Inventor; and
`(for US only): OH, Jae Duk
`812-402 Jugong Apt.
`—__with international search report
`Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do 427-804 (KR).
`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`21 September 2006 (21.09.2006) (10) International Publication Number
`WO 2006/098584 Al
`(51) International Patent Classification:
`HO04B 1/40 (2006.01)
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`15 March 2006 (15.03.2006)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`18 March 2005 (18.03.2005)
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): OPEN-
`Anyang K-Center, 1591-9 Gwanyang-dong, Dongan-gu,
`Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do 431-060 (KR).
`(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available); AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN,
`Co, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FT,
`KG, KM, KN, KP, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LI, LU, LV, LY,
`NZ, OM,PG, PH, PI., PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK,
`SL, SM, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ,
`VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM,
`ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM),
`European (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI,
`GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE,SN, TD, TG).
`1405, Gangnam Building, 1321-1 Seocho-dong, Seo-
`cho-gu, Seoul 137-857 (KR).
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid-
`ance Notes on Codes andAbbreviations" appearing at the begin-
`ning of each regularissue of the PCT Gazette.
`(57) Abstract: A wireless carphoneincludes: a wireless transmitting/recciving unit for transmitting/ recciving a signal to/from the
`portable terminal according to a short wireless communication scheme; a voice detecting unit for detecting a user’voice signal with
`@> being inserted into an ear ofthe user; a signal processing unit for converting a short range wireless communication signal received
`through the wireless transmitting/receiving unit to an audio signal, eliminating noise and echo froma voice signal received through
`the voice detecting unit, converting the noise and echo eliminated voice signal to a short range wireless communication signal and
`transmitting the short range wireless communication signal; an output unit for outputting the audio signal received from the signal
`processing unit; and a power supplying unit for receiving power and being charged when the wireless stereo earphoneis attached to
`the mobile terminal, and supplying the power to each element of the wireless earphone.
`APPLE 1099
`APPLE 1099


`WO 2006/098584
`Technical Field
`The present invention relates to a wireless ear-phone and a portable terminal using
`the same; and moreparticular, to a wireless stereo ear-phone anda portable terminal
`interacted with a wireless stereo ear-phone.
`Background Art
`A portable terminal denotes a terminal handy to carry such as a mobile com-
`munication terminal, a personal communication service (PCS) terminal, a personal
`digital assistant (PDA), a smart phone, a next generation mobile communication
`terminal, a wireless local area network (LAN)terminal, a digital multimedia
`broadcasting (DMB)terminal, a portable Internet terminal, a portable music re-
`producing device and a portable multimedia reproducing device.
`A mobile communication terminal has been dramatically developed and such a de-
`velopment allows the mobile communication terminal to have various entertainment
`functions such as a game, a camera, a video player and a MP3 playeras well as the
`communication function. Such a mobile communication terminal having various
`functions has been popular amongusers. Despite of dramatic developmentof the
`mobile communication terminal, there are still many researches in actively progress to
`develop mobile communication terminals to have functions of receiving a digital
`broadcasting, storing and reproducing multimedia files and video referencing function.
`According to introduction of various functions for a mobile communication
`terminal, there were many peripheral devices developed and introducedin various
`shapes. For example, various peripheral devices connected to the mobile com-
`munication terminal through a universal serial bus (USB)port. Recently, a short range
`wireless communication technology such as Bluetooth technology is commonly used
`to connect a peripheral device to the mobile communication terminal.
`Moreover,it is a current trend to integrate peripheral devices with the mobile com-
`munication terminal. For example, an external camera, an external MP3player and a
`FM radio are integrally embedded into the mobile communication terminal for
`convenienceto carry.
`On the contrary, there is a peripheral device providing convenience whenitis
`separated from the mobile communication terminal, for example, an input/output
`device. That is, an earphoneor a headphoneis generally used for reproducing
`multimedia files such as movie imagefiles or reproducing music files. However, the


`WO 2006/098584
`user may haverestrictions because the conventional earphone and headphoneare
`connected to the mobile communication terminal through a cable.
`In order to overcome such an inconvenience,a wireless earphoneor a wireless
`headset were introduced in US Patent Publication No. 2004/0141610 Al (Jul. 22,
`2004), US Patent Publication No. 2005/0204155 A1 (Oct. 14, 2004), US Patent No.
`6021207A (Feb. 1, 2000) and US Patent No. 6230019 B1 (May.8, 2001).
`Also, a wireless earphoneinserted into a human’ ear was introduced in Japan Patent
`Application No. 2004-220147.
`According to these conventional technologies, a short range wireless com-
`munication device such as a Bluetooth transmitting/receiving device embedded in a
`mobile communication terminal to transmit an audio signal to the wireless earphone
`through a wirelesslink.
`However, a non-rechargeable battery or a rechargeable battery is used to supply a
`powerand the rechargeable battery is generally embedded in the wireless earphone. In
`case of using the rechargeable battery, the wireless earphoneor the wireless headset
`uses different power charging units which are separately provided from the mobile
`wireless communication terminal. A battery running time of the wireless earphone may
`be different from that of the mobile communication terminal. Therefore, the wireless
`headset may not be available to use since the battery thereofare all used.
`Since the wireless headset is an independent device from the wireless com-
`munication terminal, a user carries the wireless headset, separately. So, there is a great
`chanceto loss the wireless headset. Since the conventional wireless headset is
`generally designed to be wearable at one ear only, the conventional wireless headset
`cannot process a stereo audio signal. In a view of the current trend of demanding the
`multimedia functions of the wireless communication terminal, the users cannot
`satisfied with the conventional mono type earphone. Therefore, there are greater
`demandsfor a high quality stereo audio device.
`The conventional headset is generally designed to havea right side speaker and a
`left side speaker or a right side earphone and a left side earphone, which are connected
`by a band. And,a circuit for providing a wireless headset function is embeddedat one
`side of the conventional headset and a rechargeable batter is disposed at other side of
`the conventional headset. Such a design of the conventional headset makes the con-
`ventional headsetdifficult to be miniaturized and makesa user inconvenientto carry.
`Meanwhile, a conventional wireless earphone that is rechargeable through
`connecting to a wireless communication terminal was introduced in Korea Patent
`Publication No. 1999-0046637 and Korea Patent Publication No. 2003-0064155.
`Although these conventional technologies were introduced to overcomethe
`shortcoming of the wired earphone,it is still difficult to miniaturize the wireless


`WO 2006/098584
`earphoneor the wireless headset because a microphone must be disposed near to a
`mouth to guarantee a high speech quality. However, such a design makesthe wireless
`headset to be miniaturized. On the contrary, if the microphoneis disposed near to a
`speaker in order to miniaturize the wireless headset, the speed quality is degraded.
`Disclosure of Invention
`Technical Problem
`It is, therefore, an object of the present invention to provide a wireless earphone
`attachable to a main body of a communication wireless terminal for transmitting/
`receiving a wireless communication signal to/from a mobile communication terminal
`by interacting with a mobile communication terminal while providing convenience a
`user to carry when the wireless earphoneis not used.
`It is another object of the present invention to provide a wireless communication
`terminal for transmitting and receiving a short range wireless communication signal to/
`from the wireless earphoneby interacting with the wireless earphone and for housing
`and recharging the wireless earphone.
`Technical Solution
`In accordance with oneaspect of the present invention, there is a wireless stereo
`earphoneattachable to a portable terminal including: a wireless transmitting/ receiving
`unit for transmitting/receiving a signal to/from the portable terminal according to a
`short wireless communication scheme; a voice detecting unit for detecting a user’ voice
`signal with being inserted into an ear ofthe user; a signal processing unit for
`converting a short range wireless communication signal received through the wireless
`transmitting/receiving unit to an audio signal, eliminating noise and echo from a voice
`signal received through the voice detecting unit, converting the noise and echo
`eliminated voice signal to a short range wireless communication signal and
`transmitting the short range wireless communication signal; an output unit for
`outputting the audio signal received from the signal processing unit; and a power
`supplying unit for receiving power and being charged whenthe wireless stereo
`earphoneis attached to the mobile terminal, and supplying the power to each element
`of the wireless earphone.
`In accordancewith another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a
`portable terminal with an attachable wireless stereo earphone, including: an attaching/
`detaching unit for attaching the wireless stereo earphoneto the mobile terminal or
`detaching the wireless stereo earphone from the portable terminal, and charging the
`wireless earphone by connecting a rechargeable battery of the wireless earphone to a
`charging circuit of the portable terminal when the wireless stereo earphoneis attached
`to the portable terminal; a controlling unit for connecting/disconnecting a wireless


`WO 2006/098584
`communication path between the wireless earphone and the portable terminal by
`sensing the wireless earphoneto be attached or to be detached to/from the attaching/
`detaching unit, transmitting an audio signal to a short range wireless transmitting/
`receiving unit by sensing the wireless earphoneto be separated from the attaching/
`detaching unit and converting a voice signal transmitted from the short range wireless
`transmitting/ receiving unit to a wireless communication signal and radiating the
`wireless communication signal; and the short range wireless communication unit for
`connecting or disconnecting a wireless communication path between the wireless
`earphoneand the portable terminal in responseto the controlling unit, converting the
`audio signal received from the controlling unit to a short range wireless com-
`munication signal, outputting the short range wireless communication signal, and
`converting a short range wireless communication signal received from the wireless
`earphoneto an audiosignal.
`A wireless earphone according to the present invention has a capability of
`transmitting/receiving a voice and an audio signal to/from a mobile communication
`terminal and has a shape of an earplug. Therefore, a user can conveniently
`communicate with a person on the other end of the communication link, reproduce a
`multimedia file, receive a broadcast program of TV and have a video conference using
`the wireless earphone by putting the wireless earphoneinto the ears. Also, the wireless
`earphoneis easy to carry by attaching the wireless earphoneto the main body of the
`mobile communication terminal whenit is not used. That is, the wireless earphone may
`be protected from being lost.
`Brief Description of the Drawings
`The above and other objects and features of the present invention will become
`apparent from the following description of the preferred embodiments given in
`conjunction with the accompanying drawings, in which:
`FIG.1 is a perspective view of a wireless earphone according to an embodimentof
`the present invention;
`FIG.2 is a front view illustrating a wireless earphone 100 attached or detached to/
`from a mobile communication terminal 200;
`FIG.3 is a side view of a mobile wireless terminal 200 with a wireless earphone
`100 attached according to an embodimentof the present invention;
`FIG.4 is a cross-sectional view of a wireless earphone according to an embodiment
`of the present invention;
`FIG.5 is a block diagram illustrating a wireless earphone 100 according to an
`embodimentof the present invention;


`WO 2006/098584
`FIG.6 is a view showing a method of using a wireless earphone according to the
`present invention; and
`FIG.7 is a block diagram illustrating a mobile communication terminal having a
`wireless earphone according to the present invention.
`Best Mode for Carrying Out the Invention
`Other objects and aspects of the invention will become apparent from the following
`description of the embodiments with reference to the accompanying drawings, whichis
`set forth hereinafter.
`FIG.1 is a perspective view of a wireless earphone according to an embodimentof
`the present invention.
`Asshownin FIG.1, the wireless earphone 100 accordingto the present
`embodimentis shaped in an earplug, and includesan inserting unit 10 putted into an
`earhole of a user and a main body 20 connectedto the inserting unit 10. The main body
`20 includes an antenna, a battery, a speaker and a signal processing circuit for
`performing a wireless headset function.
`Theinserting unit 10 transmits and receives an audio signal to/from a wireless com-
`munication terminal though a wireless communication link when a user puts the
`inserting unit 10 into the his earhole and the wireless earphone 10 is in the active
`mode. Herein the audio signal denotes a stereo audio signal as well as a voicesignal.
`On contrary, if the wireless earphone 100 is not used, the wireless earphone 100 is
`attached to the main body of the mobile communication terminal as shown in FIGs. 2
`and 3. FIG.2 is a front view illustrating a wireless earphone 100 attached or detached
`to/from a mobile communication terminal 200, and FIG. 3 is a side view of a mobile
`wireless terminal 200 with a wireless earphone 100 attached according to an
`embodimentof the present invention.
`Theinserting unit 10 has a shape of curves to be comfortably inserted into an
`earhole of a user and is made of material having elasticity and smooth texture to
`provide comfortable wearing sensations. Theinserting unit 10 includes a voice signal
`detecting unit such as a microphoneor a voice detecting device from a user’ bone. Ac-
`cordingly, the inserting unit 10 has a shape and is made of a material to be closely
`adheredto the user’ earhole in order to effectively detect the user’ voice.
`In orderto attach the inserting unit 10 to the mobile communication terminal 200, a
`groove 401 formed on the wireless earphone 100 is connected to a mounting unit 201
`formed on the mobile communication terminal 200. Whenthe inserting unit 10 is
`attached to the mobile communication terminal 200 as shownin FIG.4, a recharge
`contacting point 402 must be connected to a power supplying line (not shown)of the
`mobile communication terminal 200. Although the groove 41 and the recharge


`WO 2006/098584
`contacting point 402 are formed on the main body 20 of the wireless earphone
`according to the present embodiment shownin FIG.4, the groove 41 and the recharge
`contacting point 402 may be formed variouslocations in other embodiments.
`Hereinafter, the wireless earphone 100 according to the present invention will be
`described when the wireless earphone 100 is used for the wireless communication
`terminal 200 as an example. However,it is obvious that the wireless earphone 100
`according to the present invention can be used to various devices having a short range
`wireless communication module suchas a portable audio device, a communication
`device and a notebook computer. The short range wireless communication denotes a
`communication between various electronic devices to exchangedata in a short range
`using an electric waveas a transmission medium of information. Most popular
`technologies for the short range wireless communication are a wireless local area
`network (LAN), a Bluetooth, a ZigBee, a HomeRF, an Ultra Wide Band (UWB). Such
`technologies replace a wired communication to a wireless communication in various
`fields to make a user convenient. Especially, the Bluetooth is commonly adopted into a
`mobile communication terminal to exchange information to peripheral devices.
`Meanwhile, the inserting unit 10 includes a voice signal detector 41 such as a
`microphoneora sensor for detecting voice transmitted along a bone of a user. The con-
`ventional wireless headset or the conventional ear-set that is an earphone with a
`microphone generally use a microphoneto receive the user’ voice. In this case, the
`microphoneis disposed near to the mouth to guarantee a high speed quality. Such a
`design makesit hard to miniaturize.
`The wireless earphone 100 according to the present embodimentincludes the voice
`signal detector 41 not far away from the speakerandis integrally embedded using a
`microphoneor a sensor for detecting voice transmitted along a bone of a user. As a
`result, a volume thereof is reduced.
`The main body 20 includes an antenna 42 for transmitting/receiving a short range
`wireless communication signal; a signal processing circuit 43 for converting a received
`short range wireless communication signal to an audio signal and outputting through a
`speaker 44, and converting the received audio signal from a voice signal detector 41 to
`a short range wireless communication signal and transmitting the short range wireless
`communication signal through the antenna 42; a speaker 44 for receiving an audio
`signal from the signal processing circuit 43 and outputting the received audio signal;
`and a battery 45 for supplying electric power to elements includedin the inserting unit
`10 and the main body 20.
`The battery 45 may be recharged through a port (not shown) connectable to an
`external charger, or through a connector (not shown) of a mobile communication
`terminal 200 from a battery mounted at the mobile communication terminal 200. The


`WO 2006/098584
`mobile communication terminal 200 tums on/off the signal process circuit 43 by
`sensing the wireless earphone 100 to be attached or detached through the connector.
`Hereinafter, the wireless earphone 100 according to the present invention will be
`describedin detail.
`FIG. 5 is a block diagram illustrating a wireless earphone 100 according to an
`embodimentof the present invention. FIG. 5 shows oneofa right side unit anda left
`side unit of the wireless earphone 100 according to the present invention. A user puts
`the both side units of the wireless earphoneonhisearsto listen a stereo audio signal
`transmitted from the mobile communication terminal 200 or transmits his speech to a
`person on the other end of the communication line connected through the mobile com-
`munication network.
`Theright side unit and the left side unit of the wireless earphone 100 have a same
`hardware configuration and are distinguished by the mobile communication terminal
`100 in software manner. Thatis, the wireless earphone 100 according to the present
`invention is different from the conventional stereo earphone having speakers with a
`fixed side. That is, the right side and the left side of the wireless earphone 100
`according to the present invention are controlled in software manner.If a user losses or
`breaks oneof side units of the wireless earphone 100, the user may purchase only lost
`or broken one for replacement. Therefore, the wireless earphone 100 accordingto the
`present invention has more economic benefit compared to the conventional earphone.
`Although the wireless earphone 100 according to the present invention is designed
`to output a stereo audio signal, the wireless earphone 100 according to the present
`invention may output a monoaudio signal using oneofthe right side unit andtheleft
`side unit, only. It is possible because the left side unit and the right side unit of the
`wireless earphone 100 independently have a speaker and an voice detecting unit.
`Meanwhile, an echo may becreated at an audio signal transmitted to a person on
`the other end of the communication line because the voice detecting unit is located
`near to the speaker when the user use the wireless earphone 100to call.
`In order to overcome such a shortcoming, an echo eliminating circuit using a digital
`signal processor (DSP) may be included. Generally, the echo eliminating circuit
`memorizes a received audio signal, determines whether the received audios signal is
`mixed with a transmitting audio signal, and eliminates the mixed signal. Various echo
`eliminating technologies were introduced and are well-knownto those skilled in the
`art. Therefore, details thereof are omitted.
`Asone of methodsof eliminating the echo, the wireless earphone accordingto the
`present invention determines whether both of the left side unit and the right side unit of
`the wireless earphone 100 are connected to the mobile communication terminal 200
`when the mobile communication terminal 200 is in a voice communication mode. If


`WO 2006/098584
`both of the side units are connected, a speaker includedin oneofthe side units is
`activated and a voice signal detecting unit therein is inactivated. On the contrary, a
`speaker and an voice detecting unit in other side unit of the earphoneare inactivated.
`As shownin FIG.5, the wireless earphone 100 includes an antenna 42, a signal
`processing circuit 43, a speaker 44, a voice detecting unit 41 and a battery 45.
`The antenna 42 receives a signal transmitted from a mobile communication terminal
`200 based on short range wireless communication scheme, and transmits a short range
`wireless communication signal generated from the signal processing circuit 43.
`The speaker 44 outputs an audio signal received from the signal processing circuit
`43. The audio signal outputted through the speaker 41 may be a voice signal of a
`person on the other end of the communication link or a stereo audio signal reproduced
`from the mobile communication terminal 200.
`The voice detecting unit 41 detects a voice signal of a user from a vibration ofair in
`the earhole or from a skin or a bone.
`Thebattery 45 includes a charging circuit 509 and a rechargeable battery 510. The
`charging circuit 509 receives power from a connector 402 connected to the mobile
`communication terminal 200, charges the rechargeable battery 510 and supplies the
`powerin the rechargeable battery 510 to elements of the wireless earphone, uniformly.
`The signal processing circuit 43 converts a short range wireless communication
`signal received through an antenna 42 to an audio signal and outputs the audio signal
`through the speaker 44. The signal processing circuit 43 also eliminates noise or echo
`from an audio signal received from the voice detecting unit 41, converts the audio
`signal to a short range wireless communication signal and transmits the short range
`wireless communication signal through the antenna 42.
`Thesignal processing circuit 43 includes a radio frequency (RF) transmitting/
`receiving circuit 501; a baseband processing circuit 502, an echo/noise eliminating
`circuit 503, an audio reproducing circuit 504, an analogue-digital converter 505, a
`digital-analogue converter 506, an input amplifier 507 and an output amplifier 508.
`The RF transmitting/receiving circuit 501 amplifies, filters and convents a short
`range wireless communication signal received through an antenna to a wired signal and
`transmits the wired signal to a baseband processing circuit 52. Also, the RF
`transmitting/receiving circuit 501 converts the wired signal transmitted from the
`baseband processing circuit 502 to a short range communication signal and transmits
`the short range communication signal through the antenna 42.
`The basebandprocessing circuit 502 demodulates the signal received from the RF
`transmitting/receiving circuit 501 and transmits the demodulated signal to the audio re-
`producing circuit 504. The basebandprocessing circuit 502 also receives the voice
`signal transmitted from the echo/noise eliminating circuit 503 and transmits the voice


`WO 2006/098384
`signal to the RF transmitting and receiving circuit 501. Herein, the signal transmitted
`to the audio reproducing circuit 504 is a compressed stereo audio signal or voice
`The audio reproducing circuit 504 decompresses the compressed stereo audio signal
`or voice signal transmitted from the baseband processing circuit 502.
`The digital-analog converter 506 receives the decompressed stereo audio signal or
`voice signal from the audio reproducing circuit 504 and converts the received signal to
`an analog signal.
`The output amplifier 508 amplifies an analog signal transmitted from the digital-
`analog converter 506 and outputs the amplified analog signal through the speaker 44.
`The input amplifier 507 amplifies a voice signal transmitted from the voice signal
`detecting unit 41.
`The analog-digital converter 505 converts an analog voice signal transmitted throu
`gh the input amplifier 507 to a digital signal.
`The echo/noise eliminating circuit 503 eliminates noise and echo from the voice
`signal received from the analog-digital converter 505.
`Hereinafter, a mobile communication terminal having a wireless earphone
`according to the present invention will be described.
`FIG.7 is a block diagram illustrating a mobile communication terminal having a
`wireless earphone according to the present invention.
`As shownin FIG.7, the mobile communication terminal includes a wireless
`transmitting/receiving unit 71, a central processing unit MSM) 72, a CODEC 73, a
`memory 74, a audio output device (speaker) 75, a display (LCD) 76, an input device
`(keypad) 77, an voice input unit (microphone) 78, a short range wireless transceiver 71
`and an earphone mounting unit 880.
`The wireless transmitting/receiving unit 71 transmits/receives a signal to/from a
`base station through an antenna. The signal transmitted through the wireless
`transmitting/receiving unit 71 is transmitted to other person s mobile communication
`terminal connected through the base station and a mobile communication network.
`The central processing unit (MSM)72 generally controls and drives the mobile
`communication terminal 200. Especially, the MSM 72 establishes a wireless com-
`munication link between the short range wireless transceiver 79 and the wireless
`earphone 100 when the MSM 72 senses the wireless earphone 100 to be detached from
`the earphone mounting unit 80. Then, the MSM 72 controls related elements to
`transmit an audio signal to be outputted through the audio output unit (Speaker) 75 to
`the short range wireless transceiver 79. The audio signal to be outputted may include
`an audio signal received through the wireless transmitting/receiving unit 71 such as a
`speech voice signal or a stereo audio signal and a stereo audio signal reproduced from


`WO 2006/098584
`the MSM 72. The short range wireless transceiving unit 79 converts the audio signal
`transmitted from the MSM 72 to a short range wireless communication signal and
`transmits the short range wireless communication signal through the antenna.
`Thestereo audio signal or the voice signal is compressed beforeit is transmitted to
`the short range wireless transceiver 79. Herein, both of a left audio signal and a right
`audio signal may be compressed together or they are independently compressed and
`transmitted to the short range wireless transceiver 79. When they are independently
`compressed,a left audio signal is transmitted to a left side unit of the wireless earphone
`and a right audio signal is transmitted to a right side unit of the wireless earphone.
`The antenna may be embodiedas one antenna to process two bands. However, two
`antennas may be included to process two bands, separately.
`The MSM 72 converts an audio signal received from the wireless earphone 100
`through the short range wireless transceiver 79 to a wireless communication signal and
`transmits the wireless communication signal through the wireless transceiver 71 and
`the antenna.
`The short range wireless transceiver 79 connects or disconnects a wireless com-
`munication path to the wireless earphone 100 in responseto the control of the MSM
`72. Also, the short range wireless transceiver 79 converts an audio signal from the
`MSM72to a short range wireless communication signal and transmits the short range
`wireless communication signal to the wireless earphone 100. Furthermore, the short
`rage wireless transceiver 79 converts the short range wireless communication signal
`received from the wireless earphone 100 to an audio signal and transmits the audio
`signal to the MSM 73in orderto transmit the audio signal trough the wireless
`transmitting/receiving unit 71.
`The short range wireless communication signal received from the wireless earphone
`100 is a voice of a user. Generally, it is a signal input through a voice input unit 78
`such as a microphone. Meanwhile, the wireless communication signal transmitted by
`the mobile communication terminal 200 through the antennais transmitted to a mobile
`communication terminal of a person on the other end of the communication line
`through the base station and the mobile communication network.
`The MSM 72 charges the wireless earphone 100 through a charge connecting point
`402 which connects the wireless earphone 100 and the earphone mounting unit 80
`whenthe wireless earphone 100 is attached to the mobile communication terminal. In
`order to control charging of the wireless earphone 100, a charging control circuit may
`be further included. Also, a light emitting diode (LED) maybeincludedto represent a
`state of charging.
`The CODEC 73 converts a digital audio signal from the wireless transmitting/
`receiving unit 71 to an analog audio signal and outputs the analog audio signal through


`WO 2006/098584
`the audio output unit or transmits to the short range wireless transceiver 79 in response
`to a control of the MSM 72. Also, the CODEC 73 converts the analog audio signal
`inputted through the audio input device 18 to a digital audio signal and transmits the
`digital audio signal to the MSM 72 in order to transmit through the wireless
`transmitting/receiving unit 71.
`The memory 74 stores a file system with images, characters and icons, an address
`book, sh

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