ED 322 542
`CS 507 216
`Kuehn, Scott A.
`A Play Theory Analysis of Computer-Mediated
`20 Apr 90
`16p.; Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
`Eastern Communication Association (81st,
`Philadelphia, PA, April 19-22, 1990).
`Speeches/Conference Papers (150) — Information
`Analyses (070)
`MF01/PC01 Plus Postage.
`«Communication (Thought Transfer); «Electronic Mail
`Heuristics; Information Technology; «Play
`Communication Behavior; «Computer Mediated
`Communication; Computer Users; «Play Theory
`The computer uc-?r has played an active part in
`uncovering chan es brought on with microcomputer technology.
`Electronic mail (or "E-mail"), which enables users to send and
`receive messages through bulletin board services ("BBSs"), is often
`considered one innovation of the computer revolution. A BBS provides
`opportunities for both "live," real-time exchanges with the BBS host
`or a fellow user and "asynchronous" message exchanges. BBS
`telecommunication differs from other forms of computer-controlled
`communication in that it occurs in a non-task-oriented, active
`environment. Play theory, which examines the relationship of a medium
`user to the medium, may explain why computer users choose to employ
`the BBS. According to play theory, "communication play" is a form of
`self-expression that takes advantage of a medium in promoting a
`feeling of individuality. Computer-mediated telecommunication is an
`example of what has been called "participatory play," which occurs
`when communicators are free to alter interact:-'n to achieve goals.
`Analysis of computer-mediated telecommunication must consider both
`the decision to use the medium and the unique features of the medium
`that provide content cues of communication play. A network analysis
`(examining who talks to whom about what) might also shed light on the
`influence of play communication. (Fourteen references are attached.)
`Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made *
`from the original document.
`Epic Games Ex. 1015
`Page 1


`A Play Theory Analysis of Computer-Mediated
`Scott A. Kuehn
`Clarion University of Pennsylvania
`ED 3 22 5 4 2,
`Paper presented at the annual convention of the Eastern
`Communication Association, April 20, 1990,
`Philadelphia, PA
`S>o7-7~ /?• J'fu.e.hjsJ
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`oEJßpicjfGemes Ex. 1015
`Page 2


`Computer-Mediated Play Telecommunication
`A Play Theory Analysis of Computer-Mediated
`One estimate says that over 19 million people have
`become micro-computer users since 1981 (PC Computing,
`1987) . Few people would argue with the contention
`that micro-computers have produced a revolution in the
`way people conduct business and in the way many spend
`their leisure time» Since the early 1980's scholars
`have scrambled to provide interpretations of the
`effects of the new machines on their users. Some have
`concentrated on global social effects (Williams, 1987;
`Wilson, 1988; Perrolle, 1987), others on the changes
`that are occurring in organizations (Allen and
`Hauptman, 1987) and another category deals with the
`effects on learning (Hiltz, 1986). Most of these
`social interpretations place an "effect" squarely on
`the shoulder of the technology.
`However, it seens pertinent to ask: What is the
`role of the computer user in uncovering changes brought
`on with computer technology? It seems improbable that
`the technology itself is responsible for creating an
`information society and that users are somehow passive
`agents transformed by technology they can not control.
`This essay will explore a theoretical avenue that can
`provide a set of hueristics to uncover the role of the
`Epic Games Ex. 1015
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`Computer-Mediated Play Telecommunication
`user in defining the effects of computer technology on
`communication behavior.
`Bulletin Board Conferencing: An example of Computer-
`Mediated Telecommunication
`Electronic mail is often considered one innovation
`of the computer revolution. With E-mail, computer
`users can send messages through networks, and read them
`on their computers. While the ability to do this on a
`mainframe computer has been around since the 1960's,
`micro-computer users have introduced innovations with
`broad implications for communicators. Micro-computers
`provided an inexpensive means to set up and operate a
`bulletin board service (BBS) within one's own home.
`With the aid of a modem and telephone line, a
`"personal" computer could become an "interpersonal"
`computer, providing the hub for a grcundswell of
`communication activity. The use of the computer to
`communicate at a distance can be referred to as
`computer-mediated telecommunication.
`BBS's sprouted up soon after micro-computers
`arrived on the scene. One of the first was set up in
`1978 to provide connections for members of a Chicago
`based computer club (Bowen & Peyton, 1988) . The number
`of BBS's grew as the number of micro-computer users
`grew. BBS's became a populist form of computer
`Epic Games Ex. 1015
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`Computer-Mediated Play Telecommunication
`support, often public domain and/or "shareware’-'
`programs were provided for distribution to those who
`connected to BBS's, Today it is estimated that there
`are over five thousand BBS's operating around the
`To become a member of a BBS is relatively simple.
`Dial the number with a modem and answt- some subscriber
`information. Most BBS's are free, but some are
`beginning to charge member fees. BBS's are used for a
`variety of purposes, in addition to privately run
`systems, some are set up by schools (Alifrangis, 1988),
`others are set up by businesses (especially those that
`deal with computer products), and private organizations
`use BBS's to support the activities of their members.
`The communication opportunities provided by BBS's
`fall into two categories: 1) "live" real time
`interaction with a BBS host or fellow user, or 2)
`"asynchronous" e-mail type exchange of messages. "Real
`time" interaction is often limited by the number of
`phone lines (and thus the number of simultaneous us^rs
`of a system). On most micro-computer systems, "real
`time" interaction occurs only between a caller and the
`host. However, larger computer services provide
`conferencing capabilities between many users.
`CompuServe is the largest and best known of these
`, eric
`Epic Games Ex. 1015
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`Computer—Mediated Play Telecommunication
`systems. E-mail is the most common form of BBS
`communication. One user of the system may leave a note
`to another user, or may leave a general note to be
`answered by any user who cares to.
`BBS telecommunication has a quality that sets it
`apart from other forums of computer controlled
`telecommunication. BBS telecommunication occurs in a
`non-task oriented, active environment. While
`teleconferences are often concerned with issues, and
`videotext is a passive delivery of information, BBS
`telecommunication takes place because users voluntarily
`and (in most cases) happily communicate. The appeal of
`BBS telecommunication is thus hard to explain in
`theoretical models that place heavy emphasis on
`computer technology as an agent of communication
`behavioral change. Clearly, a focus on the role of the
`user as communication innovator should be considered.
`Play Theory
`Why does a computer user choose to extend his/her
`communication experience through computer-mediated
`telecommunication? Perhaps, as Katz and Blumler (1974)
`argue for other media, uses and gratifications may be
`provided. Thus, the ability to chat with other
`computer users in a CompuServe conference or on a local
`BBS may provide an opportunity to relax during a lunch
`Epic Games Ex. 1015
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`Computer—Mediated Pla'7 Telecommunication
`hour. There are a set of forums provided on CompuServe
`for science teachers, journalists, public relations
`personnel, among others. The opportunity to connect
`with others may thus seem attractive, but a computer
`user must gain expertise using communication software
`to do so. This is not an easy task, for the novice
`user, and we must wonder what could draw such effort.
`Play theory provides a framework that can give
`some answers. Introduced in 1967 by William
`Stephenson, play theory focuses on the media user's
`relationship with the medium. Stephenson argued that
`"play" involved the ability to select among a number of
`products, ideas, issues, and entertainment options from
`the media. According to Stephenson, media content is
`used to engage in "convergent selectivity" — making
`choices about media allows us to express ourselves.
`Our patterns of choices provides a feeling of
`individuality that we use to subsequently understand
`ourselves. This is Stephenson's concept of
`"communication play," a form of self-expression that
`takes advantage of the various media to promote a
`feeling of individuality.
`While Stephenson found communication play a
`uniquely personal experience, Davis and Baran (1981)
`extended the play concept into interaction endeavors.
`Epic Games Ex. 1015
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`Computer-Mediated Play Telecommunication
`Using Goffman's (1974) definitions of play and
`"keyings'' Davis and Baran argued that there are two
`types of communication play: participatory play and
`elite dominated communication play. Participatory play
`takes place when communicators are free to alter
`interaction to achieve their goals. On the other hand,
`elite dominated communication play is a passive
`activity. Here play exists only through making choices
`of what to use from existing media content.
`Participatory play provides a center of interest
`when considering the example of computer-mediated
`telecommunication. The medium of play becomes the
`computer-teleconnection, the content of play is
`determined by the participants. Thus, two types of
`play choices can take place during computer-mediated
`telecommunication: 1) the decision to use the
`t :lelink, and 2) unique features of the link that
`provide content cues of communication play.
`Goffman's (1974) explanation of interaction play
`can provide a helpful means to analyze the content cues
`of communication play. Goffman believed that "play"
`was a situation grounded on a transformation of a
`serious situation. Thus "play" fighting takes place
`with wooden swords with mimicked moves. The
`transformation from serious to "play" situation is rule
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`Computer-Mediated Play Telecommunication
`governed and takes place as long as the participants
`observe the rules. Within the rules of the play
`situation, cues are provided that establish and
`maintain the transformation to play. Goffman regarded
`these cues as "keyings,” (similar to the music
`metaphor) that signaled a special form of interaction
`based on a serious type. Among the types of behavior
`that Goffman considered play are jokes, dramas, sports
`contests, games, simulations, practices, and role­
`Play theory provides two areas of explanation for
`the appeal of computer-mediated telecommunication: 1)
`the choice of the medium may help the user gain a sense
`of individuality through gaining control over a media
`use, 2) the medium may be used for communication play
`Operationalizing Computer-Mediated Telecommunication
`Play theory provides a set of heuristics that can
`guide research of computer-mediated communication
`situations.. These involve the choice of the computer
`as a medium for communication, along with the way the
`computer medium is used to key into a play situation.
`It is important to note that there are a number of
`situations that are not explained by play theory. One
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`Computer-Mediated Play Telecommunication
`situation involves the forced use of computer-mediated
`communication. When sending e-mail is required by work
`related or school related activity the computer user
`may do no more than is required by the supervisor.
`Similarly, messages sent to accomplish a task (such as
`asking a question or giving advice) are not motivated
`by the need to play.
`The Choice to ’'Play”
`The focus of research to investigate computer-
`mediated play must naturally start with the choice to
`use the medium. In a particular situation, did the
`computer user choose among a set of alternatives to use
`CMC or was the choice foisted upon the user? If a
`choice was made, why were alternative media discarded?
`Perhaps play is only part of the reason to choose
`computers as a medium of communication. It may be
`quicker to send a message to a group of users through
`the BITNET academic network than it would be to produce
`a set of letters. However, the user may also wish to
`promote a self identification as computer user to
`his/her colleagues. There thus may be a secondary
`motive based on play behind the choice of computer-
`mediated communication.
`A set of variables concerned with the choice of
`the use of a computer to telecommunicate will reveal
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`Computer-Mediated Play Telecommunication
`the extent to which the user engages in play
`communication using this medium. A survey of computer
`users should thus focus on the extent to which the user
`freely chooses to use the computer to telecommunicate.
`Questions could be asked about the freedom of choice,
`the advantages and disadvantages of other media of
`communication, and the user's control over the
`A play theory analysis would also be interested in
`discovering the user's feelings about being a
`"telecommunicator." Does the user feel comfortable
`with the medium (discomfort would signal either a
`learning attempt, or lack of control of the situation).
`Another line of questions could investigate the
`gratifications of making the choice to use computer-
`mediated telecommunication. What contributions are
`made to the user's self image through the choice to
`Communication Play: Keyings and Content
`Following Goffman's (1974) approach, we see that
`much of our interaction involves play activity. Thus a
`play theory analysis of computer-mediated
`telecommunication should account for the content of
`play communication using the medium. We should seek to
`investigate the types of play that occur within the
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`Computer-Mediated Play Telecommunication
`computer medium and relate these to the functions they
`serve computer users. Another fruitful avenue of
`investigation would trace networks of connections
`established through and for play communication.
`An analysis of the content of play communication
`could begin with the cues of play activity, referred to
`as keyings. Content analysis can be employed to
`determine the nature and use of cues chat signal a joke
`or sarcasm. One such cue is the ’’smiley,” [(:-)] often
`used as a cue that the preceding phrase in an e-mail
`communication is to be taken lightly. The interesting
`thing about such cues is that they often mimic
`nonverbal behavior that can only be communicated face
`to face. An analysis of this type of keying behavior
`may provide insight into the adaptations made to
`promote individuality and personal expression, prime
`"play” goals according to Stephenson (1967).
`Content analysis can also elucidate the topics of
`communication play on computer-mediated
`telecommunication networks. CompuServe, for instance
`offers a number of alternatives for those seeking to
`interact with other computer users. One may join a
`conference discussion on a variety of topics and issues
`ranging from computer hardware critiques to a recent
`forum on the constitutionality of banning flag burning.
`Epic Games Ex. 1015
`Page 12


`Computer-Mediated Play Telecommunication
`CompuServe also provides a public communication forum
`where users may connect with whomever they wish and
`discuss whatever they wish. Sandler (1986) describes
`the content of an anonymous semi-erotic encounter on
`the CompuServe network that he called "Compusex" (p.
`95). In addition, there are interactive games
`available on the network that users perform in
`competition with others.
`Topics of computer-mediated play telecommunication
`seemingly range from the mundane (how are you?) to the
`exciting. A content analysis of keyings will help
`determine when play communication takes place. For
`instance, a seemingly serious message could contain tag
`at the end that signals a joke. The interesting thing
`will be to use this analysis to uncover communication
`behavior unique to the computer medium itself.
`In addition to a content analysis, a network
`analysis may shed light on the influence of play
`communication with computer mediation. A network
`analysis of who talks to whom about what could explain
`the draw of the medium. One approach is provided by
`fantasy theme analysis (Bormann, 1972; Cragan and
`Shields,. 1981) . A message could be followed as it
`"chains out" through a network of communicators. The
`attraction of the medium may be explained through
`; erIc
`Epic Games Ex. 1015
`Page 13


`Computer-Mediated Play Telecommunication
`determining the contributions of participants. An
`example of this is the discussion of issues among
`scholars on the BITNET connection. Eloquence in an
`ongoing dialogue may be the result of wanting to
`participate in a public forum. Play theory analysis
`says that sue** participation is the result of making
`media choices that one feels enhances one's self-
`Play theory can provide heuristics to investigate
`the nature of voluntary computer-mediated
`telecommunication. The choice to use computer-mediated
`telecommunication, the topic, the content, and the
`network of participants in computer-mediated
`communication settings may thus indicate the role of
`user innovation in using new technology to provide new
`communication experiences.
`Epic Games Ex. 1015
`Page 14


`Computer-Mediated Play Telecommunication
`Alifrangis, C. (1988, April). A descriptive analysis
`of student messages on a school district's
`electronic bulletin board. Paper presented at the
`meeting of the Eastern Communicaton Association,
`Baltimore, Maryland.
`Allen, T. J., & Hauptman, 0. (1987). The influence of
`communication technologies on organizational
`structure: A conceptual model for future
`research. communication Research, 14 (5), 575-587.
`Bormann, E. G. (1972). Fantasy and rhetorical vision:
`The rhetorical criticism of social reality.
`Quarterly Journal of Speech, 58(4), 396-407.
`Bowen, C. & Peyton, D. (1988). The complete electronic
`bulletin board starter kit. New York: Bantam
`Cragan, J. F., & Shields, D. C., (1981). Applied
`communication research: A dramatistic approach.
`Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press, Inc.
`Goffman, E. (1974). Frame Analysis. New York: Harper
`& Row, Publishers.
`Epic Games Ex. 1015
`Page 15


`Computer-Mediated Play Telecommunication
`Hiltz, S. R. (1986). The ’’virtual classroom”: Using
`computer-mediated communication for university
`teaching. Journal of Communication, 36(2), 95-
`Katz, E; Blumler, J. G.; and Gurevitch, M. (1974).
`Utilization of mass communication by the
`individual. In The uses of mass communication,
`ed. J. G. Blumler and E. Katz, pp. 19-34. Beverly
`Hills, CA: Sage.
`O’Malley, C. (1989, October). Business: The power of
`information access. Personal Computing, pp. 71-75.
`Perrolle, J. A. (1987). Computers and social change:
`Information, property, and power. Belmont, CA:
`Wadsworth Publishing Co.
`Sanders, C. (1936). How to tele-communicate: A
`personal computer user’s guide. New York: Henry
`Holt and Co.
`Stephenson, W. (1967). The play theory of mass
`communication. Chicago: University of Chicago
`Williams, F. (1987). Technology and communication
`behavior. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Co.
`Wilson, K. G. (1988) Technologies of control: The new
`interactive media for the home. Madison, Wis.:
`University of Wisconsin Press.
`Epic Games Ex. 1015
`Page 16

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