`San Francisco
`New York
`London Madrid Mexico City
`Milan New Delhi
`San Juan
`| B
`EXHIIBT 2007 - PAGE 1
`On the cover: Representation of a fullerene molecule with a noble gas atom trapped
`inside. At the Permian-Triassic sedimentary boundary the noble gases helium and argon
`have been found trappedinside fullerenes. They exhibit isotope ratios quite similar to
`those found in meterorites, suggesting that a fireball meteorite or asteroid exploded
`whenit hit the Earth, causing major changes in the environment. (image copyright ©
`Dr. Luann Becker. Reproduced with permission.)
`Overthe six editions of the Dictionary, material has been drawn from the following references: G. M. Garrity
`et al., Zaxonomic Outline ofthe Procaryotes, Release 2, Springer-Verlag, January 2002; D. W. Linzey, Vertebrate
`Biology, McGraw-Hill, 2001; J. A. Pechenik, Biology of the Invertebrates, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2000; U.S.
`Air Force Glossary of Standardized Terms, AF Manual 11-1, vol. 1, 1972; F. Casey, ed., Compilation of Terms
`in Information Sciences Technology, Federal Council for Science and Technology, 1970; Communications-
`Electronics Terminology, AF Manual 11-1, vol. 3, 1970; P. W. Thrush, comp. and ed., A Dictionary of Mining,
`Mineral, and Related Terms, Bureau of Mines, 1968; A DOD Glossary of Mapping, Charting and Geodetic
`Terms, Department of Defense, 1967; J. M. Gilliland, Solar-Terrestrial Physics: A Glossary of Terms and
`Abbreviations, Royal Aircraft Establishment Technical Report 67158, 1967; W. H. Allen, ed., Dictionary of
`Technical Terms for Aerospace Use, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1965; Glossary af Stinfo
`Terminology, Officesof Aerospace Research, U.S. Air Force, 1963; Naval Dictionary of Electronic, Technical,
`and Imperative Terms, Bureau of Naval Personnel, 1962; R. E. Huschke, Glossary of Meteorology, American
`Meteorological Society, 1959; ADP Glossary, Departmentof the Navy, NAVSO P-3097; Glossary ofAir Traffic
`Control Terms, Federal Aviation Agency; A Glossary of Range Terminology, White Sands Missile Range, New
`Mexico, National Bureau of Standards, AD 467-424; Nuclear Terms: A Glossary, 2d ed., Atomic Energy
`Sixth Edition
`Copyright © 2003, 1994, 1989, 1984, 1978, 1976, 1974 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights
`reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act
`of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored
`in a database orretrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
`ISBN 0-07-0423 13-X
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`McGraw-Hill dictionary of scientific and technical terms--6th ed.
`ISBN 0-07-0423 13-X (alk. paper)
`1. Science--Dictionaries.
`2, Technology--Dictionaries.
`and technical terms.
`I. Title: Dictionary of scientific
`EXHIIBT 2007 - PAGE 2
`EXHIIBT 2007 - PAGE 2
`private branch exchange
`[commun] A telephone ex-
`private branch exchange
`probabilistic sequential machin,
`change serving a single organization, having a switchboard
`bilistic automaton that has the Capabits Hp
`and associated equipment, usually located on the customer’s
`words probabilistically, over a finite lity,
`premises; provides for switching calls between any two exten-
`known as stochastic sequential mach, My
`sions served hy the exchange or between any extension and
`si'kwen-chol mea'shén}
`the national telephone system via a trunk to a central office.
`[stat] The PLObADII Ly.
`Abbreviated PBX.
`'pri-vat ‘branch iks,chanj }
`of the number of times it oceyrs i of
`private branch exchange accessline [ELEC] Circuit that
`the mathematicg, a
`take place;
`connects a main private branch exchange (PBX)to a switching
`positive measure which gives the ment
`{ ‘privat ‘branch iks,chanj ‘ak,ses fin )
`value |.
`{ prib-a'bil-ad-e |
`private data
`[comput sct] Data that are open to a single
`probabllity amplitude See So
`user only.
`'pri-vat 'dad-o }
`{ prib-a'bil-ed-é 'am-pla,ttid }
`private exchange
`[commun] Telephone exchange serving
`probability current density [QUANTye
`a single organization and having no means for connecting to
`to a surface sie cH)
`component normal
`a public telephone system.
`{ 'pri-vat iks'chanj }
`particle will cross 4 unit area ofthe Surfs
`private library
`{comput sci] Ao organized collection of
`[ pritb-a'bil-ad-é {ka-ront demsad.ay
`programs and other software that is the property of a single
`probability density
`[ouanr MECH] Th
`user of a computer system and is not generally available to
`lute value ofthe Schrédinger waye fund ii
`other users.
`'pri-vat 'li,brer-é }
`given point; gives the probability per B
`private line
`[commun] A line, channel,or service reserved
`{ petib-a'ty a
`the particle at that point.
`solely for one user.
`'pri-vot 'lin }
`[star] Ay,
`probability density function
`Thestructure of a
`private line arrangement
`[comput sci]
`whose integral over any set gives the pro ‘
`computer system in which each input/output device has a set
`variable has valuesin this sel. Also
`of lines leading to the central processing unit for the device’s
`{ ptith-a'bileaden
`shon }
`own private usc. Also known as radial selector.
`{ ‘pri-vat
`iin 2,ranj-mant}
`probability deviation See probable cron:
`\dé-vé,a-shan }
`Service provided by United
`privateline service
`States common carriers engaged in domestic or international
`probability distribution See distrib
`wire, radio, and cable communications for the intercity commu-
`idis-tra byii:shon }
`nications purposes of a customer; this service is provided over
`[MErEoROL] A {
`probability forecast
`integrated communications pathways, including facilities or
`bility of occurrence of one or moreof a my
`local channels, which are integrated components ofintercity
`of weather contingencies, as distinguis
`private line services, and station equipment between specified
`categorical statements.
`locations for 4 continuous period or for regularly recurring
`probability mass function [sTat] A,
`periods at stated hours.
`'pri:votjlin ,sor-vas }
`the relative frequency of each possible yal
`Private pack [comput sci] A disk pack assigned exclu-
`variable in an experimentinvolving a disor
`sively to one application or one user so that the operating
`,priib-a'bilvad-a {gq
`Abbreviated p.mf.
` {
`[MATH] The
`probability measure
`system does not try to allocate space on the device to others.
`{ ,prib-o'bil:od-é ,mezh-or|
`{ 'pri-vat 'pak }
`private stream [Hyp] Any stream whichdiverts partorall
`[stat] Graph paper |
`probability paper
`cially ruled to transform the distribution
`of the drainage of another stream.
`{ ‘privat 'strém }
`privileged direction [optics] One of two mutually perpen-
`function to a straight line whenit is pl
`dicular directions for the plane of polarization of a beam of
`{ ,prab-a'bil-ad-é ,pa'p
`as the abscissa.
`[star] Testing
`probability ratio test
`plane-polarized light falling on a plate of anisotropic material
`suchthat the light which emerges from the plate is also plane-
`against a simple alternative by using the rilit
`polarized.[{'priv-a-lijd do'rek-shon }
`of each simple event underthe alternative(0
`the event under the hypothesis.
`[compuTsci] Avclass ofinstructions,
`itest }
`usually including storage protection setting, interrupt handling,
`timer control, input/output, and special processorstatus-setting
`[star] A meth
`probability sampling
`instructions, that can be executed only when the computer is
`finite population where the probabili
`in a special privileged mode that is generally available to an
`{ ,priib-a'bi
`being selected is known.
`operating or executive system, but not
`to user programs.
`probability space
`[mare] A meas
`'priv-o-lijd in'strok-shon }
`measureoftheentire space equals1,
`{ 'priv-a-lijd mad }
`privileged mode See master mode.
`(maTH| The study
`probability theory
`PRML technique See partial-response maximum-likelihood
`structures and constructions used to analyas
`a given set of events from a family ofil
`{ \péjarjem'cl tek,nék }
`a'bil-ad-é ,thé:a-1é ]
`[BiocHEM] A labile procoagulant in normal
`1. An instance in wi
`plasmabutdeficient in the blood of patients with parahemophi-
`2. The hostile it
`is probably destroyed.
`fia; essential for rapid conversion of prothrombin to thrombin.
`'prib-o-bal }
`Also known as factor V; labile factor.
`{ |prd-ak'sel-a-ran }
`probable error
`[svar] The error hay
`proactive interference
`Thesituation in which old
`able with a probability of 1/2. Also
`memories inhibit the learning of new memories.
`{ prd,ak-tiv
`jin-tar'fir-ans }
`'pritb-a-bal ‘erat )
`probable maximum precipitation [s
`Thepart of the embryonic areaat the
`sides andin front of the head ofthe developing amniote embryo,
`retically greatest depth of precipttt
`which remains without mesoderm for a considerable period.
`that is physically possible over ap
`his is 02 :
`{ pro'am:né,iin }
`certain time of year; in practice: ©
`by storm transposition and moisture
`[PALEON] Triassic
`storm patterns,
`{ pré'an-ya-ra }
`shen }
`[comput sci] A device, with a
`probabilistic automaton
`probable ore
`[win enc] 1A ro
`finite number of internal states, which is capable of scanning
`developed ore but not yet ae “a
`input words over a finite alphabet and responding by succes-
`| Ro enol al
`indicated ore.
`sively changingits internal state in a probabilistic way. Also
`known as stochastic automaton.
`{ ,prib-o-ba'lis'tik o'téim-
`reserves based on limited evidenr i
`9,tan }
`[star] A process in which the laws
`probabilistic sampling
`mercial oil-production rate.
`of probability determine which elements are to be included in
`A be
`‘The ©
`whom a family is foundthat o
`{ ,prab-o'lis-tik ‘sam: plin }
`forerunners of
`the Anura.
`EXHIIBT 2007 - PAGE 3
`EXHIIBT 2007 - PAGE 3