`Page 1
` )
` Petitioner, )
` )
` vs. ) IRP2022-00120
` )
` )
` Patent Owner. )
` Thursday, July 14, 2022
` CA CSR NO. 14411
` TX CSR NO. 11956
` NV CCR NO. 990
` TN LCR NO. 675
` LA CCR NO. 2017004
` WA CCR NO. 21000131
` GA CCR NO. 5087-2801-9674-7264
` FL FPR NO. 693
` JOB NO. SY005238
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`Page 2
` July 14, 2022
` 1:00 p.m. Eastern
` Deposition of JOSHUA PHINNEY, PH.D.,
` P.E., held remotely before Rhonda
` Hall-Breuwet, Registered Diplomate Reporter,
` Certified Realtime Reporter, Certified
` Shorthand Reporter (CA and TX), Licensed Court
` Reporter (TN), Certified Court Reporter (GA,
` LA, NV, and WA), Florida Professional
` Reporter, and Notary Public of the State of
` Florida.
`1 2 3 4
`6 7 8
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`Page 3
` A P P E A R A N C E S:
` 6000 Headquarters Drive
` Suite 200
` Plano, Texas 75024
` (972) 739-8663
` 12424 Wilshire Boulevard
` 12th Floor
` Los Angeles, California 90025
` (310) 826-7474
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` I N D E X
`Page 4
` Direct Examination By Mr. Milkey 6
`2 3
`5 6 7 8 9
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` ------------ EXHIBITS REFERENCED -----------
`Page 5
` EXHIBIT 1001 US Patent 9,997,962 50
` EXHIBIT 1003 Declaration of Dr. 7
` Joshua Phinney
` EXHIBIT 1005 US Patent 8,421,574 15
` EXHIBIT 1006 US Patent 9,252,611 24
` EXHIBIT 1008 US Patent 9,443,648 52
`2 3
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`Page 6
` your right hand, please.
` Do you solemnly swear the
` testimony you are about to give will be the
` truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the
` truth?
` acknowledged having been duly sworn to tell
` the truth and testified upon his oath as
` follows:
` Q Good morning, Dr. Phinney.
` A Good morning.
` Q Do you have in front of you the
` declaration submitted in this proceeding,
` which is IPR 2022-00120?
` A I do.
` Q Okay. And that declaration
` relates to the '962 patent; correct?
` A Correct.
` Q For the record, the '962 patent,
` the full patent number is US Patent
` Number 9,997,962; is that right?
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` A Yes.
` Q And your declaration is submitted
`Page 7
` as Exhibit 1003 in this proceeding?
` A Yes.
` Q Did you prepare for your
` deposition today?
` A I did.
` Q And what did you do to prepare for
` your deposition?
` A I met with counsel one day last
` week and one day this week on parts of the
` day.
` Q Approximately how many hours would
` you say you spent preparing for your
` deposition today?
` A I'd say approximately eight.
` (Stenographer requests
` clarification.)
` Q And what did you do to prepare for
` your deposition today?
` A I reviewed my declaration. I
` looked at the patent owner's preliminary
` response, and then I guess I should just make
` clear that for the -- for my declaration I
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`Page 8
` also looked at the prior art in other exhibits
` that were referenced in my declaration.
` Q Did you review the prior art in
` preparation for your deposition today?
` A Yes, just the -- you know, the
` cited exhibits in my declaration.
` Q And do you have an understanding
` or recollection of approximately how long you
` spent actually preparing the declaration you
` submitted in this case?
` A Yes, some -- some recollection.
` It's -- it was quite a while ago.
` Q Approximately how long did you
` spend preparing the declaration that you
` submitted in this case?
` A I'd say around -- around two to
` three days.
` Q Would that be around 24 hours of
` total work, would you say?
` A Yeah, that's how I'm sort of
` counting that. So, yeah, approximately.
` Q Okay. And how familiar would you
` say you are with the primary prior art
` references you relied on, in particular Suzuki
` Lee, Park, and Sawa?
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`Page 9
` A I would say I'm quite familiar
` with them. I've read them multiple times.
` Q Okay. Would you please turn to
` paragraph 9 of your declaration.
` A Okay. I'm there. You said
` paragraph 9? I'm sorry.
` Q Yes.
` A Yes, I'm there.
` Q Do you see in the third sentence
` of paragraph 9 you say that you invented, with
` your advisor, quote, "intellectual components
` with a capacitative" -- sorry -- "with a
` capacitive impedance and inductance
` cancellation feature provided by magnetically
` coupled windings"?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. And this invention provides
` enhanced performance over frequency compared
` with conventional capacitors; right?
` A Correct.
` Q Is that a benefit of your
` invention?
` A I would say so. It's one way of
` talking about a benefit of that invention.
` Q And your declaration describes the
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`Page 10
` benefit of that invention; correct?
` A Yeah, in that sentence with
` providing enhanced performance, that's part of
` my way of explanation why I think that
` invention had benefits.
` Q And when you were drafting your
` declaration, why did you include or describe
` this benefit of your invention in your
` declaration?
` A It's a somewhat technical
` invention that has to do with magnetic
` induction and inductance matrices and things
` that I need to sort of bring down to an
` application level to explain why -- why
` someone would care about them.
` So I'm just trying to translate my
` work in magnetics to a benefit just to
` explain, you know, my contribution to the
` field.
` Q Okay. And when you were working
` on that project, did you make design decisions
` with the intention of achieving that benefit?
` MR. JARRATT: Objection. Scope.
` Q So you can --
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`Page 11
` MR. JARRATT: You can answer,
` Josh. You can answer.
` THE WITNESS: You could say that.
` There's many ways to describe the invention
` and why -- why it does something different
` than the prior art. And you could say that's
` true. I was trying to make design decisions
` sometimes in order to improve a particular
` performance metric.
` Q Okay. Then could you please turn
` to paragraph 10 of your declaration.
` A Okay. I'm there.
` Q And in the work described in
` paragraph 10, you constructed and modeled
` planar magnetic systems; is that right?
` A Yes.
` Q And did your work described in
` this paragraph result in specific benefits?
` MR. JARRATT: Objection. Scope.
` THE WITNESS: That's a way of
` putting it. Yeah, for some applications it
` could be -- have some benefits.
` Q You would agree that the resulting
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`Page 12
` converter enjoyed multiple benefits, including
` waveform shaping and induction of switch
` stresses; correct?
` A Yes. That was in a -- even sort
` of a bigger context for using these -- these
` planar-printed magnetic coils in a power
` amplifier that that included those benefits,
` the waveform shaping and the strict -- switch
` stress reduction.
` Q Okay. Could you please turn to
` page -- oh -- yes, could you please turn to
` page 33 of your declaration.
` A Okay. I'm there.
` Q And page 33 has the heading "A
` soft magnetic layer comprising a first
` magnetic sheet disposed on the substrate and a
` second magnetic sheet disposed on the first
` magnetic sheet."
` Correct?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. What in Suzuki are you
` relying on is the claimed soft magnetic layer?
` A So that -- the parts that I'm
` relying on are under that heading "First." So
` it's in bold in paragraph 62, and then I have
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`Page 13
` a block quote there. And then also in 63 and
` in 64. And so all of that under that -- not a
` heading, but like that introductory bold
` "First" -- that word "first" culminates in
` paragraph 65.
` So what I'm saying is all that is
` to support that a person of ordinary skill
` would understand that there is -- that
` Suzuki's magnetic layer includes a soft
` magnetic layer as claimed.
` Q Okay. And so is the specific
` element that you are relying on as being the
` claim's soft magnetic layer, is that Suzuki's
` magnetic layer 171?
` A Yeah. That's part of it. The
` magnetic layer is -- you know, it's described
` as being made of many different materials
` potentially, and so in that list, you know,
` can be soft magnetic materials.
` Q Okay. So in addition to Suzuki's
` magnetic layer 171, you also in this section
` refer to magnetic layers 171H and 171L; is
` that correct?
` A And just to clarify your question,
` do you mean the section that you introduced on
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`Page 14
` page 33 that started with the heading 1.2?
` Q Correct.
` A Yes. In that section I also refer
` to 171H and 171L.
` Q Okay. What is the relationship
` between magnetic layer 171 and the magnetic
` layers 171H and 171L?
` A I'd point you to my paragraph 66.
` So this is under the heading "Second." And
` again, I include some quotes from Suzuki and
` then also an annotated version of Suzuki
` Figure 3.
` And maybe just sticking with that
` figure for a second, at the end of
` paragraph 66, I shaded in green 171, and then
` I'm pointing to sort of an upper area and a
` lower area of 171 as being a second magnetic
` sheet and first magnetic sheet; so that H and
` the L.
` Q Okay. So you're referring to the
` annotated Figure 3 of Suzuki on page 37 in
` your declaration?
` MR. JARRATT: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: So I'm trying to say
` that this entire paragraph that starts on 66,
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`Page 15
` and is all under the heading "Second," is --
` is -- you know, this is where I'm putting my
` support in Suzuki for what 171H and L are.
` And so that's -- that figure is one depiction
` of that.
` Q Okay. So Figure 3 of Suzuki
` itself -- actually, before I ask this
` question, I'm going to share for the court
` reporter the Suzuki reference, which is
` Exhibit 1005 submitted in this proceeding.
` And if you would like to view that exhibit,
` Dr. Phinney, you're, of course, welcome to do
` so. You have a copy of that; correct?
` A Yes.
` Q So Dr. Phinney, Figure 3 of Suzuki
` doesn't actually make reference to magnetic
` layers 171H and 171L; is that correct?
` A I'd agree with you that the labels
` were -- 171H and L are not in the Figure 3,
` you know, as labels.
` Q Does Suzuki's description of
` Figure 3 make reference to 171H or 171L?
` A So if I can just be clear, what
` you're referring to when you say the
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`Page 16
` description of Figure 3.
` Q Let me just ask you this: Do you
` believe that Suzuki discloses that Figure 3
` would include layers 171H and 171L?
` A Yes. I think that's a fair
` statement. I think those layers are
` already -- can be part of 171.
` Q Okay. So are 171H and 171L really
` just a subset of -- oh, let me try to clarify
` that. So 171H and 171L, are they each
` individually a subset of layer 171, in your
` understanding?
` MR. JARRATT: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: I'm not -- I'm not
` sure I exactly understand your question you're
` asking. Are each individually a subset?
` And do you think you can just
` rephrase that? I'm not quite sure if I'm not
` understanding what you're getting at for
` those --
` Q Yeah. Absolutely.
` So layer -- you believe that --
` withdrawn.
` Do you believe that magnetic layer
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`Page 17
` 171H is merely a subset of what Suzuki
` describes as layer 171?
` A I think that could be, that 171
` could be made up of 171H and 171L. That could
` be an example and I think in that case, the
` answer -- for that example I think the answer
` would be yes.
` Q What are some other examples of
` ways that you could implement 171H and 171L
` where they would not be subsets of layer 171?
` MR. JARRATT: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: So I don't think I
` considered that specifically. If there's some
` other way that those sheets would somehow not
` be part of 171. So, you know, sitting --
` sitting here, I'm thinking of it as being
` sheets that are, you know, somehow comprise
` 171 in some way to make that coil block.
` Q Okay. And does Suzuki's magnetic
` layer 171 constitute a functional magnetic
` sheet?
` A And it's okay for me to search my
` electronic copy my declaration; is that right?
` Q That's correct.
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`Page 18
` A Okay. So if I recall your
` question it's, do the two sheets, 171H and L,
` can they be combined to -- in Suzuki to create
` a functional magnetic sheet?
` Q That's correct.
` A I'm not sure if you're asking
` about some specific meaning of functional, but
` that makes sense to me, that it would be a
` functional magnetic sheet because it would be
` able to guide flux.
` Q Okay. Are you aware of any
` drawbacks to implementing Suzuki's magnetic
` layer 171 as two magnetic layers, 171H and
` 171L?
` A I think it would all essentially
` be a hypothetical kind of situation, you know,
` if there were issues of cost or complexity,
` but -- but overall, I don't think that
` laminated magnetics poses really any kind of
` insurmountable challenge. You know, if there
` are challenges, they're things that can be
` overcome, mitigated.
` Q Okay. Could you turn to Suzuki,
` which is Exhibit 1005, at Column 8, line 50.
` A Okay. I'm there.
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`Page 19
` Q Okay. And do you see the sentence
` that says, "The magnetic layer 171 is also
` formed of the magnetic material, and the
` adhesive or pressure-sensitive adhesive"?
` A Okay. So I was starting at -- oh,
` I see. At 51, line 51 in Column 8.
` Q Yes.
` A Yes, I see that.
` Q Would implementing magnetic layer
` 171 as two layers, 171H and 171L, implicate or
` prevent -- strike that.
` Would implementing magnetic layer
` 171 as two layers, 171H and 171L, hinder or
` prevent the implementation described here
` where magnetic layer 171 is formed of the
` magnetic material and the adhesive or
` pressure-sensitive adhesive?
` A I don't think it would prevent
` that. I don't think it would prevent
` implementing magnetic layer 171 as two sheets,
` given that embodiment.
` Q Okay. So in your proposed
` combination of Suzuki's Figure 3 with layers
` 171H and 171L, could those layers be formed of
` the magnetic material and the adhesive or
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`Page 20
` pressure-sensitive adhesive?
` MR. JARRATT: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: So I just, sort of
` as a preliminary thing, I disagree with how
` you've posed that question about my
` combination of 171H and L with Figure 3
` because I think that those are already
` implicated within the design depicted in
` Figure 3.
` So -- but -- so I just would say
` that. And I don't know if you could -- if you
` could rephrase.
` Q Okay. So, yeah, let's -- that's
` a -- thank you for raising that.
` So is it your opinion that when
` Suzuki is talking about layer 171, it's
` implicitly talking about 171H and 171L?
` A I think that's -- that's a sort of
` fair way to put it, that it can include
` multisheet structure for 171, and that's --
` that's already one of the possibilities for
` 171 as shown in Figure 3.
` Q Are there any teachings in Suzuki
` regarding layer 171 that you believe would
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`Page 21
` preclude a two-layer implementation?
` MR. JARRATT: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: And you ask this:
` Are there any teachings about 171 that would
` preclude? Did I hear that right?
` Q That's correct.
` A I guess what I'd answer is that
` no, like, there's nothing that would prevent
` that secondary side from being implemented as
` a two-sheet or multisheet structure.
` Q Okay. So we were talking a little
` bit ago about Suzuki starting -- it's the last
` paragraph -- sorry -- the last sentence in the
` paragraph in Column 8 around lines 50 to 53.
` Do you see that?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. And there, the magnetic
` layer is formed of the magnetic material and
` the adhesive or pressure-sensitive adhesive;
` is that right?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. So in your Ground 1
` combination, is the magnetic layer formed of
` magnetic material and the adhesive or
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`Page 22
` pressure-sensitive adhesive?
` A I think it could be.
` Q What else could magnetic layer 171
` be in your proposed Ground 1 combination?
` MR. JARRATT: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: So also in column 8
` in Suzuki, I cite -- upward in the -- in that
` column in my declaration. And so I'm going to
` try to find some -- a paragraph in my
` declaration.
` So one -- one place is
` paragraph 46 of my declaration. There, I'm
` citing around 8 -- Column 8, line 8, talking
` about sticking together collectively by
` pressing in the -- that the pressure-sensitive
` adhesive can be used to accomplish that, and
` if you look at that part of Column 8 in
` Suzuki, it's saying that some of these things
` that can be stuck together are magnetic layers
` 171, formed into one of the shapes shown in
` Figure 6A to 6E.
` Q Okay. And -- actually, let's talk
` about the specific combination you make with
` Suzuki and Lee.
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`Page 23
` A I didn't quite hear that.
` Q Yeah. Understood.
` Let's move on to the specific
` combination with Suzuki and Lee. I'm not
` intending to limit the question to this
` paragraph, but I'll direct you to paragraph 42
` of your declaration --
` A Yes.
` Q -- just as an orientation for this
` question.
` A Okay.
` Q So what modifications to Suzuki,
` in view of Lee, are you proposing for your
` Ground 1 combination?
` A So as you can see, after 42 I have
` two other subheadings. And one's called A,
` and that addresses the adhesive layer. And
` then another is called B, which is down all
` the way at -- above paragraph 48, which
` includes the NFC coil.
` And in both of those I'm -- just
` to be general about this, I'm saying that
` Suzuki doesn't really provide implementation
` details, and so a person of ordinary skill
` would naturally look to references that do
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`Page 24
` provide additional detail. So that's
` something I make -- a point I make, for
` instance, for the -- regarding the adhesive in
` paragraph 43, and then similarly for the --
` you know, later for the NFC coil.
` But my point is that in a way I'm
` not really modifying Suzuki. I'm making a
` point that Suzuki chooses to omit certain
` implementation details that then a person of
` ordinary skill can find with greater
` specificity elsewhere.
` Q Okay. So in your view, are any
` modifications to Suzuki necessary in order to
` achieve your Ground 1 proposal?
` A In a way, the answer is no,
` because the specific implementation of that
` adhesive is something that, you know, is shown
` in Lee, whereas it's described generally in
` Suzuki.
` So I don't think there's a need
` to -- to really make modifications to
` what's -- what Suzuki includes within its
` embodiments.
` Q Okay. I'm putting in the chat
` Exhibit 1006, which is the Lee reference, and
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`Page 25
` you have access to this, right, Dr. Phinney?
` A Yes. I'm using yours from the
` chat.
` Q Okay. So if we could turn in your
` declaration to paragraph 46.
` A Okay. I'm there.
` Q And towards the end of that
` paragraph you state that implementing Suzuki's
` adhesive layer as a pressure-sensitive
` double-sided tape and configuring it as needed
` to align with Suzuki's manufacturing goals
` would thus have been well within the skill of
` a person of ordinary skill in the art in 2014.
` Do you see that?
` A Yes.
` Q So how -- how would you go about
` configuring these double-sided tapes to align
` with Suzuki's manufacturing goals?
` MR. JARRATT: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: I think it could
` depend on what particular type of
` manufacturing method was being used and what
` components were being used.
` Q Suzuki gives some examples of
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` manufacturing methods for its magnetic layer
`Page 26
` 171; is that right?
` A Yes.
` Q And Suzuki also gives some
` examples of materials to be used for its
` magnetic layer 171; is that right?
` A Yes, I'd agree with that.
` Q Okay. So take your pick of
` manufacturing method and material used for
` Suzuki's layer 171. For any combination of
` that that you want, how would you go about
` configuring Lee's double-sided tape to align
` with Suzuki's manufacturing goals?
` MR. JARRATT: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: Well, to describe
` one, generally, would be where there's
` pressing, in pressing used to form a coil
` block 171. And in that case, a magnetic sheet
` 171H, I believe it is, could be -- could be
` formed from a more viscous material. And if
` you let me first just make sure I got the
` right designator there.
` Yes, 171H. I'm sorry. I was
` looking for my annotated figure.
` ///
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`Page 27
` Q Understood. And so how would you
` configure Lee's double-sided tape to align
` with Suzuki's manufacturing goals in that
` scenario?
` A Well, Lee describes how it can
` form an interface with a magnetic material
` that can be, you know, flaked or otherwise
` composed of little particulate pieces, but --
` and if now using a pressing method, the coil
` needs to be pressed into the -- into the layer
` 171H to accommodate the coil but also stick to
` the coil.
` So by choosing the correct
` viscosity of 171H and putting an intervening
` layer of double-sided tape that can adhere to
` that -- you know, get in the interstices of
` the magnetic material if necessary and then
` put a coil on top of that on the other side of
` this double-sided tape, and now pressing that
` into a final coil block. That would be an
` example.
` Q Sir, can you go to page 43 of your
` declaration.
` A Page 43?
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`Page 28
` Q Yeah.
` A Okay. I'm there.
` Q And there's another annotation of
` Suzuki Figure 3 there; is that right?
` A Yes. It's like a -- yes, there
` is.
` Q And in this scenario, does the
` adhesive extend the entire width of magnetic
` sheet 171H?
` MR. JARRATT: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: The -- I think
` you're asking about the extent of the purple
` line, and I've shown it here around the
` conductors of the coil. So I think the answer
` is -- if I've understood you right, it's -- I
` think I'm not showing it going that whole
` width.
` Q Okay. So Lee's double-sided tape
` is shown on an annotated figure on page 19 of
` your declaration; is that right?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. And that double-sided tape
` includes a PET film 32 and then adhesive
` layers 31 and 33; is that right?
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`Page 29
` A Yeah, I think that's -- that's
` accurate. The PET is an example of the base
` member that also be a -- a fluorine
` resin-based film.
` Q And what are the specific
` adhesives that Lee uses for adhesive layers 31
` and 33?
` A I'm going to have to search. I
` don't -- I don't recall citing anything
` specific about what adhesives were used or
` disclosed in Lee. I don't know if you're
` thinking of a particular place, because
` otherwise I'm just searching Lee at this
` point.
` Q I'm not actually aware if Lee
` discloses that. Do you have an opinion as to
` whether Lee discloses what adhesive layers 31
` and 33 are made of?
` A What I do know is that the
` performance of the adhesive for gap filling,
` when it's adjacent to gaps that were
` intentionally formed in the microscopic
` structure of an adjacent magnetic film that's
` described, you know, how high it needs to be
` and some of the heat that may need to be
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`Page 30
` subjected to. That's the kind of thing I
` recall, that's like sort of performance and
` build-related information about the adhesive.
` But I just -- I don't -- I'm not
` sure that it talked about chemically what that
` adhesive should be. I'm still looking.
` Oh, here. This is an example.
` Paragraph -- sorry -- Column 9, line 50. The
` first and third adhesives can include our
` layers 31 and 33, may be implemented by using,
` for example, acrylic adhesives, but may be of
` course possibly implemented by using different
` types of adhesives, as illustrated in
` Figure 2.

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