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`3.9 Relationship Element
`The <relationship> element extends <tuple> and designates the type of
`relationship an alternate contact has with the presentity. This
`element is provided only if the tuple refers to somebody other than
`the presentity. Relationship values include "family", "friend",
`"associate" (e.g., for a colleague), "assistant", "-6*iperv*&or" -----Other-free-texfa
`----- values "supervisor",
`"self" and additional—IANA-registered valuee—(Section 6) can be used
`as well, "unknown". The default is "self".
`If a relationship is indicated, the URI in the <contact> element
`refers to the entity, such as the assistant, that has a relationship
`to the presentity, not the presentity itself.
`Like tuples without a <relationship> qualifier, the <contact> element
`for tuples labeled with a relationship can contain either a
`communication URI such as "im", "sip", "sips", "h323", "tel" or
`"mailto", or a presence URI, such as "pres" or "sip".
`3.10 Service Class
`The <service-class> element extends <tuple> and designates the type
`of service offered, namely electronic, delivery (including courier),
`postal or in-person. Electronic service is implied if omitted. The
`service types 'postal', 'delivery' and 'in-person' MUST NOT be used
`unless the contact URI is empty. Additional data elements defined
`elsewhere describe the physical service delivery address for the
`in-parson, in-
`person, postal or delivery services. Such addresses might be
`specified in geospatial coordinates, civic addresses or some
`specialized address format, e.g., for interstellar addresses or a
`company-specific delivery system.
`<service-classxpos tai/></service-class >
`3.11 Sphere Element
`The <sphere> element designates the current state and role that the
`person plays. For example, it might describe whether the person is
`in a work mode or at home or participating in activities related to
`some other organization such as the IETF or a church. This document
`does not define names for these spheres except for two common ones,
`"work" and "home". "home", as well as "unknown".
`Spheres are likely to be used for two purposes: they allow the
`person to easily turn on or off certain rules that depend on what
`groups of people should be made aware of the person's status. For
`example, if the person is a Boy Scout leader, he might set the sphere
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`to "scouting" and then have a rule set that allows other scout
`masters in his troop to see his presence status. As soon as he
`switches his status to "work" or "home" or some other sphere, the
`fellow scouts would lose access.
`The <sphere> element MAY be qualified with the 'since' and 'until'
`attributes as described in Section 3.
`3.12 Status-Icon Element
`The «status-icons element includes a URI pointing to an image (icon)
`representing the current status of the person or service. The
`watcher MAY use this information to represent the status in a
`graphical user interface. Presentities SHOULD provide images of
`sizes and aspect ratios that are appropriate for rendering as an
`icon. Support for JPEG, PNG and GIF formats is RECOMMENDED.
`Watchers resolving the URI MUST validate whether the local copy of
`the icon is current when receiving a notification, using the standard
`cache control mechanism in the URI-identified retrieval protocol.
`3.13 Time Offset
`The <time-offset> element describes the number of minutes of offset
`from UTC at the user's current location. A positive number indicates
`that the local time-of-day is ahead (i.e., east of) Universal Time,
`while a negative number indicates that the local time-of-day is
`behind (i.e., west of) Universal Time. Sines Transitions into and out of
`daylight savings time
`adjustment may temporarily cause a difference between the
`true offset from UTC and the time offset element.
`An optional attribute, description, can be used to describe the
`offset, e.g., by labeling the time zone. This description is meant
`for human consumption.
`Publishers on mobile devices SHOULD NOT publish this information
`unless they know the time offset information to reflect the current
`location. (For example, many laptop users do not update their time
`zone when traveling.) Publishers SHOULD update the information
`whenever they discover that their UTC offset has changed.
`3.14 User-Input Element
`The <user-input> element records the user-input or usage state of the
`service or device, based on human user input, e.g., keyboard,
`pointing device or voice. If contained in a <person> element, it
`summarize any user input activity across all services and devices
`operated by the presentity. The mechanism for such aggregation is
`beyond the scope of this document, but generally reflects the most
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`recent user input across all devices and services. The element can
`assume one of two values, namely 'active' or 'idle', with an optional
`■last-input' attribute that records when the last user input has been
`received. An optional 'idle-threshold' element records how long the
`presentity will wait before reporting the service or device to be
`idle, measured in seconds.
`(A two-state model was chosen since it would otherwise be necessary
`to send repeated last-input updates during continuous activity.)
`A service that wants to indicate user input activity sends a
`<user-iapufc.x «user-
`input> 'active' indication when the user has provided user input
`within a configurable interval of time, the idle-threshold. If the
`user ceases to provide input and the idle threshold has elapsed, the
`tuple is marked with a <user-input> 'idle' indication instead,
`optionally including the time of last activity in the 'since" 'last-input'
`attribute. An example is below:
`cuser-input idle-threshold="600"
`since- "3004-10 -31T13 120 100 ■ 000-05 a 00" xaotive«;/user-input*
`last-input="20 04-10-21T13 s20:00.000-05:00">idle</user-input>
`Depending on device or service capabilities, user input may be
`detected only for a particular application, i.e., when the
`application has user focus or when a user has sent a message or
`placed a call, or can be based on user input across all applications
`running on one end system.
`The <user-input> element may be used by a watcher, typically in
`combination with other data, to estimate how likely a user is to
`answer when contacting the service. A tuple that has not been used
`in a while may still be OPEN, but a watcher may choose to first
`contact a URI in a tuple that is both OPEN and has been used more
`The <user-input> attribute can be omitted if the presentity wants to
`indicate that the device has not been used for a while, but does not
`want to reveal the precise duration, as in:
`<user- input>idle</user- input>
`Configuration MUST include the option to omit the ■' eine»' 'last-input'
`4. Example
`The example below describes the presentity
`'', which has a SIP contact,
`'', representing a service. It also has a
`device contact, as an email box. The presentity is in a meeting, in
`a public office setting. The 'until' information indicates that he
`will be there until 5.30 pm GMT. The presentity also has an
`assistant,, who happens to be available for
`<?xml version="l.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
`«presence xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf
`xmlns ap-"urniietfiparamsixml»nsipidfiperson"
`-xralns »■!-■params i »ml-nas-*.pi.df ^
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`xmlnc i rd "urn i ietf i paramc ixmlineipidfi status-* rpid-etatue.t'
`xmlns i rd "urn > iet£ i params ixml; ns ipidf ; rpid—tuple-
`xmlnc i rp-tJiurn i ietf i parame-ixml i ns i pidf i rpid-percon-"
`xmlnc i rd--!'urn i ietf iparamc i xml insipidfi rpid-devic»".
`entity--^ "pres i Gomeonee>example...«omJ'
`xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf pidf.xsd
`urn i iebfuparamc i xml i ns i pidf i-stabas i .xsd
`urniietf t paramc ixml me ipidf i status i rpid-tuple rpid-tuple ■ xcd
`urn i ietf i params ixml me ipidf i stabus i rpid-percon rpid-person. xcd
`urn.i-i-et.f-i-params ; xml ; ns > pidf status > rpid—sbate-us—rpid-statue.xcd
`urn-i-iebfi-tparams >xml ms ipidf irpid-tuple rpid -tuple ■ xsd" »
`«tuple id~"tO"r>
`----------- «bacioopen-n/bacic*
`---- ft../a.featusr»
`---- -;et i class »assistant-;/et i elasc^
`-------- net »■relaltion6hipr.assiEtant-»/et i relationship*
`-------- <contact>Eip i secretaryeexamp-le . corn*/contact »
`«note»My secretary«-/note*
`---- « / tuple*
`---- «tuple- -idr^-t 1"»
`-------- ^status*
`------------< baei c »opem-./bas i c »
`ire i priv-acy*
`--------------- «audio/ ■ •
`------------- /■ r s -i -p r i vac y »
`------------n-6iidle gince-"3 003 -01-27T10 i43 iQOZ"/»
`-------- « / status ■-
`«et*«lasB»sip«/et i class*
`-------- <goabact prior-it-y-—0 ■ 8 " »sip i GomeoneQexampl-e—com«-./contact*
`-------- «timestamp»2001-10—27T16 ».4.&*ASZ</timestamp»
`«/ tuple*
`urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf:data-model data-model.xsd
`urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf:rpid rpid.xsd"
`<tuple id-"t2"» id="bs35r9">
`<bas ioopen«/basic*
`«e iprivacy»
`————;text/ »
`---- <;/e i privacy»
`----<e i timeof feet*3 00«i/e i timeof feet*
`<r:relationshipxr: self/></r: relationship*
`<contact priority-"0 ■ 8" »im i eomeoneiamobileoarrier .net■;/contact» priority="0.8
`<note xml:lang="en">Don't Disturb Please!</note*
`cnote xml:lang="fr"*Ne derangez pas, s'il vous plait</note>
`«tuple id-"t3"» id="eg92n8">
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`«efc :class*iTiail</et ;class*
`<r: class*email</r: class*
`<r: rel at ionship >< r: self/x/r: relationship*
`<r:service - class xr:electronic/x/r:service-class?
`«contact priority^"1.0"></contact>
`mota*I'm in a boring meeting«/note*
`«tuple—id^ I'-tAJJ-*
`------- »tosicfrolocecU/baEio*
`--«et i-service-claG6*in-person«/et < class.*
`----«note.*CloGed-door meetings/note-*
`—«rp i activities*
`---- - / rp-i-act ivabieS'*
`---- «rp i class * composed«/ rp i el-ass *
`--------c-Kp ; happy/ *
`---- arpi te.xt*I- got my paycheck I«/rpitext*
`---- « /^-.p.-t-mood*
`—«srp i pl ace-type.. untile-a 00 3 -fi.i-a.7Tl 7 i 30iOOZ"*
`....- «rpioffice/*
`---- «/rp »place-type*
`<note*I'11 be in Tokyo next week</note>
`<dm:device id="asdad77">
`<r:user-input idle-threshold="600"
`<dm:person id="pl">
`<r:activities since="2005 - 05 -30T12:00:00 + 05:00"
`<r:note*Far away</rsnote*
`<r :moodxr: angry/></r: mood*
`<r :place-typexr: s tree t/x/r: place -type*
`<r: privacy xr: unknown/x/r: privacy*
`<r:sphere*bowling league</r:sphere*
`<r:status-icon*</r:status - icon*
`<dm:timestamp*2 0 05-05 -30T16 :09:44 + 05:00</dm:timestamp*
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`5. XML Schema Definitions
`The RPID schema is shown below. Due to limitations in composing
`schema, not all XML documents that validate against the schema below
`are semantically valid RPID documents. In particular, the schema
`allows multiple instances of the same element and allows each element
`to appear everywhere in PIDF or data-model elements. This
`specification only allows at most one instance of each RPID element
`in each <person>, <tuple> or <device> element and restricts where
`these elements can appear, as shown in Table 1.
`5.1 urm-ietf iparams ijuftl i ns i pidf i rp id-person urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf:rpid
`<?xml version="l.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
`---------targetNamecpaoe""urn i ietf iparamsx.xml inc ipidf i rpid-person-i.'-
`---------«mine i rp^".usn i ietf i param ».xml i nc i pidf i rpid-percon"
`---------x-inlns---" http i //www ■ w3 ■ org/2 OOl/XMLSchema-'!.
`<xs:schema targetNamespace="urn:ietf sparans:xml:ns:pidf:rpid"
`xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml :ns:pidf:rpid"
`< I - -..This—import bringe
`<xs:include schemaLocation="common-schema.xsd"/>
`<xs :simpleType name="activeldle">
`<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
`<xs:enumeration value="active"/>
`<xs:enumeration value="idle"/>
`<xs:element name="activities">
`Describes what the person is currently doing, expressed as
`an enumeration of activity-describing elements. A person
`can be engaged in multiple activities at the XML language attribute- ,xml-;-l.
`< import namespace-. "http ; / /-www-. w3 ■ org/XML/1998/ namecpaGe"
`----schemaLocat-ion- " ht tp i / /www ■ w3 .org/a&04/-xml ..xsd"/
`---- «documentation xml 4ang--"en">
`------- Decoribes—RPID tuple extensions—for PIDF.
`---- </documentat-iea»
`attributeGroup name^'S iaioeUntil'h-
`—«attribute .name- "since"—type»- "dateTime"
`—«attribute name^"until"—type^"dateTime"/
`element name^—away '—cubctitutionGroup'-.J.'-rp t achi-v-ity-
`—-.Gomple.xType.--«abtributeGroup ref-"-rpuSinceUntil "/></complexType
`/ element;»
`e 1 emen t name ' buc y'—cubctitutionGroup-i "rp i activity-value" r>
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`—»GomplexType»»attr ibuteGrowp ref™"rp i SinceUntal" /»»/complexType»
`/ element »
`»elementname™G-appointment'—sube.tatutioaGroup™ "rp i activity-value" a
`—»ccmplexType» »attribwteGroup ref.i-uirp8 SinceUntil"/complexType»
`rr / element».
`■-.element—name™ ' holiday '—cubstitutionGroup™" rp i activity-value" »
`<complexType»»attributeGroup -ref-" rp s SinoeUntil !'■■/ »»/complexT^rpe»
`»element name - ' in-transit' cubebitut ionCroup™" rp i activity-value" »
`»coroplexType» »attributeGroup ref™"rpiSinceUntil"/»-»/complexType»
`»element name™'meal'—substitutionGroup™"rpiactivity-value"ft
`-- »complexType» »abtributeGroup ref™" rp» SinceUntil " /»»/ comp 1 exType»
`» /-element-»
`»element name™'meeting'—cubetitutionGroup™"rpiactivity-value"»
`»complexType»» at tribeteGroup ref™"rp i SinceUntil-"-/»»/complexType»
`»elementeame™--on-the-phone '—substitutionGroup™, "rp i activity-value"-»
`----»■GGmplexT-ypa.»»att r ibutaGroup ref-"rp ; SinceUntil" /»»/complexType»
`■-.element—name™-'perf ormance 1 cubetitutionGroup™" rp »activity-value" »
`----»complexTypej-xattrdbuteGtoup -ref - "rp 8 SinceUntil" /»»/complexType.»
`»element-name-'permanent-absence 1—cubsbitutionGroup-"rp;activity-value"
`---- »complexType»»attributeGroup ref-"rpiSinceUnti-1"/»»/complexType»
`»element name-'sleeping '—substitutionGroup-"r.p 8 activity-value"ft
`»complexType»» at tributeGEOup,. ref™"rp 8 SinceUntil"/»»/complexType»
`»/element ■»
`»element name™'steering '—&ubstitutionGroup-"rp 8 activity-value"»
`- »complexType»»attributeGroup ref™"rpiSinceUntil"/»»/complexType»
`»element name-' travel'—substibutionGroup-" rp.- act iv-iby-value " »
`---- ucemplexSype»<attributeGroup ref™"rpiSinceUntil"/■»»/complexTypeft
`»element name-'vacation '—subetitutionGroup-"rp 8 activity-value"»
`---- »complexType»<iattributeGroup ref ™"rp 8 SinceUntil "/■»»/complexType»
`<./^.]_ ament»
`—ec omp1exType ft
`------ mequenceft
`— »element—Kef ™-'i.sp 8 activity-value"
`-------------winOcears™-l.!-G— same time,
`e.g., traveling and having a meal.
`<xs:element name="note" type="Note_t" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="unknown" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
`----- »any maxGccurc-"unbounded"/»
`------ »/sequence»
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`<xs:element name="appointment"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="away"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="breakfast"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="busy"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="dinner"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="holiday"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="in-transit"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="meal"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="meeting"
`type ="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="on-the-phone"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="performance"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="permanent-absence"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="playing"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="presentation"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="sleeping"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="steering"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="travel"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="tv"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="vacation"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="working"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:any namespace="##other" minOccurs="0"
`maxOccurs="unbounded" processContents="lax"/>
`<xs:attributeGroup ref="sinceUntil"/>
`<xs:element name="class" t. ype-i ■"freken-a/a»
`■^element name-'mood' >
`----------- iGboica?
`-------------^element—name--1 af rai-d'—typa--1 rp i empty'/
`-- -- — ———^.elemeftb—name--■'angry'—type-'rpi empty' / r»
`l /
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`«element name™1 annoyed '—typer.1 rp i empty' / »
`—«element name- 1 anxious '—type- ' rp i empty' / >
`—«element name™'aroused'—type-—s-rp » empty ' /»
`•-elernenb name- !—type™-'-.yp-»emp.ty-'-/-»
`—«-el-emeat name^^-J-bo-red-!—type-»--rp i empty--/-»
`■«element name™ ' brave'—typen i.rp » empty -■/-»
`«element name™'calm'—byye^-»e-p-»-erapty-!-/»
`—ee l emeat—nome=-!-&old-!—type™—r:.p-*-empby' --/-»
`—«element. name™ 'confused'—type--1 rp < empby-t/».
`—«element name™ ' contented-!—type™-'..rp » empfcyj./»
`«element name-,' cranky'—fcype™l..'..rp » empty 1 />
`«element name--, iwaieus '■ - type™ '■ rp» empty1 / »
`—«element name-'depressed'—type-™-!-rp i empty-'-/ >
`—«element name- ' disappointed '—type- ' rp empty..!-/-»
`.--«element name-.' disgusted '—type- ' rp i empty.-/-»
`—»»lernent n a me-—'-d-i-s-tracted '—type-.' rp » empty.! / »
`—«element name™'embarrassed!—type™' rp i empty' / »
`«element name™'excited1—type- ' rp » empty-.'-/.»
`—«element—name- !-£ lirtatious '—type-™',rp i empty' /»
`—«element name-' frustrated '—type™ 1 rp i empty-i./.»
`... «element.. name ™-!-grumpy. 1—type™ !-rp. ».empty-1-/-».
`—«element name-'guilty '—type-'rp » empty'/»
`—«element name-' happy'—pype^-tg^^ampdy-!-/-»
`..■..«»■l.eraen.O.-name.--! hot-'.—typ».=-t rp-i-empty-t/.»
`—«element name™—bumbied-'—type-—rp » empty ' / »
`«element name-' humiliated '—type™ 1 rp »empty-' /»
`—«element ■ name- ' hungry'—type-™ i. rp« empty' /»
`«element name-'hurt'—type™'rpiempty 1/»
`—«..elemeat—naBi»™-'-impres.s.ed-...type---! rp; empty1 /»
`«element name™'-in_awe'—type™ ! rp i empty !■/ »
`«element name-' in—have-—*y,«p.a-™--.rp ■ empty-'-/-»
`—«element- name- ' -indignant'—typa««itp+espdy-!-/-»
`«element name-' interested '—type™ ' rp » empty ' /»
`. «.element—name- ' intoxicated'—type™ ' rp »empty ' /»
`—.«dement..-aa«»=-Uadelbl9-!—type™ ' rp i empty1 / »
`«element name™--jaalous '—type- ' rp i empty' / »
`—«element name- '. lonely !—type- ' rp »empty ' / «
`—«element name.™-mean-!—type™ > rp »empty ' / »
`—«element name-'moody' type-'rp»empty'/»
`« ' nervous.!—t-yps™. i-rp.«-empty.!-/-»
`—«a 1 ament name™J-acudd-!..-tppe.™-'-rp-«-empt^f-i-/-»
`——«cdemant—earae»»tedeedad-!—type-' rp i empty' / a
`«element name™-J-playd-wi-!—type-'rp»empty«-'-/»-■
`—«element name---pvoud-!—typedrp»empty ' / -
`«element name-' relieved'—type.™-'--rp.»araptpi./.»
`«element name™—remora eful--—type.™-'-r-p.«empty'./»
`—«element name™--restless '—type™.' rp »empty' / ■»
`«element name™'sad'—type-'rp1 empty'/»
`«element name™'sarcastic 1—type- ’ rp 1 emphy-t/»
`«element name™'serious '—type-'rp t empty'/»
`—«element name™- shocked '—type™ --rp» empty '-/ »
`«element name-'shy'—type™'rp1 empty'/»
`—«element name- '. s-ick.'—type™ ! rp»empty1 / »
`— ■«element name™-!-sd-eepy!—type™ ' rp 1 empty' / »
`■«element name-'stressed’—type™ '.rp »empty-'-/-»
`--«element name-'surprised!—type™-!-rp »empty' /»
`-- «element name-' thirsty '—type™ '. rp»empty - / »
`--«aiemant name-' worried.'—t.ype™-nrp«-empb-y-t/ »
`«element name- ' text'—minQccurs™ ' type-™-! string ' /»
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`---- n/complexType*
`^/element *
`1 element, type="xs : token" >
`Describes the class of the service, device or person.
`<xs:element name="deviceID" type="deviceID_t" />
`<xs:element name="mood">
`Describes the mood of the presentity.
`<xs:element name="note" type="Note_t" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="unknown"/>
`<xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
`<xs:element name="afraid"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="amazed"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="angry"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="annoyed"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="anxious"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="ashamed"
`type=" empty" minOccurs="0"/>
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`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
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`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="calm"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="cold"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/»
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`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
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`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
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`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
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`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
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`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
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`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
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`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
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`Epic Games Ex. 1029
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`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
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`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
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`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
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`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
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`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
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`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
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`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="happy"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="hot"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="humbled"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="humiliated"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="hungry"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="hurt"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="impressed"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
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`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
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`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
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`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
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`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
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`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
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`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
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`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
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`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
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`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
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`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
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`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
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`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
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`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
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`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
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`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
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`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
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`<xs:element name="restless"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="sad"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="sarcastic"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="serious"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/s
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`type="empty" minOccurs = "0"/>
`<xs:element name="shy"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/s
`<xs:element name="sick"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/s
`<xs:element name="sleepy"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="stressed"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="surprised"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="thirsty"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="worried"
`type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:any namespace="##other" minOccurs="0"
`maxOccurs="unbounded" processContents="lax"/s
`<xs:attributeGroup ref="sinceUntil"/>
`<xs:element name="place-is"s
`<xs:element name="note" type="Note_t" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="audio" minOccurs="0">
`<xs:element name="noisy" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="ok" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="quiet" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="unknown" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="video" minOccurs="0"s
`<xs:element name="toobright" type="empty" /s
`<xs:element name="ok" type="empty" /s
`<xs:element name="dark" type="empty" /s
`<xs:element name="unknown" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="text" minOccurs="0"s
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`<xs:element name="uncomfortable" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="inappropriate" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="ok" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="unknown" type="empty" />
`<xs:attributeGroup ref="sinceUntil"/>
`<xs:element name="place-type">
`c omp 1 exType >
`--------to impleGontenth
`------ ^extension baoen"tokenlist"»
`-------- ■; attributeGroup re£^"SinceUnbilJ'
`----------- n./extens iot)
`--------1: / c imp 1 eContent ■»
`/ comp 1 exType r.
`d / element
`Describes the type of place the person is currently at.
`<xs:element name="note" type="Note_t" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="aircraft" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="airport" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="bar" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="club" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="bus" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="cafe" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="car" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="classroom" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="convention_center" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="cycle" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="home" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="hospital" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="hotel" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="industrial" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="library" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="mall" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="office" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="outdoors" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="prison" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="public" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="public-transport" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="restaurant" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="school" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="ship" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="station" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="street" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="theater" type="empty" />
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`Epic Games Ex. 1029
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`<xs:element name="train" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="truck" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="underway" type="empty" />
`<xs:element name="unknown" type="empty" />
`<xs:any namespace="##other" maxOccurs="unbounded"
`<xs:attributeGroup ref="sinceUntil"/>
`<xs:element name="privacy">
`«coraplexType name-"privacy-list"»
`-------- -all»
`■ «element
`Indicates which type of communication third parties in the
`vicinity of the presentity are unlikely to be able to
`intercept accidentally or intentionally.
`<xs:element name="unknown"/>
`<xs:sequence minOccurs="l">
`<xs: e 1 ement name ="audio" type^'rp iempty" minQccurs-i"O"/»
`«element aarne-11 video"—type-"rp ;empfryJt type = "empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`<xs:element name="text" type-"rpiempty" type="empty" minOccurs="0"/>
`«attributeGroup—ref r- "rp i SinceUnt i 1" / »
`---- «/complcMType»
`element name^"sphere"»
`—«c omp 1 ex. Typ e >
`------<; c i triple Content»
`«extension base-"»
`------------- «attributeGroup ref-"SinceUntil"/»
`----- « / exben s ion-»
`------ «/simpleGontent»
`—« / comple.xType»
`4 element»
`element name- ".status - ioow-'l—type- " anyURI " /
`element name^"timeof-fset--»
`—« c omp1exType »
`----- «extension base--"integer '-»
`------------- »attributeGr-eup ref-~"rp;SinceUntil-"/
`----- «/extens ioa»
`« / comp 1 eaiType »
`cimpleType name- empty' >
`—«restriction base^' string.!
`--- «enumeration value-' '/»
` 11/15/2006
`Epic Games Ex. 1029
`Page 218


`wdiff draft-ietf-simple-rpid-05.txt draft-ietf-simple-rpi

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