Nov 10 201C 5;49PM
`p. 26
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`i.a SX^Ä^ÄttWäRSJ:.,
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`2 'PÖfigfU/affiR, fcj&Ä
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`7 tuJFÄ-a».»ja«.
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`Nov 10 2010 5:50PM IP VENTURE
`p. 27
`qjTldtfh mi ft.
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`fcXft 2
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`Mtlfirm MOTKA.
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`(HOT ,,iSfa.B.ajTE^AV>Uifl«i-
`I S6t-T'A*tJiftttttS«±,
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`Nov 10 2010 5:50PM
`p. 28
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`tfcXff 1 fiWJWAPW',
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`iSHfi-RSS[0015]RW 15 l«ti ), (40^? -JW3£--Äe8.e*^ie»ä<J>ÄPi|*i/ÄiÄ<SÄält<*«ail^"1*R
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`3SÄ340), ^BM^36 önfa1StI0«-jft.1X
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`PAGE 28/36 ‘ RCVD AT 11/10/2010 7:54:15 PM [Eastern Standard Time] ‘ SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-6/40 ‘ DNIS:2738300 ‘ CSID:650 903 9800 * DURATION (mm-ss):10-30
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`Nov 10 2010 5:50PM
`p. 29
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`lofpTM—tmisg, mrn omm&ffi
`«ÄSfS/8 C#Oi>flW0B31O;3ZO>. $>!W- 36 »Iftl1£ffl«-a3r. C^autw+5»r<x>211»»4-7fi'),
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`Nov 10 2010 5:51PM
`p. 30
`10 iFÄÄß-JjfcIWÄ
`Ü».E. /A0HÄ*J3?>R 1«
`19. ««C«I®^R
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`# 19
`20 rjtf5W# LOfVTiÄ -^lWffiJfc, xfttifM i££7f Tmm> foWim
`wttwttifewia. »m^oHWJRjRiRKjRflf^^»
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`100038 it»TViSiSlZMnfi?H±»^ä^
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`Nov 10 2010 5:51PM
`♦äP t¥ASÄ#asa»if!?ta®
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`W, ÄLÜWHWffi 3 «ife 350):
`Ac> tftiBWJ^'p'OT^wL >AÄ£^ttiaw«?rJ, w$n/*f«utufT.
`££<. XiSfSSÄ'ft-
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`«SOJiitMiS". KK 3 «■& 370)i
`i wejmait-s
`X'fktSff-a (CNJ453M1A) Ä7F T-^WIlfR
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`is-21 ff. ms o.
`5 Effi 2 fT),
`^ä-ä^^je 2 ncs
`ffi^wfl^ffl/s^it±waiiR8in3^5y. HpiE^üainft^.
`4 KISJÄ» 5ff^3s
`Witlfctf 3#
`i flfftffß'jmArm. 3 ^^fStaiW^s^a^iSLa
`KWM. SläSiW«. I00CSB itÄW*®E«DWS±«a 6
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`10 / 14
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`Nov 10 2010 5:52PM
`p. 32
`35 »r*«i/U«-ÄÄ («IÄT
`mt*# i asi>JFrwFs^isE: «ms»
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`XäätfiBÄÄ-Ä. ftmtAll*
`R3J 2-12 tf), WWKSItf
`24. ÄÄ&3?®4c?4Xm*lE>R23^TÖt JJ/riFS®. WU.W t
`Tk &W& tRftHjS>afi5~*fr5fifH«5t’.
`SWliMflÄ# <49SiT
`^--^önEÄÖ-JJOJ, i#
`23 T'A*S'JWötiffiM h.
`24 tUTA^ß'JiSft.
`25. aumji^äjü !»«»«<* 23 aa« ft
`1 JsajFTöTtmm. «eifi'J
`«»wwamm s^ttM
`Ba«+. •^nJKKW^WJMVUTKI^^^ ••■tES^I'. KiffiAiäfR.
`üj^ÄmöÄÄRtffisWK’. ^jtta«:t5iB[oo2s]&m9-ii ff. «1. masi, Eimwiffl
`£ft;&w# 231Ä 24
`h, ÄJ»^J«sX 2S
`26. OÜR?Ü3j#t 26 5tt«^S5R 23 ftT. »MtX# i üE&WT W"FK*Wffi. 340
`OM£ffi#ME3*?.&. WS). fö3W®!fg.a<®Ä®ffl-S<5tiS. i»üSÄÄUf®iafllWÄ®! C*8»i-F“Bi
`<»[.■«■ w-ötsteÄR.i’K’’. «>fiiw.iiö-t5Ä(oo35)am7-i9ff. was),
`Aja^*JK5R26 üi^'Ä&eoiatt.
`jyi»^J^K27j<t^?ijK*23ig25Z-^ ria-^®^. mtxm
`’M# io BWiHtfSRiajijÄiHm 14
`SCifliRRiS 13 SÄ. *8K'J^38ti^TW#««h Bf^ttASR.
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`fflffi 1), <4S^T "iS^AjBiRift*WMil“4‘ftigra^ Äf-Älfli
`Sft*«, EjaWW. 1W083
`e *? SJRaHH/°=ttW47
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`Nov 10 2010 5:52PM
`p. 33
`28. Afl&PIS* 28 WCTW 23 ® 27 z '-WUk ■■■ iiiMfHTE. MLt.kfb 1 ißfblFT
`ÄLia^anooHjia»5-rin. ewtuww®.
`“i&äflmgwtraMg'b --^-ßat^rtjtt&ns:Wää*.j^'^iAW^Wstooaij>ktf.mrcaej&m i-<iii>.
`1Ä/fl13i/R¥Sb Klriii^.Ä^iffiWtKjP;^* »3 ±; 2? Z ■
`29, ««SS* a^iJWiO’ WÄ
`JT-r-^ST-i+SfW.iMTWiffin^S^^^, ^A14»ffTiilWfiE(^Ä.W®j^Äl0029]«»2-L2bf.
`#[0034]$» I0-11 tf. <S I, MS 3),
`«iKAJäBimfc". ÄÄ0H5« [0034] RIB 10-11 ff>i
`(b) «ft£«?oq<:S0h
`13®”. ÄUJLW^MIB 3«Ä360>(
`m wimww, ^/n-ÄWr^j, iwtrnssh
`W4ai)«#iW. ®
`SB 2 121t, Wffl 3),
`«JfOSJsR 29 Ö0St*^r3KWItX# l MKBWF.T, “i#JRÄ-T'^«ni£ß?ma^iÄ*MiÄJIit”,
`<«bviwi$-®(oo251&« 9-11 n. »tote»]«
`ATifiiä. ^oq^-DTU^^Ä^sfeiSlft^Bi.
`A jfrSiW'K#?« iö ft’J&WW.äjffl KV toil, Sifri A.ft-ftH'lifi«
`30, AkJHS^J^30X^i®5fc29ft'-TÄ--»M®*E. J üÄ?IÄHS4g
`(4AS51 "iÄtofatJßi£'lfcÄ-ta
`2010. 2
`«■4^iX. 0aw 100088 AMrt»iSBWnWH±«S8 6^
`fe?e?äiÄ. ffiisjaia^^w^wissttKiife^AWfBÄW.swÄÄft. hzsss*, «ÄtmitifeWÄÄX»
`12 / 14
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`Nov 10 2010 5:53PM IP VENTURE
`p. 34
`•'ijp >f>*AR*fnSIS*»iR 7* $R ®
`$[00291»» 3-8 If),
`29 >NA*mttö‘J»SLt.
`3C tW<Ä&&!ifc
`31. AU8&W#31 *mfiJ35^29ttii30^T5«-^8<JMl^.
`1 SEÄffTWTft^ÖE.
`W4J# l BT«.
`ife YW^^JKiSjffiiRWsR. #
`18ttfrriW#frM£<ir. ^ÄLitGÖ-KS[00311
`R3H-5H-). fr.#, Äfttijtfr-ai^r -WfÜt£i®iR.Zlit-A«56!.
`TWT»*^tF.» MW*
`WMTi8tö.iäflUR.$-&&. 5iKH-i. iÄWbfKl®mW»i8Ä.
`18-21 ff. WM O.
`lUWÄüafc. aWttXff 3 Im Hl r^Aäßtt^EEßlfflTiMttX# i &«ÄÄ1**waö«|JS^-- ÄUt^JÄ,
`Wftt»ÄJT^rW^A®* (4B
`#Ä.ÄM45» 2
`£#btS# I M®fiD±^frXttt3Cfr 3
`Xlr*®«^:£A$ WÄÖWÄ#.. Klilt&ÄSIfllN&WW 29 35 30
`iS* 31
`32. MÄlK«Äf* 32 .MWJjtfÄ 31 -ftTiS
`-TiS-rlKft' ÄC^Mbtift 1 Jifr
`±. AKÄWPäf^ 32
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`30 i&tett±feEU/RWfiE, IßffiÄtf&Jiatt.
`<5t. mxtt 3 tttfTAJttmF-,
`a^k^th»!P.«im^4gaig^i. 10.22
`Ob. Ä^.h.
`»?°Hfr#T= Tft<J^telgf.a
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`Nov 10 2010 5:53PM
`p. 35
`Ifil “W/fl/’MlWtt±<T- 3
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`ÄTiiiS®£. A'PlUift?n2’KKftk«:ig<T0«^*
`ESMt». 100CBS 4tM*WS2Mn«iS±.MWe^- iSISiaißP'SS*
`fcTs?«, ESifiQ^7®W*W«0lW*.T*ft«SSKW5tS:^. S»5J*U«S?>.
`14 / 14
`PAGE 35/36 ‘ RCVD AT 11/10/2010 7:54:15 PM [Eastern Standard Time] * SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-6/40 * DNIS:2738300 * CSID:650 903 9800 ‘ DURATION (mm-ss): 10-30
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`Nov 10 2010 5:53PM IP VENTURE
`espacenet — Bibliographic data
`p. 36
`Page 1 of 1
`Shielding communication method for telephone
`subscribers end Its service method
`Publication numb»n CN1453961 (A)
`Publication date:
`Clanffl cation:
`- International:
`Also published ss:
`BCN100420256 (C)
`HQ4M3/42; H04M3S42; (IPC1 -
`7): H04M3/42
`- European:
`Application number: CN20Ö21018663 20020428
`Priority numtmr(e): CN20021018563 20020428
`Abstract of CN 1453981 (A)
`In the method, one set of mobllephone or telephone can be used tor two
`purposes and black-out function of communication service can be set at on
`or off in any time and any place according to private desire so as to
`distinguish public-private time and field of the person clearly so that
`Interference from unnecessary personal relation communication can be
`avoided and more private matters are ensured In order to raise living quality
`of the phone user.
`Data supplied from the especener database — Worldwide
`httD:// 11/10/2010
`PAGE 36/36‘OAT11/10/20W7:M:15PM [Eastern Standard rime)‘GW:USPTO™<M0‘DNIS:2738300‘CSID:650 903 9800‘DUWTION(min4$):10^
`Epic Games Ex. 1030
`Page 92


`Nov 10 2010 5:44PM
`G5°'903'98t$ECEIVED P'1
`NOV 1Ö 2010
`Commissioner for Patents,
`Mall Stop:
`United States Patent Office
`Peter P. Tong
`Ph: 650-903-9200, x102
`Fax: 650-903-9800
`Transmitted herewith are the following documents for entry into the above-noted
`Information Disclosure Statement
`PTO-Form 1449
`Copies of Non-US References
`First Office Action for CN 200680027964.9
`Second Office Action for CN 200680027964.9
`Abstract of CN 1463981
`2 pages
`1 page
`17 pages
`14 pages
`1 pages
`BY TELEPHONE AT (650)903.9200. THANK YOU.
`PAGE 1/36 ‘ RCVD AT 11/10/2010 7:54:15 PM [Eastern Standard Time] * SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-6/40 * DNIS:2738300 * CSID:650 903 9800 * DURATION (mm-ss):10-30
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`Page 93


`Nov-10 2010 5:44PM IP VENTURE
`RECEIVED 650-903-9800
`NOV 1 0 2010
`In re application of: CHEUNG et al.
`Attorney Docket No.: IPVMCP02C1
`Application No.: 12/798,995
`Examiner: Unassigned
`Filed: April 14, 2010
`Group: 2617
`I hereby certify that this correspondence is being transmitted byJwaltnlle to: Commissioner for Patents, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA
`22313-1450 on November 10,2010.
`Printed Nam& Angela Ö?N!jlm
`37 CFR §§1.66 AND 1.97(b)
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Dear Sir:
`The references listed In the attached PTO Form 1449, copies of which non-U.S.
`' patents are attached, may be material to examination of the above-identified patent
`application. Applicants submit these references in compliance with their duty of disclosure
`pursuant to 37 CFR §§1.56 and 1.97. The Examiner is requested to make these
`references of official record in this application.
`This Information Disclosure Statement is not to be construed as a representation
`that a search has been made, that additional Information material to the examination of this
`application does not exist, or that these references indeed constitute prior art.
`This Information Disclosure Statement is: (i) filed within three (3) months of the filing
`date of the above-referenced application, (II) believed to be filed before the mailing date of
`a first Office Action on the merits, or (iii) believed to be filed before the mailing of a first
`Office Action after the filing of a Request for Continued Examination under §1.114.
`Appln. No. 12/798,995
`Atty. Docket Np, IPVMCP02C1
`PAGE 2/36 * RCVD AT 11/10/2010 7:54:15 PM [Eastern Standard Time] ‘ SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-6/40 ‘ DN1S:27383OO ‘ CSID:650 903 9800 ‘ DURATION (mm-ss): 10-30
`Epic Games Ex. 1030
`Page 94


`Nov 10 2010 5:44PM
`Accordingly, it is believed that no fees are due In connection with the filing of this
`Information Disclosure Statement. However, if it is determined that any fees are due, the
`Commissioner Is hereby authorized to charge such fees to Deposit Account 50-3874
`(Order No. IPVMCP02C1).
`Respectfully submitted,
`Peter P. Tong *
`Registration No. 35,757
`5150 El Camino Real,
`Building A, Ste. 22
`Los Altos, CA 94022
`Appln. No. 12/798,995
`Atty. Docket No. IPVMCP02C1
`PAGE 3/36 * RCVD AT 11/10/2010 7:54:15 PM [Eastern Standard Time] * SVR-.USPTO-EFXRF-6/40 ‘ DNJS:2738300 * CSID:650 903 9800 * DURATION (mm-ss): 10-30
`Epic Games Ex. 1030
`Page 95


`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450
`Kwok Wai Cheung
`LOS ALTOS, CA 94022
`Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
`The time period for reply, if any, is set in the attached communication.
`PTOL-90A (Rev. 04/07)
`Epic Games Ex. 1030
`Page 96


`Application No.
`Office Action Summary
`Art Unit
`- The MAILING DATE of this communication appears on the cover sheet with the correspondence address --
`Period for Reply
`- Extensions of time may be available under the provisions of 37 CFR 1.136(a). In no event, however, may a reply be timely filed
`after SIX (6) MONTHS from the mailing date of this communication.
`If NO period for reply is specified above, the maximum statutory period will apply and will expire SIX (6) MONTHS from the mailing date of this communication.
`- Failure to reply within the set or extended period for reply will, by statute, cause the application to become ABANDONED (35 U.S.C. § 133).
`Any reply received by the Office later than three months after the mailing date of this communication, even if timely filed, may reduce any
`earned patent term adjustment. See 37 CFR 1.704(b).
`Responsive to communication(s) filed on 14 April 2010.
`This action is FINAL.
`2b)^ This action is non-final.
`Since this application is in condition for allowance except for formal matters, prosecution as to the merits is
`closed in accordance with the practice under Ex parte Quayle, 1935 C.D. 11,453 O.G. 213.
`Disposition of Claims
`Claim(s) 1-17,19 and20 is/are pending in the application.
`4a) Of the above claim(s)is/are withdrawn from consideration.
`Claim(s)is/are allowed.
`Claim(s) 1-17,19 and 20 is/are rejected.
`Claim(s)is/are objected to.
`Claim(s)are subject to restriction and/or election requirement.
`5) Q
`6) 13
`7) D
`8) 0
`Application Papers
`9)d The specification is objected to by the Examiner.
`10)E| The drawing(s) filed on 14 April 2010 is/are: a) El accepted or b)d objected to by the Examiner.
`Applicant may not request that any objection to the drawing(s) be held in abeyance. See 37 CFR 1.85(a).
`Replacement drawing sheet(s) including the correction is required if the drawing(s) is objected to. See 37 CFR 1.121 (d).
`11 )□ The oath or declaration is objected to by the Examiner. Note the attached Office Action or form PTO-152.
`Priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119
`12)Q Acknowledgment is made of a claim for foreign priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(a)-(d) or (f).
`a)ü All b)Q Some * c'O None of:
`Certified copies of the priority documents have been received
`Certified copies of the priority documents have been received in Application No..
`Copies of the certified copies of the priority documents have been received in this National Stage
`application from the International Bureau (PCT Rule 17.2(a)).
`See the attached detailed Office action for a list of the certified copies not received.
`1) El Notice of References Cited (PTO-892)
` Notice of Draftsperson’s Patent Drawing Review (PTO-948)
`3) El Information Disclosure Statement(s) (PTO/SB/08)
`Paper No(s)/Mail Date 11/10/2010; 10/06/2010 and 04/14/2010.
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`PTOL-326 (Rev. 08-06)
`Office Action Summary
`4) | | Interview Summary (PTO-413)
`Paper No(s)/Mail Date.
` Notice of Informal Patent Application
`6) I I Other:
`Part of Paper No./Mail Date 20110406
`Epic Games Ex. 1030
`Page 97


`Application/Control Number: 12/798,995
`Art Unit: 2617
`Page 2
`This instant application is continuation of 11/452,115 now (US Patent 7,729,688
`Information Disclosure Statement
`The information disclosure statement (IDS) submitted on 11/10/2010; 10/06/2010
`and 04/14/2010. The submission is in compliance with the provisions of 37 CFR 1.97.
`Accordingly, the information disclosure statement is being considered by the examiner.
`The drawings were received on 04/14/2010 these drawing are acceptable by the
`Claim Objections
`Claims 2-10 and 13-19 are objected to because of the following informalities:
`Claims 2-19 and 13-19 the phrase “A computer-implement..." should be change
`to “ The computer-implement...".
`Claim 18 is missing and/or not file and the total claims should be 19.
`Claim 19 should change to claim 18.
`Claim 20 should change to claim 19
`Appropriate correction is required.
`Epic Games Ex. 1030
`Page 98


`Application/Control Number: 12/798,995
`Art Unit: 2617
`Page 3
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC §112
`The following is a quotation of the second paragraph of 35 U.S.C. 112:
`The specification shall conclude with one or more claims particularly pointing out and distinctly
`claiming the subject matter which the applicant regards as his invention.
`Claim 1 is rejected under 35 U.S.C. 112, second paragraph, as being indefinite
`for failing to particularly point out and distinctly claim the subject matter which applicant
`regards as the invention.
`Claim 1 is recites the limitation "the use and the person" in lines 4 and 5. There
`is insufficient antecedent basis for this limitation in the claim.
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC §101
`35 U.S.C. 101 reads as follows:
`Whoever invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of
`matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof, may obtain a patent therefor, subject to the
`conditions and requirements of this title.
`Claims 1 -17 and 19-20 are rejected under 35 U.S.S 101 because the claimed
`invention is directed to non-statutory subject matter.
`Claims 1-17 and 19-20 are drawn to “A computer-implement...” that covers both
`transitory and no-transitory and the specification must empirically define the bounds of
`what a computer-implement can be and must not include language such as “frequency,
`signals, carrier wave or transmission media”.
`A claim drawn to such a computer readable medium that
`covers both transitory and non-transitory embodiments may be
`amended to narrow the claim to cover only statutory embodiments
`to avoid a rejection under 35 U.S.C. § 101 by adding the
`limitation "non-transitory" to the claim. Cf. Animals -
`Patentability, 1077 Off. Gaz. Pat. Office 24 (April 21, 1987).
`Epic Games Ex. 1030
`Page 99


`Page 4
`Application/Control Number: 12/798,995
`Art Unit: 2617
`Such an amendment would typically not raise the issue of new
`matter, even when the specification is silent because the
`broadest reasonable interpretation relies on the ordinary and
`customary meaning that includes signals per se.
`The limited situations in which such an amendment could
`raise issues of new matter occur, for example, when the
`specification does not support a non-transitory embodiment
`because a signal per se is the only viable embodiment such that
`the amended claim is impermissibly broadened beyond the
`supporting disclosure. See, e.g., Gentry Gallery, Inc. v.
`Berkline Corp., 134 F.3d 1473 (Fed. Cir. 1998).
`The examiners suggest the applicant may amendment claims 1 -17 and 19-20 by
`adding “A non-transitory computer-implement...” in order to over come 101 rejections.
`Appropriate correction is require
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC §102
`The following is a quotation of the appropriate paragraphs of 35 U.S.C. 102 that
`form the basis for the rejections under this section made in this Office action:
`A person shall be entitled to a patent unless -
`(e) the invention was described in (1) an application for patent, published under section 122(b), by
`another filed in the United States before the invention by the applicant for patent or (2) a patent
`granted on an application for patent by another filed in the United States before the invention by the
`applicant for patent, except that an international application filed under the treaty defined in section
`351 (a) shall have the effects for purposes of this subsection of an application filed in the United States
`only if the international application designated the United States and was published under Article 21 (2)
`of such treaty in the English language.
`Claims 1-6, 11-16 and 19-20 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 102 (e) as being
`anticipated by Pepper et al. (US 5,930,700).
`In regard to the examiner’s interpretation of claim language:
`1) “the user" is broadly and reasonable interpreted as subscriber with mobile
`phone, communication device and/or PDA”
`Epic Games Ex. 1030
`Page 100


`Application/Control Number: 12/798,995
`Art Unit: 2617
`Page 5
`2) “the person” and “the requestor” is broadly and reasonable interpreted as
`“the caller” and/or “incoming calls”.
`Regarding claim 1, Pepper teaches a computer-implemented method to manage
`the communication of a user in view of a person trying to electronically convey a
`message to the user, the method comprising:
`identifying the status of the user (Col.3, lines 48-51 teach subscriber enter list of
`schedule and list of client into his/her communication device/PDA);
`identifying the identity of the person (Col.3, lines 18-20, Col.5, lines 55-60, Col.6,
`lines 12-25 teach received call form caller and determine the original call);
`identifying the urgency of the message (Col.8,lines 60-65, Col.9 ,lines 60-65,
`fig.7 and fig. 11 Illustrate and teach the urgency of the messages);
`determining the access priority of the person based on the person's identity; and
`setting a process to manage the message using one or more rules, and in view of the
`status of the user, the access priority of the person and the urgency of the message
`(Col.4, lines 62-67, Col.5, lines 1-18, Col.9, lines 11-30, Col.10, lines 47-67, Col.11,
`lines 1-16 teach determine the priority of caller/client's call and setting or instruct the
`high/most priority call route to subscriber/user and the less priority route to voice mail or
`prefer number).
`Regarding claim 2, Pepper teaches a computer-implemented method as recited
`in claim 1, wherein the status of the user depends on the current activity or location of
`Epic Games Ex. 1030
`Page 101


`Application/Control Number: 12/798,995
`Art Unit: 2617
`Page 6
`the user, or the current time, or the status of the user is defined by the user (Col. 10,
`lines 65-67, Col. 11, lines 1 -8).
`Regarding claim 3, Pepper teaches a computer-implemented method as recited
`in claim 1, wherein the access priority of the person is defined by the user (Col.3, lines
`18-20, Col.12, lines 7-13, fig.12b, step 1220), or is set depending on the user's reaction
`towards a prior message from the person.
`Regarding claim 4, Pepper teaches a computer-implemented method as recited
`in claim 1, wherein the urgency of the message is set by the person (Col.9, line 64)..
`Regarding claim 5, Pepper teaches a computer-implemented method as recited
`in claim 1,wherein the method depends on the mode of communication of the message,
`and wherein the mode of communication is selected from the list of a mobile phone, an
`office phone, a home phone, a mobile SMS from a mobile phone or PDA, a pager from
`a mobile phone or PDA, a home/office SMS, mobile online chat, home online chat, a
`voice mail with/without instant notification, an office fax, a home fax, a mobile email, and
`an email (Col.5, lines 1-18, Col.10, lines 60-67, Col. 11, lines 1-17).
`Regarding claim 6, Pepper teaches a computer-implemented method as recited
`in claim 1, wherein the user receives the message through a handheld device, and
`Epic Games Ex. 1030
`Page 102


`Application/Control Number: 12/798,995
`Art Unit: 2617
`Page 7
`wherein the status of the user is defined by the user using the handheld device (Col.3,
`lines 48-51, Col.5, lines 29-38).
`Regarding claims 11,12 and 20, Pepper teaches a computer-implemented
`method for managing incoming communication for a recipient, said method comprising:
`receiving an incoming communication request of a first communication type from
`a requestor (Col.4, lines 57-60, fig. 12A step 1202);
`determining an access priority for the requestor based on information provided by
`the recipient (Col.9, lines 12-18, fig.12B Illustrate and described); and
`determining an appropriate communication type for the incoming communication
`request based on one or more configurable rules and the access priority for the
`requestor (Col.4, lines 62-67, Col.5, lines 1-18, Col.9, lines 11-30, Col.10, lines 47-67,
`Col.11, lines 1-16 teach determine the priority of caller/client's call and setting or instruct
`the high/most priority call route to subscriber/user and the less priority route to voice
`mail or prefer number
`Regarding claim 13, Pepper teaches a computer-implemented method as recited
`in claim 12, wherein at least one attribute of the communication processing criteria is
`decided by the recipient (Col.3, lines 18-20, Col.12, lines 7-13, fig.12b, step 1220), and
`wherein the plurality of commun

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