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`Systems and Processes to Manage Multiple Modes of Communication
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`Epic Games Ex. 1006
`Page 1


`Systems and Processes to Manage Multiple Modes of Communication
`For many years, other than mails from post offices, we typically only received
`information from afar through telephones. However, in the past few years, ways that
`others can send us information have increased significantly. Just to list a few different
`modes of communication, we can be reached from standard desk phones, fax, cell phones,
`electronic mails, and instant messages. In addition, we can have more than one phone
`number and multiple electronic mail addresses. There are people we like to communicate
`with, and there are those we prefer to avoid. Managing information from all such
`different modes can be quite time consuming.
`One embodiment of the invention can automatically remove unwanted
`communications. Certain communications are relatively easy to determine to be
`unwanted, such as marketing cold calls and wrong number calls. Other communications
`may be more difficult. They can depend not just on the sources of the communication,
`but also the conditions or status of the receiver (a user) of the communication. The status
`can be related to the user’s current activity and/or location. For example, when the user
`is on a train going to work, the user probably does not mind chatting with his grandchild.
`•However, if the user is having his yearly review meeting with his boss, the user probably
`would prefer to avoid the call from his grandchild, unless it is an emergency. Based on
`the embodiment, communications from sources the user wants to postpone receiving can
`be automatically diverted.
`In one embodiment, the user can get appropriate notification on the source of the
`incoming communication request. The attributes of the notification can depend on the
`urgency of the communication and/or the status of the user.
`The user may receive information from different modes of communication. For
`example, the user can have mobile phones, fixed lines at home or office, emails, SMS,
`and faxes, with their different numbers and/or addresses. One embodiment can help the
`user efficiently manage information from the different modes. The user only has to
`remember one specific address from one mode of communication. Through that address,
`the user can receive communications from all modes of communication, independent of
`where the user is, or the type of hardware the user has. This allows the user to efficiently
`Provisional Patent Application
`Epic Games Ex. 1006
`Page 2


`maintain his communication from the numerous modes even when he is traveling. For
`example, the user does not have to change phones (and the phone numbers) when he
`moves from areas covering 3G to areas that do not.
`A number of embodiments depend on the different modes of communication
`converging onto the internet protocol platform. A communication gateway or a portal is
`formed allowing the user to receive communications from numerous sources through
`different modes. This, in turn, could reduce the numerous addresses the user has to
`remember, to one address. For example, an e-mail address for the user can serve as an
`access identifier for the different communication addresses from different communication
`modes. The access identifier can become the user’s digital identity. In one embodiment,
`the user’s other types of identification, such as the user’s driver licenser number, can be
`the user’s access identifier.
`One embodiment of the invention uses an open portal based on the web. Based on
`the portal, the user can securely determine who can reach him at what conditions. This
`can be done based on a status indicator. As an example, this indicator is determined
`according to the status of the user, the access priorities of the person trying to reach the
`user (or the relationship or the lack of relationship between the user and the person),
`and/or the urgency of the message from the person. The status of the user can be
`dynamically determined, based on the current condition(s) of the user. The portal can
`allow the user and the person to select different options, which can be modified as desired.
`For example, the relationship can be preset by the user and stored in a database, while the
`urgency of the message can be set by the person.
`Thus, in one embodiment, the portal can be used to control the selection and setting
`of different intelligent communication modes for the user. These intelligent
`communication modes allow priorities of various kinds of communication options to be
`set by the user. The portal allows worldwide access to the user, and can dynamically
`determine, for example, whether a call initiated at different time by different callers
`should be accepted by the user in real-time or handled by other mechanisms. From this
`information, communication requests can be classified, for example, into different
`degrees of undesirability. Some requests can be automatically blocked from the user.
`Others can be diverted and handled by other mechanism, such as diverting a phone call to
`Provisional Patent Application
`Epic Games Ex. 1006
`Page 3


`an email or voice mail.
`In one embodiment, the portal or gateway also includes a database to keep track of
`the user’s different contacts or acquaintances, and the access priorities of each contact.
`The user can modify information in the database, such as assigning and/or changing the
`priorities of the contacts. Based on the information (or lack of information) in the
`database of the contact trying to access the user, and based on the status of the user, the
`gateway can automatically select an intelligent mode of communication for the user. This
`selection can be done dynamically.
`In one embodiment, the portal can dynamically change the access priorities of a
`caller trying to reach the user. For example, previously the caller is of high priority to the
`user, and the user has set her access priorities accordingly. Lately, every time the caller
`trying to reach the user, the request was denied. After a preset number of rejections, the
`portal can automatically send a message to the user, asking the user if the user would like
`to lower the access priority of the caller. If the response is affirmative, the caller’s
`priority is automatically reduced.
`In another embodiment, the user does not have to set priorities of each contact. The
`system monitors every call, and provides the contact’s identity to the user. Based on the
`•user’s reaction to the call (e.g. accepting or rejecting it), the system automatically sets the
`contact’s priorities. In one embodiment, the system can then query the user for approval
`on the setting, and allow the user to adjust it as necessary. In another embodiment, the
`system can continue to modify the caller’s priorities based on the user’s reaction to the
`caller’s subsequent calls.
`In one embodiment, the user could keep information he believes to be sensitive local
`in a different database. Such information can be stored securely under the user’s direct
`control. The portal can retrieve information from the different database when required.
`In another embodiment, the user can restrict or limit such retrieval process.
`Additional confidentiality can be provided. In one embodiment, using phone calls
`as an example, the user can be aware of the identity of the caller even without being
`informed of the number of the caller. Similarly, the caller can reach the user without
`being aware of the number of the phone the user is using to receive the call. The user can
`keep his location and/or status confidential but still can receive the communication. This
`Provisional Patent Application
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`Page 4


`can be useful because there are situations, for example, when the user does not want to
`disclose his contact information but the user needs to receive services provided by the
`One approach to maintain such confidentiality while maintaining real-time
`communication is based on a system that digitally identifies the identities of the caller
`and the receiver. Note that the term caller is used in general. It is not just limited to
`phone calls, but they can be any person or entity requesting to communicate with the user,
`such as trying to send a message to the user. As a separate note, the caller can also be a
`user of different embodiments of the invention.
`After determining the identities, the system can establish connections between the
`caller and the user in real time. Though contacts are established, the system only needs to
`ensure the identities of the caller and the user to each other. However, the system does
`not have to disclose the phone numbers, electronic addresses, physical locations and/or
`other attributes of the caller and the user to each other. In one embodiment, real time
`implies that the time required for the identification is similar to the typical time required
`to set up, for example, a telephone call. The system can be a portal based on the web.
`In one embodiment, a portal also holds the user’s electronic calendar. The calendar
`.can be programmable, with entries set by the user. The portal can automatically and
`securely set appointments for the user since the portal knows the identity of the caller,
`and the status and schedule of the user. For example, the appointment can be for a
`conference call.
`To illustrate, in one embodiment, a portal provides the following fourteen intelligent
`communication modes (ICM) for the user to select. There are three columns in the table.
`If the communication mode selected in the second column does not work, the portal
`automatically defaults to the corresponding approach in the third column. For example,
`under ICM 1, if the mobile phone is busy, default to voice mail. Some of the selections
`do not have any default because it may not be necessary to default. For example, under
`ICM 8, the incoming message goes directly to voice mail with instant notification to
`mobile devices of the user. The incoming message can usually go to voice mail. There is
`no need to default.
`Provisional Patent Application
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`Page 5


`Mobile phone
`Office phone
`Home phone
`Mobile SMS/pager from mobile phone or PDA
`Home/office SMS (to office/home PC)
`Mobile Online chat (to mobile phone or PDA)
`Home Online chat (Net Meeting, AOL, ICQ etc.)
`Voice mail with instant notification to mobile devices of the user
`Voice mail without notification to mobile devices
`Office fax
`Home fax
`Mobile Email (Blackberry etc.)
`User defined
`Voice mail
`Voice mail
`Voice mail
`Voice mail
`Voice mail
`As a receiver of communication, the user can define the following contact classes:
`Kinship family members, love ones
`ContactClass 1
`Relatives and friends
`Boss and VEP
`Business acquaintances
`VEP Clients
`ContactClass 10
`User defined
`Provisional Patent Application
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`Page 6


`The user can set up the following urgency classes:
`Life threatening - interrupt at any time and occasion
`Urgent confirmed meeting reminder - interruption allowed
`Urgent matter requiring immediate attention
`Important matter requiring quick attention
`Regular work related matter
`Casual contact
`Cold calls from unknown person
`User defined
`The user can define the following status:
`Important meeting
`Ordinary meeting
`User defined
`Based on the above tables, as an example, the user can set up the following Access
`Priority Database for different Contactclasses:
`ICM allowed
`ICM 13
`Provisional Patent Application
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`As another example, the user can categorize the following contacts into the
`corresponding ContactClasses:
`Alice (Wife)
`Peter (Close Friend)
`Colina (Close Friend’s wife)
`ContactClass 1
`Peter wants to make a mobile phone call to the user. In one embodiment, Peter
`. calls a portal. As an example, the portal can be the user’s ISP. The portal first verifies
`the caller’s identity to be Peter. This can be done, for example, by a public key challenge
`based on Peter having a public key digital certificate. In another example, Peter is also a
`registered user of the portal. Then, Peter’s identity can be more readily identified or
`In one embodiment, after verification, a virtual address/number for the
`communication session is created allowing Peter to reach the user, which can be by phone.
`The user’s phone number does not have to be disclosed to Peter. Similarly, Peter’s
`mobile phone number does not have to be disclosed to the user. The portal can assure the
`user that the person calling is Peter based on an identification verification process, such
`.as ones described above.
`In establishing contact, the portal can access the user’s database and determine
`' that Peter belongs to ContactClass2. The database can, for example, be in the portal.
`In another embodiment, the database is in a personal communication device of the
`user. The portal accesses the personal communication device to determine Peter’s
`Based on the ContactClass information, the status of the user and Peter’s urgency
`setting, the user may receive Peter’s call directly. As another example, Peter may be
`asked to leave a voice mail to the user, while the user is notified by a mobile short
`message regarding an incoming call from Peter.
`Provisional Patent Application
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`Page 8


`06/15/2005 HBELETE1 00000064 60669686
`01 FC:2005.
`100.00 0P
`A\/All A RI F
`■US. GoramrrM PiMng OOca: 2002 — 480-2SMMM
`Epic Games Ex. 1006
`Page 9


`United States Rctent and Trademark Office
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450
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`Epic Games Ex. 1006
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