`C.A. No. 20-1630-RGA-JLH
`Pursuant to Paragraph 7(c) of the Court’s Scheduling Order (D.I. 50), Plaintiffs Amarin
`Pharma, Inc., Amarin Pharmaceuticals Ireland Limited (“Amarin”), and Mochida Pharmaceutical
`Co., Ltd. (“Mochida”) (collectively “Plaintiffs”) provide their Initial Infringement Contentions and
`Claim Charts to Defendants Hikma Pharmaceuticals USA Inc. and Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC
`(“Hikma”) and Health Net, LLC (“Health Net”) (collectively “Defendants”), including Exhibits A
`through F.
`In support of their Initial Infringement Contentions and Claim Charts, Plaintiffs have cited
`representative documents from Hikma’s generic icosapent ethyl product’s ANDA No. 2094571, as
`well as the related labelling and marketing materials, and documents related to Health Net’s
`relevant formularies and prior authorization for VASCEPA® (icosapent ethyl). Plaintiffs
`expressly reserve the right to modify, amend, and/or supplement their Initial Infringement
`1 “Hikma’s generic product” as used herein refers to Hikma’s icosapent ethyl capsule product
`described in ANDA No. 209457.
`Hikma Pharmaceuticals
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`Contentions and Claim Charts based on their continued investigation, study and analysis,
`Defendants’ document productions, discovery taken in the case, the claim construction positions
`taken by the parties, any orders from the Court, or any information learned subsequent to the date
`of these Initial Infringement Contentions and Claim Charts, consistent with the Federal Rules of
`Civil Procedure, Local Rules of this District, and this Court’s procedures and Orders.
`In particular, Plaintiffs expressly reserve the right to modify, amend, and/or supplement
`their Initial Infringement Contentions and Claim Charts upon learning further information about
`Hikma’s generic product and/or the Defendants’ inducing acts during discovery. As of the date of
`this submission, Defendants have not produced information regarding their knowledge of the
`FDA’s approval of the CV Indication for VASCEPA® or documents regarding non-infringing
`uses of Hikma’s generic product. Further, Hikma has not produced requested documentation
`regarding the planning, decision, and/or strategy to market Hikma’s generic product, the total
`volume of Hikma’s generic product prescribed or dispensed versus VASCEPA®, the percentage
`or volume of Hikma’s generic product being prescribed to treat the CV Indication, or
`correspondence with insurers and pharmacies regarding this litigation. Additionally, thus far,
`Health Net has produced zero documents in this litigation. Plaintiffs reserve the right to
`supplement these disclosures after Defendants provide the requested discovery. Plaintiffs thus
`expressly reserve the right to identify and advance alternative theories of literal infringement
`and/or infringement under the doctrine of equivalents as well as additional indirect infringement
`Plaintiffs accuse Hikma and Health Net of indirectly infringing the below Asserted Claims
`by inducing the infringing use of Hikma’s generic product for reasons including but not limited to
`Hikma Pharmaceuticals
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`those set forth in Plaintiffs’ Amended Complaint and Plaintiffs’ Oppositions to Defendants’
`Motions to Dismiss, and as further discussed in the Report and Recommendation to deny the
`Motions to Dismiss. (D.I. 17 (¶¶ 80, 92-135 as to the Hikma Defendants and ¶¶ 81-92, 136-162
`as to Health Net); D.I. 22 (as to the Hikma Defendants), D.I. 42 (as to Health Net); D.I. 64).
`Plaintiffs’ inducement theories are further discussed in Plaintiffs’ forthcoming responses to both
`Hikma’s and Health Net’s objections to the Report and Recommendations to deny the Motions to
`Plaintiffs contend that Defendants infringe the following claims (the “Asserted Claims”):
`Patent Number
`Asserted Claims
`1, 8, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19
`1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15 and 16
`Hikma infringes each Asserted Claim under 35 U.S.C. § 271(b) by making, using, offering
`to sell, selling, importing, promoting, distributing, and/or acting in concert with other entities to
`sell Hikma’s generic product and inducing healthcare providers and/or patients (either by acting
`alone, or directing and/or controlling the infringing actions of others) to use Hikma’s generic
`product within the United States for patented uses covered by these claims and according to the
`instructions set forth in Hikma’s Label2, including the affirmative removal of the CV Limitation
`of Use, and any other instructions, recommendations or communications made by Hikma and/or
`its agents to healthcare providers, such as through promotional and marketing materials, to use
`2 “Hikma’s Label” refers to what Plaintiffs understand to be the FDA-approved label for
`Hikma’s generic product, 1 gram, produced with at the following bates number range:
`Hikma Pharmaceuticals
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`Hikma’s generic product according to the methods of these claims or as a substitute for
`VASCEPA® to reduce CV risk and lower TGs in specific patient populations.
`Health Net indirectly infringes each Asserted Claim under 35 U.S.C. § 271(b) by inducing
`healthcare providers, including physicians and/or pharmacies (either by acting alone, or directing
`and/or controlling the infringing actions of others), to use Hikma’s generic product within the
`United States for patented uses covered by these claims through its instructions, recommendations
`or communications made by Health Net and/or its agents, including those related to the relevant
`formularies and prior authorizations, to healthcare providers to use Hikma’s generic product
`according to the methods of these claims or as a substitute for VASCEPA® to reduce CV risk and
`lower TGs in specific patient populations.
`As described below and in the accompanying claim charts, Exhibits A-C, Hikma’s generic
`product, when offered for sale, sold, prescribed, or used for the patented used, including for the
`CV Indication or to lower TGs in specific patient populations, meets each element of the Asserted
`As described below and in the accompanying claim charts, Exhibits A-C, Hikma’s Label
`demonstrates that Hikma’s generic version of VASCEPA® product is marketed and sold with
`instructions to healthcare providers to administer it to patients according to the methods of the
`relevant Asserted Claims.
`In 2016, Hikma submitted its ANDA to the FDA with proposed labeling that included the
`same Severe Hypertriglyceridemia Indication (“SH Indication”) and CV Limitation of Use that
`appeared on the VASCEPA® label at that time. See HIK(ICO)-DE-00000035; see also
`Hikma Pharmaceuticals
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`HIK(ICO)-DE-00002474. From 2016 to 2018, Hikma revised its label three times, with each
`revision maintaining the SH Indication and CV Limitation of Use. See, e.g., HIK(ICO)-DE-
`00000111; HIK(ICO)-DE-00000135; HIK(ICO)-DE-00003028; HIK(ICO)-DE-00003052;
`HIK(ICO)-DE-00004435; HIK(ICO)-DE-00004573. One of these revisions, occurring in October
`2018, was in response to a Complete Response Letter from the FDA requesting the labelling be
`revised “in accordance with the most recently approved labeling for the reference listed drug
`(RLD), VASCEPA, NDA 202057.” HIK(ICO)-DE-00004429; see also HIK(ICO)-DE-00004427;
`HIK(ICO)-DE-00004435; HIK(ICO)-DE-00004573.
`In 2019, VASCEPA® was approved for the Cardiovascular Risk Indication (“CV
`Indication”) allowing Amarin to remove the CV Limitation of Use from the VASCEPA® label.
`See HIK(ICO)-DE-00006942; see also HIK(ICO)-DE-00005969 at -5986.This set VASCEPA®
`apart from the other FDA-approved drugs in its therapeutic category. For example, the FDA
`required the labelling for LOVAZA®, an omega-3 acid ethyl ester, approved by the FDA for the
`reduction of triglyceride levels in patients with triglyceride (TG) levels ≥ 500 mg/dL, to include
`the CV Limitation of Use. D.I. 17-20 (Pls.’ Am. Compl. Ex. S (LOVAZA® Label)) (example of
`how CV Limitation of Use was required by the FDA for other products in the therapeutic category).
`Along with the changes in labelling, various patents covering the use of VASCEPA® for
`the CV Indication were listed in the Orange Book, including those asserted here. HIK(ICO)-DE-
`00008864. Hikma thus had to choose between including the CV Indication on its own label and
`challenging the Asserted Patents or avoid the Asserted Patents by “carving out” the CV Indication
`through Section viii statements. Hikma chose to carve-out the CV Indication from its label and
`submitted its Section viii statements to the FDA. HIK(ICO)-DE-00005895; see HIK(ICO)-DE-
`00006090; HIK(ICO)-DE-00010526.
` By including these self-proclaimed “section viii
`Hikma Pharmaceuticals
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`statements”, Hikma represented to the FDA and to Plaintiffs that it would not market its generic
`product for uses covered by those patents, namely, to reduce CV risk and lower TGs in specific
`patient populations. See 21 U.S.C. § 355(j)(2)(A)(viii). However, Hikma’s actions demonstrate
`it never intended to keep that promise.
`Hikma’s intention for healthcare providers to use its generic product for the CV Indication
`is evidenced by Hikma’s voluntary revision of its label in December 2019. After VASCEPA®
`was approved for the CV Indication, the FDA never requested that Hikma revise its label to reflect
`VASCEPA®’s new indication or alter any other sections of its label. Instead Hikma affirmatively
`submitted an unsolicited label revision to the FDA and claimed that “[Hikma]’s labelling omits
`any reference to the newly approved indication . . . .” HIK(ICO)-DE-00005694. But Hikma never
`called to the FDA’s attention that it also removed the CV Limitation of Use from its Label. See
`id.; HIK(ICO)-DE-00005717. Such an affirmative removal by Hikma has resulted in a Label that
`instructs, encourages, and promoted the claimed uses.
`Hikma’s intent for its generic product to be used just like VASCEPA®, including for the
`claimed uses, is further evidenced by Hikma’s public statements in its press releases and website.
`For example, on March 31, 2020, Hikma issued a press release promoting its product as a “generic
`version of Amarin Corporation’s Vascepa® 1 gm (icosapent ethyl) capsules.” D.I. 17-13 (Pls.’
`Am. Compl. at Ex. L). Hikma’s March 2020 Press Release cited the sales figures for VASCEPA®
`without differentiating the sales for Hikma’s labelled SH indication and the “carved out” CV
`Indication, even though Hikma was aware that the CV Indication made up a “vast majority” of
`prescriptions for VASCEPA®. Id.; D.I. 17-24 ¶¶ 115, 116, 440 (Pls.’ Am. Compl. at Ex. W
`(Nevada Case, D.I. 377)); D.I. 17-28 at 1252-1253 (Pls.’ Am. Compl. at Ex. AA (Nevada Case
`Trial Tr.)) (Hoffman); see also D.I. 17-18 (Pls.’ Am. Compl. at Ex. Q (Nevada Case DDX_1.36));
`Hikma Pharmaceuticals
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`D.I. 17-19 (Pls.’ Am. Compl. at Ex. R (Nevada Case DDX_8.13)). Hikma continued representing
`its generic product as being equivalent to VASCEPA® in a press release dated September 2020.
`D.I. 17-14 (Pls.’ Am. Compl. at Ex. M). In its March and September 2020 press releases, Hikma
`failed to state that Hikma’s “generic version” of VASCEPA® was not approved for the CV
`Indication, should not be used for the CV Indication, or that its effect of its generic version on
`cardiovascular mortality and morbidity had not yet been determined.
`Furthermore, having familiarity with the VASCEPA® label, Hikma is aware that the CV
`Indication specifies the relevant patient population includes adult patients with TG levels ≥ 150
`mg/dL. HIK(ICO)-DE-00006942, § 1. Because the CV Indication has no upper limit on the TG
`range for this use, see id., the patient populations for the CV Indication and the SH Indication
`necessarily overlap. Even Hikma has acknowledged that there is an overlap between Hikma’s
`approved use for SH and the unapproved use for the CV Indication. See D.I. 17-18 (Pls.’ Am.
`Compl. at Ex. Q). In fact, Hikma represented this to the District of Nevada Court with the figure
`reproduced below:
`Id. Although the drawing is not to scale, Hikma’s illustration contains two overlapping
`circles: a yellow circle that refer to the SH Indication, and a blue circle that refers to the CV
`Indication. Id. With regard to the CV Indication, Hikma admitted use for the CV Indication is
`Hikma Pharmaceuticals
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`“separately patented.” Id. (emphasis added). Thus, Hikma had knowledge of Plaintiffs’ patents
`covering the CV Indication as well as that the patient populations for SH and CV overlap when a
`patients TG levels are ≥ 500 mg/dL. Because the patient populations overlap as described,
`Hikma’s Label thus instructs infringement of the Asserted Claims. To date, Hikma’s public
`product catalog continues to promote and instruct that its generic version of VASCEPA® is “AB”
`Icosapent Ethyl Capsules,
` (last accessed Aug. 26, 2021); see also D.I. 17-21
`(Pls.’ Am. Compl. at Ex. T); HIK(ICO)-DE-00009694. This therapeutic category does not align
`with the “Severe Hypertriglyceridemia” indication that appears on Hikma’s Label and requires
`TGs ≥ 500 mg/dL. See Hikma’s Label, § 1. Hypertriglyceridemia encompasses lower TG levels
`such as those found in the claimed uses and recited in the CV Indication. See Pejic, R. & Lee, T.,
`Hypertriglyceridemia, 19 J. Am. Bd. Family Med. 310, 310 (May 2006), available at
`(defining hypertriglyceridemia as a
`triglyceride level ≥ 150 mg/dL); see also HIK(ICO)-DE-00006942, § 1 (CV Indication specifies
`adult patients with triglyceride (TG) levels ≥ 150 mg/dL).
`Hikma is an experienced and savvy generic drug manufacturer that has been in business
`for more than 40 years. About: History, (last accessed Aug.
`26, 2021). Hikma is aware that listing its generic product as “AB-rated” for an indication broader
`than that approved by the FDA, and one that includes patients in the claimed patient populations,
`would result in its generic product being substituted for VASCEPA® even for uses not indicated
`on Hikma’s Label, such as the CV Indication.
`In sum, Hikma’s voluntary label amendment (removing the CV Limitation of Use from its
`Label), marketing, and promotional materials demonstrate that Hikma always intended that its
`Hikma Pharmaceuticals
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`generic product be used to reduce CV risk according to the claimed methods. See, e.g., D.I. 17-24
`¶¶ 115, 116, 440 (Pls.’ Am. Compl. at Ex. W (Nevada Case, D.I. 377)); D.I. 17-28 at 1252-1253
`(Pls.’ Am. Compl. at Ex. AA (Nevada Case Trial Tr.)) (Hoffman); see also D.I. 17-18 (Pls.’ Am.
`Compl. at Ex. Q (Nevada Case DDX_1.36)); D.I. 17-19 (Pls.’ Am. Compl. at Ex. R (Nevada Case
`DDX_8.13)); see Exhibits A-C; see also HIK(ICO)-DE-00005916; HIK(ICO)-DE-00005694;
`Further, Hikma has not put forward an affirmative argument that the administration of its
`generic version of VASCEPA®, according to the Hikma Label, does not meet any of the method
`steps recited in the relevant Asserted Claims, either literally or under the doctrine of equivalents.
`A. U.S. Patent No. 8,642,077
`Healthcare providers who administer Hikma’s generic product according to the Hikma
`Label, and patients following their healthcare providers instructions, directly infringe the asserted
`claims of the ’077 patent, as described below. Hikma, through its Label, as well as its marketing
`and promotional materials, instructs, recommends, and encourages healthcare providers to use
`Hikma’s generic product for the uses claimed in the ’077 patent.
`1) Hikma’s Label Promotes and Encourages Using Hikma’s Generic
`Product to Reduce Triglycerides in a Subject with Mixed
`Dyslipidemia on Statin Therapy
`Independent claims 1 and 8 of the ’077 patent require treating mixed dyslipidemia patients
`who are on statins with about 4g daily of a highly pure EPA to reduce fasting TG levels and
`hs-CRP. AM_ 00000054 at -82. Section 14.2 of Hikma’s Label promotes and encourages treating
`patients with abnormal lipid levels, who thus have mixed dyslipidemia, and who are “on
`concomitant statin therapy.” Hikma’s Label, § 14.2 (enrolling patients with TG levels between
`500 and 2,000 mg/dL with a baseline median LDL-C of 86 mg/dL and HDL-C of 27 mg/dL, with
`Hikma Pharmaceuticals
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`25% of studied patients receiving “concomitant statin therapy,” and teaching administration of
`EPA with atorvastatin (citing id. §§ 12.3, 14.2)); id. § 14.2, tbl. 2 (reporting those in the study
`treated with icosapent ethyl 4 g/day had LDL-C baseline of 91 mg/dL and HDL-C baseline of 27
`mg/dL); see id. § 14.2 (“Twenty-five percent of patients were on concomitant statin therapy”).
`2) Hikma’s Label Instructs Health Providers to Administer its
`Generic Product that Comprises about 2500 mg to 5000 mg Per Day
`Ethyl Eicosapentaenoate and Not More Than About 5%, By Weight
`of All Fatty Acids, Docosahexaenoic Acid or its Esters
`Hikma’s Label instructs the “daily dose of icosapent ethyl is 4 grams per day.” Hikma’s
`Label, § 2.2; see also HIK(ICO)-DE-00000430. A gram is equivalent to 1,000 mg. Thus, 4 grams
`of ethyl eicosapentaenoate (also referred to as “icosapent ethyl”) is 4,000 mg. Further, Hikma’s
`ANDA recognizes that icosapent ethyl is also referred to as ethyl eicosapentaenoate. HIK(ICO)-
`DE-00001869. Further, Hikma stipulated to, and the District of Nevada Court found, that Hikma’s
`generic product, once approved, would “comprise ‘at least about 96%, by weight of all fatty acids,
`of ethyl eicosapentaenoate[,] and substantially no docosahexaenoic acid or its esters.” HIK(ICO)-
`DE-00006146, ¶ 178; HIK(ICO)-DE-00010059; see also HIK(ICO)-DE-00000179; HIK(ICO)-
`DE-00000239; HIK(ICO)-DE-00000456 at -497; HIK(ICO)-DE-000002586 at -2627. Thus the
`Hikma’s Label instructs a physician to administer Hikma’s generic product wherein the
`pharmaceutical composition comprises 4,000 mg per day of ethyl eicosapentaenoate and not more
`than about 5%, by weight of all fatty acids, docosahexaenoic acid or its esters, falling squarely
`within the claimed range.
`3) Hikma’s Label Instructs, Encourages, and Recommends Effecting
`a Reduction in Fasting Triglyceride Levels in the Subject
`Hikma’s Label instructs that its generic product “is indicated as an adjunct to diet to reduce
`triglyceride (TG) levels in adult patients with severe (≥500 mg/dL) hypertriglyceridemia.”
`Hikma Pharmaceuticals
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`Hikma’s Label, § 1. Hikma’s Patient Information Leaflet instructs both healthcare providers and
`patients that Hikma’s generic product is “a prescription medicine used . . . to lower high levels of
`triglycerides (fats) in adults.” Id. at Patient Information Leaflet; see also id. § 17 (“Advise the
`patient to read the FDA-approved patient labeling before starting icosapent ethyl (Patient
`Information).”). Hikma’s Label also instructs and promotes the reduction in triglyceride levels of
`treated patients in Section 14.2 where Hikma reports a 27% TG level reduction in subjects treated
`with 4 grams per day of icosapent ethyl (or ethyl eicosapentaenoate). Hikma’s Label, § 14.2; id.
`§ 14.2, tbl. 2. Those of skill in the art know and understand that such triglyceride levels would be
`monitored and assessed when the patient is in a fasted state. Thus, Hikma through its Label is
`encouraging and recommending that physicians administer its generic product according to the
`label to reduce triglyceride levels, i.e. effect a reduction in triglyceride levels, in the patient as
`4) Hikma’s Label Instructs and Encourages Healthcare Providers to
`Administer Its Generic Product so that the Subject Exhibits a
`Reduction in hs-CRP Compared to Placebo Control
`Section 14.2 of the Hikma Label promotes and encourages treating patients with abnormal
`lipid levels, who thus have mixed dyslipidemia, and who are “on concomitant statin therapy.”
`Hikma’s Label, § 14.2, tbl. 2 (enrolling patients with TG levels between 500 and 2,000 mg/dL
`with a baseline median LDL-C of 91 mg/dL and HDL-C of 27 mg/dL, with 25% of studied patients
`receiving “concomitant statin therapy,” and teaching administration of EPA with atorvastatin
`(citing id. §§ 12.3, 14.2)); id. § 14.2; see id. § 14.2 (“Twenty-five percent of patients were on
`concomitant statin therapy”). Generally mixed dyslipidemia patients when administered
`VASCEPA®, according to its label, experience a reduction in CV risk demonstrated by a reduction
`in hs-CRP. See HIK(ICO)-DE-00006942, §14.1 & § 14.1 tbl.1, fig.1 (VASCEPA® Label); see
`Hikma Pharmaceuticals
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`also D.I. 17-22 at Abstract, Fig. 3, 5 (Pls.’ Am. Compl. at Ex. U (Ballantyne)). Hikma is aware
`and intends that its product will be used for the same purposes, for patients to experience a
`reduction in CV risk demonstrated by a reduction in hs-CRP, see, e.g., D.I. 17-24 ¶¶ 115, 116, 440
`(Pls.’ Am. Compl. at Ex. W (Nevada Case, D.I. 377)); D.I. 17-28 at 1252-1253 (Pls.’ Am. Compl.
`at Ex. AA (Nevada Case Trial Tr.)) (Hoffman); see also D.I. 17-18 (Pls.’ Am. Compl. at Ex. Q
`(Nevada Case DDX_1.36)); D.I. 17-19 (Pls.’ Am. Compl. at Ex. R (Nevada Case DDX_8.13)),
`and demonstrated that awareness and intention by removing the CV Limitation of Use from its
`Label, as well as by marketing and promoting its generic product for uses broader than the FDA-
`approved indication. HIK(ICO)-DE-00005694; HIK(ICO)-DE-00005696; D.I. 17-13 (Pls.’ Am.
`Compl. at Ex. L); D.I. 17-14 (Pls.’ Am. Compl. at Ex. M); Products: Icosapent Ethyl Capsules,
` (last accessed Aug. 26, 2021); D.I. 17-21 (Pls.’ Am.
`Compl. at Ex. T); HIK(ICO)-DE-00009694. Thus, Hikma’s generic product, when administered
`according to Hikma’s Label, results in a reduction in CV risk for mixed dyslipidemia patients.
`Hikma’s voluntary choice to amend its Label and remove the CV Limitation of Use, as
`well as its affirmative marketing and promotion of using its generic for uses broader than those
`approved by the FDA, further evidence inducement as these actions communicate to healthcare
`providers, and the market at large, that Hikma’s generic product has been shown to reduce
`cardiovascular risk, demonstrated by the reduction in hs-CRP. HIK(ICO)-DE-00005694-5695;
`HIK(ICO)-DE-00005696-5705; D.I. 17-13 (Pls.’ Am. Compl. at Ex. L); D.I. 17-14 (Pls.’ Am.
`Compl. at Ex. M); Products: Icosapent Ethyl Capsules,
`products (last accessed Aug. 26, 2021); D.I. 17-21 (Pls.’ Am. Compl. at Ex. T); HIK(ICO)-DE-
`Hikma Pharmaceuticals
`Ex. 1020, p. 12 of 32


`5) Hikma’s Label Instructs Administering Ethyl Eicosapentaenoate in
`Dosage Units Each Comprising About 500 mg to About 1.5 g, About
`900 mg to About 1 g, and About 1 g of Ethyl Eicosapentaenoate and
`that the Dosage Units are Capsules
`Hikma’s Label instructs healthcare providers to administer Hikma’s generic product in
`dosage units of 1 gram capsules. Hikma’s Label, Dosage and Administration (“The daily dose of
`icospent ethyl is 4 grams per day taken as two 1-gram capsules twice daily with food.”), Dosage
`Forms and Strengths (“Capsules: 1 gram”), §§ 2.2, 3 (“Icosapent Ethyl Capsules are supplied as a
`1 gram, clear, oblong capsule . . . .”); see also HIK(ICO)-DE-00000430; HIK(ICO)-DE-00010059.
`Thus, Hikma’s Label instructs healthcare providers to administer Hikma’s generic product in
`dosage units each comprising about 500 mg to about 1.5 g, about 900 mg to about 1 g, and about
`1 g of ethyl eicosapentaenoate and that the dosage units are capsules.
`6) Hikma’s Label Instructs that Ethyl Eicosapentaenoate Comprises
`At Least About 90%, by Weight, of All Fatty Acids.
`Hikma’s Label instructs administering a pharmaceutical composition of icosapent ethyl.
`Hikma’s Label, Dosage and Administration, § 2.2. Hikma’s ANDA recognizes that icosapent
`ethyl is also referred to as ethyl eicosapentaenoate. HIK(ICO)-DE-00001869. Further, Hikma
`stipulated to, and the District of Nevada Court found, that Hikma’s generic product, once
`approved, would “comprise ‘at least about 96%, by weight of all fatty acids, of ethyl
`eicosapentaenoate[,] and substantially no docosahexaenoic acid or its esters.” HIK(ICO)-DE-
`00006146, ¶ 178; HIK(ICO)-DE-00010059; see also HIK(ICO)-DE-00000179; HIK(ICO)-DE-
`00000239; HIK(ICO)-DE-00000456 at -497; HIK(ICO)-DE-000002586 at -2627. Thus, the
`Hikma’s label instructs healthcare providers to administer Hikma’s generic product wherein the
`pharmaceutical composition wherein the ethyl eicosapentaenoate comprises at least about 90%, by
`weight, of all fatty acids.
`Hikma Pharmaceuticals
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`B. U.S. Patent No. 9,700,537
`Healthcare providers who administer Hikma’s generic product according to the Hikma
`Label, and patients following their healthcare providers instructions, directly infringe the asserted
`claims of the ’537 patent, as described below. Hikma, through its Label, as well as marketing and
`promotional materials, instructs, recommends, and encourages healthcare providers to use
`Hikma’s generic product for the uses claimed in the ’537 patent.
`1) Hikma’s Label Instructs Healthcare Providers to Administer
`Hikma’s Generic Product to Hypercholesterolemia Patients to
`Reduce Occurrence of a Cardiovascular Event
`Claims 1 and 9 of the ’537 patent requires treating hypercholesterolemia patients with the
`goal of reducing the occurrence of a CV event. The ’537 patent defines hypercholesterolemia as
`“the condition with an increased serum triglyceride (TG) concentration, and strictly, with the
`serum TG concentration of at least 150 mg/dL.” AM_00000090 at 10:59-61. Section 14.2 of
`Hikma’s Label describes and encourages treating patients with hypercholesterolemia (patients
`with median triglyceride levels of 680 mg/dL, which is ≥ 150 mg/dL). Hikma’s Label, § 14.2, tbl.
`2; id. § 12.3.
`Hikma’s Label also reflects that patients with cardiovascular disease or risk factors for
`cardiovascular disease are within the population that is intended to take the product, and
`encourages healthcare providers as well as patients to monitor and assess cardiovascular events
`and risk factors prior to and during treatment. Hikma’s Label, Patient Information Leaflet (“Heart
`rhythm problems which can be serious and cause hospitalization have happened in people who
`take icosapent ethyl, especially in people who have heart (cardiovascular) disease or diabetes with
`a risk factor for heart (cardiovascular) disease, or who have had heart rhythm problems in the
`Hikma Pharmaceuticals
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`past.”); id. § 17 (“Advise the patient to read the FDA-approved patient labeling before starting
`icosapent ethyl (Patient Information).”)).
`Further, healthcare providers administer Hikma’s generic product to reduce occurrences of
`cardiovascular events because VASCEPA®, the brand name comparator drug, has been shown to
`reduce occurrences of cardiovascular events. See HIK(ICO)-DE-00006942, §14.1 & § 14.1 tbl.1
`(VASCEPA® Label). Hikma is aware its product will be used for the same purposes, for patients
`to experience a reduction in cardiovascular events, see, e.g., D.I. 17-24 ¶¶ 115, 116, 440 (Pls.’
`Am. Compl. at Ex. W (Nevada Case, D.I. 377)); D.I. 17-28 at 1252-1253 (Pls.’ Am. Compl. at Ex.
`AA (Nevada Case Trial Tr.)) (Hoffman); see also D.I. 17-18 (Pls.’ Am. Compl. at Ex. Q (Nevada
`Case DDX_1.36)); D.I. 17-19 (Pls.’ Am. Compl. at Ex. R (Nevada Case DDX_8.13)), and
`demonstrated that awareness and intention by removing the CV Limitation of Use from its Label
`as well as by marketing and promoting its generic product for uses broader than the FDA-approved
`indication. HIK(ICO)-DE-00005694; HIK(ICO)-DE-00005696; D.I. 17-13 (Pls.’ Am. Compl. at
`Ex. L); D.I. 17-14 (Pls.’ Am. Compl. at Ex. M); Products: Icosapent Ethyl Capsules,
` (last accessed Aug. 26, 2021); D.I. 17-21 (Pls.’ Am.
`Compl. at Ex. T); HIK(ICO)-DE-00009694.
`Hikma’s voluntary choice to amend its Label and remove the CV Limitation of Use, as
`well as its affirmative marketing and promotion of using its generic for uses broader than those
`approved by the FDA, further evidence inducement as these actions communicate to healthcare
`providers, and the market at large, that Hikma’s generic product has been shown to reduce the
`occurrence of cardiovascular events. HIK(ICO)-DE-00005694-5695; HIK(ICO)-DE-00005696-
`5705; D.I. 17-13 (Pls.’ Am. Compl. at Ex. L); D.I. 17-14 (Pls.’ Am. Compl. at Ex. M); Products:
`Hikma Pharmaceuticals
`Ex. 1020, p. 15 of 32


`Icosapent Ethyl Capsules, (last accessed Aug. 26,
`2021); D.I. 17-21 (Pls.’ Am. Compl. at Ex. T); HIK(ICO)-DE-00009694.
`2) Hikma’s Label
`Instructs, Recommends, and Encourages
`Identifying a Patient Having Triglycerides (TG) of At Least 150
`mg/dL and HDL-C of Less Than 40 mg/dL in a Blood Sample Taken
`from the Patient as a Risk Factor of a Cardiovascular Event
`Wherein the Patient has not Previously had a Cardiovascular Event
`Claim 1 of the ’537 patent requires “identifying a patient having triglycerides (TG) of at
`least 150 mg/dL and HDL-C of less than 40 mg/dL in a blood sample taken from the patient as a
`risk factor of a cardiovascular event.” AM_00000083 at -93. Claim 9 of the ’537 patent requires
`“identifying a patient having (i) total cholesterol (TC) of at least 220 mg/dL or LDL-cholesterol
`(LDL-C) of at least 140 mg/dL, and (ii) triglycerides (TG) of at least 150 mg/dL and HDL-C of
`less than 40 mg/dL in a blood sample taken from the patient as a risk factors of a cardiovascular
`event.” AM_00000083 at -93-94 (emphasis added). Thus. both asserted independent claims of
`the ’537 patent require identifying patients having triglycerides (TG) of at least 150 mg/dL and
`HDL-C of less than 40 mg/dL via blood sample, and claim 9 additionally requires a patient have
`either total cholesterol (TC) of at least 220 mg/dL or LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) of at least 140
`mg/dL. Id.
`Hikma’s Label encourages, promotes, and instructs healthcare providers to determine a
`patient’s lipid levels, which a person of skill in the art would recognize as requiring a blood sample
`to determine at least the patient’s TC, TG, and HDL-C levels. Hikma’s Label, § 2 (“Assess lipid
`levels before initiating t

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