`International Bureau
`(21) International Application Number: PCT/AU99/01059|(81) Designated States: AU, JP, NZ, US, ZA.
`8 June 2000 (08.06.00)
`(22) International Filing Date:
`26 November 1999 (26.11.99)
`(30) Priority Data:
`PP 7341
`26 November 1998 (26.11.98)
`With international search report.
`(51) International Patent Classification © :
`(11) International Publication Number:
`WO 00/32286
`A63F 9/22, 5/04, GO6F 19/161, GO7F
`(43) International Publication Date:
`displayed at the time the character is displayed.
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): ARISTO-
`Longueville Road, Lane Cove, NSW 2066 (AU).
`(72) Inventors; and
`(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): BENNETT, Nicholas,
`Luke [AU/AU]; 28 Quinlan Parade, Manly Vale, NSW
`2093 (AU). BRYANT,Natalie [AU/AU]; 85~113 Dunning
`Avenue, Rosebery, NSW 2018 (AU). BYNG, Stephen
`[AU/AU]; 4/58 Hordern Street, Newtown, NSW 2042 (AU).
`(74) Agent: F B RICE & CO; 605 Darling Street, Balmain, NSW
`2041 (AU).
`(57) Abstract
`A console is described, having display means, and game con-
`trol means arranged to control
`images displayed on the display
`means, the game control means being arranged to play a game in
`which one or more symbols are randomly selected as a combina-
`tion of symbols and displayed on the display means. If a winning
`combination results, the machine awards a prize.
`In some circum-
`stances, the console will display an animated character to communi-
`cate information to the player. The character is independent of and
`appears asynchronously with respect to the game being played and
`is arranged to appear super imposed over any gamescreen currently
` 004, p. 1
`av. IGT
`Zynga Ex. 1004, p. 1
`Zynga v. IGT
`Codes used to identify States party to the PCT on the front pages of pamphlets publishing international applications under the PCT.
`Bosnia and Herzegovina
`Republic of Moldova
`The former Yugoslav
`Burkina Faso
`Republic of Macedonia
`Trinidad and Tobago
`United States of America
`Central African Republic
`Viet Nam
`Céte d'Ivoire
`New Zealand
`Czech Republic
`Russian Federation
`United Kingdom
`Democratic People’s
`Republic of Korea
`Republic of Korea
`Saint Lucia
`Sri Lanka
`Zynga Ex. 1004, p. 2
`Zynga v. IGT
`Zynga Ex. 1004, p. 2
`Zynga v. IGT
`Player informationdelivery
`The present invention relates to gaming consoles or gaming machines
`of the type knownas slot machines arrangedto play a large variety of card
`related and other gambling gamesandin particular the invention provides an
`improvement to a game played on such a machineorconsole.
`Players who regularly play gaming machines quickly tire of particular
`games and therefore it is necessary for manufacturers of these machinesto
`come up with innovative game features that add interest to the games
`provided on such machinesin orderto keep the players amused and
`therefore willing to continue playing the game.
`Description of the Prior Art
`Gaming or poker machines have been well known in some
`jurisdictions such as the state of New South Wales in Australia and Nevada
`in the United States for many years and more recently such machines have
`gained considerable popularity in a growing numberof new jurisdictions
`with quite substantial amounts of money wagered on these machines. There
`is a growing tendency for State Governmentsto legalize the use of gaming
`machinesby licensing operators, with resulting revenue gains through
`license fees and taxation of monies invested. The licensed operation of
`gaming machinesis the subject of State legislation and regulation. This
`regulation most always dictates a minimum percentage payoutfor a gaming
`machine. For example, in New South Wales a minimum of 85% of monies
`invested must be returned as winnings, and manufacturers of gaming
`machines therefore must design their machines around these regulatory
`With the growth that has occurred in the gaming machine market there
`is intense competition between manufacturers to supply the various existing
`and new venues. Whenselecting a supplier of gaming machines, the
`operatorof a venue will often pay close attention to the popularity of various
`games with their patrons. Therefore, gaming machine manufacturersare
`keen to devise games which are popularwith players, as a mechanism for
`Manyvariousstrategies have beentried in the past to make games
`more enticing to players, including the commonly knowndouble-upfeature,
`whereby, if a player wins a particular game, they can thenrisk the winnings
`Zynga Ex. 1004, p. 3
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`WO 00/32286
`of that game in a double-or-nothing mode in which they gamble on a
`subsequent, and often different, game such as whethera red orblack card
`will be the next card drawn.
`Other techniques adopted in the past have been to provide complexity
`in the numbering and combinationsof indicia which would result in a win,
`thereby hoping to convince the player that there is a greater chance of
`winning and to keep their interest in a particular game.
`Throughoutthis specification and claims when the term "morph"is
`used,it is intended to indicate a transformation or metamorphosis from a
`current image or character to a new imageorcharacter.
`Summaryof the Invention
`Accordingto a first aspect the present invention provides a gaming
`console having display means, and game control meansarranged to control
`images displayed on the display means, the game control means being
`arranged to play a game wherein one or more random events are caused to be
`displayed on the display meansand,if a predefined winning event or
`combination of events results, the machine awards a prize, the console being
`characterized in that an animated characteris periodically displayed to
`communicate information to the player, the character being arranged to
`appearsuper imposed over any game screen currently displayed at the time
`the characteris displayed, the character appearing to award a bonusprize
`awarded from a bonus prize pool and the character appearing to dispense or
`control the dispensing of the prize.
`Preferably, in embodiments of the invention, a generic character, such
`as a coin with glasses, top hat, legs and arms will be used as the animated
`character (known as Mr. Cashman). The animated characteris preferably
`used to indicate to the player any game and feature prizes won asa resultof
`playing the respective gamein addition to the bonus prizes.
`Preferably also, the triggering of the appearanceof the characterbeing
`independentof the outcomeofthe current game.
`In some embodiments the character(i.e. Mr. Cashman) will
`occasionally randomly appear, entering the gamescreen, and awarding a
`variable random bonusprize. In preferred embodiments, the prize may be
`displayed in a numberof ways suchas by the character kicking the win
`meter, throwing coins at the win meter, pulling the prize outofhis hat,
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`picking up a digit and carrying it over to add in front of the win meteror
`According to a second aspect the present invention provides a gaming
`console having display means, and game control meansarranged to control
`images displayed on the display means, the game control means being
`arranged to play a game bought by a player whereinafter the player buys a
`game by committing a wager, one or more random events are caused to be
`displayed on the display meansand,if a predefined winning event or
`combination of events results, the machine awardsa prize, the console being
`characterized in that an animated characteris periodically displayed to
`communicate information to the player, the character being arranged to
`appear super imposed over any game screen currently displayed at the time
`the characteris displayed, the character appearing to award a bonus gameor
`a bonus feature, where the bonus gameor bonusfeature has an outcome
`whichis at least partially independent of the outcome of the current game
`boughtbuythe player.
`In one embodiment, an animated spinning reel bonus game is provided
`in which the character(e.g. Mr. Cashman) causes one or more of a plurality
`of simulated reels to randomly spin. If more than onereel is spun, they will
`preferably be spun in random order. In different embodiments, the
`animationof the reel spinning may include the character kicking thereels,
`tapping them with his walking stick, pushing them, leaning on them,
`throwing an object at them etc. After the reels stop spinning, the player will
`be paid any wins that are associated with the symbol combination displayed
`on the stoppedreels.
`In another embodiment, a feature is provided in which the character
`offers a selection between two or more options with different offers of hidden
`prizes or bonus games being associated with each option such that when the
`player chooses one of the options the hidden offer associated with the
`selected option is revealed and awardedto the player. In one particularly
`preferred embodiment, a feature referred to as "The Moneyorthe Box"is
`provided in which the character(i.e. Mr. Cashman) will be holding (for
`example) a bag of coins and a wad of dollarbills. This feature will be
`displayed as a second-screen feature after the end of the main game. The
`playerwill be asked to choose oneorthe otherof the bag of coins or the wad
`of notes.
`If the bag is chosen,it will reveal that the player has been awarded
`Zynga Ex. 1004, p. 5
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`a numberof free games of the type offered as standard games onthe console,
`and a multiplier will be applied to all prizes won during those free games . If
`the wadofbills is chosen, a variable prize will be determined from a range of
`possible prizes and will be revealed fromthe bills.
`In a further embodimentof the invention, the character(i.e.
`Mr. Cashman) enters a game and randomly awards a gamefeature specific to
`the game being played. For example, the standard game may include a
`feature where the occurrence of three scatter symbols in a combination
`resulting from a bought gameacts as a trigger event which causes the
`awardingof a plurality of free games (say 15) with all wins multiplied by a
`predetermined amount(e.g. tripled). In the preferred embodiment the
`character will enter the game and awardthefeature to the player without the
`need forthe trigger event (such as the combination of three scatter symbols)
`that is normally the pre-requisite for the commencementof the feature.
`In another embodimentthe character(i.e. Mr. Cashman)will
`sometimes enter the game screen of an animated spinning reel game and
`while the reels are spinning as part of a bought game he will indicate one of
`the spinning reels to be treated as a bonusreel in this game Whenthereels
`stop spinning, the indicated reel will be treated as having stopped on a wild
`symbol which substitutes for all symbols on that reel. In one embodimentof
`the invention the reel will be indicated by the character climbing into the
`foreground that reel. The visual effect will be that the reel is spinning
`behind the fixed image of the character. Whenthe reels stop the character
`image in the foreground ofthe one of the reels will be treated as a wild
`symbol which substitutes for all symbols on that reel. In a further
`embodiment, the character enters the bought gameafter the reels have
`stopped spinning for that game and any prizes awarded and the character
`then commenceall of the reels spinning again as a bonus game, and while
`they are spinning will indicate the reel to be treated as a bonusreel.
`According to a third aspect the present invention provides a gaming
`console having display means, and game control] means arranged to control
`images displayed on the display means, the game control means being
`arranged to play a game wherein one or more randomevents are caused to be
`displayed on the display meansand,if a predefined winning event or
`combination of events results, the machine awardsaprize, the console being
`characterized in that an animated characteris periodically displayed to
`Zynga Ex. 1004, p. 6
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`communicate information to the player, the character being arranged to
`appear super imposed over any gamescreen currently displayed at the time
`the character is displayed, and triggering of the appearance of the character
`being independentof the outcomeof the current game.
`In preferred embodiments, thetrigger is random and weighted by the
`desired hit rate of the feature. It is preferably dependent upon the player's
`bet, and may or may not be dependent uponthesize or type of the player's
`bet. For example, if a specific Mr. Cashman feature is required to be
`triggered to be initiated on average once in every 200 games played,then for
`every time the playerinitiates a game by pressing a bet button a random
`numberwill be selected in the range 1 to 200. If the number1 is selected
`then the Mr. Cashmanfeature will be triggered. In some cases the chance of
`getting the Mr. Cashmanfeature will be dependent upon the numberoflines
`played. For example, if for a single line bet the Mr. Cashmanfeatureis
`required to occur on average once in every 1000 games, then ideally the
`range from which random numbers are selected would be 1 to (1000/lines
`played). From a practical point of view, the waythis is implemented is to
`select a random numberin the range 1 to 1000, andif the resulting number
`that is selected is in the range 1 to x, where x is the numberoflines played
`then the Mr. Cashmanfeature will be triggered.
`According to a fourth aspect the present invention provides a gaming
`console having display means, and game control meansarranged to control
`images displayed on the display means, the game control means being
`arranged to play a game wherein one or more randomevents are caused to be
`displayed on the display meansand,if a predefined winning eventor
`combination of events results, the machine awardsa prize, the console being
`characterized in that an animated character is periodically displayed to
`communicate information to the player, the character being arranged to
`appear super imposed overany game screen currently displayed at the time
`the character is displayed, and triggering of the appearance of the character
`being associated with a function or feature selected froma plurality of
`functions or features associated with the gaming console.
`Preferably the selection of the function or feature from the plurality of
`functions or features is independent of the outcomeof the current game.
`Preferably also each different type of Mr. Cashman function or feature
`available in one game will have an independent, pre-determined probability
`Zynga Ex. 1004, p. 7
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`of being triggered for each game played. In one embodimentof the invention
`there are 5 separate random selections which are made whenevera player
`makes a bet on game,relating to 5 separate functions or features. Any
`numberfrom 0 to 5 of the selections mayresult in a successful triggering ofa
`function or feature. In this embodiment, when a function orfeature is
`triggered it will not commence until after the completionof the entire game
`in which the trigger occurred. Howeverthe function or feature will then
`commencebefore the player has been given the opportunity to bet on another
`game. In cases where more than onedifferent functionor featureis triggered
`from the samebet, the functions or features will commence oneat a time
`such that as one completes the next one will commence. All ofthe triggered
`functions or features will complete before the player is given the opportunity
`to bet on another game.
`In embodiments providing spinning reel games(i.e. video simulations
`of spinning reels) the actual bonus functions and/orfeatures to be used will
`be as follows:
`Ananimated spinning reel bonus gameis provided in which the
`character (e.g. Mr. Cashman) causes one or more ofa plurality of simulated
`reels to randomly spin . If more than onereel is spun, they will preferably be
`spun in randomorder. In different embodiments, the animation of the reel
`spinning may include the characterkicking the reels, tapping theiwith his
`walking stick, pushing them, leaning on them, throwing an object at them
`etc. After the reels stop spinning, the player will be paid any wins that are
`associated with the symbol combination displayed on the stoppedreels.
`A bonus game feature is provided in which the characteroffers a
`selection between two or more options with differentoffers of hidden prizes
`or bonus gamesbeing associated with each option such that whenthe player
`chooses one of the options the hidden offer associated with the selected
`option is revealed and awardedto the player. In one particularly preferred
`embodiment,a feature referred to as "The Moneyor the Box"is providedin
`which the character(i.e. Mr. Cashman) will be holding (for example) a bag of
`coins and a wadof dollarbills. This feature will be displayed as a second-
`screenfeature after the end of the main game. The playerwill be asked to
`choose one orthe otherof the bag of coins or the wad of notes.
`If the bag is
`chosen,it will reveal that the player has been awarded a numberoffree
`gamesof the type offered as standard gamesonthe console, and a multiplier
`Zynga Ex. 1004, p. 8
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`will be applied to all prizes won during those free games . If the wad ofbills
`is chosen, a variable prize will be determined from a range of possible prizes
`and will be revealed fromthebills.
`A bonus feature is provided in which the character(i.e. Mr. Cashman )
`enters a game and randomly awards a gamefeature specific to the game
`being played. For example, the standard game mayinclude a feature where
`the occurrence of three scatter symbols in a combination resulting from a
`bought game normally causes the awarding of a series of 15 free games with
`all wins tripled. In the preferred embodimentthe characterwill enter the
`game and award thefeature to the player without the need for the
`combination of three scatter symbols that is normally the pre-requisite for the
`commencementof the feature.
`A bonusfeature is provided in which the character(i.e. Mr. Cashman)
`will occasionally randomly appear, entering the game screen, and awarding a
`variable random bonusprize. In preferred embodiments, the prize may be
`displayed in a numberof ways such as by the character kicking the win
`meter, throwing coins at the win meter, pulling the prize out of his hat,
`picking up a digit and carrying it over to add in front of the win meter or
`A bonus gamefeature is provided in which the character(i.e. Mr.
`Cashman) will sometimes randomly enter the bought game, after the reels
`have stopped spinning and any prizes awardedfor that game , and the
`character then commenceall of the reels spinning again as a bonus game.
`While they are spinning the character will indicate a reel to be treated as a
`bonusreel in this game. Whenthe reels stop spinning, the indicated reel will
`be treated as having stopped on a wild symbol whichsubstitutesforall
`symbols on that reel. In one embodimentof the invention the reel will be
`indicated by the character climbing into the foreground that reel. The visual
`effect will be that the reel is spinning behind the fixed image of the
`character. Whenthe reels stop the character image in the foreground of the
`one of the reels will be treated as a wild symbol which substitutes forall
`symbols on thatreel.
`According to a fifth aspect the present invention provides a gaming
`console having display means, and game control meansarranged to control
`images displayed on the display means, the game control means being
`arranged to play a game wherein one or more random events are caused to be
`Zynga Ex. 1004, p. 9
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`displayed on the display meansand,if a predefined winning event or
`combinationof events results, the machine awards a prize, the console being
`characterized in that an animated characteris periodically displayed to
`communicate informationto the player, the character being independentof
`and appearing asynchronously with respect to the game being played and
`arranged to appear super imposed over any gamescreen currently displayed
`at the time the character is displayed, the appearance of the character being
`accompanied by the provision of entertainment on the display and/orthe
`sound output of the gaming console and continuation of the entertainment
`being conditional on the player contributing credits to the character, and the
`console adding the credits contributed to the characterto a bonus pool.
`In preferred embodiments the random event or events comprise one or
`more symbols being randomly selected as a combination of symbols and
`displayed on the display means and, if a winning combination results, the
`machine awardsa prize.
`In preferred embodiments, the character acts as a busker. Players will
`actually be able to make contributions or donationsto the character in order
`to watch him busking. All of the money that the gaming console receives for
`the character's busking will be paid back to the player in bonus wins during
`the main game.
`In the preferred embodiment, the characterwill appear on the screen
`when the machineis in a state of zero credit (zero credit mode). The
`characterwill adopt a busking pose such as by holding a musical instrument
`with his hat out in front of him. If a coin is inserted, the player will be given
`a choice of whetherto play the game or watch the character busking. If the
`choice is to watch the character busking he or she will perform for the
`player's money along with a special tune. Alternatively the character may
`cause some other form of entertainmentto be provided suchas introducing
`anothercharacter or causing a special graphic sequence or video to run. The
`coin that was inserted will be added into a bonus pool by the gaming console
`In gaming consoles according to a preferred embodimentof the
`invention, during the main game, a randomdecision will be made as to
`whether the contents of the bonus pool(or a subset of the bonus pool) will be
`awarded in addition to any win from that feature. The software will always
`keep a runningtally of the contents of the bonuspool.
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`According to a sixth aspect the present invention provides a gaming
`console having display means, and game control meansarranged to control
`images displayed on the display means, the game control means being
`arranged to play a game wherein one or more symbols are randomly selected
`as a combination of symbols and displayed on the display meansand,if a
`winning combination results, the machine awardsa prize, the console being
`characterized in that an animated characteris periodically displayed to
`communicate information to the player, the character being independentof
`and appearing asynchronously with respect to the game being played and
`arranged to appear super imposed over any gamescreen currently displayed
`at the time the characteris displayed.
`According to a seventh aspect the present invention provides a gaming
`console having display means, and game control means arranged to control
`images displayed on the display means, the game control means being
`arranged to play a game wherein one or more symbols are randomly selected
`as a combination of symbols and displayed on the display meansand,if a
`winning combination results, the machine awardsa prize, the console being
`characterized in that an auxiliary display meansis provided, and an
`animated characteris periodically displayed on the auxiliary display means
`to communicate information to the player, the character being independent
`of and appearing asynchronously withrespect to the game being played and
`arranged to appear super imposed over any otherinformation currently
`displayed on the auxiliary display at the time the characteris displayed.
`In embodiments in which the characteris displayed on a second
`screen, there may also be interaction between the character and the main
`game when,for example, awarding bonuses, and in particular, the character
`may moveto the main gamescreen to perform anaction such as kicking the
`reels of a spinning reel game to award a bonus.
`According to a eighth aspect, the present invention provides a gaming
`console having display means, and game control means arrangedto control
`images displayed on the display means, the game control means being
`arranged to play a game wherein one or more symbols are randomly selected
`as a combination of symbols and displayed on the display meansand,if a
`winning combination results, the machine awards a prize, the console
`characterized in that a player console interface is provided which operates
`Zynga Ex. 1004, p. 11
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`asynchronously with the gameto provide information to the player
`independently of the game.
`According to a ninth aspect, the present invention provides a gaming
`console having display means, and game contro] meansarranged to control
`images displayed on the display means, the game control means being
`arranged to play a game wherein one or more symbols are randomly selected
`as a combination of symbols and displayed on the display means and,if a
`winning combination results, the machine awardsa prize, the console
`characterized in that a player console interface is provided that operates
`asynchronously with the game to provide winning opportunities in addition
`to those provided by the main game.
`According to a tenth aspect, the present invention provides a gaming
`console having display means, and game contro] means arranged to control
`images displayed on the display means, the game control means being
`arranged to play a game wherein a random eventis displayed andif the
`random event matches a predetermined event, a prize is awarded, the
`console being characterized in that a user interface contro] means is provided
`which operates functionally independently of the game control means, the
`user interface means including:
`amonitoring mode in whichit is substantially inactive while it waits
`for a trigger condition to cause it to transform to another mode,
`an active mode in which it communicates information to the player
`regarding a current gamebeing played or a system feature or function.
`In various embodiments of the invention, a characteris used to
`communicate information to the player and the character may take a variety
`of forms including:
`an animated amorphousor"blob"like character,
`an animated charactertaking the form of a normally inanimate object
`such as a coin, note or betting chip, a slot machine console, a video
`screen, etc
`an animated characterin the form of a person or animal, or the head of
`a person or animal. In the case of an animated person, the character
`can be a caricature of a well knownpersonality such as a celebrity of
`the establishmentin which the console is installed.
`The characterwill preferably be associated with an audio output which
`may include music and other soundeffects to draw attention to the presence
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`of the character, as well as voice output to communicate messages to the
`The character preferably also delivers visual messages in the form of
`symbols and/ortext with text being displayed for example, in a bubble
`emitting from the mouth of the character.
`Preferably, the animated character and anyassociated voice outputare
`not genderidentifiable.
`Thetriggering of the character to appearis preferably achieved by any
`one or moreof the following events:
`a periodic trigger;
`a random trigger;
`the occurrence of an externaltrigger event;
`the occurrence of one or more specific gamestates;
`the occurrenceof one or more specific console states;
`a specific operatoractivity;
`a specific playeractivity.
`Examplesof charactertriggersare:
`the occurrence of a game state where the player must make a decision
`where the character may appear, to offer advice on probabilities of
`various possible outcomes,this trigger may be automatic or prompted
`by the player pressing a button;
`the offering of bonusprizes as incentives to players who have had long
`non-winning stretches;
`the offering game specific bonus features to players who have had a
`long stretch where the game specific bonus feature has not been
`announcing a bonus gameora series of games awardedto the player;
`announcing the winning of a mystery jackpot, either on the winning
`console, or a console adjacent the winning console;
`providing wins in "near-miss situations by "nudging" a symbolinto a
`winning position;
`suggesting the ordering of a taxi for a player who has been observed to
`have been presentfor a long period (by wayof a playertrading system)
`or whoseplayis erratic and may indicate intoxication;
`periodically offer drink or food ordering services; or
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`periodically provide public service information and information on
`services, facilities and entertainment programs offered to patrons;
`advising a player when the console had detected a fault condition in
`whichcase the interface characterwill explain the fault to the player.
`Bonuses may be provided by incrementing the win meter, for example,
`by the character walking up and kicking the win meterorhitting it with a
`sledge hammer, or may offer the player a choice of options the current
`selection of which maylead to a bonusprize being offered.
`The character may also signal the size of a linked jackpot prize or the
`current probability of a linked jackpot occurring in the case of some linked
`In some embodiments of the invention, the player interface character
`changes, or its activity changes depending uponthe activityof the player
`indicated, for example, by the rate of gameplayorthe rate ofcredits bet.
`Alternatively, changes in the characterorits activity are responsive to prize
`rates achieved, while playing the game.
`In particular embodiments, a range of player interface characters are
`made available to the player of the console, such that the player may choose
`a character from the available range. The different characters made available
`will have differing characteristics and personalities and the player may
`choose the characters to which they relate to best. Alternatively, the
`selection of the player interface character may be an operator function which
`is selected in a setup modeor audit modeofthe console orcentrally selected
`using system f