
`Last Logins 1o10/2005
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`fo F awoke
`MyName is iin your extended network
`Myame's Latest Blog Entry (Subscribe to this blag)
`[¥iew All Blog Entrees)
`Dili Rue
`18 peers old
`United States
`Your Frands
`viewom ore
` Jo? Foranel to Fen 1
`yy Pela eae
`A Frie
`A Friend’s Guide to
`siyepace URI


`Copyright ©2006 Steve Monas.
`All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any
`farm without permission from the publisher, exceptions are made for brief
`excerpts used in published reviews.
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publishing Data
`Library of Congress Control Number: 2006909176
`Publisher: BookSurge, LLG
`North Charleston , South Carolina
`Monas, Steve
`YourSpace / Steve Monas
`ISBN # 1-4196-4600-1
`This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritive information
`with regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding
`that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other
`proofessional advice. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required,
`the services of a competent professional person should be sought.
`—-From a Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee of the
`American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers and Associations.
`A Website compliments this book, and is copyrighted by same:


`A Friend’s Guide to
`Steve Monas
`The Basics


`MySpace is a social networking website based in West Hollywood, California
`offering an interactive, user-submitted network of blogs, profiles, groups, photas,
`MP3s, videos, and an internal e-mail system. According to Alexa Internet, as
`of August 2006, it is the world's fourth most popular English-language website
`and the sixth most popular in any language. It is the most popular website in the
`United States, accounting for 4.5% of all website visits (note it is possible that
`other sites have a greater number of unique visitors), MySpace has gradually
`gained more popularity than similar websites such as Facebook, Bebo, Friend-
`ster, Xanga, MyYearbook,, and Live-
`Journal to achieve 80 percent of visits to online social networking websites, It has
`become an increasingly influential part of contemporary pop culture, especially
`in the Anglasphere, MySpace has 300 employees, is owned by Newscorp, and
`does not disclose revenues or profits, MySpace currently reports just over 100
`million members, with the 100,000,000th member signing up on August 9, 2006
`The creators of MySpace have hosted many parties in Hollywood, San Diego,
`Jacksonville, Miami, Orlando, New York City, Chicago, Boston, San Francisco,
`Seattle, Hawaii, and McAllen, Texas to support the site. The headquartersis in
`Los Angeles, but the parent company is headquartered in New ‘York City.
`MySpace is also home to various independent musicians, independent filmmak-
`ers, and up and coming comedians who upload songs, short films, and other
`work directly onto their profile. These songs and films can also be embedded in
`other profiles, an interconnectedness which adds to MySpace's appeal for musi-
`cians, filmmakers and comedians alike. Because of the high popularity, main-
`stream musicians filmmakers, and comedians alike have continued this trend as
`Contents of a MySpace Profile
`Each profile contains two standard “blurbs”: “About Me" and “VVhoI'd Like to
`Meet’ sections. Profiles also can contain sections about standard interests. Usu-
`ally it's found under the "General" section of one's profile. A profile also contains
`under the “General” section, areas for specific personal details, such as Marital
`Status, Physical Appearance, and Income. However, these features have the
`ability of not being displayed on the page by simply notfilling them in or covering
`them up with certain codes. Profiles also contain a blog with standard fields for
`content, emotion, and media. MySpace also supports uploading images. One of
`the images can be chosen to be the “default image," the image that will be seen
`on the profile's main page, search page, and as the image that will appear to the
`side of the user's name on comments, messages, etc. MySpace has also added
`the option to upload videos that are played via a standalone Flash player.


`Also displayed is a count of a user's friends, as well as a “Top Friends” area.
`Users can choose a certain numberof friends to be displayed on their profile in
`the “Top Friends" area. The “Top Friends” used to be restricted to eight friends.
`People bypassed this limitation by using third-party tools to emulate “Top x”
`friends. Currently, MySpace allows up to 24 friends to be displayed in the “Top
`Friends" area.
`Below the “Top Friends” area (by default) is the “comments” section, wherein the
`user's friends may leave commentsfor all viewers to read. Although comments
`are publicly accessible, many users leave personal comments regardless, allow-
`ing any reader to know their business. MySpace users have the option to delete
`any comment and/or require all comments to be approved before posting.
`MySpace profile layouts can have the entire look changed with HTML and/or
`CSS. Many different "MySpace editors” are available from other websites for
`those who do not know HTML. MySpace gives users some flexibility to modify
`their user pages. Using HTML and CSS, the vast majority of the profile can be
`changed to a user's preference, Users also have the option to add embedded
`music into their profiles via MySpace Music, a service that allows bands to post
`songs on their respective profiles, Videos and any other content can also be
`Some people with experience in web design choose to completely hide the
`default layout and create a Div profile on top of it, in order to display their profile
`information in any way they wish.
`Source: http www.wikipedia_org/Myspace
`Best Practices
`As you know there can be more than one way of doing the same things, like se-
`lecting, copying, pasting text to and from your MySpace profile. Although almost
`all of us know how to copy and paste properly, it would be in your best interestif
`you make some time to review the best ways to select, copy and paste. So, here
`is a brief outline:-
`1. Best way to ‘Copy’ MySpace code from a website:-
`a. Using the Mouse: Most of the MySpace codes websites provide the
`code in textboxes. All you need to do is to left-click anywhere in the text
`box and see if the entire code has been selected. If yes, then right-click
`and choose ‘Copy’.
`If no, then right-click anywhere in the textbox and
`choose ‘Select AIP. Then right-click again and choose ‘Copy’.


`b. Using the Keyboard: Click anywhere in the textbox, If the entire code is
`automatically selected, then just press Ctrl+C keys together to copy the
`code, If not, then press Ctrl+A keys together to select the entirecode, Next
`press the Ctrl+C keys together to copy the entire code.
`2. Best way to ‘Paste’ MySpace code to your Profile:-
`a. Using the Mouse: Login to your MySpace profile if you are not already
`logged in. Click on Home and then click on ‘Edit Profile’. Click either at
`the top or bottom of the appropriate textbox where you want to paste
`the code. Right-click and choose ‘Paste’ to paste the code.
`b. Using the Keyboard: Login to your MySpaceprofile if you are not aready
`logged in. Click on Home and then click on ‘Edit Profile’. Click either at the
`top or bottom of the appropriate textbox where you want fo paste the code.
`Press Ctrl+V keys together to paste the code.
`)That's it. Have Fun with MySpace ©


`Get Started with MySpace in 4 easy steps.
`step 1:
`Signing up for MySpace is easy. All you need to have is a computer with internet
`access and preferably a free email such as yahoo or hotmail. This is for security
`reasons. Never use your ISP email address to sign up for anything over the inter-
`net. Just click on the Sign Up button to get started.
`rternations!|Help | Sepruip
`Web | My Spec
`myspace. et
`hnySpaceih ME
`Check out the Videos
`Watch Thousand of Videos
`Share your Videos
`Upload ‘Your Video Now
`MySpace Music
`(more music]
`Add to your Profite E-Mail:

`will grow even largest LearMere
`—UL} Remember Me
`art .
`Forget your password? |
`Cool New
`hs. as The Sunshine Undwerground
`: LediaPepRock
`Landa, UK
`*, On The
`SAS Catia ntational as parkas corralling ae funvi
`Unidargrewsd’s debut album @aise The Adare’ india-
`cated te the heart ofthe dascefisor, without
` rach
`compremiga on wither sada, Check out thair qaniar new single
`“Commercial feeaidown’ aad “do whatever taker to get
`yoursel a placa of Tha Unedargreund™ (ME),
`& Lith Mere
`MySpace Specials
`Cash mob competition!
`Jain the Rratherkoad an MySpace community by adding a a
`Giend and win the eppectanity te rule the Bill MIM a chance fer
`pow and your brather to throw @)000 inte the crowd an Octeber
`Sth, Plus be the Gegete fied out where the meet Cask Mab will
`ike place aad win on declupive Bratherkaod & chirt and cap.
` Chhench It att
`Watch exclusive feorage of
`Diddy “Gertin’ Off in the
`H Watch [ft hose!
`me .
`Get Started On MySpace
`Create Your Profile!
`Browse Through Profiles!
`[nvile four Friends!
`Join For frase, and view profiles,|Tallis about yourralf, upload | feed through milions of Tnette gour Friacde, and oc they
`connect with other, blog, rank|your pictures, and start adding | profiles on Mpipace! See pin, invite thea friends pour neateork,
`mutic. and snuch moral
`Friends te pour nebeork.
`read bhega, and moral
`Hi Ehaet Boe
`+ Badin Moe
`i Envibe Friend Maw


`Absady a meenber?! Clec k Here fo Leg In
`Ureted Shales
`Why Join MySpace?
`» Create a Custom Profile
`» Upload Pictures
`» Send Mail and IM's
`Write Blogs &
`It's FREE!
`Formale (>
`i) Day | Tear ¥
`[=] Allow ethers to cee when i's my bethday
` + English
`Pitase reed cur prieacy policy. ¥
`MySpace understands that wser
`pewacy i the key to our success,
`Already a rmenbar?
`Please enber the text Prom the image above;
`Step 2:
`in the required information. MySpace keepsall of your information private so
`you are safe and secure. You will choose only the information you want to share.
`You will need to agree to the Terms of Service and enter a6 to 8 digit code as
`well to verify that you are not a web bot signing up for spam purposes,
`on | Home
`| Help | SignUp
`your protike
`4 Telferca
`be feat


`Step 3:
`MySpace now gives you the option to start personalizing your profile by adding a
`photo of yourself or anything you want. You can choose to skip this step and add
`photos later if you like. Click oan Browse and find a photo that you would like to
`upload. When you have selected a photo, click on Upload and your photo will be
`placed in your profile for everyone to see.
`eeeee lll
`erent ee ata ee
`Upload Some Photos!
`The second step in creating your profile
`is sharing your photos to let friends and
`other members see who you are.
`Photos mag be o max of G00 on thege formats; GIF or JPG [ help |
`| Upload
`Skip for now


`Step 4:
`Expand your network by inviting friends and family to join MySpace. You can type
`in an optional message to the recipient to personalize the message. You can also
`choose to skip this step for now.
`PCiee le ||YtbiuretCl ed
`vue a)ail
`jo!nFisys 2|
`Invite Friends to Your Space!
`Now start adding your friands to your space
`by Inveting, them to join too
`Wiha friend
`“gn up you'll automatically be connected to their friends
`"iS a great
`way to meet interesbng new people!
`Use this email form to ingite your friends
`Just enter each friend's email, separated by commas;
`Alncinvites you bo MySpace
`(separate multiple emails with a corms)
`Skip for acm
`privacy pole
`MySewce uses the emails you enter
`on this form only te invite your
`friends and scquaintances bo joan
`MySpace on your bahal
`MerSpace will never spam, rent,
`or sell any email addresses you
`enter for invitations.
`eral form for
`any p
`you know to join MySpace.
`Please read our


`Step 1:
`MySpace has a Browse Users option. Here you can place a search for other
`users based on their age, location, interests and other general information they
`provide, You may also perform an Advanced Search where you can getinto
`details about the people you want to search for such as personal information,
`background and lifestyle. You can choose to sort your search results by last login,
`New to MySpace, or distance. Let's go through this step by step.
`Choose whether you want a basic or advanced search. For now lets
`do basic,
`eck fea LetaUML LaudsLie ee cea uae Mec th
`Browse Users
`and are here for
`who are:
`between ages
`Browse form
`=) Winmen and|351h) LJ Single LI Menned LJ Gating LJ Redatiomshope
`Poe (CI tra Relationship=C) Diverced (1) Metworking COFries
`located wrthin:
`Country:|United States “ Show any users whe have photos
`Postal Code:|any |) miles from Show name and photo ordy [
` =a,
`Select whether you are browsing for women, men or both men and
`a rn we he ci. Pa ae 7
`and are here for:
`who are:
`between oges:
`Orowse Por
`=) Women and|35 6ih | COSingle Ol Hared 0) Gating T] Relationships
`line Relatienship
` []) Giverced
`[) Meterorking
`(J Both
`C] Senger
`lor ated within:
`Country:|Uniled Slates Show only users who have photos [1]
`Postal Cede:
`any =)
`piles fram
`Shem name and photo only [+]


`Select the age range for your search. ‘You can search for people be
`tween the ages of 18 and 99,
`al eT oeiedoc ee
`Browse ut ars
`riage ae
`i oT
`who are:
`OJ Single
`oO Era Badetaonsheps
`nd are here for
`_) Marned
`|| Beating
`_) Dioreed Oo Networkong
`OO Relateonehips
`fl Freends
`Select whether or not to search for users who are In a Relationship,
`Single, Swinger, Married, Divorced. ‘You can select more than one of
`these options.
`Se eeea eeee ee ae ee
`Brovese ut ers
`trowsef ip bebreen ogesi
`18 ¥ and
`35 +
`_! Mani
`located within
`Show only waite who have pleted b=
`Couvry: United States
`Postal Coda!|any | miles from Show name and photo only [=
`and are here for:
`who are:
`Browsed For
`bebeeen age:
`J Women 18 (and|35 CI Single Married (J Dating LO Relatonships
`2 Maen
`a. En a Ralstonsheps
`a Devonced
`oO Netyorkang
`fey Froenda
`located within:
`Postal Goda:
`Uratad States
`gy Yo
`wiles from
`Show oly users who have photos |
`Show feat ged ehoto only -
`Choose whether they are here for Dating, Networking, Relationships or
`Friends. Again, you can choose more than one option.
`Cee Ee in Peet So ee
`Browse ut rs
`wee Criteria
`and are here for:
`abo ore:
`between apes:
`Browse For
`(2) Relationships
`(| Dating
`_) Married
`1¢ | and
`35 ™
`=) Women
`“) Men Cl tha Betetionshep=(2) Grvoreed (1 Wetworkang OO Frends
`} Both
`Li swinger
`located within:
`Country! United States
`Postel Code} Any | miles trom
`Show only weers who have photos |
`Show name and phate only
`sort Repu Myi @Recently tipdated ©tant togin’ ® new


`Choose where they are located. Enter in a postal code and seleci the
`distance for your search
`Browse Users
`Advan edd
`between ages!
`16 |)
`eha are:
`CD Ina Relationship
`f Calnper
`LD Relationships
`Co Priends
`Country:|Untad States ~ Show onhy users eho have photos
`a:1aee eT ad omrt Pa ee 2
`Select whether or not profiles with photos are included, as well as
`profiles without photos. More than one option can be selected so you
`can see profiles with pictures and without if youlike.
`aie een ed ie A les We
`aro gins
`a asa Re oot ate a
`and are here for
`Browice For
`() Gating
`| Mamed
`2) Women
`O Oiverced 1 Aeteorking
`located within’
`Postal Code: Any reades froen
`Show Aame @nd gheta only a ]
`G er
`Browse For3=between ages: elo are and are here for:
`Women _] Married=[| Dating1é |) and (35 LL} Singhs LU Relationships
`In Belatonshp
`| Giyorced |) Netrorking
`cal phates
`located eithins
`Contr!|Wied States ™ Show only users who have photos [-]
`Postel Code:|any s rretea fraen Show name end photo only [=|
`Ypdated ©Latina
`© ostanc
`You can sort the results of your search to be listed by Recently updat
`ed, Last Login, New To MySpace or distance.
`+| Browse |Search |
`Browse Users
`Invite Film| :Mall | Bog. Favourites Forum Groups Events Videos! Music:
`Comedy: - Classi
`bok i ay|
`Country?|United States we Show only users whe have photos [=]
`2 eeey a ee
`and are here tor
`who are:
`brehancn aged:
`Browse For:
`2) Women end|a5 LL) Married=[_] Dating18 8 L| single LL) Relationships
`tne Ralstonship
`OO tiverceed Heteorking
`Cl Seager
`ocated within:
`Postal Code:
`any ™!
`Sham name and phate oely El


`Once you have entered all the information you would like included in
`the search, click on ‘update’ and your search results will be displayed below.
`t i eee a
`beleeen ages
`18% pnd
`35 +
`who are:
`CO th 6 Relationship
`] Brea read
`and ore here for:
`CO Netwarkeng
`CO felationships
`0 Franda
`bd a
`Browse For:
`} Wonnen
`) Man
`locahed within:
`Show oly wierd eho have photos |
`Sour | United Stales
`Show nae sed phota only [I
`Postal Coda:|any 3 ee ire
`The results of your search will then be listed in the area below. They will be
`sorted depending on the selection you made. You can then click on their user-
`name or photo to view his/her profile.


`You can search for anything you like on MySpace. There is a general search for
`anything. You can choose to search the site for your terms, search blogs, general
`interest, music interest, movies interest, books interest or the web. Located to
`the right you will see a list of the most popular searches.
`If you think that one of
`your friends might be on MySpace, you can do a friend search for them. Choose
`Name, Display Name or email address and type in their information and click
`Want to find classmates? Not a problem, with MySpace's classmate finder. Just
`type in the school name, country, and state and MySpace will pull up anyone who
`is affiliated with that school. You may also search for affiliations as well. Just use
`the pull down to select the field, sub-field and role.
`MySpace Search
`MySpace Search
`Search|MySpace ~ for | Search |
`Most Popular Searches
`Find Someone You Krav
`im Find 4 Friend
`Select search by:
`@&) Wame (2 Display Mame (€)
`Exaroplas Tor JomecerTones toneabhstirnsileann
`Find Your Classmates
`| i: Classmate Finder
`School Name:
`Region County:
`| Fined |
`| i Affiliations for Yet working
`may ered:
`Sounkry:|United States ¥


`MySpace has a Browse Users option. Here you can place a search for other
`users based on their age, location, interests and other general information they
`provide. You may also perform an Advanced Search where you can get into
`details about the people you want to search for such as personal information,
`background and lifestyle. You can choose to sort your search results by last login,
`New to MySpace, or distance. Let's go through this step by step.
`Invite Your Friends to MySpone!
`Send your friends this eCard and they! automatically be added to pour friends list when they join.
`show ny invite lek
`vie past inuitet
`, y pace.friends
`to: (amail addradiad)
`your message here: doptionaly
`| Send invite
`a privacy policy


`Whether you create your own films or are just curious as to how it works, MySpace
`Film allows you to browse and search for various films, artists and directors wha
`are involved with film making. You can visit the filmmaker forums and get any
`details you like involving the making of short films. MySpace also lists Screenings
`this week as well as the top rated forums and featured filmmakers.
` Ke prrerd:
`ers aE
`a C
`eBat ta
`nowopen for MySpace
`Ur ede|
`screening In iMenhatian, NYC
`Suntireoe ffres,
`CE Beae
`Pe eeat
`awe a question?
`Get in anewered i bbe Forum
`= Writea be
`» Piin Scleapde
`r y mhaating fa
`i ae . ee
`erie Tisai
`ie hah
`aed eeem rig a


`Filmmaker Search:
`Here you can search for filmmakers who have uploaded their work to MySpace.
`You can search by area, keyword, and the role they played.
` ibfra=a
`Film Makers Search Result
`Leeaban:| Ureted States
`Poole: Ary
`Search By!)+Select ¥
`feetes frown
`Sort Resukts Gy:
`Porta! Code
`) Plays
`(© Hew
`| Update
`Step One: Select the role of the filmmaker you want to search for. You can
`choose Any, Director, Producer, Editor, Screenwriter, Animator or Cinematog-
`WI Co ce aR ae ce ERMmS LM ih MeL
`ieeses aeeCc Pe eoie Eea otodence
`Film Makers Search Result
`ole: Any
`Search By
`Keqerard jProducer
`Soet Renuka by:
`Locatan: Ureted States
`fenles Trg
`Ponte Code
`| ad @ea
`Step Two: You can choose to search by Name, Influences, Directors, Awards,
`Festivals or Professional Affiliations.
`Ae Ch ae eeon a ee
`etreteeethie meetmor ents
`Film Makers Search Result
`Loctbon Ureted States
`¥ ce
`- Select -
`Search Bis)
`ty ene
`Sort Qemuks by:
`aus an
`Ponta Cee


`Step Three: If you would like to enter in a keyword for your search you may
`do so here. For example, if you would like to bring up results containing wildlife
`enter the keyword ‘wildlife’ in the space provided
`eeeet Ln Regmetremmoeter
`Film Flakers Search Result
`Role: Any
`Search By

`Location: United States
`Sort Resudks: by:
`“) Blaps
`any ie
`miles from
`Postal Cote
`‘Hew ©)
`Update |
`step Four: Enter in the location for your search. From the pull down menu
`select the country then choose whether you want to narrow that down further
`by either selecting all or selecting a specific distance from a zip code.
`RCE MC aMe LL a Ge MLM Lo mec,
`eea eteC eeeeeeeed oT
`Film Makers Search Result
`Role: Any
`Search By
`Sort Results by:
`(CD Friends
`i) Alphabetical
`Location: United States
`teh) Ary oe
`mules fraen
`Postal Cove
`Step Five: Choose how you want your results sorted. If you select Plays then
`the results will be sorted in order from mast plays to least amount of plays. ‘You
`can choose to sort the results by friends, whether they are new or in alphabeti-
`cal order as well
`a led ac all
`ie TL Sea Mi oo ie
`oeaececeeeeoe eters
`Film *lakers Search Result
`‘) Blaps
`' Hee
`() Alphobetics!
`Update |
`Bole: Any
`Search By
`Select «
`Sort Results bry:
`Location: United Suates
`Tey) Ary
`rules frac
`Postal Coste


`Step Six: If you would like to enter in a keyword for your search you may do
`so here, For example, if you would like to bring up results containing wildlife
`enter the keyword ‘wildlife’ in the space provided
`DMN r eatotsree iEe nea
` et ieeRem etMTa tc)
`Filrn Makers Search Result
`)- Select -
`Search By:
`Key eord
`Sart Results by:
`*) Plays
`(2) Friends
`(2 alphabetical
`| Update
`Locahioni) United Stetes
`a Any
`ees fron
`PortCoste 4


`Mail at MySpace is used to communicate with other members. You cannot send
`a message to people outside of MySpace. You can send anyone a message by
`going to their profile and selecting “email” or message. Other features of MySpace
`mail include:
`Saved Mail:
`This is mail that you have received from another member that you have chosen to
`Sent Mail:
`This is mail that you have sent. You can check to see if the person you sent the
`mail to has read the mail, deleted it or replied.
`This is mail that you have deleted but has not yet been discarded
`A bulletin is a bulk message to everyone in your group. It is set up just like an
`email but you don't input any addresses because itis sent out to everyone in the
`Address Book:
`You can keep a personal address book of the people you mail most often.
`Friend Requests:
`Whenever a MySpace user views your profile and wants to be your friend, they
`send you a friend request. These friend requests are kept in this special folder.
`Pending Requests:
`When you view a new friend request you don’t have to accept or denyit right
`away. If you'd like to wait and grant or deny permission at a later time tht friend
`request will move over to this folder. At a later time you can come here and either
`grant or deny the friend request.
`Event Invites:
`These are personal invites you have received to events. If a friend is holding a
`birthday party and wants you to come they can send you an invite


`This is where you post information about yourself. It's an online journal for you
`and others to view. You can write your daily thoughts here and subscribe to others’
`online journals as well.
`Blog Control Centre
`View Most Popular Blogs NEW!
`Tiew Kiy Blog
`You currently have no subscriptions. To subscribe to a frend’s Blog, wiew thelr blog and
`click “Subscribe
`MySpace Blog
`Blog Home
`My Subscniptons
`My Readers
`My. Preferred List
`Toeiey Bee Tote!
`My Controls
`Post New Blog
`View Blog
`Customese Blog
`Blog Sate Mode
`My Blog Groups
`Browse Blog Groupes
`Croate a Beg Grou
`Blog Home:
`This is the main page of your blog, Here you have access to all of your blogs, both
`your own and those you are subscribed to
`Pe eieaeeaa
`Blog Control Centre
`View Mort Popelar Blogs
`View My Blog
`You currently have no subscriptions. To subscribe to 4 fiend’s Blog, view their blog and
`MySpace Blog
`Blog Horne _ click "Subscnbe
`My Subscriphons
`My Readers
`My Preferred List


`oo a)
`My Subscriptions:
`These are blogs that you came across that you have chosen to subscribe too.
`When the owner of the blog changes or writes a new blog they will be updated
`| RL la Lh Se Mi.
`Blog Control Centre
`MySpace Blog
`Bhog Hose
`— ‘
`My Preferred List
`Pele Subscriptions
`ae aes
`View My Blag
`Bat Options
`My Readers:
`These are MySpace users who have subscribed to your blogs. You can choose to
`remove a reader as well.
`Blog Control Centres
`MySpace Blog
`Blog Home
`My Subscriphens
`Hy Readers
`Hy Prefered List
`| My Readers
`View My flog
`My Preferred List:
`This is a private blag where only members can view. You have to invite users oth-
`erwise they are hidden from view.
`SU CCRa acLteeu
`Blog Control Centre
`MySpace Bla
`My Preferred List <j
`My Private List
`View My Blog
`~Find User To BeAdded|
`to Your Private List)
`If you have uploaded a photograph it will be displayed in the space provided. You
`can also view Statistics on your blog as well. Whenever a MySpace user leaves a
`comment or gives you the thumbs up (Kudos) it will increase the counter.


`Blog Control Centre
`View Mogt Popular Hage hE
`View My Blog
`MySpace Blog
`Blog Home
`My Subsonptions
`My @eaders
`My Preferred List
`You Currenth have no subsenptions. To subsorbe to 2 fnend’s Blog, wew their biog and
`cack “Subscibe
`‘Tepehiey “Wie Tere Sa
`My Controls
`Post Maw Bliwg
`View Blog
`Cusbornisa Blog
`Bhog Sate Mode
`My Blog Groups
`Browse Blog Groupe
`Create 4 Slog Grou
`Post New Blog:
`Here you can post a new blog. You can choose to use the basic editor and just
`input text. If you know a little bit about HTML you can use the advanced editor.
`Select the Post Date if you want to delay the post of your blog. When you are
`finished writing what you want, tell your readers what you are reading, listening
`to or playing. Basically tell them what you're doing. Tell your readers your current
`mood. If you don't want people leaving comments or Kudos just check the box.
`Choose the privacy, whether you want only friends to view, private etc. When you
`are finished, click preview and post to preview your blog.


`Business & Entrepreneurs
`Cities & Neighborhoods
`Companies / Co-workers
`Computers & Intermet
`Countries & Regional
`Cultures & Community
`(3888 groups)
`Fan Clubs
`(49400 groups
`Film & Television
`Food, Drink & Wine
`Gay, Lesbian & Bi
`Government & Politics
`Health, Wellness, Fitness
`(11219 groups
`(10815 groups
`(10205 groups
`Groups is a place where you can join a group of users with the same interests
`as yourself. If you are into Programming, networking or whatever you can ask ta
`join a group and get connected with thousands of other users that have the same
`interests. Below is the Groups Home page where all the categories for each group
`are laid out.
`If you wish to view the individual groups you néeéd to click on any one
`of the following categories.
`(4289 groups)
`Money & Investing
`Nightlife & Clubs
`Non-Profit & Philanthropic
`(1329 groups)
`(96982 groups)
`(15158 groups)


`Selecting any one of the abovelistings will bring you to a listing of every group
`within that category. You can then browse through the groups and sort them in
`any particular way you'd like,
`Groups Home
`| Language: Engligh
`| (what's this?]
`Groups Hone
`My Groups
`Create Group
`Search Groups
`Health, Wellacsa, F
`hiss (1073 growed)
`Activities (65663 groupa)
`41 groups}
`Hobbies t& Crafts
`Automotive (a23ba grows)
`Literature & Arte (2%ah4 7 roups)
`Husiness & Entrepreneurs (13611 groups)
`honey & Investing (8554 groups)
`Cities & Mebghborhoods (37573 groups)
`Miche (225413 groups)
`Companies f Co-workers (32162 groups)
`Mbghtlite & Chis (S3122 groups)
` Countries & Regional (1238 groups)
`Man-Profit & Philanthropic (16078 groups)
`Cultures & Community (71288 grows)
`Other (1530679 groups)
`Entertainment (151948 groups)

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