`(11) Patent Number:
`United States Patent 55
`Abbott et al.
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Oct. 24, 2000
`4/1997 Kagan et al. oo. eres 463/40
`6/1997 Kawasaki.....
`4/1998 Murata etal.
`Inventors: James P. Abbott, Omaha, Nebr.;
`6/1998 Weineret al.
`Kenneth Mixter, Hanover, Pa.
`5,816,953 10/1998 Cleveland ....
`5,860,862=1/1999) Junkin oe cceeeteneereeeenee 463/40
`[73] Assignee:
`Inventure, Inc., Baltimore, Md.
`4/1999 Macri et ale
`6/1999 Redford et al.
`[21] Appl. No.: 09/050,374
`11/1999 Baum oe. eeeeeeeeeneseeeneees: 364/565
`Mar. 31, 1998
`Primary Examiner—essica J. Harrison
`Assistant Examiner—Minh Trinh
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Hogan & Hartson, LLP; Celine
`Jimenez Crowson
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Provisional application No. 60/042,265, Mar. 31, 1997.
`[SL] UM. C17cccceecscssnsneeseesssenesesenseessesanee A63F9/22
`[52] U.S. CM. ee eeccceseseseneceneene 463/3; 463/40; 463/9;
`463/1; 273/108.3
`[58] Field of Search occ 463/3, 2, 4, 36,
`463/37, 38, 43, 44, 40, 41, 42; 273/1 E,
`85 G. 317.6. 236. 138.2. 132. 108.1. 108.3
`77 AGL
`A method of remotely interfacing with at least one player in
`a rule-based game over a communication medium opera-
`tively connected to one or more communication devices
`ieluding a visual display whercin cach player is associated
`with a communication device, includes visually displaying
`at one or more of the communication devices a form
`comprising a two-dimensional matrix having a cell at the
`juncture of each row and column and where each cell may
`be manipulated to reflect a game choice bythe player,
`8/1980 Nemeth caccsscssssssesesseseseen 273/85 G
`__—‘fetrieving bya server each game choice made by the player
`4/1982 Klose wuss.
`ve 273/88
`before any subsequent game choice is made by the player,
`1/1985 Morstain etal.
`. 27/1 E
`applying the rules of the game to determine what further
`9/1985 Coppock ......
`. 273/138 R
`game choices are available to the player based upon the
`2/1986 Sitrick .........
`... 273/85 G
`gamechoicesretrieved, generating a revised form reflecting
`6/1986 Fascendaet al.
`» 273/1 E
`game choices made by the player and game choices which
`eee 5)jong ae oe
`ee are available for the player to make, transmitting the revised
`ovar et al.
`3/1991 ‘Tashiro et al...
`* 364/410
`form to the communication device being used by the player,
`1/1992 Thacheretal
`and visually displaying the revised form at the communica-
`11/1993 Pearsonet al.
`cacssssssssenseeeeee 273/439
`_—~‘tion device being used bythe player.
`7/1996 Barker..........
`w. 463/41
`5,586,257 12/1996 Perlman ....ceeeescseteteeseseerees 463/42
`References Cited
`20 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets
`—_—_——h/t_,\Gae HITS RBI HR 2+HITS 49
`premALT las|now
`2 (2177/
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`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 24, 2000
`Sheet 1 of 6
`FIG. 1A
`w i
`on ramer|(RIF
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`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 24, 2000
`Sheet 2 of 6
`. 1B
`IP 6+
`IP 3+
`Zynga Ex. 1010, p. 3
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`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 24, 2000
`Sheet 3 of 6
`OF;8FJQay~P yap. lLYL
`Zynga Ex. 1010, p. 4
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`Zynga Ex. 1010, p. 4
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`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 24, 2000
`Sheet 4 of 6
` ||ll|!||||||S}iNsauJse7UsIND/uIbaqsuooejeseweb
`Zynga Ex. 1010, p. 5
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`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 24, 2000
`Sheet 5 of 6
`FIG. 4A
`IF SAFE:(click once on
`unselected square)
`2 points for each
`un scored
`IF RISK:(click once on
`selected square)
`4 points each
`-2 ifno RUNS
`1 point for
`2 points for each
`run batted in
`4 points for each
`home run
`4 points if the
`batter gets 2 or
`2 points each
`-2 if no HITS
`4 points each
`-2 if no RBI
`8 points each
`-1 if no home run
`8 points if 2 or
`-1 if less than
`2 hits
`BOTTOM FOURPLACESIN THE ROSTER(points are higher-risk is higher)
`gets 2 or more hits 8 points each
`4 points for each
`run scored
`2 points for each hit
`4 points for each
`run battedin
`8 points for each
`2+ HITS
`8 pointsif the batter
`-4 if no runs scored
`(-2 in pull-down)
`4 points each
`-4 if no hits
`(-2 in pull-down)
`8 points each
`-4 if no RBI
`(-2 in pull-down)
`16 points each
`-2 if no home run
`(-1 in pull-down)
`16 pointsif 2
`or morehits
`-2 if less than 2
`hits (-1 in pull-down)
`Zynga Ex. 1010, p. 6
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`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 24, 2000
`Sheet 6 of 6
`FIG. 4B
`IF SAFE:(click once on unselected square)
`6 pointsif 6 full innings pitched (partial
`innings do not count)
`1 point for eachstrikeout
`WIN/SAVE 6 pointsif 3 full innings pitched
`2 points (IP minus RUNSallowed) = points earned
`3 times (IP minus HITS allowed)= points earned
`10 points if the starter wins
`2 points for each strikeout
`4 times (IP minus RUNSallowed) = points earned
`6 times (IP minus RUNSallowed)= points earned
`10 pointsif a relief pitcher gets a win or a
`save (no double score for win and save)
`Zynga Ex. 1010, p. 7
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`Zynga Ex. 1010, p. 7
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`Applicant claims the benefit of co-pending US. Provi-
`sional application serial no. 60/042,265 filed Mar. 31, 1997.
`The present inventionrelates to sports forecasting games,
`especially multi-player baseball forecasting games.
`Prior to the present invention, baseball forecasting or
`“fantasy”-type games (for example, Rotisserie™ style
`games) always have required game players to make their
`strategic plays by selecting a “team” of baseball players
`from among a large set of possible baseball player choices
`(generally all of the players in both Major Leaguesorall the
`players in one of the two Major Leagues). A game player’s
`team, however,bore no relation to the actual make-up of any
`particular Major League team. In these prior games, game
`players earn points based uponthe real-life performances of
`each team member. Once each game player had formed his
`or her fantasy “team,” thus forming a fantasy “league” of
`players, each gameplayer earned the same numberof points
`as other game players whoselected the same baseball player.
`Thus, for example, a real-life winning pitching performance
`by Player X would earn the same numberof points for every
`game player whose fantasy team included Player X.
`Other prior art fantasy/forecast games have included a
`variety of statistical categories to determine the point value
`of a real-life player’s performance, but such games have
`always counted and weighed the selected categories the
`same for every game player who had selected a particular
`baseball player. In all knownprior baseball fantasy/forecast
`games, therefore, the ultimate and key game objective was
`to select the optimal fantasy “team” of, for example, 20 to
`30 players, out of the very large pool (for example 300 to
`600) of available baseball player selections as set by the
`real-life rosters of all Major League baseball teams. The
`variation within game play wascreated bythe fact that game
`players inevitably select different fantasy teams whose ros-
`ters generate different statistics and therefore different total
`point values over a season.
`The present invention provides a new and substantially
`more interesting and challenging fantasy sports game.
`Instead of the past practice of treating the on-field results of
`eachbaseball player the same for each gameplayer (and thus
`generating the variation necessary to make the game com-
`petitive by having cach game player sclect his or her own
`differently configured fantasy team), the present invention
`permits game players to make a wide variety of different
`strategic forecasts with respect to each of a small number of
`real-life players. Further, unlike the prior art games dis-
`cussed above, all of the real-life players available to the
`gameplayers are on the samereal-life team.
`One difference between an embodiment of the present
`invention and previous fantasy/forecast gamesisthat in the
`present invention all game players must play with the same
`very limited number of real-life athletes (11-15), all of
`whom play for the same team. Gameplayers cannot choose
`broadly among all Major League baseball athletes, but must
`restrict their choices to the athletes of a single Major League
`This is an imposing game constraint, because if the same
`rules as in all prior fantasy/forecast games were applied in
`the game environment of the present invention, there would
`not be enough variation to create competition among large
`numbers of game players, because many game players
`would choose the same athletes for their fantasy team and
`thus would attain the same game score. On the other hand,
`it is this very constraint that makes the present invention
`attractive to so many players. Because of this constraint,
`players do not need a working knowledgeof athletes beyond
`those who play for their favorite team. This makes the
`present game attractive to a much wider group of potential
`game players.
`A second distinction from all prior fantasy/forecast
`games, is that a single real-life player can be utilized in an
`embodimentof the present invention in manydifferent ways.
`Gameplayersare offered the opportunity to select among 51
`different strategic plays for each of the limited numberof
`available real-life athletes. This meansthat, in an embodi-
`ment of the present invention, the limited numberof avail-
`able athletes actually can be selected in manydifferent
`strategic combinations.
`A variety of “strategic selections” are available for each
`athlete and are generated by the game player selecting a
`limited number of athletes for zero, one or two categories
`out of five commonstatistical categories (for example: runs,
`hits, RBI, home runs, multiple-hit gamesor other statistical
`A third distinction of an embodiment of the present
`invention over prior art games is the ability for a game
`player to designate certain categories as “risk” categories, in
`which the score for a particular athlete in that category is
`doubled (at the risk of losing points if the athletes fail to
`generate an entry above zero for that category). Throughthis
`mechanism, the amountof variation available in each game
`player’s use of a particular real-life athlete is dramatically
`increased, to the 51 ditferent plays per athlete.
`A fourth distinction of an embodiment of the present
`invention over prior art games is that any of the game
`players’ selections can be instantaneously changed at any
`time (with the exception of the time during which the actual
`Major League games on which the gameis based are being
`played) during the baseball season, allowing each player to
`continually and completely revise and update his or her
`In all prior fantasy/forecast baseball games,
`changes were rigorously constrained by rules limiting
`changesto the roster of the players’ fantasy teams.
`A fifth distinction of an embodiment of the present
`invention over prior art gamesis that the game integrates
`timely information into its interface, available publicly
`nowhereelse at the time it is provided. This information is
`the new lineup posted each day by the real managerof the
`Major League team on which the game is based. The
`availability well in advance of cach gameofthis information
`allows the strategic choices mentioned above to be well-
`informed on each new day, because the structure of the
`lineup directly affects the strategic moves made by players
`in an embodimentof the present invention.
`A sixth distinction over the prior art is that the game is
`organized into a network of 30 smaller “Team” games, one
`for each Major League team. Each Team game includes
`separate competitions at
`the daily, bi-weekly, seasonal,
`league and cumulative levels. However, a champion from
`each Team competition competes against 29 others in a
`“National” competition for the title of national champion,
`awarded annually. In all prior fantasy/forecast baseball
`the competition was conducted in a single
`compctition, not divided into separate Tcam games.
`A seventh distinction over the prior art is that the game
`permits players to begin playat any time during the baseball
`season and still have a chance to win in the competition,
`including a chance to win the overall championship.In prior
`art games, players had to be presentat the time of a “draft”
`or other selection mechanism, at the start of the baseball
`season in order to have a chance to win.
`An eighth distinction over prior art gamesis that the top
`players from all previous competitions during each baseball
`Zynga Ex. 1010, p. 8
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`Zynga Ex. 1010, p. 8
` Zynga v. IGT
` IPR2022-00199


`season are invited to compete against one another during a
`“Stretch Drive” competition from which other players are
`excluded. This competition takes place during the last month
`of the season. All qualifying players scores start at zero for
`this competition. In prior art games, no such competition
`exists, and players simply play out the end of the season in
`the same configuration that they played all season, with
`dramatically less chance of winning if they were not already
`in the lead when the last month began.
`A ninth distinction over the prior art is that the players
`maychoose to compete on a local level, against friends and
`associates, in small groups of 2 or more. In prior art games,
`players are randomly assigned to leagues of 25 orlarger.
`Atenth distinction over the prior art is that dynamic data
`generates new results after each game, which then promptly
`are reported over the Internet to players after each game. In
`prior art games, reports of results were made on a weekly(or
`less frequent) basis.
`An eleventh distinction over the prior art is that the
`invention will update players’ scores on a real-time basis as
`events transpire in actual sports events. These real
`reports will be reported on the Internet or other electronic
`data distribution systemsyet to be devised during the course
`of actual games.
`Yet another distinction of an embodiment of the present
`invention overprior art gamesis thatall play preferably and
`advantageously takes place on personal computers con-
`nected to a commonserver on the World Wide Web network,
`using bright, colorful graphical interfaces that invite partici-
`pation and immerse the player in the baseball experience.
`The present invention draws the family into the game.
`For games to become popular and commercially
`successful, they need to be played repeatedly. Game play on
`the World Wide Web permits the game andits players easily
`to focus on the statistics that are generated each day by the
`play of Major League Baseball teams, and that are reported
`in the media in the form of “box scores.” By identifying the
`new lineups and the box scores as dynamic data input events
`that would recur each day throughout the six-month Major
`League Baseball season, applicant was able to utilize real
`time, real world variables in order to determine the outcome
`of the players’ games each day. At
`the same time,
`principal motivation for people to return to the game each
`day would be created dynamically out in the real world
`(namely, the results of real-life sporting events), and would
`not have to be generated out of the gameitself. Because the
`present invention is more deeply centered in the play of real
`teams, the game is more properly called a “forecasting” than
`a “fantasy” game.
`invention is not
`the present
`It should be clear that
`restricted solely to the sport of baseball. The same principles
`that make the present
`invention in the baseball market
`appealing are equally applicable in other sports markets such
`as, by way of example, football, basketball, hockey, soccer,
`golf, tennis, horse racing, auto racing, etc. Nor is the concept
`limited only to sports. Dynamic data events are being
`generated in virtually every area of human endeavor, and are
`now being reported in the media and particularly on the
`World Wide Web—with consistency and ease of access.
`Forecasting games that relate to the performance of stock,
`commodity, options and other financial markets—as well as
`of demographic,
`travel and weather patterns, of media
`ratings, and of book and other sales, are examples, of other
`contexts to which the present invention can be applied.
`The present invention takes advantage of the World Wide
`Web’s great strengths in database management and prompt
`information delivery. Play on the present invention is almost
`completely asynchronous, permitting thousands of players
`to play each day without suffering any disadvantage because
`others played before them, and without causing delay in play
`while waiting for others to make their gameselections. Thus,
`the present invention allows competitive, multi-player play
`without ever gathering everyone together at one time or in
`one place. At the same time, because its design doesnotrely
`on instantaneous reaction time,
`it avoids any significant
`negative impact from the latency period between a player’s
`selection on his (client) computer and the response from the
`The present invention also benefits from the ability of the
`Web server to control a relatively complex set of variables,
`and make the game appear quite simple to players. This is
`accomplished through the usc of an intcractive playing form
`that guides play in accordance with the rules of the present
`Preferably, a Java applet is downloaded and runs two
`small client-based playing forms on which a limited number
`of playing cells create a very large numberof options and
`opportunities for play. If a player’s Web browser does not
`support Java script, then a server-based CGI program is
`used. Each cell in the form is assigned a particular value in
`the game, and the player interface program of the preferred
`embodiment does the following (illustrated here in the
`context of a baseball game, but in no wayis the present
`invention limited to the context of baseball):
`1) it keeps track of the value of each cell—a value which
`may vary according to the type of baseball event that is
`being tracked (such as hits or runs scored). For
`In the top of the order (top five slots):
`Each run scored is worth 2 points.
`Each hit is worth 1 point.
`Each RBI is worth 2 points.
`Each home runis worth 4 points.
`Each multiple hit game is worth 4 points. (There is
`no benefit to the playerif the batter gets more than
`two hits.)
`In the bottom of the order (last fourslots):
`All scores by batters from the bottom of the order are
`Each run scored is worth 4 points.
`Each hit is worth 2 points.
`Each RBI is worth 4 points.
`Each home runis worth 8 points.
`Each multiple hit game is worth 8 points. (There is
`no benefit to you if the batter gets more than two
`2) it reports to players the scoring rules by wayof a help
`function accessible through the form;
`3) it changes the “values”of the cells when a gameplayer
`decides to place particular emphasis on a specific cell
`(through the selection of the cell as a “risk” cell as
`hereinbefore described), so that individual cells range
`in values from 1 to 24 points (either as a fixed score, or
`in many cases, multiplied by the numberof times that
`an event recurs);
`4) it enforces a relatively complex set of the present
`invention playing rules by automatically closing off
`those portions of the form that can no longerbe played,
`once certain moves have been made. For example, the
`playing form automatically closes off a five column
`row as soon as two columns have been selected, and
`closes off a nine row columnas soon as three rows have
`been selected. This guides the game player to compli-
`ance with the rules, while leaving the gamefun toplay;
`Zynga Ex. 1010, p. 9
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`Zynga Ex. 1010, p. 9
` Zynga v. IGT
` IPR2022-00199


`5) it records and sends to the database, on a completely
`flexible timetable that permits asynchronous play by
`competing players, the selections made by thousands of
`remote players who access the program through the
`World Wide Web;
`it permits the development of “friends leagues” in
`which game players easily can organize and track
`competition at personal, family, or communitylevels;
`7) it allows players to respond eachdayto subtle changes
`to the lineup or roster of the real-life Major League
`team; and
`8) it provides direct links to additional information that
`educates and informs players about strategic moves
`within the game. For cxample, players can obtain very
`specific statistical information about the performance
`of hitters against the pitchers that they will face each
`The present invention employs a database that is based
`upon a daily dynamic input event. The database performs the
`following functions:
`it holds asynchronously posted selections in its
`databasc, and permits players to make any changes
`desired, until game time each day during the season;
`2) it holds the entire Major League schedule andit closes
`off entries automatically at game time in a process
`called “opening;”
`3) it records in its database the outcome ofthe real life
`Major League games on which the present invention is
`based as soon as that information is provided to it,
`preferably automatically incorporating the data sent to
`it from a third party without human intervention;
`4) it compares the real life results with the plays ofall
`competing players in a process called “closing;”
`5) it calculates and records all game results according to
`a set of rules which may vary and automatically dis-
`plays those results in response to requests byplayers’
`to the central
`tally of overall, contest,
`league and dailyresults, and to selected subsets (such
`as Friends Leagues) of the overall database. All this
`occurs shortlyafter the end of cach Major League game
`each day during the season;
`6) it publishes on the Web in standard formatall results set
`torth above, adding the new scoresto the runningtotals
`in each type of contest: daily, short-term, “seasonal,”
`league (including friends leagues) and overall;
`it awards, and places on the graphical
`accessed by each winning player, graphical “trophies”
`symbolizing the victory and awards “Prize Points” in
`accordance with an established schedule; and
`8) it resets itself and begins gathering selections for the
`next game;
`it retains each player’s score for the three games
`preceding the most recent game,in addition to the most
`recent game, in order to enable players to view their
`past scores even if they miss a day visiting the game;
`it records all
`top scoring performances in daily
`contests, bi-weekly contests, seasonal contests, and
`cumulative contests in a “Hall of Fame” archive.
`In one aspect, the present invention provides a method of
`playing a multiplayer sports game which corresponds to a
`sporting event such as a baseball game or other sporting
`event comprising the steps of:
`providing, to each of a plurality of players, a form for
`forecasting the performance in a plurality of athletic
`performance categories of a plurality of athletes par-
`ticipating in the sporting event, where each athlete
`belongs to the same actual sports team;
`receiving from eachof the players, prior to the beginning
`of the sporting event, forecast decisions regarding the
`performance of one or more of said athletes in one or
`more of said athletic performance categories;
`obtaining, after the conclusion of the sporting event,
`information regarding actual performancesat the sport-
`ing eventof the athletes in the performance categories;
`generating a score for each player based upon the corre-
`lation betweenthe forecast decision received from cach
`player and the actual performances of the athletes.
`In other aspects,
`the present
`invention provides the
`method of playing a multiplayer sports game described
`above wherein the sporting event alternatively is a baseball
`game, basketball game, football game, soccer game, a
`hockey game, or other sports contexts by way of example,
`football, basketball, hockey, soccer, golf,
`tennis, horse
`racing, auto racing, etc.
`invention provides the
`In another aspect,
`the present
`method of playing a multiplayer sports game described
`above wherein said method is conducted over a communi-
`cation medium operably connected to plural input/output
`devices each having means for inputting and outputting
`invention provides the
`the present
`In another aspect,
`method of playing a multiplayer sports game described
`above wherein said method is conducted over the Internet.
`In another aspect,
`the present
`invention provides the
`method of playing a multiplayer sports game described
`above further comprising the step of permitting each of the
`players to designate an athletic performance category for an
`athlete as a risk selection, where the risk selection will
`extraordinarily increase a player’s score if a first condition
`is satisfied and will decrease the player’s score if a second
`condition is satisfied, where the first and second conditions
`are determined by information regarding the actual perfor-
`mance at the sporting event obtained in said obtaining step.
`In another aspect, the present invention provides a method
`of remotely interfacing with at least one player in a rule-
`governed game over a communication medium operatively
`connected to plural communication devices having input and
`output means including visual display means comprising,
`with respect to any onc oftheat Icast onc playcrs,the steps
`(a) visually displaying at one of the plural communication
`devices being used bythe player a form comprising a
`matrix having a cell at the juncture of each row and
`column and where each cell may be manipulated to
`reflect a game choice by the player;
`(b) retrieving by a server each game choice made by the
`player and gathered by a clicnt-bascd application after
`the player has completed his or her selections;
`(c) applying the rules of the game to determine what
`further game choices are available to the player based
`upon the game choices received;
`(d) generating a revised form reflecting game choices
`made by the player and game choices which are avail-
`able for the player to make;
`(ec) transmitting the revised form to the one of the plural
`communication devices being used by the player; and
`(f) visually displaying the revised form at oneof the plural
`communication devices being used by the player.
`Zynga Ex. 1010, p. 10
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`Zynga Ex. 1010, p. 10
` Zynga v. IGT
` IPR2022-00199


`In another aspect, the invention provides the method of
`remotely interfacing described above, the method further
`comprising the step of:
`(g) repeating steps (b) through (f) until a predetermined
`actual event occurs.
`FIG. 1A depicts a form of a preferred embodimentafter
`various game choices have been madebya player.
`FIG. 1B depicts a form of a preferred embodimentafter
`various game choices have been made bya player.
`FIG. 2 is a symbolic diagram depicting the infrastructure
`over which a preferred embodimentis practiced.
`FIG. 3 is a flow diagram showing the relation ship
`between consecutive games.
`FIG.4A is a table showing how points may be scored in
`a preferred embodimentbased on the hitting performance of
`baseball athletes.
`FIG. 4B is a table showing how points may be scored in
`a preferred embodiment based on the pitching performance
`of baseball athletes.
`In a preferred embodiment, the game is played over the
`Internet using World Wide Web technology although any
`communication medium could be used including conven-
`tional Local Area Networks (LANs), Wide Area Networks
`(WANs), or electronic Bulletin Board Systems (BBSs). The
`preferred embodimentwill be described in the context where
`the sport is Major League baseball; however, the invention
`maybe practiced with respect to any team or other sport(e.g.
`football, soccer, hockey, golf,
`tennis, horse
`racing, auto racing, etc.) at any level (Minor League,
`College, High School, Little League, etc.). With reference to
`FIGS. 1A, 1B, and 2, a server 34 sends a blank form 10 over
`the Internet 36 to the personal computer (“PC”) 38 of the
`player who has requested the form 10. The player’s personal
`computer may be any computer with a modem as commonly
`found in households such as computers based on technology
`from Apple Computer (e.g., The Macintosh, The Performa,
`the PowerMacseries, etc.) or technology based on proces-
`sors by Intel, AMD, and Cyrix and commonlyreferred to as
`IBM compatibles. It should be noted however that a player
`need not have a computer (1.e., a machine with processing
`power); a so-called “dumb terminal” being sutticient.
`In FIG. 1A, the form 10 is a matrix. In the preferred
`embodimentbeing described, the form is a two dimensional
`matrix where one dimension, arbitrarily the columns 15,
`represents athletic performance categories 16 such as runs,
`hits, RBI’s, home runs, and two or more hils, and the other
`dimension, arbitrarily the rows 17, represents athletic per-
`formers 18 who may be identified by name as in FIG. 1A,
`by position (not shown), or functionally as in FIG. 1B (e.g.,
`Starter, Closer). Each cell 11 has the potential of represent-
`ing a game choice relating to the athletic performance
`category 16 as pertormed by the athlete 18 which together
`define the cell 11. The last four rows of cells are held in a
`pull-down menu, from which each game player may select
`only one row to be active.
`A blank form is a form 10 whichreflects that the player
`has made no gamechoices andall possible game choices are
`still available. An available choice mark 12 such as that
`shown in FIG. 1A may be used to indicate which game
`choices are still available to a player after the rules are
`applied to the combination of the player’s previous design
`After the player receives the blank form, he may begin
`making game choices according to the rules of the game. In
`the preferred embodiment, a player uses a mouse, trackball,
`keyboard, or other appropriate input device to manipulate a
`cell 11 which is available as a game choice as a means of
`selecting that cell as a game choice.
`In the preferred
`embodiment, such cells are readily discernible by the player
`by employing an available choice mark 12 in each such cell.
`Once the player makes a game choice, that information is
`sent from the player’s PC 38 to the server 34. This maybe
`done in any manner known in the art. In the preferred
`embodiment, the player downloads a game program written
`in the form of the “Java” or “Java script” language to his or
`her clhent computer at the start of their play. This program
`runs on the client computer, enforcing the rules and facility
`play. When the game player has completed his or her
`selection, the program allows transmission ofall s

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