallery displays a name associated with thefirst person is displayed adjacenttothe first person selectable
`image, as shown below:
`People 2
`first person selectable
`thumbnail image
`name associated with
`first person
`—+ [Chris
`first person, the
`name associated
`with the first
`person being
`displayed adjacent
`to the first person
`S]e] (i) a second
`person selectable
`thumbnail mage
`includmg an image
`ofa face of a
`second person, a
`fourth set of
`photographs and
`videos includmg
`photographs and
`videos associated
`with the second
`person; and
`The people view includes a second person selectable thumbnail
`second person:
`image ncludmg an mage ofaface of a
`People 2
`second person selectable
`thumbnail image
`image is associated with a fourth set ofdigital photographs
`As shown, the second person selectable thumbnail
`and videos:


`Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery
`second person, the
`A name associated with the second person is displayed adjacent to the second person selectable thumbnail
`5[f] (iv) a name
`associated with the|mage, as shown below:
`6 items
`scaled replicas from fourth set
`of digital photographs


`name associated
`with the second
`person being
`displayed adjacent
`to the second
`person selectable
`Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery
`second person selectable
`thumbnail image
`name associated with the
`second person
`6. The computer-|Gallery displays the first person selectable thumbnail image andthe second person selectable thumbnail image
`in an alphabetical order (left to right) based on the names associated with first person and the second person.
`method of claim 5,
`wherein the
`displaying the
`people view
`further includes
`People 2
`displaying the first
`person selectable
`and the second
`person selectable
`in analphabetical
`order based on the
`names associated
`with first person
`and the second


`Initial Infrmgement Contentions — U.S. Patent No. 10,423,658 — Samsung Gallery
`7. The computer-|Gallery displays a first person view responsive to a click or tap ofthe first person selectable thumbnail image.
`As shown, the first person view includes the name associated with the first person and a scaled replica ofthe
`method of claim 5,|photos and videos in the third set of digital photographs.
`further comprising
`responsive to a
`click or tap ofthe
`first person
`[cms] <— fame associated
`with the first person
`siti a the
`displaying the first
`person view
`displaying (1) the
`name associated
`with the first
`person and (ii) a
`scaled replica of
`each ofthe digital
`photographs and
`videos in the third
`set of digital
`15 items
`Nov 2, 2020
`scaled replicas ffom third
`set of digital photographs



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