Case IPR2022-00142
`U.S. Patent No. 8,293,742
`Patent Owner
`Case No. IPR2022-00142
`U.S. Patent No. 8,293,742
`Slayback Exhibit 1049
`Slayback v. Eye Therapies - IPR2022-00142


`INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 1
`II. MATERIALS CONSIDERED .................................................................... 2
`III. PERSON OF ORDINARY SKILL IN THE ART ..................................... 2
`IV. CLAIM CONSTRUCTION ......................................................................... 2
`There Is No Clinical Difference Between “About 0.025%”
`and “0.03%” Brimonidine ................................................................. 2
`The ’742 Patent Defines “Ocular Condition” Broadly ................. 20
`V. ANTICIPATION OF CLAIMS 1–2 OF THE ’742 PATENT ................ 24
`The ’553 Patent Discloses Administration of Brimonidine at
`a Concentration of “about 0.025%” ............................................... 25
`The ’553 Patent Discloses Administration of Brimonidine
`“to a patient having an ocular condition” ...................................... 25
`The ’553 Patent Discloses “[a] method for reducing eye
`redness” ............................................................................................. 29
`VI. OBVIOUSNESS OF CLAIMS 1–6 OF THE ’742 PATENT ................. 33
`A. Dr. Noecker Appears Not to Dispute that Certain
`Limitations of Claims 1-6 Are Disclosed by the Prior Art ........... 33
`A POSA Would Have Been Motivated to Use Brimonidine
`as a Redness Reliever With a Reasonable Expectation of
`Success ............................................................................................... 34
`Alpha-1 and Alpha-2 Agonists Both Cause
`Vasoconstriction ..................................................................... 35
`Both alpha-1 and alpha-2 receptors mediate
`vasoconstriction............................................................ 36
`Alpha-1 and alpha-2 receptor subtypes ..................... 40
`Brimonidine Was Known to Be a Potent
`Vasoconstrictor that Reduced Eye Redness ........................ 44
`The Side Effects of Brimonidine Would Not Have
`Deterred a POSA .................................................................... 52


`C. A POSA Would Have Been Motivated to Use Brimonidine
`at Low Concentrations ..................................................................... 54
`D. A POSA Would Have Been Motivated to Keep Brimonidine
`At the Surface of the Eye ................................................................. 57
`A pH Range of 5.5 to 6.5 Would Have Been Tolerable to
`Patients .............................................................................................. 62
`The Additional Limitations of Claims 4–6 Do Not Render
`Those Claims Non-Obvious ............................................................. 63
`VII. SECONDARY CONSIDERATIONS ....................................................... 65
`There Is No Nexus Between the ’742 Patent Claims and Dr.
`Noecker’s Objective Evidence of Non-Obviousness ..................... 65
`Brimonidine’s Effect As a Redness Reducer Would Not
`Have Been Unexpected ..................................................................... 68
`VIII. CONCLUSION ........................................................................................... 69


`Case No. IPR2022-00142
`U.S. Patent No. 8,293,742
`I am the same Neal A. Sher, M.D., who submitted the Declaration of
`Neal A. Sher, MD, FACS (EX-1002, “Opening Declaration”) dated November 4,
`2021, in support of Petitioner’s petition for inter partes review of U.S. Patent No.
`8,293,742 (EX-1001, “the ’742 patent”). I understand that the Board has instituted
`inter partes review of claims 1–6 of the ’742 patent and that Patent Owner has filed
`a Patent Owner’s Response (“POR”), together with the Declaration of Robert J.
`Noecker, MD, MBA (EX-2020, “the Noecker Declaration”) in support of the POR.
`I submit this reply expert declaration in support of Petitioner’s reply to the POR and
`to respond to the Noecker Declaration.
`I provided in my Opening Declaration the details of my compensation
`for my work on this matter. My compensation is not contingent upon, and in no way
`related to, the outcome of this litigation or the testimony that I give.
`I also provided in my Opening Declaration a summary of my
`qualifications and background, including my education and experience, as well as a
`copy of my curriculum vitae.
`I discussed in my Opening Declaration my understanding of the
`relevant legal standards as provided by counsel. My understanding of these legal
`standards has not changed since I submitted my Opening Declaration.


`Case No. IPR2022-00142
`U.S. Patent No. 8,293,742
`In preparing this reply declaration, I considered the Board’s Institution
`Decision, the POR, the Noecker Declaration and materials cited therein, and the
`materials identified in this reply declaration. I have listed the materials I considered
`in Exhibit C to this reply declaration. I also considered my Opening Declaration
`and the materials listed in Exhibit B to my Opening Declaration.
`In paragraph 26 of my Opening Declaration, I provided my opinion
`regarding the qualifications of the person of ordinary skill in the art (“POSA”) with
`respect to the ’742 patent. In paragraph 31 of his declaration, Dr. Noecker provides
`a definition the POSA, which differs from mine in that Dr. Noecker’s POSA appears
`to be less skilled. Although I disagree with Dr. Noecker’s definition, my opinions
`expressed in my Opening Declaration and in this reply declaration would not change
`if Dr. Noecker’s definition were applied.
`A. There Is No Clinical Difference Between “About 0.025%” and
`“0.03%” Brimonidine
`In my Opening Declaration, I relied on Dr. Laskar’s opinion that “about
`0.025%” as recited in claims 2 and 3 of the ’742 patent includes “0.03%.” Opening
`Declaration (EX-1002) ¶ 45 (citing Laskar Declaration (EX-1003) ¶ 73). In his
`declaration, Dr. Noecker opines that “about 0.025%” does not include “0.03%” in


`Case No. IPR2022-00142
`U.S. Patent No. 8,293,742
`part because, in Dr. Noecker’s view, “the specification conveys a critical difference
`for 0.025% by clinically distinguishing it from 0.03%.” Noecker Declaration (EX-
`2020) ¶ 108 (emphasis added). I disagree.
`To support his opinion that the ’742 patent specification “clinically
`distinguish[es]” 0.025% from 0.03%, Dr. Noecker relies on Figure 2 and Figure 6 of
`the specification. See, e.g., Noecker Declaration (EX-2020) ¶¶ 92–95.
`For ease of reference, a side-by-side comparison of Figure 2 and Figure
`6 is reproduced below:


`Case No. IPR2022-00142
`U.S. Patent No. 8,293,742
`10. As an initial matter, Figures 2 and 6 are highly imprecise. Although
`both figures appear to convey some qualitative information regarding the
`relationship between brimonidine concentration (x-axis) and biological effects (y-
`axis), neither figure conveys any quantitative information to a POSA.
`In both figures, the x-axis contains some numerical information
`regarding the brimonidine concentrations depicted in the figures (.001%, .005%,
`0.01%, 0.03%, etc.), but there are no hash marks indicating where exactly those
`concentrations fall on the x-axis. Further, there are no incremental hash marks
`indicating where any non-enumerated concentrations (e.g., 0.02% or 0.025%) fall.
`12. Moreover, in both figures, the x-axis scale appears to be non-linear. For
`example, the enumerated concentration appearing just over halfway across the
`length of the x-axis (0.10%) represents an increase of only 0.10% brimonidine from
`zero, but the second half of the x-axis (i.e., 0.10% to 0.5%) spans a range of 0.40%
`brimonidine concentrations. If the x-axis were linear, one would expect the span
`from zero to the midpoint of the x-axis to cover the same range as the midpoint to
`the end of the x-axis (e.g., zero to 0.10% in the first half and 0.10% to 0.20% in the
`second half). The x-axis also does not appear to be logarithmic. For example, in
`Figure 2, the enumerated concentration appearing just over halfway across the length
`of the x-axis (0.10%) is one-hundred times greater than the first enumerated
`concentration (.001%) at the very beginning of the x-axis, but the final enumerated


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`U.S. Patent No. 8,293,742
`concentration (0.5%) appearing at the very end of the x-axis is only five times greater
`than the enumerated concentration appearing around the midpoint of the x-axis. And
`in both figures, the first two enumerated concentrations (.001% and .005%), which
`are five-fold different from one another, appear to be closer to one another than the
`next two enumerated concentrations (0.01% and 0.03%), which are only three-fold
`different from one another yet appear to be spaced further apart. Thus, a POSA
`would not be able to identify with precision where on the x-axis any given
`concentration would fall. For at least this reason, I disagree with Dr. Noecker’s
`opinion that a POSA would be able to pinpoint where a concentration of 0.025%
`falls on the x-axis of Figures 2 and 6. See, e.g., Noecker Declaration (EX-2020) ¶
`95 n.8.
`In both figures, the y-axis is completely devoid of quantitative
`information. For example, in both figures, there is no scale indicated for any of the
`five measurements listed in the legend of Figure 2 (“Vasoconstriction,” “IOP
`Reduction (Glaucoma),” “Endo Cell Pump Inhibition,” “Rebound Hyperemia,” and
`“Net Vasoconstriction Benefit”) that are depicted in the figures. See Noecker
`Deposition Transcript (EX-1053) at 81:16–82:6 (Dr. Noecker admitting there are no
`units on the y-axis). The only “scale” shown on the y-axis ranges from “0” to
`“++++”—a “scale” that conveys no quantitative information whatsoever to a POSA.
`For example, a POSA would not know whether the scale of the y-axis in each figure


`Case No. IPR2022-00142
`U.S. Patent No. 8,293,742
`is linear or, like the x-axis, non-linear, and this is equally true for each one of the
`five measurements listed in the legend of Figure 2. Similarly, a POSA would not
`know whether the scale of the y-axis in each figure covers a broad or narrow range
`of numerical values for each of the five measurements listed in the legend of Figure
`2. It could be that the scale covers a range that increases 500-fold from one end to
`the other, just as the range of the x-axis in each figure does. Or, it could be that the
`scale of the y-axis in each figure is much narrower (e.g., increasing only two-fold).
`Further, the scales for each of the five measurements listed in the legend of Figure 2
`could cover widely varying ranges (e.g., a broad range for vasoconstriction, a narrow
`range for rebound hyperemia, etc.). Thus, a POSA would be unable to glean any
`quantitative information from the y-axis of Figures 2 and 6.
`14. Adding to the imprecision, in both figures, the underlying data appear
`to have been plotted as smoothed line graphs rather than straight line graphs. To
`understand the importance of this distinction, one must consider how experimental
`data are typically measured. In a typical experiment, the independent variable (in
`this case, the brimonidine concentration) is changed a certain number of times and
`the dependent variable (e.g., the level of vasoconstriction) is measured after each
`change. For example, a researcher might measure the level of vasoconstriction
`resulting from administration of an ophthalmic solution containing either 0.01%,
`0.03%, or 0.05% brimonidine. The researcher would obtain a datapoint for the


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`U.S. Patent No. 8,293,742
`dependent variable (level of vasoconstriction) corresponding to each iteration of the
`independent variable (0.01%, 0.03%, and 0.05% brimonidine).
`15. To represent this data graphically, the researcher could simply plot the
`individual datapoints on a graph. Or, the researcher could plot the individual
`datapoints and then connect those datapoints using a straight line to more clearly
`illustrate how the dependent variable changes as the independent variable changes.
`The researcher could also choose to “smooth” these straight lines, a process in which
`a computer program estimates where new datapoints would fall in between the
`experimentally determined datapoints and plots a smooth line to connect these
`estimated datapoints with the experimentally determined datapoints. The researcher
`could also choose to include some indication as to which datapoints on the smoothed
`line graph were actually experimentally determined. Or, as appears to be the case in
`Figures 2 and 6, the researcher could omit these indications entirely.
`16. Smoothed line graphs can give the false impression that underlying data
`were actually experimentally determined when they in fact were not. This is
`especially true where, as here, the smoothed line graphs retain no indication as to
`which datapoints were experimentally determined. For example, to continue the
`hypothetical discussed above, a researcher may have actually experimentally
`determined the level of vasoconstriction resulting from administration of 0.01%,
`0.03%, and 0.05% brimonidine. If the researched plotted these data using a straight


`Case No. IPR2022-00142
`U.S. Patent No. 8,293,742
`line graph, it would be apparent that these datapoints (0.01%, 0.03%, and 0.05%)
`were experimentally determined because there would be a vertex at each of these
`points on the graph. If these straight lines were smoothed, however, then it would
`no longer be apparent which datapoints were experimentally determined because
`there would be only a smooth line with no vertices indicating an experimentally
`determined datapoint. In this scenario, on this smoothed line graph it would appear
`that a datapoint at 0.025% had been experimentally determined when it in fact had
`not—only the surrounding 0.01% and 0.03% datapoints had been experimentally
`determined, and the “datapoint” at 0.025% was estimated by the computer program
`that plotted the smoothed line. Thus, because the underlying data appear to have
`been plotted as smoothed line graphs, a POSA would not make precise conclusions
`about small differences between two concentrations (e.g., 0.025% and 0.03%).
`17. Further, a POSA would not make conclusions regarding the clinical
`significance of Figures 2 and 6 without knowing how precise (or imprecise) the
`underlying data were. The datapoints depicted in a graph do not typically represent
`data from a single experiment; rather, they typically represent an average of the data
`collected from many experiments. For example, in the hypothetical discussed above,
`a researcher would typically run the experiment several times at each of the 0.01%,
`0.03%, and 0.05% concentrations. The researcher would then typically calculate the
`average of the results (level of vasoconstriction) at each concentration, and the


`Case No. IPR2022-00142
`U.S. Patent No. 8,293,742
`average values would typically be plotted in the graph. The repetition of
`experiments allows the researcher to increase the accuracy of the estimate of the
`“true” result at each concentration. Of course, experimental results come with some
`uncertainty and variability. Uncertainty and variability can be represented by a
`statistical calculation called a “standard deviation,” which, in lay terms, is simply a
`measure of how spread out the data are in relation to the average. For that reason,
`graphs and data reporting clinical results typically include one or more measures of
`variability, including the standard deviation. For example, line graphs typically
`include “error bars,” which can represent one standard deviation above and below
`the average datapoint depicted on the graph (or another measure of variability and
`uncertainty). Without any error bars or other indication of the standard deviation of
`the data, there is no way to ascertain the precision (or imprecision) of the data. As
`Dr. Noecker admitted, there are no error bars in Figure 2 or Figure 6 and no
`information regarding standard deviation of the data represented in these figures.
`See Noecker Deposition Transcript (EX-1053) at 89:19–90:3.
`18. All of the above reflects the high degree of imprecision of Figures 2
`and 6. Because of this high degree of imprecision, a POSA would be unable to reach
`any quantitative conclusions regarding these figures, let alone reach the exacting
`conclusion Dr. Noecker makes—that the figures “clinically distinguish” between the
`effect of brimonidine concentrations that differ by only five-thousands of a


`Case No. IPR2022-00142
`U.S. Patent No. 8,293,742
`percentage (0.025% compared to 0.03%).
`19. Dr. Noecker asserts that “Figure 2 conveys to a skilled ophthalmologist
`a critical distinction between brimonidine at a concentration of 0.03% (maximum
`vasoconstriction with rebound hyperemia) and concentrations less than 0.03%
`(slightly lower vasoconstriction without, importantly, rebound hyperemia).”
`Noecker Declaration (EX-2020) ¶ 94. Dr. Noecker supports this assertion by
`pointing to the rebound hyperemia arrow that Dr. Noecker believes “starts to lift off
`the x-axis” at 0.03% and the net vasoconstriction benefit arrow with an apex at
`0.03%. Id. As an initial matter, a POSA would not rely on the blurry, imprecise
`Figure 2 to discern with certainty the exact percentages at which rebound hyperemia
`begins and net vasoconstriction benefit reaches its maximum; rather, a POSA would
`rely on the inventor’s representation that the maximum benefit of brimonidine is at
`around 0.03%. ’742 Patent (EX-1001) at 19:54–56. Dr. Noecker asserts that Figure
`2 teaches that “concentrations less than 0.03%” produce no rebound hyperemia
`(Noecker Declaration (EX-2020) ¶ 94), but Dr. Noecker fails to acknowledge that
`the rebound hyperemia curve remains relatively constant, and visibly above the x-
`axis (presumably indicating at least some amount of rebound hyperemia), starting at
`the concentration of 0.01% and perhaps even lower at 0.005%. The following
`screenshot of a magnified Figure 2 from Dr. Noecker’s declaration shows this
`clearly, where the rebound hyperemia curve is the dark gray, solid line:


`Case No. IPR2022-00142
`U.S. Patent No. 8,293,742
`Id. ¶ 93 (magnified).
`20. Further, although I disagree that a POSA could view Figure 2 and make
`any assessments with certainty, Dr. Noecker’s characterizations of Figure 2 actually
`contradict his opinion that the figure clinically distinguishes between 0.025% and
`0.03% brimonidine. For example, Dr. Noecker admits that “brimonidine’s
`vasoconstriction benefit … effectively maximizes and plateaus at about 0.03%” and
`that “brimonidine’s maximum vasoconstriction effect after netting out its tendency
`to cause rebound hyperemia is at 0.03%.” Id. ¶ 94; see also Noecker Deposition
`Transcript (EX-1053) at 83:14–20 (Dr. Noecker admitting that the “net
`vasoconstriction benefit” accounts for rebound hyperemia); id. at 86:1–17 (Dr.
`Noecker “stand[ing] by” the assertion in his declaration that the maximum
`vasoconstriction benefit occurs at 0.03% brimonidine). A POSA would not read
`Figure 2 to clinically distinguish between 0.025% (which is not indicated anywhere
`on either of the Figures on which Dr. Noecker relies) and 0.03% when maximum
`vasoconstriction and maximum net vasoconstriction benefit both occur at around


`Case No. IPR2022-00142
`U.S. Patent No. 8,293,742
`0.03% (as pointed out by Dr. Noecker).
`21. Moreover,
`the ’742 patent’s own prosecution history further
`demonstrates that Figure 2 does not clinically distinguish between 0.025% and
`0.03% brimonidine. In the ’481 provisional application—to which the ’742 patent
`claims priority—Figure 4 contains a graph that appears to be a prior version of
`Figure 2 of the ’742 patent, although in Figure 4 of the ’481 provisional application
`the net vasoconstriction curve is not visible in this scanned, black-and-white copy of
`the document:


`Case No. IPR2022-00142
`U.S. Patent No. 8,293,742
`’481 Provisional Application (EX-1011) at 111.
`22. The ’481 provisional application describes its Figure 4 as teaching that
`“[t]he net vasoconstrictive effect curve (vasoconstriction - rebound) is shown by the
`thicker light gray curve, and peaks at ~ 0.025% ± 0.01% (intersecting dashed lines).”
`Id. Thus, the ’481 provisional application explains in words what Figure 2 would
`convey to a POSA—that the maximum net vasoconstriction benefit occurs in the
`range of 0.015% to 0.035%. Id. This aligns with my interpretation that even the
`inventors conveyed that concentrations with the range of ± 0.01% around 0.025%
`achieved the same peak net vasoconstrictive effect, and therefore showed no
`meaningful clinical differences.
`23. Dr. Noecker also relies on Figure 6 of the ’742 patent to support his
`opinions (Noecker Declaration (EX-2020) ¶ 95), but Figure 6 is even less clear than
`Figure 2. Figure 6 of the ’742 patent contains no legend describing what any of the
`curves on the graph are meant to depict. While it is not unreasonable for the
`inventors to have used the same identification conventions as in Figure 2, that is not
`clear from the patent. Dr. Noecker characterizes Figure 6 as “effectively an
`expanded version of Figure 2.” Id. ¶ 95. Although the two figures superficially
`share some similarities, there are notable differences. Most notably, the curve that
`Dr. Noecker has labeled the “rebound hyperemia curve” of Figure 6 is clearly not
`the same as the corresponding curve in Figure 2 (the curve that was actually labeled


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`by the specification as “rebound hyperemia”). In Figure 6, the curve Dr. Noecker
`labeled “rebound hyperemia” crosses above the two curves nearest to it (the thin,
`solid black curve and the dotted curve). In Figure 2, the curve labeled rebound
`hyperemia by the ’742 patent never crosses the other two curves (labeled “IOP
`Reduction (Glaucoma)” and “Endo Cell Pump Inhibition”)—it remains visibly
`below those two curves for the entire length of the x-axis. See Noecker Deposition
`Transcript (EX-1053) at 91:2–92:15 (Dr. Noecker admitting same). Dr. Noecker
`provided no explanation as to how these two distinct curves in Figures 2 and 6
`represent the same rebound hyperemia. In fact, it is mathematically impossible for
`these curves to have been derived from the same underlying data. Thus, a POSA
`would conclude that the two figures are not the same, and would not have viewed
`them as “interchangeable,” as Dr. Noecker did.
`24. Even assuming that Dr. Noecker annotated Figure 6 appropriately, Dr.
`Noecker’s assertion that Figure 6 clinically distinguishes between 0.025% and
`0.03% brimonidine is still incorrect. Dr. Noecker asserts that brimonidine “starts
`causing rebound hyperemia” at 0.03% and points to his rebound hyperemia curve
`“transitioning from dark gray to red.” Noecker Declaration (EX-2020) ¶ 95. Dr.
`Noecker’s assertions lack support. First, Dr. Noecker points to nothing in the
`specification (or elsewhere) indicating that the curve “transitioning from dark gray
`to red” means that rebound hyperemia is beginning. Indeed, Dr. Noecker’s rebound


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`hyperemia curve is well above zero (presumably indicating some amount of rebound
`hyperemia) even at the point on the x-axis where Dr. Noecker believes 0.025%
`would fall.
`25. Dr. Noecker also points out that the ’742 patent states “FIG. 6 depicts
`a graphical representation of a finding of the present invention that an increased
`rebound hyperemia begins at around 0.03% for brimonidine.” Id. (citing ’742 Patent
`(EX-1001) at 19:52–54). But, importantly, the ’742 patent uses words of
`approximation—“rebound hyperemia begins at around 0.03%.” Id. (emphasis
`added). The ’742 patent does not explicitly state that Figure 6 shows no rebound
`hyperemia at concentrations lower than exactly 0.03% brimonidine as Dr. Noecker
`asserts. Rather, a POSA would read the ’742 patent’s words of approximation with
`respect to Figure 6 and conclude that rebound hyperemia could begin either a little
`less than, at, or a little more than 0.03% brimonidine. In fact, Dr. Noecker’s own
`annotated version of Figure 6 illustrates this point—his rebound hyperemia curve is
`above zero even at the point on the x-axis that he has labeled 0.025% brimonidine.
`Thus, a POSA would read the ’742 patent’s description of Figure 6 and reasonably
`conclude that “at around 0.03%” includes 0.025%. Even Dr. Noecker admits that
`his annotated figure shows only that the 0.025% concentration “keep[s] rebound
`hyperemia at a minimum”—the figure does not demonstrate that 0.025% eliminates
`rebound hyperemia entirely, as he later suggests. Id. (emphasis added).


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`26. Further, contrary to Dr. Noecker’s opinions, the ’742 patent suggests
`that rebound hyperemia does not occur even at a concentration of 0.033%.1 Indeed,
`I agree with the Board’s conclusion in its institution decision that “Figure 4E of the
`references cited by Patent Owner illustrates that, four hours after a third application
`of a concentration of 0.033% brimonidine, there is no indication of rebound
`hyperemia. … This therefore suggests that increased hyperemia may not necessarily
`occur until the brimonidine concentration exceeds 0.03%.” Institution Decision
`(Paper 13) at 11–12 (emphasis added).
`I also disagree with Dr. Noecker’s assertion that Figure 6 “is clearly
`1 I understand that Patent Owner has asserted that the reference to 0.033%
`brimonidine in the ’742 patent was in error, but there is nothing in the specification
`that signaled to me that this was an error. This was not the only instance where the
`concentration of brimonidine changed in the data presented in Example 1. See ’742
`Patent (EX-1001) at 19:61–20:19 (explaining that in Example 1 “a patient was
`treated with brimonidine at claimed concentrations” and noting the results shown in
`Figure 4, with Figure 4A being baseline, Figure 4B testing 0.01% brimonidine,
`Figure 4C testing 0.02% brimonidine, Figure 4D testing 0.02% brimonidine, and
`Figure 4E testing 0.03% brimonidine). The 0.033% brimonidine concentration is
`within the range of brimonidine concentrations disclosed in the specification.


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`conveying with the blue dot on the x-axis that is placed slightly to the right of the
`visual middle point between 0.01% and 0.03% a concentration of about 0.025%.”
`Noecker Declaration (EX-2020) ¶ 95, n.8. As discussed above, Figure 6 contains no
`hash marks or other indications of where even the enumerated concentrations fall
`exactly on the x-axis, let alone the non-enumerated concentrations, such as 0.025%.
`The blue dot is not referenced anywhere in the specification, and none of the “several
`other parts of the specification identifying about 0.025% as part [sic] top end of a
`preferred concentration range” cited by Dr. Noecker are tied to Figure 6 in any way.
`Id. As discussed above, the scale of the x-axis in Figure 6 appears to be non-linear.
`Thus, a POSA would not assume that a dot that is “placed slightly to the right of the
`visual middle point between 0.01% and 0.03%” must correspond to 0.025%. Id.
`28. Figure 4 of the ’481 provisional application also undermines Dr.
`Noecker’s opinion that the blue dot in Figure 6 of the ’742 patent must correspond
`to the 0.025% concentration. As noted above, the ’481 provisional application states
`that the “intersecting dashed lines” of its Figure 4 correspond to 0.025%. ’481
`Provisional Application (EX-1011) at 111. As clearly shown in Figure 4, the dashed
`line intersects the x-axis nearest to the second zero in the “0.03%” marking. Thus,
`the demarcation of 0.025% in Figure 4 of the ’481 provisional application is not
`located at the same point on the x-axis as the blue dot in Figure 6 of the ’742 patent,
`which Dr. Noecker believes must correspond to 0.025%. The following side-by-


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`side comparison of magnified excerpts taken from Figure 4 of the ’481 provisional
`application (left side, dashed line) and the annotated Figure 6 from Dr. Noecker’s
`declaration (right side, blue dot and green line) illustrates the discrepancy:
`’481 Provisional Application (EX-1011) at 111 (magnified); Noecker Declaration
`(EX-2020) ¶ 95 (magnified).
`29. Dr. Noecker’s opinions are further contradicted by Figure 6 itself. Dr.
`Noecker asserts that the 0.025% concentration’s “combination of near-maximal
`vasoconstriction effects and minimal rebound hyperemia allowed the patented
`invention to produce a more effective scleral whitening in the eye without the side
`effects associated with prior art redness relievers.” Noecker Declaration (EX-2020)
`¶ 95. But Figure 6 makes no mention of the criticality of the 0.025% concentration.
`Quite the contrary, Figure 6 states that “the net effectiveness of brimonidine as a
`decongestant is greatest between about 0.01% and about 0.03%.” ’742 Patent (EX-
`1001) at 19:55–56. Thus, a POSA would not understand Figure 6 to clinically
`distinguish 0.025% from 0.03% because Figure 6 explicitly teaches that both


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`U.S. Patent No. 8,293,742
`concentrations fall within the range in which “the net effectiveness of brimonidine
`as a decongestant is greatest.” Id.
`In my experience, demonstrating a clinically significant difference
`between the effects of a drug at concentrations differing by only five-thousands of a
`percentage is a futile task. In my clinical experience of over forty years, I cannot
`provide any example of any drug used for any indication that has a significant
`therapeutic difference in the range of five-thousands of a percentage point. This is
`especially true in ophthalmology. Ophthalmic medications that are administered by
`eye drops are much less precise than other dosage forms due to the nature of the
`administration. Patients frequently miss the eye entirely or may get only a small
`amount of medication on the surface of the eye. Frequently, patients get zero, one,
`or two drops on the eye. Furthermore, patients usually do not shake the bottle to
`ensure homogenous distribution of the ingredients in the solution/suspension. Also,
`patients may store the bottle with its cap off, leading to evaporation of the solution.
`Thus, any attempt to demonstrate a clinically significant difference between 0.025%
`and 0.03% would be marred with uncertainty due to the nature of the administration
`of eye drops.
`31. Finally, I note that the origin of the underlying data depicted in Figures
`2 and 6 is completely unknown. Even Dr. Noecker admits that he does not know
`where or how the underlying data were obtained. See Noecker Deposition Transcript


`Case No. IPR2022-00142
`U.S. Patent No. 8,293,742
`(EX-1053) at 89:2–18.
`32. For at least these reasons, it is my opinion that the ’742 patent
`specification does not clinically distinguish between 0.025% and 0.03%.
`The ’742 Patent Defines “Ocular Condition” Broadly
`In my Opening Declaration, I opined that a POSA would have
`understood the term “ocular condition” to include at least a list of certain conditions,
`and I based this opinion on the fact that the ’742 patent defines “

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